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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm AST

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was the 3rd school bond in 2 days. it was the civilian structure, shutting civilian by the testimony of the international community. all the secretary general. so did clearly the score was shown studying hundreds of displaced palestinian families the usual made. do you mind your money? tell them all right, money also for this not the school was nothing but a deal of the day to place the ton, but it's a family's house. they can refuse in these fits the bonus of one of the survivor. he's
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holy father said that he has been given a 2 kilogram k, 2 kilograms of body pots. and the body of them has the body of his young son who said, president, these haines must have about us. and the previous ones who have been possible result the generals 59 show i'm really 30 of these folks freely provide 2 days that i li, i get a some more than a 100 people,
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some lives where to sit consecutive 5. she's not that are among them women and children. in addition to the nearly 420042000 palestinians model, 2 years so far off a with the small tubes. look human. we did video games. we did hopes. how's we all do? use the calls to throw limited, to keeping her record or for us lives. again, the answer is simple. how comes a must a now, for a few, it said as possibilities and hold on. it's commission,
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but it's so there's been some ability to buckle the root cause of the position in question, which is the illegal occupation of the senior line. it's the responsibility to hold the buying power accountable, accountable. using all legal means including functions. just function make on these it's meant to achieve a just and lasting peace seemed to be the least. i'm to prevent the dentures escalation provoked by these i really occupying paul
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who said president, these are really occupying follow, continue to defy the very commitment of discounts on made in the solution. 2735, calling for the implementation of an image. it says 5 guys in egypt says 5 guys off the citizen ocean supervisor, a serious legal part of dies by dentists and policy prize. and god commission of these ideal combined power, i guess because of julia warms against these continuing trouble. barge of pitfall, made by the united states is cut off to implement these lucian and 3 and effectively
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induced 3 got judy up express again did support for the mediation effort made by this 3 countries. there is no room for delaying or over complicating negotiation by adding new conditional models. these are new, the amount engaging in good faith in the issue initiative off. but as you can buy them these bottom on to achieving the long awaited she's file is the president for the sake of your mind to choose value. we must ok now,
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or inaction. he's coasting live and jo apologizing the destiny. how for people to probably send young people. all right, thank you for talking to a representative of o. j a for the statement i give the floor to the center of slovenia. i think of us . thank you very much, mr. president. and thank you for organizing the search and meeting consider requested by other syria. i also want to think on the 2nd level, the carlos produced x of adult and for the briefings today, mr. president, the saturday, the world was once again shell shocked by another devastating get a striking gossip. while i know the deadliest months yet serving us strongly condemns these that are the tech on to be as quality center guys as he to
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incomplete the sort of god for the faith of palestinian lights. their serious claims that commodities seem bending itself among the ceiling population is to be the new for us structure. we strongly condemn such actions from us must stop sacrificing the fellow philistines and putting them in more danger. on the other hand, we are horrified by the serious afflicted attacks and schools that we have witnessed recently. we do beat our call for, for respect of international, including security. the cod said a solution 2601. just yesterday we mark 75 years of geneva conventions which are being seriously tested these days in garza. and in other complex setting, as clearly concerned about the potential for tensions disappear are further out of control into abroad. the regional conflict,
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be devastating consequences beyond the guys, us boulders we call for maximum restrained by all act thursday in the region. to prevent us from going down the road of snow the time. there is an urgent need to refrain from further attacks. unthreatening rhetorics, colleagues, the solution this concept needs to focus on as a priority. east 27th, at $25.00. a to be expressed are for support that they may do tours on their core, on both sides. to conclude the dogs on the cease fire and the release of hostages and prisoners. in this regard, we call on both sides to resume the negotiations, the sweet. we call on both sides to commit to concluding the deals without delay. it has been more than 2 months since the consult demanded a cease fire. we had been patiently waiting for the implementation of our solutions
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. meanwhile, we had been witnessing the continuation of the idea of tax and civilian casualties . as we had been observing, palestinians being chased across casa, there is no more time to spare, that no more innocent lives to be wasted. we once again propose that the console establishes a clear deadline for the conclusion of the deal. and the same time period, a policy, the fighting should be able to serve a pulse that would allow for community care in a to be deliberate, that scale and for a party of vaccinations to be administered safely. we welcome to for some w, a show you in this afternoon over in outlining plans for toronto for the vaccination. if at the least however not reached, this concept should without delay. discuss how to shore compliance with the sort of
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solutions in the face of human suffering in gaza and being deep esthetics, adults and said, we should not leave any stone unturned. we surprise you then? yes, so the edge and the lease task, we how many more briefings this constant needs to start changing the situation in gaza? indeed, we are receiving pretty things so that we can take action. we adopt the tortoise solutions, but we never followed up on that implementation. the time production is now, it is time for a ceasefire to be finally reached, or else it is time for this concert to insure it finally happens. thank you. i think the representatives of slovenia for this statement, i give the flaw to the representative of was a big as you're watching. i'll just see the it is 1940 g m t will be live coverage
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. all the meeting of the un security council in new york, which has been called by all jerry, it's an emergency meeting and it follows. and there's many attack on the school and goes on last week. and that killed at least a 100 palestinians. we just heard from 2 or 3 different representative. the last one was the assignment was won't always be a representative of slovenia to the security council. he referred to back to previous resolutions that have been made in the united nations and not the security council saying we've been patiently waiting for the implementation of our resolutions. but nothing has been happening. he also said there is no more time to spare. there are no more interesting lives and to be lost prior to him. we also had from the representative of all jerry, um i'm or benjamin who said he started his speech by saying, how long is it going to be another and effective vain and hopeless meeting of the security to cancel. this is not how the count associated address, the palestinians play the palestinians right to exist prior to that we had from the
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rosemary to call of the un under secretary general. and liza johnson, who from the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs, talking more widely about the situation in gaza. the attacks that have been happening both in gaza, but also in the west bank as well as the medical situation and the spread upon the weight of polio, which we've been getting reports about over the last few days in that guys and particularly, and efforts to try to solve that problem, i want to go to our corresponding gabriel, alexander. he's been listening to all of this life at the you and gave i was lining broadly there what we've been hearing. is there anything that you picked out that was particularly significant as well? a couple of things, but i think number one is you heard there from slovenia is ambassador to the un, and you got a sense there, a frustration. and i'll tell you why, let me give you one number that's 24. 24 is the number of times that the
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security council has met since october 7th, for emergency meetings, dealing with gossip 24 times. they have met on emergency meetings dealing with guys as since october 7th. that's a lot. where are we? as you can tell from the briefings, as you summarize their from speakers, we are in a place that's almost getting worse, not better in guys. the humanitarian situation getting worse, not better displacement getting worse, not better. the, the number of aid trucks getting into a gas it getting worse. not better going down, not going up. the number of those killed going up, not down. this is with the reality on the ground. i think you heard from this levine in a bass. you're basically saying there, uh, what do we have to do uh, to get some accountability and bring this conflict to a close. what can this council do?
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and i think he was echoing a lot of the views that you're seeing for many council members, including others, particularly the council was passed for resolutions, primarily 2735. it was passed in june. it calls for a cease fire mo type phased a plan that alternately is a ceasefire that has been ignored and an implemented. and you heard him say there, we need to start thinking about sanctions. we need to start thinking about what we can do to, to force compliance to something that the council has already agreed upon 2 months ago that has been ignored. so i think that was really striking there and i think you're seeing more uh, you know, here more council members speak about this. as the meeting goes on is briefly on the humanitarian side you heard from a representative from the office of the coordination fee monitoring affairs, saying that the strike on the school turn shelter on saturday is not unique. in fact, 21 strikes on a shelters,
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places that people postings were sheltering schools. the palestinians were sheltering 21 strikes since july, 4th. and at the number of strikes on shelters is going up not down clear frustration. and i think a clear sign as well that they really want to get a deal done. and they're really looking to come to the united states in egypt on these talks here in a couple of days to see if they can get this done today. but we, we seen me things like this in the past, very often this country i represent representative nation nation has come forward with some sort of motion that the intent to put forward in order to get people to discuss it and act upon it. talk us through what's happening here because i got the impression that as i was mentioning before i gave you is called as urgent meeting. what do we actually expecting to find at the end of this is, is this more uh, for one of a better phrase expression of, um, feeling amongst the nations? are they actually going to try and achieve something at the end of it to well,
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there's no resolution on the table. there's going to be no vote during this meeting . that's not the point of it. and i think the for the security council was frustrated that resolution 2735 has not been implemented. so what can the council do and, and the power of the security council is journalist report on what the security council is talking about. and diplomats pay attention and listen to what is being said in the council. so they're basically saying we will meet, we will scream from the roof tops if you will, and continued to do. so to bring about one thing, political pressure, that's ultimately what it's going to take political pressure by member states to, to force if they can implementation of 2735 and listen, uh, it's complicated. there certainly is cause for reforms on the security council. we could go on and on about that the council actually was talking about that just
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yesterday. but the bottom line here is, is that out of this meeting, there is going to be no, no way to force a ceasefire other than for the council members to come together once again condemn what happened. and again, put pressure on the parties, particularly israel to abide by en, eh, a resolution that has binding in our international law that has already been adopted many accounts. and we heard, as i mentioned, go during representative, i'm or benjamin algeria, the country that has called this particular emergency meeting. a one point in his statement saying, a listing the, the attacks that have been happening, particularly in gaza. but obviously attacks have been happening in the west bank as well. he said these attacks would not have been possible without the generous support for israel. now i'm paraphrasing what he said there, but just as he was saying that i was noticing on the wires, the wire services coming up from reuters saying that us secretary of state and. and he blinked and has just approved $20000000000.00 worth of military equipment,
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which has to go to israel. that's going to be a huge stumbling pull up block for this that we're going to come up against. and again in the un security council, isn't it? because the us is trying to balance it's she monetary and considerations for what's happening in gaza. but at the same time is still sending weapon rate to israel. that's right, billions of dollars and you're right that, that, that the information about the state department at the blinking approving this billions of dollars and arm sales did come down. right. almost right. as he was speaking and you know, the out to your investor was sitting right next to who linda thomas greenfield, which is the us ambassador united nations, a permanent representative as a seating arrangement around the security council. the algerian and bastard did not specifically say the united states and those remarks, but we all knew v we who he was referring to. that is the us that provides
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a political and diplomatic cover to israel on the security council for long before this conflict began. but particularly over the last 10 months or so, and this is the real problem and this is the real issue and the dynamics that you get on the security council. and that's why just on monday, the council was debating security council reform things such as a veto power, getting more countries from other parts of the world with permanent representing representation on the council this. and that's a long term project pro, debate to, to go on. that's not going to be fixed overnight, but the bottom line is this conflict clearly has once again opened up the divisions on the council and how there are certain members of the council with power to protect latrice and support countries in ways that other council members gave we're going to leave it there just for the moment because the united representative of united kingdom is speaking of the moment i'm moving to listening to they so desperately need to once up events. some of these orders have been issued by israel
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in the middle of the night, with a minimum writers to announce civilians to flee. israel must ensure they comprise what is on vacations, on the international humanitarian law to protect civilians. the u. k is also called before i by the reports, sexual violence and abuse faced by the hostages in casa and palestinian prisoners health industry. i did send detention menu for our children, thomas must release all the hostages immediately. how much was to say stuff endangering civilians and israel must go on the i c r c, access to prisoners immediately and ensure accountability if anyone is found to be responsible for the abuse of detainees. we have also heard completely unacceptable. rhetoric from is really ministers relating to the mistreatment of the
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site and these and stuff ation of civilians. in casa, we call it from the government to this ro, to retract and condemn these remarks. international law could not be more clear systemic mistreatment of detainees and the international starvation of civilians. our claims presidents, another, dudley threats is on the horizon for the people of casa. they stand on the precipice of a pony of outbreak with 600000 children under the age of 8, in desperate need of vaccinations. we call it on the proxies to co operate urgently with the world health organization. to facilitate the front scene rollouts and ensure the safety of humanitarian workers. we call them israel to allow infected aid access into garza and so put in place an effective deacon for the confection
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mechanism to ensure aid can be delivered safety. sunday presidents, i reiterate that you case cool for regional the escalation, as might 5 minutes to make clear in his coat with the radiant present possess can last night. thanks to the tallest efforts of the us capitol and egypt. there is a seesaw due on the table for garza, my prime minister joined with his french and german council pulse to urge the proxies to resume discussions on 50 in august and get the deal done. we need an immediate cease far. you must get the hostages. i don't get much more weight in and move quickly towards a 2 state solution with a safe and secure as ro, alongside a viable and suffering palestinian state. i thank you. i talked to
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a representative of the united kingdom for the statement. i gave the flawed to the representative of china seas in well, gotcha, are you now trying? you do all kinds of stuff. we can ship it. hello for me. we're down for a 1000. so gotten to come back a single easily easy. you want to know how does this as long as the coverage of a meeting that you live to you and the security council, which has been called by alger. yeah. following and is really attacking the school in guys on last week and which that killed at least a 100 pounds of standards. we just heard from the representative of the united kingdom to the security council james carry. okay, he's the deputy permanent representative describing the u. k. as it stands on, many of the views of many of the positions that being held by is by israel and it's conflict in gaza. i've done to some, we can not go back to the chinese representative. let's hear what he has to say.
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destroyed the loved ones to play, tied to being forced to move from place to place in search of a coin of peas only to be met with indiscriminate bombardment on dots that could be fold them at any moment as we speak. nowhere is safe in gaza. the ink, high, humanise applies once declared, i saw cold, safe zone by a swell the people the coffin, forced to flee in the face of new booming race, the test page, peoples, cause i want to know where is the end of the hole and where is the home for, for survival, needed on doable si fi is what the people cause a young for. it is also the overwhelming consensus of the international community. 2 months ago when pushing forward a security call, somebody said ocean 2735. they us claimed that
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a so hard accepted i seized by agreement, but the reality is quite the opposite. instead of credible signs of a sales commitment to a cease fire, what we see is of a spending, literally all patients and advertising sort of inc casualties. the us as the largest supplier of weapons plus enough influence over a swell. we hope that the us will take a sincere and responsible actions to push israel to stop by some new to all patients who can cause as soon as possible and to stop filtering civilians present . the human and tony design saying ok, awesome has continued to worse than hung up on the dcs. us bidding night. recently a high ranking is where the politician described it as the trust and tomorrow to solve 2000000 people in gaza. such a polling remarks are totally unacceptable. hung
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a must not to beat weaponized. human attorney issues must not be politicized. so failing 5 must not be true lies a sparkling trips, trying to organize a so to fulfill a itel obligations. and by opening all border crossings. and commenting web page and safe access for human and towing supplies at scale. the world health organization is conducting a polio like nation program for children in god, which is crucial to skimming the spread of infectious diseases and protecting children's health. a swell is applied to protect the safety and freedom of movement of the magical what cost involved. they increase the quality of the situation in westbank as well as some we are gratefully concerned about the incidence of sexual abuse, but is with the soldiers against punched any detainees. we call for investigations
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and accountability. trying to trace a so to meet as a seas or settlement activities, effectively cub the intensifying cigna vitamins and stop eroding the basis of the 2 state solution. we reiterate that the 2 state solution is the only viable way to resolve the pause tenant use with an issue. trying to suppose these the freshman of independent costing estate and advertise the containing of a larger, more authoritative and more effective international peace conference suppressed. and they full out of the cause of conflict disposing of a foster. the situation in the middle east is coming in the balance. nevertheless, he responsible provocation, an adventure and some continued unabated. we are deeply worried about this. train up 328, that a key to avoiding the determination. an escalation of the situation lies in
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achieving a comprehensive and durable sci fi, and cause that without delay trying to set ready to work tale site with intention community to, and the fighting in casa leave. a, the she made home catastrophe and come and to sit solution achieving long term peace and stability and security in the middle east. thank you, president. present to the china for the statement i gave the flow to the representative of the united states. thank you, mr. president. thank you also and the secretary general decarlo and director dalton for here. very so bring briefing, we continue to support the united nations vital. i'll be a difficult to implement humanitarian efforts in gaza. the united states is deeply concerned about reports of civilian casualties following the august 10th stripe by the adf on the compound in gaza. that included a school and a mosque,
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sheltering desperate displaced people, including women and children. we have raised our concerns with israel, and while they indicated they were targeting senior senior officials from us and palestinian jihad, they have an obligation to do everything possible under international humanitarian law to protect civilians. we more in every civilian lost in this horrific incident. and in this conflict, but this much, we do know and must be acknowledged from us, continues together and continues to operate out of schools with no regard for the wellbeing of civilians. israel has a right to pursue from us. israel has a right to respond to threats, but how it does that matters. we've said repeatedly and consistently, israel must take measures to minimize civilian harm. colleagues,
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i cannot stress enough president biden's view that it is time to bring immediate relief to the long suffering people in casa and the long suffering hostages and their families. the best way to do that is a cease fire in gaza with a hostage steel. the united states alongside the car in egypt, has worked tirelessly for months to forge the framework agreement on the table with only the details of implementations to be concluded. a framework based on the principles endorsed by this council in resolution 2735. simply put the deal new.


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