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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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last that i didn't know what home means, lowering the the, you're watching the news on our lives for my headquarters in delphi and jerry, you navigate i, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinian families on the move again in gauze us time eunice, city where israel has issued new evacuation orders, a funeral is being held for a 9 year old girl killed in a stabbing attack that sparks unrest across the cave. police on high alerts, demanding answers, families in bangladesh, hope to find their loved ones. what missing understand. i have seen those rules,
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retailers restock in nigeria after businesses suffer losses from the days of protests against the rising cost of living, the german ash, with this fault. it's the final day of the parish games. trying to see fun. have some who's won gold in the women's marson and she did it. and then and then hit record time the, it's 1300 hours gmc, we begin this news hour in southern gaza. that's where tens of thousands of palestinians had been forced to leave their homes in the last few days alone. it follows new evacuation orders from that is really military, which is entering con eunice for the 3rd time since the war began. to become a familiar routine for many palestinians, forced to carry their belongings in the heat of the summer in search of
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a place to stay. but there is no, we're safe to be found in the entire gaza strip. and palestinians describe constant displacements as to many ation on the slide is the, this is the 3rd time i've being displaced in a short period of time. and the 6 time since develop again, we've just been back home for 5 days and was suddenly told to leave again. i am what i don't want. this is my, it's moved. it's only been a week since i came back home to rebuild it. but her don't think i'll ever find my house again. we're being subjected to dreadfully wrong humiliation and suffering. we don't know where to go. there was no safe place in the whole of the gaza strip. where the day is to say, there is a safe zone is elia. while the un security council will hold an emergency meeting on tuesday, at the request of algeria after israel attack, the school in garza city on saturday. more than a 100 palestinians were killed on several messages with the school and does
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neighborhood during morning prayers. this is the 8th time this month. that is really forces have attached schools sheltering, displace palestinians. each time israel says her mouse was using the facilities, but no evidence has been provided. let's cross over 2000 and speak to our corresponding tentative, so that he has joining us from crime, eunice, and that had tanya and this is where the is where the army has now ordered these new evacuation orders. and what does it mean for, for people? what, where to, where are their options to go to as well, actually, that is really for says dave to evacuation orders in less than 24 hours. those palestinians in the eastern parts of con eunice and in the centre of can you. and if you don't have any place to go to because a milwaukee has already passed, but let me show you here. it's a m c area where those hot listing you have been,
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i think there's has, as you see people are still having all of their stuff and they are waiting to put and to set up their time. some people do not even have spence, all they have is woods and cloth and this is the only shelter they can afford every single day. we have been here for a week now and every single day, at least 2 tenths are set to but, but this area is also not safe because this is a place where there are garbage pies and there's a lot of diseases, but those college students in this area do not have any other place then coming here because it's one of the only places left empty. and those kind of thing is though we have been talking to, they said that they barely had a place where it's empty. a place where they could have the ability to set up their time. so last night is after the is where the evacuation order is. we're talking
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about evacuating orders that came to be books after midnight. people literally slept on the street. they were captured around a mouse or hospitals vicinity, where they did not have any show through no tens, no food, no water, no toilets, nothing. and all they took is a couple of, of their belongings. and some policy is we're not even able to take any of their belongings because the is the way to use force has started shutting and start to bumping. now this is one of the empty areas where policy didn't is, are setting up their tents. other palestinians unfortunately, do not even have the opportunity to find a place. and especially those who decided to go to the middle area where it's also over web and packed with palestinians, especially the in agriculture and then and also and you and salters and schools. and let me also remind you that the this ignited safe area zone by the is early
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forces. for example, the milwaukee has been always been a targets and has been a targets by the is there any forces? so palestinians are saying that there's no guarantee if they evacuate from an area to another, they're going to be safe and they won't be targets as 0. i'm hands in as you've been reporting so many, many months now. i mean, these families, this is not the 1st time that they've been asked to evacuate to somewhere else. a lot of these families have been displaced multiple times already as well. it has been an endless cycle of displacements, especially those income units. they recently got back to their houses after the is there any forces spent a phase of the ground invasion and 2 days ago they were caused to evacuate again and again. now that psychological torture people are losing all of their belongings
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. they're going up and trying to settle up their tents in any place, but policy needs are exhausted. they are drain, they do not have any place. they forgot what whole means. and this is very, very difficult also on children, not having a child to not having a safe place to sleep. and pat policy, new parents are very sad because they feel helpless, not being able to protect their children. no, it's not on the air strikes, but also the lack of water, the lack of food, the lack of clean water and also the amount of diseases that is having right now across of the causal strip is also a terrifying. we're talking about hepatitis a hepatitis b, we're also talking about pull you and there has been 0 medications entering the causes true since that is rated forces took over the philadelphia corridor. so this site cool of displacement. it's not only on those palestinians in units, but also have been in the palestinians. and then other parts of the causal strip
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was also the. is there any forces? so people in bid had one another in parts to do back to wait. and they were targeted in this to be in school yesterday in the eastern parts of the gulf of city . so policy didn't use believe that were every the go. they're still going to be targeted the spike where they are, as long as they're in the gaza strip. they are a targets. okay, hands in for that. he thank you so much for that reporting from find you in a single for the head of the un agency for palestinian refugee says that over 75000 people have been displaced by israel's li. that's the evacuation orders for the plaza really wrote on x. just in the past few days, more than 75000 people have been displaced in south west casa. some are only able to carry their children with them. some carry their whole lives in one small bag and they're going to overcrowded places where shelter is already overflowing with families. they've lost everything, need everything, unlike in other words,
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the people of draws are trapped and have nowhere to go. will not speak to the smile on my hello is the chief humanitarian officer at the end geo care international. joining us live from southern gaza as well. welcome to al jazeera. you've been speaking to many people who have been displaced. what have they been telling you? what i have been getting on the ground is something that as a humanitarian, i have never seen the scale and level of suffering. the displacement is get the stroke like the human suffering is beyond. and that has mean many moments of the day with uncompetitive. think where is humanity? i've seen children walking alone on the company. children getting that and dad lives on the back. so many children and women with skin infections. but then switch feet are talking about that on there is not enough space left of what defense and people are being asked to the best way to get another done yet another time i have
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not met a single question. i've seen the person who has not to be evacuated at least 5 times. i've met people is activated even 25 times. but i think women insight as to the health system is on its knees. but humanitarians are trying their level best, but with so much restrictions which we have age read, we cannot bring supply is very much needed, essentially supplies even related to health, and then we go through inputs. what does that mean? nation high gene gray skin supports a clinic here and how the patients that we get our children at the time breaking then your team dose, you the patients coming back because they go back to the same conditions and essentially there is no improve. looks freaking up. the speaking of the restrictions, i mean, uh, the humanitarian needs and guys are immense. and so talk to us about what sort of restrictions are placed on you and what sorts of limitations are placed on you as an organization. and how, how do you go about them?
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the limitations we have other 2 levels. one limitation which we have is i was able to access the people who are the need to be do not have to learn that didn't access to most parts of the street. and wherever we have access, it is inconsistent due to the axis. after 2 hours, we don't and the humanity in some voice have been attacked. humanitarians have been attacked. so the risk on a huge and this is limited not able to do to provide live city assistance and remember, hundreds and thousands of now hanging by us. it is the other restrictions which we have facing is i wasn't able to bring it in supply. we have with so much restrictions about bringing hygiene items, dignity gets medical supplies, can do minutes. for example, we can relate the services. we have lab and we have a lab equipment. but we cannot bring in the supplies at the displacement of this scale. but we cannot bring him send the boys. so people is just is
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basically plastic, dublin and clock. and we are talking about the weather condition or at least 40 degrees, maybe by the post office, which means that humidity is very high. and the supply chain is broken, right? the supplies, i mean the year thing of this is a supply chain is broken and obviously not much is getting into the gaza strip, if anything at all. so can you say what's the most needed at this point? so i mean, it sounds like pretty much everything is needed as a priority this has been going on for 10 months, so that humanitarian need every week, every day is higher than what it was yesterday. and the coming in is not being increased. so imagine a situation where the displacement continues, the bombardment continues to manage, it is, are forced to deliver, do my duty, and did i miss schilling?
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and there strikes the these in greece, but the supplies are degrees just so, of course we need everything. people are close to starvation, at least $34.00 children have died of starvation. and now we cannot save lives with the food only. we cannot because the, the installed ation and death that is usually the disease. and they do not have enough supplies to be able to provide with people head services. so yes, everything is needed and very urgently. but before all of this, the biggest need here is a seems via immediately without any major seems fire, you might have didn't skin or scale up, cannot be moving the floor while the top is on. okay, we'll leave it there. thank you so much. depaula mazda, thank you for joining us from gaza. thank you for having me or punch in our head on the. i'll just say we're news our including a desperate search for loved ones is a fast roughest on collapses. and you've got those capital in gulf and is the final
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day of the parents and them fix will have all the accent ahead of the closing ceremony. the but 1st 2 people have been killed in a russian era talk on ukraine's capital cave. 3 others were wounded. earlier, several large explosions were reported. and keeps mayor says air defense systems were activated to repel the strikes. the president of all of them are zalinski has acknowledged for the 1st time that ukrainian forces are fighting and rushes border region. and a surprise offensive versus defense ministry has released footage of what they say are strikes on ukrainian tank and drone increased. russia impose a new security regime in 3 border regions on saturday and sent more troops. more than 76000 people had been evacuated from the region. a funeral has begun
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for a child killed in a knife attack in the british town of cells sports 9 year old alice we are as one of 3 young girls killed during good dance workshop in july. so teenager accused of their murders as also charged with in drink 7 others. false information about his identity as a newly arrived migrant sparked riots across the u. k. let's cross to south port and speak with our correspondent laura console, or you're asked the church where of that funeral is meant to take place. what's it's like no absolutely. i'm currently outside saint patrick's church. it's a catholic church. i'm in south fulton now. i'm being quite quiet because i'm on a step assignment straight. there are many people on looking and sounding in solemn silence. while the funeral takes place, it is just behind me in touch with the listening to father john had to come to life
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. oh is that the funeral? all of us are the. now he does know the family, so it's very emotional. some thoughts you can really tell if it's a child's funeral, it's a wash with hello. everybody here is wearing bright colors. i can see pink eye can see pink ribbons tied onto people's houses and post, so they really celebrating, unlike that's been can be taken far too young. but many people have spoken to mccain, say, say this a very quiet, close knit community. and of course, people of stones why what's happened or it was the misinformation, uh, that had lots of days of writing nationwide. and um, how does this come about and what is the situation like now? not only where you are, but other parts of the country as well. so you're absolutely right to read this information. it's spread online as to who the silent
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pause, money coming to conclusions that he was possibly most tom or another. mr. chase that he could have seen them assign them because in the country at now, very quickly, i'm day of official. a day off to these children. 3 children have been killed in southport. suddenly fall right. members came out congregated outside of most and begun to attack. if they also attacked police and they were taking the breaks from people's goals in this very quiet speech and associates drawing them towards the boston police at now the judge in the case that decides to release the name because they said this was this information being fred however, it was, it seemed to be too late, these wide spread in more than a 1000 towns and cities across the country. it's the kind of criminality that we
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just haven't seen for a very long time to hotels, housing aside and see cuz of its set, some light people absolutely terrified inside the machine shop, building sticky on more money. but by wednesday we were expecting them to crowd in around a 100 different locations, maybe outside. so this is for the 6 offices supporting aside and see cuz that did not happen. mainly for 2 reasons. people have enough and they come to the street in their tens of thousands to say, racism is not welcome in this country. but also it seemed the biggest police operation we've seen in decades once again, 6000 right officers was sent at the place. we'll see with justice, we've won 700 people arrested on sentences being sentenced down full nice immediately. but certainly these people here in southport are shops,
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but somebody that happened didn't speak to town, but it has such a huge consequences around the country. all right, thank you, laura. tom, thanks for that report. a from the check the human rights groups in bangladesh say around 3000 people, became victims of extrajudicial killing during shift has seen us 15 years and power . finally, is a people who have gone missing or now hopeful that the interim government will help them find closer time for your child. read reports from call rights group in burma . they're saying that security forces have carried out over 640, disappearing, and says sincere casino came to power in 2009. some people were killed. all of this were later released, but on 100, remain missing. in 2016 and been custom supreme code lawyer was forcibly abducted by plain clouds police in the capital. on 6 august, he was among the people releases dr. house enough,
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fled the country for 8 years. he says he was subject to, to talk to you at a secret detention center. he has not been created in hospital, somebody from the and they used to hang costs and blinds owed all of us detainees for 24 hours a day. i had several nervous breakdown seizures, and they also used to inject us with unknown substances. when we question senior interrogators as to why they had detained us, they would tell us that it was an instruction from the top level. many alleged that check as soon as government use the defend forces intelligence unit or the df i am the police detective branch to suppress defend a farmer military officer who spent 18 months in detention later reveal details about the secret prison inside the intelligence headquarters to the media, the current director general of the agency has denied the allegations. how does it do? do you find the costs of we need profit investigation and need to find out about the
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detainees who are alive or data, or to get appropriate justice? they should be an independent commission for me to investigate at the agency. you've got got it from our burn with the should diplomat also have victim a force disappearance was released up to 15 months in secret detention. so i was in had hundreds of names engraved in the wrong one. the demand is immediate release. all the thousands of, i'm named victims of enforcement opinions, a just a grass cross crime against humanity. on saturday i protested, demanded answers, family members have disappeared. individuals and others have gathered among the supreme court. that's what the loved ones are. they turn in sick as location, and they're demanding. they're really, i'm that those responsible be brought to justice. the families of enforce disappearance and extrajudicial queuing have been protesting for almost 15 years. now you have no single case has been investigated or anyone
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brought justice yet, despite several appeals made to the higher court for years, families have had no idea what has happened to their loved ones. they are asking the interim government for answers seeking justice or at least closer to each other . yeah, i'll just say to talk, i will not speak to cindy, my han, who is a professor of economics at the university of dr. joining us from there. thanks for your time on al jazeera. so one of the challenges facing the interim government of how many units has and from government has of course, rebuilding bangladesh and economy. what are the biggest issues for the public and what do they want to see or reverse along? or i think the 0. i think the biggest challenge is to restore the order situation at this moment, which is extremely fast. all right, so and then that is ethic. take the corner, we got into the distorted lot. that affected the supply chain, the dc transport additional because the countries and many small businesses i'm and
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for and for us connect you with these have been severely affected. so i think this is the primary, even the most uh, friday of the government to restore these kind of, uh, i know that i noticed situation. so the uh economy comes back to their normal track . at the same time, you know that the country has been facing the videos more than 2 years by installation. and also the city as an academic in stephanie to, to board major growth drivers, exclusion, jimmy, kansas. they are showing the grinding of trend and especially attributed switches. i'm actually coming to the former agenda as far as like, long period of time. and that is adding that a lot of pressure on the forward flooding products you choose to write. so that'd be the end of the not sure these are the kinds of suggestions for each of the intern go menu, stick with us very significant. but of course, it's unclear how long that interm governments will remain in place. so what does
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this mean in terms of the mandates that the government has given and how quickly um, how much units will need to deliver? and so you would very much like, because you're the agent, goldman hello, don't do anything on the status of what are you going to consensus and the part the state. what are some of the suitors who actually fought for a new, they're the leaders of this move and then you have the parties, you ask ministry and then we also have the private sector and the blue cross. so that's still there is no kind of clear beach here in the agreement and one of these stakeholders to let you know what the, what, how much time they will be given to the engine government to address these issues. the one thing to address point out that is not only the economy issues, but a lot of leaves home is needed in the phone and it goes to the administrative in the constitutional areas. is she there just otherwise, you know, we, the reason is that we may go back to this for as long as the whole of the intention
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of this or the, the model of this movement will be not. and of course, but bangladesh being a major garment, export, or how closely do you think that the international financial markets will be watching the moves. got them, how much units in the interim government bank and blood sugar? very close eyes on uh, the, uh, the activities of things in government, but the one positive tv that doctor uses. so why and why he's an accepted and very much, you know, knowing person. and then i think he can actually up until the international audience that what happened happened in the 1st, but we want to really be the concrete we want you to. so and really with going missing the street, he's our backbone and dc. this needs to be supported and we know that we have uh, you know, the volume issues graduating all from the state as in 2 years from now. and those in bowls and other suggestions seems to be a high time for the government. and i picked it up for a doctor, most of the universe to make it happen to the international community sonic bitter,
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sort of to leave the country. all right, thank you so much for speaking to us from doctor. thank you. the so the olympic games and paris are drawing to a close after 2 weeks of lead level of competition in china leads. the metal table followed by the us, australia and japan. and the closing ceremony is due to begin to 1900 hours gmc, for preview on that's on for more and less to come. we can cross the pairs and speak with bernard smith. so what do we expect to see them at the closing ceremony of the house? and go at the games, gone down in paris, bernard as well. the room when the games started, funds was in the midst of a political crisis that were real phase security phase around the games and still remains. this unexplained sabotage of the right away network. when the games started and the french were famously don't bothered, while it was important, the international olympic committee after the sort of spectacular cove,
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it hit games and winds the games in beijing on the summit, games in tokyo, that they had a success. and to the surprise, particularly the french, they pulled it off and it has been widely viewed here as a successful games. the french of a boy avoided building any wide telephones. they built stadia mainly in paris in and around the monuments the best showed up the city that's been very popular. people have gone old. most of the events have been sold out and people have gone to see the games. yes. they've been a few complaints. they've been complaints about the quality of the food in athletes, village and complaints about the quality of the water in the sense of athletes who have to swim minute boats by and large, particularly, uh, turkey and india are so impressive. they are activities room at bidding, interested in bidding for 2036 that bernard look like it just says france of course, was in the midst of a political crisis when the game started and the game started. so is it safe to,
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excuse me? is it safe to say that's the, the political issues i've taken sort of a back seat a now it's time for my crawl to start dealing with them again. once the games are over, the yeah, the seems, have been this political truce joining the games and the closing. so i mean sacraments and 1991 micron will be able to box getting the reflected glory of the games about 20 heads of states expected in the stop the friends and come a couple of hours actually amongst them as well us vice president. but after, but then what i think was the tool which is handed over to los angeles who holds the next games. and that might also signal land to be a political shows up as being friends who still without a prime minister after inconclusive elections in june. uh, it looks like that should be, they need some sort of coalition government in the country that really has no history or i, i really no history of having coalition governments to somehow i'm not going to
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have to find a way of getting a prime minister all the different parties agree to pull the game started. he was very far from that and it doesn't look like he's got anywhere close. okay, bernice. thank you, brent spencer forwarding from parents. well, a tropical storm is for cost to make landfall in northern japan on sunday. sure. it's jeff with a check up the weather. a. hey there keeping tabs on tropical storm marie as it makes land fall just to the east the sand dye. this is going to happen either late sunday or early monday. bring a rain and wind combo here at the same time, some down port is not too far away from beijing where there's been flooding and same goes for north korea. we're just days ago we were dealing with flooding. now, most of trying to though, is in the clear plenty of drive weather to go around. so temperature is once again coming up through the yangtze river valley. most of the rain is in the south, around one jeep providence, for example. so greatly in looking at adapt forecasts for monday to the middle east, we go to things i want to point out to your temperature is climbing in the gulf and then the wind is picking up through the red sea coming up against the huge as
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mountains. that's going to produce some storms of further north. we go, we have seen some funding in south west saudi arabia, but now looks like potentially flooding, not too far away from jets at fort mecca, for example. also been dealing with some flooding and is all about the other day. so a few showers falling over top of this area. temperature is coming down in tater, on after seen records for the month of august. and the monthly range picking up in southern india around carola and tell them that due state same goes for the northern philippines and it is also looking like a washout, pretty much straight across through lanka. on monday. the still ahead on the i'll just there are news our it runs the president's proposal, a new cabinets. we have more non boss or cost. jesus was picked for the foreign minister and figuring out what went wrong, the investigation into how and presuming and passenger planes plummeted. into a housing complex on team usa is m b a. so precisely fence with such
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a lovely goals metal we have actually on the way in which i'm the power defines how well we live. here we make the rules, not the people empower, investigate exposure and questions. they use them to be just of our around that go on out of their, the
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safe, them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award nominator here on now of the the, there's a reminder of the top stories on the, on to see where it is our b u. n agency for palestinian refugees says more than 75000 people in southern garza had been forced to leave their homes just days after many of them were allowed to return. is rose conducting its 3rd military operation in fine, eunice, and has expanded evacuation orders there rushes defense ministry has released
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footage of what they say are air strikes on ukrainian tank and thrown in current pressure and forces are under 6. they have bottles in the border regions after a surprise incursion by ukraine. more than 76000 people had been evacuated. a funeral is being held for its files killed in a nice to talk to the british ton of cell sports. 9 year old alice r d r is one of the 3 young girls killed during the dance workshop in july. false information about the attackers identity sparks, the riots across the u. k. will returning to our top story on the situation and gaza said email waste is a communications officer. unicef, he's just returned from the strip and says, attacks on schools makes it even harder to distribute a ready, limited 8. what we don't see on the screen is, is the depth of the destruction, depth of the suffering of people and daily struggle for,
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for the basics of basics. so really, the situation there is dire and what i was base is a, there is, but i was down to find eunice and to the north of goza. and to be honest, the more you move, the more software you see, and the more destruction uses all the efforts that are on the ground. and they're amazing. all the agencies, all the n g o's, that's a working on the ground, the are working with all the got a, but unfortunately what we've got is really minimal compared to the, to the needs. what's a, what's a good we can get and is very minimal. it's very scars, district is only in the past a few months since april, april, to july. and there was a drop of over 45 percent in the age entered into the 5th month. also, the problem is with this a continued volume is this continued attacks, and it's really hard to get that
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a around garza and that's what we're we've been vocal about and we will continue to be boca about. italians need to guarantee to their safety and security to be able to deliver the 8th as much as civilians need to guarantee that they can approach those places where services and aid is provided to to get it. unfortunately, on the ground, that's not the reality we're struggling to get even the basics of, of needs of 8 to get in. whether it's high g kids, whether it's uh, water supplies attends anything as it runs. precedence must throw a peasant scan, has nominated our boss, or it actually is the countries for administer. here's a look at who he is born in 1962 into ron or dock. she serves as the iranian deputy . foreign minister from 2017 to 20. 21. he was the chief nuclear negotiator between to ron and world powers from 2013 to 2021. he was involved in all negotiations
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until the joint comprehensive plan of action was signed in 2015. he built his career as a diplomat, where he served as an ambassador to tokyo and health. think he currently out actually is the secretary of iran strategic council on foreign policy. mohammed mirand, a political analyst at the university of to ron, says president physics. john picks a veteran diplomat known for his professional approach. and i think dr. kind of up to you would be considered a safe pair of hands to his public persona. is that of a quiet, professional diplomat. he's there is no footage of him screaming and yelling or insulting people or insulting for our leaders and here and there. he's the sort of like dr. appleton. i mean, after long young i think the doctor bases for administer quiet, but professional. he is seen as a centrist, so i'm, i'm sure that he will be reflecting and he will,
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he's and he's not a controversial figure, but he will be important. he is a he will be a member of the supreme national security council. of course, assuming that he gets a vote of confidence, which i think he will, he will be a member of the supreme national security council. he will be the president's most important advisor. when he comes to foreign affairs, he has to be a good relationship with all of the different branches of state. so again, i think he would be considered a safe pair of hands. he does. there is no controversy surrounding him. there is no media like a video of him, or is it insulting or for a leader or that he does. he, there is no videos of him. you know, he's, he's known to be very quiet and professional of the serbian president, alexander of research has called the actions of protest, or is who blocked the main train stations. in belgrade, a terror of a minority over the majority of blockades happens after protests,
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against lithium mining and the capital on saturday. the governments has revised funds for australian mining joints. we have seen so to develop large deposits in the western city. if those become police detains at least 19 people, 14 of them on suspicion of selling material, businesses were counting their losses after 10 days. if nationwide, protest against the rising cost of living, the demonstrations turn violence in many states resulting in the deaths of a police 22 people, a loss of income and destruction of property. as much as it is, reports from the northern states of kind of after 10 days of disruptive protest. singer, one of the 10 major markets in get a 2nd most popular city, is slowly coming back to life retailers. we stock as labor as work to make up for lost income. the market of fishes estimate $5000000.00 in sales. while the last for
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each day the market was closed. this market and uh, it is uh, not saving only uh, people have cpanel. it is uh, saving it wasn't the neighboring states and also uh some uh uh, so my country that's a lot of nibbled and like, uh, what are the nigeria? so i think uh, it room for me. jetta chad cameron. he says, customers from other states and neighboring countries stopped coming days before the start of the demonstrations. disruption to production and supply chain fiscal year, shortages of goods that select surprises in some areas jump seems like print replies to send, including a few kilometers away. another businessman, counts as losses of to riotous, looted and destroyed goods with more than $2000000.00. the government also took great facilities like this technology help have been stripped back by lucas most
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westbrook testers demonstrating against bad governance and rising cost of living destruction to profit in lives, have been reported in many parts of the country when economies dollars the impact of the progress and the economy is huge. yeah, that's where many years and this is back i it us types of production in nigeria. so it has serious any impact on the level of employment in addition to that, so many investment opportunities where i live in nigeria. but the concern he says is how to restore that invest investor confidence. you suggest that the next 6 months that crucial in determining whether the negative impact of the protest would be long or short lived, depending on how the government response to the crisis increases. i just need to kind of the rescuers have been digging through a mountain of rubbish,
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searching for bodies after the collapse of a landfill site and yukon does. capital kampala, at least 19 people died. often nearby homes are covered by garbage following heavy rain, catherine. so it has more these people in tennessee are looking for their loved ones, beneath heaps of garbage. people walk to this tragedy of the section over robbie's disposal sites in the copy to compile a collapse among those buried underneath. what ducklings? no, much as a sister renaud and 3 children. my people have been buried under here. i think i'm seated on top of them. i've lost them. what should i do? others see they've also not found their relatives. everyone is in shock. because i have lost 7 loved ones, the garbage buried them, my wife and children,
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i wrote to you since we have retrieved full bodies. but the rest of us have not yet been found by the no problem. so long. i had 15 tenants and some of them are nice. all those missing. there were many families in this area. we're looking at about 1000 people to have been displaced on the if he goes over to the homes that are being buddy, the color estimate, environmental, they say this was a disaster waiting to happen. the landfill is to be on its capacity. it's one of 2 garbage sites in the city and takes in an estimate of 2000 tons of rubbish, daily, and many of the sales and sales people using here. see it's house high. for now the mon demos as a try to find and sees the those who have survived the cathy sorry here.
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the finally use of the 62 people killed in a plane crash in brazil are helping forensic teams identify the bodies. investigators or analyzing the flight recorders to determine what caused the plane to plunge into a residential area near or south. how low on friday, monica danica of reports from rio de janeiro, emergency responders working in the rain in around the clock to retrieve all 62 bodies, victims of a deadly plane crash on friday. that since shop sleeves across for sales. family members are being asked by a stories to help identify their relatives at the legal medical institute of some follow where the bodies were taken. fremont, we're concentrating on providing specialized assistance from psychologist social workers and legal advisor to meet the families requirements and priorities with
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focusing on the well being of the families. more than 50 bodies have been recovered, but most were so badly burned. identification will take time to discuss that the bodies work have a nice and i being transferred to morgan, south palo, where they will be x range and then a test will be done to identify them of the aircraft was carrying 50 passengers and 4 crew members from the southern state of butter not to preserve the largest city some follow when disaster struck. nearing its destination, the plain suddenly lost speed and altitude, spinning out of control and plunging to the ground. it exploded on impact in the backyard of a house. in the midst of a residential condominium complex, the, there were 3 people in the house. me, my wife and the night. we are a little fun. at the time we thought it was a helicopter crashing. i was almost leaving the house and suddenly we sold a craft exploding in the back. yeah. press cures,
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rushed to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. then they began to search for bodies and the debris. the regional airline company boy boss released the name of all the victims, among them a family from venezuela and a teacher from portugal. brazilian authorities have already recovered the to flight recorders, which they say will help them piece together. what happened just brazil's air force has already said that the pilot did not report an emergency for adverse weather conditions. for so enough stories save the investigation to determine the cause of the tragedy should take at least a month. monica now give all g a 0 re addition, narrow the still ahead on the all the zeros our it's gold for the time in east officer who was involved in a gender controversy. a feeling sick games for him on that story. coming off with jump on the
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pod he came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit you say getting less of late, thought provoking on the e. you made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being president joke or we don't know some we cannot take the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era, once a journey through every story, every step as a narrative, a separation of what we can achieve to reach the welcome to send me an extra re designer, redesigns luxury leasing,
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trusting of future. today we create the and the so it's the final day of the olympics will get the very latest from paris, which i'm thank you 3. see if on his side is the new women's that impact marketing champion. and she wanted to make games racquel time. the doctor on it went past if you, if he has tickets to say for the world record holder with a 150 meters to go pass on finishing in 2 hours 22 minutes and 55 seconds can use, hadn't a very to the bronze pass on also in bronze and the 5010000 meter events on its way of taking the gold medal in the women's volleyball the top rights team in the
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world. as well as the united states to one side in the final italy crushing the defending champs houston straits. that is that 1st cold battle, when in this event, and they did it in style to dropping, assess, and then move out and just one innocent stage. and then not one golden, many hundreds of things for you to choose from germany by 39 points to 26. the demo combat by 9 points. the house on the right time, the advantage in the 2nd period misses gets the ones that harry, the 11 goals and the final demo. please have a claim that's high. so looking at the champions of 20 and 2016, how much the surfaces, silva, insights you? let's go live now to paris and speak to pull race. i pull the games wrapping up, then the head of the closing ceremony later. what can we expect from the big finality? well some of the people behind me i watching friends try and get one more gold medal as they play the us in the women's basketball final. but with us having one,
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every goal since alonzo in 1996 could be a tool tool or after this is over. it is as you say, all about the closing ceremony. now the art printing sermon, he was unique for the 1st time it was held outside the national stadium. the athletes floating along the river send. this, causing several me is back inside the stop. the friends, same autistic direct to the theme is records, which we can assume is today with olympic records. it's going to finally explode the theme of the olympics disappearing and the distance in future. and then bring full big growth box much as they were between ancient times. 1896. oh $3.00 various pop and rock arts playing the wasteful pride that flags and the only pics like will be 100 i but from the power as host. so the next highest. los angeles, 2028. now, but we're looking back over the last couple of weeks of competition. what does the in the sound that moves to think of
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the web? i've lost you a bit that. yeah, but i think some of the highlights of these games, you know, they were very high hopes for francis from a lee on my show in the pool. he had his, his sites on for gold medals. i mean, all of it is individual events. he did wind gold becoming kind of a french michael folks and the price us on the track. we were hoping for a new your same folder. uh no eliles and the 100 mates has one gold bed. not in a world right cool time. it was 9 volts record safe, but it was a will direct quote for the field overall, the fastest that all of the flights had i but i'd have a run in that race whilst i was hoping somebody can double in the $200.00 mates as they have told me of it before that race, and in the end there was a, let's, so at, at supposed go of both swan and he got his country's 1st have it goals metal. there was also a 1st step for olympic medal in the women's 100 meters. julian alfred waiting
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thoughts for some lucia. um, i think one of the fixed on documents in in truck and failed was all the columbus office suite. and it is the last attempt going for the gold medal, which had already secured managing to set the world record for an amazing 9 some time for him. these bob, somebody's might poll volts. more popular that ever will be great. limits have holes in the us with most of them, too excited. i wouldn't be without his problems. unfortunately, it seems we have lost the communication that was cool, but we will hear from him again a little bit later. so let's go on to the women's books in control of us, that it would just be the key feature of the games and the new thing. she couldn't hold back the tears that she picks up, her gold metal off the climbing, the featherweight. title the tie when he's fine, so it'd be payments yet. sarah messed up by unanimous decision,
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lynn and i was serious. you mind police, you wouldn't go to meet? well, so it has to be on friday. i mean that the sense of agenda route these games very so disqualified from last year as well. championships, author reportedly failing on specified agenda tests, but they were allowed to compete in paris as an empty box and it's controlled by a different governing body. who knows as an a lease athlete during the competition, it's important to shut myself off from social media and to focus on some of the noises or some of the news articles. of course i heard some of the information through my coach boss. i didn't pay too much attention to it and i was invited by the i a see to participate in the games. and this is what i focused on. as for the other issues, i relied on my coach to not use the this is how fans in this country react. it's a winning tie one's bus and then pick gold medal in focusing on his lens form
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a coaches that look for little emotional lynn's mother. it was that the celebrating her daughter's success. meanwhile, kalese has filed a legal complaint with the powers prosecutor's office and she's been a victim of online harassment. now jerry and said, all that is being said about me on social media is immoral. i want to change the minds of people around the world. lynn is still deciding whether she will take similar measures. us gymnast jordan, charles has been stripped of the bronze metal she want in mondays. women's little final child was sitting fist in the competitions that had her school upgraded off to have coach appeals that resulted in remain, is unavailable. so losing hotspots on the paid him, but remained hughes. and then to commit to complained to sports highest quotes, who found to the school change happens outside a one minute time limits. and that means the child's ms hands that the bronze to basic it is a fine man's olympic basketball gold medals in a right. so the usa off, they defeated haste, nation fronts, and staff. today's final,
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the americans have now taken place. 17 times. i didn't see that being the last team to win gold. otherwise, that was back in 2004 golden state warriors, point guard stuff. kerry, it's going $24.00 or vice a $3.00, which came in the last to to to hoffman. it's usa securing between $98.00 to $8.00 . that is a useful it's now day we'll have more from the olympics. lisa 3 cards are my thank you so much. hong kong, neon signs are synonymous with it. the streets and have even inspired scenes in the movie blade runner. but the government says that there are safety risk, so they're being replaced with cheaper or efficient lights. but as laura westbrook reports, some young people are trying to keep that tradition alive. of the visa, some of the last remaining neon signs in hong kong advertising porn shops and much on paula's concerns about decades. old science pulling down have lead to strict
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safety rules on size and placement. about $3000.00 science have been taken down each year since 2018 and streets have gone from this to this 83 year old most a wong is one of home comes last, remaining me on light crossman. he's watched from the studio for 40 years cx, but the benz gloss tube with his self designs blow torch to cross the complex characters, filling the chips with gas and running a current through them to give them that unique glow. in the 19 eighties and nineties, the streets, westfield, with neon signs, as businesses tried to out showing each other. don't want hey, yeah, cheering it's heyday, there were many on most is doing this work. but now, because these mazda is a getting older and due to types of government regulations,
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not much in the on sun work is done anymore. i think there are only 7 are right in the on must, is left. well, some businesses have commissioned new neon signs that meets the safety requirements . most along says demand has dwindled and most of his business is repair. what on existing signs around the 16th the warm glow with neon is being replaced by the chief of l. e. d lice, but if you look, there are still some neon signs around like this one which conforms to the new rules. as people find ways to keep the tradition a life. like a cloud or onto this car in john became fascinated by me on in 2018. she learned from most a wong and also traveled to the netherlands fronts in japan to study different techniques. now how hot is displayed around the well, i think uh what i'm good. that usually is trying to how to re define something and
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objects a concept and re purpose them as well. and i think for me on as a medium that i'm using to redefine culture and all identity. god and john raises awareness about neon cultural loss. spearheading this exhibition featuring to old signs and to new designs by an old mazda and a young artist. these days i would like to think of the future of me on basically unlimited us as long as we could identify the potential. and we could actually do some st. john's to develop as me owns glo fades from the streets of hong kong. the next generation hopes to shine a new light onto this traditional croft laura westbrook algebra, hong kong. ok, that's just for the news hour. we'll take a break and we'll be back right after with much more of the days. that was thanks for watching the
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african stories from african perspectives. i'll say i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy, african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children. i like the me then goes to the leg, is this to a sion of slaves and we are all the same as the forest women of i've seen from the cape and a dream worth chasing a new series of africa direct on. i'll just sierra a documentary series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping taco today is environmental catastrophe. in colombia, there are lots of people. scientists to understand why species of toes one's thoughts, extinct is still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada. nations
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frontline, the starry night towed on al jazeera, the small army of urban artists is changing the space of one of mexico cities torres and most violent neighborhoods. more than $11000.00 of these murals now adoring the streets and roofs will be stopped by the government funded program is part of a larger project to make the areas safer and more attractive. you stop a lot of them. ural is a project that tries to involve the local community to listen to them, to rescue themes that need visibility. why? because there's so many stories of local neighbors, the history of this town that need telling if that's a lot, but is not just finance. there is a great history here. as the project has grown and the murals are more and more visible, presidents in these communities are increasingly eager to have a bit of their own personal stories and public just slaves. residents of the stuff a lot, but no it will take more than painting their walls to bring less than change to their neighborhood. but the murals have had an important effect,
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making him marginalize community feel seen again. the palestinian found the lease on the move again in garza sign eunice city where israel has issued new evacuation orders. the light from the headquarters and del fine getting you navigate is also coming up. a funeral is being held for a 9 year old girl killed in a standing a tax that supports unrest across the case. and police are on high alerts, demanding answers, families and friends of this hope to find their loved ones who went missing under safe house. he knows the.


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