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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 3:30am-4:01am AST

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events in the ends of the fighting between serbia, not because of albany and forces we were meant to be completely ethnically. cleanse people have power, examines the posts for landscape, and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on just the utah and expending ukrainian incursion into russian territory . forces must go to evacuate. civilians is an embarrassment for president vladimir putin and the murano police to for ukrainians. but why has keith launched this operation? now? this is inside story, the fellow that are in james bay's, the battle lines in the war and ukraine seemed to have changed
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a little in recent months with the analysts cooling his stalemate in your worst conflict since world war 2. but then the lightning attacked by ukrainian forces into russian territory last week took no had any rush you by surprise. but the rest of the will to ukrainian troops are reported to be advancing and russia's cook region. and most goes on to the evacuation of civilians from fat and neighboring belgrade. so why is the surprised operation being launch now? how is it being seen with in russia and you try and we'll discuss all of this move with, i'll guess shortly. but 1st, this report from image and came by ukranian troops push the button to rushes, weston coast region. the surprise, the talk is the most significant concussion into russia since it invaded ukraine. february 2022. issue who would name the bushings devil? him to the address of static or ukraine is proving that's an option that really bring justice and get them keys exactly kind this trash that is needed. you know
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progression on the address of the toys. ukrainian media reports citing on named security officials say the incursion is named the stabilizing russia, and stretching exposes and that the coast region has been used by the russian military, correct. the wolf is a platform to fire and do you crying? thousands of russian civilians have been evacuated from the area of many being sent to temporary combination much. it was easy to we started moving people out. it was quite difficult because the queens are showing the civilian population. they show the paramedic sacrifice themselves. why moving civilians out to the russia has also begun moving people from the neighboring belgrade region that's come under attack. the russian efforts in military been attacking grading until it gets inside russia, but have failed to dislodge the rush as president code ukraine's action. a publication collision between your and the cube to shame is undertaking another large scale of
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provocation indiscriminately shelves civilian buildings. so residential houses ambulances with different types of weapons and including myself, the thoughts is by ukrainian forces fully with many military analysts, described as a state of stalemate in the water will washer controls growing 18 percent of ukraine's territory and is used. it's great. the number of troops to make gotcha advances. president zalinski maintains the crime would not negotiate and will not relinquish ukrainian sold to russia. but while ukraine has benefited from west and support with the us, u. k. e u countries that are provided billions of dollars worth of minute to 8 and weapons case is if the us presidential election in november results in a win for donald trump over maybe jeopardize image and kimber out a 0 inside story. well, let's show you the state to the battlefield. a right now, not much has changed inside. you probably know not a great deal. there's been
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a grueling war of attrition that was heavily fortified front lines. the very large desk told them both sides. but what's news here? the cleanings came this plan to see chris in the elements of surprise seemed to work so far and offensive into the russian province of ca. some report say they've got more than 30 kilometers from the border. deep into russia, as villages were either on the state of emergency was declared and civilians have been evacuated from parts of the neighboring province of belgrade as well as from coast. so let's bring it in all guess for today's discussion in key. unless you already, i know, is the co founder of ukrainians, security and cooperation center in moscow pebble folk. and how is an independent russian defense analyst and the boss in the u. k. patrick brewery is a defense and security analyst at the university of boss and a former british army officer. welcome to all of you. let me start in cave. as
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we've been saying, let's see it. this took everyone by surprise. i think the big question is, what is you crating trying to do here? what's the aim? what did you cleaned? we're always going to be a better time for this operation because we just received the queen and force us just received a western. i'm been asian started to receive that in and off spring and uh in the beginning of the summer and we just started them possession processing of crazy. so yeah, the separation took the implant name, not as much time as it could. and yeah, this operation is a and boeing where you cannot claim that just a cleaning operation of for and i don't because to screen and officials are not claimant x budge, the operation gauge much resolved as of now and we're talking about
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a gift to, to you on the questions told us, we're talking about a russian military infrastructure includes regions destroyed. and so yeah, just to the fact that this is the 1st time since the beginning of, of since 0 seconds to seconds both for when for an army is in the treasury all crushing for duration. so yeah, but let's see what i did to be clear to me not for what you're hearing. do you think you create implants to hold this, terry tree, or is it going to withdraw or at some point in the near future? ah, well, i've ever seen in some the matter is that the operation continues incomplete. secrecy decisions are taken by the operational command of a. so let's, let's see what is next. okay, patrick, it's going to be pretty hard to judge whether this is the success. so no, so if we don't know what we're trying to do, what the objectives all, isn't it absolutely jet and then we can really judge it ultimately on it's uh,
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honestly, i don't know. i think there's a couple of things we can take away. there was a little info at the start of this, but this being senior ukrainian ministry to monitor sadie since it started that bought different objectives. one of them mentioned that it's by. busy going off, listen, forces, military focus from the don, yet score they were actually getting into a group started into maybe into mental games. and those other ones, one is the, by the morales. are you planning people on the ministry, especially the army which is being suffering a lot of heavy binding. i'm actually having to give grand and on yet sky for the last year. and again, we have their fails up ends of the summer last year. so this isn't a morales, i think find you in a more early on in terms of the operation objectives. the other one is to show that they can kind of one still, the russian border is not safe. even areas which are, you know, not being. busy over are not say, the ukraine has the capability and the will to do this on the bills. so some sort of panic on, on in the day the stabilize the russian regime. i think they're the operation
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objectives from what i would say, i think what you're kind of getting out with your question, who is on, on an image and sort of picked up on again, an operation like this where they've got a good deal to surprise strong operational security and then manage to use mechanized forces with an air defense. i mean you got charged war for a whole lot of them to protect that takes a lot of planning. so this is the mean time for a while and there was some indications in the us media, and that's uh us defense secretary lloyd austin had asked you credit is not to go ahead with some operation a couple of months ago. question markup. but if you take that this operation probably talking about the most to prepare a few months ago is looking much more likely to balance on getting into the uh, the one has in january. that is the date on day 2. you would be flushing for and you claims to need some sort of deal. then this operation makes much more sense strategic me because i got, may come to want, we would expect just so you know,
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then being quiet and will desire to hold at least some of the territory. ready they've got so far, so far more of the information problem is come out of must go about what's going on there now. so the key, the creighton ends up being relatively quotes about this. um, the latest things i've seen, the governor of coast creation, the russian governor that says ukraine is advance. 12 kilometers controls $28.00 settlements, but they're all the biggest suggesting that the, the craniums have gone as far as 30 kilometers also. so one report say you cry and controls 430 square kilometers. that is the size of a small country, a pretty small country. i looked it up at 6 was exactly the size of the caribbean island of i'm kind of an island nation about that. you'd also probably tell us what you know about the current situation to hello gordon, this man off, but i said that the ukrainians have occupied the area of that so drama. there's one dentist, a deep and the 42 islanders line. at the same time, he said,
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we don't need the russians. he said, we don't know. the russians don't know where the grading in mobile groups are as no establish trunk line at all. so that means that the cranial immobile groups could be much deeper and operating. keep behind rush and lines, and that's a band with the main, a success so far, the ukrainians. a something that they sell to do last year they broke through the russian bonds. they are now after operational a free. they're moving in the mobile. they're fighting immobile war. what they wanted to do last year fail now, but yeah, they'll, this is in a very different area. but basically that makes sense. you are back to where the enemy is weaker and not where, where is the stronger. and that has changed the battery very much, the overall position, the strategic position is shifting the rush and
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a sense of that began in spring. she had the lots of time of success, but that we noticed the big breakthrough. and it seems russian reserves of being between the next step. so now in the premium script times, we managed to put together a grant. some reserves wanted to do the restroom lines. there's the rushes, struggling not just to push them out. the russian baron just appears to stop them. and i believe the common couple months through october may be are it into october when the autumn where time comes to premiums will be trying to capitalize on this, but a sort of maybe spreading out on the us. the governor said the 2000 russian civilians are under a gradient occupation and the rest does not know. ready that's with them on the
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120000 that you know, but actually that, that the 60000, they're still on the move. so we're talking about the, about to south $100000.00 russians being right now, becoming refugees in the course and, and, oh god. so this is of course a very serious problem for most patrick, when i 1st heard about this last week, i saw it was going to be straight in and quick out. so very, very quick in cushion, but they are still there. it's a very old aisha's operation as a full of soldier and military military strategist. there is an operation like this . also the carry, pretty big risks. so yeah, no, i was surprised to james, you know, like because we, we basically were watching the finance having to slowly uh, not high cost to the russians, but nevertheless, continues to get a small amounts of granted done. yes. can start to think that they have these are
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us already for gays, ready to go for this punch and are able to pull it up. it looks like the russians actually, the military near sue's or where the breaker. uh or telling them that there was a bill that might be a credit invoices, but the reason i come out and and knocked on it. so um yeah, you from my perspective, this is an operation that's being fine. it's really well and exactly like pablo said, one of the things that made it to stay on they've done and done yet skins. our region, for example, isn't that russians have gotten probably called persistent di sr, which means intelligence surveillance, reconnaissance, their reliance on their grounds make those jobs can see up to like the. ready kilometers behind the phone line, very difficult to move and i being seen depending difficult to concentrate your forces that they've been saying. and therefore, ukraine has managed to get off the basically why a lot of their, their attacks and fails, you know, they, they just getting seen him before. he can do anything. but what they want us to do by moving the focus to cars in an area where the russians have far less persist in di, sr. so they've been able to concentrate and use their arm or the german,
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modern times. they're americans try come broadly vehicles they've comes through, and then they filled it with a lot of western air defense assets to protect it. so you basically want to put a bubble over your mechanized sources. and then you have electronic warfare capabilities, which you're trying to disrupt the drones or the, the questions i got assigned in sheets, energetic cetera. so yeah, it's being wow then exactly like tablets that they've broken through and know that the initiative is with those guys. the question is, in the longer term russian build up, start to show i'm pushing back of it. let's see. let's bring you in again. if i go back just over a year ago, year in 2 months ago, june the 24th. that's when the founders of lagging a group, you have any progression stays his rebellion that ended up very badly for him and everyone's still approved to the pin strength. and so now as you look at this, you'll view from keith. how humiliating is this for the russian president?
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oh, wow, this is a great question, james. because yes, this is, as i said before, this is the 1st time since the 2nd world war, the for an army has on george washington to try it and then switch it to a significant disease. so of course, this is an incredible blow as if with him and his forces, the official losses having to be announced. but we understand that the losses and of course region are happy because russia had lost the entire line of equipment from infantry too much vehicles to tax helicopters, aircraft. everything has been destroyed or captured. and meanwhile, the emanation captured from the russians is now being used against them to continue the operation. we have that information from the oppression brown at the defensive line on break experience of google's had been spanned, has been breached. this is another case of communication for the crime when i guess and it is all the pre of that putting has become more afraid of police on the
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military and the fact that they are a wage. so it just grandma show long, but that comes to terrorist operation. we've been at this be in charge. but meanwhile, just recently, just a couple of hours ago, the meeting a pushing health imaging with a military preventative, sasha, and e a. she gave a task to to, to go to the cruise korean and to, to the find the russian charge very to m o d and to the border gods service. so this is, this is quite interesting to see how, how far was uh, working under this uh, in this very, very interesting situation and okay, let's see. probably you might see it differently. i don't see, tell us how this is being seen in moscow by the military leadership and ultimately
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people and you have the, let's see, is that talk about the f s b being put in charge? the spy agency? nope, the, the military. guten cook declared marshal laurel. say the russian was a mistake to look. war is put in, you know, talking talk, but doesn't want to spook the russian people too much. i don't know, butch, this actually holding back to the very beginning. he made statements when he up and we a believe does use a bully and the beginning or if this is going to be just the ready to go in, go out a such res happened before and the premium russian border. uh now that's obviously a much more a massive operation and he's kind of the resume that happens in such times. and 34 years ago or close to was on the news over time, the course new quarter, separate himself. and in august the 2,
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2000 and bush and kind of disappeared for several days from the news cycle and right now, but she doesn't know, or van community has no good news to say because because probably about that. right . so that event 25 years ago, that was a very start uprooting rule. and it was, it was a really bad the, it was a really bad moment for yes, it does a very bad moment. and now it's monday to, because right now the russian probably just find the frustrated, of course, people who are being eventually they are very angry and moscow. well, it seems through a big pass happening somewhere there. but again, it depends, a fresher, has a really degree just the, it's reserves so much at the origin reserves and dividing. that's happening for several months. and then finding that the next 3 gym and doesn't have enough back over the forces to switch straight for cal stuff and push out the brain in from region. that's a serious political problem. maybe for the past to declare
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a another way of mobilization, which would be extremely unpopular. so here's the rest of the brand one right now and moscow is in the 6. want to do next, throw it against web and 5, and these are different pieces of our a, a barrel. no, that's true. you. and that's trying to stop. the brain is trying to defend strategically important position there, right? the where power plant them chords and the bags we matthew and 9 for sure. where are they? your brain immobile units and where are they going to head from any direction. and so this is a very serious crisis in the process of developing a course. patrick, we've heard how the russian people know all about the name coast, but of course, president putin is an avid reader and quote to of history and of course, cause the site one of us decisive spackles of world war 2 of the biggest tank
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battle in history. do you think the historical residence is important here to yeah, i mean, i'm not rushing, but it obviously has most of the residents in terms of history. i think that would be, you know, the maximum asset that the russians would probably do is to protect this homicide power plant. first of all. and then behind that, the see of course, i thing, you know, as, as we're seeing this time developing the ukraine and just did a talking as of today. but the longer it goes on with these breakthroughs have been difficult because your enemy is working for us, is that the more difficult they usually get out of all way. but usually my goal is to keep advancing all say about the whole sustainment issue, sustaining around forces deeper into uh, into russian territory over the longer, longer time. so while there is a risk to say, congress, i think the longer this the longer takes you payments even get there. and that's
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like the, the comes with all the a week into that operation. so, um, yeah, of course it has significance. but why did they actually get the car? so i think that's another question was yeah, let's see. um, let's just turn to where we were in the war and ukraine before this bold move by the ukranian side. and we talk about a stalemate. but actually, in recent months and all this year, it's only been russia that's been making slight gains throughout the year, both sides to be losing, and palace huge losses. but of course, russia has a bigger source of band pop, then ukraine. so we'll see crane until this moment, very much on the back foot. uh well this is uh, also very interesting uh question because, you know, as i said before, uh, russian uh, operation of an offensive this home at sunset didn't stop. and if it was, uh, russians had their success as well. but it's actually interesting to uh,
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just see the comparison of their results and their, their results in the ukraine and the certified to crane. and the results of course, ration and to compare them in time was in results. why is because this is so this was a 70 yvonne segmentation. we can take as a do ration russian, some our offense to in your praying. they've lost more than a $7000.00 soldiers in casualties and they gain couple of villages and they're what it is not comparable, i guess uh, with a course cooperation with 6 days and a almost so t. uh oh my, such a village is increased korean and many, many almost be goats and people go captured into the,
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the grains of to get to you. so. uh yeah, actually it was not easy for your plan um, for service. uh, do you in the summer bugs uh, where you can see one of the results i was talking about other off this operation in course, is that uh, some of the reserves are already being pushed from the cartridge region and from the hardware spencer. and as of yesterday, uh, you print enforcers, grant that it was a less attacks from the russian side. uh in, in, in a box in yes, it would be less and an intrinsic ascent. patrick wiring late. we've already mentioned this, there was a new, clear dimension in your assessment. do you think that they might the ukrainians might be going for the coast? nuclear pont? we've seen a file reported for each of that's the nuclear pond in ukraine. se you crate that's
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held by russia. do you think that is a coincidence? do you think that maybe some you probably named perhaps to try and sweat one for the other? yeah, it would make sense as maybe a secondary are nice to have objective if you can get us given the fact that the russians of pounds operation and but it to take it. but it's like that you need to do it in the early days by surprise. essentially, again, it seems sort of just in the last 24 hours of defense and being built around or i would go with the bit since things that actually count the inner ends up version of our model. go with the problem, the more likely course of action being, if the russians have done something there in an attempt to show that we still have leverage over there. so just be careful what you do in case you guys close to the car, 6 firefox, but he's looking at some of the or lines of own troops for the brains. it's just by within our 10 are we range? now, of course, he's financed on pay. buying is my pay by the rules. ready different way to the
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russian, so i'm going to just, you know, set up a bunch of artillery and stuff. i'm borrowing the cars, power plant. why would they say they have more of either international reputation? probably in the past, we've seen a tax inside russia, but they were carried out by groups that are being helped by ukraine 90 pooped in groups. how. what do you think the kremlin will be that this will in power more of those groups who may well have been working with the training on me to prepare this incursion? a lot of the there weren't actually no real reports of that. these kind of around gear you and then so they're considered as traitors. and there, i mean, yeah, me, mon russia are really involved in this offensive. this the latest today. i heard that there are page 5 fresh and the russian side says that there are 35, your, your grading and briggs involved in the offense to do air boar and then 3 heavy.
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okay. but let me stop. you let me, let me stop you that briefly. let's see. do you, have you heard any news that they're all, they're, all russians were thing on the side of ukraine and this offensive empty fulton groups. uh yeah i, i, i say not about the military groups, but about russian practice brands because we have witnessed some videos from the cruise korean on the matter. and we know that there are a large number of people, alabassic who disagree with fragments, policies, and for that to people we have in a crane without state projects that could help them and contact them. so yeah, as of russian designs of the course of it's a trick with screeching charter tray. i would say that it is, it is true that they both sides. okay. the last word on that um how, how, how worried do you think the kremlin might be this moment? i think they're very worried because they don't know what's coming next. he has the
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unless you're different now on the north and they have broke through. they are operationally free, they can try to say the or the course and you clear background, but maybe maybe by this faith, brad, and say they can find a south and into the builder region and begin throwbacks and by a russian from the, from the re or maybe the dance, of course, on their bass and also absolutely, yeah. how much reserves he managed to secretly put together, i'll be seriously the budget m. can they ask your overturn the last bonds of the russian from or so just going to be calling in the rush or maybe the whole bit the rush or i would say, well, it is very embarrassing. but that does not really good to go to a great show for the russian regime for moscow. and i believe right now for most of
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the worst possible scenario is that there is a series the that was the issue of the, from on the north. and the russia, like in september of $22.00, have to declare a partial mobilization, additional partial mobilization, which would be very detrimental, politically speaking. and the comic was big. okay. title. that's very interesting. thank you. 2 or 3 of august today. elisia 40 i nova pub, old folk, and hoya, and patrick brewery. it's a false moving situation, but you can watch and follow out to 0 for the latest developments, our website is out as their adult calm. what do you think about the situation you'll come in? so, welcoming on facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story or tweet. so what's now officially cool x we are at a inside story for all of us here. thanks for joining us. i'll see you again soon. thank you. by the,
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i imagine people drowning in front of you and not being allowed to save them at the crossroads of sheer amount of tea and the international volunteer desperately trying to help refugees and discharge of human trafficking. i must fight to yours. lucky walters. with this documentary on the list of how much is happening before the end of the question, why have limits like this? let denise, this is your mind. it's area and relief foundation. the
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hello inside of hired us and how the top stories on alex's era, those are these little palestinians have been killed by his ready forces in garza taking the toll clothes. so it's a grim milestone. the palestinian central bureau statistics is maybe $40000.00 on now that in just over 10 months of will, $42.00 were killed in israel's latest attacks over the past 24 hours, including 13 in hon. eunice, that renewed minute feel for ation has full tens of thousands of palestinians out of the homes in gauze.


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