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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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of the reason expects these talks to move forward as planned. director burns and brent mckerick were both traveling to guitar for these discussion garza si fi tools are set to begin again. the us and counts are calling on both sides not to undermine the the hello. i'm around and y z. this is alger 0. life from del holes are coming off on the program, go stations to and so don's conflict get on the way, but only one side shows up. the secretary of state tells head of the army to attend the declining minutes. she forces roll into rushes west in border regions as the
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offensive and has a 2nd week. the 40 candidates enter the race to become the next president of sri lanka. as a nation looks to recover from an economic crisis. the beginning garza was raised strikes of killed at least 40 palestinians and 24 hours pushing the death toll closer to $40000.00. a wave of a tax target at a residential tower and parts of the southern city of con eunice. these 5 talks due to start in doha or in the coming hours. both of us and counts are of one to all sides, not to undermine the process. target assumable, it's from darrow, by the in central gaza, of the doctors at most or hospital in hon. eunice, have the hands full goes the 2nd,
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the city seems south of the script has been under is very evacuation. food is, again, while some palestinians have left, many refuse to be displaced. they've moved around more times than most can count and experience has to them. saved zones. do not exist. yeah, i had my sewing stole we. i replaced shoes, so people, everything was quiet before the rocket here. these all people who accuse us of terrorism, israel is a terrorist state. now we all know this survive of an attack on eunice says she was cooking for kids when the building clips around the god, the judge of a 100 level, the suddenly we couldn't see and stones came tumbling down on us. there are no far to the no area we all civilians are only civilians in the building. i lost many
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members of my family industry. elsewhere in casa strongly kids, assembly home in the crowded lives a rock for a few de camp. among the victims, with several children age between 2 and 11, are all set to go with them as the we had the sound of a very strong explosion. it caused massive destruction to see what went out to running, to see what happened. and 2 of us here, we found 40 possible over the streets. imagine see rooms waiting areas on the floor was of cause is hospitalized a full as roads when you, we close offensive, particularly on con eunice, comes on the eve of a nuisance, quiet. some people here agreed that as well as more serious about anything to and that the few of the rules of use to do little total is on page there was can use out. so in the hospital as the wounded. just keep a really think to erica by zoom out to 0. there were been
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a pedestal and out of there is honey. my mood is outside deluxe the hospital in darrow, but i was more on the often most of these writing strikes. not only the tax has been going on over nights and yearly hours of this morning coupled with the art galleries and the the fact that the, the cause of the central area and the reports we received from eastern fine units. that's the size of these 2 areas. are clouded with surveillance to drone recognizance aircraft. and a package was really creating a very intimidating atmosphere for people who are either trapped in their homes or trying to go into their it, they and, and do what would they need to do a good day or daily life would be, are intimidated. they are concerned because you don't know this is unpredictable. the way these at surveillance of drones that attack it, drones are, are losing their attack. they are very, very unpredictable that in many cases where people were on the streets or the
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driving their cars and walking by a building. when i talk happen, and the just the, the, the get killed or the get, the critically injured because of these unpredictable attacks. and it just remember the past 20 days, it's been quite violent and bloody. these really military launch many a visa card without any prior warning whatsoever. just that this regarding the life of many of the civilians, the children, the women and people who are trying to for tax and, and, and save their, their life, their families, life. but overnight a talk so far, we look at the positive 24 hours for the people. just the past 12 hours is the nighttime. we look at at least 15 people who are being killed then of the 40 people of the past 24 hours. 30 of them are in the san eunice city. and the tragedy of this, that 8 of the 30 people in hon unit started from one family. let's, let's focus on the sci fi proposal itself,
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which is going to be discussed here in cat to. the 1st phase would be a temporary truce, during which a mouse would release women, the elderly and wounded captives in exchange for palestinians held in his riley prisons. the 2nd phase would include a palm and an end to the hostilities and the release of all remaining. his riley captives, the 3rd phase would be the reconstruction of gaza and the return of the remains of any deceased captives to israel. i'll just say or is it mohammad jump? jim is following the torques and doe ha, who's going to be attending the scenario as far as who is going to be involved in the talks today? here's what we know. so far there's going to be the us as represented there, going to be the delegations going to be head by william burns. he's the head of the c i a and also involved is going to be written, the kirk, whose the envoys from the lease, from the us. you're also going to happen is really delegation that is headed by david bar. ne, uh he is the chief of the most sought in israel. you're also going to have the
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egyptian head of intelligence, as well as us department associates. how much and have that in mind. i sign it. now the big question is, how involved is how much going to be because how much it said that they don't want to enter into new negotiations. that what they want to do is to be presented with a response from israel as to the framework that us president joe biden had agreed to with that he had presented in late may and but how much had agreed to in early july. the point of which you just outlined a few moments ago. so that is where we are at this hour. how involved is how much going to be. but we must remember that in the past, and up until to date, these have not been direct negotiations between how much and is real and there are these mediators involved. typically they go, they talk to the israeli side, then they go, they talk to the, the representatives of how much. and the question is, how much is, how much going to be involved either today or tomorrow it's, there was more of a response from these. we also still a lot of questions at this hour,
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but there is this concerted effort ever since last week. when you had the us copper in egypt put out the statement urging both how much is real to take this opportunity to come to the table to finally put this deal together. so there is a lot of pressure. i must say that at this hour, the atmosphere surmount of these talks is one of low expectations, but high stakes. everybody involved once to try to avoid any kind of regional conflagration. they hope that if they can get something positive done in the coming hours and days that, that will ease the tensions at a very volatile moment. all right, thank you very much. i'm a jump june 14th on the upcoming talks here in doha masses. meanwhile, accuse these writing prime minister benjamin netanyahu of driving out the discussions . no matter what barnett tina we'd expect to be told by the media is that israel has accepted what is being offered and any meeting should be based on talking about
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implementation mechanisms and setting deadlines. rather than negotiating something and you otherwise almost find no reason to participate on this all who has more from joseph's capital online as he is writing government has banned out 0 from reporting inside israel. these really negotiation team will be headed by the most on chief that israel's external security service, as well as the sion bed to be internal security agency. now the mandate has been discussed by nathan young and the mediators. and it was agreed upon and according to anonymous officials speaking to was really media. they say that nothing you all who has softened to stance, the red lines and non negotiable are still there. senior from us officials have told that it is either that they are not interested in new negotiations and that they've been clear on that and are only interested in discussing the framework that was already on the table that was agreed upon by the group on july. second, after it was outlined by us president joe biden on may 31st. they want that as
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a guarantee. now these really is want a guarantee that says they can resume the war even if a pausing the fighting is secured. but all of this comes as the region is still facing a lot of tension, these really still bracing for retaliatory attack by it on, by his bow or even perhaps the 2 of these any young men. and earlier today, us secretary of state anthony blinking had spoken with bloody counterparts, saying, but no country in the region should undermine the ceasefire. thompson efforts, and that includes israel. additionally, the united states has said that a ceasefire in gaza is obtained, could be the thing to come regional tensions time to send fluids as your 0 i'm or elsewhere. and the occupied westbank is really forces of killed that needs to palestinians in nablus. it happened during the raid on the lot to a refugee camp. the soldiers have since withdrawn. it's ready forces have been conducting daily rides in palestinian towns since the war on concert began. i've
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also carried out a large scale of rest campaign in the southern parts of the occupied westbank with soldiers writing hebron scenario. and the of the war comp storming houses detained around 50 people. the moving 10000 policies have been arrested in the occupied westbank since october 7th. and then there's also been a barge of 5 rock is 5 from 11 in which target to the northern is right. the community of my on barouche. earlier, a series of his writing strikes on southern lebanon, told that these 3 people there and injured 23. 2 of them were killed in a drawn strike on a car in the center of mount. joan is rainy on me and has bought or been exchanging fire across the 11 in border since the gauze of all started on group says it's attacks are in solidarity with the palestinians. hospitals across lebanon and preparing for a potential escalation of violence between israel and has butler officials at the stalking off on medical supplies and getting ready to receive mass casualties. law
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suite 11. and was given study 2 tons of emergency medical aid by the world health organization. hundreds of people have been killed or wounded in his riley attacks and lebanon over the past 10 months. the, the efforts to end 16 months of conflict and see donna underway in geneva. but only one side is attending a delegation from the apartment. it through rapid support forces has arrived. representatives from the army haven't turned up us secretary of state and to be blinked and cool, general abdel for toddler han, an attempt to take on it. but morgan explained spots of state and his call was army chief general of them. but the hon. us secretary of state anthony, blinking urged the army to send a delegation to join the talks that are taking place in the suit in switzerland and geneva. now these thoughts thoughts have on wednesday and they are meant to put to
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bring a halt or a ceasefire between the 2 wearing sides. this with a new army and the power military rapids support for us. the forces after 16 months of fighting. but the army has boycotted those talks, they say that they want to be represented in those talks as a government and not as an army delegation. they also do not want to the united arab emirates there and thing that's our memories is right now. joining these talks as an observer, the us that special envoy posted on x that the talks will continue on, says they. and that they haven't managed to re, some kind of an understanding in terms of implementing the declaration which was fine between the army and the parent military rapids support forces in may of last year. that the lack of implement implementation of that agreement is why the army says it's not going as well. it says that's what they are as, as should withdraw from civilian homes and civilian infrastructure, such as the water plants and power plants and open humanitarian corey doors. as stipulated in that did the declaration which was signed last year before any c spy
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or piece talk take place. now the army is yet to send any delegation to as geneva to attend the talks. that's just by the talks now and it's 2nd day. and it's not clear if they will send a delegation in the coming days. but what is clear right now is that this is a pretty much one sided affair with the us. and so they're a bit trying to make sure that the army does participate to bring a respite to those affected by the conflicts here. and so down he bought more than alta, 0 cartoon. it's more to bring you off. triple quick break. the biggest party in thailand governing coalition looks for a new prime minister. they often stretched to have this and was forced to step down and a dream of reconciliation south korea's present, present to trying to unite his country with north korea, the
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hello. there's been some big changes in the northwest, you know, the drill right whether sides in, off the of, by and tickets bringing a fresher fuel to the islands of ireland and britain. and then its running into the western side of norway. big dropping to its temperature is to for brussels, down by about 10 degrees over 48 hours. but there is still some heat to be found. we've just got to go to portugal, look at its capital today. lisben 38 degrees. not as hot as it has been through spain, and then we've got some active weathers whirling around the valley or exceeds so we'll pick up the weather store there south of france, monaco course because sardinia that northwest side of italy could get some down ports here. and then we've got heat trapped in the bulk and so bell grade you could match your hottest august. stay on, record number to beat is 40. now there kick at the can on friday. temperature is about 10 degrees above average. this isn't good news, wind still a factor around athens, so the wildfire burning north of the city and for crete island as well. where
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there's a wildfire there to africa. we go a clutch of storms around chad, pushing into northern nigeria and the chair and then dispatch of what weather was off the coast of guinea be south and to the south. we go. those winds will eventually die down for the eastern cape providence. today on thursday, see next hour on the as the cost of all celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and cause of albany and force. we were meant to be completely ethnically, cleanse people are power, examines the posts for landscape, and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation states that is a live today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on that. just a you know, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching. ouch is era the main stories now as a new round of gaza at sci fi talk set to begin in the country capital on thursday . the us in israel as sending delegations, media mediation efforts, have been stalls since a one weeks is fine in november of last year. and then also their efforts to try and 16 months of conflict. and so down this is taking place in geneva. the only one aside is actually attending dedication from the apartment. 3 rapids support forces
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has arrived. box representatives from the sudanese army haven't turned up or israel has approved a new illegal settlement on the anesco weld heritage sites in bethlehem. israel's fall, right, find out some of those to absolve smart trades and now is the plans for the sacraments and the palestinian village of but to your site is known for its ancient agricultural terraces. vineyards and olive groves is ready settlements and the occupied westbank are illegal on the international law nor day reports from ramallah on the impact of israel's decisions. these really finance minister announce permission to construct a new supplement in the bethlehem area. i know this is the de facto ruler over the occupied west bank and the significance of his announcement is that it this a supplement lives in the area that's left of bethlehem. that hasn't been taken over by illegal supplements construction. and the wallet lies in but tiered, which was inscribed by the unesco as
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a world heritage side 10 years ago. but in addition to its value, to humanity and to palestinian heritage. that area will disconnect bethlehem from the rest of its environs. yet bethlehem, being surrounded by illegal is rarely supplements on the wall. and now the block of course, had ceiling to the south will be connected to the supplements of jerusalem hardy low and the low. in the expand the boundaries of jerusalem. the administer the is rarely administer framed this decision as a response to bible study and action at the level of international court seeking accountability and to international recognition of palestine. but if we take a look, a closer look, it's really implementation of the is really government coalition agreement, which would supplement expansion as a priority and considers an explanation of the occupied with the bank as an object of what all this data drama, la talestine, or is that
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a sure line canal 14 presidential hopefuls of submitting that domination as to the election commission country will be heading to the post to choose a leader on september 21st incumbent run over chromos. single also intends to run. he took office 2 years ago off to widespread protest during the countries was financial crisis. in decades, almost 17000000 people are eligible to vote. and then l fernandez. brings us the latest on this now from colombo and they're all for the candidates at this election . the main ones though, off the incumbent president, around the missing of the opposition lead us. i just pray manasseh and i sort of a marxist lennox and his leader called under a commodities on like, he's the head of and the lines are we also have uh, the son of the former president, mind the roger pucks and that's normal. roger fox, uh uh, so these are some of the main or the frontrunners if you like, and those who are taken seriously. we also have
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a former ami come on the media mobile and quite a lot of others in the free, at this presidential election, which is quite a critical election because it's the 1st time of the, all the people that you're loc, as seen, that the people are having the chance to use the eval uh you have the body kids, obviously uh heavy security people, a lot of supporters of people waiting for the candidates to come outside that are already some banners. we hear the sound of drums, of musical instruments where there will be some valleys and things like that. just often they go. but so people, people like this as opposed to and the bureau and the public in sri lanka, the issue of corruption, the issue of cost of living ok, key factors for them. and they will be when they go to the vote, because at the end of the day you talk about sort of macro economics where the country is going. but for the average man on the streets, it's about whether he can put food on the table for his kids. whether he can send these kids to school, whether he can,
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you not manage the bath necessities. and even though things have stopped me like some more data entry long from those dark days of economic crisis, things are very, very, very difficult for a lot of fill out guns. earlier i spoke to pick a, a salty sort of and i moved to from the center some monitoring election violence and told me that may be barriers for opposition versus trying to cost that balance . it should be okay because sheet on things will come out and express their opinions in the context of an extra campaign, but that could be a restriction, the online safety act. for example, the most egregious of the recent legislation, becker's past dots come up with very broad definitions of national imaging inside when to really just antipathy hostility. all of those kinds of things, which have been the news to cub descent in the last one and
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a half years. so that could continue. and the election commission has to be very vigilant that existing laws are not used in a way to setup scribe or restrict the opposition that only about 3 main principal candidates. and the i, those are the proxies, the split the board, and some people, presumably doing it for the perks and advantages they can get as being a presidential candidate. all tied on could have a new need to by the end of the week, a governing coordination is looking for a successor to strive to, to visit, and who was forced to step down to ethical violations. tiny china has this update from the ty parliament in bangkok. it's going to be a busy day. here are the type of the many people would taken by surprise. but yes, the decision from the constitutional cooled to else, the prime minister, thought we are starting to get
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a sense of who the short list of replacements might be totally that leads the ruling coalition, have ruled out pet hometown should've was she's the daughter of texas. but he's known to be concerned about putting his daughter right to the full front of type politics position. we've seen the last 7 days, which can make you very vulnerable. instead, they proposed a 75 year old, a former employee who had a major brain aneurism last year with serious questions over his health that might open the way and attend 10 with a cool amount of substantial independent well, who leads phones? i totally vista, the policy of type politics and the man who is known to belong to hall. but at this uh for the top job will help people in thailand reacting to the suit so that the constitutional coats decision. frankly, with a shrug, a resignation,
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a deep sense of disappointment. the term all the bad old days of type politics has come. once again. tony chung al jazeera, bank of the russia is evacuating thousands of civilians from the co scrimmage and as ukrainian forces at vons. the military size, it's deployed fine to jazz to the west, and border crane says its troops have taken more territory that will be encouraging to curse started last week and is the largest cost board attacked by keith since the will began. john hall reports with the same old data data mock there incursion into russia. a week ago you create in force these say they were advancing here on patrol in a village in the coast region. what looks like a civilian, these apparently unmoved, by the presence of the vehicle best, the wide triangle in sic,
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neither of these ukrainian cross border operation. there is no sign of resistance briefing presidency. lensky, the head of the army, said they were making ground or point as to how defense falls. troops continue that are offensive on the territory of the cask region. since the thoughts of today, our troops have advanced one to 2 kilometers in various directions. to similarly bold was this report filed by a ukrainian journalist on russian soil. as the russian flag is thrown to the ground . the reporter explains that she arrived in the coast region with a ukrainian con void, delivering a to civilians. she describes people sheltering in basements and says that while russian ministry vehicles were hit, the to home has come to civilians. no damage done to civilian infrastructure. they ship them yet one of which leads, at least wondering at ukraine's ultimate goal. i think the political aim can be to demonstrate firstly to the western our lives that keep brand new. still very much
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can be fixed by seeing this more afford. so frontier and territorial integrity in this case, i think he prayed news, helping me quite clear, identifying and highlighting that are based as notes and incursion of a means to multiply russian territory as it is rather self defensive measures by russian sources. meanwhile, tell a different story with pictures being pulled cost on line of evacuated from the coast region. some said to be in need of medical attention. and the ministry of defense has released video that it says shows ukrainian prisoners of war captured in the coast region. along with military hardware and with a clear rushing response on the ground yet to materialize. that was this from a senior foreign ministry official to the 6 communities to with the terrorist actions and the costs gavia ukraine has at a minimum, but the prospect of paste talks on hold for a long time. i'm going to be on that. the next moves on both sides remain on so i
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don't know how else to 0. our defense editor alex could tell police as a new cleaning says here, viv, with more on the caution. ukraine's advance is ongoing. but how slowing down the funds has been extended by a matter of only a few kilobytes has a day as pushing reinforcements flew to the front line between stems. ukraine's at phones, the crane is north. must have a tax, is washing regional landfills. it's in order to store russian jets from taking of launching time, precision glide homes, which are becoming a real sold in the side of the crating and forces. politically, president putin is looking increasingly weak as ukrainian forces are still there in country on the russian slow, with a lot of the blame being pointed at the president. he's also must have financial incentives for new conscripts to come and join us now for ukraine. their problem is how we going to administer the 3rd 3. they've already taken the people to be left
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behind. probably going to be fed how service is going to be maintained. alex patropolis out to 0. this is a vision for unifying north and south career has been outlined by south korea is present you. and so your goal of bringing the countries together has been a long health policy objective for so despite the often difficult relationship with peeling young rob mcbride reports from so a task raise president to you. and so if you all made these remarks that the annual liberation day anniversary, which commemorates the defeat of japan in world war 2 and the freeing of the korean peninsula, from colonial rule. in spite of into korean relations being at their worst in years, you know fit to set up a consultation body to facilitate towards you as well. with this body, we can address any issues including economic corporation, human and cultural exchanges,
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and responses to disasters and climate change. in addition to using tensions, he also repeated calls for a nuclear, a free peninsula. for connie, if north korea takes even the 1st step towards the new can arise ation, we will immediately begin political and economic cooperation with its continued missile development and self declared status as a nuclear around states. north korea seems firmly set on a different course. among employees on the relationship between the north and the south is no longer at that a fellow country, a man or of a homogenous nature, but a vendor of 2 hostile stage. recent tensions have been heightened with the launch of thousands of fresh build balloons for north korea landing in south korea. those balloons were sent in response to balloons. loans by north korean defect is living in the south carrying packages that include us basics loaded with popular t,


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