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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae, this has been use our line from coming up in the next 16 minutes. is roll intensifies its operation in the so called sites. so in, in southern guns are forcing thousands of palestinians to leave con eunice once again. well, the latest content as well. so killing more than $100.00 palestinians and one of its worst attacks and guns. precious tips off evacuations from the coast region
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where its battling ukrainian forces for 6th day. and the us wins the men's olympic basketball title for a 5th time in a row will have all the action from paris, the head of the closing, sir, the order to leave us again. palestinians and con unison garza told to leave their homes just days off to being allowed to attend. israel has expanded evacuation orders for the southern says he hated it, stood military operation. there is become a familiar routine for palestinians, forced to carry their belongings onto the summer sun in search of a place to stay. but tell us any inside there is no, we're safe in the entire gauze. the strip and they describe the constant displacement as humiliation. the, this is the 3rd time i've being displaced in a short period of time, and the 6 times has to go up again. we've just been back home for 5 days. i suddenly told to leave again what i don't want. this is my, it's move, it's only been
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a weeks since i came back home to rebuild it. but her don't think i'll ever find my house again. we're being subjected to dreadfully wrong humiliation and suffering. we don't know where to go. there was no safe place in the whole of the gaza strip weather days to say there was a safe zone. is elia. what's more on this, we joined nearby honey mcknight, who is in con eunice. and i mean, can you just explain the ongoing impact of being displaced over and over again and we were people, me to go with the stage. well tom, as of this moment there is no safe place for people to go to these recurring or evacuation orders, or largely as par, saved largely by the residents of hon. unison, in fact, elsewhere across the gaza strip di are more of in forest, internal displacement. people are heard it under heavy artillery is and the
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presence of a quiet captor is in a taco drones and surveillance to drones. and it'd be machine guns an aerial attacks to move it from one place to another. and so in terms of safety, if we want to just run on a scale of $1.00 to $10.00 in terms of how safe people are and what safe areas are they going to? it's equivalent to non, there is 0 safety available for everyone here. these recurrent, this placement a recurrent evacuation orders by these really and military happens in a very bizarre we know misleading and confusing and rather contradictory, because people often told to go to areas that these really military has designated the saved zone or as long as they describe a human, a terry and zones, but if you will, end up being killed in a talked and named inside these areas that are non, that of evidence of how these evacuation zones are safe zones as the military. like to describe them, have evolved into more of
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a death trap. the we have evidence of people is dying or getting can calls within hours or days or weeks of their arrival to the, the humanitarian zones. and there are holes to documented cases of how people moved from one place to another and do it from one evacuation zones to another, and end up being killed after losing family members. in any of these, the previous evacuations only including evacuation as centers in terms of the impact that has been quite difficult and exhausting. every displacement has its own negative implications. we're talking about the social integration, the, the social, this integration of families, families are scattered all over the place. we're talking about economic suffocation . every displacement requires movements of belong, does require spending some cash on a transport agent that is very limited right now. and the fact there are no cars to move faster from one place to another. the fact that there are no fuels to operate these cars, making it very difficult for met family to move this with,
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please do any of these save areas. and in addition to the, the, the, the fact that it creates daily struggles for people, the basic necessities are not available. the spread of disease is poses a great a threat right now for people like a skin disease is like area that doesn't have proper send it taishan or hygiene facilities. most people end up in areas like as you see, and you've seen in the past, in a, in the framework of our camera, of how tents are being set up in area that doesn't have any of the facilities, the infrastructure to accommodate them on and to accommodate their daily needs in terms of running water in terms of sewage in terms of sanitation, all of this is not available and. and when we look at how many times people have been forced into this internal displacement, how many times they have been order sharply to move to areas of from their homes in
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the these days, the trauma and the psychological, a truck and it has, it has taken its talk on, on people's a mental health and their physical health, particularly vulnerable to groups of children and women who are either pregnant or breastfeeding or those who are experiencing some health complications in the rate of death. among these people who have chronic diseases and health problems is a quite high because the often end up in areas that are really quite remote doesn't have any of the services and go and seeking medical care in a, in a health facilities or a field hospital takes time and that alone the, the cost of, of transportation also again from where they are all told to, to set up their tents or evacuated to the nearby health facilities. this whole experience of displacement is not, it is not, it doesn't come in a package where people are, are, are, are told to stay in safety,
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where they will have access to all of the, what do you need and all the basic necessities and supplies. they are told to evacuate, we are the, are pretty much unknown to them, the doesn't have a proper access to any of that. and that's the fact that he's, that the need. but the tragedy of this, it's happening under heavy artillery that massive air attacks that you could have probably have seen the smoke rising in the background here. that's how much the presidential a complex that's in the, the, in the 36 the block that was just given the order by this really military to be evacuated right away. so far to have the residential towers have been leveled to the ground. there are more of these towers at the western part of the city of high noon is just deepening defense of permanent displacement and causing further further uh, people to stay to have do, don't have to not have homes when,
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when the war settled, if it settles any time soon. ok, thanks so much, honey said, explaining exactly the conditions that people are facing there at this point in time. this honey. luckily for us in con you this what did you in security council will hold an emergency meeting on tuesday at the request of algeria of to is relo tech to school in kansas city on saturday. more than a 100 palestinians were killed when civil miss house. if the school no garage neighborhoods during morning prayers, it is the 8th time this month, which as well, has boomed to school sheltering, displaced and vulnerable people each time as well as on me. his claim tomas uses the facilities for operational purposes, but has never provided evidence that dr. james smith is an emergency physician who pretend from a medical mission to cancer in june. he says it is difficult to describe the scale of this attack. it is unlike anything that i have ever seen over the course of my career as
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a doctor under someone working in the humanitarian system. what's happening in gauze and now what israel is doing to the people living in gaza. it requires a whole new vocabulary. there is no way to effectively describe what israel is doing to palestinians and gaza. what happened this morning was another mess. okay. not a mess. it goes. i mean, the definition of a massacre is a deliberate group. so above all right, upsets on on a, on a large group of people, typically a mastic, a provo provokes, or from wide spread condemnation, an action it's, it's inconceivable to me that we're talking about hundreds of mexico's, that have happened over the course of the last 10 months the flower masika on the coastal road in gaza. city, the tenants, my success in rough uh, at the bay tree. my kids, my success in the say that and now another message to the prey and my security
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which or more than a 100 people have been killed. and all that, that seems to provoke, is, as you mentioned, the consent from the us government. now the us government in recent days, has again issued huge ministry and financial support to these ready regime. it's just, it's absolutely wild to me that the us government can publicly states deep concern . while pro i the military support for the violence, the israel is a not thing against the palestinian people. but the situation that as i say, there are no words to adequately describes the brutality. uh, the, the, the israel isn't acting against the palestinian people on what is left of the products, the system for you and special coordinator for the middle east. peace process to renaissance has commented on the attack,
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saying every day civilians continue to be at the front of this conflict and it's tara displacement, an endless suffering. the cost and lives of this for is evident with every passing day, as we have witnessed yet another devastating strike on the school of sheltering thousands of displays. palestinians with thousands of fatalities for the white house has also issued a statement on these ready strong. can garza, it says we are deeply concerned about reports of civilian casualties and gowns of following strength by the israel defense forces on a compound that included a school we are in touch with. al is ready count pods who have said they targeted senior mazda officials and we are asking for through the details. we know her mouse has been using schools as locations together, an authorized household. but we have also said repeatedly and consistently that is where i must take measures to minimize civilian how she pretends he has moved from washington dc. the white house, complet, harris,
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and couple of harris's main form po, the advisor will have the same sort of message. i'm like joseph beretta o. b, u foreign policy chief, we simply made a statement saying there is no justification for these massacres. those 3 o expressed regret for the loss of civilian life, but did emphasize that they felt that perhaps israel did have some justification in targeting this. yet again, that far too many civilians have been killed. i mean, israel has a right to go after the terrorists that are her mom, but as i have said many, many times, they also have um, i believe, an important responsibility to avoid civilian casualties. iris also said the 1st and foremost the priority was reaching a cease for our building, said she and the president were working around the clock to reach back to you. however, we know that this weekend,
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the white house has approval for the $3500000000.00 worth of weapons for israel. so the questions we had as to whether now was the time that the ministration would apply, leverage onto as well. to sign up to that c spy, i do appear to have been officer, even as washington fluids and to lock it is tells a robin has with a note to do anything to jeopardize. next week's towards she ever time see out, is there a washington law for more or less rejoined? defies. i'm best probably who is an amman in jordan because the israeli government has been l just there are from reporting in israel sign condemnation from around the world. i have it this attack, but what has been, is roles reaction to that as well as rules, reaction has been to as always, defend its actions. it's put out a number of, of, of press release is rarely forces publishing a number of items to try and take control of generic. ready saying that they were targeting 19,
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so call of the offer it is that we're members of hamas and islamic jihad fighters that they said were sheltering in this compound that they struck. but since then we've seen reports on social media unconfirmed. of course. then many of the people that they named were already dead. and so despite the fact that they're trying to take control of the narrative, israel may find it difficult to convince the international community of its version of events. especially since i witness reporting from the ground. does not correlate with what they are saying. the death toll is high, the destruction was enormous. and it was mostly civilians that were sheltering in this area. so we've seen condemnation from all over the region from all major d u countries from e u, from the un. we've even seen l jerry a call for an emergency session at the you when to discuss this massacre. but those are largely all likely to be symbolic gestures. since united states, the most important country when it comes to is rarely policy and is really action has condemned. this attack will not so much condemn,
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but they've expressed deep concern and even come to a harris corner during an election, riley spoke about the need to end, the civilian death toll being so high. however, we have to look not just with what they're saying, but what it, what they are doing in the last few days, as you heard, they approve this massive military 8 bill to israel. so the prevailing opinion on the ground in the region is that the united states is not serious about bringing it into the war, but is serious about continuing to back. israel's ability to continue to carry it out. the other major issue is the potential best buy talks that a to, to take place later this week. but the, the national security minister as it is miles, participation is a serious mistake. so, i mean with, is that leaves base these 5 tools? that's exactly correct. whatever, as real, as government says, you have to look at what they're most of right when politicians are saying,
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since that is were benjamin. that's an know who the scientist has taken his choose from. if you read the statement, somebody's really national security minister, it's marvin beer. he was pointing out that negotiate the negotiations are mistake the best way to deal with a mazda as reward. is that, in my opinion, this is what i told them. yeah. who participating in this conference is a serious mistake. we're doing a great job in gaza. so it really does illustrate israel's government needing to wanting to really pushing to continue to carry out this for in the face of protests that we've seen weekly by people who are in disagreement with their governments. we saw protests yesterday of process real intel a view of as well in front of nothing. young's offices and homes for people are calling for the the release of is really capt is being held in gaza. families of those captive say that this is the last chance these talks are likely to be the last chance to negotiate the release of those is really captives. but it seems as
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though israel's government is not really taking it seriously. families are choosing the government of gambling with these really captives lives. thank you so much sign . and just to remind us i'm best ruthy is in amman for us because these ready to come and his band delta 0 from reporting in israel. daniel levy is the president of the us middle east project in the form and negotiated for these where the government he is advocating for washington to stop sending with ends to israel . one has to distinguish a comp blessings festival. there has been the ongoing uh let's, let's cool it correctly. dishonesty into publicity, of the us administration, which has been telling us that the only problem is from us. they now beginning to fluctuate, acknowledging that these, the, the deceit that it has always been nothing. yahoo does not want to cease by, then you have what, you know, what really comes across to me at least as she really
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a weakness is quite the same sick when drunk, tubby, the, these folks pass, and that all the white house tons round and says, well, this guy that sells smoked rich and what he said it's not smoked rich, it's nothing. yeah. who's policies? and then they leak to that favorite media outlets. i'm not referring to oh, bite and got really angry. he got frustrated with nothing. yahoo! but you gave him 3500000000 in homes. wow, that's realign. this is put static and therefore if we want to understand it, we have to see that it's not just we just, it's also ideological alignment. the us government ease, the guarantor of the axis of design, is extremism. they may not like some of the details, but this is what they are backing, and it feeds into the g of politics, which is why they tow round to a rollin and say, hey, you better stop on your proxies. what are they doing in terms of who they all and in terms of what that means,
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the escalation for instability and for the impossibility of reaching a ceasefire deal? well, there's plenty more hit here on this news out, including a desperate search for loved ones as a vast rubbish dump collapses. and you can just capital engulfing huns and figuring out what went wrong, the investigation into how it presented in passenger planning promises into a housing complex. the 2 people have been killed in a russian era. tackle new kinds capital key. 3 of the people were wounded early, a civil lodge explosions were report as keepers mess is an air defense system of systems were activated to repel the strikes of these attacks on cave come as ukrainian force has continued their incursion into russian territory. russian
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president vladimir putin has cooled the attacks and the re in a major publication. at least 15 people were injured when debris from the ukrainian launched missile fell on the residential building and cask casks. governor has ordered foster evacuations of civilians in the areas risk. russia has deployed additional soldiers and equipment to try to stop the training and advances. you sure would name these guys you've had to move it out today. i received reports from commander in chief, alexander sir skinner. regarding the front lines and our actions to push the war onto the dressers territory, i am grateful to every unit of the defense forces. ukraine is proving it could indeed restore justice and insure the necessary pressure on the aggressor the police long choose by hundreds of ukrainian troops stage of the largest grounds incursion into russia since the styles of the war. by entering the board of regents, cursed the assault poses a threat to the main guest supply line from russia to the european union through
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the town. since it also threatens to destabilize the russian energy system as the coast can, nuclear power station is located 70 kilometers from the boat. from on this, we're joined now by alex could help us out. 0 is defense. it is that thanks very much for being with us. festival, can you tell us a little bit more about the region and exactly why ukraine has been targeting this area in particular? so you have to do k part react to that you mentioned as well. and you've also got a significant gas infrastructure based in the country, as well as a russian field that ukraine's been trying to destroy. but what this, this raid was initially and still is, is a diversion re tactic is designed to do. russian troops away from the, on that square ukrainian forces. so slowly but steadily starting to lose the battle . and another thing is,
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was also an incredible morale booster for you creating and forces ukrainians and generals drones toys since a russian may do something, but an actual boots on the ground in cash. it, it really is something else. so boosting tomorrow, a place to ukraine and military strength as well, which is tactical for both sides. a bore of movement effectively, robin's dyspeptic, positional stuff has been going on and on that which plays to russian strength as well. because that force has a larger and they have in this going to be crying to they can just have more basically to grind ukraine down. but yes, just being a morale boost a tremendous more robust for you. correct? yeah. and it appears to be working. i mean, we had letting me have food in this saying that this is a major provocation. and how embarrassing is this for him that are ukrainian forces inside russian territory and is it putting him on the even more pressure at this point? it's extremely embarrassing, as i said, it's a rate is one thing, but obviously the rate is being successful. ukrainians are starting to consolidate
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and add more forces in the it is possible now that they might be able to hold on to the territory. so effectively, russian forces of taking so to create new forces of taking russian territory. and mike very well, hold onto them the, the massive russian intelligence failures as well. they didn't see that you create new build up. just before the attack, they moved russian troops that they have the away from the board. so this is looking recently bad for president putin as well. it is looking week or week above the day. okay, thanks so much for breaking all of that down for us. we really do appreciate it, alex. thank you. well, the families of the 62 people killed in the pine crash and priscilla helping forensic teams identify the bodies. investigators analyzing the flight record is to determine what caused the plane to plunge into a residential area in the south polo on friday. when i get you on a key points from re edition error,
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emergency response is working in the rain and around the clock to retrieve all 62 bodies, victims of a deadly plane crash on friday that sent shots sleeves across for sales. family members are being asked by a stories to help identify their relatives at the legal medical institute of some follow where the bodies were taken. fremont, we're concentrating on providing specialized assistance from psychologist social workers and legal advisor to meet the families requirements and priorities with focusing on the well being of the families. more than 50 bodies have been recovered, but most were so badly burned. identification will take time to discuss that the body's work have a nice and i being transferred to, to morgan, south palo, where they will be x rayed, and then a test will be done to identify them in the, in the aircraft was caring 50 passengers and 4 crew members from the southern
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states of but enough to preserve the largest city some follow when disaster struck . nearing its destination, the plain suddenly lost speed and altitude, spinning out of control and plunging to the ground. it exploded on impact in the backyard of a house. in the midst of a residential condominium complex. the, there were 3 people in the house. me, my wife and the night. we are all fine. at the time we thought it was a helicopter. crashing was almost leaving the house, and suddenly we saw that a craft exploding in the back yard press cares rushed to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. then they began to search for bodies and the debris. the regional airline company boy boss, released the name of all the victims, among them a family from venezuela and a teacher from portugal. brazilian authorities have already recovered the to flight recorders,
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which they say will help the piece together. what happened is brazil's air force has already said that the pilot did not report an emergency for adverse weather conditions. for so enough stories save the investigation to determine the cause of the tragedy should take at least a month. monica now give all just 0. we addition narrow, facilitated here on al jazeera the mining purchased pros, now the one of the biggest demonstrations big is and so it'd be as capital. and hong kong is famous, nieland's lights losing the globe, but the younger generation is trying to show new lights on the tradition. the
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the, the still a very obvious band of something sweeping across, piling going east with. it's probably generating thunder storms and it suddenly got wet weather and its nose and area. so that's what's happening in this part of europe keeping the baltic states on the breezy and cool. we're learning the suns come back in denmark, norway, and sweden. and indeed, in most parts of the british isles, there is a coal small right on these white and level. it's all in west, inside of england and scotland during monday, but it's the exception, not the rule. for most of europe, the temperatures of the thing, it's getting quite hot again for many look at paris at 56, for example. that is going to be power is, is peak. we do drop off on tuesday and wednesday is thunder. storms start to develop. and you can do a similar comparison down inside of it so that the 7 not far from the reco, well above average, just dropping off a little bit about heat extends through the mediterranean to know if africa we're going to study, for example, $44.00 and s one,
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the normally break for the heavy rains that where of that fondles have dropped back and get this still noticeable waltz. it's raining heavily on the far western side of north africa that has been unusually, found knowles, and brand new. if you're locked and it's still there in the middle of libya and quite a long way up into that as well. the documentary series exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environment of the task. in columbia, the arrow walkers people came up to scientists to understand why species of toes one still think it's still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada nations frontline, the starry night tote on al jazeera matthew has of course, has to,
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has this chinese academic victor, 12 percent of the people to taiwan, say they want to reunify that it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the ones on the policy. exploring china is development and i'm emissions. is he now president for like a true dictate? how can you explain for find the transformational china, if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out the the, you're watching all just there are a reminder of our top story is the ssl palestinians and con, unison concepts to leave their homes just days off to being allowed to attend. his
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royal has expanded evacuation orders for the summons to see if it stood really 3 operation. then the un security council will hold an emergency meeting on tuesday at the request of algeria to israel attacked. a school in kansas city on says that i pulled in a 100 palestinians were killed when several in this house at the school and on thrush neighborhoods. during morning prius. israel's attack comes soon after it agreed to send his negotiating team to a new round of seats 5 towards kata egypt and the us have pushed again to secure a deal. so our higher ed looks at one agreement hasn't been reached. november 2023. a pivotal moments and is rouse who i'm gone to the already see slide deal to . it's been a breed last it only 11 days. thoughts it led to the release of mold and haul for these really concerts taken on october 7. hum us and other functions
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in garza and also palestinian prisoners held in his randy detention center, has some to use many without trial to earn the now how much says a temporary, the spot isn't enough and it wants to complete and to the rule is rel, says this isn't possible until it gets rid of the palestinian group. and so is role continues to pound the sliver of land daily needed. $40000.00 palestinians have been killed in the strip in less than a year. november the spot ended, when each side accused the of the failing to honor the times of the deal. since then, all attempts by mediating countries catch all agents in the us to secure another one has failed. stalemate us present. joe biden appeared to believe he could. and
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when he announced this, rephrase, the sly upon in may as time to begin this new stage, the hostages to come home for israel to be secure. and the suffering to stop is time for this war 2. and that proposal would have been shown with the withdrawal of israeli forces from a populated areas of garza, the returnable captives, the release of palestinian detainees, and the longer term plan to end the war fonts, all sides accuse each other of sabotaging ceasefire a time, leak report say, as well as negotiates, has believe benjamin netanyahu is storing full political gains as will faces calls to quickly as prime minister and follow right. government ministers like it's, i'm all up and there and best those smoke church pressuring him to refuse any deal . the views expressed by mister smart for specifically,
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what is that sacrifice the lives of his rarely hostages, his own countrymen? although the us close at support is route on cod. it's also the voice criticism of its ally with the presidential election badly 3 months away. many american votes has just stood by israel's conduct and garza and the charges of genocide is ro, faces. us administration hasn't hidden its frustration. this deals with the over most fully protects israel's national security interest. in fact, on the 3rd of july, over one month ago, almost accepted the key terms that had been demanded by the us says israel has now completed nearly all of its major military objectives. but seems like this one of another school phones in gaza with more than a 100 people killed coming just hours off the is right. agree to most the slide talks is a bar in development. so many involved from us is political reader and may negotiate
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the smile and they ad was killed in the wrong 2 weeks ago. tensions in the region, all the was states been in decades is road is proposed fruit salad tree attacks. it says it expects from iran has bought a lot and 11 on and you haven't chose the rebels. come us low is still firing rockets into israel and will continue to do so. it says on to israel accepts a permanent and to the rule is role says it subjects is haven't been met yet and will continue. so the height of all the 0 of more on this is bringing the l. r and his associates, professor of history at georgetown university here in cats, out in the specialist on history of the us policy towards the middle east. thanks again for being with us. first of all, what do you, what do you think that we haven't seen another 65 do? what does it come down to essentially? yeah, i mean it's a, it's an excellent question because i do think that we've been having the same
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discussion for months now about the teen or the failure to reach this agreement. we know what the parameters would look like. we know exactly what the outcome is supposed to be. the problem i think is that we, we have this false framing of this being a conflict between 2 equal, warring parties. and in fact, what we're really witnessing is a genocide, being committed, one by one side against a defenseless, essentially besieged population. and historically, we've never seen genocides come through these kinds of negotiated settlement. so what really needs to be there is a political will from international actors that would essentially stop israel from what it's doing. and we haven't seen that the united states continues to, to say it's concerned, right? that speaks and these kind of very vague terms and yet it continues to arm is real just the same day, is this massacre. we saw $3500000000.00 worth of weapons approved. yet again, to israel, to be able to continue to commit these crimes just so little. i mean, we saw a prison bottom. this is exactly the same thing that we've heard time and time again. we want to bring this more to a close. we need to cease 5 deal. why don't you think that there is the political will,
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especially from the united states to i thought you said they do have the power to get this done if they really, really wanted to. well, i mean, it's a complex question because there are domestic political factors, of course, that this in many ways is an extension of us domestic politics. and which of course, support for israel has always proven very beneficial for elected officials. and then of course, there's the sense that the united states, as a whole, tends to see itself very much in line with israel being a regional head your mind. it's of course, supported. ever since its foundations has continued to orbit has continued to protect it using its un security council veto over many decades, and sees it very much as a a strategic asset in the region despite of course, all of the are of the crimes that it's committed over over many decades, so we also had that in the story, the edits and didn't yahoo, his best interest to prolong the score. but truly would also be a political when, if he was able to get more of the captives back to us. right. like we sort of november, well, i mean, when we actually pull back
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a bit and we looked at essentially what is the, you know, desired outcome of this massive kind of total war that's being inflicted on palestinians and gods. and of course, even in the west bank as well, it is about of completing a job that has been in progress for let's say 76 years going back to the original next about right. that this is much more about the mass displacement of millions, upon millions of palestinians. this is about the killing of tens of thousands of naming, of probably hundreds of thousands more. this is about accomplishing much more broader goals then something like the return of captives, which of course has, has been given very much secondary importance to this, to this government right now, who took me to get onto. i liked it this week between cost that each of the us is rolling a mouse in some way, shape or form. i mean, to hold out any hope that anything positive is going to come out of those. um, so far as but unlikely, right? because the israelis, of course, have actually undertaken attacks against the people they're supposed to be
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negotiating with to. and of course has, has not faced any significant pressure of not face any real backlash for any of the, the actions that they've taken. and so it's unlikely to see any material outcomes from these kinds of negotiations. what there really needs to be is external pressure exerted, and a very kind of in fabric way more than anything we've seen up to this point. thank you. as always for coming in and really talking us through these main points that's up to allow around. thanks so much to some of these down risk you as have been digging through a mountain of rubbish, searching for bodies ounce of the collapse of a land. so size, and you can just capital kampala, police 12, people died out to nearby homes because of my garbage following heavy rain. katherine story has more. these people in the tennessee are looking for their loved ones, the nice heaps of garbage people walk to this tragedy of the
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section over rubbish, disposal sites in the copy to compile a collapse among those buried underneath why? duck clean no matches. a sister renaud and 3 children. my people have been buried under here. i think i'm seated on top of them. i've lost them. what should i do? this see, they've also not found their relatives. everyone is in shock. because i have lost 7 loved ones. the garbage buried them, my wife and children are old. we have retrieved full bodies, but the wrist had not yet been found, but didn't know up on somebody. i had 15 tenants and some of them are nice. the others i'm missing. there were many families in this area. we're looking at about 1000 people to have been displaced in the if he goes over to
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the homes that are being buddy the cult estimate, environmental, they say this was a disaster waiting to happen. the non seal is to be on its capacity. it's one of 2 garbage sites in the city and takes in an estimate of 2000 tons of rubbish, daily, and many of the cells and of people leaving here. see, it's how hard for now the moons demos as a try to find and seize those who have survived. cathy, sorry, i'll just there will it be? is you in recognize government based and tripoli has put his forces on high lid. it's pricing for an attack by 5 is loyal to will. lloyd's will lords kelly for half the in the east. the u. n. is cooling for restrained from a policies emergency surfaces to 9 people were killed in recent battles. libya has
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been wrecked by on risk since the 20 live in order to throw the full knock it down fee and then nicely backed uprising with tens of thousands of people have protested in sylvia's capital against the major lucy mining project. the demonstrations and found cried folder, the government's decision to revive plans for australia in mining john for you to into, to develop launch deposits. the project could provide 90 percent of your lithium needs. environmental activists save mining, will pollute the water and endanger public health. elaina go shirts has more from the protest. the process in belgrade is the latest in a series that have taken place across serbia in nearly 50 cities over the past month. what's interesting is that the issue of fleet, do you mind if it's broad, more peoples of the process in terms of the percentage of a 6 population, then the process again, violence, or don't focus on the issue of costs of all of this is currently a key issue,
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so be all $1.00 bed as far as our ment inherited from the previous administrations, unemployment, which was the prime minister in the 2020 to stop the projects under the pressure of mazda environmental brokers. as of now, as the president of the national assembly, she along with inside spaces and she has the boy in july, uh, german, uh, cancel or uh, all of schultz visits and valid. great. uh, during that time, memorandum on critical materials uh will sign margins of steps or in the realization of the project. so previously, the constitutional course of sooner we have the clear vision to start the broad on the constitutional. so here in belgrade the previous days across sylvia, we could hear from the people who says, seem that they fear their lives will become a variable off the opening of the mind. and they,
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they will lose access to clean water, air, and soil. on the other hand, although it isn't bad where they're saying that nothing will be done without guarantees for environmental protection. but at the same time, they accuse the citizens of non, we've on the street because of lead to spot because they want to over to the government the violently without the election. let's look at what's behind the verizon demand from the cm and why. so it'd be a wants to take advantage offers the demands as money driven by the rise and production of electric cars, which powered by lithium, ion bass stories. china is one of the world's largest lithium produces and the u wants to reduce is dependency on patient for lithium supplies as an i'm so limit reliance on a single country to 65 percent by 25th, a ellis say the proposed jet on mine would provide up to $58000.00 tons of lithium per year. sylvia has been trying to join the a you for more than
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a decade. the mind as a potential to move bulk right in that direction. by helping to reduce the blocks dependency on china feet video, which is a political scientist at telegraph university, he says, protest is done. trust the project. on the one hand, as you already explained, glitch who is one of the critical role materials and the green transition into you is driving the demand for globally. i think it is clear that the beneficiaries of this project would probably be the electric vehicle companies into you and the consumers into you about the benefits to the people you certainly are a no, that's clear to be honest. and on the other hand, and the location of the plan to mine is the very 1st dial valley investor. so they'll go to the local populations, fears their lives, the food which depends on agricultural would be lost. we've heard many experts not totally today at the broad as but years back did pointed to the high risk of you
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reversible environmental damage with these kinds of projects. and the what you have to understand about serbia is that this is a country with very kind, mistrust indeed that uses that's very different from the rest of the regions, but especially kite and when the government says the project will benefit the people and would not risk the environment, most people simply do not trust it. what we can see now in the balls are there's a broad politically cross got single position to the project. and what we see today in the streets is people coming from across. so it'd be off from many parts of comparison. so it'd be on small cities and villages joining together and make team one of the biggest protests that i've seen recently saying that they, that they, they don't want to my funeral for a child killed in a stabbing attack. and the british town of south florida is due to be held in the coming out as, as police prepare for potential unrest among
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n t. and we couldn't protest as still on such as i extra police patrol demonstrations involving posing groups in cities, including manchester and new castle rising, broke out in several locations last week to the bottom. this was fueled by the spread of false information about the man accused of murdering 3 young girls. last month, protests have targeted british muslims in migrant communities. so strap it has moved from new castle. we're a small group of anti immigrant protest is gathered. so we are on the side of the so called fall right purchased they move the project, there's the few that remain a now being moved out of this area by the police. it was on the states that this purchase within 3 pm. it is now 3 pm in this new people. a few people charging our street the purchased to be peaceful,
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but we have seen a number of arrest. the arrest a protest is on this. so i, i'm going to be so cool for like groups of people to come here today to voice the goods. we don't know, we deal here today but know be and pay like we don't to don't any of the i don't check what the, the real skinny is. i don't care well, religion you follow. don't cash. well, what gender? you are as long as you come here and except for each values and traditions and always lies more for it. so you have the right state of mind and here to assimilate into our control way of life. i've no problem with. the counts of protest is with far greater number, the rest and false track jails instances kits and expected launch a number of right wing protest as
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a way what one thing they will say is that this countries potentially on an inflection point and things like immigration talk to be addressed jumpstart, but i want to 0. you caution. malayna vessel. know it, which has more from a demonstration against racism in london. one of the several, i'm hearing today on saturday, march the 15 in the evening time thing to be
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a pain in the big. 6 the really want to show a different side of things. you can say well comes on the streets present here as well, but things of sorry, paul, being calm and people didn't say what they want to show is this different and welcoming side of course as well. so the head to roll down to 0, it will tell you why people are rushing to catch a glimpse of the bank sees alexis street house in london
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the to the mountain people drowning in front of you and not being allowed to save them at the crossroads of humanity and international law, former tier desperately trying to help refugees and discharge of human trafficking and must fight to tiers murky waters. with this documentary, the, there is no channel that covers world views like we do as a rolling correspondence. i am constantly on the go covering topic from politics, to environmental issues. like nothing ever seen. what we want to know is how do these things affect people? we revisit places day even when they're no international headline. houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege. as
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a journalist the the, the us have on demands and the big boss, couple title for a 5th time in a row. the style started lineup of the in the eyes finest including liberal and james down hosts fronts, $9887.00. the victory means the us have won the gold 17 times the last time they didn't win. gold was in 2004. when jan tina triumphed with us, women's team have won a re, quote, extending 5th olympic full time. so now the results in school, the goal is that they presented one know the goal comes out to the you is crashed out as long as she is woke up in the round of 16. and for the 2nd lympics in a row, it is being
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a dramatic finish. and that means i jumped the gold middle associate at the last games and talked to you about on set that i of jump off was needed before new zealand. hi, ms. cook let to the top 4 race reports from paris. while it was in the end to be noted, sequel to the fairy tale of the men's hide jim final from tied care. 2021. capitals, new tests, boston. and john mark hate. tom barry of italy had shed the gold metal injury and illness hit them both in the run up to the powers. finally, in fact, tom barry was in hospital and stuff that i had before arriving at the start. the front and struggling to an 11th place finished, that still left boston with the chance to become the 1st month to win back to back gold medals in the high jump out via lympics. he had to settle for brunswick that left shelby mchugh and, and hey mrs. cook to possibly file for gold. the american news island deciding not to share the gold medal and in the end to winning the jump off. so no fairy tale
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finish football shape in this final but he's had a fairytale career. 3 well titles, one olympic goals to olympic silver, i'm now olympic bronze winning metals, up full consecutive olympic games. full rece out is era powers trying to lead the way going into the final die of action in paris. the united states just one gold middle behind the chinese. but they have one more over room middles. strategy of japan and the host nation. complete the top 5 with great britain in 6. the whole combs neon signs a synonymous with its streets. and even in spite of scenes in the movie blade runner that the government says that are a safety risk. so that being replaced with cheap and more efficient lights or westbrook reports, these are some of the last remaining neon signs and hong kong advertising porn shops. and much on paula's concerns about decades old science pulling down have led
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to strictly of the rules on size and placements about $3000.00 science have been taken down each year since 2018 and streets have gone from this to this 83 year old most a wong is one of home comes last, remaining me on light crossman. he's watched from the studio for 40 years cx, but the benz gloss tube with his self designs blow torch to cross the complex characters. feeling the chips with gas and running a current through them to give them that unique glow in the 19 eighties and nineties, the streets, westfield, with neon signs, as businesses tried to out showing each other. don't want, hey, yeah, during its heyday, there were many on most is doing this work. but now, because these mazda is a getting older and due to types of government regulations,
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not much the on sign work is done anymore. i think there are only 7 are right in the on must is left. well, some businesses have commissioned, new neon signs that meets the safety requirements. most along says demand has dwindled and most of his business is repair. what on existing signs around the 16th the warm glow with neon is being replaced by the chief of l. e. d lice. but if you look, there are still some neon signs around like this one which conforms to the new rules . as people find ways to keep the tradition a life like a cloud right onto this car and john became fascinated by me on in 2018. she learned from most a wong and also traveled to the netherlands fronts in japan to study different techniques. now her art is displayed around the world. i think uh, what i'm good at and usually is trying to how to re define something and objects,
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the concept and re purpose them as well. and i think for me on as a medium that i'm using to redefine all culture and all identity. god. and john raises awareness about neon, cultural laws' spear heading. this exhibition featuring to old signs and to new designs by an old mazda and a young artist. these days i would like to think of the future of me on basically is unlimited us as long as we could identify the potential. and we could actually do some st. john's to develop as me owns glo fades from the streets of hong kong. the next generation hopes to shine a new light onto this traditional croft laura westbrook algebra, hong kong. well, the latest mural by an older mistreat as, as bank see, has been supported on an old billboard, on its way of road in london. it is the 6th animal seemed installation in
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a series of artworks released in just the past week. the piece appears to show a cast corps and through the plywood. it has now been taken down by men who said they had been hard by contracting company to remove it. nothing's had been russian to catch a glimpse of to some earlier versions was stolen and vandalized. the idea of this very all is the fact that when you do something, if someone doesn't like it, they regard to the target go over it, you know, as from staining it. yeah, good luck. of the contrast south, how like the the wall being told is, is by the animals i chlorine, i think it's really cool. i don't know if there's a theme behind it, but i think what he does is good. i just wish people would leave his workflow. so they can actually, other people enjoy as well. so from they told me the price for this news out, but i will, we'll be back in just a moment with much more of the dies news to stay with us.
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the, the with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on concept quizzical look, good us politics. the bottom line pod hitch, i mean to be use is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being president joke or we don't know some we cannot take the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era have feelings, of course, that if a gosh to burst,
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it sparks small villages in that. that's where the fastest off that these women have decided to take pity they need to go to town and look for help for their families. they need tense and just about everything and some of the families that have managed to escape. i'm now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property. they'll find me land as well as their homes house or being something most local authorities believe between 5 and 6000 people. how being affected i,
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they are afraid this michael. would you be the beginning the the. ringback the is ral, intensifies it's operation in the circled site. so in and southern guns of the listing, thousands of palestinians to leave con eunice once again. the hotel mccrae, this here live from. so coming up will lead is can, tim is round, so killing more than $100.00 palestinians. one of us was to tax and gaza freshest if something. thank you. i sions from the coast region where it's battling


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