tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 14, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST
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and i'm in the process of making him so for us. well, when i, when i, when i, what a bunch of what i get definitely what that you've had the with the with this is what we wanted to see the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm or kyle, this is the news our live from doha. coming up in the next 16 minutes, a new round of is ready as strikes targets, the northern i'm central parts of the guns a strep at least 16 palestinians of hills. is where the falls is coming off a minute trail for ration destroying homes in 2 of us and you don't keep hide
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westbank. and i'm not all the in the occupied west box or is ready, occupation authorities. if palestinians a choice demolish to your home or will send you the bill also ahead depends upon minutes that cools at quit salter, a corruption scandal, and a lack of support within his policy. plus the clean up operation begins. greek, so assess the damage and begin to rebuild of the wildfire scorch the outskirts of the capital the . so we begin in gauze, whereas ready strikes in the northern and central parts of the strip have killed at least 16 palestinians. the latest attacks spring, the death toll from 10 months of war close to the grim milestone of 40000 people on tuesday nights is rarely false as tom to displace palestinians and on the server
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a refugee come killing an entire family. the youngest of the 7 was just 2 years old, and his health ministry says 115 babies have been born and killed during israel's war. i was ready minutes because all did posted in to leave more areas of con eunice as it proposed to act forcefully as the 8th day of the renew defensive in the southern city is why the attacks and southwest also have already displaced more than 75000 people in the past few days. speak now, so honey mackwood, he joins us live from darrow bala in central gauze. i will talk more about tanya just in just a moment, had a festival. let's look at the strike that's killed an entire family. they didn't get any warning, always seeing an increase in these kinds of attacks. you know, laura, just a while ago the courtyard of the hosp to the he was still be though very crowded with over with the remaining family members who are here to pay their respect and
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find out for 4 or 5 of prayers or over the bodies of the whole entire family that was obliterated and i'm looking at about records, you can't, that's of another family. we're talking about a whole family father and mother, and they are children on a separate attack. another family, you know, as the refuge account that has been part of a defense from area where a father a mother and there's 2 of their children and one of their relative that was the present at the time when the attack happens. this is the part of that would be seen over and over. families are being directly and deliberately targeted, killed and maimed inside the residential home. but what's concerning about all of that? it is happening right now without any prior warnings whatsoever. well, we were concerned about in the past that some of these attacks are unpredictable, meaning people are inside the residential home after a whole day q and a mind for water and food supplies and basic necessity. then at night, these unpredictable fall in bonds dropped on their residential homes. killing gave
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her one inside the house that just the images that we looked at. some of the videos of babies that we've said literally be headed. b is in one of the taxes on the families and those i right refuge account, which i read a one year old and even less than a year old baby that was the heated arrive to allow the hospital and later transfer you to unlock the hospital. for a funeral procession, but that is the case of every single, every passing day across the gauze. the 3 more people are dying at the record number right now, including a children's and babies as well. we have 16 people confirmed skills within the past 12 hours, 10 of them from the central area, a to from another family and look around you can and as to here and not as direct pays you got as well as the remaining out of from either hon eunice, or the northern part of this trip, the situations keep evolving in a very,
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very dangerous way. there's more blood bee and shit, more violence and more destruction that is becoming very visible in the syndrome area. and how do, let's talk about hong units. we've got more evacuation orders for people that we don't use. wait a minute, treat saying it's preparing to act forcefully. what can you tell us about the operation, the what more of these evacuation order the are large, the perceived the are as in force displacement for palestinians were talking about areas that in the top the previously they really military have operated aggressively and virtually destroyed. it remains of life inside these areas, whether it's the central part of on unit, the western central part or the eastern part of the city. there's really monetary just to put things in context was in hon units for 4 full months, destroyed. possibly everything, including health facilities and right now what people are doing here,
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they're good trying to go back to their home, the bomb on the damaging for us search, right to set up their, their kansas right to fix whatever their able to fix in order to stay there, but they are unable because of the recurring incursions of these areas because of the recurrence displacement that is taken. it's all on people right now psychologically physically, financially as well. and in terms of social disintegration, this ongoing displacement is causing so much this integration on a social level, we're talking about the whole entire family that use wants to be intact in one area . a right now is scattered at a spread all over the place in 10 sites with minimum accessibility to basic needs and basic supp lights. life is becoming extremely difficult, particularly for the vulnerable group. the women that children, those with, with the, with the chronic disease, those who need immediate medical attention that is not available right now. and it's getting worse. by the day we're talking about
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a close to 70000 people. a close 275000 people are pushed into a smaller area. more of a strong area of a human is terry and a zone. you know the ma c 8 area western upon you in a city. and that's area also not afraid of attacks, honey welcomed. many thanks. indeed for bringing us the latest that from gauze them . well, meanwhile in the occupied, westbank is where the forces of storms, the city of 2 of us. they were confronted by palestinian fighters and explosions were heard across the city. is ready for that. surrounded embassies of palestinian and house. they say multiple people were injured and arrested. some positive ends on returning to their homes to survey the damage. many buildings and properties were destroyed is ready for us as have been conducting daily raids since the war on guns that began. so just in settlers of killed at least $620.00 full palestinians in the occupied westbank since the 7th of october,
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move in $10000.00 have been detained as well to us as in the north of us applied westbank, roughly 20 kilometers from novelist is ready for since of repeating the way that the city in recent months has cost live to need to abraham, she joins us live from atlas in the occupied west bank. first of all in need of just updates on what's happening in not since you have 2 of us. while the confrontations are still ongoing intell boss, but not only there, but they've moved to the neighboring area all from also hearing news of confrontations on something stations taking place there. and also local sources are talking about that people who cannot confirm because medical teams have not been able to get there. yes, we've been speaking to the palestinian read press. yes to those who are in need, but they've managed to receive one injury and transfer it to the hospital. it is still in
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a critical condition. we are talking about the developing story ongoing. this is taking place. how is this old far it started when on the cover is really it's way that the city of to boss and then they were soon discovered by the palestinians. this is a tactic that these really forces often uses under cover units dressed in a protestant in clothes, as well as sending cars entering palestinian cities. now we know that they've surrounded the house and killed one out of simeon had a city in affairs. the policy in the zone of a committee said that they've received information from these really forces that the person who has been killed is for them to boss. and again, the conversations are still taking place as they did just explain some more background for why is there any forces of focusing on 2 bath lately?
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what so was, has an armed facility and it was formed soon after the g need, but gillian was formed and mainly of these a young man try to do is to confront these really forces military the when they enter palestinian cities. but they've also been showing a progress in making that improvised explosive devices basically trying to stop these really vehicles for moving. and there has been a lot of incitement lately. it is really media when it comes to the 80 else to boss saying that beach is ready to join is saying that these really security establishment, it's bracket that would more on the resistance there by palestinian is basically saying that it has been there has been a shooting that was carried out in the to boss area near and indeed it is really supplement just a few days ago. they said that these really security establishment did not prevent that. then they should track down more and more against kind of thing is what kind of thing is would send you that this is considered a resistance against these radio occupation and the victim in there. it is sort of yes,
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as the boss and an inside out. but this is it printing in this will that the routes the neighboring areas. again, palestinians would say that it is their rights under international law to confront these written need to abraham. joining us the, the latest on the plains and to boss many things in data. and occupies the east jerusalem a blatant disregard to one of as long as her list sites have drawn condemnation from the united states on funds. thousands of is really fast as an outward nationalist store and feel like some of the compound with national security minutes . that estimate then give a leading the march 2000 and cousin has been seen as get another asset by fall right? groups to force a change to the states as quote is what was bonded 0 from reporting in the countryside. same bus robbie sense of this report from the jordanian capsule. i'm on in the politics of division to sell a supremacist narrative. israel's national security minister,
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it's more ben computer says it's his offices policy to allow freedom of worship for jews everywhere. even though it violates internationally recognized agreements governing one of this farms holding us the, our policy is to allow premier, i will say something more. we must win this war. we must win and not go to conferences and don't how cairo rather defeat to force them to kneel. that's the message we can defeat. hum, us bring them to be nice singing dancing, religious rituals. even raising his rarely flags inside. it looks almost compound, deliberate publications. the break longstanding cruise put in place to keep the peaks at the same time, most of them worshippers were bored from entering the most to prey up setting the
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balance is exactly what ben gives here, says he wants all part of the far right state of days of shifting the status quote and taking on check control of all occupied palestinian lance. there was a chorus of condemnation from palestine and egypt as well as the custodian of the holy sight. jordan, it's for an affairs ministry issued a statement describing the incident as quote, a flagrant violation of international law and the historical and legal status quote in jerusalem and the totally sites. the incursion was part of an annual jewish event to commemorate the destruction of an ancient temple, but through a larger than usual crowd this here. a day earlier is rarely extremist attached people in jerusalem's old city and vandalized palestinian own shops. on tuesday, mobs of settlers also stormed villages near hebron. violets in the occupied westbank seemingly on the verge of spiraling,
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out of control the image. yet again of a far right leader set against the backdrop of a muslim holy site, is likely to inflame tensions. not just in the region but around the world. and it is unlikely to help expected talks for a cease fire and gaza and the release of captives, same bus route, the older 0 among. let's talk now live to zane. he joins us from a mine ends and we've had the us reacting to the events of yesterday. what did this extra say? don't say blinking. have to say well the secretary of state certain mirror, the comments of criticism that it's more vandevere his face since his visit. he said to demonstrate blatant disregard for the historic status quote with respect to the holy sites in jerusalem. and he describes them as provocative actions only exacerbate intentions at a pivotal, pivotal moment. when all the focus should be on diplomatic efforts to achieve
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a ceasefire and the release of all hostages. now the us secretary of state antony, blinking, made these comments around the same time as a massive weapons deal with $20000000000.00 was approved with israel. so you have to take what he's saying with a little bit of a pinch of salt. now, in terms of maintaining status, quote, it is state of us policy because they know any sort of change to the status of my looks. that is something that would have run medications globally. that would, that would potentially spark global language. but they have changed historic status quote in the past. remember, the united states move this embassy from teller, be to jerusalem in 2018 under the trump administration, and biden did not move it back. and so that does illustrate that it's not necessarily the case that they won't go against the established status quote, as long as it serves them politically. most likely, the united states is more worried about a power struggle at the top echelons of the just really leadership back to the
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sensitive time in the region and how that may affect their strategic interest. but once again, when it comes to the u. s. embassy, it's not the same as an important holy slightly if i look side. but once again, it did. it did come across as a provocative action for many palestinians who considered jerusalem occupied land and saying if we look ahead for a moment, we galls us face falls, tools still set to go ahead and go home this week. what's the latest on that as well, we are expecting those thoughts to take place. we are expecting all parties involved to be at those talks to be around the same table of use rarely as have committed to sending a delegation and how much has agreed to as well, even though this was something of a contentious point for both sides and recent days and that's because we've seen continuous attacks by israel in garza. we've seen him, us try to strike back sending rockets towards a tell of even the ongoing fighting, the ongoing conflict that was happening in the face of once again,
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international condemnation against israel, for its ongoing bombardments with gaza for its ongoing, massive there's and it's difficult to see how in this climate it can result in anything positive. now, iran said with attends, i'm over here with the reports that they won't be attending, but simply having these thoughts is a way of hitting the pause button unexpected is really air. so unexpected a ronnie and air strikes for the assassination of a smile, honey a into her on. so simply having the tops in and of themselves may be the top of the mountain mediators. okay, saying that my ex, that updates, thanks for joining us. that from now as well as deadly attack on a shelter in gauze that has prompted an emergency meeting of the un security council on jerry cool. i'll jerry a code for the session of the global outrage over the killing of at least a 100 people on saturday. give us under reports from united nations when it comes to gosh, the contradictions of what the united states says that the united nations versus
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what it does in washington was laid bare during an emergency security council meeting response to israel's attack on saturday, at a school or palestinian civilians were sheltering, killing nearly 100 of them. we mourn every civilian lost in this horrific incident. and in this conflict as well, at the very moment the meeting was taking place, news came that washington signed off on a new 20000000000 dollar military sales deal with israel. the atmosphere in the council chamber was tense after these really a master claimed his country is the most more of the country in the world. you listen, but a senior representative and then personally attacked both of palestinian and l during representatives of jerry a took the floor again. clearly says mean all fall. i want to testify here that the 16000 children who have been killed since the 7th of october didn't kill themselves
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hospice. israel's ambassador then walked down to the office who was speaking to resolution 2735 adopted by the council in june. and ordering a ceasefire has been ignored, as israel continues to tax on guys by the union's count bombing 21 shelters. since july. this comes who has the responsibility to end the impunity with, with israel has been carrying out its atrocities against about a city and people. it flies in the face of every team that the united nations is built on peace and security, human rights and sustainable development. we cannot allow this to continue, show somebody, anybody tech options, stop the criminals in getting away with mer to it's clear, frustrations are beginning to boil over. after more than 20 emergency security
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council meetings on casa, in the past 10 months, have failed. in the genocide frustration that the captives have not been released, that israel continues to act with impunity. and that the us continues to provide arms to the very country doing most of the killing gabriel's on to address it at united nations in new york. as well as long as that strikes across the board and to solve the 11 and want to talk to the car and kill to hezbollah fights is beyond great fun. the is way to all may have been exchanging 5 they need since the will ongoing. so big gum has belong, says it's in full as our, as he with his ally home us as randy as strikes 11 and have killing any 500 people since october the, the in greece, people impacted by wildfires,
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say the government isn't doing enough to protect them one person is dead and thousands injured and what's considered the worst blaze of the several homes about 15 kilometers from athens were destroyed, and thousands of people evacuated. some of those who have lost home, say, the emergency response was to sloane of correspondence. child stratford has moved from von novel, just outside, off in my house is on fire guys, system and filming my house is on fire. here. cost us shows us the damage to his home, a place built by his father 25 years ago. a place where he has lived all his life. he says the family kennels are full to repair the damage and they don't expect enough government compensation to repair it. and we'll probably have to leave. may just have different shar guides. so i smelled the floor and went outside. i looked
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over the marks when i saw it was out of control, i came home and we started smoking everything with water to protect the house. we try to save whatever we could for my home though. the only home we have hallmark for you, sir. dead animals among the smouldering debris lost its ways of land reduced ashes. helicopters scoop also from the sea and drop it on areas with small fires still appear. when you see the school stuff around town is like a version of our, it's incredible that most people were injured or killed. and when you speak to people here, there's an increasing sense of despair and anger. because despite repeated promises by the government, every year to do more, the people here say they have to rely on themselves to prevent the destruction of their homes, the blaze, sweat through the area, destroying everything. and it's paul power,
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lines it down. there's no electricity in town in the fight, i believe you momentum. i'm very angry because i couldn't protect my children. what kind of future device we don't have a government that cannot have the basics, the minimum level. and i mean that the firefighting vehicles have enough water, we're in 2024, and we don't even have the basic infrastructure of detriment of cut out the. this is the system that we use. think of the fire. this is a time robot shows us the equipment to use to save his families home. yeah, live here, not the. the truth is that the fire department came late, the fi was huge. we had to use a hoses to test the trees and surrounding area with water, even though we called them many times they came later and then i mean, the police came and asked us to leave. so we were determined to stay and protect the homes. every summer people head braced themselves, the walls fires,
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and every year the government tells them we offer pad, cello strap. it will just era evolve. nova grease. well, charles joins us now live from athens and we're seeing the clean up continuing this morning. charles and questions being honest about why this keeps happening. the thoughts, rights and assessment of the damage goes on this morning as to operations to basically monitor and extinguish small pocket. suffice that we understand the still existing in some of the surrounding areas. this was basically one of the largest well flaws in living memory around $400.00 square, columbus is of forest and scrub land. damaged many homes destroyed as well, structured the private property and a lot of agricultural land, but as well. and as you say,
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they're increasing increasingly vociferous bones by the opposition and by the general public for the government to do that. so the spies are happening year on year. now the government has come out with what it says is some sort of plan, some sort of compensation package at the top end of that. it's all pretty noticed people who've had homes up. busy that is deemed on usable shopping them 10000 euros in compensation for, for those whose property or, or home just being damaged. but it's still usable. 5000 bureaus. they're also offering interest free loans to people. but it's, it pulls the, recognize that there is still ongoing cases for those that are fighting for compensation for previous summers previous spies in previous years. so there's a, there's a legal process that he didn't see that the opposition is saying needs to be expedited needs to be approved on. of course,
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this draws attention to the effects of climate change on greece. braces considered, often described as being roy on the front line of climate change, the spies happening every year. why don't position group describing these compensation measures as being, it was just last spring for the government and some of the political damage control . so a lot of questions big, almost as i say, a lot of purposely destroyed still pockets of buys that are being monitored because the alert is still high and it remains to be seen how effective the government are going to be this year. it putting in place the kind of procedures and precautions, but your own. yeah. like, i'll do my own. it's due by the general public here in greece and as i say, and increasingly the shipper's opposition. okay, tells many thanks for that. update that from athens. a large fire is also binding in this than yes, good. national park and both the and hudson covina it broke house on sunday and
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destroyed many parts of a forest, including trees on tops for hundreds of years. well, since government is off neighboring, so it'd be in croatia to help extinguish the blaze. memorial tellico not on the costs. i appeal to the council of ministers and all of the ministers in charge to approve the arrival of aircraft. i can carry move water and then what we have now is that we have information about helicopters of the national west of the center of sab. yeah. our rock, our disposal, lots a lot. we also expect other countries from the region somehow not. i'm not my appeal as a mayo subsidies, urgently as when we are approved we use of all that craft can contain the supplier, especially considering this is all happening in a very remotes month scenario dot ga. so like for us to pounds prime is to a female because she to has and out so he's dropping out. so if his policy is leadership, race next month, the level of liberal democratic policy controlling both houses and paul and that that means who method. when's the vote? will succeed him as a prime minister? this decision includes
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a series of corruption and scandals and historic kayla approval ratings. mcbride reports serving as prime minister for 3 years to me. o casita continued the policies of his pre, this is giving japan the great the presence of the world. stay with it. with a series of domestic scandals that would prove his on doing. he hosted the g 7 summit and fords closer ties with south korea as strong allies of the united states . he supported washington's coalition against russia's invasion of ukraine and against china is expanding influence in the region. while increasing defense spending back home, members of the governing, liberal democratic party, became embroiled and a fundraising scandal that sol rates approval rating crash prompting because she does decision to quit his party. president, a cool guy, no muscles i say to do, it is necessary to show people that the liberal democratic party is changing and
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the party is new for this transparent and open elections and free and vigorous debates are important. the obvious 1st step to show that the party will change is for me to step aside, la casita over. so reforms to how party members raise funds, but seems to have made many enemies along the way. the reason advice for me, okay, should i was chosen to step down is his gross on popularity among the grass roots, members of the l. d p. and also with then is party colleagues with the parties control of the japanese parliament. it's new president is almost certain to become the next prime minister and will likely faced general elections for both houses by next year. rob mcbride, else is there. still a has hair on knowledge, is there a process velgrove border region, the plaza states of emergency as ukrainian forces claim control territory, and the public health emergency is declared in africa around to an outbreak of
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impulse and the democratic republic of congo. the have a lot of there, it's all about the exceptional heats across europe at the moment, not just down in the south, but across the north as well. now we're not gonna see temperature is this higher over the next few days. that was monday in cambridge, england attempt to touching the $35.00 degrees celsius, but we will see temperatures at pickup across most central areas in the days ahead and the heat will be back in the south west for the likes of portugal. let's have a look at lisbon on thursday, we'll be up to $35.00 degrees celsius and it's not just out west but also the east . the balkans will continue to bake with temperatures exceptionally high. so this time of year we have those warnings out. read warnings for bell grade in so be over
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about 10 degrees above the average. the, with sunshine dominating the clouds it through so friday. now, cloud is has some concern across the north west, but an area of low pressure that's gonna rumble some storms across the low countries into scandinavia as well. you can see that line stretching all the way down into southern pots of france with some pretty wild weather to come for the battery. eric islands is scenarios of spain will be happy with that heavy rain, but we won't see any out the se, it will continue to bake in athens through to wednesday. the one man was at the top of the most wanted list in palestine. in the 1913 tea and his followers were hunted by the british and feared by palestinians. oh to 0 world, tells the story of abraham stern to historians and his own family. the leader of an
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arms group dedicated to the creation of a jewish homeland. the 1st preachers committed of jewish methods crossed the cypress to turn the man the gang of the states on which is 0. viewing the facts, people with disabilities, they are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless for asking questions, you know, the number right now. what is the issue that reporting from the actions best feelings and you can also can have the worst out to see it was teens across the world within the local news. i didn't like from documentary when you closer to the house of the story. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, again, you're watching out, is there a his reminder of all top stories this hour? at least 16 palestinians have been killed in his writing strikes across north and central garza and attack on the on missouri. i see g camp killed 7 members of one family on tuesday nights. youngest was just 2 years old. was there any forces have songs that you have 2 of us in the occupied westbank coming at least 3 people that were confronted by boston and fighters and explosions for how to post the assessing the 24th as a multiple people have been injured and arrested and to increase people on returning to destroyed homes, up to a wall, 5 bun through the neighborhoods around 15 kilometers from athens. and he's one person who died and dawson's have been in just many palestinians and occupied east jerusalem face the nearly impossible choice of demolishing the own
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homes, all paying fines. they can't afford you and says, as well as deliberately making it difficult for families to obtain building permits . no day has more from logic to demolishing your own home. not because it's on safe, not to build another. to avoid have defines, imposed by is really occupation authorities on palestinian scaring of jerusalem id . that's the experience of his mind. like thousands of palestinians. he tore down his home for fear of the alternative. she had to laugh, demolished, my hopes and dreams that demolished my future. stubb is my lives and as i am part of the town lies in israel's expansive boundaries of occupied east jerusalem. they pay taxes to these rarely, municipality,
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the don't get services or building permits. 7 years ago israel demolished a 2nd floor. they built to give room for the growing family. 24 people now live in this small home for him. would you that you went to head to instead of losing everything i told my grandson to demolish it himself. last time it was like a volcano. everything was destroyed. i cried so much this time i fainted. some families don't get to escape the high finds and demolish their own homes is rarely occupation. authorities beat them to it. but they sent the bill. last month, his brother and 2 sisters were in the middle of litigating at demolition order when his really bulldozers turned their for homes and one is a true level of collective beverly to help them. my sister saved for 25 years to build this home. she sold her jewelry, now she's homeless. we all love their story. is that of many pallets than you had
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families from occupied east jerusalem south demolish or pay fines or worse risk. a prison sentence if you can't pay, as well as a squeeze between israel's imposing wall and supplementary. ze, i'm on one side and occupied east jerusalem's boundaries on the other. the choices here ran across, occupied east jerusalem or dismal live elsewhere or risk demolition. but families keep trying to build routes on their land, despite the cost and the losses. not all the 0. well, as the palestine will show upon us is based must not be as rainy information center for human rights, emulated by pat trees known as that's a lot and he joins us from west jerusalem. thanks very much for being with us or what an impossible choice to demolish your own home or face heavy penalty or
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jail. how is this a loud as well, um as, as uh, uh, does the policy pretty much its always how big it is to uh for vendor testing. and the developers is progressing the experience of the vendor $49.00. and it doesn't again, off of the law and it still continues to use um, what's going on in split the assets going on much the policy. and any of these would you is to add a positive and that's what to say. no, it's definitely a lot, a lot of change. see one that goes on over there. from the servers and it was a somebody for you to use. well,
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the awesome new concept because of the binders. and yeah, the, that's the name of the gym. okay. what was going to jump into that because i'm interested to know where people go once they've demolish their own homes, homes that they spend their life savings on building. what's the design pretty much to do is uh uh, and the zones goes access the all call. it says all the worst thing do sir. so to do 3 loans and 20 percent based on the sub. and yeah. oh, but the settlement. oh, there is on the west bank pricing area. see, so what we're seeing, what is happening is trying to send us some good news. i'll never see and go to the almost cds and the so the you guys on your phones
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or the i c, j is called for an immediate, intentional withdrawal of satellites from the occupied territories bite. and the ministration has also declared these supplements illegal. why do they keep growing? know because uh, as we're saying is that i'm the duration i'm getting is not a house. international community. as a deductions says what's going on is we're saying that the student government is not the anymore. there's the right has to have it on the industry. so yeah, the duration and conducting design austin, shy upon is thanks very much for taking the time to join us that from the west jerusalem. and now, despite public holding for
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a cease fire and dogs are and expressing concerns about the great number of policy and casualties by demonstration has approve $20000000.00 in additional sales to israel. daily includes 5 jetson involves to add to a missiles set to be delivered in 2026. the announcement from the state department comes ahead of the seas. 5 tools that are expected to continue later this week to go ahead and report from washington dc. in the united states, all the focus is on finalizing a ceasefire in gaza. us president joe biden connecting that to a ran, not striking israel in retaliation for the assassination of the political leader of home, off on a rainy and soil expectation
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. and at the pentagon confirmation that the us is indeed a nuclear powered submarine to the region. something it's very rarely announces along with an additional aircraft, carrier group and other military equipment. so look, our focus is on the escalating the situation. we have put these additional capabilities into the region to enable us as a highlighted to protect our forces, but also to support the defensive israel should it be attacked. the us state department also announced an additional $20000000000.00, an arm sales to israel for fighter jets missiles and tank ammunition. but they were quick to say it would not be delivered until 2026. and it's spokesman also expressed concerns about an upcoming ceasefire negotiations today. so we've seen the reports of what they have said as it relates to their participation. our partners and conner have the shirts that they will work to have from us represented
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. a coordinated focus on ending the carnage and gaza in hopes that will prevent a wider escalation in a region quickly filling with more u. s. military equipment and personnel. patty, claim l g 0. washington celeste, bringing up the l. r. and now he's an associate professor of history at georgetown investing castle and a specialist and the most in the middle east. great to have you back on the program of della so it seems that the tools we'll go ahead hit in doha this week since the 1st day, who do expect to be at them? well, i mean, the main parties that have been taking part in these talks, of course, this includes up to the representatives, egypt should representatives. so united states has been party to, it is rarely as have had a presence there as well as the palestinians, although indirectly. so they're not necessarily talking to each other, but those are all the main actors. and of course, we know what the parameters of the agreement looked like. because this is, in some ways not a surprise. we know exactly what the agreement should look like. you know, we've seen acceptance, at least on the palestinian side for the parameters,
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especially those that were laid out even by joe biden, back in may. and of course we see nothing but is rarely rejection. since the instrument, nothing you know has come out to deny that he's adding more conditions on to that proposal. what fresh or is he on that's actually accepts at this time? not much pressure. i mean, i think, you know, from the us side of course, their interest at this point is to avoid the retaliatory strikes coming from iran, from living on from elsewhere. potentially. i'm given the, the reset escalation by israel, the assassinations that the targeting of people across different countries. um, but the united states has not actually used any of its ability to actually pressure israel into accepting any of the agreements that have been put forward. and so as a result that in yahoo has more or less had a free hand to continue to conduct this genocide and guys of the lady that he has seen escalations in the west bank escalations in jerusalem. and so if anything,
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he's under more pressure from members of his government not to accept any of these a ceasefire proposals that, of course has added pressure on these tools. but as you say, there's a potential, a tiny atria to back from rom. this was what time frame do you think these tools have these negotiations have before around? says right, that's it enough but not working out well, i mean we've, we've, you know, seen for 2 weeks now. this notion that any moment there could be some kind of retaliation coming particular from iran, or maybe some of its allies in the region. and it hasn't happened yet, but i think people are on a kind of day by day. i'm watched to see if something does transpire, which means that these talks, there's not really a lot to talk about. i think again, given that we know what the parameters of the agreement are. and so i think there's going to be a much shorter timeline in terms of whether there will be an outcome probably within you know, the very early stages of those talks if they begin indeed on thursday. and the
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agency, of course, has felt no emboldening calls the web is very prove a milestone of full c 1000 that is looming. that's right. exactly. and i think this is really, i think the key is, is we have to continue to keep our focus on what's unfolding there. and i think the disappointment is in the fact that the united states has continued to both start support, especially through these weapons sales. but especially through the diplomatic support that it's given israel to continue to conduct mastercraft or mastercard, there is no end to the horrors that we've seen unfolding there. and so as a result, there's no real reason to be optimistic that israel will simply suddenly decide to pull back from from the atrocities that's committed at the manufacturing day for joining us. the process in north ortiz in belgrade have declared a regional state of emergency. the governor announced the measure of forming a tax from the claim in forces and describe the situation on the ground as
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extremely difficult. and also as must go to declare the federal emergency feldwood folders, ukraine's call here region and naples cus, quail ukraine launched a surprise incursion last week. a good solution to get as close to the situation in our belgrade region remains extremely difficult and tense due to the daily shedding from the training and armed forces. buildings are being destroyed, civilians are being injured and killed. so we're taking this decision starting from today in order to provide additional protection to the population to provide additional support to victims. a state of emergency will be introduced on a regional level throughout the garage, but just it's a russian forces have been fighting for a week to repel that ukrainian military offensive. and task kinds, military chief says 70 full assessments and now under keeps control under simmons. how's the story? ukraine is now sending russian prisoners of war back over the border from the coast region. it's showing no sign of halting it's in cushion. while russia says it's
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striking back here, images of men who appear to be ukrainian prisoners of war. social media is washed with plains and counterclaims pictures of the dead from both sides. contrast darkly with self is being posted by ukrainian soldiers in russia with messages for friends and family back of the by the day it's becoming clear a whole denies the advances, the yeah, more reinforcements had tools, the russian border from your grades on monday. some of the amik vehicles with white, frank viola, identity markets. ukraine is now signaling that it has no intention of wanting to keep washing territory. its president says the action has been taken because of the intensity of shilling and miss all attacks from russian territory. the bold are here for the sliding bush and bolt water, others,
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and now it's coming back home. ukraine has always wants the pace and we will definitely secure pace. rushes, president vladimir putin says if savanski thinks by making the cushion he could improve his negotiating position. his badly mistaken degree to put in a swarm to repel the advances of ukrainian forces while the fighting continues rushing to civilians are continuing their attempts to cope with the hardships that have become a normality for the ukrainian neighbors. the yeah, it's activities from border areas arrive at camps in the north, the builder, all region. one of them had been thinking more of a livestock than other possessions, which to do my studies. we left the chickens at home. we gave them 2 bags of grain, some water and left. maybe that'll be nothing to attend to. these people all sullen, literally too aware of the situation. andrew simmons,
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i would just tell him on officials have locked free. yes, since they seized control of us kind of stone, they say ceremonies in cities across the country and cruising a military parade of the phone with us minute to face, kind of on forces of consolidated the powers since taking over cobble on august the 15th and 2021 head of the fed anniversary human rights groups have been quick way of tracing call to lift restrictions on women. they've been banned from secondary and higher education. africa is top public health party has declared a health emergency of continental security due to an outbreak of impulse, formerly known as monkey pulse virus is now spreading for the 1st time from the democratic republic of congo to neighbor in kenya. the room date, uganda, and rolanda. and pokes is transmitted through close contact and cause of flu like symptoms. most cases, a mild bought, it can kill and a new and more deadly strains behind the outbreak. in the d. c, at least 15000 cases. i'm more than $460.00 deaths have been reported so far this
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year, but the actual number is likely to be fall higher of the evidence we have on the number of cases, the number of debts they have just to book the iceberg. and the reason is that in policies largely of miles condition, we have limited surveillance. we have limited capacity to do the testing that's required. we have limited capacity to do the contact facing and the reporting. so the multiple points in this, the information we have reflects only partial situation or what's actually happening. it sort of has hair on alex's era desperate for assistance, why people living in saddam's, northern states don't getting much needed. a dollar to to ritual range swept away the homes. and the final work in a series, the most serious resources find c on files. another piece of the oldest scientific
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suit in london, the, [000:00:00;00] the, at least 8 people have been killed in 2 dons northern states, officers for rental rain. cold flooding is also full. hundreds of families from that homes. people are pleading for assistance, but age is restricted by the fighting between the army and the power military,
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rapid support forces and then move them reports. so this is what many parts of northern states. 6 to dance dry us now look like heavy rain and flash floods have swept away homes and damaged properties. the sort of ma mazda mom and you to say that there are some places where to venture floods come during the rainy season . but we were surprised because our area doesn't usually get floods when the water come into the houses and took the women and children as i stood on the highway. you can see the situation here local authority to say several people were killed and injured. when buildings collapsed and power lines were damaged, since the starts of the rainy season in late june, the floods half killed dozens of people and forest. i'm more than 20000 from their home across minds. they had given us the highly and the things we made now of food and shelter because people are living in the open air. there are no houses. people are living in mosques and, and no spaces. we need paints, food, water,
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and medicines. so dense problems were significant, even before the flooding conflicts between the army and the rapids support forest. this apparent military group has displaced more than 10000000 people and left have the population of 48000000 in need of humanitarian assistance. officials in northern states have appealed for help with us, and so i have your, the rains in floods of cost and usually huge losses in the states, including an account to use such as monroe and die. but we need agents intervention and assistance, especially when it comes to shelter. we also need a plan for rebuilding and a health response because the extent of this damage will cause a health crisis every year. torrential rains, lash sedan, which with humanitarian agencies already struggling to respond to what's being termed the world's largest humanitarian crisis. reaching those affected by flooding
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this here will not be easy. he but morgan knowledge of the room or when the us state of nevada, hundreds of people returning home off the fire evacuation, or the police say warnings have been lifted west of the city of rena. i'm a fine bro council on sunday and quickly been through the area for the closure of a major highway between nevada and california. because of the place isn't clear, bought police how the rest of the man, whose car was on fire on suspicion of driving under the influence. now, 9th was my famous street on his bank fee has appeared in london with somebody if completes a series depicting animals. let loose and the brush capital. what it actually means is anybody's guess as don't how has been finding out the latest website. thank. so you to take the risk releasing animals from captivity. it's painted on a shot that belonged to an unexpected treat for visitors, including this family crew,
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canada. i think it kind of has as many rights as humans. do they have the right to be set free as well? it's the 9th addition to a series review daily since last monday, by the elusive another. the street artist, sorry to interrupt you. what does it mean to you? what do you mind if you liked the safari this when it got around will look different locations of different animals to fight for. that's called the london street northeast. by design the ephemeral, no one expects works like these to be permanent, but some have lost it. no more than alice 3 man made off with a satellite dish bearing a howling wolf intech a while. so cold contractors dismantled the stretching cat holding a cricklewood and it wasn't long before the child growing up was they faced by graffiti? was really ethic shape. it's a, it's original paul test will never be fulfilled like biases,
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all walk is created to, to customize compensation and that people, the whole thing bring people together as much be really accessible. site taking is occurring shame in my opinion and back to the zoo and the search for deeper meaning banks. these words is what you may to minutes. that's the beauty of that he never, the message he sends is more of a question or bringing awareness rather than saying this is what it is or this is roman, this is right. but i guess nobody could present the message. you know, when i guess, i mean here's a good, thanks for you. if you're watching there's always a spot for you and i'll just come on and tell us what over this means that are quite a lot of people move on tonight. ok. that's a big odd if it's worth a shot, work that you can ask. yeah. ok. expensive was intended to live spirits then. it could hardly have come at a better time and the dog days of a pretty summer blighted 5 bobbins tragedy and go and see these animals let loose and play in the city or something to smile about. however long
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they survive. during the whole, outer 0 lumber. and that's it from me, laura kyle, for this news that way you can find more information on a website that's onto 0 dot com, overlay to development style and what's happening in casa and do say with us, we're back in a moment with move the days of the african stories from african perspectives really, but i need to do more. we've mainly to show document raise by african filmmakers from morocco. and can you do pieces can cut that into your one with the customer? it's, can you move them into the echoes of unity and canyon on mars?
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a new series of african direct on i'll just sierra it must be the emotion in their own words. 3, i'll just leave a general as described, working and survived through his rails or something like that. well, i don't want to talk and especially as much i think the sort of journalism under genocide on a just so you know, you want to report, but at the same time you want to feature property. you also want to stay a life. we are a few kilometers from the border with as well. and one of the oldest markets in the middle east. this corner in southern lebanon hasn't been directly targeted, but the sound of is really war planes, as well as rocket launch, is by has the law has become part of the, the nice, the instability is affecting livelihoods. my home has been destroyed. i live to my village, we lost every 2 weeks ago we, we have shopping,
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and the exchange of bias started. people ran away. there's little optimism in a conflict that's linked to an end to as well as more on cost or possibly not even that colleges. the a new round of is rainy as strikes targets. the northern and central parts of the gauze. a strip. at least 16 palestinians accounts the head of them or kyle,
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