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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 14, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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is no man, woman or child spirits. you will do. mine is the end to stop killing civilians. there is a security council, but it targets them in the shelters and tense. you would you mind is it a and to allow food and medicine and but it insures that time and, and diseases split you would you mind is the into 3 palestinian prisoners who mainly but it tortures them. allows is a legitimate us today and abuse that but a scene in hostages. you called on it to stop it's settlement but it's rapidly accelerates. it's colona zation of palestine and then you add you as an end to uphold. they started stethoscope of the holy sites. but it's ministers and settlers desecrate hot on the chevy each time mode,
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openly unprovoked activities. so let me state the obvious, is it a does not care about your condemnations? immunity be? is it a, it does not care about your condemnations. it dismisses your resolutions. it does not even listen to what are the rates that are present that they will be playing with his iphone while you are talking as countries as a security concept, you have the responsibility to months, a go to stop this. impunity as a genocide continues, you have a responsibility to, to act, to save human lives and presented the foundations for peace and security for the old. not just for some is it a, is the wrong state,
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a lot in government due to the bridge and impunity. it has enjoyed sofa. i have no doubt that the tides, what is good. and we will not be detected in making sure no one can act as if palestinians lives are worthless. but for the senior then guys that cannot wait for the guy to attend. that are there any must stop now. must stop right now. they wonder if you see them. do you ever think what if you wear a boy named gaza? what if the prison not a rab, was your son? what if the children's thought of being to death? where you are on what if that woman cared?
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was your adult, the body or life? what if the disease was visiting the body of your mother? your grandmother. whatever that family, that was blown into pieces or band to this was yours. kid in cold blood. after running in desperation and hung up for months to survive, just go see the for one moment the she only despaired that a lot of people have suffered all these long months of deprivation and devastation last upon them. why the world watched and left them to suffer style and die. mister president,
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why do we acknowledge and welcome the international consensus that has long, cold, for an immediate cease fire. clearly is a little hesitant and a v to a right over that prospect. this must be brought to an end. it cannot continue to defy the world and every rule of human kind. it is not at confidence. every time the lord pushes forward as these, why is it a list funds with a massacre like the one in the school? it sends a message each more gruesome than the one before that it will not stop but there is no ride to come in to join us. obviously no night. and we warn all those
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contributing directly or him directly to the embedded guns of such a right there is nothing that can justify is the actions nothing. i'm done. anyone dare to say. this is about the hostages. it's not about the hostages. it became appeared on long ago that this is the government could care less about them. the hostages know it, their families know it. you know, it in the security council is killing them, abandoning them play in with their lives. nothing, you know has other priorities set of said of being ones, many of colored ones. he's a man yet. something terrible is happening is that i have something that has
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made just defying genocide famine and gun grab mainstream ideology. something cut off it hard if it is happening to the memory of the holocaust. instead of sad being as on breach of a barrier against the commission of other offset, these has been as throw in install month allies to justify the commission. how is this? how is this possible? 10 months later, with the old ward opposed to it? because that opposition has yet to lead to serious consequences for is right. this is a heart attack. you have to face that i'm not going sequences that i'm not going to stop. the mother wants to listen to those will continue to um, is there
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a head to those who still have the city to golden? is the quote then go to investigate. it's on crimes, as if the actions of its soldiers do not reflect the actual policies of its military and political leaders. to those who dare to pry and the ted info, national courts from ensuring accountability instead of detecting the perpetrators of other all cities wake up, wake up. how long do you have to remain in denial and wake up? stop finding his juices, stop. imagining that you can reason what the government,
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so it stops killing civilians by the thousands, imposing famine toward getting prisoners colonizing on, annexing overland. or was you appeal to them? called on them, demand them to stop. you'll have to tell them to stop and you have the tools to make them stop as a security concept. and as nations in your notion of capacity, you have to decide what do is done for, and what do you stand against? this is not a time for justifications and it could, vacations, this is a time for clarity, and that is all. this is time to show up principals and what i
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do not abandon your duties, do not abandon you to do these as a security council. you have the tools to make what you decide that the no one should be above the low. if you choose to do that, if you have the political will to implement what to decide. mister president, what, what does the, is the government be held accountable for its actions when when, what are the war criminal numbers be sanctioned? and as my brother from idea, yeah, it is time to sanction really get the position whereby you would be against hostage taking except when the hostages are palestinians
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and where to buy, you would sanctions, what criminals except when they are his ladies. we cannot come back here over and over again and pretend that everyone does not all know that is the and will not listen until it has no choice. but to listen. you have to make them have no choice, but to listen to you. the uh, co sequences for its crimes. you cannot commit a crime and to get away with it that has to be consequences for those committing crimes. or for those who want to defend the photos you need, but conventions and all the conventions elements when and lots of good one, it says that you have to insure in old times the compliance with the provisions
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over the convention. and you'll see them getting away with metadata and you'll keep repeating the same thing. when are you going to enforce your decisions? an international you need to impose sanctions on those 3 minutes? you do that. they will stop continuing to commit these crimes and atrocities and genocide against the palestinian people. really jack deposition, whereby you would be again, subsidies taking as i said, except with the hostages on file of students. whereby you would sanctions who are claiming those except when they are, is the radius. we cannot come back here over and over again and pretend that everyone does not know that it will not listen until it has no choice
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but to listen until the outcome sequences for its grades. but i seniors are exhausted, surrounded by desk and less hot hours. and they, you know, you, it was so that they know that your words are no match for the bombs and bullets taking away their lives and lives. but towards autumn, not all this council has was are not the only do your countries have some have gone beyond wards. they are 2 days. this is a time to act as a number of you have stated. and you will be judge. not only for the eloquence of your speeches,
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but also more importantly for the cottage of your actions. show some kotik, show somebody anybody dig options. stop the criminals in getting away with murder. mister president. we don't want is the tow truck out of prison noticed a bit less as some say that thought just a bit less. we want to see them free. we don't want is the end to make its occupation a bit less brewton. we want to see it and a lot of people do, they have freedom. the international court of justice has been equivocal in its determination that i quote,
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the sustain abuse by its positions as an up you buying power or a flu, amex ation. and i'm a session of bare minimum control over the occupied by the student that activity and continued frustration of the right of the palestinian people to settle. determination violates fundamental principles of international law. and then does, is riley's presence in the up you but a senior instead of 30. i'm law for their presence in the of you. but, but i seen it that a 30 is unlawful. that for the court said it has to end as quickly as possible. this is legal documentation and all the legal and humane racist and destructive policies that flow from it must in the
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scene. young people would love this up to you and they would not set in the they would love to relinquish their legitimate explanation to live in freedom and dignity in there as to assist the land. i edge the security concert to act. i added you to act and in the coming days, we will go to the general assembly to make sure that it upholds is job. responsibility is to make sure that the determinations of the highest score in the, or the i, c, j, is translated into political will and momentum into concrete actions to be best sued by the u. n. and it's member states to end this illegal option. as soon as possible tomorrow to make pro dec civilians
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live to please add that to peace and security. that's how much old ones stated on the quote. it has been said that the united nations wants not created in order to bring us to head. but in order to save us from head and of good age, historically will remember that the palestinians were left to endure, hadn't now the fire they have been fully endued for almost a year is spreading to the val are everything around in the lottery. there is only one way to stop a man med fire. it is not enough to attend to the flames. you
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need to stop the oddest soonest. literally i repeat what a lot of people in guys saying and they have been saying that and they come out, take it any longer enough enough as you have to add to put an end to this crew would criminology and genocide against a lot of people in palestine, particularly in the, goes us through. when you do that, all of you, you get beautiful statements. you said you showed you not an image in rejecting the criminal actions, but that is good. that's sufficient. show the with and that is all to add on that base is with the tools that you have with the mandates given to you by the job to to come to the palestinian people and save them justice
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to stop the 3 minutes from continuing in what they are doing can we come to you? thank you. most of the i think the representative of the states of palestine for this did not give the flaw to the representative of beesley. thank you mister president. mister president, i'm sure many of you were not aware or did not care to check. but today is the shelby of the said this day on the jewish calendar. our in our ancient day of morning. we are fasting to day for the many tried the tragedies in jewish history that the cord on this day, including the destruction of our 1st and 2nd totally temples in jerusalem. but let
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me be clear, jerusalem will never fall again or jerusalem united jerusalem will never fall again. no matter how many times our enemies attempt to destroy us, no matter how many times the un slanders us and the store, 3 ality. we will stay in our homeland and we will prevail. mister president's council members, in the early hours of october, 17th, $172023.00. reports flooded from come us ministry of health. albany is rarely ever strike on a highly hosp to you probably remembers it. remember that day, these reports were then quickly very quickly parroted by you on the free shows.
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media outlets and several governments. not even 24 hours following these baseless claims. this council convened to discuss what was exposed to be a terrorist propaganda operation. as you probably remember, it was a put a steamy on the stomach and you had rocket, which fell on the hospital. parking lot. not in these riley me so fast, whole forward 10 months. and nothing has changed. in the early hours of august 10th, 2024. the guy's a ministry of health, which the author representative referenced while failing to mention it is in fact, come us has concocted a new blood live bill. once again, you on the officials and media outlets were quick to echo this campaign over lies. and i simply cannot comprehend that the united nations security council would hold
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an emergency session based on jihad these propaganda. once again, the counseling falls for terry's narratives, amplifying them and neglect thing. it's obligations to the truth. so, i mean, this chamber distorts reality because of political interest and will understand the political interest. so i want to set the record straight for all of you. on saturday, august on saturday, august 10th. is there any target that not a school or not? um, uh, an innocent school. we target the dangerous terrorist operate thinking the come us command and control central center. we've ame and somebody in school as usual. how much cynically abuse is severely and facilities which shouldn't be
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protected as their tara basis. let's try to eliminate the least at least $31.00 come us and put a steamy on the stomach. do you had terrorists who carried out the tax from inside this compound? these while the terrorist included platoon commanders more tara and rocket operatives, cell commanders and intelligence operatives, we neutralize. we neutralize dozens of vicious terry's who use this code for their evil goals, and we're in direct violation of international law. but do you hold, come us accountable for the law says no, of course not. and of course he shouldn't speak for a couple months because he doesn't represent them. how convenience. by the way, the building itself, it is still intact, which wouldn't be physically impossible. how much claims i to believe to be
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believed. so i ask you, dear colleagues, did you learn nothing from mazda is lives about awfully, are supposed to be the, or from their lives about the she for hospital, which they also used as their headquarters and the lives about our daring hostage rescue. among many other instances, in which other context, with the international community rush, rush to propagate the lives of a terrorist organization attempting to malign a democratic states. as we take every possible measure, every possible measure to minimize collateral damage. well, how much use a civilian is human shields? deliberately putting them in harm's way? not only are from us lies echoed here, but you also ignore and enabled their outrages. violations of international and
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humanitarian law. prohibit the use of civilian infrastructure by how much terry's are numerous are wide spread. everyone, i'm telling you everyone can see them. everyone expects the one course. yet the briefer today only touched up on these violations rather than investigating the twisted in a more of the strategies of come us terrorist. but why would be, why would we be surprised if the u. n. has no date though for itself they have to rely on baby killers and rapers to supply them the data or just 80 years ago, the nazi minister of propaganda, joseph gables, used the language of re science as his weapon against the jewish people. poisoning the minds of the german people. mister president,
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joseph gab bose. look the people who are ideologically, his descendants are alive and well. sadly. only now it is from us using the language of humanitarian and international law. and mother and blood lie bose to verify israel. the council convened to day urgency to discuss commodities false claims. shockingly, it seems that you have decided to dedicate your time to listen to the terrace lies . well, no real concern has been shown when these riley children were murdered only recently by seas butler. let me show you the differences these and you have the names and their positions. these are the terrorists eliminated in gaza on saturday. this is only part of them because we, as a reliable country, we check ourselves. we don't rush to conclusions,
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but this is only part of the territories to where eliminate the on set as a terrorist, exploring thing on the buy in school as a base for their murderous objectives. these are the people you call an emergency session for while these are 11 of the 12 is riley children murdered by the terrorists by the service of peace butler, these children were playing a football game. you know, imagine the shuns win fees by la terry's. rang down, that's up on their sweets heads. so while these terrorists use the stone as their taro base these children will never see their school again. but for them,
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you couldn't find the time for an urgent section. they do not deserve an urgent session. huh. my. a jerry and colleague, shame on you, heard of disgrace. so ask yourself, why was the murder of 12 is rarely children in much done shuns insufficient cause for a meeting. but the elimination of palestinian terrorists operating out of us code is sufficient. but you know, what's the most unbelievable thing is your in action to condemn and stop the biggest danger and threat to the entire regions. you run right now as we speak here. now, millions of these riley's are preparing for a direct a rodney an attack, just as they did in april, runs aggression threat does the entire region. we war
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a regional war. yet you are here wasting time on fall swords. fred, by the word of terrorists. face fact that we are holding an emergency session because come us use of the civilian as human shields. rather than discussing the real global threat perfectly represents the distorted agenda within the u. n. a significant detachment between the u one. suppose that the agenda and the global reality colleagues, as this may be the last time for me to address you as as invested door. though who knows, perhaps another session will be called because of more terrorist propaganda. as i would like to leave you with this, i have been immensely, immensely proud to represent my country here. the most more other country in the
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world, the most more of the country in the world do listen. palistine and representative in this works place. i hope one day you will also see the bias and perversion of morality here and pray and i pray that you will see the truth. the terrorist organization that this guy represents the you're going to run, the code resumes shouldn't be condemned, not protected. and that israel shouldn't be praised. we are today the vanguard of civilization. we are the vanguard of civilization. but until then, um, east side. hi. thank you mister president. i don't think i present as of israel for that statement. as the evidence of, of the, as us with the slow age 2129
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a g m t. and you're watching. i'll just say that we're bringing your life coverage of a meeting of the you un security council, which had been called initially by all jerry a following. and is there any attack on a school in gaza last week and then which at least a 100 palestinians are said to have died? we just had to get add on the is really representative to the un security council, a very strong rebuttal of allegations that were made with regard to that is really attack on the i'll, i'll type, i mean a school he said that at jerusalem will never fall again, you and i will carry on criticizing that he was also showing lists of what he called the terrorists who had been as he put it, killed in the attack on the altar being school last week. he then showed pictures of 12 children who were killed by hezbollah rockets. and while they were playing football, he criticized the fact that no emergency amazing had been called by the un security
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council for the death of those children. but it had been called by all julia for the death of by the civilians and the all the time buying a school. it was a very robust response. we had also heard from re add months or be representative for a polish time. he made the point that this was the 75th anniversary of the geneva convention. he said israel is tearing the conventions apart. he gave an impassioned and highly evocative description of warranty. the way he described that palestinians were suffering and gaza and in the west bank, but he also seemed very frustrated with the security council as well. and i want to bring involved one bush out. obviously, the senior political analyst, he's joining us by skype, from powers. on that point, it appeared to me that the level of frustration that we have sense throughout this entire meeting, both from people who have been uh, previously speaking, but obviously also from only have months or,
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and from the as rarely representative as well with regards to the un security council itself is very intense. it isn't dense as you put the desert invested there. what did you say? what did you. ready want you to buy it was a lot of lies because a lot of lies. i wish we had such a check. i think in situations like that when 2nd that it presented. there's not much of the leaders who are known for their lives. come on our journal, i didn't really effect check or just like any other kind of i think also nice but check us. you know, because the, i mean i didn't really go in and started this thing every other line. he made a lie even, you know, things are blatant. for example, when he showed up the chart and you really wanted too much on him and compare, find a signature done with his right that you know the because of our, our children, what our children there, syria, children in
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a hope you find going on. hi. how could you call and compare as that tens of thousands of people die. and guys are the 152-0002 bad guys. no one ever northwind children who are not is really not is right. by the also book. for example, i your hospitality. we're done as an example to what happened in the school this week. well, i the hospital as we know, so then your time some cl, down from washington post, re examine all the things that were examined originally. i just found out that she had me, so i have here and cause that damage and i lost the ways the talking about the man licensee, but we don't blame them for line. that's what they pretty much do with our dogs. alicia's. there are mental life or their culture. that's where i'm best. they live on our job once we are there before, we should try to be able to by 6 fact from fiction. no,
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i'm not sure. your question was more, you know, little and more literally i should say it was more sure mostly emotional and literature. the shots agree on at the, on the ground because i think that probably have my sort of getting born and get it . i have been secret for sort of see has been that now what 2000 years already. and i think it's probably be think of something like, there's no tomorrow. i see every time he comes, you know, morgan motional and, you know, crying and, and really frustrated and so on, so forth. but there's nothing to fight to check in that aspect of it. but it really is really the best of it is the huge fuel on lying. and just so, you know, a slug out lives that are easily these investigative. i don't want to go back to the new york times reported november 3rd to pulled up. thought somebody said october 17, i thought i asked for, but i as you want to go back and check the children and talk to you by too much and
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so on. so what i wanted to talk to you more about we have months was as you say, very emotional statement that he made. he use some very strong language to show some coverage. so it shows some bravery. he said, stop the criminals from getting away with murder. but then at the very end and the last 4 or 5 minutes, he went off script and he was talking about the fact that people are running the table had be making very beautiful speeches. but it wasn't enough. they needed more . he referred to the fact that they all julia and representative had suggested that sanctions should be brought in. and he said that was something that needed to be considered. is that something? do you think that that isn't left to the security council to follow the introduction of sanctions? is that all that's left to the you and in order to move this forward? but yes, as you said, i think he went to a, towards the end, to talk about the action of little measures by the concert, because that's when they move to the frustration par,
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are the most not frustrated. the best form of the, the nature of things. what i need to do to present is nowadays booking no other subject as discussed. it's been, you know, it's been, this is, this is saying and by the side you hit the water beat up the stage water. you know, you pick up a question about a sign you and you the national united states and then it just doesn't move. you can just go to the point of the basic it and nothing changes with the end of the day. so it all part of the action of a proposal is that something searches which would suck if the nonsense would likely to isaac or not veto. but then there is there, you think also that suggested by the russian or something about the um they use it could take off that and you saw visiting the area inside the sending us the consultation. but if i understood the correct meaning for it for it does not actually taking on the investigate this a fact finding mission. now having said all of that,
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because we really are 10 months into this and our viewers that are on the front of us who probably didn't have to hear this because we here, we hear it for them. so we can summarize it for them. they know that it has already kind of, we were gems is right. i don't really use, it doesn't matter. i was going to have to use a cubic also in terms of dissipation, fact finding or sanctions the end of the day is right. has kind of way with genocide the us has allowed, has she has found it as financed it. and so now no matter what happens, we're going to see that the united states would continue to defend them. justified is that we continue to be for dishes and vulgar and insulting to the un and tossed agency equipment. the one secret to general motors from this very particular mess. and the 3 is how they had gone all day again and again and so forth.
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yeah, it was interesting, it was to meet you probably honestly the russian deputy representative that you're just referring to there. he suggested that instead of just listening to all the evidence, such as it is being put forward at the security council that members should actually go to the places that they're talking about. that would be a very interesting thing to cover if it did happen. well, one for another, the thank you very much indeed. mom on bush auto or senior and others there, give it. i was on the is live for us from the un headquarters in new york. um, i would ask you to draw the if she's on some of what the tone was when it came to the monetary in crisis that we've been hearing about in gaza. and of course in the west pine, particularly from rad month. so it was very evocative, very emotional language he used but we have course heard from other representatives as well, who are very concerned about what was happening. yeah, that's right. and i think is more one was saying there, you know, there is rarely and bastard you that are done, you know,
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made all these wrong in factual claims attacked. the un attacked to you a un official that was sitting right next to him attacked. we had mentioned were attacked palestinians, but i think taking all that away cuz it's easy to get kind of distracted by that. and i think that might have been actually his motivation when he gets speech is like this is to really take a step back and look at the humanitarian situation on the ground. and gosh, and we got some of that during this briefing. we heard that just within a 48 hour period, 3 schools that were being used to shelters were attacked by israel. this is from the united nations people on the ground there. and that there had been 21 strikes on schools that are being used by palestinians to, to shelters since july 4th. and that just in the past 2 weeks, a quarter 1000000 palestinians have been displaced just in the past 2 weeks.
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so i mean, these are just some of these examples. we've also heard from a un official during the beginning of this, a briefing during the beginning of this meeting about have mandatory, an aide has gone down not up into guys because israel is close the rock a border crossing since may. and that to nearly 90 percent of the entire guys a strip has been put under some sort of evacuation order, people forcibly displaced again, these are just some of the numbers and some of the picture that was painted about the humanitarian situation. i think what the point of this security council meeting was actually to focus on that a little bit. but i think with all of these false claims by these really representative, i think it's easy to get distracted away from that. but it's important to keep the focus on that, that humanitarian situation in guys that has gotten worse, it's not gotten better, and it's increasingly desperate to gabriel. thank you very much indeed,
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gabriella amazon, to talking to us from the un headquarters in new york. meanwhile, is really air strikes have again targeted displays, palestinians and all buys refugee camp is essential, gaza, at least 6 people have been killed. civil defense crews are searching for missing people believe to be buried under the rubble is really, i mean has repeatedly talkative guys has crowded refugee comes. women and children are bearing the brunt of israel's latest offensive and the city of con eunice and southern garza. and for one palestinian fall of the joy of registering his newly born twins was turned into a tragedy todd of cowboys, and has more from down obama and got some in the, at a moving dairy, bella and then sinks to his knees. this is i so and over there is, as says as a friend pointing to the bodies. if he's a new boom babies, so small were old and one budget bad with them of how much wife you talk
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to to the 3 d old twins. what killed and then is really the strike on a house. and con eunice, one of the 1st of all, i went to get my children's birth certificates. my wife gave birth 2 days ago, and i did not have the opportunity to celebrate the bus. she had a c section and she was very tired. she was unable to leave the house. her med left them at home to reduced the us and britain to find them that is will defensive. and the goal is a slip has left thousands of full sins and its weight. so many local doctors has come up with a special term. when would you string them? w c, n s. that stands for wounded child nurse, evaluating some of the men, the 10 months of all has killed nearly 16 and the whole found that palestinian children money was alone. others separated from the families of the bodies of
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thousands of believe to be blowing under the russell. in november, unicef cool goes a great young children, and this has not changed. this is free and about a year she was born from the rough of a destroyed house truck and is really a strike on hun unit. the higher uh, the other higher family home was hits and it is striking. the child's entire family was killed to mother his father, who brothers and who assistance see the no one is in the range 72 year old grandmother. the crowing stopped. she won't drink me from the boat to. 8 there is no one left except this baby. she's 3 months old, out of 20 people. she's the only one who's survive. what did these children do? entire generations of pumps and he ends up being white tops. many of those who
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remain are too young to even know who they have lost feeling good naming of cause is most fun, ripple percent and it's just pain terika, but as soon i would just be around there with that, i had us going thomas, i'm doing the whole class on brigades, it says it talk you to these really city of tel aviv added the suburbs was to rock is, is there any media reporting the rock has landed off the coast. explosions were had in tennessee, but there will be no reports of casualties. and they all sound brigades has not released this video. it says it shows that spice is preparing the rockets in the gaza strip from the 1st time. how much this part miss armstrong, garza since late may. and is there any error striking to call in southern lebanon, has killed 2 hezbollah fighters. the vehicle was traveling between the villages of y'all known and boston when it was attacked. i said they cut small from us. i own in the southern level, that is the car died, a drone strike, targeting
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a car between the tons of bullshit and bake your home. not 2 people were killed in dr. tech is with us consent to have its members were killed. now this is roughly 8 kilometers from them and on the southern border. and this is a tactic that, that is, or it has employed throughout this conflict using drones, strikes a to target member of his was off, but not just his with other groups as well. elsewhere, a long leopard on southern board is israel attacks and tons of villages have continued. it is very often we hit the turn of either shop it hit shaheen. it hit, tied header, fuzzy teen color. how about and colorado but his level. so being striking is ready, positions that they said they talked to with n t tech guy didn't miss out at the touch, the settlement, the reports of damaged, but no report of any casualties. they also said that they hit the stomach site on the occupied cover should by hills, as well as targeting soldiers at the mac type barracks. now you've also understand
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that he's was, i've had an espionage equipment is most of them. this is important because throughout the last couple of weeks, his without has been targeting is really espionage equipment. radar equipment and other equipment is where the equipment sites. now what it seems to have enabled them to do is get past israel's and don't defense system to get their drones and rockets further into israel to target is really ministry sites. and this would be consenting for israel because the currently awaiting his laws, retaliation for the king of this senior commander, floods, sugars. now that hasn't happened yet, we are told that it will at people the thing that is not if but a matter of when it will take place. but meanwhile, those attacks on the tit for tat along the oven on southern board to have continued . i said big data measurements of independent and ok, bite east jerusalem sizes of israeli settlers and ulta nationalists of strong they all lock so most competent,
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national security minister. it's not bank via let the barge to market jewish holiday. us state departments condemn the move in funds is calling it up publication as well as buying doctors here from reporting the country so same to sort of be sent this report from the dra damien capital among peddling the politics of division to sell a supremacist narrative. israel's national security minister, it's more ben computer says it's his offices policy to allow freedom of worship for jews everywhere, even though it violates internationally recognized agreements governing one of this forms holding us the our policy is to allow pre, i'd say something more, we must win this war we must win and not go to conferences and don't how cairo rather defeat to force them to neil. that's the message we can defeat, how most bring them to be nice. singing, dancing,
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religious rituals, even raising is really flags inside a looks, almost compound, deliberate publications. the break longstanding cruise put in place to keep the peaks at the same time. most of them worshippers were bored from entering the most to pray, upsetting the balance is exactly what ben gives here, says he wants all part of the far right state of days, of shifting the status quote and taking on check control of all occupied palestinian lance. there was a chorus of condemnation from palestine and egypt as well as the custodian of the holy site. jordan, it's foreign affairs ministry issued a statement describing the incident as quote, a flagrant violation of international law and the historical and legal status quote in jerusalem and its holy sites. the incursion was part of an annual jewish event
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to commemorate the destruction of an ancient temple, but through a larger than usual crowd this year. a day earlier was rarely extremist attached people in jerusalem's old city and vandalized palestinian old shops. on tuesday, mobs of settlers also stormed villages near hebron. violets in the occupied westbank seemingly on the verge of spiraling, out of control the image, yet again of a far right leader set against the backdrop of a most of holy site, is likely to inflame tensions, not just in the region, but around the world. and it is unlikely to help expected talks for a cease fire, and garza and the release of captains zane bas robbie ultra 0 among the former. your guns and revelry come on has been found guilty of crimes including
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murder, rape, and pillaging. it's almost quite yellow, was a member of the infamous lords resistance on me, and he was facing more than 90 tons of war crimes. catherine saw it has this report . this is thomas cole, yellow sat pensively in court. as his body was read out. he was found guilty of 44 counts of mazda, keeping up quoted, and other crimes against humanity. for judge bent, delivered to bindix, he's easy for yellow was a teenager. when he was adapted on his way to school. he spent 2 decades as a fighter in the lord's resistance on the, on, on the group that was fighting the government for yes, she was responsible for treating wounded soldiers was arrested in the democratic republic of congo, and has been in jail in uganda for 15. yes. victims who were at the court house
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see they are satisfied with the bindix. i lost my father, and for my uncle was my father's brothers. and the 2 of my niece was so lost, the person who did so good at fair judgment, which the judgment we have already had today. and we are so thankful for it. where the people from dr. yes, for yellow and i the 5 to he commanded a talked comes with displaced people and killed several the murder cases against him. apparently based on that incident that people will receive the news. uh they, they likely be happy with that at least it does not come to on 10, but they still have that expect issue and that needs to be addressed. expectation
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of, of course i sent you a little bit a little bit last. thank god, dal ari was led by joseph corney, who's fine. it has killed thousands kidnapped children, cut off limbs from victims and raped people in nothing uganda. more than 2000000 people were displaced there between 19872006. it's not clear if connie is still alive or not, but back of the court house, those who lived through so much suffering, say they have got the justice. they dissolve. katherine story to 0 origin wildfire in greece which broke out on sunday and the outskirts of the capital. athens is not mostly under control, at least one person died and 66 others were injured. near athens. wildfires in greece have become a regular occurrence during the summer. as climate change has caused increased
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temperatures and reduced rainfall. and the large fire is burning in bosnia and herzegovina is so jessica national park and broke out on sunday and is left parts of a forest and destroyed including trees untouched for hundreds of years. because it is government as, as neighboring, savvy and croatia to help extinguish the far a memorial tellico. not to me cause i appeal to the council of ministers and all of the ministers in charge to prove the arrival of that croft, if i can carry move. what's that then what we have now is that we have information about helicopters of the national west, the center of sab. yeah. all right, our disposal, lots of lots. we also expect other countries from the region. some help, not them know my appeal to them as a mayo subsidies decides, as when we are approved for use of all that craft can contain the supplier, especially considering this is all happening in a very remotes. month scenario. the gossip record in bangladesh has opened a mode of investigation into us to prime is a shift. i've seen that i'm 6 top officials and 100 ministration merits used to
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being responsible for the police killing of a grocery store owner. he was shot dead during your crack down a student that protest last month. more than 450 people were killed during weeks of civil unrest that forced i've seen a step done. she has since fled to india. advocates talk public health body has declared the public health emergency of continental security due to an outbreaks of impulse. the virus has not spreading from democratic republic of congo to neighboring countries, and box is transmitted through close contact and causes flu like symptoms and poisonous lesions. most cases a mild, but it can to intervene at least $15000.00 cases and $461.00 depths reported so fond of this year. the number is likely to be far higher. every rescue i'll see to tell you in cost, as saves at least a $160.00 migrant since monday. the spanish and you open arms. it says it $554.00 people drifting in a boat off
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a southern coast of the island of line producer. most of them are from syria. at least a $110.00 migrants were rescued at the same area. on monday. actually signed a deal with albany. i last year to setup camps for microns and refugees picked up and seen a plans to open the facilities have been delayed. it's a 9 swatca by the st. charges, bang saves appeared. in london, the somebody of completes a serious depicting animals let loose in the city. what it all means though, is anybody's guess is on a hall, has found that the latest with 5 thanks you to take a do really releasing animals from captivity. it's painted on a shot, the lovely to an unexpected treat for visitors, including this family through canada. i think it kind of has many rights as humans. do they have the right to be set free as well? it's the 9th addition to a series review daily since last monday,
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by the elusive another on the street artist. sorry to interrupt you. what does it mean to you? what do you make of it like to safari? this when you go to route on all the different locations or different animals to fight for. that's called the london street northeast by design ephemeral, no one expects works like these to be permanent, but some have lost it no more than ours. 3 men made off with a satellite dish bearing a housing wolfing cook, while so cold contractors dismantled the stretching cat holding it, cricklewood, and it wasn't long before the child growing. it was the faced biography, was really a big shape is its original purpose will never be fulfilled like boxes. alt walk is creates a to cost wise compensation and that people, the whole thing bring people to guys is, must be really accessible. sites taking is occurring. shame, in my opinion, the back to the zoo and the search for deeper meaning thanks. these words is what
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you made to it. that's the beauty of that he never. the message he sends is more of a question or bringing awareness. rather than saying this is what it is, or this is roman, this is right, but i guess nobody could present the message. know when i guess, i mean here's a good thank see if you're watching there's always a spot for you and i'll just come on and tell us what over this means that are quite a lot of people who want to know hey, that's a big if it's worth a shot, work that you can ask. yeah. okay. expensive was intended to live spirits then. it could hardly have come at a better time and the dog days of a pretty summer blighted 5 orleans tragedy. and go and see these animals let loose and play in the city or something to smile about. however long they survive. jo, nicole elders 0 london. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes more than one of the stories stay with us and i'll just the
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the latest news as it breaks. recent polls show the harris campaign gaining on trump in many swing states. and some recent surveys even show were running a heather m nationwide with details coverage. that will be huge disappointment now the policy, the one the election 15 months ago. it's been dissolved from the heart of the story . hospitals have been damaged and law and order no longer exists in areas under our self control. were discussing the defining issues of our time as we are the subject of a i, we are not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen big tech propaganda to explore how to code the sites an ethical ai, those racial biases get worse. you've got more of those in power, are the ones with the resources to decide where it to use. how do we change this
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paradigm? studio b, b a r series on a jersey to the . ringback the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this and this is a news online for me to have coming up in the next 16 minutes. but us improves $20000000000.00 in weapons sales to israel, as jo buys and it says a ceasefire. and guys, a may prevent a wrong from tale age and the assessment ation of how much political liter do not abandon you to do things do not abandon your duties as a security council condemnation. and i am going against the israel at the un


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