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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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is disappointment now the policy, the one the election 15 months ago. it's been dissolved from the house of the story . hospitals have been damaged and law and order no longer exists in areas under our stuff. went to the us. presidents approved $20000000000.00 and weapons sales to as well, and says, he hopes to cease fire and dust and make stuff. iran which honey, i think the fascination of the masses politically the, the clock this is out 0 in life window. is it coming up? do not abandon you to do things, do not abandon your duties as a security comes condemnation and anger against is relatively un security council
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following the deadly attack on a school tongue sheltering guns that was killed at least $100.00. the international condemnation of to the, for our writings ready, security minister, it's robin give you. and to is lambs said homeless sites and which parties truce them with other ultra nationalists and an outbreak of them punks in africa or is declared to public health emergency as a virus spreads across the constant. the so the binding administration has approved $20000000000.00 in um, sales to it satellite is ro, despite publicly calling for seas foreign garza and expressing consent. the rest is facing buying spread condemnation from activists and human rights groups for the mounting pulse than you the casualties practical haines. that's the latest now from
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washington. in the united states, all of the focus is on finalizing a ceasefire in gaza. you as president joe biden, connecting that to a ran, not striking israel in retaliation for the assassination of the political leader of home, off on a rainy and soil expectation . and at the pentagon confirmation that the us is indeed a nuclear powered submarine to the region. something it's very rarely a now says along with an additional aircraft, carrier group and other military equipment. so look, our focus is on the escalating the situation. we have put these additional capabilities into the region to enable us as a highlighted to protect our forces,
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but also to support the defensive israel shouldn't be attacked. the us state department also announced an additional $20000000000.00, an arm sales to israel for fighter jets missiles and tank ammunition. but they were quick to say it would not be delivered until 2026. and it's spokesman also expressed concerns about an upcoming ceasefire negotiations today. so we've seen the reports of what they have said as it relates to their participation. our partners and conner have the shirts that they will work to have from us represented . a coordinated focus on ending the carnage and gaza in hopes that will prevent a wider escalation in a region quickly filling with more u. s. military equipment and personnel. patty claim, l g 0, washington. tarry, kelly is an attorney and palace and human rights activism. he says us has the power as a full us as well to sign and c scotsdale by withholding weapons of what we're talking
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about are additional mechanisms, additional weapons for israel to be able to commit and maintain its uh, its genocide and god. so the fact that we're not even discussing the annual a the is really ready receives from the united states is really it's, it's beyond belief that we're at a, we're at a point where we're having to talk about limiting any further to further destroy what's left of that you have to get a national community. you've had the united nations, the international court of justice. you have the international criminal court. i mean, israel has been condemned and embarrassed world wide and it's still continues it's barrage of attacks. i guess the defense, the civilian population of the united states can do something right now. and you can ed tonight right now, not, not to, uh, you know,
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a piece is real by providing you with more weapons. here's more what the police stopped using the know how about you just deny the sale, denied any future aid to israel and also worse, not just call for us the spark, but, and forces these for this could. and right now, if you notice they had the courage at that list. is there any attack on a school time shelter and gaza has prompted an emergency you and security council meeting in new york, the policy in on bass of the to the night, dimensions to the organization, to enforce its resolutions and hold as well to account which area code the meeting often is really it's kind of going to school and garza city last week killed at least 100 palestinians displaced people had been sheltering at the l type in school when it was hit by several. it's really massage during morning, pres. is it a, it does not get about your condemnations, a new beast?
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is it a it does not care about your contamination? it dismisses your resolutions. it does not even listen to the debates that are present, that they will be playing with his iphone while you are talking as countries as a security concept. you had the responsibility 2 months ago to stop this. impunity on saturday, august 10th is around the target that not a school, not a, a, an innocent school. we target the dangerous terrorist operate thing in the come us command and control central center. we've in, in the, by, in school. as usual. how much cynically abuse of civilian facilities which should be protected as their tara basis. a broader regional conflict is not
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inevitable. the united states overall goal remains to turn the temperature down in the region detour and defend against any future attack and avoid regional conflict. that starts with finalizing a deal for an immediate cease fire with hostage release in casa, while it's heading out from gabriel. l as on day reports from you. and that is rarely ambassador give that a dime, you know, made all these wrong in factual claims attacked. the un attacked to you a you in official that was sitting right next to him attacked. we had meant sure attack palestinians, but i think taking all that away because it's easy to get kind of distracted by that. and i think that might have been actually his motivation when he gets speech is like this is to really take a step back and look at the humanitarian situation on the ground. and gosh,
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and we got some of that during this briefing. we heard that just within a 48 hour period, 3 schools that were being used to shelters were attacked by israel. this is from the united nations people on the ground there. and that there have been 21 strikes on schools that are being used by palestinians to, to shelters since july 4th. and that just in the past 2 weeks, a quarter 1000000 palestinians have been displaced just in the past 2 weeks. so i mean, these are just some of these examples we've also heard from you and official during the beginning of this, a briefing during the beginning of this meeting about how do you manage hearing aid has gone down, not up into guys that because israel is closer off of border crossing since may, and that to nearly 90 percent of the entire guys a strip has been put under some sort of evacuation order people for simply
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displaced circles children and going to continue to bear the brunt of israel's relentless attacks. nearly 16 and a half 1000 children have been killed during israel's 10 months of war across the guns. this trip, an estimate and $17000.00 children have been left unaccompanied or separated from their families as a result of his rarely attacks. and the number of injured children arriving from medical care without relatives is so high that an acronym has been created to identify them. it is w, c, n ss which means the wounded child knows surviving family, the wild parents, the rules are having to enjoy the trauma and bearing that children, even newborn baby, tara kept what was the story from the about in central gods at a moving dairy, better and then sinks to his knees. this is i so and over there is, as says as a friend pointing to the bodies of his, a new born babies. so small were only one budget that with the month of
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how much wife you talk to them to the 3 d old twins. what killed and then is really a strike when a house in con eunice, one of the most of all, i went to get my children's birth certificates. my wife gave birth 2 days ago, and i did not have the opportunity to celebrate the bus. she had a c section and she was very tired. she was unable to leave the house and left them at home to reduced the pets and ton to find them that as well defensive on the goals. this trip has left thousands of full sins and its way so many local doctors has come up with a special term. when would you string them? w c and s. that stands for wounded child nurse evaluating some of them in 10 months. so who has killed nearly 16 on the whole found that palestinian chose
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friends? many was alone. others separated from the assemblies of the bodies of thousands of believe to be blowing under the russell. in november, you want to sift cold goes a great young children. and this has not changed. this is freedom of ohio. she was from the roughly with but destroyed house struck and is really a strike on hun, eunice. a mobile high uh the other high a family home was hits in an is striking. the child's entire family was killed to mother his father, who brothers and sisters see the no one is in the range 70 year old grandmother with the crying and stuff. she won't drink me from the boat, so there is no one left except this baby. she's 3 months old, out of 20 people. she's the only one who survive. what did these children do?
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entire generations of tungsten, he ends up being white tops. many of those who remain are too young to even knew who they have lost. the killing, the naming of guns is most fun. ripple percent and it's just pain. erica bassoon was just the right. there had been a, had us going where these really sold to cross goes. it continues, the army is into a 6 day of reading neighborhood. so calling eunice in the south, israel says it carried out, strikes, coming, punished and influences on choose day masses. um to bring the of cosign brigade says it talk to these right. the city of tel aviv and its suburbs with 2 rockets. i can some release this video which it says shows and devices prepared rockets in the gaza strip is ready media reporting. the rockets landed off the coast. expressions were heard in tennessee, but there were no reports of casualties. us and the 11 and as well as long as that
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strikes over the border into the south. one of the strikes and choose, they talk to the car and kill to hezbollah fighters. it occupied these truce them thousands of his ready satellites and ultra nationalist at storm. the i likes the most compelling drawing condemnation from the us and from the national security minister. it's him up and give you let the march to market jewish holiday. it's been seen, is it another effort by far right groups to force to change the status quote. israel has burned down to 0 report to you in the country. so as an investor, avi sent this report from the jordanian capital of a ma peddling the politics of division to sell a supremacist narrative. israel's national security minister it tomorrow ben computer says it's his offices policy to allow freedom of worship for jews everywhere. even though it violates internationally recognized agreements governing one of his farms, holding us the, our policy is to allow premier,
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i will say something more. we must win this war. we must win and not go to conferences and don't how cairo rather defeat to force them to kneel. that's the message we can defeat, how most bring them to be nice singing dancing, religious rituals, even raising is really flags inside all looks almost compound, deliberate, publications. the break longstanding, cruise put in place to keep the peaks at the same time, most of them worshippers were bored from entering the most to pray, upsetting the balance is exactly what ben gives here, says he wants all part of the far right state of days. of shifting the status quote and taking on check the control of all occupied palestinian lance. and there was a chorus of condemnation from palestine and egypt as well as the custodian of the
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holy sight. jordan, it's for and affairs ministry issued a statement describing the incident as quote, a flagrant violation of international law and the historical and legal status quote in jerusalem and its holy sites. the incursion was part of an annual jewish event to commemorate the destruction of an ancient temple, but through a larger than usual crowd this year. a day earlier is rarely extremist attached people in jerusalem's old city and vandalized, palestinian on shops. on tuesday, mobs of settlers also stormed villages near hebron. violets in the occupied westbank seemingly on the verge of spiraling, out of control the image. yet again of a far right leader set against the backdrop of a muslim holy side is likely to inflame tensions. not just in the region but around the world. and it is unlikely to help expected talks for a cease fire and garza and the release of captives same bus route. the older 0
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among us actually stay down to the blinking, says ben, give you a show, quote, blatant disregard for the estate. this quote, the sites in us is ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu to prevent such actions. here's the state department spokesman, that inputs out the united states stands firmly for preservation of the historic status quote with respect to the holy sites of jerusalem in any unilateral action, which this would be that any utilize will action like this uh, that jeopardize of the such a status quote is unacceptable. we recognize how important the holy site is. so we urge all sides to respect the status quo, but certainly actions like this. um, are they detract from that? and not only do they distract them, that we find them to be unacceptable. so i still head here and out, is there a desperate for assistance will tell you why people living in sit on northern
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states on getting much need of age to link trench will range the the imagined people drowning in front of you and not being allowed to save some of the crossroads of humanity and international volunteer desperately trying to help refugees and discharge of human trafficking. i must fight 2 years lucky walters with this documentary on the in depth analysis of the face. headline strategic purpose? do you think this assassination serves israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years? i've seen that they have given a chance to best to be
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a bold critical debate. russia has decided that the war crane as a defensive war inside story. how will it change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey, around the colleges? here with the the, [000:00:00;00] the, again, you're watching out 0. 1 of the top story is this out. the u. s. has approved alms
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and i'm still to israel, who us $20000000000.00 have a deal includes quite yet to move on to add to add myself. the state department's adults package on tuesday at the time that sees fluctuates are expected to continue later this week. the deadliest is rarely attack. yeah, it's on a school ton sheltering garza has come to that emergency you and security council between new york and us to get and best of a to the united nations as the organization to enforce its resolutions and told israel to account for thousands of altered nationalists his release of stormy i, so most compound and occupied east jerusalem national security minister, sum up and give you let the incursion, many performed religious rituals at the site. despite the on by a band on june, praying that the ukraine's military chief claims the 74 settlements in russia's western coast region
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. now, under the keys control, russian forces have been fighting for a week to repel the incursion. this reportedly helps the crating ministry run out of a church. we close to 1000 square kilometers. under simmons has a storage. the ukraine is now sending russian prisoners of war back over the border from the coast region. it's showing no sign of halting its incursion, while russia says it's striking back here, images of men who appear to be ukrainian prisoners of war. social media is washed with planes and counterclaims pictures of the dead from both sides, contrast darkly with sofas being posted by ukrainian soldiers in russia, with messages for friends and family. back of the by the day it's becoming clear how organized the advances, the yeah,
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more reinforcements head towards the russian border from your grades on monday. some of the um, with vehicles with white, frank viola, identity markets, ukraine is now signaling that it has no intention of wanting to keep russian territory. its president says the action has been taken because of the intensity of showing an missile attacks from russian territory. the boats are here for the sliding washer boat war to others, and now it's coming back home. ukraine has always won't the pace, and we will definitely secure pace. rushes, president vladimir putin says if zalinski thinks by making the cushion he could improve his negotiating position. he was badly mistaken, put in a swarm to repel the advances of ukrainian forces. while the fighting continues, rushing civilians are continuing their attempts to cope with the hardships that have become a normality for the ukrainian neighbors. so yeah,
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it's activities from border areas arrive at camps in the north, the builder, all region. one of them had been thinking more of a livestock than other possessions, which could do more started when we left the chickens at home. we gave them 2 bags of grain, some water and left. maybe that'll be nothing to attend to. these people all sullen, literally to aware of the situation. andrew simmons, how does it affect his top public health? but he has declared a public health emergency of continental security due to an outbreak of impulse. viruses now spreading for the 1st time from the democratic republic of congo to neighboring kenya, burundi, uganda, and ruined and pauses. transmitted through close contacts and causes flu like symptoms and past fills lesions, most cases a mile, but it can kill, have been at least 15000 cases in 461. dest reported so far this year. the number
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is likely to be far higher. the evidence we have on the number of cases, the number of debts they had just to book the iceberg. and the reason is that em policies largely of miles condition. we have limited surveillance. we have limited capacity to do the testing that's required. we have limited capacity to do the contacts. are you seeing on that reporting? so the multiple points in this, the information we have reflects only partial situation or what's actually happening. my gosh. and don't go as a chief of stuff in the head of the executive office at the african centers for disease control and prevention. and he says the outbreak is extremely concerning. this suggestion is really getting by just so gives you an idea in the 2020 to we've had the over 5000 because that's where is that enough?
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because in 2023 we 5 we we, it's about 14000. is that where the reason enough? because 92024. we just have one of the extended 17000 cases. if you compare between 202-020-2024. that's an increase more than $34.00. and this is a disease that's a as what's a very high. cuz what i did see now we spend that 3 percent and also in the dsu where we have more than 96 percent of all the cases, 60 percent of the my children and the mortality is 3 times higher is around and 89 percent. then you can imagine as the it is now split, spinning over a neighboring country. so what the nice of the last, the 10 these we have and i, they, they do, they, me, that would be the host would be good enough for you. but in countries that it can imagine what the best can do if it's continuous like that,
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they are not really musical confirmation. is that in africa right now? we don't have, but since we don't, that's the treatment. uh abc is really based on prevention. it's all about risk of communication and community engagement and does surveillance for any detection. and the 1st thing i've seen this, what it is all about right now. but um, new positions are quite that's bonds, but i think we've outputs nice that you are in union. and admitted tons into japanese, i think we much gets buttons into us because there is one to full. but you guided level group come on to has been found guilty of 40 full war crime challenges, thomas and crew. yellow was a member of the infamous and those resistance on me soon found guilty of crimes including murder, rape, religion, the trends of rain and floods. and so don's northern states have killed at least 8 people and have displaced hundreds more people pleading for assistance. but aid is
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already restricted because of funding and supplies being florence by fighting between the army and rapid support forces, even more than reports from call to this is what many parts of northern states. 6 to dance driest, now look like heavy rain and flash floods have swept away homes and damaged property. the sort of ma mazda of mama just said there are some places where toronto floods come during the rainy season. but we were surprised because our area doesn't usually get floods when the water came into the houses and took the women and children as i stood on the highway. you can see the situation here. local authorities say several people were killed and injured. when buildings collapsed and power lines were damaged, since the starts of the rainy season in late june, the floods half killed dozens of people and forest. i'm more than 20000 from their home across minds. they had given us the highly and the things we made now of food
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and shelter because people are living in the open air. there were no houses. people are living in mosques and, and no spaces. we need paints, food, water, and medicines. so dense problems were significant, even before the flooding conflicts between the army and the rapids support forces. power military group has displaced more than 10000000 people and left have the population of 48000000 in need of humanitarian assistance. officials in northern states have appeals for help. and so i have your, the rains in floods of cost and usually huge losses in the state, including an account to use such as monroe and die. but we need urgent intervention and assistance, especially when it comes to shelter. we also need a plan for rebuilding and a health response because the extent of this damage will cause a health crisis every year. torrential rains lash sedan, which was humanitarian agencies already struggling to respond to what's being termed,
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the world's largest humanitarian crisis. reaching those affected by flooding this year will not be easy. he but morgan knowledge of the room. that's it for me. the clock, whether it's coming up and then inside story will examine if social media platform x can help to come get back into the white house. see relates to buy from us the the had lower, the south west monsoon continues to bring very heavy rain to south asia in particular across the north west of india or just on has seen some water login. that rain just count, drain away. now we still have the amber looked thoughtful, that heavy rain for eastern rod just on, on wednesday, but we'll see the rain pick up in the very south as well, with waves of wet weather, working into carola and con,
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not to come by thursday. the heavy rain as well will intensify across moving parts of pockets on pulling across move in india, pushing out towards a bundle there. so a very wet picture up here. as we go towards the end of the week, it's looking very well across the southern parts of china with significant rain full. it's come in the days ahead. we could see some flooding from that much quiet . however, for the likes of shanghai out east and across the very north of china, beijing seeing is 30 degrees celsius that on wednesday with sunshine. nothing quite so across the nose, on the korean peninsula, that's not the case for japan. we've had a smorgasbord of tropical systems bringing some very heavy rain. the one that we're concerned with is, po, it's set to become a tie food, potentially, as it works its way towards eastern horseshoe. it'll bring rain to taco on friday. the
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discussing the defining issues of our time, we are the subject of a i, we're not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen big tech propaganda to explore how to code the sites. an ethical ai though is racial biases get worse. you get more of those in power. are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used. how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b a r series on a jersey to how to ex help donald trump get back into the white house. the former president and republican normally returns to the plan full and a total with the loan must see faces. real challenges from color harris would have boost is chauncey. this is inside story. the
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hello that on james bay is this recently is 2 years ago. donald trump, the little mosque, what public enemies with musk hosting on his social media platform, x,


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