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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 12, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the. ringback the the colors overall, but he wants to build it, renews online for my headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes. relentless is rarely strikes on the dogs. at least 15 people are killed. and many more injured across the street. the ukrainian soldiers raised the flag on russian territory joining caution into border regions. moscow says it's fighting back, but tulsa thousands of civilians to evacuate thousands of people off walls to leave
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the homes in greece as hundreds of firefighters bottled wild, 5 mean acids full. so the us special envoy to sit on says tools to and the conflict between the army and the power military force will go ahead in geneva. this week. i'm joining us real skilled with the sports field and picks may be over for another full use for the english premier league and faxing around thought the best of the pre season action is teams for past the is $1500.00, gmc welcome to the news. we saw it in gall, so at least 15 palestinians have been killed across the street since stored on monday. if it gets released by the palestinian central bureau. statistics show is right. the forces of killed 1.8 percent of guns as population since it began it's on sloth in october. at least 3 people have been killed by his right. the forces in
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gauze the city, including a baby after a family who were showed in the south. and of course, if you found that the is really, i mean the building in the building has civilians. and that unfortunately, we fund my cousin was my cousin's wife and this child's bodies and pieces of equipment. and so now we're still looking for the child's head off for the south and calling eunice palestinians all morning. loved ones killed and is really a tax. nasir hospital in the city receive the bodies of the team palestinians, including a child that funerals were held on monday morning and tens of thousands of palestinians of being forced to flee that homes and eastern parts of con eunice. as he's right. the ministry once again renews, it's offensive that honey, my food is income you. it is on. he said, the latest update in the past in months these really are a tox, carried out across the gauze, is from not only the cause, civility and casualty. further civilian cause of the re, a talk has an after not the, the, the civilian casualties,
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the destruction that is cause to almost all means of life to the point. there are areas across the gospel it across the gaza strip, are more of a waste plan. there is no way people can go back and carry out in normal life in these areas. something that has been feeding into a, an overwhelming feeling that this is a permanent displacement. this is what this really military is after the explosion of how the simians are from the areas where they lived for the past 2 years, all of their life. it also changed. it changed their views of life as the new it before to birth 7, we're talking about public facilities infrastructure as entire residential. the blacks are gone with all the memories that people have, with everything that they build with their own hand, that the memories they created in these neighborhoods. these areas tracts continue up to this moment, more of it just few minutes ago. we could hear that clearly the ongoing are tailors of the eastern part of hon. eunice and the syndrome area emilio and the raise
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didn't belong to the be the southern eastern part of, of the city of theater. but i even deeper inside the central area and the site out review. cam has been in torres side of relentless attacks to the overnights. early hours of this morning, more of the buildings are, are destroyed, to that is already as strongly going to school in goals as that he killed them all the 100 pal experience on the site today. that was the 8th time. and among that israel had brought him to school sheltering, displaced people, because there was an assumption of reef. how does this report on the optimal? i know it was a decimal form where inside the out to be in school prayer room. in the aftermath of the massacre perpetrated by these riley forces against innocent civilians who were simply offering don't press more than a 100. pulsating ends were killed. dozens more injured to school. hundreds of palestinians were sheltering was targeted and hit by a number of miss i was fired from is riley will planes. the extent of the damage is
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clearly visible. lots of glasses on the flow pieces of cloth, even body parts. and people are still looking for the remains of the relatives that i came running to search for my family. my father was killed in my brother's legs, were both suffered. i am proud my father and brother died as marchers of the for the, the lower the, the but i'm now on the upper level of the most. it was also targeted by an israeli will apply. and you can see the whole where the missile penetrate to the roof. on the lower level, dozens of women were praying on the low level and were killed and injured. these are some of the parts of the miss south side for me is very jet on innocent display civilians are children here in the school. despite the danger many families have returned to the school and the fact they have nowhere else to go along. and i didn't want to leave and my son is suffering from long fibrosis. we hardly survived the attack. i carried my son and run 4 lives. by the time i go down,
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i saw hundreds of dead bodies blown to pieces. even scott, to it outside the school building body organs, stuck on the walls. horrific scenes beyond descriptions, beyond reason. we have no way to go. so we returned to the school with the most basic necessities of life are totally absent. how the whole i'm a shut definitely my benefits at the scene of the outcome bean school where displays, palestinians with shouts are in a news, riley military committed this massacre of the study. if i didn't give you the medina that has tension on the border between israel and level is rising as retaliatory. attacks, continue and has blown, threatens to carry out a larger offensive late on sunday. the liberties on groups that it find a volley of rocket sentinels and is royal in response to an israeli attack on southern lebanon last week was in it called, are upholstered uh, from the lebanese capital favorites. it was
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a late night attack or response to as well as targeting of southern villages. not the promised retaliation for the killing of hezbollah was leading military commander. the armed group has been firing rockets at army targets across the board for more than 10 months triggered by the war on garza but there was a message in the latest operation. today in fulton, in the light of the preferred nation of the uranian hezbollah joined or separate the attack on these right as a retaliation. with these rise in there on the route to test, always defend their ability of the island down and try to flooded has velocity is really military or bracing for a potentially larger conflict in recent days as well. strikes have become more frequent and more intense. the aim appears to be to limit the hezbollah as ability to maneuver, but the arms group continues to strike back,
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expanding its range of targets, but still in largely the populated areas. the exchange of fire, however, is still within the unwritten rules of engagement, which means the focus is still on military targets in relation to the right directories and exchanges a fight that we have been witnessing during dispute. it has been very much since the localized as well continues with its targeted killings. and there is no frontline there happening beyond the border region as well as promising what it calls an unprecedented response to any major attacks. the region is on edge for days now is really and western intelligence sources have been speculating on the type and climbing of retaliation that has the law and iran will mount in response to as well as recent assassinations. there are some reports suggesting that it could happen as early as monday, with others saying,
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how's the attacks 1st and the run hours later? sonic booms are creating panic across lebanon, including the capital b. root is really war. planes have been increasingly breaking the sound barrier. it's psychological warfare is really reconnaissance. drones have also increased the numbers over lebanon's aerospace to detect launches in real time. as recent assessments indicate international pressure has failed to restrain iran. and it's like has beloved from trying to draw new lines center for their eligibility to be route to that as well as defense minutes. so you have go on says that threats to the country from both iran and has blown in lab. it includes materialize by me, my whole name on the in recent days. we think the voting of time to both strengthening the defense and creating offensive alternatives as a reaction and initiative if required anywhere with the main goal, being the protection of the citizens of the state of israel be, i mean,
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should lead to the quote we are in the period of vigilance and preparation at a time when the threats from to around them, they route to materialize from the select or the stuff i'm jordan's capital about him because he's really government has done dollars. is there a form reporting from within its board as how it happened? i mean, go on to obviously just saying that that, that ready for both the pad and the vigilant of any threat, some tyrone and they root, it's anyone's guess. there isn't it as to whether an attack is imminent. well that's yet to be seen, but these really say that they are prepared on all fronts. in fact, israel's defense minister, jo, i've got one, has been speaking on an almost daily basis, holding the situational and security assessments with top security and defense officials like the army chief of staff saying that they're trying to ready on all fronts. in fact, these really military has conducted a drill in israel's north,
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which was seen as one of the largest drills they've conducted since the war began. and essentially they were simulating on all out war with lebanon. but gallons have said that israel is ready to quickly make the switch from defensive to office. they've been there are some within these really security establishment who think that a pre emptive strike on either the audience or his bowl on the larger scale is the way to solve this problem. but gallant is essentially saying that there shouldn't be panic among israelis, that israel is prepared and they have significant capabilities. and that they're ready to act in an unprecedented way. but we also have to note that the weapons capability is above his, bola, and 8 on are not known to these rallies. the weapons capabilities are far more sophisticated than what israel usually deals with in terms of short range rockets. so there is a lot of moving parts here, but israel says that they are preparing on all from the time that we often have
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leaks and room is coming out of government circles. but what more we hearing about this, a parent raced between deland and the israeli prime minister as well. it started out as leaks from meetings was actually confirmed by both jo, a guidelines and is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu in separate statements . so there was a meeting earlier in the day in which you are going to sensually said that missing yahoo, his term of absolute victory, something he's been saying for over 10 months is gibberish. and that there needs to be a concrete plan on the ground that these really military is continuing its fight even guns. uh, but benjamin netanyahu then released the statement saying, the gallant is taking an anti israel position here. and instead of criticizing yes, yes. and what, who doesn't want to send the delegation to the talks on august 15th, that according to benjamin netanyahu, gallons is insulting israel's plans and nothing yahoo reiterated in his statement,
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but an absolute victory is necessary and that means that some us would no longer have any sort of capabilities and that they wouldn't be a threat to israel moving forward. however, you'll have gallant in his meeting did stress that he is in favor of a deal to bring about the release of the remaining captives. he is in favor of a ceasefire deal because that he says is ultimately what his role is working for. and you'll recall, but how must release the statement calling on mediators to go back to the original framework that was released by us presidential by to not be a dismay, that to be, is rarely as had agreed to as well. so israel is seeing that as how much has refusal to participate in the talks. and some definitely that thanks very much for that update tools will depend with homes on when things develop, pun she's reporting from jolt because as well as government has been involved as they are from broadcasting from within its borders. now, washington is boosting its military presence in the middle east, due to rising tensions defense equity lloyd austin says he's accelerate to the
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translates of an aircraft carrier to the region. he's also old of the deployment of a submarine, country guided missiles. let's get more of this from. i'll just have a senior political unless one shot to join us by scott, from parsley by one, and also moving parts fairly to a busy day in the middle east. can we just begin with that military hardware that's being sent to the mediterranean and the anticipation of the rainy and attack on israel? i mean the us sun that i in cloud support taking no chances here. but i'm, i'm not sure what does it exactly mean? first, that moving parts and 2nd the chances. so what are the georgia something marine and that includes aircraft carriers forced to do exactly. i'm not really, because i don't understand military hardware and strategy. i just don't understand . it might constructed you. what are the executives that include the ball lawn if it bombs is read? do they really want to bump it wrong? because one thing is what they did it back in april,
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which is to help is the defend instead of $34.00, any initiatives that package with bacterial batteries and so on, so forth. but when you send our mothers in, what exactly are you saying that you're going to bomb uranium ports iranian bases. you actually wanna start a whole middle east for many days after. if you're wrong response to is assassination and violation of a sovereign thing. i don't, i mean, i don't get exactly the stuff to share and the monitors are not expecting the strategy. what is the strategy behind spending so much hardware to them at least let alone the fact that there's all already a number of american military bases in the middle east. and there is a huge amount of hardware america and hardware in the middle is, is it or did the to get on from carrying an action i guess is read or is it
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actually to prepare the ground floor, possibles? retaliation? i guess you're on is what is that, that, that the lots or would it be quite reckless? it does seem that there is this. as we've seen over 10 months sunset may have a decade, just unity between the us and israel that we always have so much about about the iron clad support for each other. yet this rift between the defense, minnesota and the is really probably minnesota is it gives you more and more difficult for the us to understand how to negotiate the politics of israel and who to talk to us the days progress you know, with get on saying is something that by didn't have said all along the is really military establishment, even though the girl onto is actually a member of the gods. the canal is spotty. but he does are present in this composition, the military establishment or the military mindset and dominican of much it's closer to american mindset in the sense that because to the organ garza is needed
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to re establish is the tenants. and is there a supremacy and by this time and so they understand it, and it's a fidget for all, but nothing. you know, i'm company, most fanatics to the right of nothing, you know, add nothing. you know, i just wanted our majority in american congress to the side. they don't just looked at the question of the terms and supplements. they actually want a great awards that allows him to do a great day of great the ethnic cleansing. and by the side, they actually want some of them are imagine off to one out of my get that meaning the end of days. they actually the thinking biblical terms about more about the one about dragging everyone into a major. last back, the blood should gain the so called holy land. so there are those reckless people and then there is nothing. yeah. reckless ambitious. and it's the entire country
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and the region at the brink puts his own personal. i can't imagine how they're cystic, how fanatical, how precious this man must be. to put the entire region at the brink to the ice decide with his find that the most extreme killers of his government, i guess, submitted to the establishment of the state. again, since may and all i by then who continues to be here, minute did, but then the all but continues also to following into sports. so nothing you know is, is 3 happy about the fact that after 20 years of lot being forwarded. he's bringing america to a potential direct confrontation with you on we'll leave you that for the ball, but we'll talk about more of those moving parts later in the elders their day. thanks very much for joining us from powers. the, the 10s of thousands of russians to be in order to evacuate pumps of to both
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regions and to attacked by ukrainian treats the governor of russia's coast regions says ukraine is coming in control of 28. supplements about 12 kilometers into the russian territory. defense editor and its good top left tripled forcing your bushes . cruise region has been raging for a week, as russian troops tried to stop the advance of ukrainian forces. but with the situation apparently deteriorating for russia, the governor of the neighboring building road region announced evacuation of russian civilians from a boat at district limits. but also what was the level of evidence in order to secure the life and health of our population. we are beginning to move people who live in the customer out of slootsky district. the safer place is in a possible expansion of ukraine's operation. its soldiers fighting alongside georgine volunteers was seen in the belgrade villages, perot's quality lapka in russia. and just across the border,
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the operation is being a boost to ukrainian morale, as they perceive their forces to be given russia, taste bits of medicine, you know, should they put sleep on able to. yes, are supported. the fact that they went that i support that. that's what they deserved with, let them feel what we feel, let them live in off the skin. russian or ukrainian. it is the civilian population that always suffers and this will fall into units in russia now organizing the distribution of food an a is people sleep with what little they can carry. the 1st of the question and then you'll know over it what we need is new bedding sleeping bags, blankets, and some other things all because the nights will ready. quite chilly and it's august. it's approaching often. unfortunately, we don't know how long the situation will continue. it was each day that pulses president vladimir putin, these looking weaker as what was at 1st a raid by ukrainian forces. now looks like a whitening operation carried out on parson soil. alex gets helpless. hodges, here,
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the grease is called for help from the european union to battle and contain the mass of blaze on the outskirts of the capitol, athens. thousands of people including hospital patients of being evacuated from towns as flames. bend through trees, homes because during the whole house, the latest ash clouds over the acropolis on sunday, as wild fires tool through forested areas. north east of the capital athens. by monday, the blaze was set to be moving like lightning across a 20 killer to front. apparently beyond the control of firefighters, large pots of mount been deadly oral. so ablaze with, i'm going to find out what am i got along the front of the fire is really huge, and it's, i'm controllable. right now. behind are all the all have guides for you. all of the, all of the bonus list here was a good year for oil. and so now we really don't know what is coming next. we don't know if and when the file will end up there. by mid morning, monday,
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residents with 11 villages and towns had been ordered to evacuate with volunteers unofficial. scrambling to assist the ancient town of madison is also at risk with residence, the told to head towards the coast, to my boat, off the mobile foot. many remain doing whatever they can to save their homes and possessions. phenomenal motorcycle equipment. it hurts. we have grown up in the forest. we feel great sadness and anger for the flames surrounded me. i couldn't see he's a pine tree and this happened all to bombing at croft helicopters and 5 trucks with ceaselessly since sunday the task made ever more difficult by gale force winds and weather conditions suggest things may only get worse with the round hoff the country under a red, the lid for one of the fines. they see it june and july with the hottest month on
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record. and in the athens area, strong winds are set to continue with mondays. temperature expected to reach 139 degrees celsius. yet for all that these are increasingly familiar seems environment list will, and the grease is a summer time tinderbox. last year 28 people were killed in wild files across the country. and 6 years ago in 2018, a 104 people died. as far as devastated the seaside result of mattie showed her how else to 0 after more than a year of fighting between the old forces and the power of military rapids support forces ensued on the us. special envoy has says, peace talks, we'll go ahead this week. told me pretty. i made the comments. that's a briefing in geneva. we would have preferred for these talks to start in april when we tried. we've been trying for this round, if not, april, may. if not, may, june, and july,
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but we will move forward with this event this week. and that has been made clear to the parties that we have had a commitment engagement from the our assess, we've had extensive engage and with assess. but they have not yet given us an affirmation which would be necessary today for moving forward with seating them on the 14th. let's go say with the hippa morgan, who's in call to been hippa, yes, the talks, we'll go ahead, according to the us, the bigger question is, are they likely to succeed well, considering the fact that the student needs army is yet to agree to be part of the talks and they are a crucial side to be solved. so if they are, succeeds then it doesn't look likely for the time being. and that's because there has been a lots of differences between this it in the side and the us side there. water talks held between the a split between somebody's delegations,
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or to the news representative and us representative indicated the city of attend. on the 9th and 10th of this month, the disability side have requested that they be represented as a government and not as an army. and that there should be southern country that will be of service. that should not be there. they do not want the united arab emirates to be observed as to the upcoming talks. they do not want the ega to the regional block, to be part of the, of the, of the, of the observers. that, that would be also, uh, keeping an eye on the talk. so that because they did not get that information, but that will happen that they will not be any you. are you a representative or representative from ega for the time being they say that they will not go ahead and drawing these talks. we are a staff of course has agreed to is the head of b r a separately. and we just statement saying that he's always been open to any initiative that's will and the suffering and the conflict incidents, including the one that is due to slides on august 14th. but for the time being, it doesn't look like the army will be parts of it. and that's one thing. the us
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special envoy made it very clear. he said that this will be a thought to the process of the c flyer in the absence of confirmation from the to the news army that they will be attending the talks on august 14th. if the will ring sides have a sofa or a pause even discussing the chance to toll can sit at the table, it's really reflected on what's going on on the grounds they all as far apart there as well. so just give us an idea of where you might say the heaviest fighting is at the moment in terms of an update across the country of the well we have the sudanese army on one side making gains in the city of the amount in the sydney capital held up to him over the past few days, they were able to, we getting more territories from the recess, but they've been losing ground elsewhere around the country. they lost the city of saint jed, the city of denver, in the city of in the state of the not now the entire states, almost the entire states is under the control of the rapids support forces. the
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reset has launched attacks into blue nile save that was one of the few states that have been conflicts free since april of last year. and we've seen the recess and the signees army exchange and gunfire in the city of. i'm fascinated, that's the last remaining armies from cold in the dark for region on the capital up north and dar for there's been heavy fighting and the early hours of monday morning they were fighting. there was also fighting on such a date that has led to the that's of civilians as well due to heavy artillery being fired by both sides. so for the time being, the civilians continue to be caught up in the conflict civil and not just in the city of fashion, but in the capital heart to him and elsewhere as well. more than 10000000 people have fled. as a result of the conflict, there's also the issue of assignment that is resulted from the lack of human and terry in a reaching system part specifically them sometime in north are one to the top of the session. so the human service of tuition is dire, but for the time being both sides seem to be determined to win over each other
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military. militarily this regarding the human suffering that has resulted from the conflict on the ground on civilians to the move in the reporting to us from pseudo . thank you. still has here all the officers, it renews out. the guy will take you to the city of hole in the united kingdom, to solely the toy days of riots took place that across the country. they will be here with all the actions on the montreal masters, as the world's best tennis players tune up. i had a vicious sign of grand slam the hello. there is a developing disturbance in the eastern caribbean. it's going to throw rain to these islands here, including barbados. but i want to take this a few days
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a head on wednesday because it looks like this is going to develop into a hurricane. around puerto rico, potentially a category one hurricane. but again, that's the forecast on wednesday. so check back with us back to the here and now today it's still hot in florida. 33 degrees still for the alerts in play for parts of the carolinas. the closer you are to the coast and it is beginning to dry out for the us northeast after rounds of rain, there's still some showers for the lower great lakes and the back profits in canada . so montreal getting straight with a few showers today on monday. it's hot in northern california, yellow, nov, 27 degrees. it's almost 10 above where you should be at this point in the year. and still a few air quality issues persist in for the pacific northwest that has to do with the wildfire burning in california. still, or monsoon downpours for the us southwest. so get ready for that today. on monday and to the top end of south america, we go the range looking quite bad off the coast of ecuador, around southern venezuela, for example. and with the weather maker in the south,
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they buy and tickets throwing quite a bit of wind to montevideo. this is a cool breeze, so i'd be surprised if you get to double digits of the . as the cost of all celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and cause of albany and force, we were meant to be completely ethnically. cleanse people are power, examines the posts for landscape, and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction as possible the making of a states on just a, you know, african stories from african perspectives really. but i need to do more with my life to short document raise by african filmmakers from morocco. and kenya. lucas can cut down your one with the customers. it's,
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can you move them into echoes of unity and canyon on mars? a new series of africa direct on i'll just sierra, the the the spoken activities that are in use with me. so rahman, in dough reminder of all the top stories, at least $25.00 policies have been killed across calls. so it is really attacks and stolen on monday, 18 of them were killed in the southern city of con eunice, mazda of hospital, in the city, received the bodies of 13 palestinians, including a child. at least 11000 russians are being older to evacuate to border regions as
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ukrainian troops continue adding cache. and the governor of the task regions as ukrainian forces of advance 12 kilometer has entered russian time to treat the us special envoy to stones as peace totes will go ahead this week. fighting between the army and the power of military, rapid support pulse is broken out today pro. last year. it's been 75 years since the geneva conventions were established as a framework to ensure the protection of the civilians, detainees, and wounded soldiers during war. the international committee of the red cross overseas, the conventions and says, those have been why big note on don needed non bowls and nasa international humanitarian law is on the strain. disregard this on the mind to justify violence. more than the effort to was must we commit to this robust protective framework for our country?
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one that follows the premise of protecting us. instead of justifying that today, there are more than 120 conflicts recorded by my organization. as like elements and media focused on destruction and ukraine and tasa on conflict. as for, take a similarly shocking towards my infiniti. okay. i spent hundreds of thousands of lives fighting has displaced 8000000 into done and 6000000 in the democratic republic of congo. protracted conflicts and marty, the central african republic, columbia, mozambique, in march, syria and demon, all take it, finding schumann cost the 1949 in geneva conventions, all universal rectified by old un member states including israel. but how do these, what was applied to the own gay warding concept,
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while the 4th geneva convention prohibits as well as an occupying power from deporting or transferring the population. however, the recent evacuation orders appeared to violate this. the convention, so called civilians and guaranteed the free passage of all humanitarian a joy more time. nevertheless, that all claims that israel has deliberately talked with civilians, blocked age venturing, garza and destroyed hospitals, refugee guns, and other facilities. the convention also protects gen, listing complex items. however, more than a 100 john lives have been killed by his body forces since the will began. the convention mondays, the deceased detainees be buried according to the religious practices and that the graves be respect. date reports indicate that his re, the forces of the steps, grades, and prevented family burials. jeffrey nice is a human rights virus that he loved the persecution, the full but sub in li, the some of them, the loss of at trump, the humans international criminal tribunal. for the full but you the slowing the,
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he describes how international the geneva conventions have to be applied by israel as well. of those 4 conventions in the protocol is that all the insurance since have slowly but surely being taken as low. it wasn't necessarily taking those below to begin with, but they are now below. and therefore all countries signed off on offices, it might be and they nearly will not have to evade below. for, to close. if you look at a domestic setting, we have a low, we have people who break the law and it takes time to reduce the amount of offending, and you'll never able to reduce it to nothing, it seems, but that is more his slowly happening in the world and i think the most important example, perhaps starting the optimistic browsers in booby for your viewers, who are concerned about garza was,
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would be to reconsider all to consider the judgements in the advisory opinion of the international court of justice delivered a few weeks ago. what's your title and said quite the degree to which israel has been happening on the side illegally? wrongly, why is that? who put that is the low? i'm that me is the congress dot great britain, but also the united states of america and other countries. kind of go on supporting his road unless they remind israel that the geneva conventions of all the rest of what's now called international humanitarian law has to be applied for decades, such as politicians on media outlets of accuse or have been accused of staking up net negative sentiment against immigrants. let's say it's a directorate cause been exploited by fall right groups. and we some days we've protested as blaming migrants for the economic problems. charles dropped the report style from the city of hole in the northeast of england. there's an air of sadness
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and neglect here, businesses loan closed and rising climb, and the use of drugs is rife now they show fear shame following riots. and so my goods attract businesses. lucy, during what people have described as a powder keg. finally, exploding the people that this once thriving industrial, poor city, have suffered lack of jobs, available, housing, low wages that meets the rising cost of living crisis on a government health system that's been on its knees for years. and that's just the case, right? the way across britain, it's the pole and the working classes that are suffering the most i don't was the victim of what he says was an unprovoked attack me this pub 2 years ago was still suffers from his injuries. he receives government financial support,
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which he says is knows enough, but his family are full. but he hopes he can find a job when he spits enough to work again as a signatory to the you in record g convention, brickman has legal obligations to refugees. and those seeking asylum, highland fields, they get preferential treatment and says they often accept as low as salaries or are exploited by some employers who break the law by paying below the league with the minimum wage. over the past decade, i've seen more immigrants coming from to this country, working on a cheaper way. so not even western, and getting paid also benefit system. and given houses. monk has lived in hollow his life field, associates a widespread belief that really citizens are being treated unfairly. to be honest with yeah, it makes me feel sick to the stomach. is my opinion. all is always being
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a diverse go check from me growing all to the mix race, basically. so it has nothing to do with skin purchase chase these riots now to the we've race all really check these right? yes. i think it's just gotten to a point where the british probably a sick today as the government prioritize in all the new immigrants coming in the country over their own gracious things. volunteers reinforced the fence around a nearby most policeman tries to reassure those who come to friday, pres, many people we tried to talk to, and this could, each community came to the k legally in recent years, but some struggles to speak english and said that too busy working to attend language clauses offered by the government was the was born in britain like yes. say no members of the ethnic minorities in how feel safe,
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no matter how long they've lived here, the fear is real. you know, if people think there's no fee, it is real that they're causing it and especially for all us mothers, all the children, our i'll adopt is not then that if it to come out of poverty and deprivation have been growing for use in many predominately white working cost areas of u. k. cities, many analysts say that's got nothing to do with immigrants put down and his friends believe otherwise. they blame like goods for the economic consist of level problems they've long suffered and then i'll be ignored. child stuff, but i'll just 0. how do you and it's holding a high level debate and to discuss africa's under representation on the security council in may the security council cold for the role of african countries to be strengthened in addressing global security and development challenges. a s the case and that he presents its in global governance to act ships from the security cause
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healed to international financial institutions. but over the present it's in decided challenges this, that actually out of design to address conflicts emergencies and geo political revisions and been outsides. the impact on african continents and these councils agenda demonstrates these nearly health of all countries, specific or regional conflicts on your agenda. concern ethic that often executive attitude by greets for after because of the sources we thought vital to the global economy and sort of a spread the negative ideas by the ends of feelings of external access. the message is clear. there can be no global security without effort against security african group at the un consisting of $54.00 african union member states represents 28 percent of the wins membership. it's the only regional group whose territories
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and tiny within the continent, it represents africa. this book collaborates on issues such as health migration, peace and security, and it holds the 3 non pub in security council seats, the 3 non pub, and the bus to full to increase the confidence representation with algeria highlighting historical in justices leadership within the group rotates monthly with the boss of it from a meant the state savings to the ups of admission co ordinates meetings and provides vital support. honey. melba is a senior research associate with the know to advocate institute join us now live sala in sweden. good talking with us. it's about the on the program. did you think cool what we will 1st impressions of what you heard coming out of the security council on from the secretary general today for the day. so hello and thank you for offering me this opportunity. this is not
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a new is sure of the recent establishment of the you in system they boast was brought to flow. that situation was almost cost in stone, not per standing. the fact that the rainbow chain started to blow over the african continent. only the often as you pointed out. in the meantime, 54 of the 193. you and member states all from the african continent, was you and jot in a ticket to why he said that sullivan equality g is applied to all member states. we know that the estimate for all relations of the world system are with the road, george, all those and the most the fall of it's are created equal from states all more. it was the novice and the issue. that lopsided is true,
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but it comes to the security called sleep is also something which is debated since 2005 the rod summit outcome document already pointed at the need to address the issue. africa was speaking, but it's one voice in 2005 as well as renewed declaration and deceptive declaration. and ever since then, this topic is on the agenda and they tell me that if the thing is that you can speak with one voice at these forums, which you've just mentioned that mr. bell, but yet under representation could often lead to this feeling of being a 2nd class citizen. but would it also be fair to say that some african nations haven't really help themselves to push that would just forward on this front because there is, you know, a power struggle or a cuckoo after many of the sort of colonial independence era scenarios. so while they talk about trying to get representation on bodies like the security
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council, the international community also has an eye on the continent looking at all of the sorts of internal dispute. so they have but make them look like they just called handle responsibility. the absolute pressure points of finger on a soft spot. and i forget that's usually not speak with one voice be on to that issue. but the mind is to create to permanent member seats for african countries, but definitely send the details. what would be the do? egypt, nigeria, south africa dimensions, pay off the most prominent candidates that definitely would open up in dora sparks and no matter who the tool permanent member states from africa would be. and the security policy, what the security code for their presence,
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be better equipped to reach are joined the agreement on god saw on the ukraine on that. so dawn. or just imagine the very moment the military course in the style or the specific situation model. it would come up in the security council . one would love to assume that for the 2 african members all that they even what a free, so high synch why the demand is understandable. it's kind of misleading because with governance structure would require a totally different room funds are made to reform. the need to secure is because you need permanent members base me to power school block each other. they what prevent this little spread? yes is yeah. oh, to the in to 40. yeah. missed about that. so i want to just jump in that very briefly just for a final, a final question. the final thoughts,
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if you think advocate could be successful at this particular point. you talk about pandora's box, the pandora's pulse could be countries like india that have the largest global population. it could also be indonesia that has the largest most slim population. you then bring in other issues at this present moment in time. do you think after? because the case is strong enough to find a legitimate conclusion. for the reasons you're just listed under quit at brit serialize another one of the s bit runs. i think it's the wrong, the page with the page would be much more principal then fund domain to how to diff wars to lowest many countries o r, sidelines in discussing toby governance issues may be sort of strengthening the general assembly, which happens actually where this comes to go outside of the credit and in the past, i'll talk to she and that's, that's a t, that's a security council. it is better life to wish to see what does happen then it's
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been really good speaking to you. i look forward to speaking to you again and not too distant future heading melba, the follow up sol suite. thank you sir. to antonia the leader of a christian doomsday. cold physical on trial accused of men's slaughter pulled the thing, and mackenzie has a rest of it. was the rest adopted, the remains of maybe $400.00 people were found to the forest last year. he's accused of encouraging followers to stall themselves to death, telling them that they would go to have them. mackenzie and $94.00 co defendants would also face other charges of murder, terrorism kid, nothing of the torture of children. stephanie deca has moved from outside the cold in one box. so it's a case that didn't just show kenya, but the entire world and mine at the helm of that pool. mackenzie, former cabdriver taxi driver, turned into self appointed mind of god. now in this magistrate court in the indian ocean port city of mombasa, it's the 4th trial he faces along with $94.00 of his followers,
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charges of mine sort are being witnessed out today. there's 3 other trials already on going charges of terrorism. charges of torture has the abuse of children and charges of murder. all these charges are denied by mackenzie and his followers, saying not guilty. we heard from the prosecution in court today saying that they were going to prove that this was sustained effort and mass starvation starting with children, then women and then with man uh the defend saying that this had nothing to do with religion. we also sold mackenzie entered court, looking more frail perhaps sooner than we've seen him in public before, but still very much a man who looked like he believed he was in charge talking to his father is greeting them because of course they're kept in different prisons. i am very much given your message that they were still united and he was still very much in charge . he is at the helm now of all of these charges in a case,
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it is also raised questions about the accountability, about how to put checks and balances on pastor self appointed pastors, and preachers and healing man in a country that is deeply religious, definitely decor. i'll g 01 bossa, can you a still head hail then use our attention? turns to the stalls and the football season across europe and a big many move from the premier league to spain. jo, how that story after the break, the
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the talk about the tub school, the history. thank you very much. the hail now you might be feeling and then pick
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the troll, but then you football season gets on the way in europe over the next few days. and that's, that's going to trade have made a big money signing ahead of the opening league a match with sharona on sunday, argentina strike a union. alvarez has joined them for months. just a city to and a 6 year deal reports to be with $93000000.00. alvarez went to premier leak titles . i'm the time p z for the city since joining in january 2022 from liver plates. you also helps argentine a when they woke up at catch all twins, 2 twins, 2 and this is called america. well, alvarez is now full, my car will be looking to win a 5th straight premier leak title the season. however, they might begin that campaign without when a jack greenish, the 28 year old missed the community shield with injury having featured heavily facility during preseason. this is what it is doing. this is of the many times that you know discount for seniors and tried to us as possible. that's why we do the one
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that degrees and maybe again, it's jessica with the radio. i'm pretty sure the drew stone. we're ready and otherwise using just to now to see we 2 is a month is out of the of the position. chelsea city's 1st league opponents on the head of the class on sunday, new police coach. and so much scott has taken charge of his 1st home game. the london side went behind. it is highly in tempting into milan and the friendly match for leslie go, chuck woo e clause right at the end of the month. livable and preparing for life without using cloth. the new head, coach, honest slots, took charge of his 1st game at livingston's home ground and field, and it couldn't have gone much better at his side. facing the leaf, it seems to be a full one in a friendly, the full start, the new season away. so you need from ice it a truce town on saturday. all seasons run is up also around at of the pre season with a to know when i guess neil williams city,
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the head is also in front. so another corner from that can rice. and another goal, this time from gabrielle victory insured also one that own a pre season competition. the amorous co account all sets aside something that they put me in a trophy against wells boss on to get the line of your campaign on the way on saturday against valencia. they have a new coach for much of any amount of hands. the flick to replace chevy. no shortage of talent, inflicts quote with spines. ero, 2020 full styles. let me m o. and denny oma in the ranks, as well as the experience ro butler investigate. who's targeting his 2nd li title with the council. i'm pub, a waking up in the morning come, i don't have any pain and those 2 tires and i just have this kind of mind like i have to go to the training. so i'm still seeing that i am in the good position physically, even that time. next small. next to 2 weeks, i will be 36 years old. i want to win the titles of buffalo. nice like the goals
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for this is on the time the main mindset also to tween the times is because when i sold that to you on ego or like the super cup when i saw the happiness of face of the funds, some of the nice me and okay, i want them all is now the world's best tennis play as a stepping up that preparations for the final grand slam the us life. and one of the big tournaments in the weeks leading up to about major in new york is the most is 1000 event in canada. this is and then the are in what true and andre rebecca plan, the final, the 15th defeated his 100. and that's how you know, the 6462 in the summer with the men's and women's tournaments run concurrently in canada each year. but they alternate between venue. so that means the women are in toronto this year and defending champion, just a couple of girls. took care of diana schneider 6 full 63 in gulf. our in ryan has won the windham championship to land,
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his 1st title on the pga tool. but before he secure victory, it looked like american max grades. and then might be the mind to take the title, great them on with this eagle on the the team if any like to double by the 16th and surrender, believe that allowed right to move in the 29 year old englishman shooting a 6 on the past 64 to invite to. so when we us slicing champion break down has been suspended for one lift golf tournament on to finalizing the tools and to to open policy and open irishman use medication containing a bond substance to help ease nasal congestion. mcdowell has also been fined $125000.00. in major league baseball, the la dodgers has probable misery on the pittsburgh pirates a 6 month went on sunday, condemning pittsburgh to a 7th consecutive defeated. say, hey tony, i'm the judges move on to 69 victories level with philadelphia in the national b until case,
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right. a top product prescott leo blue has broken the record for most consecutive well 6 races, which is 2 victories in which one sunday of extend. this is something you run to the team that's got leo, please leave the championship as the chase. this is 2nd title, and 1st since 2021. and that is all useful now have feel free later for help. thanks very much straight. i know scientists and realism, they're all celebrating the dramatic increase in the number of humbug wells. things seem just off the coast, the water is soft, results coast was a hunting ground for them. the rain memos which apprised, pull that lava for such as se the highest of the while watching season, the population is estimated to be around $30000.00, all in se, wayland, these? yes. so joining forces with scientists to try to be growing population the next, but say the whales remain, they fret and species. and that is the largest era news for them. i have it with me . so i'm, i'll be back with more of the other side. the break course,
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you can follow all of the stories on the websites found, is there a don't come from me on the team seen a few minutes the, as the cost of all celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between serbian and because of albany and force, we were meant to be completely ethnically. cleanse people have power, examines the posts for landscape, and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction as possible the making of a states on that. just a, you know, the latest news as it breaks, thousands of people lining up to see the 1st harris waltz campaign events and men even tell us they're excited to be here with detailed coverage. almost every day, families come to the city more to re, to look for loved one from around the world,
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a demonstration by people in support of like 5 and say through 5th is actually very large up in the flood out expect to fly far right for testers. investigative journalism voices from different corners. stories from other angles, programs that open your eyes to an alternative view as to where today on now to sierra, the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now, the relentless is rarely strikes on gauze or at least $25.00 people are killed and many more injured across the street. the floods over on the north, you know, just they have a lot of headquarters here and also coming up ukrainian soldiers raised the flag, old russian territory, children getting cousin to border regions, most good sizes fighting back, but tulsa thousands of civilians to evacuate thousands of people are forced to leave homesick.


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