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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 12, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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some of the leads or open arms group dedicated to the creation of a jewish homeland. the 1st preachers committed of jewish methods, these problems cyprus, to turn the man the gang, and the states are known to 0. the . ready ready hezbollah finds a badge of rockets into northern israel, targeting several towns on middle east watch the us boost such a military presence in the region as the tension escalate. the hello on a visit to put on and this is out of your life from the hot also coming up, russian release is the process of what it says of a tax on your training and tags. the head of advanced faith into russian territory
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. i'm paris unless them stop power, as it has the in the fashion to los angeles, the, the lebanese group, hezbollah has filed a badge of rockets sentinels. and israel, the salvo set off simon's in a to is very towns and villages, as well as has about food. he's watkins for 5. it's, i'm done a defense system and deceptive. some of them. they have been no reports of casualties, sofa, and the statement as well. as soon as it was in retaliation, as well as the tax on the southern villages, another known as a bank has moved from marshall hewn. we have had a lot in the last few days talking to target some of israel surveillance equipment . so that could be some of the reason these rockets are getting through the, the,
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the video, the images that we're seeing. you can see the rockets going through the air and making impact and that's quite significant. and in previous days we have had, has but also launched drones further into drugs. so right now what it seems like is that through the citric attack that has the law has known as a response to israel to attack on southern level on, but what signature can do that. so many of these rockets have managed to get through at least the i make impacts on what we can do. we've been given jones full day and most of them by when we were good here. that drones overhead is where you drones. so they in the state of hyper surveillance. but what happened is that the but get into and as is right awaits his laws. promised responds to the claim of a senior commander slide show for the us is urgently boosting its military presence in the middle east. because of rising tension defense secretary lloyd austin has
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accidentally hit the transition of an aircraft carrier to the region. he's also one of the deployment of a guided missile submarine she, how baton she has moved from washington dc to the details in the read out of the coal between lloyd austin us secretary defense and is rarely accounts about has raised some eyebrows festival secretary austin, that has ordered the us as abraham lincoln stripe group to accelerate its transit to the central come on the area of responsibility when the this carrier group left in on august, it was due to arrive in the red sea sometime around august. the 16th probably late of august, the 16 so often next friday is not clear whether the successor ration what that means for that timeframe, or even if it's still going to the red sea. we understand the category left guam, either on saturday or just before that's still a long way away, so it's not clear how much quicker it can get to the central compound area
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responsibility. secondly, them, it says that it will be adding to the capabilities already provided by the us. as theodore roosevelt carrot group. when it shut off, it was supposed to be really leaving the us espia door roosevelt carrier group that appears in the theater roosevelt isn't going anywhere. this would appear then to be another extended deployment. which was saying constantly was saying the that the result is stretched and very thin. and i'm, i'm the stress on those boards and within these kind of groups, a big being much hiking to it has been reported. and then also we, we were told that the secretary is older, the us as georgia guided missiles submarine to the central c'mon region. the reason websites. and if it is, we never usually hear about the movements of us or brings those are usually kept the top secret. the element of surprise, clearly that's the message to someone in less ways. we can all take a guess as to whom. but we do understand these carrier groups, i'll ballistic missile defense capable. so that means they're able to shoot down
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projectiles. missiles, drones, very much on it. and then something about is what the us and israel is bracing for it in the same way that it and it, it matters to the shoot down drones and missiles in april from, from around in about 10, a growth that telegraphed attack. so clearly it's a message, but it still appeared necessarily how soon suddenly the carriage groups will arrive in the reason she ever time see out is here at washington, is not a hoodie is a distinguished public policy fellow over the americans university of b route and he says the us and as we're out of maintaining close military coordination, ahead of retaliatory attacks that happens russian by iran and has bola, the expectations in the united states. and israel are very high and loving and as well people think there's going to be a big attack probably from his beloved and the wrong the wrong meals as well. uh, being very corey, about this,
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they're really what they're doing is pretty extensive psychological warfare. more than anything else, right now, keeping this really is on edge, i'm not just is really army, which is quite a strep. so exhausted and still hasn't achieved its objectives and goes about these really population. and these really economy, all of these things are being hit very badly. and this is one of the things that has some sort of, of a $150.00 a month to months ago. the strategy was to just keep doing small things to keep the israelis deployed momentarily in the notice of evacuated the civilians. i'll keep everybody else on the edge because visible showing that it's drones can penetrate these ready defense systems. they're not playing the old game with one side, choose the other side, which practice is much more serious. the hope is that this will eventually push these release to get out of gas and finally, and accept the political resolution of this of this complex that doesn't solve the
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overall tensions in the region. because it's real simple cheers as well and still sees around it. that's number one for miss thomas has released the statement on kohls why casa egypt and the us to resume, satisfied to works. it wants to mediate, has to present a plan based on pos, towards ronald's and staffing negotiations. in the statement, the group says we caught on the mediation, has to submit a plan to implement what they presented to the movement and approved on the 2nd of july based on joe and biden's vision. and the security council resolution and oblige is around to do so. instead of going to move out of negotiations, a new proposals that provide cover for me as well as a question well, is there any government has band out? is there a fund proposing this a honda fund who it has reaction from jordan's capital a mon in a statement him, as has said that they want to go back to the original framework outlined by us president joe biden on may 31st. so this is the framework,
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these really is had said they had agreed to that was brought forth by the americans . it was a 3 part plan that would ultimately see an end to the war. in the 3rd phase. now there were negotiations that were on going in the month of june and july, but they were the railed and constantly failing due to continued as really bombardment in gone. so how mass of the time had released several statements saying that continued is really aggression was not going to work if they were going to negotiate a ceasefire. and we saw this just the other day when a school in gauze, the city was struck, killing at least a 100 palestinians. now how is really media is reading into this, this thing that has, has rejected the framework of the talks altogether, but that is not true. a mess and saying that they want to go back to the initial plan that was on the table. how much has accused israel of adding amendments to the deal while these really is have a q come out of adding several other conditions that were not previously agreed
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upon. but we also have to remember that there are 2 hard liners on each side of the negotiating table. you have benjamin netanyahu, who's gone into these negotiations with several red line, several non negotiable. and how may i ask, who has said that they want to see ultimately an end to the war entirely? and yes, yes. and what is going to be representing him as indeed in direct negotiations for the 1st time. so there are a lot of moving parts here, but ultimately what him as the saying is that they want to go back to that initial framework and not what's been added by these really understand who it is as either a man just 2 days off to one of his wells biggest attacks and that's 10 multiple palestinians, fear they will be many more casualties on sundays. really forces has a refugee camp in central gaza. and in the south is confusion of a way to go next off to tens of thousands of palestinians were ordered to flee these shelters. victoria gave shouldn't be reports
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displaced, published in union, surviving a make shift, tends, in hon. eunice watching dismay as these weighty army drops leaflets, ordering them to slee again, one of the year. where do i go? i don't know where to go because there is no place. all the places are crowded. we are sitting here waiting for the goats relief. this is the 3rd is really minutes. we have sold from the city in southern gauze as since last october. then when you force leave your home, you do not know what to do or where to go. we had already been displaced from the north, meaning we were left with little possessions. there was nothing left to carry. palestinian say no way in the besieged trip is safe. the come come. this is my 5th or 6th displacement. currently there is an official order to evacuate the how much city area where we going. we don't know. they say that milwaukee is a safety area, but i don't believe that there is indeed an issue military and zone about the in
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central goals. and it's really strikes you to house in a residential area. and now let's say right, refugee camp, that internally displaced people in this neighborhood. people lived in this house, some displaced people were killed, others were injured. in northern gauze it is ready to see show the house in the shake, red one neighborhood have gone through the city. the injured were rushed to a nearby suspicion. the. 6 filled with people, the suit was filled with people. look at it now. as they sit through the rubble, many say it wouldn't be long before their lives were risk again, victoria gates and b, i will just say we're of the
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russians. defense ministry has released photos of what it says, the strikes on ukrainian tanks and drugs and across region. ukraine's military made a surprise attack into western parts of the russian region on tuesday. russian deployed extra forces and 3 board regents on some saturday to stop your clients advances. cuz government has ordered the evacuation of civilians. well, russia still controls much of ukraine's eastern tower. tre withdrawn yet, remains underbrush and control. but you clients incursion into coast because for the notes, then the main front line is the largest cross border attack by ukraine since the war began in february 2022. the coastal region contains nuclear, oil and gas power plants which distribute electricity into southern russia. holland outland, as a form, a naval officer and a senior adviser with the atlanta council. he says, ukraine may have gained a strategic foot whole with its incursion into russia. 03 extremely
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important and strategic targets encouraged. not only is a nuclear power plant, one. there is a major gas and oil distribution center, and there's the major electrical distribution center as well. so you've got 3 areas that are absolutely vital and i believe, and i'm speculating, the reason that the ukrainians decided to advance and to ukraine was to control the electrical power distribution and the gas and oil distribution. this poses a huge problem for russia because ukrainians are able to control these sites. then they're going to be able to drain electricity from the russian grid. but also, it will be capable of shutting off a major source of power too much of russia. this poses a huge strategic problem for moscow if my argument is correct. and so what did the
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russians do? they are drained of troops. they've had enormous losses. even though the incursion of ukraine is probably the wretched middle size. maybe 3 or 4000 troops. the strategic reasons are very, very serious. so what does russia do? they can obviously threaten some kind of nuclear retaliation. but suppose ukraine, besides to cut off electricity in the gas and oil, much of southern russia, that would be catastrophic. so with my art position is correct, this is an extraordinary situation right now in which ukraine may have great strategic labs. it may not, but we need to consider this possibility. so the us nuclear watchdog says europe's largest nuclear power plant and ukraine is still safe to supplies. a cooling towel being damaged and a fine and separate statements. russian and ukrainian authorities confirmed the damage in south asia. but you clients,
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presidents as radiation indicators on normal, will automatically lensky blaine's russian troops for lighting the blaze. the russians occupied the plot. they blamed the file on declining, showing. let's say it's under control. so the head on algebra, a final farewell for one of 3 girls whose kenning spots race riots across the u. k . i n francis home for sure. you've already motion mazda stroke and other big performance of the power, send them fix the the we can say goodbye is a debbie now as a here to fix is still on the ground, particularly in eastern canada. and we look back to the position of the world, the great plains, pleasing giants on the stones. and they go to be slow, the east,
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i think through their higher valley, but stretching down towards arkansas. the still rain in these inside are canada and the still showers developing over all the mountains and stays in in the west. and yes, it's still pretty hot down the south, west, 4041. so that just feeds into it. but the progression of shells of the mountains developing to the funds stones in the plains did you still carries on as you might expect this time the the right in central america has been focusing recently in venezuela. the northeast event is weather in trinidad. but i think more likely it's going to be showing itself in nicaragua, once more down to costa rican to was panama and the heavy shells of to potentially that in columbia and equitable it looks pretty dry science. was that despite the dryness, the wouldn't come yet from the south means the sun isn't that effective in places like monday, the day should be around about the 17 mach evening this time of the year, but with a huge circulation is a cold wind. only 9 for you. however, most of option teen at most and shit. a sun is dominant except down in patagonia
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with americans. more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics. the bottom line on prompted and uninterrupted discussions from a london broad cost center on al jazeera, the the, the,
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me, it is a can put on and to have a mind about top stories, solid $11.00 on the group has by law has 5 and foundation from that since knowing israel, almost sense of silence in a sort of the towns and villages as well as has its own don't a defense system intercept. some of the rockets is ready for most of all the thousands of miles demands to leave the shelter. as i'm calling you, this is fine, is continuous combatants and southern gaza. 2 days often more than a 100 people were killed. and one of the biggest attacks and russians defense ministry has released patricia of what it says a strikes on ukrainian tracks and drones. and the cost region declines whether we made a surprise attack and to the west and pops up the russian beach. and on tuesday the funeral has been held for one of the children killed and a knife attacking the bushes. child of south pole was 9 year old alice, a guy,
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and 2 all the young girls died while the dance workshop in july riots with spots across the u. k. by fall suggestion, the suspect of the kennings was a new migrant. lower con, has moved from south for this funeral cortege is taking the body of 9 year old. was the soviet a guy to a catholic church in southport members of the community here. feel hot, square can, and stunned that such a vibrant go who loved dogs came to such a violent. and we talked about which high school you might attend about growing up, having a big house with the garden and having children, children who will never happy. we will never help erase it has will never seen you grow up friends, relatives, and also police officers. paramedics and charity walk is have come to support the family. this is the 1st funeral for this 3 children. stop to death. don't spotty on
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july. the 29th, while the funeral possession has taken place, just behind me in this soul and grieving town. no one head could have been imagined, a task like this taking place. but it was false information spread online about the same citizenship status of religion. that quickly ignited, buying the riots on july, the 30th. what was supposed to be a peaceful vigil instead turned into this full rise in spite groups writing a talking of most on police and destroying property. apparent to fidget onto just as the local people here say was unjustified and unwanted. seemed to find that site this brooks cities and towns across the u. k. y just set fire to to hotels, housing asylum, see cuz with vulnerable and terrified people stranded helplessly inside. probably me to secure stoba health, 3 emergency meetings and is down the street residence and session to motion the
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biggest policing operation in decades to point 6000 of right trade offices on the streets of the u. k. more than 700 people sofa being arrested with many fits present or facing the punishment. but on wednesday, as most all right gatherings were planned, tens of thousands of people took the streets and shows pulse against racism, saying the narrative of a diverse and tolerant country had been hijacked by violence minority. but it's left many people questioning the source of the underlying i ended up commended on rest. so quickly and wondering how the spread of false information online could spill over into such widespread silence on the streets of person, nor how l 20 south port for hundreds of people have been evacuated from a hotel in australia, off to helicopter, crashed onto the roof kidding,
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the pilot that happened in the northeastern city of cans, just before 2 in the morning, local time, emergency officials say mangled pieces of the helicopters, propeller landed in the hotel pool after the cross crashed and burst into flames. an elderly man and woman, though in a stable condition and hospitals. the death toll is going up to $21.00, and uganda is recovery tain. search for mobility is often a rubbish dump, collapse. people living near the continues the landfill cited as often may have been triggered by torrential rain. catherine solar reports decides for missing people, buried in this rubbish site in compiler is not over, but he's on likely anyone who will be found to live. many see the i yet to find the last one. open housing with rescue operations. nelson comp time, se he's 4 year old child and wife, a buried underneath the garbage. whatever to yesterday in the morning i woke up as
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usual. i left at 7 am to take a child to school one and adult 10 minutes after i left. i received a call from my neighbor, asking me if i was homeless. so when i returned to my house was no more. i came back to this trash the doing that, that the incident happened when a section of a waste disposal sites collapsed, following heavy rings, more than 1000 people have lost their homes. ah, yes said the boy had few moving the treatments. months that has been double moving equipment. i know many of the sites or i'll take it off of the landfill, had been used to store rubbish from the city for decades and was overflowing. this will leave here, see it's a health hazards and was a disaster waiting to happen. the government has proceeded, closing the sites,
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and commissioning elijah one outside the city for that plan has not been acted on the single why that when i run to what i want the most was to find my loved ones. so i can give them a befitting burial is you can instead of leading them berries here. for now, all people here can do is to try to come to tom's. what's happened in grief for those they've lost, catherine, sorry. i'll just narrow cities across instantly on reading that during a prolonged heat wave popular holiday destination such as florence involved and has seen the houses temperatures of the yeah. and sicily temperatures had 40 degrees celsius. southern western and central europe are facing a heat wave. the scorching temperature is a full cost to remain for at least a week. an estimate of 9000000 houses having a band and in japan as its population shrinks. many rural areas of becoming goes
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tons because of an aging population load the phrase and the younger people move into the cities. brought mcbride travel to non bulk who a village about a 100 calories has north west of tokyo to find out more. to work in that confection restore massa yuki and the son. she gives you a teacher that to august 3rd and 4th generations of a family business that's been in the village of non maku for a 140 is. the shop is on what was once the bustling high street. or where do you and you can, they used to be about 40 shops along the street. now there were only 4 businesses left. everything else closed and there were no young people, little children in little mold in a generation. the population has shrunk by nearly 90 percent, with 2 thirds of the residents older than 65 nationally to kind of cheat the landlord last year with the number of its citizens being over 18 tilting 10 percent of the population for the 1st time. in this rapidly aging society,
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this one village still homes, the reco having the oldest inhabitants. it's one of 20 communities in this prefecture, that could vanish by 2050. the neighboring town is kinda is lucky. a thanks to the discovery of a dinosaur, footprint 40 years ago. it revealed the rich sol, so fossils on which it's built to visit a center with a thriving tourist, right. consequently, they don't stick with you to cut them any time and he's come here and it's different visits and it's great. he resigned, utilized our town backing on maku some of the few new buildings built by the village itself in the hope of attracting new comers with subsidize rents. utah santo moved here with his family to work remotely, also becoming a community volunteer to help elderly neighbors. he's realistic about adapting to inevitable decline and may be merging with other communities. yeah, i thought to create something new. sometimes
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a reset is necessary. i thought this might be the case for this village or other so whether that's good or bad, we have to move forward so well listening to the opinions of the rest of the well then he's bakery hate 5 year old master yuki tells us the toughest part of watching his generation fade away is the loveliness, his son. she yuki hopes the place can be turned around. yeah, it would be nice to have more life we to and he says to have more houses and they to put nice rub mcbride. i'll just say era, non local village japan, the power. so the inputs have ended installed off to 2 weeks of the late competition. the us talk the middle table while host phones with host fond, secure, and the biggest hole for move in the century. natasha buckler reports from paris at the start different us, they do match, so i powers the stalls,
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the closing ceremonies, and then pick out the lead from parade. clearly enjoying every movements. morrison windows receive the metals. hundreds of all the chairs. the sun during the dazzling shows dogs music westbridge altis including phoenix, the the ceremony ends more than 2 weeks of spectacular sport with new olympic stalls. dazzling come barks and history may cause like the other for the trip or dump or winning gold for dominique. a dream come true for the athlete. and the 1st of the big metal for the caribbean island. this is a particle of athleticism. they've had a whole sport on the biggest stage in the world, and i always end up on a podium, but to end up on top of the podium for a country with fairly high 73000 people, you're talking about the stadium being almost the same capacity as my population, you know, and so it's just an amazing, amazing feeling, and i'm so grateful that we're moving 10000000 visitors in paris. the city
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transformed into stage for the games with its famous monuments turned into sinews and the rivers send. a sense of peace for swimming events of the decade, long, clean up as for the cities residence for the ins, once loosely cynical about the lympics themselves, the biggest possible. so many people in gainesville copeland, you're not listing and welcome distraction of the week. the country following july, it's not like this was really an amazing experience. oh, that sounds good. i don't feel if you're a bit hesitant, but it's can see pool. well it school everyone's happy. i mean picks a randy without control. vesee though and powers 20. $24.00, how did special including agenda debates and women's boxing. they also concerns about security, but in the end, few incidents. generic
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power is how did the big flag to los angeles, which was the 2028 summer games act to tom cruise, adding a touch of hollywood place to an extraordinary nights and such a butler to 0 powers pull williams has been covering the games for us from paris and he looks at some of the more memorable moments. the sporting events all over at the olympic games in paris, from football and rugby on day 12 basketball on the day 16 nearly a 1000 metals had been handed out. here as some of the highlights, the man who was thrust potable firmly into the spotlight on the planters made his dream come true of this thought. the friends, the suite had already broken the world record 8 times. this time he did, it was like sealing his secondary input goals. another for him just gold wasn't quite enough, was the american sydney mclachlan love roman. she left her challenge as well behind that she defended her 400 metre hurdles title and a new world reco time.


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