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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award. denominator here on now. the, the 10 pallets demand is all killed and his right in the air strikes and central garza, just hours of the immediate to said cease 5 tilts and capital for construction. the other ones are in jordan, this is down to 0. live from dell also coming up is real issue is one of its largest evacuation notices in gallons, a shrinking, the so called psych sounds even further into thousands of just based on how much demand cassandra poets, his 1st case of and books on your braces for more infection some
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a deadly strain of the virus that's killed hundreds of people and less together we will build what i call an opportunity economy for us democratic presidential candidates come to our son veils her economic plan. in our 1st major pharmacies, the 10 the palestinians have been killed in central garza and a new wave of his randy strikes on saturday. the attacks on the owls away to neighborhood come out as often mediators wrapped up seats by tulips and gauze in doha, which the us is cooling promising. but us egypt on cats are presented to the proposal to hamas and israel, the base se, bridges the remaining gaps, the 3 media to say them to wrap up a deal when discussions was human cairo next week. meanwhile, your effective state down to me bring can, will travel to israel on saturday to continue diplomatic efforts. it's randy prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu says israel is fundamental principles are well known to the mediators and the hopes that how much will accept the deal. how much says israel is again trying to obstruct an agreement by insisting on adding new conditions. but yes, president, dr. barton says that no one in the middle east should undermine efforts to reach a 65 do as we are closer to whatever man i don't want to jinx anything, but not very much. but of course so but officials in the washington can see there is still a lot of work to be done before. next week's meeting in cairo. a white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare for, for there is a new feeling of optimism in the united states tonight following a call between the leaders of the united states, katara and egypt in trying to get this cease fire deal over the
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finish line. that's because, according to a senior administration official, there is a momentum and the last 48 hours have been among the most constructive in weeks. now the reason for this, according to this official, is that there is now a final bridge and proposal to overcome every single difference that has existed among the parties. for nearly every issue, whether it be the clearing of russell, whether it be medical services for the people of gaza, whether it be for the exchange of captives for palestinian prisoners in his really jails. there is now a way to implement this agreement in and on day one, and there is no longer any sort of risk for is really security. in fact, to this official thing is real,
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security will be enhanced. so what we are told is that there is a new spirit to drive this to conclusion, and it is now just down to the fine details of implementation. now there is a dark shadow that is looming over all of this as the parties had the cairo next week. and that is the threat of. 2 sort of retaliatory attack if by a ron towards israel and the united states is showing this stern warning don't. in fact the united states say the cause of course, a should or wrong wash and attack would be cataclysmic. but the united states say it is prepared for all contingencies, and that's why it has bolstered is forced presence in the region. kimberly healthcare alger 0, the white house. well, i'll just say it was home that some of it has more than those 2. she's reporting from jordan's capital, i'm, i'm because these randy governments bound down to 0 from reporting inside is right . it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office released
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a statement saying that they are appreciative of all the mediators and efforts to try to get to him as to agree to the deal that is on the table. and that they should be putting more pressure on how much as the mediators already know, israel's terms, but anonymous officials speaking to is really media have said that they're trying to lower expectations. i made all of the us optimism around the talks that have taken place over the last couple of days in doha. these officials say that, well, there has been some progress. there are still heavy gaps that need bridging. and that's because benjamin netanyahu has had a hard in stance, going into these types of negotiations throughout the entirety of this war. now, how mass has responded saying that israel is the one who continues to obstruct and evade these negotiations. and that israel is the reason why the talk have continuously collapse. thomas has said that they are only interested in the framework that was outlined by us president joe biden, at the end of may that they had responded to on july. second,
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the group is also saying that israel continues to add terms and conditions that do no. 1 work for them and that they will not agree to deal unless it includes an end to the war and the withdrawal of israeli troops, us secretary of state anthony blinking is set to meet with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and israel on monday. it will be the 10th visit of its kind since the war on gods began. and he's expected to put pressure on this and yahoo in order to accept a deal and is really media is reporting that the delegation has been approved to go to cairo on sunday. how does that, who is ita? i'm a hello my roof. my name is i fellow with the middle east council on global affairs . he says very little details been released about the bridging proposal. i'm a bit skeptical because the we haven't heard any actual details yet. we've only. busy that this is that some of the gaps have been bridge, but the, the problem, the stumbling box blocks in the past have not been over the details have not been
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over how many prisoners released on what day it's cetera. it's been over fundamentals and the very fundamental divide is that nothing yahoo has said that he has no plans to end the work any time soon. and as soon as the hostages are released, he'll go back to fighting and that him as wants it permanent. and to the hostilities and then and to the is really presence in the gaza strip. so that is a very fundamental thing that has not been bridges at all. and we don't know how that is going to be overcome in this new deal. and there is no guarantee that you'll go from stage one in which the hostages are released to stage 2, which is a permanent end to the fighting. and that has been the problem. and the problem is that the only one pushing the united state or pushing israel, we're having leverage over israel. united states has been unwilling to use that leverage to make those type of guarantees. and so there's no trust from the other parties from him as of what the these rules are going to commit to. and whether the
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united states is going to be there to make israel commit to the full terms of the agreement or from going from stage one stage to. so that is really the fundamental problem there. israel continues to decline more and more of gaza out of bounds for about $2000000.00 palestinians, including designated safe areas. according to the un humanitarian affairs agency, nearly 90 percent of the gaza strip is now on the evacuation. notice the most recent announcement will affect more than a 170000 people. that's the biggest group to be impacted, sofa and the 10 months as well as wolf as well published demands have been forced to be displaced. numerous times have little option, but to move again. i'll just say let's talk about zoom has moved from data by law in central gauze. those a so called humanitarian zones on getting smaller. and with it the opportunity to access something as basic but critic who as what to hundreds of thousands
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forcefully displaced, posting, he ends up being pushed out of dairy. bella in the central goes and from the slip, 2nd blowing just sits, the hon. eunice, in the south, is really forced to say how most has used these areas to fully a motors and rockets at israel. civilians have an option to pick up and go to a button that's played out repeatedly. the received warnings to evacuate this area we're collecting, mold and carry. you tell me, where should i go? all the people of gods have been crammed into a tiny spot. and with being pounded from all directions, dary bella has 18 root to wells. 10 of them located in the east. now the scene of purest financing. in con eunice, the population is being squeezed into a smaller parcels of land on sit to live in the low low. you'll see it
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uh about 85 percent of the entire province of con, you designed to see only 18 of the $108.00 square kilometres. i left for the population as tiny areas, crammed with people who it is almost impossible. more than 80000 palestinians are crammed here without the basic necessities of life. this defies logic, panic and see to the smooth colleagues. people forced to flee again. the explosions on not far away. the bottom line is that there is no safe space and garza no sheltered, no food or water. nothing at all. the whole world is watching us in silence view and says about 84 percent of the strip has been placed on the evacuation order is by the usability military. that's 1900000 who have been forcibly displaced.
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the goal is a strip off. everything's all set up for more than 10 months of unrelenting attacks . there's no response. families here are struggling to this is the only thing the only a humanitarian conditions, especially with, is relevant to, since it's so cold, humanitarian. so that has led to mis access to nearby who to services are recognized, which is 0.6 people have been killed in these really striking southern level to emergency services rushed to a residential building in the city of natasha. where is randy shelves have open eyes on friday, at least 3 others have been injured. israel and the lebanese based group has the law. i've traded net daily attacks against each other since the war and concept, again, the new cases of the impulse virus had been detected in protest of the health
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department. the says at least 2 people have contract with the virus on the now in isolation in charlotte, they say the patients flew in from the united arab emirates, the recent impulse outbreaks dotted in the democratic republic of congo last year and spent the neighboring countries. the world health organization has declared a global public health emergency and i'll hide it. has moved from is none of us. the 3 passengers you're coming from that united that made it worse. stop. good for sure. all were at board of the which the head of the toner gauge that issued a statement saying that the, the, the work carrying the symptoms do, of course have been confirmed. do have the and bulk sliders that 3rd one across the rating. that it does reject, being sent through the nation, is to your developer here, and it's all about. so the national combined and operation center i have cartridge already issue. and there do, why is it
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a to ensure all preparedness in the face of this new thread? and that gives you an fox uh, wider score at the moment. uh, doors, the case is being reported from the type of pop, proven it did. what? remembering that back and granted range, it st. they were 11 gun from the cases of m fox and focused on one of them died. i so indeed, what has happened is that the nation is to do it of head, has now issue the precautionary measures. that'd be by target job. that includes a routing and watching the game, as well as a clean environment and reading mod rep possible. and they have caused relatively looking at incoming passengers to ensure that they are able to timely detect any symptoms of this wider given the fact that they, what it has the organization has already raised the law. and the focused on your daughter did of course,
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really be cognizant of that fact with europe is also concerned about and box office suite and report it as fast case early this week. i'll just a was doing a whole has more now from london as well. one imagines the countries across europe, and indeed more widely than that probably hardly pulling out and dusting off their viral prevention programs. remember that post code all those measures that are in place in airports and elsewhere, mosque wearing hand washing, screening and so on. have launched a full and away and one of the main purposes of the world health organizations decision to, to care a global public health emergency of and fox is to encourage countries to release funding for research funding for boosting public health systems. and for accelerating the rollout of all of those measures, testing, speeding. and so at the biologist saying that, look, while they may be very few identified cases so far, i've sides of the sort of epi centered, at least in democratic republic, a neighboring countries. that probably means there are other cases,
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more cases that are on the identified leading to at least the possibility of some sort of rapid global spread. go back to 202223. the 1st time this happened, it was a strain of influx monkey boxes as well as it was to include play too. that was responsible, considered less dangerous, less transmissible, certainly less deadly than the current strain. played one or played one be specifically at thought to be more infectious, deadly in some 10 percent of cases. ready there's some evidence apparently that children in adolescence might be particularly vulnerable. so certainly there is widespread concern. this will be watched extremely close to the european center for disease control that has raised it's at risk awareness level from low to moderate. as far as the impulse is concerned, and he's currently urging all countries to maintain high levels of a let joe know l g 0 number for zone coding these days from the i am
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a world health and the democratic republic of congo. and he says, the risk of impulse transmission is much higher in refugee camps. those are the results of one thing that we're seeing on the ground is that the, uh, the transmission is, is like human and being the only human being more subject to the cops. and these come stuff, you know, who to montes interrupted, which is fine, you there. so the think the new website has been the college, just watch with our communities. are we at risk around the people, so we need to get to minutes. meanwhile, the government isn't this, isaac is, you know, calling for the soft ones and you can ship in salt resources to make sure that we have enough. i've said, actually we have the country is, you know, i'm looking at around 3 me. the rock seems to fight against impulse y axis. on the
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grounds, all these holdings have ended up the what it together to make sure that one side was put into somebody else to get aside, let me put it to you guys, but also making sure that the student is able to provide needed supports, you know, to the most up at the community. so i felt very care and i'll just here i, when we come back the youngest child and feeling that psycho and tax and should have one tech serve as tie 5 minutes to come. and the 3rd member of of the family. so the parents plus doctors across india, step up that protests of the raping matter of the medical co contract last week. and that statements, the hello some of the biggest sponsoring downpours in india had been rogers found
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states over the past 24 hours. it has produced this flood and you get that much rain that fast. it certainly does clog the streets with water areas of concern. i think over the course of the weekend will be southern india, eastern india around the additional state in westbank all state for example. now there was intense range that were in rochester and have now crossed over the other side of the border into focused on into punjab. providence, in providence, pushing into below just on providence, we have a fresh spelt of monsoon rates here on saturday and to try to fairly typical weather showers in storm scattered abouts. up and down the philippines, some showers and storms here, but nothing to prompt any weather alerts. the rains are beginning to pep up in southern china, particularly for hong kong. looking to catch maybe a 100 millimeters of rain within a short period of time that could produce some flooding and one of the strongest type fluids to approach tokyo now pushes the way behind large the city duct, and dodge. this one powerful winds on friday. some rain, but the bulk of that moves away. in fact, it's hot and humid in tokyo on saturday,
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and we'll land back in this part of southeast asia where it looks good for java island, but somewhat weather today north on. so i'm not sure island on saturday, say next time, take care. i of the, as the cost of all celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and cause of albany and force. we were meant to be completely ethnically, cleanse people are power, examines the posts for landscape, and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction as possible the making of a states on just the utah the the
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the welcome back here. one thing i'll just keep in mind about top stories here. this uh, 2 days i've got to see 5 talks of and didn't go home. to whitehouse, as the discussions have been the most productive in months, i'm resuming time early next week. in gaza, israel has reduced the size of it, so co same. so in the southern city of han units, displacing thousands of palestinians, once again, 89 percent strict, it's not under evaluation or a new cases of the influx fires have been detected. the recent outbreak stopping and the democratic republic of congo last year and spreads the neighboring countries. double hbo has to have a global public health. the russian officials, at least 11 people have been injured in
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a ukrainian attack on most of the controls done yet. the local government says the shunning hit a shopping center on the outskirts of the cities, parking a fire, rushing telegram channels. at least a 100 people were inside the complex and the criminal has accused the us of direct involvement in planning ukraine's incursion into russia's task region. washington has denied the accusation, which comes as the cranium forces move further into western. russia. sees the boat, a town of sewage up. the cranes ministry says it's taking a to russian settlements. mean russia says it's forces destroyed or ukrainian recognizance group and cost. and if we taking control of these 2 assessments, so what else when you crane battle is continue in the east where russia has been making gains in the past months of defense editor alex, the top of that is in key from the center of this report keeps forces maybe advancing rushes, cruise reason for brushing. reinforcements, reduce the gains to a few 100 meters
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a day. your trains operation shows series signs of slowing down and fighting. so ukraine, things don't appear to be going keeps way. but there was the crating of forces in the east until this region, hoping for so slowly but steadily by the strategic total port crossed is being evacuated. the russian army totally 10 kilometers from its outskirts, some thoughts which is to play here for a 2nd. the situation is only getting worse, it will not get better. the government and critical infrastructure remain in danger . don't be afraid. you can leave in an organized manner to pack your things and evacuate. in the self ukraine's missile attack on the coast bridge was intercepted . testament that ukraine's ongoing campaign against russian a defend cease and crime is a sofa failed. any person you credit the troops of pulling back units from its own the bridget, from the russian side to the, to the pro river. as they faced melting attack, creating a unit specimen for controlled at the river. the cruise cooperation was
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a morale boost for everyone here. but the reality remains, that ukrainian forces are very much on the defensive. this volk memories, those that failed billing for the country. and it's set to grow. alex could helpless out to 0, chief us democratic presidential candidate coming to harris has unveiled her economic agenda in that 1st big policy speech. speaking in the background state of north carolina, she made on vicious promises, i end up courting the american middle class and said, donald, trump would only help the rich. i'll just say was, how does your culture it was that the event in raleigh, north carolina, the family this was kind of the harris's attempt to turn to the owner to tackle one of the democratic party's most vulnerable issues. the economy head on you want to know will someone cares about? look who they fight for?
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we're drawing on her own humble origins. she spoke of working at mcdonald's in the price. her mother felt when they bought their 1st home after years of renting. here was that if elected president, she would help qualified 1st time home buyers do the same. my ministration will provide 1st time home buyers with $25000.00 to help. 2 down payment on a new home. this is perhaps moved in dishes of the many campaign promises hare was made on friday and other to ban grocery companies from price gouging and to crack down on the meat industry that has seen record profits as it raised consumer prices . harris tried to draw a contrast with donald trump accusing him of siding with billionaires and wanting to impose tears that would raise prices further. a truck tax on gas, a trump tax on food, a trump tax on clothing. the trump campaign called harris's proposals of government
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price fixing scheme that would fail. but they seem to have resonated with voters like danielle, carry a server at around restaurant. she says she likes harris's plan to help home buyers and renters. it would be a tremendous help. it would mean, alas, the realize me, it's very hard. i've been searching everywhere and just a waiting list for housing right now is 6 months to a year to even get into individual one. but she's skeptical about an earlier harris proposal. also supported by trying to stop taxing tips for service workers. she says that may jeopardize for government benefits after retirement. i think it will hurt us and allow us to be honest. i, i'm not really a fan of it, but it was pure enthusiasm inside the here is can event hold. show here is leads, trump like 4 points nationally and is a head in key swing states. she is riding the momentum that we have seen since last
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month when she jumped into this rain. still, there are so many weeks ahead before election day and her challenge now facing how my hair is is to continue this momentum forward reporting from raleigh, north carolina, hydro castro, doctors and nurses in india. continuing their protests over the rape and murder of a training doctor the angry what they say is the failure of the government to keep health care work and safe, according to justice for the medical was found dead last friday at a government hospital and coal counter. doctors of coal for 24 on nationwide shutdown of services on saturday. it's going to say a very scared right now because many of the times we guys own might do these. we walk around the block, we, we get 36 hours to be at least $36.00 that would be the cheapest for us. so if this thing happened inside the house, he does that is like the 2nd home to us wed, obviously, if not to, as in bob, when uh, where rights groups say there's been
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a crack down on the opposition and civil society protests, the head of a regional summit for activists who arrested for criticizing the government have all been denied bail. i'll just say i was having latasha houses update from outside . the court in the capital state prosecute is all get in court that the activists will try and leave the country. you interfere with witnesses and that's why bail was denied. this is the background to the story. some weeks ago, a group of young competition support is arrested for disorderly conduct. was active as came to the court. they behind me to support them when they left the court. they were on the way to a workshop somewhere else in the country while they were on the plane, the force of the play by security officials arrested and charged with this 4 to the conduct the charge. the lawyers say they don't agree with to disagree with the judges of disorderly conduct. in any case, you know, that sort of that's going to mostly i tried to level to finally just $15.00. so under it, i noticed people view this as
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a mid way. they may actually be saving much more then at the the, the, the, the send is that they don't update and assuming they would be convicted. there's a regional assignment this weekend in involved with ad rights active as a whole team that african leaders will open the talk about these allegations of human rights abuses. but here's the things i'm at unless you say that ethical need . those tend to shy away from criticizing each other publicly so to may to be seen with these issues of human rights abuses will featured prominently in the summer when it gets under way hardwood tests out of their head. i or thailand as appointments, youngest prime minister in history, a majority of m. p. 's approve 37 year old parents on so on show what a member of the launch is positive in the governing combination. prototype, she's a dose of techs in should. what for my prime minister, the remains influential despite spending 15 years and self imposed exile, i'll just say was totally changed, reports, look, capital sign cock. it was
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a process. some said it could be the room to me and it was just the full amount now . so i'll pass on time to, to one, put on time, see what receive more than half the votes from the members of the house of representatives. this hold upon them and has approved the motion to nominate page on time. so you know what for appointment was prime minister for 37 years old hometown sion and what is the youngest person and only the 2nd woman to take time. i'm sure she's relatively inexperienced, politically, only coming into the spotlight during last year's election campaign. she comes from a strong political tennessee, her father tax and, and her own getting lock booth from a prime minister. she would have the full backing of expanding services, kentucky. so i think that's the crucial top rated today. a very important role in managing the cabinet and give us a 40 with the se, advisors which is very much needed to push, you know,
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the work for what the prime minister elect was waiting on the other side of town. well, well wishes arrive of their congratulations along the list of policy grantees arriving here. what is effectively the account in the policy head cold is here today, and the message is very clear. they want to show that aligning up and the downtown should've well enough to us public appearance as prime minister to support the policy with policy leaders and cabinet ministers behind to. she came out to give her 1st public address and decided that it's about time to do something for the country and for the party as well. and i just, i hope that i can do my best to, you know, make the country go forward. afterward she admitted her hands were shaking with the.


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