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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the . ringback the how to the ex help donald trump get back into the white house. the former president and republican norman, he returns to the platform and a tool with a loan must see faces real challenges from couple of harris would have placed his chances. this is inside story,
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the hello that on james bay is this recently is 2 years ago. donald trump in a little mosque, what public enemies with musk hosting on his social media platform, x, fully known as twitter. i don't hate the bad, but it's time for trump to hang up his hat and sand into the sunset. now the billing that businessmen as endorsed him and the republican presidential candidate has returned to x. that 2 hour long interview with stream life and touch topics, including immigration, foreign policy, and us energy policy. trump is under pressure to help be involved. so the democratic presidential comes with a couple of harris and the race for the white house in mosque is facing business problems. so what impact could x have all the us selection? we'll discuss all of this in just a moment with all guess. but 1st, this report from victoria k b, they actually just w donald trump said it would be the interview of the century, but it started badly right or wrong. so my apologies for the late start, we unfortunately had
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a massive distributive denial of service attack. and after 2 hours of conversation between the republican presidential candidates an ex own at you know, musk many listeners may have concluded. it didn't live up to the hype. of the 2 men who didn't appear in vision, covet issues including immigration, china, and trump's democratic rival, complet harris. there's rewriting history and, and making it almost sounds like a moderate when. in fact she is far less like far, far worse. and bernie sanders, she is considered liberal by far then bernie sanders, she's a radical left lunatic. harris sent her running mate. tim bolts have been credited with re energizing the democratic party's campaign since president bite and announced he wasn't standing for re election. we symposium shows harris's leading trumping key battleground states in the midwest. a most skis facing his own business challenges, acts as low as millions of uses and advertises since the billing to check on for
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putting up for the platform 2 years ago. both of these men are looking to try to read, read, and reinvent themselves in very different ways. i think a lot of mosque is trying to show that the ex, nope, social media platform is still a platform. that is one that actually should be seen as courted and involved by major corporations and individuals. and also donald trump, who now appears to be losing much of his lee in the poll a to come to a harris is looking to amplify his voice. trump was banned from twitter in 2021 after his support is still in the us capital. since then, he's mostly used his social media platform truth social after years of trying to you a trump back to ex most because finally succeeded. but some critics say the interview may not have helped either of them as much as they typed. victoria gave some
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b l g 0. so inside story let's discuss all of this further now with our panel of guests today in new york bronze. delta is a veteran, media, june list, and special correspondent for vanity fair. steve herman, the voice of america's chief, national correspondents, and also of behind the white house couldn't, isn't allentown, pennsylvania, and in burlington vermont, all she had her sign is the democratic, political strategist and founder of convoys, communications. thank you all 3 of you for joining us. we're doing this program today, i think to look at the liked it sheds this interview on 2 very powerful people, their relationships and the big challenges they currently face. but let's 1st look at the interview itself and the content of the interview. braun, your very experienced print and broad cost reports. do you agree with me? there wasn't much news in it. and frankly, some of it was a bit though. yes,
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a 2 hour long conversation between 2 man who really liked each other, but don't have a lot in common. this reminded me of a typical conversation between a billionaire donor and the candidate because mosque was trying to push trump throat towards certain policy directions, trying to give trump advice for how to win the presidency again, trump was indulging mosque the way the politicians often indulged donors but there was very little news. the biggest headline is this happened at all that mosque is using his powerful social media platform to support donald trump and help get trump re elected. whether that will work or not. we'll find out in a few months. but it's notable the most because putting his weight behind this disgrace twice impeached indicted, former president, steve hill, the and one of the swing states you've been listening to the whole thing. and you are covering this compact and very, very closely whether any notes in that we learned anything you, you know,
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i don't think so. i would agree with a brian in his assessment of this. and also what donald trump needs do, or com, a lot, harris for that case is to really resonate with the voters that are here right behind me is north hampton county, pennsylvania, which has always predicted the outcome of every presidential election. uh since 2008. so as it's wayne county usa and there's probably no residents coming out of that to our interview on x, that's going to swing any voters in this. wayne county. oh shad. let's talk about the tone of it. does it even qualify as an interview? it certainly wasn't a rigorous interview, it seems to be a soft, full conversation wet when trump was allowed to say whatever you wanted, i wouldn't call it in interview and all that implies some sort of journalistic
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norms. instead, really what we size one building here, funding over another, going completely unchallenged. you heard some of the same claims and boast and lies as you, as you regularly heard from donald trump. so nothing new there with trump really needed to do was reverse the momentum that we see on the other side in our side with harris and walls. instead, we just some more of the same in the friendly as possible format, which itself didn't seem to do. trump any favors. steve, let's talk about the political backdrop to all of this where we are in this campaign because the last month has been for an outside observer like me. pretty incredible. can you bring us up to speed of where we were? um yeah, just a matter of weeks ago and i think 2 important things that were several bit bolton things, the change of debate and assassination attempt and then the kind of the pulling out exactly. it is a very, very different race than it was
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a few weeks ago. and the polls are starting to reflect that because we're seeing a search here in pennsylvania and, and these other critical swearing states. all that we could argue. pennsylvania is arguably the most critical swing state, and there's been this momentum for the democrats with pamela harris. and now with governor uh tim walls of minnesota joining the ticket. they're getting the publicity, they're getting the momentum. and slowly, slowly, the democrats have come from behind, a caught up to donald trump and j. the vans. and now in certain swing states are starting as some of the pool balls to go above that margin of error data essentially. you know, if you gather all the data right now, this is a tied rate so it doesn't matter really what's going to happen in california or taxes. it matters and a half a dozen states. and those are the numbers to watch the polling. that's going to take place here in pennsylvania and
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a few other states. and you can expect that these candidates will be spending a lot of time here. because if you look at the odd, if you don't when pennsylvania, your chances of winning the electoral boats needed to get elected, not the popular vote, the electoral boat without pennsylvania. the odds are very small, but you can do that on steve, you've been covering us politics for a long time. normally the candidates get a boost from the convention and the democrats haven't even have that convention yet . do you think it's likely they'll be a photo that is correct for harris? yeah, probably probably because of all the publicity relatively positive publicity that they'll get into mainstream media. but is that a one percent 2 percent 3 percent boost. we don't know yet, but even one percent at this stage is very, very valuable for these candidates to lose one percent, especially in the swing states,
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is also something very alarming for off. if it happens to either harris or trump. but there's still a time to go. pennsylvania is one of the earliest for early voting, which will start in october. so it's, it's like 2 or 3 more months still. and whether the harris campaign is able to maintain that momentum, or is donald trump, going to see a resurgence he's going to come back. and i believe in october, he said he is going to do a rally in baltimore. pennsylvania is where the assassination attempt occurred. and presumably all the attention on that will pay donald trump as, as a more sympathetic figure, and perhaps give him a little bit of boost as well. bryan, so it's clear that things have changed. maybe not completely significantly yet, but it's clear, i think from all of the polls, but harris is slightly ahead. it seems that trump has some really cool talk with this in that conversation on axis. still wanted to talk
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a fair bit about joe biden. feet home does attacks on joe barton. he was sleepy joe . right. he doesn't seem to afraid the attack on couple of harris says he, i think that's absolutely right, that trump is a 3 and a half years to think about his attacks against president biden. he seems a rattled by all the sudden changes this summer, and i can understand why you know, think about this from trump's point of view. he almost died and in this ass nation attempt, he now has to go back out in the public and hold big events having been shot out on stage. that's one big reason to be rattled. second, that is the opponent suddenly changed, instead of a fellow or white guy, he's up against a historic figure, a woman of color in a country that has a long history racism and has never elected a woman of color. so all of a sudden the dynamic has changed, and number 3, she's getting bigger crowds than he is. you know, you look at the pictures on screen, that's what trump is known for. big crowds, big rallies, and all of a sudden,
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harrison walls are pulling in even larger numbers. then he has been able to do so. he has 3 real reasons to be shaken up right now. and i think on a psychological level that is impacting them and you could hear it in the musk interview when he was more comfortable talking about bite and then he is about harris. and of course the previous dynamic shad was joe biden was the old man. now of course donald trump is the old man in the rice. i noticed some people on twitter o x as we might, as he says, we must cool it. people come and see one, his voice sounded slightly miss b. i don't know whether that was the about the technical quality of x, but tell us as democratic strategist, do you think the harris come pay, you know, going to talk to him for his age? or are they going to stay away from that? because of a, because of the way they would treat to uh, when biting was, was the candidate honestly, i don't believe that they need to. in this case,
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trump has is about to read what he has. so he has talked so much about the mental acuity about the age, about the mental goodness of his previous opponent, and shared by him, that it is only going to come back to him. this is, this is a, a mazda of his own creation. i don't think of it here as well as campaign will need to do anything like that. we've already seen people questioning and it was not just lisping because of the slurring. we've already seen that more over, you can see a contrast between the 2 campaigns. the candidates behind them and as you're guessing and talking about in the last couple of weeks, the here's campaign has vetted chosen rolled out there v p. candidate that successfully i should say, and has done 7 campaigns swing states tours through the 7 campaign swing states. trump is only showing up in montana so far is that a couple of interviews. and as we've just been talking about, those interviews have been disastrous. and if anything, just painting a greater contrast between the 2 visions and the character of the 2 different
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candidates before a, i'm a, i'm a delegate, so the delegates biden. and now me delegate for harris. i can tell you that the difference amongst democrats, it's night and day it's, it's honestly, it's indescribable. the last 3 weeks have been an absolute whirlwind. i can't wait for the convention. i'm actually looking forward to in a way, i haven't in a long time. so when you compare the energy of the 2 campaigns, the 2 candidates and the base for both of the parties, you're seeing a schuman guess, ships like we've not seen historically. problem, we mentioned the crowd size is the crowd size. of course, the money couple of harris is getting more money than then trump, but on the chrome sizes, that is something from the little gratian on woods. trump has been obsessed about crowdsourcing schedule. what about all the time? what do you make cause effect? but he's now making this and given report is go to these values, rather ridiculous allegation is that they're actually not real. that a i the right amount with
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a new column of about this for the atlantic. i wrote about how trump always talks about crowd size and tells people not to believe their eyes and ears when he's at his most vulnerable when he feels as most and secure. sometimes that's with isn't all duration when obama is was bigger. sometimes when there are protests that are really big against him, he minimizes the crowd to make it sound like no big deal. and during his house money trial, when his supporters did not lower manhattan, the way he wanted to, he lied and said that police were stopping his supporters from coming to the court house. and that wasn't true. i was there was easy to get to the court house, but he has a history of, of lying about proud size when he feels vulnerable when he feels insecure. and that is what we're seeing now. i know sometimes in politics it is popular to say to ignore the feelings, ignore the energy, ignore the, the, the popularity contest. it's about policy, right, policies, what matters. and that's what you're hearing from trump and his allies right now. focus on policy. yeah. trump is winning on the border, for example, and immigration,
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that's what they say. but the reality is the energy and momentum and excitement does matter a lot. so this crowd size measurement, although it's not scientific, it is important because, you know, as the other guests are saying this race has totally changed in terms of the emotional appeals that are happening. and that is why i think translates does matter here is might not pointing out or so she doesn't have to. but when you hear trump maybe story in his words was kind of hard to tell last night on this do on this uh x interview. when you hear him, maybe having a hard time communicating, it does speak to his age. now of course the supporters would say he did a 2 hour long shot harris isn't doing that. she's not doing interviews, and that's a fair critique. there should be doing interviews. she should be engaging with the press and i think she probably will after the convention because she wants to have a flawless rollout. but bottom line, the energy levels do matter in this raise a lot. well, upon that, that point you made a lot of conversation last night was rambling. the fact check is what kept busy,
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but that was that what important that you just made the trump made that may be a genuine one. i think i, it is pretty sad when you think that somebody that does this for a living can't answer a question or is afraid to do an interview. and in her case with a very friendly interview, she's got all friendly interviewers is pretty. yes, a pleasure steve. you compare what from the national association of black journalists conference, but news conference, them all go this x, whatever we call it into conversation. um, do you think it's cuz it's not becoming a thing, but she's not giving interview soon. do you think it's going to become an issue for her? oh, it's already an issue and as we point it out here, but that's what the republicans and donald trump are hammering. com a lot. harris on right now. she did say last week. i believe that starting this week. busy by the end of this month that she's going to give some interviews, there's going to have to be
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a more general press conference. she's probably going to have to do the, the sort of pod cast and the social media interviews with the influencers of that are very, very important to the democratic party base is because as much as anything else, this is about routing your base. and that's why may be a deal on my skin. donald trump, the conversation doesn't get donald trump anymore voters, but what he needs to do, and what we're hearing from republican strategist, is he needs to ensure that the base gets out on election day or with the mail building, which he's been against. and that's something that the republican strategist read about, but the big difference is right now, 2 months ago, it was a democratic strategist in the democratic party. lawmakers in congress that had gone from bad way to use it was said to concern to panic. and what we're starting to hear in the past couple of days from
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a republican strategists and even i've heard or read this morning with demick ramos swami. want to but donald trump's primary opponents. and now one of the supporters saying that this campaign, the trump campaign really needs to do a reset. and what was pointed out here, not focused on joe biden anymore, and figure out how to effectively go after calmer harris o shuttle me into the issue of couple of harris doing interviews. do you agree she should have done one by now? you know. sorry. it was funny, you'd say that, let's look at the last 2, maybe almost 3 weeks now. she did a little busy. as i mentioned, she had to pick a vice presidential candidate, enroll them out. that happens. that's the process that usually takes months. she's done sevens and stops on a campaign tours in 5 days, when she can have time for a sit down interview. and she also has always my story, the present, the present. oh,
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shut the presidency. united states is pretty busy. he has to make time for press scrutiny as well. and even if it's a female president, and there are certainly we set go by without a one on one interview that the president has biden certainly has gone more than a couple of weeks without a sedan interview with a i think it will happen. i think she's going to sit down and a half and do an interview, but she has in just 2, almost 3 weeks. she has closed a national 5 point gap and is actually starting leading and some of the swing states, whatever she is doing is working. if i'm giving her advice as to say, keep doing what you're doing. i think after the convention with another boost to have a little bit of time to sit down and breathe. and that's exactly what i think she's going to do. none the less you can see the success, the rather rapid success of her campaign through honestly very difficult conditions . she's only had a couple weeks a to wrap everything up. if she didn't sit down and do an interview with cnn, it's pretty understandable. she's had a couple of weeks,
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she's done it more and these last couple weeks then donald trump has done trump has done one rally. one campaign stop. it was in montana and he's a couple of sit down interviews. only one of them was challenging. the others, a press conference in his home, a interview with you on last where he had some new funding over and, and fox news interview. these are not rigorous journalistic standards. he does need to rally his base, but i wouldn't call those in the uh, you know, some kind of like barbara walters or edward r murrow moment for the press. i think if we wait until after the convention, we'll get an interview and i think we'll get one that is actually substantive. okay, brian, let's talk about the other side of this conversation. the little musk side of the conversation, i'm ex said, but it got 1300000 views. i went and looked up how many view is joe biden's interview with a b. c. news. all 3 pulled out. got that. got a 1000000 views. so quite a lot more, you know, most schools, legacy media,
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all so this didn't start to on time. it was 14 minutes late. they're all sorts in the nickel problems. a real piece of remember when from the scientist, the florida governor was running for president last year there was technical problems that overall the embarrassing for 8 on this. and it and moscow shopping some other numbers trying to claim it was a lot bigger than nutritional tv. interview, but the problem of course is that television ratings and internet streams are like apples and bananas. they're completely different the it can't be compared. i think the reality here is that mosque was basically doing the same thing. fox news does giving trumping audience trump supporters, maybe a couple of 1000000 in order to repeat his favorite lines, sing his favorite songs. and so that and it might have been effective for trump to to it is like took science base. but to your point for musk, this was a mess. it was embarrassing that the platform didn't work the way he wants it to work. musk is a really interesting figure in this election because he says he's a moderate. he says he has voted for democrats in the past,
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but he says tom layers is disaster and he wants trump to win. now, i think what it shows is that the dividing line, american politics today is not necessarily democrats versus republicans. it's people who are pretty casual and calm and normal versus extreme us. an error stream is on the right and left people who have gone down internet rabbit holes who believe while conspiracy theories that's happening on the left. but it's really, really dramatic right now on the right you lot most for example, promotes all sorts of conspiracy theories. he has said recently that civil war is inevitable. well, i'm, i'm here and i'm here to tell you it's not. america actually is a very stable country. most americans have a lot more in common than they have. the divides us, you know, most people just want to get along with their neighbors. they don't want to be fighting all the time. but on most platform, it's a constant fight. everyone's constantly battling there's, i think that's the dividing line here. harris and walls are speaking to normal voters who want to bring the temperature down. but when you look at what must been
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taught and temper doing, they're trying to raise the temperature. they're trying to make things hotter, they're trying to cause more conflict. and i think in some ways, you might do this election as a tug of war between people who are trying to bring things down. keep them cooler versus people who are trying get wild up and make it harder. on steve, it's not just people on the platform who runs it seems self who's been involved in lives in this information of these sorts of comments. we have the european union that digital commissioner wrote to musk reminding him of the use rules on hate speech. already the you is charged x with failing twist, respected social media, those spacing, a 1000000, multi 1000000 euro fines, possibly also the u. k. is looking very quickly at him. as bronze said, he talked about civil war in the us. he's also said civil war is inevitable. in the u. k as well in these countries, he might face legal action against him at his company. do you think he's wired
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or you know, you have to ask, what was his motivation in the 1st place for buying twitter and i need to process what i'm saying. by noting that i was among the group of journals that for a period of time was permanently suspended from my twitter after 11 months bought it high. so i thought that was for you, just making sure things are very spacious. steve. why did, why did the problem suspend you? well, he would, you're also done wrong. well, he was claiming that because we were waiting about an account called the lawn jet that was tracking his whereabouts that we were putting out assassination courting. and since, so he claimed it wasn't a free speech issue, but really what we've seen, i think twitter or access it's called that out, is still important, but it's much, much less relevant than it was before he bought it. i spend very little time on twitter compared to before. i'm on brad's, mastodon, uh, you know, other platforms. and i think a lot of journalists,
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and definitely people that are centrist and left of center in the united states, at least in the u. k. recently in europe have migrate it off the platform and maybe there's nothing that ever replaces it. so i, you know, as was noted, that's where joe biden made his announcement that he wasn't going to know a pursue uh of another term anymore. so it still has relevance. the news is made there. what it was was pointed out here, there probably was not any news made last night. this was something sort of uh, uh, a conversation between uh, a very, very influential and well healed. the donor and a candidate for president united states, all shot off to that conversation between trump and mosque. most cousin vice you'd come in, well, harris, to take part in a similar conversation of to what you saw here. and the big box cuz already endorsed trump. what would be your advice to you all kinds of that?
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should she take him up on that offer? absolutely not. are you kidding me at? if she does? you know, i'll trust her to do well over it. here's the thing just on the technical basis alone. she should have void this, she should have. so should have trump actually. but here's the thing. as we've all been mentioning, twitter is not the space that it used to be, and also almost entirely left twitter. i'm, i'm on threads, you can find me there. a problem, it was twitter. now, once torrent trump is once he trump once musket taken it over and he became so hostile to left leaning voices and started accusing pretty much every one of being left leaning and banning that free speech for me. but not for the it created such a task atmosphere that most of the political f, as we've already mentioned, as go on. so, okay, come layer of switching it to the bank. you're trying to shut off site, sorry to all gas today. brands delta steve. hi,
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i'm an arshad hassan coverage of the us campaign continues on alger 0 all the way to election day november the 5th with detailed analysis doubts is there a dot com? is that about fuel comments, contributions that even complaints go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash 8 inside story. and on the platform we've been talking about today, x, y at a j inside story from the james base and the team here stay safe. i'll see you again soon by the from august 19th until the 22nd and delegates will gather in chicago for the democratic national convention. carlo a harris will make history as the 1st black women and asian american. you. 2 us presidents, nominees was tim, was this, you're running this in less than 3 months, how they went, the election, full coverage analysis,
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0 african stories from african perspectives really, but i need to do more. we've made life to short documentary used by african filmmakers from morocco. and can you close to pieces can cut down to your one with the customers. it's, can you move them into the echoes of unity and kenyon on mars a new series of africa direct on i'll just sierra the the man who has, of course,
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has the head of chinese academic victor. 12 percent of the people of taiwan say they want to reunify that it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the one to and the policy. exploring china is the front of admissions. is he no president for like a true dictate? how can you explain for find the transform ation of china? if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out the color and so, um and you want to know, does it renews own life? my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's fall right? security minister, it's a long time give the leads. baldwin nationalist as they stole me, i'd like some of the compound. they don't keep mind history. slip balls. go says
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it's striking back against you quite. the impulses incurs keith says it's kind of


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