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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the . ringback the israel intensifies it's operation in the circled site. so in and southern guns of losing thousands of palestinians to leave con eunice once again. the hotel mccrae, this is aaron line from doha. also coming up will lead is condemn, is round. so killing more than $100.00 palestinians, one of this was to tax and gaza. precious tips on the evacuation from the coast region where it's battling ukrainian forces for 6 dies and
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a desperate search and the gains and capital force of bonds is of land to collapse which is killed at least 12 people. the would have to leave us again. tell us any ends in con, eunice and goals are told to leave their homes just days after being allowed to return. this route has expanded evacuation orders for the southern city. and if it's the military operation, there is become a familiar routine for palestinians. forced to carry the belongings under the summer sun in search of a place to stay. the palestinian side, there was no, we're safe and the entire goal is to strip. and they just called the constant displacement as cumulation. so this is the 3rd time i've being displaced in a short period of time, and the 6 times has to go up again. we've just been back home for 5 days. i'm a suddenly told to leave again. i am what i tell my this is my,
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i smooth. it's only been a week since i came back home to rebuild it. but her don't think i'll ever find my house again. we're being subjected to dreadfully wrong humiliation and suffering. we don't know where to go. there was no safe place in the whole of the gaza strip. where the day is to say there was a safe zone is elia. the un security council held an emergency meeting on tuesday at the request of algeria of to as, while a tech to school in kansas city on saturday. more than a 100 palestinians were killed when several missiles at the school and the elder raj neighborhood during morning pris. it's the 8th time this month that is well, has boned to school sheltering, displaced in bunkerville people each time as well as ami has claimed him off, uses the facilities. the operational purposes has never provided evidence. the you in special, the code the for the middle east peace process to win, the fund has commented on the attack saying every day civilians continue to be at
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the front of this conflict, admits tara displacement and endless suffering. the cost in lots of this was evident with every passing day, as we have witnessed yet another devastating strike on the school sheltering thousands of displays, palestinians with thousands of by tell us he's. well, the white house has also issued a statement only is ready, striking casa, it's is we are deeply concerned about reports of civilian casualties and gaza, following a strike by the as well defense forces on the compound that included a school we are in touch with the i was rarely counted pods who have said they targeted senior mazda officials, and we are asking for further details. we know who mazda has been using schools as locations together and authorized household, but we have associated repeatedly and consistently, that as well must take measures to minimize civilian ha. so let's see how pretends he has more from washington dc, the white house, cumberland,
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harris and couple of harris's main foreign policy advisor will have the same sort of message on like joseph barrow b. u foreign policy chief. we simply made a statement saying, there is no justification for these massacres. those 3 o expressed regret for the loss of civilian life, but did emphasize that they felt that perhaps israel did have some justification in targeting this. yet again, there are too many civilians who have been killed. i mean, israel has a right to go after the terrorists that are her mom's. but as i have said many, many times, they also have um, i believe an important responsibility to avoid civilian casualties. iris also said the 1st and foremost the priority was reaching a cease for our building, said she, i'm the president. we're working around the clock to reach that deal. however, we know that this weekend, the white house has approve of the $3500000000.00 worth of weapons for israel.
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so the question was, we had as to whether now was the time that the ministration would apply, leverage onto israel to sign up to that c 5 do appear to have been understood even as washington through its interlocutors tells robin has well enough to do anything to jeopardize next week's tools. she advertise the elder 0 washington was the best for avi is in demand in jordan because these ready government has banned al jazeera from reporting from israel. so i know they were due to be c 5 talks later this week, but we understand national security minister has actually said as well as participation in those is a serious mistake. so where does that leave these talks of the well, that's exactly right. israel has committed to sending a delegation once more to either to her cairo in the next few days we're expecting
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talks to begin once again on the 15th. but this comes at a time when is role is being condemned to by almost everyone they will be sitting with these talks. and they know that the actions they've taken with the strikes that resulted in this mazda for on saturday. and in the last 24 hours, they have themselves, these really course they've said, this continued to carry on a number of operations across casa, will only hard in the position of from us, make it almost almost impossible for her mazda acquiesce to any of israel's demands . in the current climate, that was the terms of what these talks are likely to mean. that is real, really sincere about negotiating, some kind of ceasefire about a settlement that good see is really captives brought back home. we have to look only to the national security minister. it's more than to be is recent statement this morning on social media in which he said that yes, this is a mistake. and that how must must be crushed until the completely surrender in the
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statement. he said that how much it continued to be crushed and stopped on its head until the completely surrender that this summit must not be used as a. ready to stop the conflict in gaza that the transfer of humanitarian aid and fuel should be stopped until all of these are returned home. and he also said that we must encourage immigration and occupied garza a co permanently in order to keep our hold on it. so these are very, very hawk of statements coming out of the national security administer, and will only serve to harden the position with which mediators and how must come to these talks. so is it likely that they'll result in any sort of ceasefire or, or a prisoner exchange between israel and uh, how much forces and the palestinians and gaza? that seems very unlikely at this stage. okay, thanks so much 9 that says i'm best ready for us in amman. jordan, because he's ready to govern his band ultra 0 from proposing in israel. so we're
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going to go to a hunting mach mood for who is in con eunice, where they have been, many people have been forced to move yet again. can you just explain the ongoing impact of being displaced over and over again, honey? and we were, people meant to go at this point in time. a tom, within the past 45 minutes, we've seen many of the cars or many of the cards pulled by animals arriving to this area. this is the last remaining, some how empty with, with the little bit of a space available. uh, as long as evacuation is on a, this is right at the northridge western part of, of han you. it is at the edge of there is but i sent in an area between these 2 city, the and the central area and here at moss evacuation that we see in more people definitely coming from that area. that's the the 3rd did lot number by 36. that's
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how much the residential complex. busy it is located that has been targeted that the earlier hours by the uh, by air attacks destroying 2 residential powers pushing people the residents of these towers into further internal displacement is really military at the earlier hours overnight. the issue of these sharp orders for people to evacuated from the area. now this having this happening at this particular moment in this particular location, they just further increase the shrinking the area, the humanitarian zone. that is really military. how describing designated at for palestinian displays. families for the past and months of which, by the way, it hasn't been safe at all, it has been repeatedly attacked. people died and killed and maimed inside these human materials. on the, we're talking about a short sliver of land at the western part of the central area. starting from there . the last city passing is to hon units, all the way to rough ice city. and now rough eyes,
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out of the equation over human entry. and the only area available right now is at the western part of their velocity. and here in han units, but right now and how much residential towers and it's vicinity has been in their rates so on in the written area. and just further string theory that monetary and zone for that question, we're expecting to see this a space to be filled up very soon and we're going to do, we're going to see it becoming overcrowded. but the impact of there's limited resources. there is economic suffocation. there is family and social disintegration as people ended. 1 up finding a space of anywhere possible to stay in. it also causes more of the psychological, a trauma and feeds into one reality, permanent displacement as some of these families have been displaced for the 8th time or the 10th time so far. yeah. and the other thing i want to talk about was the schools had yesterday, which has been described as one of the worst since the ball began. can you just
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give us an idea of the scale of the devastation of life behind me? perhaps the worst elements of, of the this attack has been the, the, the deepening of the defense of shattered safety right now that people displace families inside evacuation zones, and at the vicinity of old shelters in gauze. and the northern part are not, are not, safety. are under the repeated attacks all the time. and so this one thing that has been made it sure for people that they are not safe at all and their sense of their shatter sense of safety has been deepened further by these attacks. what's really the tragic that these evacuation going are the only remaining space in dogs in the northern parts for people to go to who are struggling with the recurrent incursions in eastern part of the city of the heavy bombardment campaign in the centre part of
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gauze and the western parts of the city all leaving their residential homes because of the ongoing threats going through these filters. seeking not only safety but also of whatever left, whatever available the food supplies as there is ongoing and forced to starvation going on in the northern parts of the strip. none of the commercial and none of the humanitarian aid it truck here allowed to move into the northern part and gauze is, is that there is ongoing and forces tar vision going on. so people are seeking these evacuation so that because they are searching and not only for safety and production, but also the ability to have access to food supplies and, and water supply. which by the way, it's already depleted and limited to the only number available at these evacuation centers. but again, the, the trash it is, keep on folding of the number of casualties. the desktop is rising, the, the pressure that is put on the health facilities in gaza is beyond imagination.
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honey, as always we really do appreciate you reporting the a from gaza honey mike went for us and con eunice. so 2 people have been killed in a russian in a tackle and ukraine's capitol cave. 3 of the people who wound as early as civil launch explosions were reported. keeps mess is a defense system so activated to repel the strikes. the attacks on cave come as ukrainian forces continue their incursion into russian territory. russian president vladimir putin has cooled the attacks in the region a major propagation. at least 13 people were injured when debris from the ukrainian launch missile fell on a residential building and cask. cuz governor has ordered boss evacuations of civilians in areas at risk. prussia has deployed additional soldiers and equipment to try to solve the ukranian advances,
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which is or would name these guys you've had the board with that today. i received reports from commander in chief, alexander, assist you regarding the front lines and our actions to push the war onto the dressers territory. i am grateful to every unit of the defense forces. ukraine is proving it could indeed restore justice and insure the necessary pressure on the aggressor, the police. but for more on this, we joined now by alex good tablets cell just here as defense. it is a fiscal. can you just give us an idea of exactly what is happening in coast now? ukrainian forces still on the ground there. yes. pretty much so. so you've had, you have $76000.00 civilians evacuated from cost in as a fine, obviously the still expecting the ukrainians to advance the russians and now bringing up a quite substantial reinforcements now to try and stems ukrainian tide. so we're seeing ukrainian missiles and drones being shot down by new and defense units from russia, that people both up to try and defend course can self. also,
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there are port smell, the russian soldiers are starting to dig in and form defensive lines. this has been very effective now elsewhere in the war and will hopefully, according to the russians try and stop their phones as well. so yes, so the fighting seems to be intensified and the russians are now taking it seriously enough, but the still cooling an on to terrorism, opperation robbins, the military and caution that it is what we're given the fact that this is in russian territory. home thera thing is this for letting me a person and what sort of pressure does this put him under? tremendous every day that you create new forces stay or russian soil jumps up the embarrassment that he is facing as well. and also how weak he looks because what every cools a i to terrorism or think caution in. initially he caused a major publication. what was he talking about? it's still there. they're still fighting, they're still advancing, and it makes him probably the, which is these looked
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a since fucker group openly to approach small scope in broad daylight threatening his position. so yes, i would imagine there's a lot of tilting in the problem right now. yeah. the, i think it was a and a fascinating development there. thanks so much alex, we appreciate it. give also a heads here on al jazeera mining produce growing louder, one of the biggest demonstrations to use. and so these capital the, let's go with your weather report for europe in africa, 2 things i want to point out in the northwest 1st, let's focus today on sundays sundays spouse for the u. k. a bit of rain for
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northern scandinavia, but number one, we put this for to monday. rain comes in off the atlantic for ireland, scotland, and also northern ireland. but look at this bubble of heat for southeast england. london, 32 france parents set 37. this is a conveyor belt of heat coming up from both portugal in spain. so here we are back on sunday dark at the read the hotter it is madrid 38. it's pretty much been about 3 weeks of your temperature wobbling between 3039 and 40. now the showers in storms have moved away from central and eastern europe. those temperatures are going up 30 degrees in zurich, $32.00 in budapest, and for turkey a, we've got a breeze coming in off the boss for us could give us a few showers and is stumble wendy through greece is creek island where there is a wildfire. bernie, there africa looks like this storms pretty much now along the border with new share and burkina fast. so that could produce some flooding over the next little bit. and it continues to be breezy for southern africa. so not only for cape town, but watch what happens in southern most indeed my puts
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a goes from 35 down to 26 degrees on monday. see you later i the was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative. a separation of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to cities and exclude does the redesigns luxury losing crusty know future? today we create the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the you watching the old to 0 reminder about the top stories. the sour ellison ends in con eunice in guns are told to leave the homes just as up to being allowed to return is around has expanded evacuation orders for the southern city. ahead of us stood military operation. there. you in security council will hold an emergency meeting on tuesday at the request of algeria. optics, while a tech to school in kansas city on saturday, proving a 100 palestinians were killed when civil missiles at the school in the russian neighborhood during morning prayer. as rose a tech comes soon afterward, agreed to send his negotiating team to a new round of seas far towards gotta egypt and the you with have pushed again to secure the deal. so all right, looks at why an agreement hasn't been reached. november 2023. a pivotal
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moments in is rouse, move on, gone to the already see slide deal to have been a breed last it only 11 days. thoughts it led to the release of mold and haul for these really concerts taken on october 7. hum us and other functions in garza and also palestinian prisoners held in his randy detention center, has some to use many without trial the now how much says a temporary, the spot isn't enough and it wants to complete and to the rule is roll says this isn't possible until it gets re to the palestinian group. and so his role continues to pound the sliver of land daily needed $40000.00 palestinians have been killed in the strip in less than
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a year. november the spot ended when each side accuse the of the failing to honor the times of the deal. since then, all attempts by mediating countries catch all agents in the us to secure another one has failed style made us present. joe biden appeared to believe he could, and when he announced the 3 phase, the sly pon, in may, it's time to begin this new stage. the hostage is to come home as for 0 to be secure and the suffering to stop is time for this war 2. and that proposal would have been shown with the withdrawal of his ready forces from e populated areas of garza, the returnable captives, the release of palestinian detainees, and a longer term plan to end the war fonts, all sides of choose each other of sabotaging ceasefire a time. leak report say is, roles negotiates this belief,
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benjamin netanyahu is storing full political games as the faces called quite as prime minister and follow right? government ministers like it's, i'm up and there, and best those smoke church, pressuring him to refuse any deal. the views expressed by mister smart for specifically, what is that sacrifice the lives of his rarely hostages, his own countrymen? well, those of us close at support is route on cod. it's also the voice criticism of its ally with the presidential election barely 3 months away. many american votes has just stood by israel is conducting garza and the charges of genocide is ro, faces. us administration hasn't hidden its frustration. this deal is negotiated over most fully protest. israel's national security interest, in fact, on the 3rd of july, over one month ago, almost accepted the key terms that had been demanded buyers. the us says,
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israel has now completed nearly all of its major military objectives, but seems like this one of another school phones in gaza with more than a 100 people killed. coming just hours of is rout, agreed to more sci fi tools. is a bar in development so many involved. the mazda is politically to and may negotiate the smile amelia was killed in around 2 weeks ago. the tensions in the region all the was they've been in decades is road is prepared for its hollow tree attacks. it says that expects from iran has bought a lot and 11 on on z evans host. the rebels come us low is still firing rockets into israel and will continue to do so. it says on. so israel accepts a permanent and to the rule is role says it subjects is haven't been met yet and will continue. so the height of all the 0, the rescue as have been digging through a mountain of rubbish, searching for bodies house with the collapse of
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a landfill size. and uganda is capital acc, impala at least 12 people died. often, nearby homes were covered by a garbage following heavy rain. catherine story has moved these people into it as you are looking for their loved ones, beneath heaps of garbage. people walk to this tragedy of the section over rubbish, disposal sites in the copy to compile a collapse among those buried underneath. what ducklings? no, much as a sister renaud and 3 children, my people have been buried under here. i think i'm seated on top of them. i've lost them. what should i do? this see, they've also not found their relatives. everyone is in shock. because i have lost 7 loved ones. the garbage buried them, my wife and children,
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i wrote to you since we have retrieved full bodies, but the wrist have not yet been found by the no problem so long. i have 15 tenants and some of them are nice. all those missing. there were many families in this area . we are looking at about $1000.00 people to have been displaced on the if he goes over the, the homes that are being bothered, the cult estimate, environmental. they say this was a disaster waiting to happen. the launch view is to be on its capacity. it's one of the 2 garbage sites in the city and takes in an estimate of 2000 tons of rubbish, daily, and many of the sales and sales people needing here. see, it's how hard for now they mon demos as a try to find and seize those who have survived. cathy, sorry,
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i'll just hear tens of thousands of people have protested and so it'd be his capital against the major lucy mining project. demonstrations in belgrade followed the government's decision to revive plans for astray in mining. john we attempted to develop a launch deposit. the project could provide 90 percent of europe's literacy needs environmental activist. same money will pollute the water and endanger public health. elaina gross jets has moved out from the purchase. the purpose in belgrade is the latest in a series that have taken place across serbia in nearly 50 cities over the past month. what's interesting is that the issue of fleet, do you mind if it's broad, more people's, of the protest in terms of the percentage of a serious population, then the process again, violence, or don't focus on the issue of cost of all of this is currently a key issue, so be all on that. the current government inherited from the previous
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administration on the beach who was the prime minister in the 2020 to stop the projects under the pressure of mazda environmental brokers. as of now, as the president of the national assembly, she along with inside statement that she has supported in july, uh, german can solar uh, all of schultz visits in belgrade and uh, during that time uh, memorandum on critical rule materials will sign marching the steps forward in the realization of the project. so previously the constitutional court of sylvia declared fusion to stop the project on the constitutional um, so here in belgrade, uh, in previous days across uh, serbia, we've been here from the people. uh, it does seem that they fear their lives and will become bearable after the opening of the mind and the date they will lose access, salina water, air and soil. on the other hand, although it isn't both,
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but they're saying that nothing will be done without guarantees for environmental protection. but at the same time they accuse the citizen or non we will the because of late because they want to over to the government. the violently, we don't the legs the families of the $62.00 people killed in a plane crash and per so helping forensic teams identify the bodies. investigators in lising, the fund record is to determine what caused the plan to plunge into a residential area. this i'll palo on friday. i'm going to get you on a key of reports from rio de janeiro to emergency responders working in the rain in around the clock to retrieve all 62 bodies victims of a deadly plane crash on friday. that since shop sleeps across for sales, family members are being asked by
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a stories to help identify their relatives at the legal medical institute of some follow where the bodies were taken. the most affordable. we're concentrating on providing specialized assistance from psychologist social workers and legal advisor to meet the families requirements and priorities with focusing on the well being of the families. more than 50 bodies have been recovered, but most were so badly burned. identification will take time to discuss that the bodies work have a nice and i being transferred to, to morgan, south palo, where they will be x rayed, and j n a test will be done to identify them in the, in the aircraft was carrying 50 passengers and 4 crew members from the southern states of bottom not to preserve the largest city some portable when disaster struck. nearing its destination, the plain suddenly lost speed and altitude, spinning out of control and plunging to the ground. it exploded on impact in the backyard of a house. in the midst of
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a residential condominium complex. the. there were 3 people in the house. me, my wife and the night. we are all fine at the time we thought it was a helicopter crashing. i was almost leaving the house, and suddenly we saw that a craft exploding in the back yard. rescuers rushed to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. then they began to search for bodies and the debris to the regional airline company. very fast release the name of all the victims, among them a family from venezuela and a teacher from portugal. brazilian authorities have already recovered the to flight recorders, which they say will help them piece together. what happened? brazil's air force has already said that the pilot did not report an emergency for adverse weather conditions for so enough stories save the investigation to


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