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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the solvent time journalism on the genocide on the jersey or you want reports, but at the same time you want to feed your company. you also want to stay alive the of israel's deadly assault on dogs or on the eve of new sea salt tours and concept thousands upon us taking into account the i'm the clock is out 0 life and also coming the current in forces advance deeper into russia's cost region is must go, scrambles, 5 digits to fort, keeps in cash. thailand's governing policy, looking for replacement, prime minister, sorta published in a day off the, he was psyched by the constitution. and the world health organization declares
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impacts a global health much to offer such an infractions. never doesn't ask the so on the eve of us buying c scott toys in casa, it's randy forces have at least a new wave of attacks across the gaza strip. thousands more palestinians were killed pushing the death toll since october, the 7th place. it's a 40006 year state entity blinking and cut his prime minister. a shake haven't been up over um and altunion of war and all signs not to undermine the talk set to be held in the hall on thursday. but despite the efforts to end the bloodshed, palestinians are forced to ensure more grief and more displacement. target boom reports. now, darrow by law in central garza, the doctors, most of hospitals in hon. eunice, have the hands full goes a 2nd. the city seems south of the split has been under,
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is very evacuation. owed is again, while some palestinians have left, many refused to be displaced. they have moved around more times than most can count and experience has to them. save stones. do not exist. yeah, i had my sewing stole we, i repair issues, people. everything was quiet before the rock is here. these are people who accuse us of terrorism. israel is a terrorist state. now we, i'm on disability of an attack in fun. eunice says she was cooking for the kids in the building clips around the god, the judge of a hutch, the suddenly we couldn't see, and stones came tumbling down on us. there are no far to the no area we. all civilians are only civilians in the building. i lost many members of my family
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industry elsewhere in casa a strongly kids assembly home in the ground did miss iraq for a few decals among the victims, with several children age between 2 and 11. for federal ago was it's been the we had the sound of a very strong explosion. it caused massive destruction went out through running to see what happened to us. here we found 40 possible over the streets. imagine 2 rooms waiting areas on the floors of gauze as hospitals of home, as roads we use, we clunk, offensive, particularly on con eunice, comes on the eve of a nuisance, quiet some spot. people here agreed that as well as more serious about anything to and that the fuse of the rules of used to do little but which photos unfold there was can use absolutely hospital as the wounded. just keep going. think erica, by zoom. i would just say we're there, we've been a pedestal. israel is sending
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a delegation to attendance. he's gonna totes into ha, i'm to salute reports from jordan's complement on the make up of the team. and a reminder, she's reporting from that because these rarely government has found houses are from reporting side as well, a ceasefire top set to resume and because of the capital doha on thursday. these really negotiation team will be headed by the most on chief as israel's external security service, as well as the sion that to be internal security agency. now the mandate has been discussed by nathan young and the mediators. and it was agreed upon and according to anonymous officials speaking to was really media. they say that and then you all who has softened to stance. the red lines and non negotiable are still there senior, how massive visuals have told them to 0, that they're not interested in new negotiations. and that they've been clear on that and are only interested in discussing the framework that was already on the table. that was agreed upon by the group on july, 2nd, after it was outlined by us president joe biden on may 31st. they want that as
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a guarantee. now these really is want a guarantee that says they can resume the war even if a pause in the fighting is secured. but all of this comes as the region is still facing a lot of tension. these really still bracing for retaliatory attack by it on, by his bow or even perhaps the truth, these any young men. and earlier today, us secretary of state anthony blinking had spoken with bloody counterparts, saying, but no country in the region should undermine be ceasefire talks and efforts. and that includes israel. additionally, the united states has said that a ceasefire in gaza is obtained, could be this thing to calm, regional tensions to send fluids as your 0. i'm a c, i is the right to bill bands and middle east envoy breton regard cara. attending talks is part of the us delegation. white house correspondent, can we help it this morning? a white house press secretary crazy on pear confirming that representing the united
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states when the resumption of tox is to begin on thursday, and del ha will be middle east czar. for the united states, brett mcgriff, as well as ca, director for the united states build burns. now we know that these talks will focus on the relation to the implementation of the cease fire plan laid out by president biden. we know the meetings are expected to be very intensive, him, us indicating to the united states will not be there. still, the united states saying that guitars have assured the united states that there will be representation by him off at the table, and the us is clinging to that. now we also know that there is not expected to be any sort of rigs through on thursday. still, the white house is expecting forward move mid and the white house saying that it is critical that a deal be reached in the near future. the primary goal, not only to get a cease fire and israel's war and gossip,
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but also to bring about much needed a humanitarian to aid for the people of gaza and to see the release of captives in exchange for palestinian prisoners and is really jails. and the united states also is concerned about regional escalation, the fear being that there could be a broader middle east conflict, particularly the concern about escalation into lebanon. it's something that the white house is determined to prevent. now the us president was asked about this. he did say that it is getting harder to try and bring about a ceasefire, but he said the united states is not giving up. kimberly, how could l g 0? the white house masters play and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu? the drug. yeah. let me go see ations the palace thing in the group ones as well to stick to the original truth proposal, which you as president joe biden announced july. and this impacts by the un security council, by his plan, which he said was proposed by his well included
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a temporary cease fire, until is ready troops withdrawal from casa and the release of some captives in the 2nd stage of mass. and israel would begin negotiations for, pun intended, to hostilities, reconstruction if the strip from and then to the will a part of the 3rd and last stage. however, israel has since i the huge amounts israel wants to be allowed to review, financing and guns are off to the temporary truce. and it also wants to retain control of the roof of border crossing and the philadelphia cargo, which is the buses in between egypt and goza, which facilitates a deliveries national. and at the bottom at t n, a we'd expect to be told by the media is that israel has accepted what is being offered and any meeting should be based on talking about implementation mechanisms and setting deadlines rather than negotiating something and you otherwise almost find no reason to participate francis j ever should any is a former us ambassador to egypt, kentucky and he says a lot arrests on whether it's ready. politicians can agree on one paul ford. it
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seems to be the core issue remains whether israel, the israel, the government, can unite behind a negotiated cease fire. we've seen again recently the other parts of the cap is saying they will quit. yes, and they will leave the government and the government will fall if it turn yahoo accepts and negotiated ceasefire agreement before achieving all announced warnings . and they go way beyond the philadelphia corridor. they include the destruction of from us. so it seems that we're still very much stuck a foot on whether the israelis are prepared at this time. he is rarely government to detain. yahoo prepared this time to accept a negotiated cease fire leading to an end of the war. there could be a look said you don't accept that was run is approved and you illegal assessment of
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the unesco world heritage site and best for him in the occupied westbank israel's fall. right? finance minister as well as much rich announced the plans within the whole let supplement to the posting the village. in fact, you decide is 9 for its ancient agricultural terraces, vineyards and olive groves full of israel sacraments and multiplied westbank all illegal on the international law nor day reports on the effects of these ready decision on palestinian life from her mother. now, of these rarely finance minister announced permission to construct a new supplement in the bethlehem area. i know this is the de facto ruler over the occupied west bank and the significance of his announcement is that it this supplement lives in the area that's left of bethlehem. that hasn't been taken over by illegal supplements construction. and the wallet lies in but tiered, which was inscribed by the unesco as a world heritage side 10 years ago. but in addition to its value,
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to humanity and to palestinian heritage. that area will disconnect bethlehem from the rest of its environs. bethlehem, being surrounded by illegal is rarely supplements and the will and now the block of course had ceiling to the south will be connected to the supplements of jerusalem, hard of yellow and yellow, and the expand the boundaries of jerusalem. the administer the is rarely administer framed this decision as a response to palestinian action at the level of international court seeking accountability and to international recognition of palestine. but if we take a look, a closer look, it's really implementation of the is really government coalition agreement, which puts supplement expansion as a priority and considers annexation of the occupied westbank as an object of not all this data drama, la palestine,
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or will stay in the always part westbank is ready, forces have killed in these 2 products, then use the novelist. it happened during a rage on the palazzo refugee camp is really forces have been conducting daily raids since the war and goes to the gun. well then 600 palestinians have been killed. hundreds have been detained, notified westbank since october, the 7th. the presidents of new york columbia university is resigned after months of student demonstrations in solidarity with palestinians and gaza, and an email to students and stuff. many sheffield says if it's been a period of time while and difficult to ever come divergent views, she added it is taking a considerable toll on her family to fix a strong backlash record in place to shut down attempting comment on campus. in april, she was named president of the university last year and was the 1st woman to take the job. the roster is evacuating thousands of civilians from the coast region. as the current
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enforces continues pushing deeper into russian territory. russia's military says is deployed 5 digits to the for the area, and the cost region crane claims executed more territory. the are almost gonna says keys. main goal is to distract russian forces and trench denise and ukraine, much which is still under russian control. the cranes incursion into rushes cost region is further north and the main front line. it was launched last week and is the largest cross border attack by ukraine since of all the gun. jenna. how has this report with the same old data data map there incursion into russia a week ago? you credit in forces say they were advancing here on patrol in a village in the coast region. what looks like a civilian, these apparently unmoved, by the presence of the vehicle best, the wide triangle in sic, neither of these. you cried in cross border operation. there is no sign of resistance briefing presidency. lensky, the head of the army,
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said they were making ground one point as to how defense falls troops continue that are offensive on the territory of the cask region. since the south of today, our troops have advanced one to 2 kilometers in various directions. to similarly bold was this report filed by a ukranian journalist on russian soil. as the russian flag is thrown into the ground. the reporter explains that she arrived in the coast region with a ukrainian con void, delivering a to civilians. she describes people sheltering in basements and says that while russian ministry vehicles were hit, little harm has come to civilians, no damage done to civilian infrastructure. they ship them yet one of which leads, at least wondering at ukraine's ultimate goal. i think the political aim can be to demonstrates personally to the western or allies that keep brand new. still very much can be fixed by cleaning this more points. so frontier and territorial
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integrity in this case, i think he prayed news, helping me quite clear, identifying and highlighting that are based as notes and incursion of a means to multiply russian territory. so it is rather self defensive measures for the russian sources. meanwhile, tell a different story with pictures being broiled, cost online, of evacuate ease from the coast region. some said to be in need of medical attention. and the ministry of defense has released video that it says shows ukrainian prisoners of war captured in the cask region. along with military hardware and with a clear russian response on the ground, yet to materialize. that was this from a senior foreign ministry official to the 6 communities to with the terrorist actions and the costs gavia ukraine has at a minimum, but the prospect of paste talks on hold for a long time. i'm going to be on that. the next moves on both sides remain on said joe, no whole elder 0 there is for and has been issued by general authorities for months
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suspected of being involved to the north stream pipeline to, to investigate, to say, the suspect isn't ukrainian living in poland also has confirmed its received the warrant. german media reporting he was among a group of divers prompted explosives on pipelines running from russia to germany under the bolted c. 2 years ago, i said i had here in algebra and during university technology and seen everything. so security measures which i can't say government funding can funds processed by to the have that stopped by looking at the satellite image for south asia. and you can see the dentist cloud is showing where the monsoon rains ongoing for heaviest of the
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next few days. so its southern parts of india, carla and con, not to that have the amber warnings out on thursday for those heavy rains and storms. it's which is on friday, lima, eastern areas like westbank. gord, i'm bangladesh. that will see those buss of rain. but you can see the rains trailing up towards northern parts of india and pakistan. we could see flooding from that heavy rain not to lie to the southern pots of pockets, done isolated showers here and there was lighter rain trickling down into western parts of india on friday. now heavy rain is likely to impact eastern areas of japan that seems to what is expected to become ty, food, i'm pivot, it'll work its way towards these scenarios. all the horseshoe bringing some damaging wins, very heavy, right? and if we look at the steps on this one, we're going to see some very strong gusts of wind, rain for of up to 200 millimeters in 24 hours. and that is like a typical flooding and bring with a threat of lance life. we had also sent waves of up to 10 meters. lucky by
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saturday. it is expected to work its way to the northeast. a unique perspective. the transfer and the displacement of being vision as population, has been discussed as part of design, is project one back for well over a 100 years on heard voices or times people have the data by the fall of this bombing connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere, young people are not looking for a hand, but they're not backed up by a system that supports the streams on out to 0. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, and again, you're watching out 0 or one of our top story is this. uh, and is there any strikes across the go strip of killed at least 40 palestinians in the past 24 hours? many with women and children who was sheltering con you this way it's ready for us has continued to wage and offensive. the us has confirmed that a delegation hated by c i. a direct to william burns will have tendencies far towards the house, is rather confirmed. it will also be taken prompt on the estate pump says it's be destroyed by cancer, that's how much goes, which is will be groups. russia is evacuating thousands of civilians in the cusp region to creating forces continue. it's pushed deeper into russian charge. it rushes mattresses to point 5 to just for the era in the cask region. the biggest apology and thailand's governing coalition is meeting to find
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a successor for alice to prime minister sharon thompson. he was removed from office by the constitutional court for violation of ethics and the cabinets appointment thailand to the house of parliament to we'll meet on friday through a to approve who type of these candidates, the seats at 10 ancient reports now from bangkok supposed to come on come, they say weeks a long time and politics, some cycling, and it's been a brutal one in thailand. over 7 days, the constitutional code has removed the policy, the one the election. and now the prime minister comes to the wrong con, or the quote is found wi fi for decision. the role of the 1st accused us prime ministers ended according to constitutional school. 170 paragraph is one to form due to a lack of one of the like for qualifications from. so to tell we send the head looked relatively relaxed as he arrive to work earlier in the day. the charges relating to the appointment of an accused criminal to his cabinet with serious,
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but many expected him to get off off to the verdict that he wasn't in cold here. he questioned the ruling, but said he'd abide by his items. i'm saddened by the fact that i've seen as a prime minister without morality, which i saw him. i am not such a person. when did you disagree has made a decision? i have to accept it, put on it was a short political career to the form of property developing close connections to the shipment family proposed them into the top, jo, when the unelected sentence blocked last is election. when is from forming a government. but the charismatic businessman faced the sluggish economy and political hurdles, even his total frame couldn't to become others. see why the problems with thailand, with judicial interventions, even more weight than votes at the ballot box. i see a dangerous kind of disconnect the ruling elites,
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the traditional power holders. they don't seem to care about the tires, about their voices, for reform and change. they put people in jail without bell and they have suppressed and they have harass persecuted all kinds of things. the removal of prime minister said that's how we said probably was make that much difference to people. it was they had home from work, but there is a growing sense of unease. so the results of loss is general election that actually has very little impact on side politics. the road back to democracy in thailand is longer than many people to tony chung else's era. but they say tend to change his life for us now. and so i have to type all them into the bank. ok. and tiny. so any sense of who the next p i might be the yes with starting to get an idea or the short list. i think many people expect that the prototype would nominate pets. hometown sion or she's the daughter of texas,
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should've was she's the leader of the prototype policy and she is eligible to phenomena nation. however, we understand, she probably wouldn't be put bold because her father was reluctant to put her in such a vulnerable position. and we said in the last 7 days, just how much of that is a vulnerable good position. her mother is also told not to want to for her to be there. so instead they going to a point, a 75 year old former m p who had a serious brain aneurism. and there were still very serious questions about his health. so that probably opens the way for adults in somewhere i could. he's a leader of the buttons. i type policy, the 3rd policy of type politics. he's also an independent millionaire man, a substantial well, and a man who's had and fissions for the top job for some time. from the i tell i have been sort of working the type of type politics the sometime they are in the ruling
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alliance at the moment. but they were in the last administration which was led by a military government. so they do sort of form a middle ground. however, i think many people really concerned at this stage, this whole process is going on without any attention really being paid to what happened to the bottom above. so the elections last year, right. indeed, how all people re, i seem to be judged, etc. and the role of the court and those 2 decisions over the past week. of the thing. when you speak to tell the people about those, this is sort of resign, shrugged at the end. if you can get them to talk about it, they'll say, well, this is just going back to the bad old days of pod type politics. when decisions were made in back rooms and political pauses the were elected, were ousted in constitution, the old military coups unimed fact, if you look at the big picture, you could say that has effectively being a constitutional co, the co ruling. and 7 days of the most popular party in thailand and the prime
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minister of both to be kicked out. and there's a real question here about the legitimacy of the quote i think. because, you know, when faced with similar decisions they've, they've not been very consistent. a couple of years ago, a deputy prime minister, a deputy minister, was appointed by military government, led by general prayer, who taking power in the military. cuz this is a man who was convicted of hair and smugglers spent full years and then australia and joe. and yet, when questioned about the ethics of that appointment, the constitutional cool came back and said, well, it was a conviction that took place in australia. so it doesn't really concern us. and that of course, opened it up to accusations of double standards. all right, and even if they're from $8.00 to $10.00 each end, we're putting them from bangkok. thank you. so thousands of doctors in india have modest in protest following the brutal of raping but of virginia talked to in calcutta. the body of the 31 year old was found by police on friday,
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and the state run the health facility. a police volunteer has been arrested button demonstrated say they bundle authorities to investigate further. the countries that central bureau of investigation is taking over the case and the direction of the high quote. for a full month venezuelan presidential candidate and 3 k. marcus was cooled for an investigation against the national electoral council. following last month's disputed election market says the board is responsible for the unrest that occurred after election results declared president nicholas me during the winter. the opposition challenged us and claimed they had the votes instead. a teen is of a miller. hey, came to about 8 months ago with a promise to put an end to soaring inflation. it is coming down, but many are concerned about the impact is all stars who measures will have on the lives of people to resume. as this report, feature is protesting in front of identity. has congress are met with a strong resistance by the police. they come here to demand better wages and
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to protest against a new law. the government wants to pass that will declare education and essential service, which they say would deny teachers, the right to strike video and safety says that government is threatening to destroy the public education system. a lot of whom they did to yes, is your patient is a social right. which is different than being essential. it is the budget to guarantee resources and salaries. what the government wants to do is to complicates all right to protest and not result. the problems we face where education is a challenge in the middle of the social crises. argentina's economies in crisis with one of the world's highest inflation rates to stay their salaries have fallen short. the government of heavier me lays, implementing a very harsh austerity plan to renews government spending on fight inflation. it has reduce the funding of public universities around the country by 30 percent, according to official data. and that's one of the reasons why the university of one
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of site is which is one of the largest in the country has gone on strike. most of the budget for public universities is destined for teachers salaries hitting the might be works of the medicine university says everyone is troubling. then you will see all sort of monday, but you'll see all what is the only funding that's arrived is to pay for electricity and water. but the professors have received a minimal raise. in spite of the inflation, they're also reducing the social security plan for professors here. the latest plan is a disaster for us. of this have you had any lays convinced and will stay with the plan could and the high inflation rate that our tina has been struggling with for years? in fact, the president says there's a reason to hope, given the inflation rate has decreased in the past few months and say message, then 6 months we managed to terminate an end to the fiscal deficit. we did a physical austerity plan to reduce 15 percent of the gd pay, the biggest adjustment in the history of humanity, of domestic words,
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from the precedent that his plan will work. but universities in the public sector say they need more resources now. and many are not convinced malays riley critical nomic plan. we succeed very so we'll just see that when inside the world health organization has declared a global health emergency of the impulse viruses spreading in africa. this is the highest level of w h. i can designate the viruses spread from the democratic republic of congo to neighboring kenya. burgundy, uganda, and rwanda. michael apple has this now for the 2nd time in as many years the world health organization has declared impacts as a public health image and see impacts spreads through close contact and has flu like symptoms accompanied by lesions on the body. earlier this week, africa's top public health party declared the viral infection and emergency all
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states rapid spreads and more than a dozen countries on the continent. the w i chose announcement followed swift. it's clear that the coordinated international response is essential to stop this outbreaks and save lives. the center of the outbreak is the democratic republic of congo with 96 percent of cases have been recorded. 60 percent of those are people under the age of 18, but a new strain has also sprayed to full neighboring countries. compared to last year, infections have risen a 160 percent and debt, so up nearly 20 percent. so far they've been more than 14000 cases, killing 524 people. we are very pleased really to see that the decisions with us because we just need to go to the level that that which was coming with the same


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