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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 16, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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age of fighting, rising sea levels which threatened to swallow their islands, the 1st nations frontline, the torres strait swallowed by the sea on our do 0, the is the well finally of focusing on so done towards to end the 16 month conflict all taking place in geneva was a dedication from the audit, failed to turn up with a minus taken to have a total of severe is does diploma suspend a chance? this is inside story. the hello. welcome to the program. i'm hushing a bottle. it's been 16 months since the lives of millions of people and so then were plunged into conflict and uncertainty since then,
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the 5 full control between the army and the rapids support forces, how spread across the country, the united states, in parts of the ship, with an offer communion and regional, but the guide is hosting a new round of tools to end the violence so far. only a delegation from the pow mia to group is present in geneva. it's rival, the ami hasn't turned up. the conflict has killed thousands of people. this based nearly 11000000 and left half of the population facing, excuse hung up. so why does this leave the prospect of a political supplement and how much pressure come to us? it's on both sides to reach an agreement with, with these questions to all gusts in a moment. but 1st this report by victoria gates in the he received spies have come and gone into john in the past 16 months known. and so the violence, the conflict between army chief of delphi to o behind,
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and his former deputy mohammed have done douglas the heater of the permanent 3 rapid support forces, has killed nearly 16000 people and caused the world's worst displacement crisis to use the tool. so endway in geneva to try to end the fighting. but the army hasn't turned up because representatives of the united arab emirates are included. it accuses the gulf nation of all being its rival. we have stressed that they have a responsibility to, to be there and we'll continue to make that clear. uh, but i don't have any updates on that. the tools are happening. moving full files in columbus is away from the eastern student e city of poosey done. it's home to thousands of displaced people who select the conflict for the how much. i mean the in the for the, the important thing is a real negotiation process takes place. that will change the cost of events into time. so to space people who came to the state of the states come with time and find peace and say that is that on the. ready we want peace that satisfies all
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student needs for that excluding anyone. i hope people can go back to their homes and those who have lost their homes can be helped to dan, who struggled with them rest for use in 20. 19 the minute 3 ousted long time lead to omar elder share. he was replaced by a civilian government, but it didn't last long. in october 2021. the military once again seized power general behind took control. but last year he and doug low disagreed on how and when to integrate the rapid support forces into the army. fighting breakouts and how to and spread across the country. both sides have been accused of atrocities, including indiscriminate, bombings, ethnically targeted killings and rape. the un says nearly $26000000.00 people hold the cost of population facing acute hunger without action. tens of thousands of facilities, children might gone over the coming months, tens of thousands,
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and that is by no means a worst case scenario. any disease outbreak, and we will see mortality storm disease is outright as the, with many nations alarmed by the deteriorating humanitarian situation. attempts to end the violence of taken on a sense of urgency, but mediators say full negotiations cannot begin with any one side present. victoria gave some b, l, g 0. so inside story let's bring it, i guess from this about with joined by delta d. no, go to surgeon and human rights defend the incumbent. a. how does carol, the regional director of the say hi network, which is the strategic initiative for women in the horn of africa. and then j. d. so that his lawyer on political analyst, specializing in so than welcome to the program, i didn't normally when there is a meeting, you have a consensus,
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you have an agreement that all the parties are going to attend. but suddenly, last minute, the army decided not to attend to geneva tools. do you have an indication why the army is not showing up? okay, 1st of all, thank you. wish on for having a size study actually is not uh just following from the last minute that the army didn't decide to come to geneva, but actually defending. so that's good enough as ministry to price on the the, like i said, department uh since the 15th of july. mm hm. yeah. and the reply was waiting to get you in many sentences that we're going to have. and you want to add a new piece to that forms and then what's happening and then get the point and get that uh, have a patient is full or inaction. a and many things about that we are out of the or
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talk to government the most most in about the so that these people and many of them were the ones that was actually unexcused live to come to junior. so there was the shop to come to julie about it and went to the defective government. going to get that went to did that. i'd like to to be served with those at the speak. have a meeting with the mr fellow. actually while i was in the table section all day, the members of both of the. busy everybody that's going to get to come with nothing . i must like stay with them if you know something, continue that this was so by mr. bill when he said that the, that, that is big about his fire, the, about the purpose, the patients that after sufficient and the 4 digit approaches of okay can do an
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indication why the humanities of the. uh huh, that's, that's the number. this is the minute administer and other members. you can't just put that in front of the the. you said the jimmy. that's kind of funny. again. did you know that that's the big we did nothing. i've ever shop that and the impersonation give you spoke earlier about the agenda tools and we have to remind our view as of the political landscape, the prevail back in may 2023. when the saudis put all the influence to try to convince all the policies to come up with an agreement. and in showing these i seized by i was late to collapse. and since then, the army has been saying that the rocket support, full sized leg by had meant to have to on know some of those commitments made age
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and the how the, in the absence of the, of the government's delegation. is it an indication that the chances for peaceful political supplements is not going to happen any time soon? it's actually very sad and relative stating that especially the news army is not going to be uh, additional questions. and yeah, it would have the opportunity, you know, we can initiate a platform for mediation that's with in this area and then i'd be violence. that's kind of the so the needs to be asked already doing well. and the other hand, i just like to also highlight that it's just a, you know, it might be with the fact that, you know, the international community has been deal down with such a has since this, i'm very busy by the investments on preaching. you know, you know, some form of a mediation platform, you know, for this complex of concept,
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you know, we all know by now that this to the nice guy, 6 that's currently happening just not anymore award between the 2 police are that's it's, it's becoming more or less approx who are, and that's something that has to be looked at then taking into consideration. and when the situation becomes that complicated, it's required of much more f for a much more investment and engagements with the multiple are with the multiple depart, peaceful arch to this situation, or contributing to be almost always include the, you know, the of the whole issue or you know, of, and that keeps coming, you know, to we, you know, what the part is to suspend this war. the issue of protection, some of the fact that civilian parties have been used as lip on the floor as okay, in just in, in this conflict. i'm a, what's next for tom parella,
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the us on void force to that. does that still any potential for a deal that could bring together the army and the rep as a boat forces? i think that's the whole band and, and tom is just starting with his mission so i would hope he doesn't give up with this with this 1st attempt. i think you spoke about a surprise about south not attending. i think the biggest surprises is the, the talks going forward without i major participant, i think it would have been more prudent of, by the state department to try to, to, to, to control and address some of the concerns of staff. a lot of it, my understanding resolved their own semantics. are they called staff or are they called this is denise government, a given the importance of all of these talks and, and, and the high stakes involved. um, i would have hoped that those would have been accommodated to get these thoughts underway. but looking forward i would hope that they would continue to engage and address those concerns so that these thoughts can take place in this work and come
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to a net. and i did, the audi has publicly been very critical of the united auto enter it, spending the energies for providing significant the minutes we assessed the, the, to the arrival a general i had meant to could this be one of the main reasons why the army is not taking part. okay, so it, it could be what you have is watching, 4th and 4th. and if this is to this, i'm a do shows and for this things i did it with how does that work better? i just have been an expert. that's one of the instructors this piece. that's the way that they give to the driver or 7 or home i haven't had the time the children have a better chance. i'm going to be here in the process. okay,
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i haven't read the reach the problem. so the next 2 or are they in the planning? and this one or 2 she has talked about, let's just try it on the gym. so if somebody says that the stop, the is been the most up to an additional repressor, and then it will have to have the table is still the best way of speaking about okay, how to this is not new, the ceiling tension, the hatred between the 2 key players, incident and general effect. how about hon and general hammond to says 2019. both were buying for a bigger se and only use light to for a whole. i mean, boss a t and bishan erupted into
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a civil war. the plunge of the country into chaos. is it still the same story? again, just a fight between 2 guys about control over so done or do you think you become a regional conflict? so i, i think so that is too large to fall apart that, or you know, this floor is becoming more and more a very complex walters that a good majority of about neighbors one way or the other on edge. and this is why, from the beginning it was obvious that it should have been taken very, very serious. you know, and it's complex that you should have been taken into account. unfortunately, it might be wasting bank. i'm not sure give me just been drive sheets around. what's happening is so that, you know, she's trying to minimize, you know, there,
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do you guys back in start pensions to point to this company and apply that to the news people are they have to price 40 brian badge, you know, uh, which is uh, it's unfortunate you know, we are at the point where sticks up and come make extreme get complicated. you don't require much more investment. i mean might be, would that just not happening yet? if you have repeatedly said that the international community has to step in, it has to invest more into it. so then i have, but if you look at the current situation, you see that you have the saw, these the, and the to use the egyptians and the field is us key play as how could have a biggest say in whatever happens next. but what do you think will be pivotal in putting together an agreement? if the agreement happens? i think 1st and foremost, any agreement needs to stem from. this is denise fan and i'm not talking about the, the combatants. i think what's missing on the table that has been missing for the
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last couple of years is cause the voice of the people who went out and revolted against them this year and 2019 and the the table and the discussions are being almost exclusively between the the, the military, some bathrooms, but i think it's important that any initiatives to resolve those would stem from this to denise. obviously, the regional international players would have a very important constructive role to play in this, in, in, in, in the negative sense and upstanding from supporting the, the, the demolition and the various combat those. but also more importantly, as we look, forwarding to reconstructions to dan will be starting from scratch, post war and, and, and, and everyone involved will have an important role to play, that will serve their own long term interest incident. you know, what i believe in is that all of these neighbors have a benefit in a stable, prosper sedan,
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and i think we can all come to understanding with them once the war has ended. the date of the situation continues as ease a deadlock will continue as do think this could push the i c. c chief. negotiate to prosecute, getting han to move ahead with the investigations until the atrocities committed by both the army and the honest f. the dean actually some that the, the, the, me, he had the speech in bed mattress wisconsin week ago. and he brought it back like to, to the south for the defect. deliver me the really against the people who were by the given the through that is the key really not a bit of well, i've been in the east where the, the between the kind of generate on the banner that's
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the, by the most the, it says who has learning so that i will remember inside the army i did, i said is find out, i mean the human, which is what the john vision of the quote and this is the response of this work. and the thing is been going on this so that if you're on the side of the about the river, there's people with the same plan on the minute i was just going is one of the people that you need your home as well. and the community was ready to shift, besides the platforms that started in the way that you did that on my, on my, you know, the got the use platforms, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the, the community, the get. it depends on why you stand on, how do you see the political landscape evolving because we've been talking to people on the h. c. it from a totally different perspective. i've been who's who it has a level of the bigger levels in the country. how you have to keep play as an army general who broke most of the promises he made to the people and who was also involved in a crackdowns that killed hundreds of civilians who took to the streets asking for democracy. you have a war more general that have meant to someone who has been behind most of the atrocities committed against videos and off for in a fast share in the household. many, many places that presence, do you see it as an ups that go to peace and stability in the future?
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do you think these 2 guys have to go before we can start to talk about the genuine permanent political supplement up so you will see the presence of windows across to you so that be some stipulation and i think you know, boss dental dogs, they shouldn't have a place in future so that however, you know, the way the kinda process is being approach it's, uh, it's basically as tim $45.00, you know, the whole situation again. and it looks like, you know, the international community for a, a, i don't know how many times one to drag cuban music game into up or shared at the point where, you know, putting but destiny, you know, of a country that's at the moment, literally spot the such collapse at the hands of the stamp people who cause this situation. and i think you know, that the overall approach me, that's bull,
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but failure all ready to get, you know, a disability for like a history of reward to keep the warranty. um, you know, water board space, it's definitely not the right approach. and this is what i meant when i said that, okay, you know, there is many but best match on saddam's questions. and that has been the kids, you know, since the pool of october to 22 that don't. so the overall, if parts went a to suspend for spot this fault. drag. so down back into the whole situations. apple, i shared custody a bit of satisfying the, to dinner off. so here we are, you know, we are moving throughout this way and once again for i don't know. okay. many times people as well as chatting with, getting that as you, as, as you recall. no, it's um, it's dry in the floor. oh,
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many times. i know it's dry and so it's too bad. it's of course, at the end of it, you know, um, just out you've been used to people what able to, uh, to gain and spend dense. you know, uh, but generally i see uh that that full price is as far as most of the power shed being, but ended up with uh, dish cycle. also wireless um with the expansion of the size of the, of a scale of plans. uh, even though what honda has just said is it does it to makes sense to talk about file sharing when 2019 the so that these people are both. i guess we'll talk policy and put together a new political establishment only for them to see themselves betrayed by both the audit staff and, and the ministry establishment to the point where now they have absolutely no say over the daily lives and the political landscape. and so that, that's to make sense for you to talk about the potential for obama sharing,
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where civilians would have a bigger se. absolutely not. i think they're there. they're many lessons from the passes to them. but one of them is that we cannot repeat the mistakes and reward bad behavior we. we did it after the master cousin. therefore we did it after the hard to massacre in 2019 and had the, the political power sharing. and that's, that's why framing any talks and piece discussions needs to be with the right, the agenda and with the right participants. and by that i mean, we need to agree on the, on the basic parameters of the postwar. before we we gather people. so these parameters include as, as how i mentioned, there cannot be any future political role for either of all of these generals. we need to end the cycle of infinity. we need to have accountability for the r a. so for crimes and crimes against humanity that happened during the war as well as what
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happened in the heart of massacre and our for and before it. and then we need to focus on building and used to dance. so that is led by the civilians that have not been heard of heard from in the last 5 years. the, these are the parameters, but we can't just have talks for the sake of the dogs and. and if, if the end goal of the geneva talks is, is just to simply have a power sharing at a detox between him and denver, hawkins so that they can share power and kill more for the needs, then that's not a good outcome. first of all, i didn't, should we start to talk about addressing in justice and in the quantity incident in so then the divide for example, between the, the elite and the sub african communities if necessary. and so then those who are side line by touch she left for decades, particularly in the, in the gulf or region before you can agree on how to move forward. actually some of
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this is one of the major functions. uh, about 2 dentists independence and this thing beach was that i didn't get to you. i mean yeah, i can, i didn't do the driver but at the corner of the world in the south of that and their independence, upsized events that petitions for that. and the wires and the water in that for the company doing something really much. so that's about this even went home and the accountability and finishing into the g the what's the, what's the purpose of supervision. and this my name 19, actually my brother is to be the gym. if you will just have to go to the side of the instead of just nothing m u m level not to let it automatically. and that's why most of the brotherhood is so, um, but the, i'm, you know,
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his work with the work better with this marketing unity. so, and this actually was the person who was the father of cheryl bean unbox. we're the that's, that's the one that i want to done. i will start the process and bring it back to the submission. i'm. d the hello you. busy the regional director of the strategic initiative for women in the horn of africa. why do you see yourself as a woman and hundreds of thousands, millions of women in so then how do you see the future? a split extremely peak and i'm not talking about women in the world talking about 3 minutes drive. i'm talking about millions of gym 3. so down at the moment has
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boulevard. i would say, 12000000 children, according to industry. we're not able to have an education. you know, we have, uh, it says it says it, do you know the numbers, both women where i need some doubts for exports, district sharp mileage. we have my 6 of our sports swimming. not about sports subjective, just that. right? yeah. sports today, but you know, this bird conflict is being credited by so you've been investigated by work. and this is why in my view and it's a special ed in conversation that does not take special protections of civilian serious it. you know, it is large because it's because the why am i going to junior and it should be difficult to have a political process. i mean, going on because she should, you know, out of this plus plus. that's going to happen so that you know, so the need needs thank sections it is i thought the spam yards except for 16000000
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. so too busy, but this was going to pass a die situation. indeed, we have to remind the views of the you, and he's saying that these convict has good tens of thousands of people. incidentally, internally, the space more than 10000000. so that is on for 2.3, millions of of that home had a cavity, but i haven't the j d i that didn't include i really appreciate your insights looking forward to having this conversation with you in the near future. thank you. thank you to for watching, you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll just you dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside started also joining the conversation on x. i'll hand it is at a j inside story for me, how she and the entire team here in the ha bye for now. the
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there is a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western, and it needs to be questioned. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the, my wife and i do to the admin of financial 2010 to 20. the fun digital has, the twin box won't qualified, so you don't have to con, contact the now we'll have this was logged in. you are the last 2 digits of the
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beneficiaries who have booked on the kids. about 400000. those are for us. we believe not only financially a bar and these don't offer guns with alternate training them unimed, providing mentors for them. today. on the 2nd largest employ of labor in the private space of soap with a states of $90.00 on russian sites, phase is to a fall or use it creates technology oriented opportunity to use words like with driving. so if you ever did issue with the lighting job creation a, we also assuring to sleep economic empowerment because the women move found empowering african entrepreneur is the colleges when the
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the color answer of any this is and use our lives from doha, coming up in the program this our working towards a ceasefire and gaza mediators, they talk soon, katara has been constructive and will resume in egypt next week. the un secretary general reiterates calls for a pause and fighting so that hundreds of thousands of palestinian children can be vaccinated against polio. and the new m fox, marian spreads to an.


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