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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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the. ringback the israel's deadly assault on dogs that on the eve of new c spell it talks in costa, dozens of kind of opinions the 11 o'clock this is out there in life and israel's fall. right? finance minister approves and you illegal sacramento in the unesco world, her to so i can best of him in the occupied westbank. the crate in forces advanced deeper into rushes, task region is most oh scrambles, fight the jets to for keeps in cash. and the world health organization declares impulse of global health emergency. after such an infections of over 1000 african nations struggling for fox news.
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so on the eve of us by sea start towards some concept is ready for us as of and least a new wave of attacks across the goals. this trip thousands more palestinians were killed. pushing the death toll since october, this in place to $40000.00 sector states on to be blinking and killed. his prime minister shake had been of a roman l. funny hubble and all sides not to undermine the torques set to be held into ha on thursday. but despite the efforts to end the blood, should palestinians are forced to endure more grief and more displacement as target presumed reports. now from darrow by law in central god as the doctors at most or hospital in hon. eunice, have the hands full goes the 2nd, the city seems south of the script has been under, is very evacuation. owed is again, while some palestinians have left,
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many refuse to be displaced. they've moved around more times than most can count and experience has to them. saved zones do not exist. yeah, i had my sewing stole we, i repaired shoes, so people, everything was quiet before the rocket here. these all people who accuse us of terrorism, israel is a terrorist state, the highway on my disability of, of an attack on eunice says she was cooking for kids. when the building collapse around, the guy was in charge of a 100 level, the southern the we couldn't see and stones came tumbling down on us. there are no far to the no area we. all civilians are only civilians in the building. i lost many members of my family industry elsewhere in casa strongly kids assembly home in the ground. it is a rock for a few de camp among the victims,
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with several children age between $2.11. hole federal ago was it's been the we had the sound of a very strong explosion. it caused massive destruction went out running to see what happened then 2 of us here. we found 40 possible over the streets. imagine 2 rooms waiting areas on the floors of gauze as hospitals of home, as well to bring you. we close offensive, particularly on con eunice, comes on the eve of a new seems quiet. some people here agreed that as well as more serious about anything to and that the fuse rules i used to do little oh, total was i'm full. there were stairs outside the hospital as the wounded. just keep a rowing, think to erica, but as soon i would just say we're there. we've been a pedestal. his role is sending a delegation to tennessee thoughts in the hall. i'm the subject reports now from jordan's comfortable, not. it's
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a mile and it's uh the met on the make up of the team. and to remind that she's reporting for that because of these ready governments has banned out 0 from reporting insight as see far top set your resume and the parts of the capital. doha . on thursday. these really negotiation team will be headed by the most not cheap. israel's external security service as well as the sion bed to be internal security agency. now the mandate has been discussed by nets in yahoo and the mediators. and it was agreed upon and according to anonymous officials speaking to was really media. they say that nothing you all who has softened to stance, the red lines and non negotiable are still there. senior from us officials have told that it is either that they are not interested in new negotiations and that they've been clear on that and are only interested in discussing the framework that was already on the table that was agreed upon by the group on july. second, after it was outlined by us president joe biden on may 31st. they want that as a guarantee. now these really is want a guarantee that says they can resume the war even if
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a pause in the fighting is secured. but all of this comes as the region is still facing a lot of tension, these really still bracing for retaliatory attack by it on, by his bow or even perhaps the 2 of these any young men. and earlier today, us secretary of state anthony blinking had spoken with bloody counterparts, saying, but no country in the region should undermine the ceasefire. thompson efforts, and that includes israel. additionally, the united states has said that a ceasefire in gaza is obtained, could be the thing to come regional tensions time to send fluids. as ito among washington is a sending b, c, i a chief william burns though. ha, the state department says the cx. 5 deal is crucial to the region. it's encouraging all sides to turn up to the talks and the like kind of pull stuff from washington. the secretary of state antony blinking will not be attending the proposed tolts in doha. they will be attempted by the director of the c i. a william burns,
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a spokesman for the state department also said that blinking was involved and telephone calls to interested parties throughout the course of the day. but the spokesman would not be drawn on what the specifics, all of what the us expects from any proposed worlds in the home. i will let our country partner speak to their own engagements. what i can say is that we are aware of those comments and we fully expect these talks to move forward as they should. and our point of view is that all negotiators should return to the table and bring this deal to conclusion. it is far time for the remaining hostages to be released, which of course include american citizens and bring relief to the people of gaza under the deal that is now on the table. the one thing the state department made clear is the absolute importance of achieving a ceasefire. it's from a c spy. that old can come from what the parties want to happen out of any negotiation without
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a c spy. they can be no release of those being held captive in gaza in exchange for palestinians being held. and his really presence there can be no scaling of humanitarian relief in gaza. and importantly in the us. and he's really view the threat to the escalation of the conflict involving iran and his bullet to live and onto the north of israel, would be reduced. my kind of august era, washington mass has blamed israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu have drinking out the negotiations kind of thing group once it's real to stick to the original truth proposal, which you as present. joe biden announced in july and has been passed by the un security council buttons plan, which he said was proposed by israel included a temporary cease fire, and total is ready treats with dream from casa and the release of sun captives in the 2nd stage of mass and israel would begin negotiations for permanent, in 2 hostilities, reconstruction of this trip, and then to the ball a part of the fed and last stage. however, israel has inside of the new 2 months,
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israel wants to be allowed to resume fighting casa off to the temporary truce, and it also wants to retain control of the roof of border crossing. and the philadelphia, colorado. the buffalo between egypt and gaza, which facilitate aids in the face, a national, not the look barnett t. and we expect to be told by the media is that israel has accepted what is being offered. and any meeting should be based on talking about implementation mechanisms . and setting deadlines rather than negotiating something and you otherwise how most finds no reason to participate. i know the sticking point is being israel's presence at the philadelphia, colorado. the stuff is a and is effectively controlled by israel, which inspects old deliveries, including a, into the gallons a strip. it's submitted to cheapest, office at the border could be monitored remotely. the area includes the roof of crossing large parts of which have been destroyed after as well, to controlled a few months ago. and that's made even hard for much need today to get into goals.
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and is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has recently insisted, israel retained control of the colorado to start with and smuggling, as part of his huge amounts in sci fi tools, or process j, or should any, is a former us ambassador 3 to check it. he says law arrest on whether it's ready. politicians can agree on one paul ford, it seems to be the core issue remains whether israel, the israel, the government can unite behind a negotiated cease fire. we've seen again recently the other parts of the cap is saying they will quit. yes and they will leave the government and the government will fall if the niche on yahoo accepts and negotiated ceasefire agreement before achieving all announced warnings. and they go way beyond the philadelphia corridor, they include the destruction of from us. so it seems that we're still very much
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stuck uh full on whether the israelis are prepared at this time because really government of the, in yahoo prepared this time to accept a negotiated ceasefire leading to an end of the war. there could be a look said you don't accept that when it's wrong is approved a new legal sacrament on a unesco. will parents assigned to bethlehem and the occupied westbank israel's far right? finance minister. both of those, most rich announce the plans for the know how who let's supplement in the policy name, but it's about to the side. his name for exec, ancient agricultural terraces. it's been yachts, it's all of gross. all of israel sacraments and the occupied westbank are legal on the international law, nor the reports on the facts of the is ready decision on the palestinian lives from ramallah now. so these really finance minister announced permission to construct a new supplement in the bethlehem area. i know this is the de facto ruler over the
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occupied west bank and the significance of his announcement is that it this a supplement lives in the area that's left of bethlehem. that hasn't been taken over by illegal supplements construction. and the wallet lies in but tiered, which was inscribed by the unesco as a world heritage side 10 years ago. but in addition to its value, to humanity and to palestinian heritage. that area will disconnect bethlehem from the rest of its environs. it. bethlehem, being surrounded by illegal is rarely supplements and the will and now the block of course had ceiling to the south will be connected to the supplements of jerusalem, hard of yellow and yellow, and the expand the boundaries of jerusalem. the administer the is rarely administer framed this decision as a response to bible study and action at the level of international court seeking
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accountability and to international recognition of palestine. but if we take a look, a closer look, it's really implementation of the is really government coalition agreement, which would supplement expansion as a priority and considers an explanation of the occupied westbank as an object of not all this data drama, la palestine. the roster is evaluate to thousands of civilians from the cask. region is the creating forces continue, it's pushed deeper into russian territory. process military says is deployed fight objects to the border region in the coast board area and the cost region ukraine claims executed more treachery. the is almost gross as keys, main goal is to distract the russian forces. entrenched in east new crane, much of which is still under russian control. the cranes incursion into rushes cost regents for the north and the main front line was launch last week and is the
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largest cross border attacked by ukraine since the war began. general, how has this? it's with the same old data data mock there incursion into russia. a week ago, you credit in forces say they were advancing here on patrol in a village in the coast region. what looks like a civilian these apparently unmoved by the presence of the vehicle best, the wide triangle in sic, neither of these ukrainian cross border operation. there is no sign of resistance briefing presidency. lensky, the head of the army, said they were making ground or point as to how defense false troops continue that are offensive on the territory of the cask region. since the south of today, our troops have advanced one to 2 kilometers in various directions. to similarly bold was this report filed by a ukrainian journalist on russian soil. as the russian flag is thrown to the ground . the reporter explains that she arrived in the coast region with
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a ukrainian con void, delivering a to civilians. she describes people sheltering in basements and says that while russian ministry vehicles were hit, little harm has come to civilians. no damage done to civilian infrastructure, w, one of which leads to at least wondering at ukraine's ultimate goal. i think the political aim can be to demonstrate firstly to the western or weiss that t brand is still very much can be fixed by cleaning this war on. so frontier and territorial integrity. in this case, i think he prayed news, hoping me quite clear. identifying and highlighting that are based as notes and incursion of a means to multiply russian territories. if this rather self defensive measures the russian sources. meanwhile, tell a different story with pictures being proved, cost on line of evacuated from the coast region. some said to be in need of medical attention and the ministry of defense has released video that it says shows
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ukrainian prisoners of war captured in the cask region along with military hardware . and with a clear russian response on the ground, yet to materialize. they was this from a senior foreign ministry official to the 6 communities to with the terrorist actions and the costs gavia ukraine has at a minimum and put the prospect of paste talks on hold for a long time. i'm going to be on that. the next moves on both sides remain on so i don't know how else to 0 and the rest for it is being issued by juvenile thirty's, for a man. suspected of being involved in the north stream pipeline attack investigated say the suspect tuesday, ukrainian living in poland also has confirmed it's received a warrant. german media reporting the he was like a group of divers who prompted explosives on pipelines running from russia to germany under the bolting seat 2 years ago. still the head here and how does era
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and you discovery about one of the world's oldest and most well known heritage side, [000:00:00;00] the in depth analysis of the face. headline. what strategic purpose do you think this assassination serves? israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years old seem to be given a chance to best to be a bold critical debate. russia has decided that the war ukraine as a defensive war inside story, how fluid change the security relationship between both countries. on out jersey or unique perspective, the transfer and the displacement of being vision as population, has been discussed as part of design. his project went back for well over
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a 100 years on heard voices. times people have these days by the fall of this bombing connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. young people are not looking for a hand, but they're not backed up by a system that supports the streams on out just the or from august 19th until the 22nd and delegates will gather in chicago for the democratic national convention. cala harris will make history as the 1st black woman and asian american us presidential nominees with tim walls. as you're running this in less than 3 months handling with the election full coverage analysis 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the, and again, you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories as
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a and is ready strikes across the gallons a strip of killed at least 40 palestinians in the past 24. as many women and children who were sheltering tardiness when it's ready forces continue to wage. an offensive us as confirmed that a delegation headed by c i, a direct to william brands will attend agencies far towards the israelites confirmed. it will also be take us state farm and since it's been assured by culture, that's how much the guys interest will be represent. israel has approved a new legal assessment on the unesco world heritage sites in bethlehem in the occupied westbank israel's far right. finance minister as well as much was announced a plan to the now he'll have that settlement in the palestinian village. back to us the world health organization is declared a global health emergency of the impulse virus. it spread again, africa. this is the highest level, the w h o can designate the virus is spread from the democratic republic of congo
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to neighboring kenya. burgundy, uganda, and rwanda. michael apple has this report now for the 2nd time in as many years, the world health organization has declared impacts as a public health emergency. the impulse spreads through close contact and has flu like symptoms accompanied by lesions on the body. earlier this week, africa's top public health party declared the viral infection and emergency all states rapid spreads and more than a dozen countries on the consummate the w i chose announcement followed swift. it's clear that the coordinated international response is essential to stop this out breaks and save lives. the center of the outbreak is the democratic republic of congo with 96 percent of cases have been recorded. 60 percent of those people under the age of 18, but a new strain has also sprayed to full neighboring countries compared to last year.
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infections have risen, a 160 percent and dates so up nearly 20 percent. so far they've been more than 14000 cases, killing 524 people. we are very pleased really to see that the decisions with us because we just need to go to the level that which was coming with the same assessments and the same conclusion. it's a really good day for, for us to cancel our efforts on campus. the continental public health watch dog says more than $200010.00 vaccines are already on their way, but the rollout will also be scaled up significantly by the end of this year. we get at least 2 medium doses that the, the button by the end of next year 2025 medium. that's i believe i think of
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these are things that i really do the critical direction on this up. what is the w h o is pledged nearly $1500000.00 from its contingency fund for emergencies. but the search is on for an estimated $15000000.00 needed to their own channel coordinated regional response. mike level of desert told us to try and 16 months some conflicts ensued under underway in geneva, but by the one the site is present. delegation from the power military rapids support forces has arrived for representative from the sudanese army while they haven't turned up. yeah. especially in boy temper yellow. it says the army has a responsibility to join the torque seas cool them face sides respect international law and to bring the conflict to an end table. morgan is more now from call to to the us special envoy. he said that he is still hoping that the city needs army will send a delegation, but in a statement yesterday, the head of the army general had been put that behind said that they will be ne
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flyers hawks. unless certain conditions, our method he specifically referred to, they did the agreement that was signed between the army and the parent minutes through rapid support forces in may of last year. that agreement stipulated that the rapids support forces should with problem civilian home and service facility such as what the plans and power plants. and that's it to happen. and there should be human. it's terry and access humanitarian creators open for 8 organizations to be able to reach those in needs. but since may last year, the slicing has expanded to various parts of the country. so the head of the army says that they will be at no cease fire. talk unless those conditions or our terms that have stipulated indigent the agreements are met. meanwhile and to me. but the, the us special envoy said that this will be a launch to the process overseas far, if not the seats part of themselves. this was just a day before the star as all the talks. he said that on the 14th, if the, if the army does not show up and if it's not a direct talk between the army and our associates will be
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a thoughts to the process. because there are the ups of is not just saw, the area and the united states does the united arab emirates, this the african union does the u. m. and as the regional blog, i got all of them absorbing these upcoming seas 5 talks. and so he says that along with those actors, they will be trying to find ways to bring that to wearing sites together to at least provide some kind of response to those here in sedan. from a venezuelan opposition candidate, then we can market it says he wants an investigation into the national heck total council following last most disputed presidential election buck and says, the board is responsible for unrest of the election results declared that president nicholas missouri was the when the opposition challenge that claim. they had the votes instead, monica says, the countries democracy is at stake to basically see that the i am requesting a criminal investigation against the 5 will star days of the national electro council to make the answer because they are destroying our republic. they are
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destroying the support of our republic, which is the vote. and we want 100 percent of the ballot boxes. we want to see them and open them in the presence of witnesses. we want the national electoral council to open them with the presence of national and international witnesses to remove doubts. now, scientists, in the case of the surprise to discover that part of the famous stonehenge monuments came from a lot further away than originally thought. they found that the oldest and originated 750 kilometers away in the north of scotland. relevant wells in the west of u. k. i. the discovery is raising more questions about how people for around 4500 years ago, were capable of transporting huge things. it was such distances. and indeed the communication abilities of near lift people's i look for him as a clock is a lead. also behind the findings on the oldest and as a page student to cutting university in australia joins the joins alumni from london. i said until the 1st stop at clarify what we're talking about 1st. what is the goal to stay as opposed to the more familiar stains that stonehenge?
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hi everyone. yeah, the also, so it's a central 6 ton mega list or rock hosted stonehenge. it's a, it's partially concealed by the us. and it's a rather unassuming megabytes out of the center of stonehenge, but it's made up of mind use microscopic grains of sand. it is a sandstone. so how did you set about figure out where this came from, because the other stands and more familiar stat and say they definitely come from wells that they but this is different. this is the yeah, the provenance as the police don't just nailed on to even near electric core insights in southwest swales, but they also started the provenance of yellowstone has remained an open question. so like i said, you'll still, he's made up of composite drains together, mineral grains. each of these gradients will have a unique age chemical characteristic. we can measure that each of those unique properties and construct uh, a fingerprint, a dna sequence,
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flat rock. and then we can forensically compact dots profile that we built to rock throughout prison island and northern front. right. and when we did that, we got it perfect match to the okay, the and base them as, as ne dalton and okay, so the question is as why did this particular state and come from somebody completely different to the others? it's a fascinating question. we know not nearly as big, or can i, ne, all the end was up with a center of trades population bombing culture. and so was the population on, on the soul replayed, was there a degree of connectivity between these 2 peoples? it really is a fascinating tensile, lising, prospect and data. and what does it demonstrate about near lifting society in britain at this time that we haven't already figured out? but it demonstrates that they were clearly capable of moving 6 ton cargo of the middle part is if we look an overlay, andrew,
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there are numerous mountings. rather i'm pretty story christmas. have any far as that ever by marine shipping software. it is just as for me to go, but for us, given these type of graphic and heavy as far as the nature of pre started present, maureen, shipping root is the most feasible option. the people think it might have come by say, but if it came on land, how would they have done it because where the wheels invented at this time, whether and i yeah, exactly. i think got the all logistic vision that kind of log rolling based system with lots of ro leave us and a great deal of manpower, 6 over 700 comments of the box about same sex tool in order reading shipping. well, we know that that was maureen shipping in northern europe at the time we find poetry oxides. i'm but a jewelry all throughout the all the aisles and we find evidence of cancelled being moved. so pre started prison with roundabout connect. it is all fascinating stuff. and it's funny because your well,
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so now you're saying this most crucial piece of one of the most famous monuments in the world is in fact scottish and to be caught. i appreciate it. thanks very much. and a, a thank you very much. that's happening and that's it for me. what's coming up inside story of the the had that stopped by looking at the satellite image of a south asia. and you can see the dens cloud is showing where the monsoon rains on going full. heaviest of the next few days. so its southern parts of india, carla and con. not to that have the amber warnings out on thursday for those heavy rains and storms. it's which is on friday, lima, eastern areas like westbank gord, i'm bangladesh. that will see those buss of rain, but you can see the rains trailing up towards northern parts of india and pakistan
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. we could see flooding from that heavy rain not to lie to the southern parts of pocket's down isolated showers here and there was light to rain trickling down into western parts of india on friday. now, heavy rain is likely to impact eastern areas of japan. that's thanks to what is expected to become, ty, food, i'm pivot, it'll work its way towards these scenarios, all the horseshoe bringing some damaging winds. very heavy, right? and if we look at the step from this one, we're going to see some very strong gusts of wind, rain for of up to 200 millimeters in 24 hours. and that is like a typical flooding and bring with a threat of lance life. we had also st waves of up to 10 meters lucky by saturday. it is expected to work its way to the northeast. matthew has of course, has to have with the chinese academic victor, 12 percent of the people to taiwan,
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say they want to reunify that it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the lunch on the policy. exploring time is defined and unofficial. is he now president for like a true dictate? how can you explain for find the transform ation. ok. if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out the us, it proves that major weapon cell to israel, but also calling for an end to its warren casa, for another round to see spot talks in the works intentions running high in the middle east is peace possible and can diplomacy work. this is inside school,


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