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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the thousands fools to flee with no, it was safe to go displaced. palestinians leave con units and southern garza as israel begins and also results, the gloves that hold on the north field is their life headquarters here. and also coming up. these are the forces, say one, the subtler has been killed and the occupied westbank got the gun and they've been fine on the vehicle. police all the highlands in the united kingdom as
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a funeral is held for a young go to in a standing attack that sparked and violent rights plus demand thing ends assemblies in bangladesh. hope to find that love to see what's missing at the shape of see this room, the welcome to the product. we begin in southern garza with tens of thousands of palestinians have in order to flee the homes. once again, these are the only because issue that evacuation ordering calling you this as it renews it's offensive. the, it's the 3rd is really military assault on the city since last october. the evacuation order to include the areas that have previously been designated as cycles. she bought a terry insights by these rarely ami. those areas of, again, is really tockets and many palestinians say they don't know what to say to next. i mean, what i tell them up, this is my, i move, it's only been
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a week since i came back home to rebuild is but i don't think i'll ever find my house again. we're being subjected to dreadfully wrong humiliation and suffering. we don't know where to go. there was no safe place in the whole of the gaza strip. whoever day is to say there was a safe zone. is elia then. when your thoughts leave your home, you do not know what to do or where to go. we had already been displaced from the north, meaning we were left with little possessions. there was nothing left to carry these occupational to come just a day after it is very striking. the dive in school involves a city killed more than a 100 people. the and security council is expected to hold an emergency meeting on tuesday regarding the strike in the last few hours in central garza to palestinians have been killed in this way. these try and call the residential area and misread the refugee camp in country causes this update from connie. it is, palestinians have been on the move, especially after that is really forces issued new evacuation orders for the policy
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new in new and is some of the palestinians slept on the sidewalks. it's just concert on the streets without any 10th, any shelter, any food and the drinking water, no bathrooms, they're saying that they have been on the move and under this ongoing, endless displaced the cycle for 10 months now. some polish thing is told us that this is the 10th time. they have been displaced from units. now those hollis opinions have been not knowing where to go. they're saying that where ever they go, there have been still being targeted. there's really forces ask the piloting is to evacuate to the western parts of con eunice. but the western parts of con eunice all, milwaukee has been also been a target. know, according to lunar what, at least 75000 displays palestinians evacuated in the past. couple of days in the southern western parts of the gods of trip. and then i'll just see it up on eunice, cause
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a palestine as well as we just had fall behind the head of the human agency, full palestinian refugees has confirmed that more than 75000 people have been displaced by as well as latest evacuation orders. but if not, is there any roads on x that just in the past few days, mold and 75000 people have been displaced in south west garza. so my only able to carry that children with them. some carry that whole lives in one small bag . they'll going to over crowded places where shelters all ready of a fleming with families that have lost everything a need. everything unlikely that the was the people of gaza, a trapped and have no way to go. well in the united states presents a bite and says he believes a ceasefire, and garza is viable before the end of his time in the white house by made the comments and his 1st entities and see abandoned his re election campaign last month
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. well, officially joined us now from washington, dc with the very latest on this island. what more did he say about the war on gaza? no 3 weeks ago today, of course, joe bike made that historic a nice meant they wasn't going to run for re election. part of the reason was he was way behind in the polls. and he admitted that in the interview, that a number of democrats had bought some polls. they suggested they might lose don't ticket races, but they wouldn't win the highest they wouldn't when the senate and that we'd heavily on him. because he was concerned that donald trump and his plans would be a huge impact on the united states. he didn't spend a great deal of time talking about what's happening in gaza, but we do know that he's keen as part of his legacy as he prepares to leave the white house that he would like to see a c spot. and guys, until that time he says the plan that he suggested a number of weeks ago is still very much alive. it is
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a ceasefire possible. the useful possible plan i put together endorsed by the g 7 endorsed by the un security council center is still viable. and i'm working with literally every single day to and my whole team to see to it that it doesn't. that's quite that original war. but at least they can, here's the problem for a number of weeks. now the united states has been saying they're very close to a cease fire deal. the both sides are edging closer, but still there is no agreement. that bill bar, who is the head of the spies agency, the c i a is partly heading back to the middle east this week to try and conclude negotiations rep mcguckie, who is a joe biden. the special advisor on the middle east is also thought to be planning a trip. and then to the blinking essentially is on stand by. so the, if there is a deal, he can fly to the region a put the final touches on it. but there's many
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a slip between carpet lip and so the deal is not done yet. i'm gonna go by the looks of the pool. so you'll see that one of the reasons he was behind donald trump was his position on israel and guys. i know that he stepped out of the race will come to the hottest, has no leading and the number of swing states, the joe biden never was official that force in washington dc with that update. thank you. but when the occupied westbank is rarely security forces say, well nsl has been shot dead off the government. they've been 5 it passing vehicles . another is where the satellite has been injured and the attack the and the legal settlement in the golden valley is where the forces of carried up grades and several palestinian villages following the shooting. so i see in roles or child killed and a nice atomic is taking place in the british town of southport, 9 year old looks like we a is one of 3 young girls co joining a dance workshop in july. the teenager accused of that was also charged with injuring 7 of those false information about his identity as
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a newly arrived migrant spot. riots across the united kingdom leucon is outside the church where the funeral is being held and set this update a while. i'm kind of standing outside saint patrick's catholic church. what currently the funeral of 9 year old? i must assume that idea is taking place just behind me now in attendance, of course of friends and family members. but also as the police officers in power emetics. who was there in attendance when faithful stopping at least 3 young girls took place and also some of the churches that have supported them. the recession area taking place. coming along down the street, there was a whole carriage in front and people wearing many different colors behind, kindly this is the funeral of the young go, seems painful. we seen pink bows tied onto a lot of the street, lance, all the way down the street. but few is very small,
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increasing community could have been imagined. the consequences of these dec misinformation very quickly spread online. full white cliffs came into the sleepy town of south fulton. the day is official and the 2nd of july still has a right outside of most also attacking police. these were it spread like waltz across the country in more than a dozen towns and cities. so it was so stays for him and i was sweet, i'm fine and spots on wednesday. people seem to have enough and didn't want racism any longer on the street to be so tens of thousands people come up some protests against this. we was the school one of the biggest movements on the police force seen in decades, 6000 white trained officers on the streets of moving 700 people wrestles of the swift justice. when many of those wanted to was sentence really trying to just
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incentivize some from doing this again. johan, out to 0, south port, a human rights groups and bundle their site around. $3000.00 people became victims of extra judicial killings during shaken scene is 15 years in power. families of people who go missing and hopeful that the interim government will help them find some answers. tons of china visa pulls from dr. wright's group in burma. there say that security forces have carried out over 640, disappearing and says sincere casino came to power in 2009. some people were killed . all just related really is, but on 100, remain missing. in 2016 and been custom supreme code lawyer was forcibly abducted by plain clothes police in the capital. on 6th august he was among the people really as doctor have seen of fled the country for 8 years. he says he was subject to, to talk to you at
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a secret detention center is not been created in hospitals to be from the to be that they used to hang cuff and blindfolded all of us detainees for 24 hours a day. i had several nervous breakdown seizures, and they also used to inject us with unknown substances. when we question senior interrogators as to why they had detained us, they would tell us that it was an instruction from the top level. many alleged the check as soon as government use the defend forces intelligence unit or the df i am the police detective branch to suppress defend a former military officer who spent 18 months in detention later revealed details about the secret prison inside the intelligence headquarters to the media, the current director general of the agency has denied the allegations. how does it do the if i to cost product, we need profit investigation? i need to find out about the detainees who are alive or did or to get appropriate justice. they should be an independent commission for me to investigate the agency
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from our barn with a should diplomat also have victim of force, disappearance was released up to 15 months in secret detention sell. i was in had hundreds of names engraved in the wrong one. the demand is immediate release. all the thousands of unnamed victims of enforced opinions just across across crime against humanity. on saturday i protested, demanded answers. family members have disappeared. individuals and others have gathered at the bottom of the supreme court. that's what the loved ones are. they turn and figured locations and they're demanding, they're really, i'm, that those responsible be brought to justice on the families of enforce disappearance and extra judicial queuing, have been protesting for almost 15 years now. get no single case has been investigated or anyone brought justice yet,
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despite several appeals made to the higher court for years, families have had no idea of what has happened to their loved ones. they are asking the interim government for answers seeking justice or at least closure on each other. yeah, i'll just say to talk to people being killed in a rush and their attack on ukraine's capital. keith, 3 other people were wounded. that is several logic. explosions were upholstered keys mass as a defense systems are activated to repel the strikes. so, russia's defense ministry has released the issue of what they sail strikes on ukrainian tanks and drones in the coast region. ukraine's military made a surprise attack interesting, positive rushes cast. speaking on tuesday, russia impose a new security regime in 3 border regions on site today and to forward extra forces to try and stop ukraine's advances. because governor has ordered the evacuation of
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civilians. russia still controls much of ukraine's eastern territory, whether that's remains under russian control. but ukraine's incursion into russia's coast territory is the no sun domain from the line. and it's the largest cross border attack by ukraine since the will began. which is there was defense editor, and this could topless as ukraine's cross border time because put russia's present, vladimir putin on the back foot, a $60000000.00 barrels seeing and each day the policy is it's it's, it's more embarrassing for him because it started off as a raid, which found the law so much follows you can brush off and say, well, that's the sort of thing that happens in more time, but for ukrainian units to cross the border and then go rampaging for near on a week now. and nothing to being done about that makes him look extremely weak. and also the intelligence failure as well. now, will assist you creating build up the russian troops that was sent out to donates
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to fight to the east, leaving, leaving a christian. you didn't have any kind of defensive ability, so it was easy for the cranes to attack. they've been there for 6 days, and the additional units, you're seeing substantial russian reinforcements. now, a mixture of conscripts already the, and the using naval infantry to marines. apple and troops sort of a lead troops are being used to unplug the gaps to stem, the tide of the training in advance, as well as well as a defensive load of the missiles and drones that were shut down last night. and i sent in by you kramer, shut down by these new units of attitude and defense fields. and also look at pop plans just down the way. and of course the city of course gets off. so head, hey, all the, i'll just leave it all as president proposes a new cabinet. we'll have more on a bus. my rocky is pick for the foreign ministers position at home. going to save us. the old lights are losing that clue, but the younger generation is trying to shine. you lights on the tradition.
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the, the hello after a slug is started to the monsoon season. the brains are picking up in the capital region. so the streets clogged with water here. copious amounts of rain falling, but i gotta tell you, i think the focal point on monday will be southern india around careless state and html. now i do, but this is also looking bad for the northern bodies soaked with rain over the next little bit, including for its capital. ballet could see months worth of rain over 72 hours and soaked with rain rate across for longer as well. once the rains have brought flooding to cambodia, but they're now starting to break apart, where they are picking up is the northern philippines for those on island flood alerts have been reissued here. plenty of dry weather though to be found across northern and central china. most of the action is around one jeep providence,
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and here's an update on tropical storm maria, making line fall late sunday early monday. not too far away from the sun di san die itself looking to see half a month's worth of rain in 24 hours. there's some rain wandering around from the malay peninsula and borneo island could strike coaching with a few downpours. and we end this one off and bucket stone where there were head town pours in as a level by producing some flooding skill. a few drops around on monday with a height of $34.00 degrees. that's it from p. i'll catch you later though, of the african stories from african perspectives. jose, i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children, i like the me, that was the list is
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a 2 ration of slaves and we all the same the forest women of i've seen from the cape and a dream worth chasing. a new series of africa direct on algebra. the of the book and that's what you have to say with me. so rob holl reminder of all top new stories, a funeral that's being held for the child killed and the non tuck and the brothers town of south port 9 year old. and it's likely a is one to 3 young girls still showing a dense workshop in july. false information about the attack is identity spot riots across the united kingdom and southern guns as well as expanded evacuation. the old as it begins,
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it's the administrator. so i'm calling you this palestinian so told to leave the city just days after being allowed to return home. he's right need securities also say one suckle has been shot dead and the all combined westbank just to get into. they've been 5 it passing vehicles. another is very settler, has been in j as in a china cabinet and a legal settlement in the jordan valley. let's close over to the abraham, who's in nablus the occupied westbank. this is still an active situation for these riley, isn't it indeed, so have these really are me, is the reading different villages and towns in the drawers invited e saying that they believe that the perpetrators or purpose rates or have flood the seed, manage to escape to one of the villages need by for the better the loved. this is why we've seen the use of ruins as well as troops trying to get to that car. now in addition, we've seen these really me the 3 check points,
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close the roads for palestinians trying to be a to go to the boss to do, you need to add jericho, the field. basically these areas trying to prevent the perpetrators from moving from one location to another. we're talking also about stuff. there are attacks that have been carried out against palestinians. you know, we see these acts of vengeance is really secular as a going and as talking palestinians on the roads and to basically take revenge for the attack against bostonians. now, what we have been seeing in the drawers invited, which is a very important area heated the occupied west bank as for the off its territory is an increase in the presence of illegals is really supplements that have been expand thing and expanding at the expense of the palestinian people. yes we are talking about in areas. this is around 60000 palestinian people live in. but we'd also
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talking about $16000.00 is really is almost living in the area. which means that they are taking lands infrastructure as well as the rows that they enjoy, basically making life more and more impossible for palestinians. we've been seeing an increase in effects in the do it in by the area and into it. and we're talking about all across the occupied with big since october. the 7th about 19 is really is, will have been killed in the occupied to effect as a result of palestinian affects me to bring the very latest from not less thinking into the events that are on it all is present best suit position that is nominated abbas as rashi as the countries foreign minister, let's take a look at who he is. what he was born in. 1962 into her own. i thought you served as the rainy and deputy foreign minister from 2017 to 2021. he was a chief nuclear negotiate between 10 wrong and well time was from 2013 to 2021. he
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was also involved in the old negotiations until the joint comprehensive plan of action was signed in 2015. he built his career as a diplomat, but he served as num bass of the to took care and health thinking coming to gotcha is the secretary of their own strategic council on foreign policy. and branding is a political on list at the university of tat wrong. he says, president bush can pick a veteran diplomat known, but his professional approach. and i think dr. kind of up to you would be considered a safe pair of hands to his public persona. is that of a quiet, professional diplomat. he's there is no footage of him screaming and yelling were the insulting people or insulting for our leaders and here and there. he's the sort of like dr. appleton. i mean, after long young i think the doctor may sees for administer quiet,
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but professional. he is seen as a centrist i'm, i'm sure that uh, he will be reflecting uh he will. he is, and he's not a controversial figure, but he will be important. he is a, he will be a member of the supreme national security council. of course, assuming that he gets a vote of confidence, which i think he will, he will be a member of the supreme national security council. he will be the president's most important advisor when it comes to foreign affairs. he has a very good relationship with all of the different branches of state. so again, i think he would be considered a safe pair of pants. he does. there is no controversy surrounding him. there is no media like a video of him, or is it insulting or for a leader or that he does? he, there is no videos of him. you know, he's, he's known to be very quiet and professional, legitimate businesses, all accounting. that loss is up to 10 days of nationwide protests against the
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rising cost of living. the demonstrations ton violence in many states resulting in the depths of at least 22 people haven't addressed upholstered uh, from the northern states have comment after 10 days of disruptive protest. singer, one of the 10 major markets in get a 2nd most popular city, is slowly coming back to life. retailers restock as labor as work to make up for lost income. the market of fishes estimate $5000000.00 in sales. why last for each day? the market was closed. this market and uh it is uh, not saving only uh, people have cpanel. it is uh, saving it wasn't the neighboring states and also, uh some, uh, uh, so my country that's a lot of nibbled and like, uh, what are the nigeria. so i think uh, in room for me just sad jim what room he says customers from other states and
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neighboring countries stopped coming days before the start of the demonstrations. disruption to production and supply chain fiscal year, short digits of goods that select surprises in some areas jump seems like print, defies defense, including a few kilometers away. another businessman counts as losses of to riotous, looted and destroyed goods with more than $2000000.00. the government also took a hit facilities like this technology help have been stripped back by lucas most westbrook testers demonstrating against bad governance. and rising cost of living, destruction to property and lives have been reported in many parts of the country. when the economy stores the impact of the progress and the economy is huge. yeah. that's where many isn't this is that i it us types of production in nigeria. so it has cbs. any impact on the level of employment in addition to that,
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so many investment opportunities where i live in nigeria. but the concern he says is how to restore that invest investor confidence. you suggest that the next 6 months that crucial in determining whether the negative impact of the protest would be long or short lived, depending on how the government response to the crisis increase. you see that kind of us, these families and 62 people killed in a plane crash in brazil, a helping forensic teams identify the bodies. investigate is analyzing the flight to code, is to determine what caused the plane to plunge into a residential area. and they saw paula on friday, monica, you gotta keep, it pulls from re edition that right? emergency responders working in the rain in around the clock to retrieve all 62 bodies, victims of a deadly plane crash on friday. that since shop sleeves across for sale,
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family members are being asked by a stories to help identify their relatives at the legal medical institute of some follow where the bodies were taken. fremont, we're concentrating on providing specialized assistance from psychologist social workers and legal advisor to meet the families requirements and priorities with focusing on the well being of the families. more than 50 bodies have been recovered, but most or so badly burned. identification will take time to discuss that the body's work have an ice and i being transferred to morgan, south palo, where they will be x rayed, and then a test will be done to identify them to the aircraft was carrying 50 passengers and 4 crew members from the southern state of butter not to preserve the largest city some follow when disaster struck. nearing its destination, the plain suddenly lost speed and altitude,
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spinning out of control and plunging to the ground. it exploded on impact in the backyard of a house. in the midst of a residential condominium complex, the, there were 3 people in the house. me, my wife and the night. we are a little fun. at the time we thought it was a helicopter crashing. i was almost leaving the house and suddenly we sold a craft exploding in the back. yeah. press cures, rushed to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. then they began to search for bodies and the debris. the regional airline company boy boss released the name of all the victims, among them a family from venezuela and a teacher from portugal. brazilian authorities have already recovered the to flight recorders, which they say will help them piece together. what happened? brazil's air force has already said that the pilot did not report an emergency for adverse weather conditions. for so enough stories save the investigation to
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determine the cause of the tragedy should take at least a month. monica not give all g a 0. we addition narrow its own calls, the old lines, the syllabus with its streets and even in spite scenes in the movie blade runner. but the government says that a safety basis, so that being replaced with cheap and more efficient lights, but it's laura westbrook report. some young people are trying to keep the tradition alive. these are some of the last remaining neon signs and hong kong advertising porn shops. and much on paula's concerns about decades old science pulling down have lead to strict safety rules on size and placement. about $3000.00 signs of being taken down each year since 2018 and streets have gone from this to this. 83 year old mazda wong is one of home comes last,
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remaining neon light crossman. he's watched from the studio for food. yes, cx. but the benz gloss tube with his self designs blow torch to cross the complex characters, filling the tubes with gas and running a current through them to give them that unique glow. in the 19 eighties and nineties, the streets, westfield, with neon signs, as businesses tried to out shine each other, don't want a cheering its heyday. there were many on most is doing this work. but now because these most is it getting older and due to types of government regulations, not much in the on the sign work is done anymore. i think there are only 7 or right and the on must is left. well, some businesses have commissioned new neon signs that meets the safety requirements . mazda long says, demand has dwindled, and most of his business is repair away on existing signs around the city. the warm


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