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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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in washington, oil both take a look. plus nigerians angry, but other presidents reforms to blame for that hardship. counting the cost on al jazeera, the israel's fall, right scenarios, even if it's involved then give a leads ultra national. it says they stole me a lot. so most compound and occupied is to reset the console. i mean, what, you know, just every log headquarters here in the hall coming up and is really strong towards the vehicle in southern level kills to people. colton bung with actually opens a murder investigation that they asked a prime minister the following weeks of term or what left mold and full 150 people
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that and then you've gotten to a former commander of the rebel group. the lord's resistance on me is found guilty of war crimes. welcome to the pack and we begin to don't keep bodies to recently with thousands of israeli settlers, an ultra nationalist set stone. alexa, most compound national security minister. it's a little bit and give a, let the march to mock a jewish holiday, but has been seen as yet another efforts by fall right? groups to full. so change to the status quote was govern the holy scientific is israel has banned all deserve reporting in the countries as a bus. robbie, how's this report from the jordanian capital? a man in the politics of division to so a supremacists narrative, israel's national security minister,
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it's more ben computer says it's his offices policy to allow freedom of worship for jews everywhere. even though it violates internationally recognized agreements governing one of his farms, holding us the, our policy is to allow premier, i will say something more. we must win this war. we must win and not go to conferences and don't how cairo rather defeat to force them to kneel. that's the message we can defeat, how most bring them to be nice singing dancing, religious rituals, even raising his rarely flags inside. it looks almost compound, deliberate publications. the break longstanding cruise put in place to keep the peaks at the same time, most slim worshippers were bored from entering the most to prey up setting the balance is exactly what ben gives here,
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says he wants all part of the far right. stay to days of shifting the status quo and taking on check the control of all occupied palestinian lance. there was a chorus of condemnation from palestine and egypt as well as the custodian of the holy site. jordan, it's foreign affairs ministry issued a statement describing the incident as quote, a flagrant violation of international law and the historical and legal status quote in jerusalem and its holy sites. the incursion was part of an annual jewish event to commemorate the destruction of an ancient temple, but through a larger than usual crowd this year. a day earlier was rarely extremist attached people in jerusalem's old city and vandalized palestinian own shops. on tuesday, mobs of settlers also stormed villages near hebron. violets in the occupied westbank seemingly on the verge of spiraling, out of control the image. yet again of
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a far right leader set against the backdrop of a muslim holy site, is likely to inflame tensions. not just in the region but around the world. and it is unlikely to help expected talks for a cease fire and gaza and the release of captives sitting beside the old is 0. among. this is what i asked by itself again, talk the displace palestinians in the garage. i see g compton, central garza, at least 6 people have been killed, civil defense crews. all searching for missing people believe to be buried under the rubble is where the army has repeatedly tugs and gauze has crowded refugee camps. well for the south in the gaza strip. a 3 month old baby is the only survivor of it is really and strong that killed all her family. the strike destroyed to have been calling eunice on monday, killing 10 people among the baby and the dead. all the babies, parents and finding siblings the parents of another 3 children were also killed.
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8 there is no one left except this baby. she's 3 months old, out of 20 people. she's the only one who has survived. what did these children do? they were all children and they killed them. 23, and 4 year old. all of them were children. both in calling you this is bottles underway between these by the i'll be in palestinian sciences avenue is right in the military operation of the city has fulls tens of thousands of people from the homes and temporary shelters. united nations. as about one 3rd of all humanitarian aid missions to gauze of this month have been denied access. it comes as the health care system, there is collapse. and the number of people getting hungry increases daily. the wealthy programs as nearly the entire population is facing acute food in security. the so boss is all going, all the custom brigade says this talks it, these very said he would tell of these and it sub ups with 2 rockets explosions. what i didn't tell of these,
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but the reports of the casualties and the salute joys and stuff. i'm jordan's capital amount because he's where the government has been down to 0 from reporting from within its borders. so rockets find tools, tel aviv, i'm the what more do we know about the chemist claiming responsibility for firing to projectiles? these really military says that one of them landed off the coast of central israel, but no alarms or red alerts were triggered. the armed group, delta sam were gave the armed wing of how much does that, this is in response to continued is really atrocities that are going on in the gaza strip against the palestinian people. and we also showed, mentioned that these really military has said that they had achieved their full operational control of many areas of gaza, but specifically in northern gonzo several months ago. in fact, at the end of the year 2023. when they were nearly 2 months in to the ground
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incursion that started off. so just to show you that the reality on the ground is much different than what these really military says. they have achieved that according to these really army radio. the military has now halted the transfer of humanitarian aid into gaza. after those rockets were fired from desolate without update. thanks very much. while in the occupied westbank is right, the settlers stole the village of to want if they responded to calls on social media to rage. policy being villages they have grown. the settlers arrived on the buses under the protection of his way. the false is site is provided additional cover from rooftops of the stuff over by the heavy occupies westbank condo. i mean, the west bank continues to brace itself, doesn't fit so this never ending succession of is riley settler attacks and today was no different. yeah, so i and today was no different and is really a subclass feel in bold. and over the past 10 months of this war,
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they have felt more free to wage attacks against palestinian villages to raid palestinian towns destroyed businesses and property and take over land. they are, after all represented at the highest levels of these rarely governments, including by ministers like big views. so today in the morning we saw that raid on the small village in the southern hebron hills, which is already ear marked for land, grab it and other areas in that uh southern tip of the, of the occupied west bank. but we also saw right now in these hours of the evening, these really are me closing down palestinian shops at the commercial heart of hyper on city the occupied west banks, largest city and commercial center. so that a group of his release of doors can read that part of the city and visit an ancient graves that they consider they claim to be of a holy significance to them. so another reminder that all aspects of life and
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anywhere in the occupied west back could be subjected at any moment to, is rarely except the rates and is really army violence as well known as a force that andrew by thank you. no, no, it is really as strong to the call in southern lebanon, has also killed 2 people. the vehicle was traveling between the villages of your noon and budget when it was attacked, as a big joseph now from out of june and the southern lebanon, and the we expected as ray davis phones and that has been won as a yes. so it seems it has now the understand that this was a drones drive kind of call traveling between, but she's been fit on now the lebanese health minister say 2 people were killed. and just in the last few moments, it has been confirmation from his bizarre that one of those people killed was a member of the organization. now this is a tactic that is there
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a head is right. it has used as talking individuals and drone strikes that this one took place roughly 8 kilometers from 11 runs. the southern border about the same time is ready. artillery strikes have still continued a long leopard on sunday, the southern border. we understand how to publish heads that can, has been hit that, that shot, cuz i have them on the quarter old hit today. but his bill is also been hitting is right. the positions that they said they, they, they said they've used and to tank, got dismissal as a hit, hit gift touch. we understand there was some damage done there, but this low reports of casualties. now they also said that they hit the stomach sites the a q a occupied coverage showed by hills as well as hitting the met tucked barrett's talks and soldiers the getting no confirmation of any casualties. but interesting, lee, they've said that they've hit the mask of sites, the cock talked to the espionage equipment night the last few days. even the last week has belies repeatedly hits. it's really equipment site,
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it espionage equipment rate, the sites. and then we'd seen his blood drawn both the, the in to northern israel, avoid doing good, going around the and don't israel july and don't system and even find just a rockets and managing to get through. and now we're still waiting for his blogs retaliation to the kidding, over at the senior commander. but meanwhile, that tit for tat, across the border between his ready forces and his beloved continues. that's a fact that in southern lebanon, thank you. the, the, the code in bangladesh has opened a murder investigation into the else did private associate casino, the 6 top officials and have administration. they're accused of being responsible for the police killing of a grocery store and they were shot dead drago track down on the student that protest last month. more than 450 people were killed during weeks of civil unrest
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that falls to seem to, to step down. she's not fled to india. 10 bit child way possible on this from the capital murder case against from a prime minister check. hopefully not is unprecedented accepted by the back. i code along with 6 other accuse which includes the former home and it says the inspector general of police, the tape of dock, a metropolitan, as well as the additional commissioner of knock on metropolitan and the chief of detective police. now the person who brought the case is a well away. so i made a homes who brought the case against those people in the code backed by the student, professor leaders. and for the later, one, from closer to this ceiling and faithful brought to justice. and with that said, is the beginning of an accountability process and the former commission to pursue others who are behind this killing. as far as the 2nd student has concern,
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she is right now in new delhi, there's been speculation. she has been looking for asylum and united states. are you cash, are you a? but those are speculation that was posted in india made the we cannot independently verified that those right now the current home advisor, rigor general, to be tied shop. god has said in a statement yesterday that farmer prime minister should come back to buying her that she organized the party and handed over to new leadership. c came under attack from the jordan 1st downstairs and leaders as well as from the main office. they sent parties, bangladesh nationally as parties. they want him to design to making such statements, lot of dynamics going on in the country under the new in some government. and there's a lot of pressure on the government plus to bring those to accountability who are behind those killing of so many people within late july and beginning and august 100 calories. i'll just say the talk us. so they told me you got to the rebel group
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glenda has been found guilty of faulty full war crime challenges. thomas court yellow was a member of the infamous load resistance telling me he's been found guilty of crimes into the matter. right. and pillaging. quaylon was facing $93.00 counts of all kinds of for a division of your gun does high cost that he was acquitted of $3.00 charges. and 31 was dismissed. well, clearly as development and the lowest resistance on me has made them a long standing target. so you've gotten to the thirty's, the rebel group has a history of all crimes accusations. notice the el rey, that was founded by joseph coney in northern uganda in 1988 and to overthrow the government. the one says the group is responsible for the abduction. kenning and rape of thousands of people in central africa is also accused of brutality and recruiting youngsters as child soldiers. in 2005 international criminal court issued warns of arrest full coney and his senior commanders on charges of war
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crimes. they already faced increasing military pressure as it withdrew from uganda and expanded it dissolves saddam the central african republic of the democratic republic of congo in 2008. those countries loads, they've joined defensive with us support, which we can the great however, can i need remains that lot of the groups still pose a threat in some areas like like i was 10 years old when he was abducted by the el rey. he was full to spend 13 years fighting for the mentally managed to escape his, his story from goodly in northern uganda, a timely manner a do not beat it, the lamb. so we a beach and a good amount of k to k y. and that kind of made emitted bottom, you know? yeah, i mean i'm mad at me and i've done and maybe i've got them. i know you are chapel
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man named no data. would nobody do good. and that made a law detect, keep them all a mile, cadillac bay, to me it they, we chatted me at you out. okay. i mean i've done it yet. oh god, i'm, i'm good. okay, well, it died going my goal, can you have my mind? i know to get it able to come, but i know get the amount of money out and that way. when again melanie, i'm a man and not i don't law god. okay, do you got my god? okay, did oh good. tell what go geta took a need to avoid a bit of young law. could you now get data? did you say the amount of time? do you deal to come? what do you have to be a bad man? no food, bad or you did bradley winding down on my now what you out while i come on i getting one and seeing may do i'm any may kind of getting well i in law wrap it for
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you to or keep my band ship me a gun now, me to look on with that back or the mom i, i, when you get enough money away, it being 5. now why ben? if i made a job good at that, we need to why the mental city and all you know me on the amount that means that now one more don't call i can for you no matter what they get to and looked off on any know, don't look joke on call you tomorrow, not a money order for you didn't look, give it to you before you. animal. um yeah. give us a call. yeah. the amount of data for you after metal am. well, and i didn't know, but the metal not the mile. you bet, i'm our name a room with that that the law. well, you need to. yeah. the go at the renewal for all i can for you when damage out of the moodle. how do you know if it gets taught public health body has declined a public health emergency of continental security due to an outbreak of impulse. now the virus is not spreading from the democratic republic of congo to neighboring
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countries, and pulse is transmitted through place called intact and causes flu like symptoms and pulse filled lesions based cases a mile. but it can kill therapy in at least 15000 cases and 461 depths reported safe on the ship. but the number is likely to be fall higher. the evidence we have on the number of cases, the number of debts they have just to book the iceberg. and the reason is that in policies largely of mileage condition, we have limited surveillance. we have limited capacity to do the testing that's required. we have limited capacity to contact chasing him that reporting. so the multiple points in this, the information we have reflects only partial situation or what's actually happening. still a head here on out, does that or most? cuz that is it striking back again, c,
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quite the impulses in cask. keith says it's come to the 1000 square kilometers of russian territory. and that for decade of conflict, olivia is the value currency is helped usher and a new era of development and toes. the the had lower, the south west monsoon continues to bring very heavy rain to south asia in particular across the north west of india or just on has seen some water loading. that rain just count, drain away. now we still have the amber lots, not full. that heavy rain for eastern rob just on on wednesday, but we'll see the rain pick up in the very south as well, with waves of wet weather, working into carola and con, not to come by thursday. the heavy rain as well will intensify cause moving parts
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of pockets on pulling across, moving india, pushing out towards a bundle of their so a very wet picture up here as we go towards the end of the week is looking very well across the southern parts of china with significant rainfalls come in the days ahead, we could see some flooding from that much quiet, however, for the likes of shanghai out east and across the very most of china, beijing seeing it's 30 degrees celsius that on wednesday with sunshine. that's what i'm quite costing those on the korean peninsula. that's not the case for japan. we've had a smorgasbord of tropical systems ringing some very heavy rain. the one that we're concerned with is, po, it's set to become a type thing, potentially, as it works its way towards eastern horseshoe. it'll bring rain to tucker on friday . the a sense of belonging. we always look for ways to be together and be every day
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heroes, keeping communities together is tough. the laptop is transforming every day in the 1st part of the series of just 0 visits is stuff a lot. but in mexico city, where locals are turning on a taurus municipality to an urban utopia, a sense of community on the jersey to the the, the welcome back to i'll just say we're, let's take you straight to washington d. c. y of ident fatality deputies spikes best and full, the state department is addressing the press. cool, let's just see what he has to say. do you still see
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a probable support among the collision of particularly middle eastern countries that help defend israel in april, or do you think that is waived? so i, i'm certainly not going to speak to, i'm not going to speak to other countries um efforts and how they might be adjusting or not adjusting any security, possibly, or taking. what i can say is that no one is now you've about iran is malign destabilizing behavior, particularly through its properties, proxies, particularly in the middle east region. and what i can say from on behalf of the united states is that we certainly won't hesitate to defend israel, as well as our personnel from not just attacks from iran, but at around in back at proxies as well. no, i think couple of those questions about of are big ahead to create potential obstacles. um, what's the general reported that the us in law has said through our mediators, that is all serious about negotiations and once mass to participate in the speech talks. then they need to stop all military operations and gaza, as you know,
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they must have made sin while they're headed back to school or whatever that means . are you guys taking what he says seriously is, do you see what he says as just bluster or is it potential to, does he have any kind of potential to just start from us as participation? i should be really. so the use of the secretary speak to this last week in annapolis with the appointment of mr. seymour as a mazda is political bureau, chief of it, from our point of view, that designation didn't change anything. over the course of this whole process says, over the course of this conflict. it has been clear to everyone that mister seymour uh, continues to be the decision maker and when it comes to the future of the palestinian people, when it comes to the ability to alleviate some of the suffering. and to alleviate
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some of the dire situations that we're seeing in the gaza strip, ultimately, that is also up to mr. seymour in response to the trilateral state for those. but out last week, the is really, is have confirmed that they will have a team present ready to continue and carry forward the stocks. and it is imperative that home us do the same because it is far time for the passengers to be released and to bring relief to the people of gaza. and we fully expect these talks to move forward, as i said, just a moment ago or curry partners are also working to ensure that there is a mass representation. and i will let the process play out. i get. and then as um, as row um, you know, you guys have a lot of, lot at stake all the time in the region, particularly this week. you know, with these talks that you guys are, you know, really helping push into place and the, but you also have big is like the national security administer. and his role vandevere going up on the most expensive piece of real estate and region. again,
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the temple mount uh to what can any be perceived as something that he's keeping since his right to to impose his policy on something. but that is not the state is quite a policy that nothing y'all here has come out and said, you know, this is not so hard on the policy. it bit like nothing. yeah. can any say so much. so can you guys, this is all rhetoric when you condemn actions like that, but these actions have real potential to escalate things of regions. uh, what is your response to what he he's doing like, but he's doing this again and also is there something the us can do? can you sanction a figure? like think of it or you know, you, you are able to section of the figures in the region. it doesn't matter that he's in his ready to government official official. is there anything that you guys can do to stop this continue to hold on? the 2nd part of your question can like certainly i'm just stuck in a preview or get into what's possible or not possible, but i would say that we certainly are paying close attention to the actions and
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activities that we find to be a diffraction from israel security a contributor to greater insecurity and instability in the region. and that would certainly be the actions that we saw today. that mr. ben cuz we're participated in even the prime minister's office itself made clear that the events of this morning our a deviation from what is, is really policy and a deviation from the status quote. and let me just say clearly that the united states stands firmly for preservation of the historic status quote with respects to the holy sides of jerusalem in any unilateral action, which this would be that any utilize to action like this. uh that jeopardizes such a status quote is unacceptable and not only is it unacceptable, it detracts from what we think is a vital time as we are working to get this these fire deal across the finish line.
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it detracts from what our stated goal is for the region, which is a 2 state solution in the house. that means data is really state that side by side living in uh with dignity and harmony. and we recognize how important the holy site is. so we urge all sides to respect the status quo, but certainly actions like this. um, are they detract from that? and not only do they distract from that, we find them to be unacceptable. sign. go ahead. thank you. it is the 1st on the secretary's trip and what, what he would have to hope to achieve this time around that he was not able to achieve in the past a trip small side. i don't have any um travel for secretary boone can do to preview at the moment. what i can say is that as it relates to the middle east region, the secretary is laser only focused and engaged on the region through calls with
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his counterparts through calls and other leaders. he has been working the phone's for the past number of weeks continuing to echo the same message, which is we are close to getting the ceasefire deal across the finish line and is vital for the release of the remaining hostages, including american citizens. it is vital for us surge and humanitarian assistance, which we believe will help alleviate the suffering that we're seeing in gaza. and it is vital for to help get this region out of this endless cycle of violence. he made that clear to a number of counterparts that he's spoken to in the past few days. and i expect those kinds of conversations in diplomacy to continue site, but i don't want to preview or get ahead of any potential travel. i know you talked about. ready you know the tech. ready the tab in school yesterday, but then the 60 general, the mission secretaries condemned the non certain time. what happened the past, the master of diabetes?
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cool. well then i said do the same thing that a, do you agree that such an absence? so they condemned the site, we of course more than the loss of any civilian life. and over the course of this conflict too many civilians have been killed. but also, as i said yesterday, the reason that we are even having this conversation is because i'm off continues to have a track record of not just using civilians as human shields, but co locating itself among civilian infrastructure, co locating itself among what it normally would be a facilities that has protected status, but when they become friends for a potential notes and operations, certainly they have the possibility to lose their status that does not minimize or diminish the morals. gigi imperative that our partners in israel have to take every possible step to ensure that the civilian casualties are minimized, of both of those things can be true. so do you have any evidence that asked. ready
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militants, why that and as we, as we said yesterday said we have been in close touch with the idea on this and continue to discuss with them. but i will also let them speak to their own military understand, but you know what, you're saying that they have a track record, but that is dependent on what there's really onset. ready done and this is their operation. i will let them speak to now a couple more questions on the you know, the, the, the new york time. ready ready 40 that is way that was flexible. now on the negotiation seems to have an inside statement by the presence of himself and stuff like. ready the test, so you have glass saying that the way the private sides really back track from the position on the proposal that you said that you mentioned on may 3rd. ready one by the present and so do you think the visually is at back down at least the. ready time the started back down, somebody's agreed to early i.


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