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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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the states them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the, the relentless is where the strikes on garza, at least $42.00 people are killed and many more inches across the strip. the more about this, and this is obviously a lot from don't have also coming up the us, why times ones in a run back to attack on israel could come this week following the assessment ation of how much space i smell coming into around 36 house and the european union is emergency services, bottle wildfires, the athens, thousands of people are forced to leave the homes. plus i'm rough,
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mcbride and non mock who japan records or have the oldest population of any village in this approximately aging society. i'm fighting for it so by the i'm going to be getting jobs where at least 42 palestinians have been killed since don't on monday. the palestinian, the central bureau of statistics as is very forces. i've killed 1.8 percent of guys this population. since the war began in october, the palestinians a morning loved ones killed in his rarely attacks on con eunice. at least 30 people have died there since monday morning. funerals are being held for 13 palestinians, including a child off to their bodies were transferred to the nearby na, so hospital at least 3 people, including a baby have been killed by his very forces in gaza city after a family home which showed itself. and of course, if he found that these really,
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i mean the building in the building had civilians and that unfortunately we fund my cousin was my cousins, wife and this child's bodies and pieces of equipment. and so now we're still looking for the child's head and tens of thousands of palestinians have been forced to free their homes in the eastern parts of con eunice. as these really ministry renews it's offensive. they are honey. my hood is in con you and as for us, in the past, in months these really air attacks carried out across the gauze, is from not only the cause, civility and casually further civilian cause of the re attack has an after not be the disability and casualty the destruction that is cause to almost all means of life to the point. there are areas across the gospel it across the gaza strip, are more of a waste land. there is no way people can go back and carry out in normal life in these areas. something that has been feeding into a, an overwhelming feeling that this is a permanent displacement. this is what this really military is after the explosion
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of how the simians of, from the areas where they lived for the past years, all of their life. it also changed, it changed their views of life as the new it before to birth 7, we're talking about public facilities infrastructure as entire residential. the blacks are gone with all the memories that people have with everything that they build with their own. how the, the memories they created in these neighborhoods, these, there's tracts continue up to this moment, more of it just a few minutes ago. we could hear that clearly the ongoing are tailors of the eastern part of hon. eunice and the syndrome area emilio and the reason is that the b b. s. southern eastern part of, of the city of detroit. but even deeper inside the central area and the site out review gap has been in torres side of relentless attacks to the overnights. early hours of this morning, more of the buildings are, are destroyed. you an estimate at least 9 out of 10 people in gaza or being forced
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to leave shouts of at least once since last october. audra 0 spoken to palestinians living and make shift tends to save their lives are unbelievable. it is been mis heck is too much, i can see to see it about then i'm the east river moser and they only have the pilot blocked me. i had them up with them and i don't believe that the my but my, i'm my i was trying to see if i didn't need to have the math with happens within that, i'm going to do it and i'm not on the how see it or the no idea is this, you know, so. a but as i mean, you go to him, but the wrong way as a good one. ok, i'm supposed to get mad. the total us get it. fella had had been my name is mike the other way as human flu shot in the afternoon. my daddy, i'll plan
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a concern to overhaul the show and then also i'll do that. he can, the looks like a minute national that it's a lot in the book online. they don't line up them and i can, if you can mix it together. campbell, most of us in different same and i became a buck in just a 2nd. let me see and see, i'm bald hand. i select a and then and i know might i so there this nebraska and fall off, we'll model. so we were on naming and if have him it had the i n a been and as i say, hey, i just want to put them in the info. now, a j, a none of them have, but i'm the ms gets to see i know a lot of the data hideaway that's been through them. oh no they had it was and i'm just not. but i guess i'll see it. but again, as i've been in the display of the name so that i can find out what to make in wilma way in fuck bothering age in depth. and okay, man, especially if you're in a lot of looking at health. oh, well, he's k and i hate him up by frequent has
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a thought. gad, he for addition, say main day exam on cache goodness. but of him ma'am, well, i'm a good night. i met him, may not argue more. look on the percentage on legible, honda civic. i shall get daniel before the time. mamma visual to make sure i can tell them. hey, hey, johnny. no, there's an answer, i think is rising on the border between israel and lebanon as attacks by both sides continue. hezbollah is threatening to carry out a larger offensive light. on sunday, the 11th his own group said it finds rockets into northern israel and the response to when it is really attack on the southern 11 on last week is in a honda reports from the lebanese capital. they weren't it was a late night attacked a response to as well as targeting of southern villages. not the promised retaliation for the killing of hezbollah was leading military commander. the armed group has been firing rockets at army targets across the border for more than 10
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months triggered by the war on garza. but there was a message in the latest operation, very important. and the light of the prefer ration of the uranian hezbollah joined or separate the attack on these right as a retaliation. what is right in there on the route to test, always the vulnerability of the i window and try to flooded has velocity is really military or bracing for a potentially larger conflict. in recent days as well, strikes have become more frequent and more intense. the aim appears to be to limit the hezbollah as ability to maneuver, but the arms group continues to strike back, expanding its range of targets, but still in largely the populated areas. the exchange of fire, however, is still within the unwritten rules of engagement,
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which means the focus is still on military targets. in relation to the right directories and exchanges a fight that we have been witnessing during dispute. it has been very much since the localized as well continues with its targeted killings. and there is no frontline there happening beyond the border region as well as promising what it calls an unprecedented response to any major attacks. the region is on edge for days now is really and western intelligence sources have been speculating on the type and climbing of retaliation that has the law and iran will mount in response to as well as recent assassinations. there are some reports suggesting that it could happen as early as monday, with others saying, how's the attacks 1st and the run hours later? sonic booms are creating panic across lebanon, including the capital b. root is really war. plains have been increasingly breaking the sound barrier.
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it's psychological warfare is really reconnaissance. drones have also increased the numbers over lebanon's aerospace to detect launches in real time. as recent assessments indicate international pressure has failed to restrain iran. and it's like, has been lost from trying to draw new lines center for their eligibility to be route of is really defined as much as you of goal and says israel is still making preparations ahead of threats from both and on and has ball. the 11 me my whole name on the in recent days we've been devoting all the time to both strengthening the defense and creating offensive alternatives as a reaction and initiative if required anywhere with the main goal, being the protection of the citizens of the state of israel be, i mean, should lead to the quote, we are in the period of vigilance and preparation at a time when the threats from to round them. they route to materialize. the why does national security spokesman john kirby has told reporters that the us is prepared
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for a possible attack by on and it's our lives this week around and said it would retaliate against israel for the assassination of how much politically the it will come in and it's capital to fund our white house correspondent, kimberly hall could as more the national security council spokesperson, john kirby telling reporters in a call on monday that the united states echoes. the assessment of the is really intelligence agencies that are wrong, added proxies are likely to attack israel as early as this week. the white house is preparing for what it calls a significant set of attacks in terms of the time in what this might look like. the white house thinks difficult to ascertain. still the white house is acknowledging that this could have a direct impact on the cease fire talks that are scheduled to take place to try and, and israel's war on gaza. still, the white house saying that those talks are scheduled to move forward, even as
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a mazda signaling. it may not be at the table, the white house that come off needs to be there. in fact, everyone needs to show up so that this deal can be wrapped up now, positive bite and concerned about making sure these talk stay on track. and also that there is an effort to try and de escalate the tensions that are rising in the middle east. holding a call on monday with his allies in europe, namely france, germany, italy, and the u. k. to talk about this intelligence assessment, what he's saying is that whether or not the european allies come to israel's defense, as they did back in april the last time around attacked. it is up to those european allies. still the united states will be there. in fact, it has already bolstered the force past year even more so in the last few days. and president biden says that he is confident in the us capability to defend israel
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should come to that. kimberly help it l g 0. the white house, the green, because the selected scale is confirmed for the 1st time that ukraine's forces are inside russia's cost region. tens of thousands of russians have in order to evacuate 2 parts of the border under attack. russian president vladimir putin says keith is attempting to stop moscow's offensive eastern ukraine and game level engine possible adults or defense editor. alice could helpless reports 14 your bushes. cruise region has been raging for a week. as russian troops tried to stop the advance of ukrainian forces, but with the situation apparently deteriorating for russia, the governor of the neighboring belgrade region announced evacuation of russian civilians from a boat at district mistook. but also what was the evidence in order to secure the
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life and health of our population. we are beginning to move people who live in the customer out of slootsky district. the safer place is in a possible expansion of ukraine's operation. it soldiers fighting alongside george and volunteers, was seen in the belgrade villages perot's quality loved in russia, and just across the border. the operation has been a boost to you, creating morel as they perceive their forces to be given russia, taste bits of medicine. you know, should they possibly weren't able to? yes, i suppose that the fact that they went then i support that. that's what they deserved with. let them feel what we feel, let them live in off the skin, russian or ukrainian. it is the civilian population that always suffers in this war . volunteer units in russia now organizing the distribution of food, an a, there's people sleep with what little they can carry. the 1st of the question and then you'll know over it what we need is new bedding sleeping bags, blankets,
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and some other things, all because the nights will ready. quite chilly and it's august. it's approaching often. and unfortunately, we don't know how long this situation will continue. it was each day that pulses president vladimir putin, these looking weaker as what was at 1st to rage by ukrainian forces. now looks like a whitening operation carried out on parson soil. alex gets helpless to 0. 55 is struggling to contain a massive blaze, and the outskirts of athens authorities in greece are evacuating times, and hospitals as friends consume forests, homes and cars. so how reports the wildfires, the began north east of athens on sunday, all bearing down on the capitol itself. the seas really see a sub just 10 kilometers away. the air is thick with smoke and panic. the blaze is said to be moving like lightning across
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a 20 kilometer from fence by high winds, independently beyond the control of 5 fighters, large parts of mount penn daily. so rule so ablaze the beginning, the apple apple, the when would go in one direction and then in the other the smoke was suffocating . i couldn't see your eyes tear it up. you couldn't breathe. you would just 60 meters from the house and you couldn't see it at all. residents of the towns and villages have been ordered to evacuate with volunteers and officials scrambling to assist the ancient town of matter with them is also at risk and residents that have been told to head towards the coast, but many remain doing what they can to save their homes and possessions, phenomenal, most of it hurts. we have grown up in the forest. we feel great sadness and anger for the level of the flames surrounded me. i couldn't see how you define 3. and this happened,
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whole to bombing aircraft helicopters and fire trucks of wood ceaselessly since sunday, the task made ever more difficult by gale force winds that is set to continue. as the ash crowd visible over the acropolis moves ever closer. weather conditions suggests things may yes, it was june and july with the hottest month on record. and while mondays, temperature hit the t 9 degrees celsius in the athens area alone, around half the country, he's under a red look for wild fires. yet for all that, these are increasingly familia seems environment. the list of all the grease is a summer time tinderbox. last year 28 people were killed in wild fires across the country. and 6 years ago in 2018, a 104 people died. as far as devastated the seaside resort of magic during the whole elder 0. still
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a head and all your 0 v you especially important sit down. he says towards the end, the conflict between the army and the pot of military force will go ahead in geneva . this week i'm stephanie decker in the indian ocean point, where the leader of one of the deadliest in modern history is on to we have the story coming up, the direct should don't be quite surprises is about to be on the queensland coast. that massive cloud coming down from further north contains a lot of potential energy. if you realized in the form of thunderstorms, we thought rock hampton might be the focus of it, but it's probably going to be a bit further science. so if a tuesday and wednesday does look particularly wet to brisbin eventually gets it. so you've probably got 3 days of rain coming up. and it looks like get the average
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of all of august and september and a couple of days that's really going to be wet obviously. and that'll be exciting is result. i see a real picture on wednesday then it spread showers down to new south row. so we include sydney and that doesn't increase seem like you to kind of rain in some parts of west know straight. it's in a nice contrast. it's beautiful. in new zealand, the light is breeze. 15 degrees in christ church is still mostly a dry picture. it is an easier but increasingly in solar y c and up into the southern philippines, the showers are coming back again and they stretched further west as well. trust lynch, them allies. yeah. but the seasonal rain is where it should be here for me in my, those vietnam. and once again in southern china, i'm off the sales potential for dime polls and, and also china. and of course the remains of the former type of food in, in northern hung sure is this part of china. this wants to get once again getting with the
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. ringback the, the, the, the what, you know, just a reminder of our top stories this out at least 40 to palestinians have been killed
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across guys in his many attacks since don't on monday, 18 of them being killed in the southern city of con eunice, nearby not so hospital set, it has received the bodies of 13 palestinians, including a child of why the us national security spokesman, john covey says iran could launch a significant attack on israel. as soon as this week, iran has said it would retaliate against israel to the assassination of how much political leader is more funnier. it's common to find at least 11 sizes, and the russians have in order to evacuate to border regions as in the premiums continues. any person present in front of me is that the skins confirmed for the 1st time that you're printing and forces are operating inside the rushes across regions in can you have a leader of a christian doomsday called has gone on trial, accused of manslaughter, halt, and kennedy mackenzie was arrested off to the remains of more than $400.00 people were fined in a forest last year. is accused of encouraging followers to stop themselves to death,
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telling them they would go to have him. stephanie decker has more from outside the court in mombasa. hand coughed, they filed out $94.00, accused, plus one v one. looking sooner than in previous court appearances pull, mackenzie former taxi driver, turned preacher mckenzie and the others already facing 3 separate trials, charged with terrorism. murder and child torture and cruelty and new trial, now the 4th and final, the charge manslaughter persecution. chevy. evidence showing how in the passage of this, we say that use passive pipeline to have. everyone in the chest died from starvation or fasting stacking from children to their mothers. and finally, the fathers in a false belief or religious victory,
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their f. mackenzie still coming across as the man in charge. taking advantage of his followers being gathered together in court or pleading not guilty to all charges such in the exercise of the freedom of religion, the assembly and expression. there was no suicide. that was most of these sites. and there was no death that too good to go to. religion. not guilty. they say this . over $400.00 bodies were exempt in mass graves and track a hold of forest. mackenzie's preaching ordered starvation is the only way to make it to heaven. as he said, the end of the world was upon them. autopsies revealed emaciated bodies, but also beatings and strangulation. his order was that children were to be starved and die 1st, then women, then men, and he would fall the last,
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the mackenzie now 1st facing the charges. 5 witness. testimonies are scheduled for this week. further hearings in this case are set for september. this tragedy has highlighted the lack of regulation when it comes to preachers and pastors, anyone can set up a church in this deeply religious country. a former taxi driver's turn, self appointed mind of god, resulting in one of the deadliest religious cults. in modern history, stephanie decker hodges are often more than a year of fighting between the armed forces and the bottom of the 2 prophets support forces. and so done the us, special and voice as peace talks, will go ahead this week. tom petty, although has been speaking at a briefing in geneva, hit login has the details from call to. in. the us, a special envoy, has a press briefing just days before tops of schedules to start between the, to the new army and the power and military rapids support forces in the city of
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geneva. now and his briefing, the us special envoy made it very clear that this will be the start of the process of a ceasefire of ceasefire talks between the army and the r a step. and that several countries are taking part in these. and in this process, in the launching of this process for these 5 talks to take place between the army and the parent military rapids support forces, they are assessed on fund that they will be attending the talks. but the us said they were yet to receive a confirmation from the to the news army that they will be part of the talk speaker starts on august 14th. we would have preferred for these talks to started in april when we tried again trying for this round, if not april, may, if not, may, june, and july. but we will move forward with this event this week. and that has been made clear to the parties that we have had a commitment engagement from the r assess, we've had extensive engage and with assess but they have not yet given us enough
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information, which would be necessary today for moving forward with seating them on the 14th, now the word discussions held between us representatives and symphonies, representatives and the city of santa, on the 9th and 10th of this month. and they were to try to break a deadlock between the 2 sites and to pave the way. i'm supposed to wait for the talks in geneva, what's following those talks? this is denise governments said that they will not be attending the tasks engine either because they want to be represented as a government and not as the army. and they don't ones the next r m a rates, an e got as observe as to the talk that are scheduled to take place in geneva. now this kind of happens as talks are as fighting continued in between these carpets and cartoon and elsewhere around the country in the city of fashion. the last remaining armies from home in the dark, for region slicing between the recess and the army backed by arms groups continue with the arrows of continuing its attempts to take over the city. exchange of
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artillery between the 2 sides has lots of people to invest. and the lack of humanitarian access has led to simon being declared in some sometime in a fashion in north and are for the humanitarian situation around the country is also dire. more than 10000000 people have been displaced as a result of the fighting. conflicts and violence continued to hinder access to humanitarian supplies and humanitarian assistance to those in need. especially in areas such as the dire for region and in the southern parts of the country. and the united nations says more than half of the population are in desperate need of food assistance. this 5 that both sides seem to be determined to in each over each other militarily, with the rest of gaining more ground in the southern parts of the country. and with the army gaining ground in the city of undermine abram, oregon, all to 0 cartoon. at least 7 people to be killed and 16 have been injured in this town page during prayers in eastern india, survivors. a chaos will cause because of mismanagement. a month ago, more than
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a 100 people were killed in a similar crush at a religious event in the neighboring states of, of ash. as an estimated 9000000 houses have been abundant in japan because this population is shrinking. many rural areas are becoming goes tons, as people get older and fewer babies are born. also, young people are moving to cities in search of better jobs and more money. run mcbride, travel to a village about a 100 kilometers northwest of talk. you at work in that confection restore my so you can the son she did you teacher that to august 3rd and 4th generations of a family business that's been in the village of non maku for a 140 is the shop is on what was once the bustling high street, or where do you and you can, they used to be about 40 shops along the street. now there were only 4 businesses left. everything else closed, and there were no young people, little children. in little more than a generation, the population has shrunk,
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find nearly 90 percent, with 2 thirds of the residents older than $65.00. knoxville age, your kind of cheats, alignment last year with the number of its citizens being over 18 tilting 10 percent of the population for the 1st time in this rapidly aging society. this one village still homes, the reco having the oldest inhabitants. it's one of 20 communities in this prefecture, that could vanish by 2050. the neighboring town is kinda is lucky a thanks to the discovery of a dinosaur, footprint 40 years ago. it revealed the rich sol, so fossils on which it's built to visit a center with a thriving tourist, right. consequently, they don't stick with you to cut them any time and he's come here and it's different visits and it's great. he revitalized our town backing non maku. some of the few new buildings built by the village itself in the hope of attracting new comers with subsidize rents. utah santo moved here with his family to work remotely,
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also becoming a community volunteer to help elderly neighbors. he's realistic about adapting to inevitable declines and may be merging with other communities. yeah, i thought to create something new. sometimes a reset is necessary. i thought this might be the case for this village or other so whether that's good or bad, we have to move forward so well listening to the opinions of the rest of the box in his bakery. hey g 5 year old master yuki tells us the toughest parts of watching his generation fade away is the loveliness, his son. she yuki hopes the place can be turned around. yeah, it would be nice to have more life we to and he says to have more houses and they to put nice rug mcbride. i'll just say era, non local village, japan lympics has left power as but it's also left a legacy in front of this one was you seems to have benefit more than any other
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billions of dollars being pumped into an olympic village and so sent the need. know from the capital itself, the investment will transform one of the poorest parts of funds. managements reports definitely to move on to the island pick village. it will become a mixture of private and social housing that its hope will bring an economic jolt to send something in. this region, north of congress has been synonymous with poverty and crime. nearly 4 and a half $1000000000.00 has been spent on infrastructure for the games to try and transform the sub. but some who live here remain skeptical. most of the visuals are for me, honestly, it hasn't changed anything. now there's more for use more security, but otherwise nothing changed with the games or rather, i think the neighborhood will always stay the same while, because i mean the, this isn't the most deprived neighborhood, it's not that bad. but yes, of course there are always things to improve things that we could have more of infrastructure that we could have in the.


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