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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the palestinian slave of the few belongings. they have less, as, as rarely strikes on god to take the desktops, released from 2000 hello on the bottom. and this is out of your life from door ha. also coming up while fires were closer to the greek capital since thousands to evacuate from nearby towns and hospitals. donald trump for times to the social media platform x, but there's
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a technical glitch performance interview with it on mosque. and as the red planet hiding a blue sea crush side to say, they could be an entire ocean. beneath the surface of miles, the 10s of palestinians have been killed by is ready for the system, gaza taking the tale closer to a grin, milestone the palace to me and central bureaus to test it says 942000 and now dead . and just to have a 10 months of war, 42 were killed and as well as latest attacks over the past day, including 15 and con eunice. that of a new administrator operation has full tens of thousands of palestinians out of the homes and gases city. a family home was shelled by is ready for this is kind of at least 3 people, including a baby and families who being children in a school bombed by israel on saturday. have returned to the ruined building because
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there was nowhere else to go. more than a 100 palestinians were killed in the attack and gauze, the cities of that neighborhood, one of as well as deadliest in recent months. those who return to the school and navigation they way through rubble and fragments of missile debris. as rarely missiles have had school sheltering displays people 21 times in 6 weeks. you and come as he says, those attacks have killed $270.00 full palestinians is rarely forces repeatedly claim that schools are used as come on sent us from us. well that school nasa on saturday has prompted another emergency meeting of the un security council. it will take place on tuesday of the council's 24th special special session since the will began on october, the 7th gabriel. and he's on the reports from the un headquarters in new york since october 7th meeting after meeting. and yet nothing the un security council has done or said, has been able to stop israel's war on guys a,
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a few examples back on october 30th, an emergency meeting, a call to help the fighting. when the death toll was 8000 pretty senior. but it's fabulous, we need to go to see the resolution presented today does not reflect the real situation on the ground in a sense sort to 5 times that was on may 24th. the council meets to pass a resolution condemning the killing of u. n. staff and aid workers reported as long as soon as she did draft resolution demands that parties to conflict of hold their obligations go since then. another 15, un personnel killed and more humanitarian workers as well. and on may 29th, the counsel meets after israel strikes a camp in rafa, sparking fires, killing dozens, we are heart broken and horrified since then more strikes by his real, more deaf. this is the 24th special session and that has been called on palestine
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since october 7, 24 sessions get very little that the security council has actually been able to do that significant. and that's something that will continue to hurt and undermine legitimacy of the security council. you know, far past one ceasefire does, is, is reaching boss. do you think there's any takeaways from what the security council has not been able to do? i think one of the biggest take away is which many member states have been shouting from the rooftops. there's a need for reform of the security council. we're in a situation where the security council is clearly not working to maintain international peace and security, as it was mandated to do. re, augments your power. stein's ambassador to the un says the council and member states have the tools to hold is real, to account it. there are many things that they can do if they have to put a ticket with to act. journalist report about it. diplomats listen to it. that is
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the power of the security council, and the hope is a venture we, there will be the political will to in israel's war on guys. something so far, the council has failed to do gabriel's onto. i would use it at united nations in new york to the state department as aust, as well to minimize civilian casualties. follow along the strike on the school in a gauze, a city from vandals reports from washington dc. at the daily briefing here at the state department, the spokes person was asked about israel's attack on a school in gaza that resulted in approximately 100 people being killed. this is the down to tell the spokesperson and commenting on that attack. and we are deeply concerned about this weekend. terrific incident on the alt being school in kansas city that killed a number of people sheltering in place in our hearts. go out to the families of
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those who lost loved ones and we are praying for a speedy recovery for those who have been injured. we have been clear both to our partners and israel that every possible effort needs to be taken to minimize the impact of civilian casualties. but patel went on to repeat the is really lines that the school was being used as a base by how mos militants. and said that under the laws and rules of the geneva convention, even schools and other normally protected areas can be disqualified from such protection. if the forces are using them for military purposes, on one other issue, the question of whether talks will resume towards a ceasefire and gaza. battelle said that the us is confident. those talks will resume a kind of lighting over the fact that
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a moss has raised questions about restarting the talks from square. one patel said that the us partners, egypt, and taught are, would be pressuring home us, saying that the, the home us organization has the o and is put on it's to participate in the talks and move towards a ceasefire. and rob reynolds, l g 0 at the state department. the us the set defendant's top diplomat to the middle east as it anticipates retaliation by yvonne and its allies to the one gaza . then i report secretary of state and to be blinking, who travel to the region on tuesday, yvonne has said it will respond to the calendar for mazda is political. leda is mine and the impact on our white house correspondent, the company, how kit has more. a national security council spokesperson, john kirby telling reporters in a call on monday that the united states echoes the assessment of the is really
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intelligence agencies that are ron adder. proxies are likely to attack israel as early as this week. the white house is preparing for what it calls a significant set of attacks in terms of the time in what this might look like. the white house thinks difficult to ascertain. still, the white house is acknowledging that this could have a direct impact on the cease fire talks that are scheduled to take place to try and, and israel's war on gaza. still, the white house saying that those talks are scheduled to move forward, even as a mazda signaling. it may not be at the table, the white house that come off needs to be there. in fact, everyone needs to show up so that this deal can be wrapped up now, positive bite and concerned about making sure these talks, they are on track. and also that there is an effort to try and de escalate the tensions that are rising in the middle east. holding
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a call on monday with his allies in europe, namely france, germany, italy, and the u. k. to talk about this intelligence assessment, what he's saying is that whether or not the european allies come to israel's defense, as they did back in april the last time around attach. it is up to those european allies. still the united states will be there. in fact, it has already bolstered the force past year even more so in the last few days. and president biden says that he is confident in the us capability to defend israel should come to that. kimberly help it l g 0. the white house for a mazda is when the cassandra gauge says it's fine, has killed in his way the captive and wounded 2 others in separate incidents. this is where the government has banned out as they are from proposing their so i'm the fellow who has more from jordan's capital i'm on the is really military says they
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can neither confirm nor deny the claims made by him as that one is really captive was killed and 2 others injured. they say they are looking to gather intelligence on the ground about the captives just as they have been trying to do so over the last 10 months. but all of this comes as the war is well beyond its 10 months. and israel is preparing for some sort of retaliation by the it audience, by his bela and even perhaps the who these any young men now is really officials have been speaking anonymously to is really media is saying that the attack is immune and based on their intelligence and the country's defense minister, your loved, the launch has been holding near daily security and situational assessments. on his roles, preparedness and readiness in the wake of whatever threat these really military also conducted a drill in the northern part of the country. it was the largest drill of its kind since the war began, essentially simulating a full out war with the lebanese armed group, his butler. now you'll have the launch says that his role is ready to act in
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unprecedented ways as they have significant capabilities. and that they're ready to make the switch from defense to all fence in an instant from the central. and just, you know, i'm on the palestinian mad has died off to being shot by his right forces during the raid and the occupied westbank. another person was wounded in the raid and bought them now how one neighborhood and the city over to my law alia, is ready for the storm. another area in called kansas city in germany, one person daf the font size is a struggling to contain a huge blaze on the outskirts of the greek capital authorities, evacuating towns and hospitals. may athens, as flames destroy forests and horns and hall reports. the wildfires that began north east of athens on sunday,
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all bearing down on the capital itself. the seas really see a sub just 10 kilometers away. the air is thick with smoke and panic. i. blaze is set to be moving like lightning across a 20 killer to front fence by high winds, independently beyond the control of 5 fighters lodge up to mount penn daily. also a blaze the wind would go in one direction and then in the other, the smoke was suffocating. you couldn't see your eyes tear it up. you couldn't breathe. we would have 60 meters from the house and you couldn't see it at the residence of the towns and villages have been ordered to evacuate with volunteers and officials scrambling to assist the ancient town of matter with them is also at risk and residents that have been told to head towards the coast, but many remain doing what they can to save their homes and possessions. phenomenal
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motorcycle equipment, it hurts. we have growing up in the forest. we feel great sadness and anger. resolution. it will, yes. for the level of the flame surrounded me, i couldn't see how you define 3, and this happened, whole to bombing aircraft helicopters and fire trucks of with ceaselessly since sunday, the task made ever more difficult by gale force winds. that is set to continue. as the ash crowd visible over, the acropolis moves ever closer with the conditions, suggest things may yes, it was june and july with the hottest month on record. and while mondays, temperature hit the t 9 degrees celsius in the athens area alone, around half the country, he's under a red look for wild fires. yet for all that these are increasingly familia seems environment the list of all the grease is a summer time tinderbox. last year 28 people were killed in wild fires across the
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country. and 6 years ago in 2018, a 104 people died. as far as devastated the seaside resort of magic during the whole elder 0 and 5 hodges have been working to contain wild fires. in algeria is east and vision our region. residents have in order to leave their homes more than 30 people, died in july last year when mass of fives ravaged, shy, a thousands of acres of forest and hundreds of hollands were destroyed. the still ahead on al jazeera, a religious cult leader as an important academia accused of encouraging hundreds of followers, dolphin selves today the,
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the march of the big storms is the thing to watch. again, the plains of the us, the going into was the a higher valley. i don't particularly hear you have to say, but they spoke in the mountains and then they moved slowly. eastwood's it is halting places to the west of this particular running up. and so pacific coast of kind of another positive it was and the wind direction of course, will change things very rapidly. so it's not unusual weather wise environment in the us relief, i think you might catch in the bottom. you'll see that spinner, because just forming to the eastern side of the counter being is what looks like a developing tropical storm. it may well turn into a hurricane to present rico and it's way up the east coast. we'll keep an eye on it . and it just means big grades, but it almost certainly will develop then throughout central america, we still got the potential for flash, studying from these thunderstorms all the way from the time down towards panama southern mexico's inclusion from pacific coast to which mix code looks. sadie went for science america, well the range of doing what they should do in the knolls,
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occasional big showers. big gap here if you'll notice, and we've had some pretty sticky weather as certainly around our partner. and we are recently that frontal systems gone away. the cold out, it was, keep it cold in most of it, there was finally gone away. the must be the emotion in their own words. 3, i'll just leave a general as described, working and survived through his rails or something. because of course, a lot of my bad well i was calling and especially his english. i think the sort of the time journalism under genocide on a just you want to report. but at the same time, you want to see if your company you also want to stay alive the
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you're watching out of the i would me, elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to about top stories. the solid. at least 42 palestinians have been killed in this way. any attacks garza and the past 24 hours. most of the casualties of, of the southern city of con eunice families who had been sheltering in a school that was formed by us run on saturday. have a change of the building because there's nowhere else to go to moving a 100 people were killed in that attack. and 5 pauses of struggling to contain a massive blaze on the outskirts of athens as options increase of actuation towns that hospitals claims to store homes and forests. the fire was being found high temperatures and strong winds. to us presidential candidates,
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donald trump has returned to the social media platform x. the republican joined a one on one discussion with 8 on mosque. the event wants delayed by technical failure, leaving thousands complaining must claim to failure on a hacking attack without providing evidence. the tech building it has endorsed the former president's campaign, and this housing him raise funds. will match been the is a senior technology proposal for measurable that's a technology and culture news website. he's joining us live from new york. thank you very much for your time, matt. firstly, how problematic is it for the owner of one of the biggest tech companies, social media companies in the world to interview a u. s. presidential candidate who they also endorse. right. uh, 1st of all, thanks for having me and uh, you know, as we address your question, uh, there's certainly a conflict of interest there, especially with uh, trump,
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having been off of x since, you know, back since when it was called twitter. he's been off for that long, and he has a competing platform over at to social and visiting the thing, sorry to interrupt the match, but just on that point about truth social is it, is it competing? that's a good point. um, you know, it is a social media platform that essentially does the exact same thing that ext. uh, so its come its competition in that way. but how many people in your base? yeah. you know, everyone basically goes there who does go there just to see, but trump posts on there. that is the whole purpose. it's basically a, a press release outlet for donald trump's, you know, uh on filter the uncensored thought it felt like this. and basically what that platform is, it sounds like you're talking about the interview that we just watched on x. you know, there was
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a lot of misinformation untruths that went challenged in that interview with a non mosque, if you can call it that was the same thing happened when trump debated by didn't on mainstream media a few months ago. is there anything about this taking place on x that makes it move along to the spite of misinformation either at the time or after? right, well i listen to the the spaces interview with musk and trump, you know, musk obviously didn't provide any push back. there was no fact checking there was no correcting of misinformation. it was just, you know, the 2 of them having a conversation as if they were, were friends, you know, and if that's what they want to do on their, that's their prerogative. but no one should be listening it uh, under the belief that they were getting some sort of hard hitting journalism. it was more like a 2 friends having a chat. and that's exactly what monk said at the beginning that he doesn't think that, you know, people are the best doing at the serial interviews. how has ex changed when it
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comes to camping down on misinformation, other harmful things such as hate speech? since i'm off to call you back. all right, well there is, there is no misinformation policy at x anymore. there is no, you know, you report something for misinformation or fake news or this information. and there's someone there on the policy team who looks into it. and suspends a user that doesn't exist anymore. the misinformation policy at acts is basically if there is misinformation on the platform, the users, it's up to the users to use the uh, the basically the fact checking feature community notes to add a note on the post that gives it some more context that basically says this is not true, this is what actually happened. the post doesn't get removed, nothing happens to that user. the post just gets a little note put on it. and again, it's up to the users that only put that note on there. button didn't give it enough
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votes that it's an accurate note for it to even appear on such a post. so that's as much information policy as for a tate speech policy that's also sort of up in the air. um, if a user uh, basically says some sort of racial slur, it's, you know, it's hit or miss whether they'll be any sort of, um, uh, hard to put on it that basically says, this post won't get promoted or pushed in your feed. do you do it breaking our rules on hate speech? i've seen that note about hate speech. put on a post where use are simply uses the term sis gender, which is not a hate speech term. it's about a slower, but right. that's, uh that's, that's the. yeah. it was under months, you're pointing out the dangers in giving the average use a control of a misinformation and hate speech and given just how much of
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a problem those things are in our society at the moment. and what's at stake. democracies being at stake with such a big election coming off of the us and we know how many elections took place more than half the world's population. i believe i was eligible to voice this. yeah. do you think that government, the us government should be doing more to regulate all of this on x on other social media platforms? sure, i mean i, i think it's obvious that especially with the, the, the boom in a i generated images that there needs to be some sort of regulation on, on that aspect of it because there's business issues the wild west right now when it comes to a janitor, generative ai is basically completely unregulated and if you look online right now, the majority of the misinformation right now and it pertains to the presidential election is surrounding a images. you'll see trump supporters creating
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a images about the iris campaign. and then you have even the opposite, where there is no a. i generated imagery, there was a photo, there's a photo going around showing the real crowd at one of cala. harris's latest, riley's and some supporters are claiming that that's an a i generated image. and there even a photo shopping images that claim to show what the crowd really looked like, that just completely cuts out and removes the crowd that the people who attended the rally in their entirety. so it looks like she's bedding before and, and the audience. i mean i, i think like, you know, it's not just that the images itself are causing issue. it's that no one can tell if a real image is even a general idea. that means that's really what i've had or of. yeah, i don't really even seeing it on my share a i generation images of coming to have as much as being right. you get your expertise on this. we really appreciate your time. man, behind
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a live in new york. thanks for having me. of the ukraine presidents and autumn is an empty, has confirmed for the 1st time that you kind forces inside russia's cook's region. tens of thousands of russians have in order to evacuate 2 parts of the border under attack. russian president vladimir fusion says key was attempting to stop moscow as offensive and eastern ukraine and gain leverage and possible talks. defense editor alex could talk with us reports. 14 your bushes. cruise region has been raging for a week, as russian troops tried to stop the advance of ukrainian forces. what was the situation apparently deteriorating for russia? the governor of the neighboring build road region announced evacuation of russian civilians from a boat at district. limits for those, but it was the level of evidence in order to secure the life and health of our
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population. we are beginning to move people who live in the custody. out of some school districts to safer place is in a possible expansion of ukraine's operation. its soldiers fighting alongside georgia in volunteers was seen in the belgrade villages perot's quality loved in russia, and just across the border. the operation has been a boost to ukrainian burrell, as they perceive their forces to be given russia, taste bits of medicine. you know, should they put sleep on able to yes, our support that the fact that they went that i support that. that's what they deserved with. let them feel what we feel, let them live in off the skin, russian or ukrainian. it is the civilian population that always suffers and this will fall into units in russia now organizing the distribution of food, an aid as people sleep with what little they can carry. first of the question and then you'll know over it what we need is new bedding, sleeping bags, blankets,
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and some other things all because the nights will ready. quite chilly and it's august. it's approaching often. unfortunately, we don't know how long this situation will continue. it was each day that pulse is president vladimir putin, these looking we could as what was at 1st the rate by ukrainian forces. now looks like a whitening operation carried out on prussian soil. alex gets helpless. i'll just here and can yeah, the leader of a christian doomsday calls has gone on trial, accused of 9 slow to pull and pen gave mackenzie was arrested off to the remains of moving full 100 people were found in the forest last year. stephanie deca has moved from outside the colon, mombasa, and coughed. they filed out $94.00, accused, plus one v, one looking sooner than in previous court appearances pull, mackenzie former taxi driver, turned preacher mckenzie and the others already facing 3 separate trials,
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charged with terrorism, murder, and child torture and cruelty. and you trial. now, the 4th and final, the charge, manslaughter persecution, chevy. evidence showing how in passage of this research that's used, process had planned to have everyone in the chest died from starvation or fox being 2nd from children to their mothers. and finally, that's why this seen a false belief or religious victory, their f. mackenzie still coming across as the man in charge. taking advantage of his folder as being gathered together in court or pleading not guilty to all charges such in the exercise of the freedom of religion, the assembly and expression. there was no suicide. that was most of these sites
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and there was no death that too good to go to the beach. not guilty, they say of this. over $400.00 bodies were exempt in mass graves and track a hold of forest. mackenzie's preaching ordered, starvation is the only way to make it to heaven. as he said, the end of the world was upon them. autopsies revealed emaciated bodies, but also be things and strange relations. his order was that children were to be starved and die 1st. then women, then men, and he would follow last. mackenzie, now 1st facing the charges. 5 witness. testimonies are scheduled for this week. further hearings in this case are set for september. this tragedy has highlighted the lack of regulation. when it comes to preachers and pastors, anyone can set up a church in this deeply religious country, a former taxi driver's turn, self appointed mind of god, resulting in one of the deadliest religious cults. in modern history,
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stephanie deca hodges are among the red pad. it may be hiding a blue secret side to say and in time ocean could be beneath the surface of monce researches believe there's water up to 20 kilometers underneath the motion crust. barbara and go power reports. a 3000000000 years ago, scientists say mosque was a web planet. a new discovery based and sees mac measurements from now says moss, inside the land is helping to unlock the mystery of how it turned into a desert. we know that mars once had rivers, oceans, potential oceans and lakes on its surface. and one of the big questions is, where did the water go? because the planet is now dry and cold. there are thoughts that some of the water escaped when mars lots of atmosphere is it in minerals? how much is in liquid water.


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