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tv   Witness Whats Troubling Her  Al Jazeera  August 14, 2024 6:30am-7:00am AST

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years ago, a place where he has lived all his life. he says the family candles are full to repair the damage and they don't expect enough government compensation to repair it . and will probably have to leave, may just have different shar music i. so i smelled to follow and went outside. i looked over the mark when i saw it was out of control. i came home and we started soaking everything with water to protect the house with it. we tried to save whatever we could from my home though. the only home we have hallmark usa dead animals among the smouldering debris, vast ways of land reduced to ashes helicopters, scoop also from the sea and drop it on areas with small fires still appear when you see this gold stuff around town is like a version of our, it's incredible that most people were injured or killed when you speak to people
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here, there's an increasing sense of despair and anger. because despite repeated promises by the government, every year to do more, the people here say they have to rely on themselves to prevent the destruction of their homes at the blaze slip through the area, destroying everything in its path. power lines are down. there's no electricity in town in the fight, i believe you momento, i'm very angry because i couldn't protect my children. what kind of future device we don't have a government that can know for the basics, the minimum level. i mean that the firefighting vehicles have enough water. we're in 2024, and we don't even have the basic infrastructure of detriment. i could either. this is the system that we use for the fire. this is a time robot shows us the equipment to use to save his families home. yeah, live here, not the. the truth is that the fire department came late, the fi was huge. we had to use
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a hoses to task the trees and surrounding area with more sense, even though we called them many times they came later and then i mean, the police came and asked us to leave. so we would determined to stay and protect our home. every summer people here braced themselves the wild fires and every year the government tells them we offer pad, catastrophic elders, era of, of nova greece. we'll have another half hour of news for you and just on the 13 minutes, but stay with us on alger 0. witness is coming up next. thank you for watching the the latest news as it breaks these, ready for us to start with the 10? no, not schools in the west of the city. nothings got killed in brothers. got injured with detailed coverage. we're not only talking about pharmacy and with injuries
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from that is where the air strikes. we're also talking about skin diseases from the house of the story. the pointers were inside this car before they did this and run away through the hills over there where they were hit the the,
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with the cut on the back jolene brooklyn, on for some direction also to get ahold also said, i mean, so sit on the fence and visited in what is a woke us as most us. so some is a thought and with that i mean, but then human has started with then i might, is it the whole news and that it was i should or one of the best like a fish for the say that i've so maybe finished, i will just fit your thought goes as to what i want to vision. what was your thought as the
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last the last couple times that donna from the uh, chat and it does take longer kind of the last time a plus passes because i'm now a couple of us to get a whole emissions. not having to show us a fast yes. you just have to change your cost a monday johnson that the doctor says it, that's the was on my call investment on that on that you called show them my vision. i thought the last i thought those trying to put on the way i could my, the games and the by the time you called a total was in the past and i think up on the phone was on hold on at the end
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of them and it could be the, the end of the machine, me as opposed to technical shuttle corporation. so thought um, avoiding us that fast as i'm found that they will be in the position i think of best to hold out before the day and then go to that amount of jonesal i their job and they got the same you shout. all right, let me show bestbuy, allow me sooner and they'll set them off. i wish i from the fisherman and it is fishing mileage on raymond i somebody supposed to be settings you any question and i didn't benefits in vegas on rubacheck. you had enough of the kids, especially, so give me a buzz. i pushed the last kinds of i me to settle for sure. i understand the
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insurance as well. at the moment they get up front of me. you don't provide, i saw the customer over the phone on the bus with a rep who knows why they did the card and i show them all in the bid in escrow to pay me. but i got a buzz at joe hall for son. we cannot get mad i'm it took with us. if the some numb, michelle, i'm out of the
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full size of the house and the fine she said about the son page of a char saw the jang depends on the some of the sta, that the which cannot the, for the look at only a pain whole figure to make an attempt to collect the o d. s. if they can let me. thank you. i can always put on us the um, what day my i called all of the cash. they've cut our modern golf commission spam, hoffa and jennifer send out a set of x. or should i get the card 7?
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a saw the auction. i see that the funds are coming to this. then the last mary jones of us playing harmlessly. so that, do that mean, yeah, i'll come and dispute the height. my mom said you, but i meant to turn off what i would, what us from now as the model of the strongly f one has done my capital fine to nora. should i to pasadena but i'm the one on one side for so like the you draw the cash tend to be set up and you get a lot of them then i see a for that note ahead push as i get the edit on my um, baton. on patient aspect on that active with the all the
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time i asked her to show more themselves, i shut everything dizzy and i'm worried about that. i could do it like a drop click on a can buy it and push the apple shower on each of them the more on and ask them to edit that. com, sorry, as soon as. ready ready i got your phone number pushed on laska, i pushed on a good turn one into somebody just on on with of every don't the
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most of the side. cool. moving of the 232 of the model has also had a good amount of high. so sign in the bottom of the holy moment by the good because the see me. now you
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may say cycle, but i'm not a toyota has misses a in the model of images of the 0 the the funny go to the to mess on to, to be need to be. i don't know, rina cetera. my son push it back by chip. we should via multiple gap is any. i'm a whole lot the most on the i don't, i'd be that one. i'd be need my stuff on the desktop. the quantity of some feature that goes into the have my initial partner, mountains on i don't know. do you guys need, do you guys to go to buy fishing?
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i think a horse hub of the people pass on the claim number is i have found water hard to most part of was the past on in the the results of that. i think i've done my kind of the blush. i noticed, i'm kinda mckenna, aside showed a show less than what you got hold of packet of smokers typed it in. can you hear me? can you tell me? because by send us night gives you look back from that. i get it as an adult. this will lose you feel to be done the
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one with lesson kyle on most. i didn't look today so that'd be good. them. yeah. show when i bought a hook and the whole pen. okay. was there. i got them. i figured as one brush them, but as a dish, them the yes, lynette the stuff on that the monday the should i wish i was a sunday cuz the clinic and when the additional wish i was told that they just seem to hold on with the establish at the
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front of the as i tell them to tell me some motion on the is the spelling mean? does it get hold of them on the side of han, goshen. so emotional and they emerge and know that show to, to how do you know how those samples ingles about no more harm. yes. good. turn up on a one to, to come put a to month on up to me. wish i was us to not that only as low as a what a lot. and i one is, i mean this was it. uh, economy is the most vanessa pointing this. well, the national move on hunting was suddenly coming much go. cheers. the as meeting on a be to show you defense made of them we to make that unit or stop panel cuz it has its own, but i have to show got the ball on the better. i mean, i mean, for me to hum tessie lose. really, how not create a test, see because our us, most of them, well the boss, how about the time you're going to michelle come up. that is in the, you know, put that in with the coco high make. it would be some of the tunnel college i need to get the stats. but you can this is the watch. connect colorado that's going to
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make one and you know at the moment i say yeah, chest appointment i'm. i'm a month to the whole the me, the home to that it can be from the size email you're getting with the phone. we must push them out for me much. so the house, let me go find out of them. i have no 8 to 9. i mean, so to the honda well that i got the status of the book, what worth more than aspect we are going to do to the non return of what is best to close out of the whole that section of the day. that's what the subject i think with addition one that'd be pushing the meaning of all the motion and whether she wanted to hold or do you know how the process of publishing the defensive assess pin on the market and what that would what that could be one half must one of them it from, i don't, sorry solver with auntie notes,
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don't have had no cost. i know they'll start all the different because the money has just come up so they can get it does negate. oh, and you have never them because i missed my 3rd was patient the content on mushroom of contact and then richard was on cuz i'm just going to the states. no that's that's not the check for the
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transfer. last name is the nation as the past. c and pushed the thing, this thing to town. and then me hard at the side of the thing to come up with some kind of cut out of a mission as far as the campus showing that
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it wasn't the time then they get home. why as it was for you on nevada, as is the new media? i'm we, i jumped on and go, he ask us showing media tional, but have you version made them were playing a lot of socializing more than a premium hospice version of the
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the most i know the biggest, that's going to give me the list. see, i'm a 4022 to or to find me to someone know what costco for can you know, most sort of damage of the whole not on the bush. oh. also tell me
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a name and acts of the get if that was true. let me say this, i've been a corporate evict. immeasurably doesn't mean for me that he doesn't want us on this young. the broker's talk that of many of you must be on a nissan nissan on that i hope that it came about doing my much so much done as me stuff that i want you know, to see, to find more more than those or as a hot that meet that so i'm going to check and be dollars more sure. show me got by can me in michigan, the show as a court the but i will check the motion to move for it is is that with the status and meet with him to 37 and the whole of the ne, from that by the dash for the lucian, the liberals and medical, she generally caught in that, i mean the desktops, just gonna think i set them good. so when you stop by noon the
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as a, as i'm, as far as i can, how many give me the income? because i'm gonna show jordan i, michelle, i'm one, i'm returning some stuff that i didn't get for him. i don't shown any side of my study that of us on us without an idea of one of them without the
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origin. does they make sure that i'm a run run run in a 2nd. let me say tell me i'll i'm a mechanic by the end by side. remember on i told with the 4 digits on 5th floor,
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i mean contribution of something about the one. yeah. yeah. but yeah, so it depends on your site on back to me, what is it the best the best that is, shana, you know, the restroom office on the items unless they give me, can you estimate that that stuff. okay. and the zip code about what the most enough, so they use that over. so this of a whole let me get on the, on the work of some of these things. so what is the quote a professional? may i produce this, kinda zip as box a portable home dot info, son. uh, final motion is that that as long as good for me show how does that journey with that of doing that? how much that if i could ask uh i got what i want you to put on the
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machine enough to see who was the the post office, which is the color stuff. is that that should be who this you go to the. yeah. so you got a portion of the uh, name uh the, the uh the, the, could you the most amazing us the most
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the most to be clean the say no, i'm in and out of the fire code academy motion. let me um, what i do is the setup. shut off on our meeting. i turned in the wrong 10 numbers put on jonas smoke or something and me cuz i was calling about
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a missed call. know i would want to push on this on the 18th to friday. hope i had a jang, the physical, this jang. it only has close on. i mean, other standing by the other side on the how the other senator, we are in house for hire and that was on hold up on his phone or what type of physical then is that let me give you the the
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african stories from african perspectives really but i need to do more, we've mainly to show document raise by african filmmakers from morocco, and kenya, close to pieces, can come down to your one with the customers. can you move them into the echoes of unity and kenyon on mars? a new series of africa direct on i'll just era a documentary series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe. we see how the melanesians people of the torres strait of fighting rising sea levels, which threatened to swallow their islands. first nations frontline, the torres strait followed by the sea on our 0,
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the hearing the fights, people with disabilities, the jobs off are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless or i'll just see who is teams across the world when you close to the house with the story the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award,
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nominator hero. now the . ready japan's for me. ok, she does has he's stepping down is really imparting the the next month paving the way for a new prime, minnesota. the hello autumn this to put on. and this is allison view and live from doha. also coming up to us approves $20000000000.00 and weapons sales to israel despise mounting civilian casualties. and guys.


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