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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the the you're watching the news, our life from headquarters, and del fine setting up a gauge. i. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes is really settlers escorted by snipers, storm a village and occupied westbank on a jewish holiday. fierce bottles underway between is really soldiers and palestinian fighters and fine eunice in southern gospel. the twins pers wildfire is closer to the greek capital, forcing thousands to evacuated from a please, a dozen villages, ukraine's military process further into russian territory. more evacuations have
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been ordered along the western border. pounds with rents increasing 600 percent in 4 years. we looked at what's behind turkey is housing prices. the hello, it's 7 gmc, we begin this news hour in the occupied westbank. where is really settlers are storming the village of to when it tuesday marks a jewish holiday. the settlers responded to calls on social media to raise palestinian villages near hebron. they arrived on busses under the protection of is really forces and snipers are providing additional cover from the rooftops a it's a one village south of hebron and the myself for the region is really settlers have repeatedly attacked. palestinians in that area under about $1200.00 is really settlers who's also entered ups on mos compound and occupied east jerusalem there
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set to be marking the anniversary of the destruction of the temple. is really police prevented the sellers from entering the actual most a palestinian man shot by is really forces during your rage and around. my law has died of his wounds and a separate incidents is really forces storm kenia injuring one person is really forces on sellers have killed me 620 for palestinians and the occupied westbank since the war on gauze begun. well during the raids angel i'm a lot is really forces also demolish the house of a palestinian man. i said anybody who was he was arrested in january for an a legend shooting and several other neighborhoods were also rated overnights. okay, we can now speak to somebody who's a professor for international affairs,
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a cuss or university joining us from online mr. but already welcome back to elgin 0 . just give me your, your overall reading, what's taking place right now in the occupied westbank and what seems to be a settler profit, publications i've been ups almost compounds in occupied east jerusalem as well. thank you very much. i think here what we're seeing now in the us bank is the continuation of the same policy, which is the i need to try the efficient position to change the status quote, a dictionary and, and just to them and, and the most. and we know that the steps are sort of sensitive, especially to those 80, and i mean, legally, you know, and, and change. it was really jargon, but we know that all set, those are a legal and mattress band can just to them these deals to them. so they, those people who think that is the kind of a good opportunity and that the reason is in turmoil, and the government is the extremist and the history and the shortest families run. and they want to explore this in order to change the status quo in the most. so
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they want to create new facts and present them as of fate, the company, so that the international community, that kind of thing. and then we'll take this into accounting and invest with them. i'd be going to be used to what extent are these raids and these military incursions that take place in the occupied westbank directly tied to the war on gods? i mean overnight their reports of a raids and drama, la, janine nablus. hebron all facing military incursions. one more time, i think this is actually predicted the war and gather the is really pushed into the west bank of east dress and has been on since the exception the discovery meant ah, so by the taking this opportunity then the whole attention is focusing gather orange and now is focusing, iran has rely on the likelihood of of retaliation. so they take advantage of
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that and trying to explore, to, to be, to the most uh, by reading as much as they can by creating track by checking the status for as much as you can. what do you make of the seeming to silence then by the international community on the events of the occupied beth westbank. and we've been reporting for many months now that the the rates have increased quite drastically since october. the 7th. if either the international community is either incompetent or indifferent to what is happening in the spec on these joshua. otherwise you would have seen a kind of a different stand. and we see that is what is enjoying the same relationship with doing those and extinguish other countries. here i'm talking about the listing cap and the status and then the bullying and washington and then not really paying any price for that. so the continue, i mean they see that being asked him if he is only talking to give talk, but they never vote and it all. and they, they feel that they,
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they have it kind of infinity to do whatever they want to do. and to us back and as for the palestinian authority, what do you make of their um, their limits and some with a limited reaction to what's going on when the, when we know that the b o is it'd be a so it has to, it could have controlled by a certain arrangement, the occupying forces and palestine. and they're giving a priority and the value delinquent. these are the authorities simply because of the, you know, running they to the business and with them. and they need this set or they need the, the task. so in a way we can see the v p a is only, you know, like the international committee. they just, you know, criticized that sometimes can don't. but they continue to say in the arrangement would be with these ranges. so this rate is done seeing that, you know, they are under any pressure on the testing and p a and, and that's why they continue, continue, will continue doing what they're doing. okay. has somebody thank you so much for
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speaking to us from my mind. i will get an update now and what's happening on the ground and speak to our correspondent needs that, but he was running us from but i'm, i've done it up 1st on this situation. and as one is specifically, why are the settlers planning on storming dot village and what's happening right now there is the, when it with what they need to more public. we've seen it before. the ceremony in my head raising some of the compounds and also i found a city in open space. this is one of many that needs to kind of see
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me a lot and say that they are. that's why i knew that there were reeves overnight in different areas of the occupied westbank, including one in central. but i'm a lot. tell us about that. and what happened is we are right now to this
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morning. the house the house is the whole house is what you house is mom, you know, these really you know to be moving in that no one
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really. 2 okay, thank you knew that? but i mean thank you for reporting that from what i'm on the well, the palestinian statistics bureau size is really a tax of chill, nearly 14000 palestinians across garza, and more than 10 months of war. the latest strikes have killed at least 10 palestinians, and the eastern suburbs of con eunice. several others were wounded on fierce battles or underway between the is really army and palestinian fighters in fine units. a renewed military operation in the southern city as far as the 10s of thousands of people from their homes on temporary shelters. that school massacre on saturday has prompted another emergency meeting of the un security council. it will
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take place on tuesday. the council's 24th special session since israel's were on garza begun on october, the 7th gabriel, at least on the reports from the un headquarters in new york. since october, 7th meeting after meeting. and yet nothing the un security council has done or said, has been able to stop israel's war on guys a, a few examples back on october 30th, an emergency meeting, a call to help the fighting. when the death toll was 8000 issue prescribing this we need is the resolution presented today does not reflect the real situation on the ground. it is since sword to 5 times that was on may 24th. the council meets to pass a resolution condemning the killing of u. n. staff and aid workers reported has already shown it g. the draft resolution demands that parties to conflict of hold their obligations go since then. another
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15, un personnel killed and more humanitarian workers as well. and on may 29th, the council meets after israel strikes a camp in rafa, sparking fires, killing dozens, we are heart broken and horrified since then more strikes by his real, more deaf. this is the 24th special session that has been called on palestine since october 7, 24 sessions get very little that the security council has actually been able to do that significant. and that's something that will continue to hurt and undermine the legitimacy of the security council. you know, far past one that sees fire does is, is reaching boss, um, do you think there's any takeaways from what the security council has not been able to do? i think one of the biggest take away is which many member states have been shouting from the rooftops. there's a need for reform of the security council. we're in a situation where the security council is clearly not working to maintain
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international peace and security, as it was mandated to do. re, i'd man sure. power stein's ambassador to the un says the council and member states have the tools to hold israel to account it. there are many things that they can do if they have to put it together with to act. journalist report about it. diplomats listen to it. that is the power of the security council, and the hope is of been surely there will be the political will to in israel's war on guys. something so far, the council has failed to do gabriel's onto. i would use it at united nations in new york. well, the us, the set to send its top diploma to the middle east as it anticipates retaliation from iran. and this allies, the reports that the secretary of state anthony blinking will travel to the region on tuesday. iran has promised to respond to the killing of how much this political
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leaders, $900.00 a year into run for our white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has more. the national security council spokesperson john kirby telling reporters in a call on monday that the united states echoes the assessment of the is really intelligence agencies that are wrong, added proxies are likely to attack israel as early as this week. the white house is preparing for what it calls a significant set of attacks in terms of the time in what this might look like. the white house thinks difficult to ascertain. still, the white house is acknowledging that this could have a direct impact on the seas. firefox that are scheduled to take place to try and, and israel's war on gaza. still the white house saying that those talks are scheduled to move forward, even as a mazda signaling. it may not be at the table, the white house, the come off needs to be there. in fact,
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everyone needs to show up so that this deal can be wrapped up now. positive bite and concerned about making sure these talk stay on track. and also that there is an effort to try and de escalate the tensions that are rising in the middle east. holding a call on monday with his allies in europe, namely france, germany, italy, and the u. k. to talk about this intelligence assessment, what he's saying is that whether or not the european allies come to israel's defense, as they did back in april the last time around the tax, it is up to those european allies. still the united states will be there. in fact, it has already bolstered the forest past year even more so in the last few days. and president biden says that he is confident in the us capability to defend israel should come to that. kimberly help it l g 0. the white house, the
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ukraine says it's captured a 1000 square, kilometers of rushes, cursed green ginger, and it's cross border incursion. russian forces are struggling to repel the assault for a week. now. tens of thousands of russians have been ordered to evacuate to border areas which are under attack. rushes army launched a series of drones on ballistic missiles overnight, and ukraine remains on high alert for new air attacks. we have with us our defense editor alex with top of us to talk us through all of the latest developments this morning. alex. yes, so the ukrainians have taken suit you the town that they were aiming for the very beginning of this and cushion over a week ago now. and the creating forces are pushed forward to a front about 2625. 26 kilometer is deep. it's interesting that they're
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still pushing into a bell garage in the south, of course, a know rushes declared a foot and a tourism operation in pre ons, which is the area above course. so 3 border regions now and this russian terrorist operation. so what is the sort of broader context to all of this alex, and is there something to be said about the timing why this is happening now? yes, very much so is the crating ukrainians were slowly losing in the east it's on that's when we say losing it incrementally, but it was happening the russian army as far larger and it could afford more losses . the russian army still advancing towards tourette's across in the south. i'll be a very slowly and the idea will for ukrainian how come on was to lou. a russian forces away from that critical area and to try and get them to effectively waste their time in the north, but the training and ink cartridges being successful and it shows no signs of stopping as well. okay. thank you alex. thank you very much. alex gets off the list
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is our defense editor, 6 degrees swear. at least one person has died in a major wildfire on the outskirts of the capital of stories are evacuating, towns and hospitals near athens as flames destroy, forest and phones. jo, now hold reports the wildfires that began north east of athens on sunday, all bearing down on the capital itself. the seas really see a sub just 10 kilometers away. see every stake with smoke and panic. the blaze is said to be moving like lightning across the 20 kilometer from fence by high winds, independently beyond the control of firefighters, large pots of mount pen daily, so so ablaze, the wind would go in one direction and then in the other,
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the smoke was suffocating. i couldn't see your eyes to adopt. you couldn't breathe . you would just 60 meters from the house and you couldn't see it at the residence of the towns and villages have been ordered to evacuate with volunteers and officials scrambling to assist the ancient town of matter with them is also at risk and residents that have been told to head towards the coast, but many remain doing what they can to save their homes and possessions. phenomenal, most of it hurts. we have grown up in the forest. we feel great sadness and anger for the level of the flames surrounded me. i couldn't see how you define 3, and this happened. whole to bombing aircraft helicopters and fire trucks of wood ceaselessly since sunday. the task made ever more difficult by gale force winds that is set to continue. as the ash crowd visible over the acropolis moves ever
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closer. weather conditions suggest things may yes, it was june and july with the hottest month on record. and while mondays, temperature hit the t 9 degrees celsius in the athens area alone, around half the country, he's under a red look for wild fires. yet for all that these are increasingly familia seems environment list of all the grease is a summer time tinderbox. last year 28. people were killed in wild fires across the country. and 6 years ago in 2018, a 104 people died. as far as devastated the seaside resort of magic during the whole elder 0. ok, let's get an update from our correspondence, ro, stratford who's joining us for a while. since charles, what's the scene like this morning? the big chinese at the moment is dealing with the waiting conditions. we understand that over night there's been
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a drop in the waiting, but according to the meet your logical office. hey this morning, they saying that the waiting could pick up to, up to 70 kilometers an hour until around mid day today here and drop off around 5 to 6 pm. so we understand that the chinese being faced by these 5 fighters goes on. we're also now getting increasingly confirmed reports of at least one person having been killed in these fires. the ports of a 60 year old women boots on the suit was found dead in one place, at least 18 people injured. also, we understand mainly from smoke, inhalation. we've also told 3 hospitals to be evacuated, including a children's home to monasteries. were also of the understanding that some help from european countries should be part of the game today if it hasn't already arrived. this is a help is being provided according to the use mutual civil protection agreement. so
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it's really primarily supplying to what will say dropping planes. there's also help coming in for problems in serbia who are supplying had a comp just the full. so i've had a capacity to drop will to turkey as well, to planes there, as well as a lot of plus and now we already know that so that the greeks, there's around $700.00 firefighters least involved in this effort to contain displays firefighting. uh oh, sorry to say over the last few hours of say that so where is yesterday they were battling a place that was anywhere between 20 to 30 kilometers long. a single block. they now concern about some, the localized fires and those that to be put out in the last 24 hours or so rekindling, which of course he's made was by these weight is noticeable. it says that the wind has increased in athens, in central, in the central areas of athens,
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and in the last couple of hours. but so, you know, we're going to be going up into the areas that would be most effective in the coming out. and we'll be able to bring you more details, but as i say still very much on harlow, the understanding that these bible against these buys goes on and as for the government's response, how do people feel about that? and how have athenians reacted of the? but it really hasn't, as i get along the tools for the to be bouncing criticism against the government in how many people see them as having to deal with this crisis so far. coast, these supplies have been pretty much every year in greece. this is considered to be one of the worst buys in recent years. opposition use papers this morning like the, the main left wing all position use paper, run a headline. cooling for the evacuation of the prime minister's office, hoping to see an indication of how unhappy day off with how he's dealt with it.
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there's also being the coolest from a more centrist, if you like, be the organization will centrist these paper with the headlines. enough is enough, repeated promises what 2nd to governments that they are going to do better with the spies? yeah. on. yeah. and certainly there's no indication that they are doing any better in dealing with this file. and then governments have done in the past is also have issues of compensation. we understand that. however, there is people who have been effective, who have most property a know, but still fighting for compensation in cold. so there's all comments as to whether there is a legal process sufficient enough to be able to deal with the claims that people needs and wants to buy. so once this is a lot of. busy one can already imagine, yeah, it's going to be more pressure on this government to engage with compensation. i don't think it's fair to say yeah that, that does seem to be bouncing. and as these crisis goes, all right, charles,
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thanks. we'll cross back through the later uh, throughout the day. thank you. i as well, and algeria firefighters have been trying to contain wild fires in an eastern region, residents in the past of a fire to the west tub in order to leave their homes. fire crews have been battling multiple wild fires in that area since friday. more than 30 people died in july last year when massive fires devastated the same area. the united nations has held high level debates about africa's under representation in the security council . in may, the security council called for the role of african countries to be strengthens in addressing global security and development challenges africa ease, and that he presented in global governance structures from the security council to international financial institutions. but over the present, it's in the state of challenges this,
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that actually lives out of these. i'm with this conflicts emergencies, and geo political revisions and been outsides the impact on african continents. and these councils agenda demonstrates these nearly health of outcomes to be specific or regional conflicts on your agenda. concern ethic that often executive id buy gives for, after, because of the sources we thought vital to the global economy and sort of a spread the negative values by the ends of feelings of external access. the message is clear. there can be no global security without effort against security. so after more than a year of fighting between the armed forces and the paramilitary rapids support forces ensued on the us special on voice as peace talks will go ahead this week. even if the sudanese government isn't involved here but morgan has the details from
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cartoon in the us. a special envoy held a press briefing just days before tops of schedules to start between the to the new army and the power and military rapids support forces in the city of geneva. now and his briefing, the us special envoy made it very clear that this will be the start off the process of a ceasefire to of cease fire talks between the army and the reset. and that several countries are taking part in these and in this process, in the launching of this process for these 5 talks to take place between the army and the parent military rapids support forces. they are assessed on fund that they will be attending the talks. but the us said they were yet to receive a confirmation from the to the news army that they will be part of the talk speaker starts on august 14th. we would have preferred for these talks to start in april when we tried. we've been trying for this round, if not april, may, if not, may, june, and july. but we will move forward with this event this week. and that has been
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made clear to the parties that we have had a commitment engagement from the our assess, we've had extensive engage him with assess, but they have not yet given us enough information, which would be necessary today for moving forward with seating them on the 14th, now there were discussions held between us representatives and symphonies, representative in the city of center on the 9th and 10th of this month. and they were to try to break a deadlock between the 2 sites and to pave the way. i'm supposed to wait for the talks in geneva. what's following those talks, the sudanese government said that they will not be attending the tasks engineer, but because they want to be represented as a government and not as the army. and they don't ones the next r m a rates, an e got as observe as to the talk that are scheduled to take place in geneva. now this kind of happens as talks are as fighting continued, indecision, these carpets and cartoon, and elsewhere around the country in the city of, of pressure to the last remaining armstrong pool in the dark for region slicing
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between the recess and the army back. so by alms group continue with the rest of continuing its attempts to take over the city. exchange of artillery between the 2 sides has left disability and death. and the lack of humanitarian access has led to simon being declared in some sometime. and especially in north and are for the humanitarian situation around the country is also dire. more than 10000000 people have been displaced as a result of the fighting conflicts and violence continued to hinder access to humanitarian supplies and humanitarian assistance. so those in need, especially in areas such as that are for region and in the southern parts of the country. and the in the united nation says more than half of the population are in desperate need of food assistance. this 5 that both sides seem to be determined to in each over each other militarily, with the rest of gaining more ground in the southern parts of the country and with the army gaining ground in the city of undermine abram, oregon,
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alta 0 cartoon. this is coming up on the all does it renews our a religious cold leader is in court. antonio accused of encouraging hundreds of followers to starve themselves to death. the monday will turn out to be the hottest day of the year for countries in those near like belgium, the netherlands, england. alright, heat drawn up from the sides, but they will be a change the weather that's coming in from the west. so in immediate future, this is where all the heat is. next, it's most of your pain plane to be honest, but it's extremely high and placed the way you would expect to process the case. in point 66 is a likely recording by the end the day 36.5, the record. it certainly cools down and bates and we do have $23.00 as the thunderstorm for the tucking on wednesday. that will be the general change. both
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western wendy's the case for western sides of all of the british isles. for example, these off on the stones breaking out in the heat, and the mark comes back considerably. they don't make it all the way east or time towards greece, for example. and if i pick up, for example, saturday, april, so to 657 maintains this for the next 3 days. there's not a change taking place here. and that's true. so i totally agree talk to you. even in romania where i run 2 shells, pop up is still sort got so she's 6 in bucharest, still health in northern africa. but as you well not, which is the magic brain is quite surprising. a long way, knowles, for example, in china and assured your mac folding 9. booking the fast so and further west and the one man was at the top of the most wanted list in palestine. in the 1913, he and his followers were hunted by the british and feared by palestinian. oh to 0
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world, tells the story of abraham stern to historian and his own family. the leader of an arms group dedicated to the creation of a jewish homeland. profess pictures permitted of jewish methods problems, cyprus, to turn the man the gang, and the states on which is 0. matthew has, of course, has to have with chinese academic, victor, 12 percent of the people to taiwan, say they want to reunify that it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the ones on the policy. exploring time is development, admissions is he know, president for like a true dictate. how can you explain for finding the transformational china, if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out the
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the top stories on the, on at least one person has died in a major wildfire on the outskirts of the greek capital authorities are evacuating towns on hospitals near athens, as flames spread quickly through forest and residential areas. is really settlers are storming the village of front one and the occupied westbank. the settlers responded to calls on social media to raise palestinian villages near hebron. fair arrived on busses under the protection pulse is really forces in gaza. fierce bottles are underway between the is where the army and thomas thing and fighters in fine. eunice, a renewed military operation and the southern city has force tens of thousands of people from their homes. on temporary shelters, israel says it's investigating
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a statement by how mazda is armed, waiting announcing the death of and is really captive in gaza and the wounding of 2 others and a separate incidents. these are, the governments has bound alger 0 from reporting their so from the central, which has more from jordan's capital, i'm on these really military says they can neither confirm nor deny the claims made by him as that one is really captive was killed and 2 others injured, they say they are looking to gather intelligence on the ground about the captives just as they have been trying to do so over the last 10 months. but all of this comes as the war is well beyond it's 10 months. and israel is preparing for some sort of retaliation by the it audience, by his bela and even perhaps the who these in the gym and now is really officials have been speaking anonymously to is really media is saying that the attack is immune and based on their intelligence and the country's defense ministerial of galandes has been holding near daily security and situational assessments. on his
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roles, preparedness and readiness in the wake of whatever threat these really military also conducted a drill in the northern part of the country. it was the largest drill of its kind since the war began, essentially simulating a full war with the lebanese arm through his butler. now you'll have the lawn says that israel is ready to act in unprecedented ways as they have significant capabilities. and that they're ready to make the switch from defense to off ends in an instant time, the son who as just you know, i'm on to set a goal as prime minister as not sancho has made an unannounced visit to molly and a bit to convince the military government to rejoin the regional block echo us. it's sancho his 1st trip to buy my co since his party was elected in march, molly recently joined an echo us break away alliance called the confederation of sa has states. its members include new share and working of faso,
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which are also led by military governments following twos in recent years, across members have imposed sanctions on the 3 nations urging them to hold elections before going to say, oh, we have to put the motions aside and work on the basis of concrete concern, if we have pen africanist, every pen africanist must have uniting africans beyond our differences as his or her one and only objective. still concerned with the goals. so whatever our differences, let's try as our elders did to create the money and imply that straight from here to send a goal gonna, and everywhere in between. we can do no less than they did. and that's a concern. but if a silver and country like money feels that the mistakes it has made justifies its departure, we respect that sovereignty the leader of a christian doomsday, colton. teneo has pleaded not guilty to multiple charges of manslaughter, self proclaimed pastor report, and 10 give mackenzie was arrested off to the remains of more than $400.00 people
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were found in a forest near a coastal community in eastern kenya. last year. stephanie decker reports from the court in mombasa and coughed the filed out. $94.00 accused, plus one the one looking sooner than in previous courts, appearances pool. mackenzie, former taxi driver, turned preacher of mckenzie and the others already facing 3 separate trials, charged with terrorism, murder, and child torture, and cruelty and new trial. now the 4th and final, the charge, manslaughter persecution. chevy. evidence showing how in the passage of this research that's used, boston had planned to have. everyone in the church died from starvation or fox being 2nd from children to their mothers. and finally,
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the fathers in a false belief or religious victory, their f. mackenzie still coming across as the man in charge taking advantage of his followers being gathered together in court or pleading not guilty to all charges, but in the exercise of the freedom of religion, the assembly and expression there was no suicide. but that was most of these sites and there was no death that too good to go to. religion. not guilty. they say this . over $400.00 bodies were exempt in mass graves and track a hold of forest. mackenzie's preaching ordered, starvation is the only way to make it to heaven. as he said, the end of the world was upon them. autopsies revealed emaciated bodies, but also beatings and strangulation. his order was that children were to be starved
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and die 1st, then women, then men, and he would fall the last, the mackenzie now 1st facing the charges. 5 witness. testimonies are scheduled for this week. further hearings in this case are set for september. this tragedy has highlighted the lack of regulation when it comes to preacher's and pastors, anyone can set up a church in this deeply religious country, a former taxi driver's turn, self appointed mind of god, resulting in one of the deadliest religious cults. in modern history, stephanie decker hodges, or in recent years 13 has become one of the most expensive countries to live and people say, the surgeon, the prices of property on rent have made the market on affordable average. rent prices have increased 600 percent in the past 4 years. the government's cap tykes a 25 percent, but it's cost tension as many landlords evict tenants and find new ones who are
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prepared to pay higher prices. it's also left to violets, at least 11 people have been killed and around 50 injured. in confrontations between tenants and property owners. turkey is facing an economic downturn and installation a soaring and its currency. the lira has lost more than 400 percent to the us dollar since 2018. so they don't because, well, gu has more from a stumble. with 1000000 the residents, espanol is the most crowded, always stumbles 57 district. but like much over the city, it is becoming increasingly affordable. abdullatif is having to move for a 2nd time in 10 months. his latest landlord wants to raise the rent by 60 percent . and some of the official initial about them, what we're spending half of our wages to exercise our most fundamental entitlement housing. there isn't much left for us for other expenses. we're just trying to
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survive that alone live in normal life. brands have grown 6 fold over the last 4 years across to key it. now you may and may have retired, but she's burdened with assisting her married son. could you tell that she will not be another talk? so despite the fact that both of them work, my son and wife live on a shoe string, i pay the range with my own pension to help move in is overwhelmed by the ranch. she has to pay for her family and for her daughter study and get a different city. so let me just change it. as soon as my son and daughter graduates, we plan to return to our village. there is no future. how much longer can we rent? housing and the rental price has been a stumble or the highest across. okay, because it is the most popular city, it accounts nearly half of the national economy. it is also popular among foreign pro for to buyers and host hundreds of thousands of refugees. experts say the
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government's insistence on preserving low interest ways helped to feel the housing market during the pen, demik fire physical. so as soon as the other investment tools were restricted in order to maintain the low interest rate policy, seeing that in pleasure era with the right people didn't invest in that circus, they were due to poor interest rates. they flocked to hard assets like real estate . that's all process escalated, or the central bank has since ways interest rates to 50 percent of the time sky high inflation. and that impacts home owners who have been hit with a search and loan repayment. fears of a similar earthquake have driven up the price of safer newer buildings and assemble north of a major full line. the non custodial elders who reassemble well as i speak to richard. the goal is an economist and research analyst that's, i'm bro. c, a capital joining us from london. it's just a goal. thanks for your time. so, i mean that's, that's a stick of 600 percent in the past 4 years as quite outstanding. how did house on
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rental prices skyrocket so quickly as we heard of them? and so it's been really a number of factors. there's been a lot of immigration to this involved and the other large cities a number of years ago because of military conflict elsewhere in the region. and more recently, a lot of people have been moving from russia as an alternative to the dish locations such as to buy. but because it's a very large converting part of the city, there's been a lot of for an investment. and a lot of the investment us and to us is that there are no agent. so one of the solutions would be separate by the authorities to put the, put the bank in properties, but also to build the process of housing. right. and in terms of sort of the domestic policy and the government's economic policy, to what extent of issues like inflation and interest rates impacted the housing market in turkey. i guess bar please them be interest rate policy that existed
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until about a year ago in which the interest rate decisions were largely from the office of the president as opposed to the central bank. and because the views of interest rates and inflation or an orthodox view which they have low interest rates, would lead to lower inflation over time. it unfortunately didn't work, but because it made buying a property very cheap with level markets rates. and because the government was encouraging the large commercial banks to extend war, which is that led to the housing boom. and therefore we are in the current situation in which i think is for an affordable for most people. so what's the solution here? i mean, like we heard also in our correspondence that it was packed as people are simply being priced out of out of the market. what is the government need to do here to get a handle on that situation? there's not really that much. it can do because a lot of this temple is on a phone line from the building codes. they've always been quite restrictive,
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always meaning in the past 20 years. but because of the earthquake about 18 months ago, in another part of the country that had to be enforced to greater degree. so that is one constraint. another constraint is built in cost has increased quite a lot and it's a shorter term land. what it can do is try to encourage who are building, but i think the major solutions going to have to be natural in which people will have to wrench present by for time. and they will have to talk a lot with the friends and family until they can afford to buy, or alternatively, they'd have to move to cheaper cities. so unfortunately, there are solutions. there's not too much the government can do, but it will be a long process. so what are your projections then for, let's say the next few years, 5 to 10 years time for the circuit housing market. a good site, it's going to recover, it began, it will be some time. but as with
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a lot of countries where around one city tends to dominate, as simple as responsible for the by far the largest portion of economic economic activity. either people will have to move to the suburbs and understand that price . vacation costs will not will increase for them, or alternatively, they're smaller cities will have to take up some of the burden. okay, and richard single, thank you for speaking to us from london. thank you. you're welcome presidential candidate, donald trump, has returned to the social media platform x. the republican joined the one on one discussion with a long mosque, but the event was delayed by a technical failure, leaving thousands complaining must blame the interruption on a hacking attack without providing evidence. the tech billionaire has endorsed the former president's campaign and is helping him raise funds every time is a political analyst. he says it's unlikely the interview will change public
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perceptions of either musk or trump. we have seen the ex platform lose millions of subscribers and followers of not many people on x that perhaps were on x prior to the purchased by e. one must, we do know a number of major blue chip companies have also fled the x platform. and so even still, i think both of these men are looking to try to re brent and reinvent themselves in very different ways. i think a lot of mazda is trying to show that the ex smoke social media platform is still a platform. that is one that actually should be seen as courted and involved by major corporations and individuals. and also donald trump, who now appears to be moving much of his lead. and the poll a to combine harris is looking to amplify his voice. and of course,
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his policy jobs in a way to try to compete with her and also to start and blunt her momentum. will that happen tonight? i don't think this interview is going to change mindful hearts. this is necessarily going to move the needle for donald trump because again, what donald trump needs to do is try to define his kit, his opponent, which he hasn't been able to do. and he certainly isn't doing tonight. and he also needs to be able to, to re define himself and i don't think at 78 years old, we're going to see donald trump do that. i the f. b i is investigating allegations or rainy. and hackers tried to steal data from both us presidential campaigns. donald trump's team, so sensitive documents were taken, and a cyber attack, which it accuses iran of carrying out an advisor is working for joe biden, and campbell harris were also allegedly targeted. iran has denied any involvement she advertise, she has more from washington dc. over the weekend, it was revealed of some of the news publications in the us have been offered.
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internal trump campaign documents the f b i is now investigating. and so far, there's no evidence of box connected to the allegations from both microsoft on the f. b i. the iran is with attempting to hack into both the republican and democratic party presidential campaigns we have has been investigating since june, according to the washington post. several spear fishing e mails have been sent to both campaigns. that is emails of a port to be from some of the people within the campaigns may know they contain links. when those links are clicked, then all the inside of information is, is surrendered. at the must see a hack. 3 harris by the officials were targeted to the hours bite. and as the campaign was that however, the power to save the bath attempt wasn't successful. however, an associate of the trump campaign. oh, that actually officially part of the trump campaign? roger stoned. a very flamboyant supporter of donald trump, he was compromised by
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a spit phishing email. his emails were compromised and then his email address is being used to target members of the trump campaign with those links to try and get access to the trump campaign. internal documents, that's as far as we know so far the f b i as an ongoing investigation to the ledges. iran is behind. all of this is prevents presented the evidence and the wrong denies everything she ever times. the alger 0, washington, the still ahead on alta 0 is the red planet hiding a blue sea, chris, scientist say an entire ocean could be beneath the surface, offline. the
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district's palestinians, cute distribution, a nation to on a freight. they, even if you buy cold water from outside, it would cost you $5.00 or 6 chuckles. i don't have enough money. even the water we
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drink here is not properly filtered before the war. this punch provides, it's 20000000 liters of a fresh water a free day, around 250000 people. now, the facility can produce just 15 percent of the original outputs of to the use, but only destroyed power links to the prompt. it has been forced to run a backup generators using fuel, which is logically running out how to study and work as in coordination with these very forces on our attempting to connect an external power line to the cloud is electricity supply is restored. the problem for once again, be able to run a full capacity with these palestinians. it will provide at least some really a sense of belonging. we always look for ways to be together and be every day heroes, keeping communities together is tough. the laptop is transforming the day
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in the 1st part of the series of just 0 visits is of a lot. but in mexico city, where locals are turning on a tory as municipality to an urban utopia, a sense of community on it's just the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the scientist and brazil are celebrating a dramatic increase in the number of humpback whales seen off the coast for you. addition arrow, the waters were once a hunting ground for the mammals and prized for their blubber. population is
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estimated a 30 thousands, but the whales remain a threatened species. well, the red planet may be hiding a blue secret scientist say, an entire ocean could lie beneath the surface of mars. researchers believe reservoirs of water exist in fractures and rocks up to 20 kilometers underneath the martian crust. barbara and go for reports. a 3000000000. yes. a good scientist say, mosque was a what planet? a new discovery based on c's mac measurements from now says mosse inside the land is helping to unlock the mystery of how it turned into a desert. we know that mars once had rivers, oceans, potential oceans and lakes. on its surface, and one of the big questions is, where did the water go? because the planet is now dry and cold. there are thoughts that some of the water
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escaped when mars lots of atmosphere. is it in minerals? how much is in liquid water? we've learned something new about the hydro geological or the water cycle on mars. the bunch of that water is now under ground. scientists say, if it can be extracted, it will increase the likelihood of human settlement on the red planet now. so it has an instrument on the parts of you in silver which has manufactured oxygen. so we just need a watered in some form for human existence as well as making it okay. cool. and then bhaskar is making starship, which can $3200.00 people to mars and 6 months. so it's all coming together. so, you know, in, in 1015 years, it might not look like the science fiction anymore. the research is behind the study when it will be extremely difficult to reach the will to estimated to be as deep as 20 kilometers plaza motion surface. what we do on earth is we often
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circulate fluids or muds to help drill and get a little bit easier, you know, on mars, you'd have to bring that or produce it somehow. you need the power, you need the equipment. so it would be very challenging. if that can get the water to the surface, it would also go a long way to answering the question of whether there's life on mars. barbara and grandma out is there a tiny harrison is a fellow with the university of british columbia is outer space. you know, she says settlements on mars are unlikely in the near future this water is really deeply buried. and so that part may not be easy for us to access, but we have discovered very shallow buried ice all over the northern mid latitudes of mars. and that's just within the 1st few meters of the service. so that would be a lot easier for ashen off to be able to access in the near future. you can might interest like you'd be buying a type of rock. and you know that to form drinking water of rations to use as well,
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to use the water to help form things like rocket fuel. so that the optional c st. you are able to come back to, or again, some way, even though we've been studying robots to mars for decades now. rover's landers, satellites, they're still not quite as good as humans. i'd be able to actually to do science on the service. and really trying to answer that question of whether or not mars ever had light or has wife wanted to date me so much easier for us to answer with humans on the surface using labs, scale equipment that we just can't change the size of the rovers. right. now, and we're just so ingenious as humans like me, we think we can replicate a lot of our abilities with computers. but we're not quite there yet. in certain areas, it's probably going to be centuries before we see cities on mars full of humans. so think something more like the basis that we see in our cover, you have maybe a few dozen scientists that are in there kind of on rotation doing research her back in just
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a moment with morning the viewing the people with disabilities in gone are the most vulnerable groups in israel, of relentless or asking questions, you know, the number right now. what is the issue, the reporting from the actual best feelings and you can also can have the worst out as it was, teens across the world within the local news. i didn't like from documentary when you closer to the house of the story, a unique perspective, the transfer and the displacements are being vision. this population has been discussed as part of design. his project went back for well over a 100 years on heard voices over all times, people have these days by the fall of this bombing connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. young people are not looking for
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a hand, but they're not backed up by a system that supports the stream on out just the or the, the . ringback the must be the emotion in their own words. 3, i'll just leave a general to describe working had survived through his rails or so of course a lot of my bad well i was calling and especially his english. i think the sort of
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journalism under genocide on a just so you know, you want to report, but at the same time you want to feature probably you also want to stay alive. the is really settlers escorted by snipers. storm is religion. the occupied westbank and the ups are most comp pounds as tensions rise on the same day as a jewish holiday. the you're watching out to 0 live from a headquarters in delphi and getting navigate to also ahead. the winds perse wildfire is closer to the greek capital, forcing thousands to evacuated from at least a dozen villages. ukraine's military pushes further into russian territory. more


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