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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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for standing, what they are going through here does, is it a we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. the violation of ethics it's high court, oldest prime is the strength of removed from office immediately. the head of them are a kyle, this is i don't, is here. and i from doha. also coming up a new round of is really strikes targets. the northern and central parts of the gaza strip. at least 20 palestinians killed the at least 5 people are killed. and fighting between his, where the forces and kind of citizens and the occupied westbank and russians. belgrade for the region, declines, a state of emergency describing conditions under ukraine in attack as extremely
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difficult the let me begin with breaking news out of thailand. why the prime minister strep to thomaston, has been ousted from power of the nation's constitutional quote, found him in violation of ethical standards. the court mode fact that had breach rules when he appointed a lawyer with a criminal conviction to his cabinet. so as to who was of less than a year in office has denied any wrong doing and says he tries to his best and office on work with honesty. that's a good life to tell you trying. he's all correspond to that. and so i love doing this now from buying cop 21st will give us some more details of this, but that is what the prime minister with a full plan is. there is now saying because it came as quite a surprise that it is. i think this
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morning we saw that the missed the set top going about his daily business. he said he wouldn't be attending the verdict because he had other due to is to fulfill. he said he felt he was probably not in great danger. but that said about an hour ago when we sold the 9 judges on the quotes, come out and start reading their ruling. it became pretty clear in the language that they use that this was not going to go in his favor. they talked about the fact that he was not qualified, that they had a lack of honesty and his then his explanation for the appointment of this lawyer who had served 6 months. and joe didn't make any sense when he explained that to the court. and that they, i think, said as a business man who didn't have a loan career in politics, he was an experienced. we understand the ruling came down as 5 to 4. so clearly there was some debates. unlike the ruling we saw last week when the move forward
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party was dissolved by unanimous verdict, but it did go against a prime minister center. in the last couple of minutes, he's come out to and said to the media that he is disappointed, but he will respect the decision of the cold. he's had not even a year in the job, but he felt pleased to have done his duty to serve the tiny people in the position at the time you were watching. the pictures of the products are set to the talking to the media in buying called keys. just said that the cat think prime minister is returning to thailand from abroad. and that the parliamentary process will select the next prime minister key tool. because through the next steps as well, it's going to be rather complicated. his part to you put time can propose to candidates, but one of them is probably going to be do what bring themselves up for health purposes. so they will likely candidate they'll look towards is pet hometown should've was she's the leader of the party. she's also the daughter of tex and
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shit. and was the billing the finance here. businessman, who has been a sold in the side of china and conservative establishment for the last 15 years where he's been living in self imposed x. so he came back a year ago, supposedly spend a year in jail, that much of the most of it was spent and in the hospital. he's, he now says he doesn't really want to be a player, but clearly is a big influence behind the scenes of prototype and type politics. but he's also being rather reluctant to push his daughter right to the full front. and it said in private to be worried that if she is prime minister, she could put herself in the firing line for what is clearly a very complicated and high profile job. the other possibility is a unattended who is the leader of the booms. i type policy, the policy of type politics. he's known to be very keen to do the job and his
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policy. i have a lot of influence in the up a house now they had a huge impact when they refused to a point. pita is prime minister last year he led bossy, the now disqualified, which had won the elections. this may be his opportunity if his policy can get the support in parliament. and the 3rd and probably outside ride during this race is general pro, which he also is thought to one to the jump for a long time general per you to have to jump to. so the, under the military government didn't allow him and, but at this stage it's probably unlikely that he'll trust himself for, and he is in relatively ill health. these days i'm telling you what you're saying. voice is telling us what the former prime is, is that to is saying that as we watch him address the media in bangkok, he's saying he wants to continue to help the country to help thailand in of a capacity is, can you just give us
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a bit of context surrounding today's budget because it comes holes on the hills of that of another case. the constitutional court had just last week, but it disbanded the popular move forward policy and defined its leaders from politics for 10 years. it tell us what's going on. and i think that's what many people in time that are asking themselves. we thought we were well on the road back towards democracy. we had an election last year that many people sold would set us back on that path. however, off to that election that the move forward party one very convincingly, they were not allowed to take power because that the up, the house which is on the elected and appointed by the previous military administration, wouldn't to prove that prime minister real choice. so they effectively became the opposition poto who came 2nd the election then propose missed a set time with a, a raw, the strange and uncomfortable coalition that included some of those military bank
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boxes. they got him withdrew. it has been a difficult here for mr. said he doesn't have a political background. he was a property of finance here before a business man and a change of personality, a carrier is magic, but he clearly didn't have the banking and the experience to handle type politics and all of its complications. what he did have was the support of tax and shit and was, and that was very important. what we've seen in the last week is basically move forward being disqualified. and the prime minister being kicked out, potentially the next prime minister, real post, is going to be very complicated for the tied to put in place. if they can pull together that same complicated law alliance they did last time. then it's possible, but it makes everything, you know, there's going to be an awful lot of horse trading inside parliament. an awful lot of political favors, we're going to be exchanged. and i think for old retired people, it's going to be
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a massive disappointment. they had seen, a posse come through in the last election with a platform of reforms that it then wasn't allowed to enact, but it, because it couldn't get into power. and now we're back in a position where there is no clearly to talk a politics is looking as much as ever. there's no transparency west of all the economy is really in the doldrums here just when it needs a leader to try and push it through. now be interesting to see how the appointment is how the ties reacts to that and breaking news, honey. many things in the prime minister, full employment. so is that the thompson ousted from power by the constitutional court. tiny chang, and bind coke. thank you. the now is there any strikes have killed at least 20 palestinians across the gall, this trip since dawn on wednesday, the latest attack spring,
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the death toll from 10 months of war. close to the grim milestone of 40000 people. ivan nights is ready. forces talked to displace palestinians, and on this i read refugee come killing an entire family. the youngest of the 7 members was just 2 years old. garza's health ministry says at least a $115.00 babies have been on i'm killed during, as well as more or ways, right? montez ordered palestinians to leave more areas of con eunice as it progressed as forcefully is the 8th day of the new defensive. in the southern se, se is where the attacks and southwest garza have already displaced more than 75000 people in the past few days. honey monkwood joins us live now from darrow bala in the central gauze had a 1st. let's look at the strike that's killed without any warning an entire family . always seeing an increase in these kind of attacks.
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definitely there is the stories india talks across the gaza strip. but right now what we're seeing is more concentration of these attacks on the central area, the lead eastern part of the central directly, the refuge account is on the bridge and further to the central part of the middle area of that. some say that rest of you can all the way from a lot had been road at west more do the close does what is units? the why, the area where it's for the past 10 days we're seeing a concentration of area like tax. maybe our delivery at a push in by d is really time. so the armored vehicles into the, the north when western parts of a new refuge account coming in from mid 3 and junction all the way to that area. so i don't know why the heads up, but what we're seeing here in the hospital is the, the, the reports of those who were critically wounded from the attack last night,
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or right now at risk of losing their lives due to the absence of pain medication. and medical supplies, so not only were looking at the age a family member who were killed, including the big headed baby from another family in another f, as you can, but also associates for more people to from about as the records you cancelled, were also killed that those who are in critical conditions are in the hospital right now. and we, we just talked to one to briefly describe the situation is as a risk. again, the lack of medical supply just making it very difficult for these people. it just said it would be a miracle to see some of those are critically wounded or if they've been burn are going to make it. it will be interesting to see how their situations will evolve. verdict coming to 24 hours of the after max delivery at cox create not all the habits, but also the further civilian casualties as well as the tragedies with those who are who get injured and stayed in the hospital. but without any proper medical
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intervention whatsoever. name brings the very latest back from daryl bella in central gonzo. thank you. honey. mon and the occupied westbank is ready for us as of killed at least 5 palestinians during raids and several cities. explosions were heard, and 2 baths were palestinian fighters confronted the soldiers as ready for the surrounding them. besieged upon assuming owned house. the they say multiple people were injured and arrested. well, some palestinians are returning to their homes to survey the damage. many buildings and properties have been destroyed is where the forces have been conducting daily raids since the were ongoing. so began soldiers and sap lives of killed at least $630.00 pallets and ends in the occupied westbank since the 7th of october, within $10000.00 have been detained. to s, as in the north of the occupied westbank, roughly 20 kilometers from nablus is ready for us as a rate at the city in recent months. if for him is near the scenes of those
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confrontations and send this report or we can hear the sound of the drone. and as we've been speaking to local sources, they say that from time to time, they hear the sound of for road to a confrontation between arms competitions between the palestinian fighters here in the area as well as these really forces the way that this the whole city and its surrounding in the air in the hours of the morning. they surrounded the house and shouting, killed a palestinian before the armed confrontations expanded, then expanded to an area nearby. cold moon within his rabies drive, his car and killed 4 other palestinians. now this was confirmed to us by the governor of to balls who says that these really forces to the bodies with them as part of this is randy, policy of withholding the bodies of protest. thing is israel dean's responsible for attacks or says the fighters?
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and he says, i'm hearing the sound of gunshots and we are hearing that palestinians are still confronted with these really forces we received the statement, it just now from all of us, a bit of game here in football saying that they are still confronting militarily with these regular forces, the rational authorities in belgrade had declared it would be to know the state of emergency. the governor renounced the measure of following attacks from ukrainian forces and describe the situation on the ground is extremely difficult. no, sir, i must go to declare a federal emergency. belle grove boat is ukraine's call, have region a neighbors cuss where you can launch the surprise incursion last week. a stronger solution to get as close to the situation in our belgrade region remains extremely difficult and tense. due to the daily shedding from the training and armed forces,
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buildings are being destroyed, civilians are being injured and killed. so we're taking this decision starting from today in order to provide additional protection to the population to provide additional support to victims. a state of emergency will be introduced on a regional level throughout the garage, but just still a has hair on alex's era. desperate for assistance. why people living in saddam's, northern states. i don't getting much needed. a dog to torrential rain, swept away the hinds. the pallor that was dot in southeast asia and you can see from the satellite imagery still got lots of heavy rain effecting indo china. it's thanks to the monsoon, but we're seeing a lot of heat as well with reco. it's a broken in thailand on a daily basis most i've seen some record hot nights across pots of vietnam. the
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rain is still with us, a stretching from me and my own way across to moving parts of the philippines. so some heavy rain to come here and some heavy rain pushing across from west and pots of indonesia for the into borneo. but it is a dry a picture across the south. now it's very dry across northern parts of australia, west, across the east. we've had some unusual late winter rain effect in queensland and new south wales, queens and so it's west is 2 days of august on record. that fund has now pulled away across the tasman towards new zealand. behind it, lots of sunshine and bright to skype. things i'm going to cool down, however you can see that front running across the bike, and that's going to be pushing its way towards the southeast corner. we've got another one behind that, that's gonna edge its way into southern parts of w, a. bringing more rain to pass by the end of the week. but that's that heavy rain moving towards the southeast bringing a lot of cooler weather to adelaide. the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the manual watching out is there a has remind to have lots of stories. this i'll tie probably minutes. the shop a thompson has been removed from the office. the constitutional court said he breach rules when he appointed a lawyer with a criminal conviction to his cabinets. it's when he strikes or kills at least 20 palestinians across the gulf of strip an attack on alms or at refuge account. 7 members of one family on tuesday night. the youngest was just 2 years old. and then the occupied westbank is where the forces of killed at least 5 palestinians during rates and several cities. explosions were heard, and 2 baths were palestinian fighters confronted the soldiers. that's where the forces surrounded embassies to protestant in a house. by when the palestinians it occupies the east jerusalem face than any impossible choice of demolishing the own homes, all paying fines. they can't afford you and size as well as deliberately making it
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difficult for families to obtain building permits nor day has more for lunch at demolishing your own home. not because it's on safe not to build another. a to avoid have defines, imposed by is really occupation authorities on palestinian scaring a jerusalem id. that's the experience of his mind. like thousands of palestinians, he tore down his home for fear of the alternative to demolish my hopes and dreams that demolished my future. stubb is my lives and as i am, part of the town lies in israel's expansive boundaries of occupied east jerusalem. they pay taxes to these rarely, municipality, the don't get services or building permits. 7 years ago israel demolished
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a 2nd floor. they built to give room for the growing family. 24 people now live in this small home for him. would you that you went to head to instead of losing everything? i told my grandson to demolish it himself. last time it was like a volcano. everything was destroyed, i cried so much this time i fainted. some families don't get to escape the high finds and demolish their own homes. is really occupation authorities beat them to it. but they sent the bill. last month, his brother and 2 sisters were in the middle of litigating a demolition order when his really bulldozers turned their for homes and one is a true level to beverly to help them. my sister saved for 25 years to build this home. she sold her jewelry, now she's homeless. we all love their story is that of many palestinians families from occupied east jerusalem south demolish or pay fines or worse risk
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a prison sentence if you can't pay, as well as a squeeze between israel's imposing wall and supplementary. ze, i'm on one side and occupied east jerusalem's boundaries on the other. the choices here ran across occupied east jerusalem are dismal, live elsewhere, or risk demolition. but families keep trying to build routes on their land despite the cost and the losses. not all the 0. well as the palestine the us presidential envoy is holding diplomatic talks in beverage and a bit to ease tensions between has bull and israel. and most hosting's arrival to the lebanese capsule comes off to his visit to television. but he spoke with is rarely officials in trouble to favorites 5 times since the south of confrontations . 11, something for the last october was taking just a short while ago, hosting cool for a reduction of hostilities between as well and has pulled off. we continue to
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believe that a diplomatic resolution is achievable because we continue to believe that no one truly wants a full scale war between 11 on and israel, especially not the lebanese people. and the as really people, or of more or less, less cost of a root speak to correspond to the zayna hold us or hopes themes visit appears to be positive, find demonstrations effort to de escalate tensions in the region. we had them just the signing quite optimistic well she, what she is saying is that it's diplomatic solution is urgent because hostilities between as well as the law escalated. and he's also saying it is achievable. but he also know that the northern front, the 11 on israel border, you cannot bring about quiet the longest border until there is a ceasefire until in gauze. a has full law,
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has conditions. a hold to its firing is really military positions in northern israel to a permanent and took off this war. and at the time being, it looks really increasingly on a certain and unlikely that a deal can be reached. and this is why there is fear in loveland. on that this escalating hostilities could even worse and when he was asked about the possibility of a wider conflict between hezbollah and as well. he said, i hope i hope so. and i believe so. he believes that there could be, you know, de escalation along this front line. now, of course, 11 on this, not he made that clear when he said he agreed with the house speakers at 11 on doesn't want war. of course that up in these governments is not directly involved in this conflict, but, but he is a close ally of hezbollah and hezbollah to has made that very, very clear. they say that they want to retaliate for the beginning of their top commander, but they do not want to destroy it as well. this is not the aim of, you know,
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opening this front. the aim is to help the people of gauze and so 11 on does not want to escalate. but the belief here is that israel does want to escalate them. that's why there is theory that we could see more assassinations more pre emptive strikes. so uh, from, from the is really military, in the absence of some sort of in the 3 months to bring about an end to the hostilities in gossip is, i know you've been to the southern border conflict area many times. what's the situation like down the well, in recent days what we have been seeing is more intense, more frequent attack by both sides really sustained attacks at the time. it's great news are clearly carrying out the strategy of pre emptive strikes, making sure that hezbollah is not able to maneuver, making it very hard for them to carry out their promise, retaliation for the killing of their top. come out and they're also continuing with
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target to the fascination killing some fighters, whether they're, whether they're in their vehicles, whether they're on motorcycles and beyond the border area. so there's no front line . and these targets it assassinations as well as to has been carrying out sustained attacks. again, it's really military for the position for long the border. yes, they've expanded their targets, but still both sides sticking to the unwritten rules of engagement, you know, at decision to why didn't this conflict is not easy because both sides can, you know, rhetoric causes destruction on both sides of the border. and so that's why there's a lot of concern at this point time, but for has a lot, it's a difficult balancing act. if it doesn't, then it's cannot this her as well. they do not want living on to become the serial battlefield square as well acts with near impunity. they don't want this to happen, but if their response is strong, then they spread this residence a wider conflict and they will even give israel the excuse to expand the war on 11
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on whatever floating that from beirut. many thanks, dana or in greece, people impacted by wild fires. the government is not doing enough to protect them. one person is dead and done, listens injured, and what's considered the worst blaze of the yeah. several times around. 15 kilometers from athens, which destroys and thousands of people evacuate to some of those who have last time . say the emergency response was too slow. a correspondent child stratford is in athens with more on the government's response. these. 1 as a happening here on the how the government has come out with what it says is some sort of plan, some sort of compensation package at the top end of that. it's all free, noticed people move, i'd homes for property that is deemed unusable. so bring them $10000.00 euros in compensation for, for those these property or, or homes is being damaged. but it's still usable. 5000 bureaus. they're also offering interest free loans to people. but if it pulls the,
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recognize that there are still ongoing cases for those that are fighting for compensation for previous summers previous spies in previous years. so there's a, there's a legal process that he didn't see that the opposite should be saying needs to be expedited. it needs to be approved upon a coal space draws attention to the effects of climate change on greece. braces considered, often described as being right on the front line of climate change. the spies happening every year. what position group describing these compensation measures as being in there was just ask for a for the government, some pull the political damage control. so a lot of questions being off, as i say, a lot of property destroyed, still pockets of buys that are being monitored because the alert is still high and it remains to be seen how effective the government are going to be this year. it
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putting in place the kind of procedures and precautions that your own. yeah. they all do melanie to do by the general public here in greece. hello. as far as also buying in this? yes, good. national park in both in hudson golden. it broke house on sunday and destroyed many parts of a forest, including trees untouched for hundreds of years. both means government is off neighboring serbia and croatia to help extinguish the blaze. memorial tellico not to me, cause i appeal to the council of ministers and all of the ministers in charge to prove the arrival of that croft, if i can carry move water. then what we have now is that we have information about helicopters of the national risk, the center of sab. yeah. all right, our disposal, lots of lots. we also expect other countries from the region some help, not them know my appeal to them as a mayo subsidies decides. as when we are approved for use of all that craft can contain the supplier, especially considering this is all happening in a very remotes month scenario. the ga,
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so like the miller trees of south korea and the united states have conducted like 5 drills close to the border with north korea. the deployment of us soldiers comes in addition to the roughly $28000.00 american troops stationed in south korea. the president says, part of an effort to, to defend against north create a new key of threats. and the drill comes ahead of both nations, annual joints, military exercises, which are expected to begin next week. at least 8 people have been killed in through dogs, northern states, off the terrestrial rain pools flooding. the it's also for hundreds of people from the homes, people applying for assistance. but aid is being restricted by lack of funding. supplies are also being blocked by fighting between the army and the power military rock and support forces of correspondence have a morgan reports from cost to so this is what's many parts of northern states to dance dryers. now look like heavy rain and flash floods have swept away
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homes and damaged properties. the sort of ma mazda mom and you to say that there are some places where toronto floods come during the rainy season. but we were surprised because our area doesn't usually get floods when the water came into the houses and took the women and children as i stood on the highway. you can see the situation here. local authorities say several people were killed and injured when buildings collapse and power lines were damaged. since the starts of the rainy season in late june, the flood has killed dozens of people and for us to more than 20000 from their home across 9th, they had given us the highly and the things we made now of food and shelter because people are living in the open yeah, there are no houses. people are living in mosques and,


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