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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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still so much suspicion in the media and elsewhere in the wider community of air and voices. we do not have them nearly enough. it is much more acceptable to hear a so cold and moderate jewish voice. then i tell us the invoice, the is rather she was you evacuation orders and con eunice and the southern guns are forcing thousands of palestinians to leave the city. once again, the total credit, this is i will just say we're live from our house or coming up the 10 specials in rushes, kursk region where it's trying to contain a major ukrainian incursion. for a 6 day retailers restock. and nigeria, after business has suffered losses from days of protests against the rising cost of
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living. and is the final day of the parents olympics will have all the action, the head of the closing serve the order to leave again the you in agency for palestinian refugees is more than 75000 people in southern casa, had been forced to leave their homes just days after many of them were allowed to return, these royal is conducting. it stood military operation and con eunice and is expended evacuation orders that it is become a familiar routine for many palestinians. forced to carry the belongings in the heat of summer in search of a place to stay. the fellow cindy inside there is no is safe in the entire gauze a strip. and they describe the coast and displacement as humanly. ation a set of slides. if this is the 3rd time i've been displaced in a short period of time and the 6 time since develop again,
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we've just been back home for 5 days. i'm a suddenly told to leave again. i mean what i don't want, this is my, it's moved. it's only been a week since i came back home to rebuild it, but i don't think i'll ever find my house again. we're being subjected to dreadfully wrong humiliation and suffering. we don't know where to go. there was no safe place in the whole of the gaza strip, where the day is to say there is a safe zone, is elia honeymoon. we joins us now from con eunice and you can just explain the ongoing impact of being displaced over and over again. and we were all these people actually meant to go at this point in time of the world. tom, the tragedy with the new waves of evacuation orders can be contained in the following. the fact that the humanitarian evacuations only is being wrong by a, by eating a part of it and including it in the red zone. just not give it enough to space for,
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i know really small the area for people who have been order sharply to evacuate door, talking about las evacuations on in the western part of han eunice city. and just give a little bit of context here about this area. that extends from the western part of the city on the close the road, a small sliver of flat extend to the hon. you in a city as well as do all the way to drop by city. it's a milli agriculture land, but unfortunately lacks the major basic necessities and supplies for people to stay in their life and cope with the living the hard living conditions that alone the rise in the heat of the summer time. they've been the cause of the spread of many disease or really difficult living conditions. it created by the intense bombing campaign for the past 10 months. and right now it's being a trunk is being made is smaller. for a large wave of this place, families will be a really displaced more than one time. there are examples or cases of people
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dislike to 3 times 5 times. a times we're here at about 10 times. that means a $11.00 time displace every every month. that's the average of some of the families that being documented, being displaced once every, every month the recurrent displacement has been causing a grade of social disintegration which are about entire families scattered. some of them remain in the northern part, either have been heard of it from one place to another, from the central area to find them as the route by city. and then coming back to the central area now to the han units and the it has been causing lots of economic certification. avery, this placement has it's on pause in terms of a transportation in terms of leaving belongings behind, buying a new one in terms of making necessities available. but the worst among all of this is the psychological trauma. and the fact that psychological well being and physical well being has been a take, it has been hammered down by the ongoing displacement defense of instability. the
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that the defense that has been feeding into a permanent displacement has been causing lots of, of this psychological of trauma and physical, a problem, a and, and mentally problem to a read, a population under heavy bombing campaign has lost virtually every thing in terms of, of its of, of its social, the elements that has been social, emma and services had been eliminated in infrastructure, residential buildings in terms of education, facilities and institutions, health care facilities. all of this combined. what makes the society looks good, but right now palestinians across the gulf strip. how do not have any of this? none of this exist anymore. something that will affect how the society progresses in the future, socially, economically or intellectually. okay, thank you so much, honey. honey mcmurry for us there in con eunice the you and security council will
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hold an emergency meeting on tuesday at the request of algeria of to israel a tech, the school in kansas city on saturday. well then a 100 palestinians were killed when civil missiles at the school. now the raj neighborhood steering morning, chris said, i'm always is a communications officer and you need see if he has just returned from casa and says, a tax on schools make it even harder to distribute really limited aid. what we don't see on the screen is, is the depth of the destruction, depth of the suffering of people and daily struggle for, for the basics of basics. so really, the situation there is dire and what i was base is a, there is, but i was, i don't define units on to the north of goza. and to be honest, the more you move, the more software you see, and the more destruction uses all the efforts that are on the ground. and they're amazing. all the agencies, all the n g o's, that's a weird thing on the ground. the are working with old a got
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a but unfortunately what we've got is really minimal compared to the, to the needs. what's a, what's a good we can get and is very minimal. it's very scars and restrictive only in the past a few months since april, april, to july. and there was a drop of over 45 percent in the age entered into the state. but also the problem is we have this a continued violence and discontinued attacks, and it's really hard to get that age around garza and that's what we're we've been vocal about and be able to continue to be boca about. humanitarians need a guarantee to their safety and security to be able to deliver the 8 as much as civilians need to guarantee that they can approach those places where services and aid is provided to, to get it. unfortunately, on the ground, that's not the reality we're struggling to get even the basics of,
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of means of 8 to get in. whether it's i g kids, whether it's uh, water supplies attends anything the, as 2 people had been killed in a russian air attack on new kinds capital cave, 3 of the people were wounded. now, early a safer launch. explosions were reported. caves may associated defense systems were activated to repel the strikes. the attacks on keith came is ukrainian forces continue their incursion into russian territory. prussian prisons letting me a person has cooled the attacks in the region. a major propagation, at least 13 people were injured when debris from the ukrainian launched missile, fell on a residential building and cooks. kids stuff now has ordered foster evacuations of civilians in areas at risk. russia has deployed additional soldiers as well as
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equipment to try to stop the training advances. it was more or less for now joined by alex couple of soldiers who is defense. it is the thanks again for being with us . first of all, can you just give us an update of what's happening on the ground and kids now are ukranian forces still there? they'll still then they'd be in there for 6 days and the additional units you talked about, and you're seeing substantial russian reinforcements. now, a mixture of conscripts already that and you're seeing naval infantry submarines, apple and troops sort of a lead troops are being used to unplug the gaps to stem the tide of the training in advance as well as well as a defensive load of the missiles and drones that were shot down last night, and i sent them by you kramer, shut down by these new units of attitude, the defense fields, and also plans just down the way. and of course, the city of course, gets off and you said your training forces have been, it's a 6 day. so how embarrassing is this a to of letting me a person and,
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and how much pressure does it put on this? explain the embarrassing. i need to stay that policy is, it's, it's, it's more embarrassing for him because it started off as a raid which found the loss of my travel as you can push off and say, well, that's the sort of thing that happens in more time. but for ukrainian units to cross the border and then go rampaging for near on a week now. and nothing to have been done about it makes him look extremely weak. and also the intelligence failure as well. now will assist you creating build up the russian troops that was sent out to donate to fight to the east, leaving believing a christian you didn't have any kind of defensive ability. so it was easy for the cranes to analyze have remarkable development in this ongoing. well, thanks so much alex, i appreciate it. as always as human rights groups in bangladesh. so around $3000.00 people became victims of extra judicial killing. germ shake. it seemed as 15 years in power,
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families of people who had gone missing and now hopeful that the interim government will help them find out at least some ounces tended challenging reports from dec rides grew up in burn with their say that security forces have carried out over 640, disappearing and says, sincere casino came to power in 2009. some people were killed. all this were later, really is. but on 100, remain missing. in 2016 and been custom supreme code lawyer was forcibly abducted by plain clothes police in the capital. on 6 august, he was among the people releases dr. house enough, let the country for 8 years. he says he was subject to, to talk to you at a secret detention center. he's not been created in hospitals to be from the they used to hang costs and blinds owed all of us detainees for 24 hours a day. i had several nervous breakdown seizures, and they also used to inject us with unknown substances. when we question senior
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interrogators as to why they had detained us, they would tell us that it was an instruction from the top level. many alleged the check as soon as government use the defend forces intelligence unit or the df i am the police detective branch to suppress defend a former military officer who spent 18 months in detention later reveal details about the secret prison inside the intelligence headquarters to the media, the current director general of the agency has denied delegations. how does it do do if i to cost product, we need profit investigation? i need to find out about the detainees who are alive or data or to get appropriate justice. they should be an independent commission for me to investigate the agency from our burn with their should. diplomat also have victim of force, disappearance was released up to 15 months in secret detention. the said i was in had hundreds of names engraved in the wrong one. the demand is immediate release.
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all the thousands of unnamed victims of enforced disappearance. the just the girls crossed crime against humanity. on saturday i protested, demanded answers. family members have disappeared. individuals and others have gathered among the supreme court. that's what the loved ones are. they turn into a good location and they're demanding, they're really, i'm, that those responsible be brought to justice on the families of enforce disappearance and extra judicial queuing, have been protesting for almost 15 years now. you know, single case has been investigated or anyone brought just this yet. despite several appeals made to the higher court for years, families have had no idea what has happened to their loved ones. they are asking the interim government for answers seeking justice or at least closure time each other. yeah, i'll just say to talk, i was still a hit here. all know just here,
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a whole combs famous now on live. so losing their gloves. but a younger generation is trying to sean utilize on the tradition the this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers have been use is come in depth analysis of the face. headline. what's strategic purpose? do you think this assassination serves israel informed opinions? people who have been 18 years seem to be given a chance to best be a full critical debate. russia has decided that the war crane as a defensive war inside story. how will it change the security relationship between
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both countries on out jersey around the . ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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you watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stores, the seller palestinians, in con eunice and guys are told to leave their homes just days after being allowed to return. this row has expanded evacuation orders for the southern says he had of it said military operation, that at least 13 people are interested in russia's coast. creech in wind debris from a ukrainian launched missile fell on a residential building on tuesday. hundreds of ukrainian troops stage the launch is ground incursion into russia. since the start of the government has ordered foss. evacuations of civilians in nigeria, businesses accounting, their losses up to 10 days if a nationwide protest against the rising cost of living. the demonstrations turned violent and many states resulting in the depths of at least 22 people, a loss and income and destruction of property managers, reports from the northern states of kinda it's up to 10 days of disruptive
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protest. singer, one of the 10 major markets in get a 2nd most popular city, is slowly coming back to life. retailers restock as labor as work to make up for loss of income. the market of fishes estimate $5000000.00 in sales. why last for each day the market was closed? this market and uh it is uh, not saving only uh people enough kindle it is uh, saving it wasn't the neighboring states and also, uh some, uh uh, so my country that's a lot of newborn like, uh, what are the nigeria. so i think uh, in room for me, jetta chad cameron. he says customers from other states and neighboring countries stopped coming days before the start of the demonstrations. disruption to production and supply chain fiscal year, shortages of goods that select surprises in some areas. jump in by print device to
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send, including a few kilometers away. another businessman, counts as losses, after riotous, looted, and destroyed goods with more than $2000000.00. the government also took a hit. facilities like this technology help have been stripped back by lucas most westbrook testers demonstrating against bad governance. and rising cost of living, destruction to property and lives have been reported in many parts of the country. when the economy stores the impact of the progress and the economy is huge. yeah. that's where many isn't this is that it types of production in nigeria, so it has cbs, any impacted on the level of employment. in addition to that, so many investment opportunities where i live in nigeria. but the concern he says is how to restore the last investor confidence. you suggest that the next 6
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months that crucial in determining whether the negative impact of the protest would be long or short lived, depending on how the government response to the crisis increases. you see that kind of the sale of the games in paris. so drawing to a close up to 2 weeks of lead level competition, china has one of the most gold medals followed by the us, estrada and japan. and the closing ceremony is due to begin at 1900 g and t. a for more on board us to come before this cross to parents to speak with ben smith, bennett, the olympics can often be contentious for the host nation. so how have the games going down in paris? so i saw the, well, you know, friends went into the games in the middle of an economic crisis that were real concerns from the security service is about an attack. and there is still
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unexplained sabotage of the railways on day one of the lympics and the french, but famously no bothered, but the organizes, i mean, special olympic committee really needed a success. you'd have those relatively expect types with games. and paging men talk to him because of it by the pandemic. and well, the french particularly surprised themselves. the games have gone down very well here. the french of a boy avoided building any whites out of funds. they put mainly 10 per site in stadiums in pas in and around the cities. famous money meant monuments to best show the city. people have flopped to see the events. yes, they've been some quibbles about the quality of the food and they left the village on the about the quality of the water and the river said full specs faces for the games have gone so well. look, particularly turkey and india. i room it to be strongly interested in bidding and hosting the games in 2016. so to give it to friends was in the midst of
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a political crisis when the game started his head. oh, but things have gone on since as well. you know, a manual macro is going to be at the closing ceremony tonight, and he'll be busking in the reflected glory of the success of the games and not last saturday is about 20 all types of state and including pamela, paris, the vice president of united states, and that on his algo, the matter possible hendo the olympic flame not might mock the end of the sort of political truths. but those being in powers between the left and the right. since the games of style, say this country is still without a prime minister. it has a divided parliament off the inconclusive elections in june. all of bots has not been talked about really in the last couple of weeks, but it's a very, very real concern. my com still has to a point to problem minister the political parties comp degree onto it should be on bots. you'll probably say, oh, i will stop again from the beginning of the week. ok, thanks so much. been,
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it's been a smith for us, the in tears will preparations onto why for a funeral, for a child killed the 9th attack. and the british town of south port is police remain on stand by full potential unrest among anti immigrant protest as 9 year old tell us that the law is one of 3 young girls killed during adults workshop in july between nigeria accuse of them. it is also charged with injuring stiff and others false information to balance his identity as a newly arrived migrant spot drives across the u. k. since tens of thousands of people have protested in sylvia's capital against a major lift the mining project. the demonstrations in belgrade follow the government's decisions. supervisor plans for the trojan mining giant, where your 10 to 2 develop launch deposit and the projects could provide 90 percent of your ups and the cm needs environmental activist mining will pollute the water
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and endanger public health. as well as the supreme court has ratified nicholas madura is election when by that hasn't stopped an outcry. no one's living in mexico city of the lights has to protest against the results in venezuela or positionally. then reoccurring and the shadow is cools, the more mass protests. and 6 days time, the supreme court on sunday consent, missouri for a 3rd 6, you 2 columns, neon signs us anonymous with its traits. and even in spite of scenes in the movie blade run that, that the government says doris safety risk. so they have being replaced with cheap and more efficient lights. but as laura westbrook report,
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some young people left trying to keep the traditional life. these are some of the last remaining neon signs in hong kong advertising porn shops and much on paula's concerns about decades. old science pulling down have led to strict safety rules on size and placement. about $3000.00 science have been taken down each year since 2018 and streets have gone from this to this 83 year old most a wong is one of home comes last, remaining neon light crossman. he's watched from the studio for 40 years cx, but the benz gloss tube with his self designs blow torch to cross the complex characters filling the tubes with gas and running a current through them to give them that unique glow. in the 19 eighties and nineties, the streets, westfield, with neon signs,
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as businesses tried to out showing each other. don't want, hey, yeah, during its heyday, there were many on most is doing this work. but now, because these mazda is a getting older and due to types of government regulations, not much the on sun work is done anymore. i think there are only 7 or right and the on must is left. well, some businesses have commissioned new neon signs that meets the safety requirements . mazda wong says dumont has dwindled, and most of his business is repaired. what on existing signs around the 16th, the warm glow with neon is being replaced by the chief of the lights. but if you look, there are still some neon signs around like this one which conforms to the new rules as people find ways to keep the tradition a life like a cloud. all right, so this is karen, john became fascinated by me on in 2018. she learned from most a wong and also traveled to the netherlands fronts in japan to study different
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techniques. now how hot is displayed around the well, i think uh, what i'm good, that usually is trying to how to re define something and objects the concept and re purpose them as well. and i think for me on as a medium that i'm using to re define a culture and all identity cod in john raises awareness about neon cultural loss. spearheading this exhibition featuring to old signs and to new designs by an old mazda and a young artist face to face. i would like to think of the future of me on basically is unlimited us as long as we could identify the potential. and we could actually do some st. john's to design up as me owns glo fades from the streets of hong kong . the next generation hopes to shine a new light onto this traditional croft laura westbrook algebra,
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hong kong. finally to the u. k. where the latest bureau by a known and mistreat us bank see, has been taken down just down, was off to being spotted on an old bill board in london. it was the 6th animal seemed installation and a series of off works released in the past week. the piece appeared to show a cat touring through the plywood. a group of means that they had been haunted by a contracting company to remove it. the fans had been brushing to catch a glimpse of to some earlier versions was stolen or vandalized. the idea of the stray all is the fact that when you do something, if someone doesn't like it, they are in charge of a target. go over it, you know, ask who i'm saying it. yeah, good luck to the contrast south. how like the, the wall santano's aside, the animals, i mean, i think it's really cool. i don't know if there's a theme behind it, but i think what he does is
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a good. i just wish people would leave his workflow so they could not see other people enjoy as well. so that sofa made toma try so now you can find more information on our website. that's old. is there a dot com where there is coming up next to the inside story examines with the plans . these 5 totes will be successful in ending is rose on gotten to stay with us, the a they're keeping tabs on tropical storm. maria's it makes land full just to the east, the send dye. this is going to happen either late sunday or early monday. bring a rain and when combo here at the same time, some down port is not too far away from beijing where there has been flooding and same goes for north korea. we're just days ago we were dealing with flooding. now, most of trying to though, is in the clear plenty of dr. weather to go around. so temperature is once again
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coming up through the yangtze river valley. most of the rain is in the south, around one g. providence, for example. so greatly in looking at adapt forecasts for monday to the middle east, we go to things i want to point out which here temperature is climbing in the gulf . and then the wind is picking up through the red sea coming up against the huge as mountains. that's going to produce some storms of further north. we go, we have seen some funding in south west saudi arabia, but now looks like potentially flooding, not too far away from jets at fort mecca, for example. also been dealing with some funding and it's all about the other day. so a few showers falling over top of this area. temperature is coming down in pedro. and after seeing records for the month of august and the monthly range picking up in southern india around caroline and tell them that due state, same goes for the northern philippines. and it is also looking like a washout, pretty much straight across through lanka. on monday, the
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magic has, of course, has to head with chinese academic victor, 12 percent of the people to taiwan, say they want to reunify that it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the ones on the policy. exploring china is the front of admissions. is he no president for like a true dictate? how can you explain for find the transform ation of china? if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out. israel bombs, another school, and one of the worst, that the fact that it's one god, yet it says it will ascend ceasefire. thoughts brokered by the us guitar and egypt next week. but thomas has a new leader since the assassination of his mario and the a. so what are the chances of a deal this time? this is inside store the


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