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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the un security council prepares to hold an emergency meeting on israel's attack in a school sheltering despised palestinians in gaza. city last friday, at least a 100 people were killed. the i'm about this and this is all just a lot from bill home also coming up as it was for the right security minister leads ultra nationalists as restoring the likes of most compound and occupied east. jerusalem is very centralized in the occupied westbank, protected by his very soldiers attacked palestinian villages near hebron. and is
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really aristotle targeting a vehicle in southern 11 on kills to hezbollah fighters. the we're going to begin with the un security council for our julia has called an urgent meeting following and is really attacking the school in gauze on last week. the killed at least a 100 palestinians. we are expecting proceedings to begin shortly showing as soon as we see them, we're going to defend to them. but gabriel alexander is live for us from the un headquarters in new york. let's just talk about what brought us to this point. what was the event? first of all, the got us here as well. that was the yeah, it's really attack on the school turned shelter where hundreds of palestinians were sheltering on saturday. they killed dozens of palestinians that clearly prompted
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to international condemnation from many countries. it certainly raised the eyebrows of many a security council members, and that is why they are meeting right now or soon to convene this emergency meeting that was caused by algeria as well as slovenia. we expect to hear from rosemary decarlo, the under secretary general from political and peace building affairs, as well as the humanitarian official from the un office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs. they will give an overview of the situation in gaza, not only on what potentially happened on saturday, but the overall humanitarian and political situation as well moving forward and where things stand. i can tell you that the situation from the u n's perspective in gaza is gone from really bad to worse just within the last day or 2 this week. the u. n. has brief journalist here saying that to the number,
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the number of aid trucks getting into guys it is, has dropped by nearly half in the last month or so. there is now a threat of polio that the un is trying to deal with in guys as well. they're gonna start to try to roll out some you back the back to back to nations as early as this weekend. but the bottom line is 63 percent according to you and 63 percent of all structures in the gaza strip had been destroyed or badly damaged. well, over 85 percent of the entire area of the guys a strip has been under some sort of evacuation order. so the situation is terrible, quite frankly, the un doing all that. they can to try to get a, to those who need it the most under the absolute worst conditions. now, during the, as the emergency meeting, that will be starting here in the next few minutes. we do also expect to hear, besides from the briefers, probably all of the security council members, but also a south africa has asked to to,
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to speak as well. so be paying close attention to that as well as the ambassador for palestine game. obviously, as soon as we that meeting starts, we've been watching some pictures of the gathering of the moment and the security council chambers, as you've been talking to us. when that starts, of course we're going to be coming back to you to get to an update from you and your assessment of what's going on. but for now, let's gabriel elizondo have un headquarters in new york and occupied east jerusalem . the size of is really sacked as an ultra nationalist of storm the i'll ok, so most compound national security minister if my bank via lead the march to mock a jewish holiday, but it's being seen as yet another effort by far right groups, the force of change to the state, this quote is governed the holy site for years. now israel has bind, i'll just get it from reporting in the country. so his name is robbie assent this report from the jordanian capital. i'm on in the politics of division to sell a supremacist narrative. israel's national security minister,
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it's more ben computer says it's his offices policy to allow freedom of worship for jews everywhere. even though it violates internationally recognized agreements governing one of this farms holding us the, our policy is to allow premier, i will say something more. we must win this war. we must win and not go to conferences and don't how cairo rather defeat to force them to kneel. that's the message we can defeat, how most bring them to be nice singing dancing, religious rituals, even raising his rarely flags inside. it looks almost compound, deliberate publications. the break longstanding views put in place to keep the peaks. at the same time, most of them worshippers were bored from entering the most to prey up setting the balance is exactly what ben gives here,
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says he wants all part of the far right. stay to date of shifting the status quote and taking on check control of all occupied palestinian lance. there was a chorus of condemnation from palestine and egypt, as well as the custodian of the holy site. jordan, it's for an affairs ministry issued a statement describing the incident as quote, a flagrant violation of international law and the historical and legal status quote in jerusalem and the totally sites. the incursion was part of an annual jewish event to commemorate the destruction of an ancient temple, but through a larger than usual crowd this here. a day earlier is really extremist attached people in jerusalem's old city and vandalized palestinian own shops. on tuesday, mobs of settlers also stormed villages near hebron. violets in the occupied westbank seemingly on the verge of spiraling, out of control the image,
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yet again of a far right leader set against the backdrop of a muslim holy side is likely to inflame tensions. not just in the region but around the world. and it is unlikely to help expected talks for a cease fire, and garza and the release of captives zane bus robbie ultra 0 a month. well, i didn't catch him by my bank of year, and others has prompted reactions from around the world. one of which was coming from the french foreign ministry. it says, and the stipend funds condemns. today's visit by is really national security minister bank of year to the esplanade of the monks in violation of the historic states as quote, the holy places in jerusalem. this new provocation is unacceptable that says, it also goes on to say, funds calls on the is really government to take all necessary measures to ensure respect for the historic status quote of the holding places in jerusalem. it stresses the importance of jordan's specific role in this respectful, another country that was commenting on this was the us and the us state department
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had been condemning is really security administer as my bank via for leading ultra national as to the all acts of most compet who's deputies spokesman? they don't patel as the united states stands firmly for preservation of the historic status quote with respects to the holy sides of jerusalem and any unilateral action which this would be that any udall lateral action like this uh, that jeopardize is such a status quote is unacceptable. we recognize how important the holy site is. so we urge all sides to respect the status quo, but certainly actions like this. um, are they detract from that? and not only do they distract from that, we find them to be unacceptable. and god, reynolds has more from the state department. it's worth remembering that the activities of ultra nationalists and far right is really the
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political groups and settlers on the all. ok, so holy sites uh was uh, ramped up and uh and intensified uh, just prior to the events of october 7th of 2023. when i'm on the last it's attack outside of the the walls of gaza, which is called the operation. i'll ox of flood. but moving back towards today, you heard the done patel, the deputy spokes person there for the state department using the term unacceptable . twice with reference to ben chavira and his supporters actions in contra, beating the status. well, uh for the holy sites. uh never the last when asked whether the united states would employ any action such as a personal sanctions or, or other steps it might take to discourage or deter, then give year and his followers from continuing to act in this way. patel said he
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would not answer that question, offered really no response. he also heard patel say that this bring you like pictures some of the un security council meeting in new york. it's meeting to discuss and is really mandatory strongly kind of gaza city school, which kills more than a 100 people last week. the meetings being called by all julia. it's an emergency meeting. following the strike on the, on somebody in school is the presidency which is currently held by seattle, leo, and introducing proceedings. let's listen then. i propose that because will invites the permanent office of, of the, of up. i'll just have a state of palestine to the united nations to participate in the meeting in accordance with the position that was of course the deal and the previous practice in this we got that'd be no objection. it is so decided
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that cut out. so we've got to 9 of the cancel, this provision i lose, of course the deal. i invites the following, we for us to but speed in this meeting. we saw it was way to cuddle on to 60 general for political and peace, really enough is and miss lisa adult. in fact, all financing and partnership division office for the court. and they shall know if you want it to you enough. yes, it is. so decided the security council will not begin. it's close to the issue of item 2 of the agenda. and i'll give the flow to miss was my become mr. president, members of the security council. once again, the counselors coming together to discuss alarming developments and increasing tensions in the middle east. the devastating is really attack an eel to even school and gaza city, which prompted this meeting. points once again to the desperate need to reach
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a cease fire free the hostages and scale of humanitarian aid. to garza, the israel defense forces airstrikes and the alt even school compound took place early on 10 august. it killed dozens of palestinians and wounded many others, including women and children. according to locate palestinian sources. the secretary general condemned the continued loss of life in gaza. following another attack on the school sheltering hundreds of displaced palestinian families. according to israel, the idea of target is the most command center in the mosque inside the school compound and killed at least 31 homos and palestinian islamic jihad fighters, as, as the secretary general underlined yesterday. international humanitarian law, including the principles of distinction,
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proportionality and precautions in attack must be upheld at all times. also, yesterday, from us announced the cooling of a hostage and serious injury of 2 other homos, others by whom us the militants, while in captivity in gaza. both sides have stated they are looking into the incidence. mister president, with hostility is continuing across the strip, including in the north around garza city. and the middle area in con eunice, and in and around rough or the situation remains catastrophic. for civilians. no place is safe in garza yet civilians continued to be ordered to evacuate ever shrinking areas. my colleague directed out in from old sure will review shortly in more detail regarding the dire humanitarian conditions in gaza. 10 months since the
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start of the war, the threat of further regional escalation is more comfortable and showing than ever . exchanges of fire across the blue line has continued nearly daily. since i last brief on 31 july, numerous projectiles have been fired from lebanon across the blue line, causing damage to buildings and bush fires, an open areas. the idea has responded with strikes across the blue line into southern living on to include aerial vehicles crossing the blue line from southern lebanon. have also continued an idea base was hit across the blue line. well yeah, well another base was hit new north korea in northern israel, an open area in a hurry. a city was also struck mister president, i urge continued attention to the worsening situation and ongoing violence and the occupied with banks including east jerusalem. on 3 august,
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the idea that it conducted 2 airstrikes on a home, also into car. i'm showing 9 palestinians who the idea of said we're planning to conduct attacks inside israel. separate idea of operations in janine and to boss early last week also killed another 16 palestinians, an 11 august, a shooting attack cleaned by him. us killed, one is rarely civilian and wounded another. and the northern jordan valley in the occupied west banks, another palestinian shooting attack. no cal q you reported lee injured one is really to palestinians. the assailant who's claimed by hum us as an old custom brigades commander was subsequently killed by. i assess mister president, if the slide towards an even greater catastrophe is to be halted, the parties must and all escalate touring,
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rhetoric and actions. i reiterate the secretary general's call for all to work vigorously towards regional de escalation in the interest of long term peace and stability. i welcome our efforts by egypt, katara and the united states to bring both sides to conclude a deal to bring about a ceasefire. the release of hostages and desperately needed humanitarian relief, as, as the leaders of egypt co. tar and the united states emphasized in their joint statement on 8 august and i quote, there is no further time to waste nor excuses from any party for further delay. and quote, their call for immediate relief to the people of gaza and the hostages and their families must be seated. i urge all parties to prioritize the protection of civilians and promptly conclude this deal as endorsed by the security council and
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resolution 27. 35 united nations is committed to supporting all efforts towards the school and remains in close contact with the relevant parties. mister president, the killing destruction and suffering in gaza must end the hostages must be united with their families. but even as efforts to achieve these goals continue, we cannot lose sight of what we consider indisputable. in the absence of a clear path towards the future in which is really see there are legitimate needs for security, materialize, and palestinians see their legitimate aspirations for fully independent, viable, and sovereign state realized, lasting peace in the middle east will remain elusive. thank you, mr. president. i think miss cole decarlo for a briefing,
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and i'll give you the flow to miss lisa dalton, us. thank you mister president, members of the security council. here we are again, an aftermath of yet another horrendous episode and this brutal war and gaza. like under secretary general, the carlo were deeply horrified by the strike on alta by him school in under raj, by his really forces. on saturday, the school sheltering several 100 displays families, many of whom had moved there because of recent evacuation orders. and the strike was conducted during don prayers. initial report suggest this was one of the deadliest attacks on a school sheltering displaced people since the start of this conflict, tragically, this is far from an isolated incident. indeed, such attacks appear to be occurring with increasing frequency. the most recent and the incidents include 3 schools hit within 48 hours between $3.00 and $4.00 august and 2 schools hit on 8 august all and gaza city without being on saturday. the
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latest such attack. according to o h. c, a char. this has at least the 21st strike on a school that has been serving as a shelter recorded since for july. this year. scores of people have been killed and the strikes among them. women and children. mister president. sadly, these large scale incidents are only some of the myriad ways in which this horrendous conflict is causing unbearable suffering and devastation. unremitting violence and gaza has not killed on this 40000 palestinians, an injured more than 90000 others. according to the guys administrative health. some $10000.00 people remain on, accounted for, and are thought to be buried under the rubble to. and as of 9 august, an estimate of $115.00 hostages remained captive and gaza, despite repeated demands for their release, including hostages has been declared dead and whose remains are in gaza. the health situation gaza remains critical in the health care system is barely functional,
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providing braved, but limited support for the injured and the sick. for the women and childbirth and against rapidly spreading disease. thousands of patients and critical conditions are on the waiting list for medical evacuation. more than 60 percent of residential buildings and 65 percent of the rude network had been damaged or destroyed. according to you in recent analysis. in just 2 weeks, more than a quarter of a 1000000 people have been displaced. often on multiple occasions. evacuation orders supposedly for civilians, security are clearly having the opposite outcome. civilians are repeatedly asked to evacuate to areas where essentials for their survival or absence. they repeatedly being killed and injured in the very places they've been told were safe to go shelters and displacement caps are reportedly used for military purposes by palestinian armed groups, exposing those sheltering their too terrible danger. over crowding in these places
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is putting a mint strain on already severely stretched water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities. acute respiratory infections, diarrhea, illnesses, acute jaundice syndrome, and skin infections are all searching and very worryingly with school immunization programs, practically impossible. polio looms as a new threat after 6 circulating probably a virus strange were detected in environmental samples in june. as a matter of urgency, health workers must be allowed to carry out an immunization campaign. to this war is destroying lives, dreams and futures. more than half a 1000000 students have lost an entire academic year with $39000.00 students, missing their final exams. even if this were worked in today, we estimate if at least $8.10 schools would require rehabilitation. we must not discount to the amounts emotional and psychological trauma. this words had on
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children. indeed people of all ages trauma they will carry for the rest of their lives. it bears repeating. there's no protection of civilians and gaza alongside the relentless mass displacement within guys us. many thousands of palestinians have left and many more are trying to. as this conflict process and lives with threatened daily civilians must be allowed to seek protection. those displays must also be guaranteed the right to voluntarily return. what we're seeing in gaza is a result of a war waged with pitiful if any regard for the requirements of international law. i share the secretary general's and others deep concern about violations of international humanitarian law being committed throughout this conflict. mister president, in the middle of the spiraling catastrophe and gaza, the humanitarian community doggedly continues efforts to mount an effective response. we do what we can to increase food assistance, provide education support and boost hospital capacity efforts are also ongoing to
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avert the spread of polio and senior year and officials continue discussions with stake. stakeholders, including senior, is really officials to increase the flow of 8 into the guise of strip and improve conditions for the delivery on the ground. however, as things stand, access constraints and high levels of in security severely hampered the humanitarian response. the aiden tree garza has more than half since the rough our ground operation began. and rough crossing was abruptly closed and early may new limits impose by israeli authorities. i'm bringing cash to gaza are significantly limiting the resources available for operations feel shortages mean water supplies have fallen as low as 2 liters per person. per day. far below the 15 leaders required, organized crime and looting along the route used by humanitarians dispatching cargo from kamesha, lum. crossing continue to hinder
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a delivery. access to people in need remains a challenge to increase and bureaucratic and administrative impediments such as delays and visa, issuance and renewals for broader operational support and management. this severely impacting the response and our concerns for the safety of staff keep growing with attacks on or near 8 vehicles that have been coordinated on the rise. recently within a 12 day period, there's been 4 shooting incidents involving un convoys, including on a vehicle carrying children on their way to be reunited with their father. engineers in the palestine in red, crescent, all report similar attacks. the result is that hundreds of thousands of people are not getting a life saving humanitarian assistance. they so desperately need. mister president, how much longer can must continue? how many more tragedies, such as the one in alto, be in school, must happen before action is taken. a can this council look at the children,
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the people have gaza and all those affected by this war in the i, as he monitoring workers have to do every single day and swear that no stone has been left on turned in, they're suffering 3rd to requirements. so often repeated remain the same 1st and immediate cessation of hostilities and sustain ceasefire. secondly, strict adherence to international humanitarian law by all sides. this entails releasing all hostages, that also entails protecting civilians and meeting their central needs, including by ensuring the on 100 provision of humanitarian assistance throughout casa, as ordered by the international court of justice, including through and rough. and lastly, we have said before, in this context, all member states must use all of their leverage to prevent and stop violations of international humanitarian law, including through diplomatic, an economic pressure and conditioning arms, exports on compliance with the rules of war and cooperation in combat. in impunity,
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we must remain. so we must remember that this is now one of the several conflicts in gaza. over the years, which humanitarians have had to respond to conflicts at the population and gaza was never forwarded. the ability to recover from or repair the past 10 months have destroyed with little hope for future existence, for any surviving child. i urge his counsel and all member states to use your influence to protect civilians and bringing into this conflict and it's intolerable toll. it's imperative that mutual security and lasting peace is pursued so that hope can be restored. so that civilians there can enjoy the hope that we take for granted, and the hope that they have never experienced. thank you mister president. i think we just go to the full briefing and i'll give the flow to do is council members will wish to make statement i gave the flow to the representative of. i'll tell you
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is the president. i thank you is g. this is always money, become low and i'll try director this is lisa adult and for the briefing, a response. my statement by the 2nd question of mrs. no payment is going to be you know, the effective vain and hopeless need. think of the security council. how are we going to count and count
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the number of bits in gaza? the answer is simple. dcs nader what the council is. these are designed for motor walk. the motion of the community expect from us. more importantly, this is not how the consumer shows this policy, unions plea the palestinians. quest for justice. the police didn't unite to exist. i'll call some how's the legal morning primary responsibility to act and to act firmly. to show that it's monday
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in preserving the emotional peace and security. so president for 311 day i'll call so it has been constantly. 4th and decent. he got wind and then bio population has been subjected to collective punishment. most of the the world woke up to yet another hardly i'm hardly freak legit. hufton is that i really hope combined power targeted. delete, delete bit of
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a score in the dodge neighborhood in guys people's deferred score one in 2 days. it was a civilian structure, shutting civilian by the testimony of didn't the emotional community or the secretary general. so did clearly the score was show starting hundreds of displaced palestinian families the usual made you mind your money, teddy and i liked money also for us that the school was nothing but a deal of the day to place the time.


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