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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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you are now holding the 5 foot to account this. we examine the us each row in the wall on out your 0. the is ready for says target palestinians in central gaza again bringing the death toll close to 40000 people in more than 10 months of war. the hello, i my m i z, this is alex, is there a life from dell also coming out for you on the program? thousands of his writing sectors and alternation is until the alex the most compound and occupied east jerusalem. the bias smells are on the outskirts of the great
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capital, cruise and volunteers use everything at the disposal to extinguish the flames. and the mother cases while against bangladesh is asked at 5 minutes to shake casino a week off the slain to india, the as radio strikes of again targeted displays, palestinians in alber res refugee camp and central gauze, killing at least 6 people. the latest attacks spring, the death toll from 10 months of war close to 40000 people. civil defense cruise is searching for those were missing. believe to be buried under the rubble is riley all me repeatedly targets crowded refugee camps. meanwhile, a 3 month old baby is the only survivor. the oven is riley, as strike, that killed her family in hon. eunice on monday. the strive destroyed a home and gauze, southern city,
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killing 10 people. the dead included range ahead of the highest parents and 5 young siblings, as well as the parents of another 3 children. there is no one left except this baby. she's 3 months old, out of 20 people. she's the only one who survived. what did these children do? they were all children and they killed them. 23, and 4 year old. all of them were children. and all the developments phase bottles run, dwayne call, and eunice, between these riley army and palestinian fighters a renewed, his writing military operation is full tens of thousands of people from their homes and temporary shelters. and then the united nations is saying about the whole humanitarian aid mission is to the cause of this month has been denied access to the strip comes as the health care system is collapse, the number of people going hungry is increasing every day. palestinians q for hours to get basic necessities like food and water. well, food program is saying me,
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the entire population is facing acute food and secure thing. else when any 3000 is right is that listen alternation is of entered the lock. so most compound is riley police prevented them from entering the mosque itself, but many settlers was seen performing jewish religious rituals, as well as national security minister. it's a mob been gavera and another minister were among the group. and then in the occupied westbank is where the setlist on the village of to one a. they responded to calls on social media to write policies in villages near hebron. the satler's arrived on bosses under the protection of his right forces. snipers also provided additional cover from the rooftops to speak to nora day. now she joins us from ramallah and the occupied westbank. first of all, tell us about what the settlers have been doing around the village of to one
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a to dana for many of this as part of a, an assault as palestinians viewed by as rarely, settlers taking advantage of the world's attention being focused on gaza and attempting to take over as much land as possible and be occupied westbank and the way to do that is by those kinds of raids. so you have in until i mean in the southern hebron hills for example, today an unprecedented re large number of these rarely settlers accompanied and protected by his radius soldiers reading a site there. the focus on that part of the southern hebron hills is that it, it has already been declared as a target for land grab by the is really government. and so the more friction there is, the more probable it to there would be classes and the, the easier it would be to impose even more restrictions on the sparsely populated area so that it vacate from its indigenous population of becomes basically the
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prize for settlers and we've seen that repeat in the jordan valley in the southern hebron hills and elsewhere in the occupied west bank. it is a tactic that repeats almost on a low medium. how is this affecting my many palestinians who have slept the homes, this sort of light and says are rooted entire communities. and this isn't just the reason development, how long has this been going on for and how does it affect the palestinians as well? this is a harm hallmark of these rarely occupation, but in the past few years there's, there was a bit of an upgrade in the tactics. so instead of building supplements, which would take time and might, might create some political controversies. we have seen those so called heard in communities of sutler. so one sadler going out, having a herd of sheep or stealing one and using whatever land he can access to claim as
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his own. unusually, that's in the vulnerable areas where there are small hurting communities like the southern hebron hills. what. what that translates into is a nightmare for the residents the occupied to us back because they can't call the palestinian police for protection. they can call the is a really army for protection because usually they accompany the soldiers and protect them and fire at the palestinians were trying to protect their property. so what the human rights organizations say happens is a course of environment is created and palestinians begin trying to figure out how to cut their losses. and usually what that happens if they're not driven out outright by an eviction notice, is that they try to move closer to the city is and more populated villages to feel safer, and in essence, vacate that land for more subtler take over amelia. thank you so much. nora day reporting to us from my line in the occupied westbank. thank you. no,
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on out another story. we've been reporting and just the past couple of hours a mazda is on during the summer guys says at target to these rainy city of 10 of these on the suburbs with 2 rockets is, riley media are reporting the rockets landed off the coast explosions. willhide in tennessee, but there are no reports of casualties on this all. who joins us now from georgia is capital online. because these riley government has banned algae or from the forcing inside israel. is there been any reaction reaction to these explosions, intel aviv? well, these really army has released a statement saying that there were in fact 2 projectiles that were launched from the gaza strip, one of which fell, they say in the maritime area in central israel. it just goes to show you that more than 10 months into this war from us and other palestinian fighting groups still have capabilities to fire rockets from gaza. this is something that these really
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military has said that they had contained, especially in the northern part of the palestinian territory. they have said that they achieved near full military and security operational control there. and that was towards the end of the year 2023 after the ground in person had to be gone in late october. so it just goes to show you these military achievements that these really military says they have, are not exactly true as they're still facing fierce resistance by him, us, and other palestinian fighters on the ground. what about developments at the outlook? so most compound today occupied east jerusalem as well, you're looking at nearly 3000 ultra nationalist right wing is rarely use who was send it to the look. some of these incursions are seen as wildly provocative and they are often times in fact, all the time under the protection of is really forces in is really police. now you
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have it's a mar, bend beer who supported jewish prey or at the office, a boss, something that is not allowed when it comes to the status quote at the up. so it says that only muslims are allowed to pray there. i need some more. ben beer, when speaking they're said that all jewish people should be allowed to pray there. this is something he supports, he, in fact, praying there, and part of the prob, occasions himself. and then these really prime minister's office released the statement saying that what happened this morning? i'll also deviated from the status quote when it is only these really prime minister in his government, who dictate the rules of a status quote at all up. so there is no sort of private policy that will be dictated by the national security minister, singling out east of mar, ben v or in the statement. so it just goes to show you there are divisions within these really government and you some are ben beer has long been approved soccer tour when it comes to the docs, a mosque, this is not the 1st time he's visited,
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the holy most num compound. additionally, just last month, not even a month ago, in fact, he had visited there as well in an incursion, protected by is really forces saying that he had prayed there. and it's also prompted these really prime minister's office to say that there has been no change in the status quo at the holy sites. so a long list of provocations by each of our ben beer, who was a known alter nationalist and a settler leader. a thank you very much, the cell who are pushing to us from jordan and amman and just to remind to the, to we of the continuing to report on what is happening in israel. this is due to these ready government funding algebra from referral, costing, from reporting inside israel itself. the increased major while size spreading quickly towards athens. at least one person
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has died and another $66.00 injured on the outskirts of the capital. hundreds of 5 fights as of battling the inferno which broke house on sunday. the authorities were evacuating homes and hospitals from suburbs just next to athens is the flames spread across pine forest threatening residential homes. countries in europe, offering that help and assistance from italy, spain. the check for public aero, sending emergency response crews, helicopters and fire engines. just waiting for my house. it was utterly destroyed. even the walls fell down. there's nothing left. there's no more rawls, no courage, there's no money any more. everything was destroyed that i've been living here for 35 years and never before had the fire reached this area. charles dropped the reports from the lock for you, which is a town near athens that you're going to get a sense of how precarious the situation is here and have
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a look at the slope. you can see where this particular for solitude and how much mole vegetation that he's on, but that exist still up on that slope and there was still pockets of smoke rising from that area behind. down here you can see where the far as rips down the slope towards a town, a large residential area roy's up against people's homes. people's properties will not. and that we spoke to say that he and his friends that sent the wives, they women and children away because they were so afraid in order that they could protects their properties. they're already complaints being made. increasingly loud complaints accusing the government yet to gain, not being prepared for this crisis. and of course, there are wall fires in greece every year. as you can see, this is one of hundreds of far apart and trucks. the situation across these
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slopes, we've also seen helicopters dropping. we will to see the coast directly behind me. the turnaround time in this area, for a helicopter to go in connection with your and dropping is around 5 minutes. and we know that it has made an international effort that'd be donations of equipment far, far as your equipment, including what you're dropping planes and what you're dropping helicopters by various european nations and took a so although the situation here seems under control, the big fear is the wind and we're in a window now that according to the storage, this is particularly dangerous, where the wind has picked up. and it's very difficult to tell which direction it blows. because the concern is, is it that way and picks up burning 10 to lands in an area that has not been burnt . i don't know the fire the games and that explains why as i say these 5 flights in these trucks are situated right the way across these hills. charles,
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so i put out just sarah, name, oakley, as we moved to bangladesh. now it where of course has solved a murder case against ousted 5 minutes to shake casino and 6 top officials in her administration are accused of responsibility for the death of a grocery store owner who was shot dead during student life protest last month. within 450 people were killed during the weeks of unrest leading up to has seen a leaving. the country ton of the challenger has been reporting on this from dot com. was quite unprecedented to say the list of this incident happened on 19 july when i was fired. that grocery store owner was shot by police doing a protest from 19 july around 4 pm local time. there was an indiscriminate police fire against the student protest this and some general metrics members of the public. that's when he was shot. the case was put forward a petition by somebody named amir homes. i will wait shot. it was backed by the
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stony quoting acres and leaders, they said we will go after those people who are behind those ceiling and will pursue and form a commission and find out that so many students and members of the public were killed. and somebody has to be accountable for it. no, it has to be said that for a long traditional process, it will have to go to a high code eventually, and then the supreme court. so we'll have to wait and said could even be squashed in the high code, but at least symbolically. it's very important showing the interim government and the students and the code is serious about bringing those who are responsible for the chile to justify as well. so to bring you all the program off for a quick break, we're going to be hearing from a full and a child soldier who was forced to fight for one of you guys. most notorious rebel groups with random rising by 600 percent in space of 4 years. we look up what's behind. so kids, housing prices, the
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had lower, the south west monsoon continues to bring very heavy rain to south asia in particular across the north west of india. or just on has seen some water login. that rain just count, drain away. now we still have the amber looked thoughtful, that heavy rain for eastern rod just on on wednesday. but we'll see the rain pick up in the very south as well, with waves of wet weather, working into carola and con, not to come by thursday. the heavy rain as well will intensify because moving parts of pockets on pulling across move in india, pushing out towards a bundle there. so a very wet picture up here. as we go towards the end of the week, it's looking very well across the southern parts of china with significant rain full. it's come in the days ahead. we could see some flooding from that much quiet
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. however, for the likes of shanghai out east and across the very most of china, beijing seeing is 30 degrees celsius that on wednesday with sunshine. nothing quite so across the nose, on the korean peninsula, that's not the case for japan. we've had a smorgasbord of tropical systems bringing some very heavy rain. the one that we're concerned with is, po, it's set to become a typhoid and potentially, as it works its way towards eastern horseshoe. it'll bring rain to taco on friday. the unique perspective, the transfer and the displacement of being vision as population, has been discussed as part of design. his project went back for well over a 100 years on heard voices over all times, people have these days by the bottom of this bombing connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. young people are not looking for a hand, but they're not backed up by
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a system that supports the stream on out just the or of the the welcome back. reminder, the main stories now, is there any strikes of killed at least 6 people in the elbow res refugee camp in central casa, latest attack spring, the death toll from 10 months of will close to to 40000 people. a mass is on during the office obligates as it targets with these right? the city of tel aviv and it sometimes with 2 real kids. is there any media reporting? the rockets landed off the coast. explosions were heard intel of these, but there were no reports of casualties. at least one person has died and
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a major was fired on the outskirts of the greek capital authorities were aligned to 18 towns in the athens. as the flames spread quickly through forest and residential areas, ukraine is saying it's captured, a 1000 square, can only because of russia's curse region during its cross border incursion. russian forces have been struggling to repel via sold for a week. tens of thousands of people have been ordered to leave to go to areas that are under attack out defense added to alex, good topless has the latest the ukrainians of taken subject the terms that they were aiming for. the very beginning of this and cushion over a week ago now. and the creative forces are pushed forward to a front about 262526 kilometer is deep. it's interesting that they're still pushing into a bell garage in the south of cruise. a no rushes declared a foot anti terrorism operation in pre owns,
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which is the area above course. so 3 border regions now and this russian terrorist operation ukrainians, were slowly losing in the east until next, when we say losing it incrementally, but it was happening. the russian army as far larger and it could afford more losses. the russian army still advancing towards tourette's and for cross in the south, i'll be very slowly and the idea will for ukrainian high come on was to lou. a russian forces away from that critical area and to try and get them to effectively waste their time in the north, but the craney and ink cartridges being successful and it shows no signs of stopping as well. again, this high quote has delivering as monday in the case of a former leader of one of the country's most notorious revel groups. he's a live pictures from cam. paula thomas, quite low, is accused of war crimes. when he come on that the lord's resistance on me recruit was formed in northern uganda, or in 1988 and aimed to of
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a through the government. the when says it's responsible for the abduction telling and right of thousands of people in central africa. quite always. the 1st come on to to be tried. at the age of 10 years old, michael akira was abducted by the bolts resistance on me. he was forced to fight for 13 years until he managed to escape his his story. the piano got him us. well, obviously we'll bring you that story. little bit later. there is a verdict right now being handed down at the high court in kampala, uganda. regarding the, the lowest resistance on me, but we will hear from michael a key, right. who is abducted just at the age of 13 years old. and then for us to fight for the lord's resistance. a man i think we can actually hear from michael and kerry. well, we will definitely need to hear from him a little bit later on. we all covering all the news as well. continuing to follow
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developments. and so don, without urgent action, tens of thousands of children are risk of dying in the coming months. this, the latest warning from united nations described the conflicts is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. for children, the army in the palm industry rapids support forces have been fighting for control for 16 months. violence has displaced almost 11000000 people from now on the us the same, the peace talks. we'll go ahead in geneva this week in albany is more than a 160 migrants and refugees of and rescued off the tale and coast in the past 24 hours. spanish and joe opened on says it found $54.00 people drifting in a boat of the southern coast of the island of land produced the most is and the from syria at least a $110.00 migrants were rescued in the same area on monday. and to be signed a deal with albania, to a set top comes from migraines in refugees, picked up, etc. but the pines has been delayed. a major tropical
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storm is heading for the us tetra of puerto rico, prompting officials to close schools and activate the national god tropical storm. ernesto also triggered warnings on, on the islands across the caribbean, full cost to say the storm is expected to lead to heavy flooding. alarm slides and algeria firefighters have been trying to contain lots of wild flies in the eastern part of the country. residents in a positive fi it to the west of been ordered to leave the homes. 5 crews have been battling multiple wild flies in the area since friday was in the 2 people died in july last year, when massive 5 devastated the same area. we're going to be in our decade of conflicts on humanitarian crisis. there. the value of the currency situation is making overseas travel on affordable for many people. but it's also led to a surgeon, opportunities for local developers and tourism operators,
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matic training reports from the coastal city of miss rod to the summer days in this about the libya is the 3rd largest city, an economic hub private development like this beach resort in recent years has made this a destination for holiday makers across the country. it has he and his family are from a job for a small city and they lived in the desert 500 kilometers away. if it was up to the children would never leave. they loved the beach and we don't have that back home. there's lots of gains and drives and places for them to have fun. we have been coming here for some of the cases for years. what you works for this resort. he says, business is great, and it's expanding. there is no doubt that miss ryder has become the destination point for tourists. we hoped to become a modern denmark for tourists, tennessee, god willing local authorities and the govern. look of what we have achieved and start to invest in libya as task coastline. libya has suffered conflict and
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political divisions since walmart. the deputy was toppled in 2011. during that time, mister veronica was a rebel stronghold and saw intense fighting. hundreds of civilians were killed, entire neighborhood, the completely rack and look at what since then, the city has been for the most part, untouched by violence, allowing time for development. or how did the tags is having to rival governments in libya has had a negative impact on the economy. but it's also created an opportunity cost. so in such a lot of people cannot afford to travel for the 1st of additional new sites, maybe a, a. so that he's allowed to have the funding domestic to, to the business. people are investing in the results of amusement, parks and restaurants. and just wondering what the infiniti left. this mag now just a short drive from the slot to this ancient port city on the mediterranean. was built by the romans more than 2 and
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a half 1000 years ago. it's one of 5 unesco world heritage sites in libya on its endangered list right now, only a few local people come to enjoy the site, but like many other areas, if it was renovated, it could be filled with taurus, clear water, blue sky, and sandy beaches. libya has africa, longest mediterranean coastline, nearly 1900 kilometers. much of it is on develop. what that's starting to change. private investors are developing small beach resorts like this one across the country. but because of the conflicts and libya, most countries advise their citizens to stay away. yet people here hope blasting stability can be achieved, and libya can prosper. and maybe then the world will start to come and see how beautiful this country really is. now it's right now i'll just, yeah, and it's about the medical workers across india. i've been calling for justice and safe working conditions off to the right and my the of a train need talk to police,
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found her body in electra hold it in medical college in the city of co kata. she had been sexually assaulted and killed on thursday night, a suspect has been arrested in recent years, took years, become one of the most expensive countries to live in. people save a surge and the prices of property and rent have been made the market on affordable average. rents have increased by 600 percent in the past 4 years. the government kept hikes at 25 percent, but as close tension as many landlords. the vic tenants and find new ones who are prepared to pay higher prices, so select to live, and so that least 11 people killed in around 50, injured, and confrontations between the tenants and prophecy. and as the countries facing any economic downtime and inflation is storing, it's current, see the layer has lost more than full 100 percent of us dollar since 2018. and i'm so, so we have the story now from it stumble with 1000000 the residents,
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as samuel is the most crowded, always stumbles 57 district. but like much over the city, it is becoming increasingly affordable. abdullatif is having to move for a 2nd time in 10 months. his latest landlord wants to weighs the rent by 60 percent . and some of the official initial bottom left, we're spending half of our wages to exercise our most fundamental entitlement housing. there isn't much left for us for other expenses, and we're just trying to survive that alone live a normal life rims have grown 6 folder words the last 4 years across to key it. now you man may have retired, but she's burdened with assisting her married son. could you tell that she will not be another truck? so despite the fact that both of them work, my son and wife live on a shoe string, i pay the range with my own pension to help. the move in is overwhelmed by the wrench. she has to pay for her family and for her daughter study and get
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a different city ranges. as soon as my son and daughter graduate, we plan to return to our village. there is no future. how much longer can we rent, housing, and rental prices and assemble are the highest across to okay, because it is the most popular city. it accounts nearly half of the national economy. it is also a popular one for and pro, for to buyers and host hundreds of thousands of refugees. experts say the government's insistence on preserving low interest rates helped to feel the housing market during the pen, demik, fire physical. some other investment tools were restricted in order to maintain the low interest rate policy. seeing that any pleasure error with our life, people didn't invest in that circus. they were due to poor interest rates. they flocked to hard assets like real estate. that's all process escalate to the central bank has since ways interest rates to 50 percent of the time sky high inflation. and that impacts home owners who have been hit with
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a search and loan repayment. fears of a similar earthquake have driven up the price of safer newer buildings and assemble north of a major full line. seen i'm coastal l. just every stumble. which is the goal as an economist ambrose a capital and explains the reasons behind rising house prices and rentals in techie . and there's been a lot of integration to this involved and the other large cities a number of years ago because of military funds slip elsewhere in the region. and more recently, a lot of people have been, we've been come across as an alternative to engage locations such as to buy. but because it's a very large converting part of the city, there's been a lot of the for an investment. and a lot of the investment us and to us a center or maryland agent. so one of the solutions would be efforts by the authorities to put people to the bank and properties, but also to build the process of housing. as far as we've been the interest rate
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policy that existed until about a year ago in which the interest rate decisions for large.


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