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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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of the carlos trip, the latest a punctuation orders are causing phonics because which is where you repeatedly targeting, so called save stones. there's no guarantee they will be safe where they go next. the of the dos as hospitals fill out with the dead and injured as, as were on the tax palestinian shant. as across the street, we expect these talks to move forward as planned, director burns. and brent mckerick will both travel to guitar for these discussion sci fi tools set to begin again, the us as a platform, but it's around home, us for main, skipped the
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hello i'm and there's a problem. and this is all just the online from door ha. also coming up, ukrainian military resources rolled into russia's western ordered regions as be offensive. and so as a 2nd week and the race begins to choose a new president off 2 years of political 10 more than 3 mancha. we'll have an update from columbus. the as body forces have unleashed a new wave of attacks across the gaza strip. tens of palestinians have been killed . pushing the official death toll from the wall closer to $40000.00. that is 2 percent of gauze population. let's say 5 talks due to stats and doha in the coming hours. both the us and casa, have all sides not to undermine the process. but despite different magic efforts, there's no end to the as randy bombardment thought of was able to pull it from the
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fall out and central gaza, of the doctors at most or hospital in hon. eunice. have the hands full goes a 2nd. the city seems south of the split has been under, is very evacuation. owed is again, while some palestinians have left, many refuse to be displaced. they have moved around more times than most can count and experience has to them. save zones, do not exist. the i had my sewing still we, i repay shoes. so people, everything was quiet before the rock is here. these all people who accuse us of terrorism, israel is a terrorist state. now we are my disability of, of an attack in fun. eunice says she was cooking for kids in the building. clips around the guy was in charge of
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a hutch. the suddenly we couldn't see. and stones came tumbling down on us. there are no far cuz they know area we all civilians are only civilians in the building. i lost many members of my family industry elsewhere in casa strongly kids assembly home in the ground did miss iraq for a few decals among the victims, with several children age between 2 and 11. the federal ago was it's been as the default we had the sound of a very strong explosion. it caused massive destruction went out running to see what happened. and 2 of us here, we found 40 possible over the streets that just the rooms waiting areas on the floor was of cause is hospitalized a full as well when you, we close offensive, particularly on con eunice, comes on the eve of a nuisance quiet. so people here agreed that as well as more serious about him going to and that the fuse of the rules of used to do little but which photos on
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pools there's can use absolutely hospital as the wounded. just keep around the think, terracon presume i would just say were there we've been a pedestal. let's bring in our correspondent honeysuckle with he's joining us live from data by that and central gaza. and he was saying, repeat that his right, the military, a cost of being attacking residential buildings and con eunice and southern gaza. i have the play is goliath, be sorry for the heavy heavy. can you hear me? i apologize. we've lost our connection to honey. we will try to re establish that connection and go back to him when we have it. so let's move on for now. as well as sending a delegation to sci fi talks in dog. ha, i'm the sound. who is reports from jordan's capital a month, because that is where the government has band dollars, they are from operating in the country. this is really negotiation team will be
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headed by the most on chief that israel's external security service, as well as the sion that to be internal security agency. now the mandate has been discussed by nathan young and the mediators. and it was agreed upon and according to anonymous officials speaking to was really media. they say that nothing you all who has softened to stance, the red lines and non negotiable are still there. senior from us, officials have told them to 0 that they are not interested in new negotiations. and that they've been clear on that and are only interested in discussing the framework that was already on the table that was agreed upon by the group on july. second, after it was outlined by us president joe biden on may 31st. they want that as a guarantee. now these really is want a guarantee that says they can resume the war even if a pausing the fighting is secured. but all of this comes as the region is still facing a lot of tension, these really still bracing for retaliatory attack by it on, by his bow or even perhaps the 2 of these any young men. and earlier today,
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us secretary of state anthony blinking had spoken with what's already counterparts, saying, but no country in the region should undermine the ceasefire. thompson efforts, and that includes israel. additionally, the united states has said that a ceasefire in gaza is obtained, could be the thing to come regional tensions time to set foot. as you know, i'm. so let's try going back to our correspondent honey mccloud. he's joining us live from that on fall out in central gaza for the mesa is on the is really a tax heavy. we're hearing that they have been more attacks on residential buildings and con eunice of the south. well not only the tax has been going on over nights and yearly hours of this morning coupled with the art galleries and the the fact that the, this cause of the central area and the reports we received from east wind fine units. that's the size of these 2 areas are clouded with surveillance to drone
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recognizance aircraft and attack and drugs. really creating a very intimidating, gotten the sphere for people who are either trapped in their homes or trying to go into their it, they and, and do what would they need to do their daily life. but they are intimidated. they are concerned because you don't know this is unpredictable. the way these surveillance of drones that attack a drones are, are losing their attack. they are very, very unpredictable. it in many cases where people were on the streets or did driving their cars and walking by a building. when i talk happen and they just the do they get killed or the get the critically injured because of these unpredictable attacks. and it just remember the past 20 days, it's been quite violent then a lot. it is very military, most, many of these parts without any prior warnings whatsoever, just that this regarding the life of many of the civilians, the children, the women and people who are trying to for tax and, and, and save their,
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their life, their families by bed overnight a talk so far, we look at the positive 24 hours for the people just the past. 12 hours is the night time. we looked at at least 15 people who are being killed that nope, the 40 people of the past 24 hours. 30 of them are in the hot new and is city. and the tragedy of this, that a, the 30 people in high and eunice are from one families to make the matter more tragic. only 2 people removed it from under the levels of the bonds house that they were show 3 again, and 6 mortal from the same family are still under the rebels. paramedics and a 1st responder volunteers find it very difficult to remove bodies and from under the levels in the area, particularly the dep. bump house is an area that is part of the red zone that is very military has designated and it's quite difficult. so rescue mission and for us are going to be seen very soon because of the risk involved in and do and,
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and trying to save and remove them from under their uncles. given all of that honey, the conditions that you're describing, how do people live, feed about a new round of sci fi tools that are going to be taking place today? do they have any hope? well in this context, it's hard to be positive about what's going on because the past few months, every time there were some how talks about seeds, fire deal, or a potential agreement between these really side and, and how much a o k was in the, into nothing happening and that has caused that many of the doubts about the seriousness of these talks. and the fact that there's really military and it's really government on the political level or the military military level every time
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they're coming up with the new free conditions, just to score out, palestinians it from any negotiations route and eventually throw their hands in in despair that there is no one to talk to or there's don't want to negotiate with have given people here the, the sense that everything has to be really cautious. now the can't invest any more in, in the hopes or in the, the optimism that the have the initial weights of this for everybody was hoping that this was not going to take very long. but after 10 months and after the many attempts failed at 10. so reaching a ceasefire, the only priority for people right now is do it to stop the blood shedding right now has stopped the conflicts of violence, the context of, of, of, of daily if, if they've killing and maiming. and the blood that we see everywhere that killers of richard, that's the priority for a few. it doesn't matter what kind of agreement as long as it leads into the station of hostilities and then into israel,
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wholesale mass killing of stability. and that's the one afraid that people want to see right now. it doesn't matter where it's going to happen or how soon it will, it will happen, but they want to see an end to this any. thank you very much for that. that is, honey, my hold with the latest and the view from gaza. he's live in debt on follow the us a sending c i a chief william burns to those talks. and doha, does state departments as a sci fi data is crucial to the region. and that's just encouraging all science to participate. my kind of reports from washington, dc, the secretary of state antony blinking will not be attending the proposed talks in doha. they will be attended by the director of the c i. a william burns, a spokesman for the state department, also said that bring can what's involved and telephone calls to interested parties throughout the course of the day. but the spokesman would not be drawn on what the specifics, all of what the us expects from any proposed tools in the home. i will let our
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country partner speak to their own engagements. what i can say is that we are aware of those comments and we fully expect these talks to move forward as they should. and our point of view is that all negotiators should return to the table and bring this deal to conclusion. it is far time for the remaining hostages to be released, which of course include american citizens and bring relief to the people of gaza under the deal that is now on the table. the one thing the state department made clear is the absolute importance of achieving a c spy. it's from a c spy. that old can come from what the parties want to happen out of any negotiation without a c spy. they can be no release of those being held captive in gaza in exchange for palestinians being held. and his really presence there can be no scaling of humanitarian relief in gaza. and importantly in the us. and he's really view the threat to the escalation of the conflict involving iran and his bullet to live and
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onto the north of israel, would be reduced. mike, hannah, august era, washington to what her mazda has blamed, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu for dragging out to negotiations. it wants as well to stick to the original terms of the propose these 5, which us president joe biden announced in july. and which is backed by the un security council biden's plan, which he said was tabled by israel included a temporary truce to an out of his way the troops to withdraw from gaza and the release of some captives. and the 2nd stage from austin, israel would begin negotiations for a permanent and hostile the fees reconstruction of the strip and an end to the war . a part of the 3rd and final stage. however, as well, has since added new demands, it wants to resume fighting and gaza after the temporary truce ends. it also wants to retain control of the off of border crossing. and philadelphia, colorado. that's the buffer zone between egypt and gaza. national,
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that's all fine at t and we expect to be told by the media. it is that israel has accepted what is being offered. and any meetings should be based on talking about implementation mechanisms and setting deadlines rather than negotiating something. and you know, otherwise how most finds no reason to participate in the occupied westbank. because when the forces have killed at least 2 palestinians need a nablus. that happened during the raid on the ballasa refugee camp is where the troops have since withdrawn. they've been conducting daily raising palestinian towns since $1000.00 again and is very false is have carried out a large scale arrest campaign and the southern parts of the occupied westbank soldiers rated hebron site helpful and the alpha lot can storming houses in detaining around 50 people will than want a 10000 palestinians have been detained to the occupied westbank since october, the 7th and as well has approved a new and legal settlement on his unesco load,
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household size, and bethlehem. as wells fargo i finance minister bestsellers smart coach announced the plans for the assessment and the palestinian village of but the the size is known for its ancient agricultural terraces, vineyards and all of gloves. as ladies who lives in the occupied westbank are illegal on to international noodle day reports from them on the, on the impact of as well as decision on palestinians sees ready, finance minister announced permission to construct a new supplement in the bethlehem area. i know this is the de facto ruler over the occupied west bank and the significance of his announcement is that it this supplement lives in the area that's left of bethlehem. that hasn't been taken over by illegal supplements construction. and the wallet lies in but tiered, which was inscribed by the unesco as a world heritage side 10 years ago. but in addition to its value,
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to humanity and to palestinian heritage. that area will disconnect bethlehem from the rest of its environs. yet bethlehem being surrounded by illegal is really supplements and the will and now the block of course has ceiling to the south will be connected to the supplements of jerusalem, hard of yellow and yellow, and the expand the boundaries of jerusalem. the administer these rarely minister framed this decision as a response to palestinian action at the level of international court seeking accountability and to international recognition of palestine. but if we take a look, a closer look, it's really implementation of the is really government coalition agreement, which would supplement expansion as a priority and considers annexation of the occupied westbank as an object of not all this data drama, la palestine. so instead of head on,
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i'll just say are the biggest coffee in china and governing coalition looks for a new prime minister the day to the constitutional court dismiss. right? that's the reason the discuss the difference during the pro ration which is a selection of the best news from across the network. the the, the gold and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on which is in
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a sense of belonging to walk down any street and park tail to feel the presence of expend community and the everyday heroes keeping communities together. lopez overs, logos, a da 0 visits, it's offensive community in toronto, canada, where locals are fighting to maintain their identity in the face of sky rocketing rents. and justification. a sense of community on a jersey to the, the, the media that's been put on a mentor of
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a mind to about top stories. the sound at least 40 palestinians have been killed. and this way, these tribes across the 1000, in the past 24 hours, many were women and children who were sheltering and con eunice when it's ready for carrying out. another sense of the us has confirmed a delegation headed by the ceiling director will attend because the c slide talks and done on thursday mediation. if it's something stored since a one weeks is fine in november of last year. and it's really false. this have carried out to jerome to attack me in nablus in the occupied west bank at target to deepen onto a refugee camp coming to palestinians. and in june, 4th, including a woman and a child. russia is evacuating thousands of civilians from the coast region as ukrainian forces advance. the military says it's deployed foncher jets to the west . in volta, your crime says its troops have taken more territory there. moscow says keeps main
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goal is to distract russian forces and trans to east and ukraine, much of which is still under russian control your crimes and cushion intercourse. cuz for the know, for the front line, it began last week and it's the largest cross border attack by you clients. and so we'll began joining holly reports with the same old data data mock there incursion into russia a week ago. you credit in forces say they were advancing here on patrol in a village in the coast region. what looks like a civilian these apparently unmoved by the presence of the vehicle best, the wide triangle in sic, neither of these ukrainian cross border operation. there is no sign of resistance briefing presidency. lensky, the head of the army, said they were making ground, were pointing as to how defense falls troops continue that are offensive on the territory of the cask region. since the south of today, our troops have advanced one to 2 kilometers in various directions. to similarly
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bold was this report filed by a ukranian generalist on russian soil. as the russian flag is thrown to the ground . the reporter explains that she arrived in the coast region with a ukrainian con void, delivering a to civilians. she describes people sheltering in basements and says that while russian ministry vehicles were hit, little harm has come to civilians. no damage done to civilian infrastructure. to w is which leads to at least wondering at ukraine's ultimate goal. i think the political aim can be to demonstrates personally to the western our lives that keep brand new. still very much can be fixed by cleaning this more fun. so frontier and territorial integrity in this case, i think you frame use helping me quite clear, identifying and highlighting that are basis notes and incursion of a means to will, to by russian territories if this rather self defensive measures by russian sources . meanwhile, tell
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a different story with pictures being pulled cost on line of evacuated from the coast region. some said to be in need of medical attention. and the ministry of defense has released video that it says shows ukrainian prisoners of war captured in the coast region. along with military hardware and with a clear russian response on the ground yet to materialize. there was this from a senior foreign ministry official to the 6 communities to with the terrorist actions and the costs gavia ukraine has at a minimum, but the prospect of paste talks on hold for a long time. getting beyond that, the next moves on both sides remain on so i don't know how else to 0 students, welding stacks of cost with supporters of the, of a strong government in bangladesh. the countries long, the 7 problems to shaken, seeking us to the front of them, protests, of which at least 300 people were killed and entering the government as well in
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place led by nobel laureate from the home of eunice. these 2 student protest as have also been named to the temporary administration 2 and 3 long co faulty presidential hopefuls as a missing ben nominations to the election commission. the country with head to the polls to choose a lead and next month and come and try and, and what kind of send a intends to run. he took office 2 years ago, lots of widespread protest during the worst financial crisis and decades. but earlier we spoke to michelle fernandez, who gave us the latest from colombo and there are 40 candidates at this election. the main ones though, all the incumbent president are on the missing of the opposition. nita subject frame of asset and sort of a marxist linux and these leader called under a commodity unlike uh, he's uh the head of and the lines are we also have uh, the son of the former president of mine, the roger pucks. and that's normal. roger fox, uh uh, so these are some of the main or the front runners, if you like,
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and those who are taken seriously. we also have a former ami come on the media mobile and quite a lot of others in the free, at this presidential election, which is quite a critical election because it's the 1st time of the, all the people that your luck has seen that the people having the chance to use level, you have the body kids, obviously heavy security people, a lot of supporters of people waiting for the candidates to come outside. they don't order the some banners. we hear the sound of drums, of musical instruments where there will be some valleys and things like that. just often they go. but so people, people like this as opposed to and the brought in the public entry lanka, the issue of corruption, the issue of cost of living ok, key factors for them. and they will be when they go to the vote, because at the end of the day you talk about sort of macro economics where the country is going. but for the average man on the streets,
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it's about whether he can put food on the table for his kids. whether he can send these kids to school, whether he can, you not manage the bath necessities. and even though things have started be like some more data entry long from those doc days of the can on the crisis. things are very, very, very difficult for a lot of fear loggins. it's todd and could have a new leader by the end of the week. the governing coalition is looking for a success, has to stretch us a visa with a vote expected in parliament on friday. the constitutional court remove the prime minister from office for violation. ethics with the cabinet department. tony chang reports from bangkok. come they say weeks a long time and politics and it's been a brutal one in thailand. over 7 days, the constitutional code has removed the policy, the one the election. and now the prime minister bit up the wrong. com or the quote is found wi fi for decision. the role of the 1st, the keys,
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this prime ministers ended according to constitutional school. 170 hargrove is one to form due to a lack of one of the, um, like for qualifications from so to tell we send the head, looked relatively relaxed as he arrive to work earlier in the day. the charges relating to the appointment of an accused criminal to his cabinet with serious, but many expected him to get off off to the verdict that he wasn't in cold here. he questioned the ruling, but said he to buy his items. i'm saddened by the fact that i'm seeing is a prime minister without morality, which i saw him. i am not such a person. when did you disagree? has made a decision? i have to accept it, put on it was a short political career to the form of property developing close connections to the shouldn't want them. he propelled him into the tough job when the unelected sentence bluffed last year's election. when is from forming a government. but the charismatic businessman faced the sluggish economy and
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political hurdles, even his total frame couldn't to become others. see why the problems with thailand, with judicial interventions, even more weight than votes at the ballot box. i see a dangerous um, kind of disconnect. uh, the ruling elites, the traditional power holders, they don't seem to care about a tight economy about their voices, for reform and change. they put people in jail without bell, they have suppressed and they have harass persecuted all kinds of things. the removal of prime minister said that's how we said probably was make that much difference to people. it was they had home from work that there is a growing sense of on these the results of last year's general election actually has very little impact on side politics. the road back to democracy in thailand is longer than many people. so tony chung else's era and that's something
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elizabeth put on. we have a foot weather update. next story asks, can diplomacy diffuse rising tension in the middle east as mediation slipped, kickstart 65 talks between as well. and i'm awesome. thank you for watching. the i had that slip to the middle east and live on to in heavy rain across eastern areas of him. and of course, debbie and devastating flooding. the bad news is that we have more rain to come. it's not gonna be that heavy on 1st day. have a look on friday, you can see that torrential rain starting to pull in to western areas of human and the southwest of saudi arabia. elsewhere, closer region is laundry dry, very hot as well. so the likes of to wait,
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we're expecting 50 degrees celsius. the in q 8 city on friday, that heat extends across the event. we've got warnings of high temperatures on friday, across lebanon, and the heat continues across the north of africa, not as hot, however full. i'll cheer it. we go to weather system across the mediterranean. that's going to bring some very gusty winds and with the weather to the north weather, as well as spot warnings across southern parts of libya. that was a seasonal rains have shifted further north. that's not good news for the likes of sudan. we are expecting that sliding to watson with a heavy rain over the next few days. so logic quiet to the south was that just some showers coming in for us with teeny and southern parts of mozambique on thursday. but lots of sunshine and bright skies. in south africa, the heroes from al jazeera on the go and the tonight out is there is
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only mobile that is that the, this is where we, the effect that from out is there is mobile app available in your favorite taps to just set for it. and tap download the new app from out to 0. new at using is it the, the us approves a major weapon cell to israel will also calling for an end to its warrant casa, for another round to see spot talks in the works intentions running high in the release is piece possible on can diplomacy work? this is inside school, the hello that i'm james base mediators are hoping to kick start see spawn negotiations
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between israel and how much the 2 sides would be mulling a us back proposal for more than 2 months in direct.


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