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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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actual town sight have come, a harrison of the test was some european nation still buying washington oil both take a look. plus nigerians angry, but other presidents reforms to blame for that hardship. counting the cost on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry on the was the welcome to the news our life from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any forces target palestinians in central gaza again, bringing the death toll close up to $40000.00 thousands of his writing settlers and ultra nationalist and to the alex almost compound and occupied east jerusalem. also
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coming up, besides our fly, as moses and the outskirts of the great capital, cruise and volunteers use as we seen at the disposal to extinguish the flames. and emotive, cases filed against bangladesh, asked employment assistance. i see now where live in dot com with the details. hello and welcome to the program. is there any strikes of again, target to displace palestinians in elbow res refugee camp in central gaza, killing at least 6 people. the latest attack spring, the death toll from 10 months of war, close to $40000.00 people, civil defense cruise searching for those who are missing believe to be buried under the rubble. and he's right in the army repeatedly targets crowded refugee camps. meanwhile, and the southern city of han units is,
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bottles are on the way between these riley on me in palestinian fights as a renewed is there any minute tree operation? there's holes tens of thousands of people from that homes and temporary shelters. united nations is now saying about the whole humanitarian admissions. the goals of this month has been denied access to the strip. it comes as the health care system is collapse. the number of people getting hungry increases every day. palestinians queue for hours to get basic necessities like food and water. well, food programs, as nearly the entire population is facing accused food and security. covering fleischer is the well suited programs regional director for the mid least north africa and eastern europe. she joins us now from cairo. how is your organization getting food and other supplies into gaza? well, it's very difficult right now. we're not bringing in enough food. and so we have to
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actually cancel or reduce the directions that we provide. we provide assistance to about $1000000.00 people every month. we provide ready to eat food, we provide cooked meals, we support about 80 kitchen across this trip. we give some nutrition food, but we don't bring in enough and there are no 3 reasons for that. one is the not in, on border crossing points when we just have the north terrorist and a little bit to kind of show on. the 2nd is, once we get through, there is a problem of law and order in uh, inside goza that you know, makes us have to be very tactical. when do we bring food in so that we are not getting looted? and then thirdly, it's a sort of very complicated operation and you know, it took me, it was that just very recently, it took me 7 hours to go from that. i bought off to the north where we receive uh the commodities at the board depressing point. because we're also destroyed, you know, they are full of people and you know,
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we wait for green lights and we wait that check point. it's because it's just a very insecure or operation or working and it was on, as you say, the roads are destroyed, operations are very complicated. so are you how much are you guessing in compared to the, the desperation and the needs that exist in gaza right now as well. last month we brought in a little bit more than half of what we require. but, you know, also inside garza, it is very, very difficult, you know, with the, with the recreation orders affect the things so many people, but also affecting the operations. we have, you know, to close bound 19 foot distribution points because of the evacuation or just because in the, in day by created zones, a, one of our warehouses with food inside is not accessible any longer. so and so it is, you know, for hospitals, for, for, for what, what other organizations do. and so the basic services are the brink of collapse
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and we need to mastic change to be able to, to support the people of god. i've now been 10 months and that just only trying to cope with what's happening, what needs to happen to bring about that massive change because much of what you described the, this, the situation is as difficult and un, horrifying as it is with this donation and finding particularly in northern gauze, i'm much of this could be tackled very quickly if crossing points was to be opened . well, very clearly we do need a ceasefire. but with just the spire, we do need, as you say, more crossing points to be opened, more trucks to be let in. and our appraisal is on the ground to be able to operate in a, in a safe manner for us to be able to operate in as a model and for people to come and receive our food in a, in a safe manner. it's very dangerous. i've never been in such
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a dangerous operation and i've been working for the welts program for over 20 years . all right, current fleischer from the wells program. thank you very much for updating us on the your operations and what you saw when you were just recently in gaza. thank you very much. to elsewhere, nearly 3000 does rainy, settle as an ultra nationalist of enter the locks i must compound. is there any police prevented them from entering the musk itself? many settlers were seen performing jewish religious rituals, as well as national security minister. it's a month and there and another minister, where, along with the group and the occupied westbank is where he's atlas. they're still in the village of to one a. they responded to calls on social media to re palestinian villages near hebron. settlers arrived on bosses under the protection of his railey forces. snipers provided additional color from rooftops will be bringing all that i to is from
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ramallah in the occupied westbank. when we speak to the brand. first though, let's speak to zane bus driver who has an online in jordan because he is ready. government has found out you there from reporting and israel. what information are you getting signed about the situation in and around the alexa most compound as well, what we've seen throughout the day is thousands of, of is riley's going into the most complex singing, dancing, performing religious ritual raising the is really flag within the compound. now all of these are a violation of agreed upon norms with regards to how the looks, the most compelling. this very whole the site is governed. jordan is the custodian of the, of the alexa, the most compelling to describe these actions as the actions of extremists that they said was provocative and flagrant violations of international law and
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historical and legal status quote, govern, jerusalem. and as all the sites that has to be said administered, it's marvin chavira, the administer of national security, would agree for him. this is an extension of policy to change the status quote and push on it ongoing way is rarely jewish supremacist narrative. now she said that it is the policy of his office to allow freedom of worship for jews everywhere . he also went on to say during this visit to the most compound that she does not think that there should be conferences in negotiations in the in cairo. and he wants to force them force the palestinians force from us to neil and bring them to their knees and defeat them in the war. so this ongoing push to change the status quote, this aggressive language to, to the point where even the prime minister's office prime minister benjamin that's a no for whatever it's worth has do for whatever it's worth this distance himself
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from the actions that he's in seen today. by it's morgan ben gear and his followers, and it is unlikely to help in any way. while there are attempts to re ignite cease fire talks and prisoners swaps. thank you very much for analysing this for avi reporting to us from amman and jordan. that's had tended to abraham, she's live in ramallah for more on what happened in the village of to one a. tell us what is riley settlers did today that a while they went there and performed religious rituals. this is not the 1st time that this recyclers storm into areas in the occupied west bank, under the pretext of going there for prayers for religious reasons. but paula thing is, i've been saying for years now that religion is being used unemployed as one way for these ready settlers to impose their presence in the occupied westbank that is considered already immediate under international law. but what we've been seeing
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and 20 in other places as well as such as joseph stove and so many areas in the occupied, the west bank that the suckers come there. often under the protection of the israeli army, with the aim to make it so impossible for bostonians to stay living there to complicate their lives in order for them to start building more and more. a league of this really supplements using religion as a cover for that. this is the story that palestinians would tell you about these really occupations. how it's been spawning a more and more and expanding at the expense of the indigenous policy and the people. we're not just talking about is really sucks. there is invading and storming into villages including it's a when a this is already threatened to be evicted and demolished. but we're also talking about these really made it to the breeds that are happening all across the occupied westbank this morning. it took place and um, along with 2 houses have been demolished under and is really policy to demolish and
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destroy the houses of plus the news they deem responsible for carrying out attacks . now, palestinians say that this is considered the policy of cause active punishments, where as these really forces are making at the lives of the families of the said fighters or attackers really difficult. and we've been speaking to many families in the occupied with things or just trying to have one question answer. what happened with our son a it's a miracle. this mother says, her son might be a life. is really forced to say the killed fight. did we, sam? head noun and confiscated, his bosses. the policy is real use is against the palestinians. accused of attacking his way. but district video for him in his way the hospital suggests he might be alive and receiving treatment. i o no, i recognize the darkness under his eyes and
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a previous injury to his arms. i feel like i'm dreaming. while the family was waiting for the body to be returned, they dug this grief and reserve the spot for we sam to be buried. the family has removed the tombstone clinging to the hole. that is a life. but it's been months now on the farm. these yes to hear from his radio for these weather we some is a life or death even when an official is really statement said that but then washed was a live, his family didn't believe it. a little panel. i look through the videos and zoomed and i know my son and his outfit look there now putting a wide cover on him. but the 2 other men carry delta in attack near and it's really, really 3 check pointed the occupied. westbank guy told his sister, you have to accept that. he became a marcher. she said, well, he wasn't those injured. i said we shouldn't rely on false hopes. the palestinian
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prisoners society discovered there's been a mix up. they confirmed the mother's got to me. that's what we call this ambiguous good people when not to know the exact details of what happened to the children. and this in piece, the norman grief process. this family's grief has been put on hold for the past year. no one has officially updated them about the fate of cameron beckett is really forced to say he carried down to an attack. intellect leave is really a forward, he's often use the term neutralized, which does not specify if the person has been killed or not. as the mother is convinced her son's injury is not faithful. her eldest son searches for answer, but the queen, i started looking at the videos of the attack and to track the ambulance to find out what happened to him. they say he committed the attack, so why are they hiding him?
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showed him to us. maybe they killed him later, but sofa, we don't know anything about the deprived of burial rituals, if they're dead or visitation rights if they're live. so i'm going to see this confusion is intentional and part of a collective punishment. power. listen the price. all they can do is endure the agonizing wait to find out if their sons are dead or alive the day, but he just, you know, you're, you're probably to us thing palestine of the ranking is coming to us this hour of explosions that have been heard in the city of tel aviv a masses on wing the o cassandra gates has confirmed that they were behind these explosions caused by 2 rockets. but of course, this comes in the context of continuing war on gaza, but also that has been rising tensions and violent satellite attacks on folding in
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the occupied westbank. we've been reporting on settler attacks that took place in the village of to one a under the protection of is riley forces with its settlers who were essentially bossed into the area on a religious holiday to carry out attacks on the village and then separately and occupied east jerusalem, nearly 3000 as rainy sapaulas, these were is rarely satler's and alternation list. and to the mosque they were prevented. well then they enter the compound, the outlook so compound they will actually prevented from entering the mosque itself. but this old part of a long running and dangerous trend, of course, the likes almost compound a flash point is that we see very often when they're a barricade restrictions that have been implemented that, that essentially make this compound the side hardly
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a site. and as long and accessible to the vast majority of palestinians. but what we have seen in recent years is the government in israel, the national security administrative to my bank via himself taking pots in these gatherings. what you have sac lives at entering the compound in violation of international law or, and long standing practices and agreements that prevent this sort of thing from happening. so here we have breaking news, this our of that being it's explosions in tel aviv, uh, with the mouse is um, doing confirming to been behind these explosions. or would you have now with us donnie, most of the senior palestine analyst at the national crisis group. she joins us from amman, how, what do, what do you make of developments in an around the alex most compound?
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what could the consequences be of these continued violations and the, the storming of the mosque by sapaulas with the members of these ready government participating in this as well of hi me, this is ultimately this lots of trends that we've seen in previous years that have accelerated massively, since we haven't talked her about that israel, it has been consistently violating historical stages quote at the temple now. and uh, you know, has been something that we have consistently seen of the last few years. it's the very issue that triggered the last cross border war between israel and her mouth in 2021. and you know, at a time we were talking about incredibly precarious taste by talks. the also in cause a warehouse has naturally justified as rational for the summit, october and everything's been on the basis of hardly what has been happening at the temple mount and israel's continued violation of historical states quote. and it's,
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it's can continuous prevention of freedom of worship from us. and why should this man rosman not last august and his face in trying to enter places like doris. and i'm on the oxer compound. you know, this is really going to do nothing for, in terms of tempering, you know, the temperatures on the ground, especially in order to spend most of fueling under distance. now, with a way to be my gloss over the west bank as and what are the consequences of that in terms of upcoming sci fi talks. if we sort of see this or could straight to situation where that they are alex as stormed to serious publication. and if it's likely to provoke response, now these explosions, intel of these, how could that power lies upcoming cease by totes? well, this has been a main reaching us these far even more untenable. and that's even possible at this point. you know, where we have 2 sides and wanting to input a big story, mutually exclusive things here. but more importantly, how much has already made it very clear. it made it very turned 20. 21 better is no
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longer confining yourself to issues. simply concerning cause of 2021 was about the, the violations not be on compound. again, that was something that they had justified in terms of their rationale. and so the, some of the work to the how must have made it very clear to be on the come tongue is, is a huge driving force behind a lot of that the push towards longer distance. israel continues down the positive if that it is insistent on continuing down, then it's unlikely that we're going to be seeing as the spot and concert. one of the concessions from us is asking for is respect of the, of the, the respect to historical statesburrow and freedom of worship from us in washington and publish things. what about sets our tax on palestinians because they actually rose in 2023 last year to the highest level since the data was being recorded as dante being recorded in 2006. so that was, i mean that was before october,
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the 7th. and the attacks in the west bank. and you know, as you rightly pointed out, a 2023 was from the west to sticks. we stand for something, finance, i, you know, we were talking about something like a 184 cases a day. obviously those have arisen quite a significant mi. uh, the issue now in the west bank is that we now have the steering between minute tree onset. there's because a lot of those that those are given that, you know, israel has to port a substantial portion of its army to wisconsin. and the majority of those that are actually policing the west bank. now an area is around easters, and i'm all primarily centers, which as i said now that they are dining, but actually uniforms. it's very hard to distinguish between what is actually acts that are attacked and what is a state in effect to the state binds? it's all right. well, thank you very much. thank you very much for joining us. means national crisis group senior policy analyst, the honey most of the it's an updates on our breaking news story that is
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ready media reporting that those rockets that will fide into israel by have masses ongoing of land that just off the coast of tel aviv casualties have as yet been reported, but of course it comes at a time of facts heights intentions. following crucially, as the entrance of some, 3000 needing 3000 is ready. settlers in alternation list including the national security minister himself at the alex, almost compounding occupied east jerusalem. the now in greece, major wildfires that were spreading quickly towards athens is one person has died another $66.00 injured on the outskirts of the capital. hundreds of fireflies as a baffling the inferno which pro counts on sunday. the authorities are evacuating
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homes and hospitals from the suburbs on the outskirts of the athens as the flames right across the pine forest threatening residential areas. all the countries in the region have offered their help and assistance like from italy, spain, the check for public. they all sending emergency response crews, helicopters and fire engines to the scene. for my house, it was utterly destroyed. even the walls fell down. there's nothing left. there's no more rawls no coverage, there's no money anymore. everything was destroyed. yeah, i've been living here for 35 years and never before had the fire reached this area . what i'll do here is charles dropped, so it is reporting on this now from the my create a town just in the rough ends. you really get a sense of how precarious the situation is brought up and have a look at the slide. you can see with this particular for solitude and how much mole vegetation that is own but,
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or that exists still up on that slope and there's still pockets of smoke rising from that area behind. down here you can see where the far as rips down the slope towards a town, a large residential area roy's up against people's homes, people's properties. well now that we spoke to say that he and his friends had sent the wives a women and children away because they was so afraid in order that they could protects the property, is there already. complaints being made. increasingly loud complaints accusing the government yet to gain not being prepared for this crisis. and of course, there are a wall fires in greece every year. as you can see, this is one of hundreds of far apart and trucks. so the situation across these slopes, we've also seen helicopters dropping will to see the coast directly behind me,
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the turnaround time in this area for a helicopter to go and collect and drop it is around 5 minutes. and we know that it has been an international effort the heavy donations of equipment far, far as your equipment, including your dropping planes. and we will see dropping helicopters by various european nations and took here. so although the situation here seems under control, the big fear is the wind and we're in a window now that according to the source is just particularly dangerous, where the wind has picked up. um, it is very difficult to tell which direction it blows because the concern is, is it that way and picks up burning 10 to lands in an area that has not been, but i'm unable to file the gains and that explains why as i say these 5 flights is in these trucks and situated right the way across these hills church. so i thought i would just narrow them up, could be i will take you to bangladesh. nowhere cortez filed another case against
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the als department associated casino and 6 top officials and heard ministration. they're accused of responsibility for the death of a grocery store. oh no. who was shot dead during student life protests last month. more than 450 people were killed during the weeks of unrest leading up to has seen as exit from the country. are you there is time to be a child raised following the story. he's with us live now. tell us more about the medicaid has been filed against jake casino was quite unprecedented to say the least defensive that happened on 19 july. we're now beside that grocery store owner was shot by police doing a protest from 19 july or on 4 pm local time. there was an indiscriminate police fired against the student protest this and some general my but members of the public. that's when he was shot. the case was put forward
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a petition by somebody named amir homes. i will wait shot. it was back by the stony coordinators and leaders, they said we will go after those people who are behind those fillings and will pursue and form a commission and find out that so many students and members of the public were kills and somebody has to be accountable for it now, it has to be said that it's a long judicial process. it will have to go through a high code, the bench release, and then the supreme fraud. so we'll have to wait and said could even be squashed in the high code, but at least symbolically. it's very important showing the interim government and the students and the code is serious about bringing those who are responsible for the silly to justice. what do i know about share for those plans now? what kind say as we all know, that she is in new delhi india. there's been a lot of speculation in indian india in the beginning of this week, actually saying that she saw the asylum in united states or united kingdom,
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which was 50 was and then she saw that file. i'm in the middle east and country. i would that be in the you a rather, but it's a speculation. nobody could come from such thing. her son from washington has been saying that she will return to bangladesh. in the beginning, he said that she won't enter into politics. now you're saying village, she will return to bangladesh and he's pressing uh for the outlet election. there's also controversy by one of the advisor who was heading the whole ministry. diarra has said not to return back home and reorganize the party and hand over the leadership to a new group of people that raise the city of controversy. the current opposition, main opposition parties raised a lot of protests including the student. i think that advised that to resign and gave his 1st off from the home and it's a lot of speculation, a lot of dynamics from the country right now. things are moving fast. right. the
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demand for justice and accountability would be one of the most painful them thing. yes, that's been one is a key to loans of these a, the student protests, dis, thank you very much. tunzia chad hero, 14 chest from the car and bangladesh. time for the weather now, and kara has more on a tropical storm in the caribbean. a tropical storm, a nest of phone to the east of the lesser antilles. in the caribbean. you can see it slowly making its way on screen and now it's spunk warnings. full flashlights with potential land slides and much slides for islands like bob bay does. it quickly worked its way, westwood, and then further north is expected to make a land full once again in puerto rico. so take a closer look. you can see it working its way across the land. if we have looked at the stats on this one and have got some very strong winds. but it's really heavy rain large amounts of it over the next few days that are going to bring
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a risk off the flash flooding and land slide. not just to puerto rico, but also to the virgin islands. and even potentially southern parts of bob bay does . so you can see on thursday it starts to push its way further north into the atlanta. you can see it's got a lot of energy, this storm and it could potentially develop into a hurricane as we go into the latter part of the with the you can see it the trying it a lot of that. and then to we are expecting those winds across parts of bob bay does the heavy rain as well. but the good news is it does remain out to sea behind it. however, a legacy of showers continuing for parts of his spend. your la it was still to bring you on this news outlets with the rent rising 600 percent in full years. we look at what's behind to kids. housing crisis. we hear from a former child soldier who was forced to fight for one of these gunners, most notorious rebel groups, which events hit the whole wrong on his return from injury to mates. that's fine
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too. that's coming up and for the a sense of belonging to him. we always look for ways to be together and be every day heroes, keeping communities together is transforming every day. in the 1st part of the series of just 0 visits is of a lot. but in mexico city, where locals are turning on a torrijos municipality to an urban utopia, a sense of community on the jersey. the family has, of course, has to have with chinese academic victor, 12 percent of the people to taiwan, say they want to unify that. it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the one to on the policy. exploring china is development. i'm emissions,
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is he now president for like a true dictates. how can you explain for find the transform ation of china? if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out the the welcome back to the news out life from doha top story. the south is riley strikes of killed at least 6 people in the elbow. res refugee camp in central gaza. the latest attack spring, the death toll from 10 months, a will close up to 40000 people. at least one person has died in a major wildfire on the outskirts of the great capital. far as these are evacuating towns in the athens,
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as flames spread quickly through forests and residential areas. a mazda is on during the summer gates says it target to be is right in the city of television. we've added some bugs with to rockets. is writing media reporting, the rockets landed on the coast. explosions were hood intel of these, but there were no reports of any casualties that's getting update on this now is name, but as far as the in amman, jordan, the never mind, does it way life from that because the is ready, government has band algebra and reporting in israel any further reaction to these explosions in tel aviv saying well, we are still trying to confirm exactly what is happening. it is still early days, but come us has claimed responsibility for this attack. the cassandra gates the ongoing government of how my saying was retaliation for recent massacres in gaza. then with these really forces are saying is that one rocket was fired and fell in
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the waters off the coast of tel aviv. and we are hearing from these really forces that another additional projectile they say did not cross into is rarely territory reports of the explosions. we're still trying to confirm exactly what those were from. but what we understand from this is that even though it may not have been the result that homos was looking for after 10 months of what has been very, a symmetrical worker with this real, they are still able to watch rockets at major cities like tell the be all right, thank you very much. name is probably bring us all the latest on that story from amman and jordan. it's ron bouchard is out. is there a senior political analyst? he joins a spice guy from paris or on what does the consequences of these continued violations all the states has quite the largest and most compound and occupied east jerusalem . i think this is the one of the intended
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intended on the line is of course, consequences of the war on guys does the government claims to be fighting? i know, but a horse, but what it's actually doing this that carrying. and i'm one of my russians on those fronts. notably, the one in jerusalem is very important for the fanatics, for the religious fanatics in the is there any government they've always been trying to do that the call was trying to provoke. but once upon a time, they used to be arrested for these to be granted to new these to be blocked. now with the ministers security, i'm sense, a fanatic. sutler images though it's leading the way you can download that. these are the government is really smart thing. the one guy search for thing due to over 7 attacks wanted to expand its influence and it's religious.
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it's religious, you know, claims on places like collections and the implications of the this this trip today by some, nearly $3000.00 is ready settlers including that the national security minister, himself just before upcoming these 5 tools. i think uh what i think what, what, what we went to seek today, it might even find me just to expand the lens, which i think is right is getting away with genocide is getting away with an exceptions because the. ready we, we do this, i'm station assign this, getting away with mike and it's getting away with the to the next session. and i think i'm at,
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i'm not at the cleansing in east jerusalem. so really because i don't get that sense west of complicity or is the today the sticking, the war and all these friends. and in many ways i used to say, but the 16 things in the sense that there's no cost to be paid. i mean, if you put aside the idea that i see see, might, you know, to, you know, bring nothing you know and get on on, on 20 enticements for war crimes and so on or, or even die suit, you best start pretty shoes on. so we're back in the end of the day, which we're seeing now as we perhaps good because it seems fire is a fish, right? it's getting away with a general, sorry guys, with the total for re occupational westberg and with the tilt of an extension in real time it angels as well as a re, a position to exit. so must,
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this is a, this is a huge win, not one of the just for is right, per se, but nothing now and has gone on. but my goal is to get away with all of that in the sense that nothing you know and is government might actually remains intact despite all the crimes being carry everywhere. and i was fine including you guys which is the last seconds. and what does it continued in parent attain with which these kinds of carried out? what does that mean for the continued disposition of the palestinians? i think what it means is that after the guys are there's going to be more of the same. because once you enter into a ceasefire, d n, you're do support by, for example, not big that for your patient. the read yourself to the baby. so if you are an award just for it was more american arms, more american money, more american diplomatic immunity. if you are awarded with more, your feet of silence and more,
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you'll be in 3. this is actually what you're going to be doing is strengthening. why didn't be, is there a be for that dakota fastest try to oh, and get took a more general sites, more estimate lenses, more annexations of the time that the cd needed slowly but surely in various parts assigned. but now there's been accelerating under the pretext of the war and guys, so i think what we see now is 3000 to model might be 30000. i won't be surprised as this fascist for i think of this ready. the government continues to be supported by western powers and continue with the genocide. you guys did the next steps that gives joe. so then the westbank got bed most perhaps you can don't thank you for now. i was there, say a prison dollars lawanda,
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shari. joining us there the, it's been a decade of conflicts and humanitarian crisis and libya, the value, the current, see the dean are the situation is making overseas travel on affordable for many people, but it's also led to a search and opportunities for local developers and tourism operates as monic, china has the story now from the coastal city of miss rata, of the summer days in this about the libya is the 3rd largest city, an economic hub. private development, like this beach resort in recent years, has made this a destination for a holiday makers across the country. it has, he and his family are from a job for a small city and they lived in desert 500 kilometers away. if it was up to the children would never leave. they loved the beach and we don't have that back home. there's lots of gains and drives in places for them to have fun. we have been
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coming here for some of the cases for years. what you works for this resort, he says, business is great and it's expanding. there is no doubt that miss ryder has become a destination point for tourists. we hoped to become the modern lunmark for tourist, tennessee, god willing local authorities and the govern. look of what we have achieved and start to invest in libby as fast coastline. libya has suffered conflict and political divisions in small market deputy was toppled in 2011. during that time slot, that was a revel stronghold and saw intense fighting. hundreds of civilians were killed, entire neighborhood, completely rack and look at what since then, the city has been for the most part, untouched by violence, allowing time for development. how did that, in fact, as having to rival governments in libya has had a negative impact on the economy. but it's also created opportunities, not so in such a lot of people cannot afford to travel for the 1st of additional new phase, maybe
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a, a so that he's allowed to have the funding domestic to, to the business. people are investing in the results of amusement, parks and restaurants. i left this mag now, just a short drive from the slot to this ancient port city on the mediterranean was built by the romans more than 2 and a half 1000 years ago. it's one of 5 unesco world heritage sites in libya on its endangered list right now, only a few local people come to enjoy the site, but like many other areas, if it was renovated, it could be filled with taurus, clear water, blue sky, and sandy beaches. maybe it has africa's longest mediterranean coastline, nearly 1900 kilometers, much of a design develop. what that's starting to change. private investors are developing small beach resorts like this one across the country. but because of the conflicts and libya, most countries advise their citizens to stay away. yet people here hope blasting
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stability can be achieved, and libya can prosper. and maybe then the world will start to come and see how beautiful this country really is. no, china, which is yeah, that's about the and now then use more than a $160.00 migraines and refugees have been rescued off the tally and coast in the past 24 hours. spanish and joe, open arms as it found 54 people drifting in a boat off the southern coast of the island. developing produce a most of them off from syria, at least a 110 live went to a rest having the same area on monday. it's recently to deal with albania, to step on setup time. so migrants and refugees picked up at sea, but the plans have been delayed. move to sue down now without urgent action. tens of thousands of children in the country are risk of dying in the coming months . this is the latest wanting from the united nations. if describe the conflict is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world for children. the army and the
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permanent 3 rapids support forces have been battling for control for 16 months. violence has displaced almost 11000000 people from that homes. us the same piece towards we'll go ahead in geneva this week. people living into kia, say the housing market, has become on affordable. the 2 largest cities assemble in the capital, anchor of witness. the was foss, this house price growth in the past year, the hikes and rent of even lead to violence between landlords and tenants with $11.00 desk and $46.00 injuries reports of interest the last. yeah. so i'm guessing who has the story now from assemble with 1000000 the residents, espanol is the most crowded, always stumbles 57 district. but like much over the city, it is becoming increasingly affordable or up to let's see if it's having to move for a 2nd time. in 10 months of the,
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of some of his latest landlord wants to weighs the rent by 60 percent. and some of the official initial bottom let were spending half of our wages to exercise our most fundamental entitlement housing. there isn't much left for us for other expenses. we're just trying to survive that alone live in normal life. brands have grown 6 fold over the last 4 years across to key it. now you may and may have retired, but she's burdened with assisting her married son because it tells us she will not be another truck. so despite the fact that both of them work, my son and wife live on a shoe string, i pay the range with my own pension to help move in is over whelmed by the ranch. she has to pay for her family and for her daughter studying in a different city. let me just change it. as soon as my son and daughter graduate, we plan to return to our village. there is no future. how much longer can we rent? housing and the rental price has been a stumble, are the highest across. okay, because it is the most popular city,
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it goes nearly hopefuls to national economy. it is also popular of on foreign property buyers and hosts, hundreds of thousands of refugees. experts say the government's insistence on preserving low interest waste helped to feel the housing market, doing the pen demik. far as the other investment tools were restricted in order to maintain the low interest rate policy, seeing that any pleasure error with the right people didn't invest in that or because they were due to poor interest rates. they flock to hard assets like real estate. that's all process that's gonna depend, i mean, the central bank has since ways interest rates to 50 percent of the time sky high inflation. and that impacts home owners who have been hit with a search and loan repayment. the fears of a similar earthquake have proven up the price of safer newer buildings and assemble north of a major full line. seen i'm coastal l. just every stumble. ukraine size is captured, a 1000 square kilometers of rushes,
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cursed region during its cross border incursion. russian forces have been struggling to repel via sold for a week. tens of thousands of people have in order to move to voted areas that are under attack. our defense added to antics control police has the latest ukrainians of taken subject. the towns that they were aiming for the very beginning of this and cushion over a week ago now. and the creative forces are pushed forward to a front about 2625. 26 kilometer is deep. it's interesting that they're still pushing into a bell garage in the south of cruise. i know rushes declared a foot anti terrorism operation in pre owns, which is the area above course. so 3 border regions now and this russian terrorist operation, ukrainians, was slowly losing in the east. it's on that's what we say losing it incrementally, but it was happening the russian army as far larger and it could afford more losses
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. the russian army still advancing towards tourette's and from cross in the south. i'll be very slowly and the idea will for ukrainian high come on was to lou. a russian forces away from that critical area and to try and get them to effectively waste their time in the north. but the training and encourage those being successful and it shows no signs of stopping as well. we take you to again the now the high court is delivering its verdict in the case of a former leader of one of the country's most notorious revel groups. these are some of the live pictures coming to us from the quote right now. tom is, quello is accused of war crimes when he come onto the lord's resistance on me or as a revolution, it was founded by joseph coney and northern uganda, or in 1988. it aimed to of a throw in the government. the un says it's responsible for the abduction telling and right of thousands of people in central africa. it's also accused of brutality,
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particularly against children and recruiting children, a soldiers in 2005, the international criminal court issued warrants of arrest. the coney and his senior kalonde is on charges of war crimes on the military pressure. the el rey withdrew from uganda and expanded into south, threw down the central african republic and the democratic republic of congo in 2008 to those countries north adjoining defensive with american support, which we can the group. but coney remains at large and the groups still poses a threat in some areas. and if the age of 10 years old michael akira was abducted by the lords, resistance on me was forced to spend 13 years fighting for them until he managed to escape his his story, a camera, a map beach from the lamb.
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so we have beach and it came out of katie, k r y, a map that i made, emitted quite a mental yeah, i am mad at me and i've done it many, i've got them. i know you are. chapel man named. no data would never be too good. and that made a law detect keeping mala, mala, cadillac a. we chatted at yahoo! okay. adam. yeah. and on it you got them? good. okay, well it died on the google me up my mind. i know the guy that able to come, but i know that the matter went down and that way i couldn't get now and yeah, well not a not i don't law god. okay, you got my god. okay. data gets out of what data do you need? the young law get you know get data which is uh
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a the amount of time. but do you yeah. did that kind of what do you have that big one man? no food battery to gladly winding down. well my now what you out while i come on i get one is sing may be well, many make i'm getting well a law wrap the for you to order to you my band to have me a gun. now, me to look on with the faculty, mom, i, i, we need to get enough money away to be on file now why i bet it by bit of job good . after we need to, why the command, city and call you. busy know, know me on the math that me will by now. so one modem can for you the model, have to get to and looked up on any know, don't look out for you to model a lot of money caught up. well, you didn't look give it to you before you animal. and yeah, give us a call you the amount of data for you about the amount of am. well, i didn't know, but the amount will not be ma, new brand. i'm our name a room with that that little in law. well, you need to. yeah. the got
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a renewal for all i can for you. when damage out of the room. out of the i'm a lights my twin sons michel, i care a full not child soldier to the frank got his account of what happened to him. oh no, there's much more so spring on the program. actually some the island pay can you or is champions on despite the boss loan and but the match itself didn't product the plan, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the designer joins us now for the school. thank you very much. marianne. well,
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team usa is good to get to jordan. charles olympic bronze medal reinstated that has been on successful off of the quote of arbitration, as a sport decided not to reconsider its tiles, it was upgraded from 5th to said and the women's gymnastics. flo final officer usa requested her school to be reviewed that moved on a bus so down to forth by the international gymnastics federation, upgraded by bus of bucks, just said, following an appeal from the remaining olympic committee after it was revealed that the us teams inquest fell outside the one minute limit to appeal despite an appeal with new evidence from the us, cas have kept that decision. while the account done to the next games at los angeles, in 2028, that has already begun with the arrival of the lympics lag the flag. it was collected by hollywood actor tom cruz at the closing ceremony. just like paris, it will be the same time the city will host the games, and a 2020
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h will feature and use post like flag football, squash, and obstacles racing. and we'll also see the return of the cross and crickets, in full yes time. cindy gamba hopes to be in this situation, to future generations of this, who became the 1st, where if you, to athletes, to metal at the olympics. so it's 7, ask these represented directly to you, and then pick team. and what was the 3rd time competing coming in board books on compa was the flag the 4 teams that has almost quadruple since 2016. the team was formed to give this place actually eats and migrants a chance to take part about one bronze and the women 75 kilogram category. i saw you know, to so many possibly that 139 out every refugee order. one of the work is, see my story and they motivate them and they give them something to call to, to, you know, to that tough for that they go into it so that, that,
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that area that they, you know, they, this book on the feels like forever it's not going to end, it's going to end, then there's going to be a lot of the identity of the tunnel and then pick books and champion and mine slave has thanks to the people of all jerry, for the support as you would tend to hear as welcome and all dears kelly, so overcame continuous scrutiny surrounding her agenda eligibility to win goals. and the women's will to waive that category. she was her country's flag, the for the closing ceremony. and taiwan. mark, be grand with ton of their activates by deploying 360 and 5 to just to school that the flight back home gold medal went out and then you tank is another books at the heart of that gentle controversy. and she was among the sheets to see if he was welcome. william, this is thank you everyone because of your support. my hard work is appreciated and seen by everyone living the world. know it. we're type one is we don't seen my know
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y'all in the whole. i'm very proud to win this title, but at the same time there will be more responsibilities on my shoulders. i hope i can be a role model and allow others to follow in my footsteps. barcelona spanish since and national has had the cause to celebrate as they presented they you are and, and then pick metals to the fence on monday. paul car bush, jan firm and lopez showed us their limpid gold medals following the extra time victory against frost. while you are 2024 times is at padre said on torres and the tournaments best don't plan. let me in your mouth where there's what were the, is it also, it was also a test for new signing daniel almost to present himself to the crowd. but the match that followed did not go to plan. they lost 3 now to monaco, in the pre season. one compet trophy is the 1st time they've lost the annual trophy for 12 years. not
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a good start for the new head coach has the slick ahead of their legal open that against funding. yeah, on such a day i at the end is just like it's presents how, how you said and um, i know that the team can play much better than then today. and we have um, you know, 4 or 5 days more and we would prepare them wed for the next much against, but then to well keep it returned from injury install as he hit the home, run it. and the last sentence it is though, does victory. it gets the milwaukee brewers that's suffered the broken hand from a thoughtful in june, bob, he was back to a hit, a 2 run homer in the 5 to victory. and so tiny was on hand to complete the when he hit his 36 home, one of the season. no one has hit the more in the national the keep the spot. and it was back to that form runs at $0.04 as soon as the cincinnati reds, especially saint louis, cardinals, $61.00, each, roving 5 runs in the victory. it was the 1st time in history
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a that he hits more than one phone bronze. and again, that's for me, maria. thank you. that's it for that he is now, but i'll be fine with around the top stories in just a minute on to stay with algebra. the . the latest news as it breaks these, ready for us to solve, is it not, not schools. and the wisdom doesn't say they, nothing's got killed in brothers. got injured with detailed coverage. we're not only talking about trying to see if with injuries from that is where the air strikes. we're also talking about skin diseases from the house of the story. the pointers were inside this car before they did this and run away to the hills over there where they were hit. the as the kosovo celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between serbian and
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because of albany and forces. we were meant to be completely ethnically, cleanse people have power, examines the posts for landscape, and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on that just so you know, the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption excellence award denominator here on now the holding the 5 foot to account as we examine the us each row in the world. on now to sierra the is there any force as target palestinians in central gaza again bringing the death toll close to 40000 people in more than 10 months of war? the hello, i my m i z, this is alex, is there a life from dell also coming out for you on the program? thousands of his writing sectors and alternation is until the alex the most
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compound and occupied east jerusalem. the bias smells are on the outskirts of the great capital,


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