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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 17, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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end of the american era, the us wants to keep the war and ukraine going back to russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the the hello on the fuck a this has been use our life coming up in the next 60 minutes is where our launch is a series of arrow tax on central gaza. can i get these 15 palestinians? and is there any strike also hit a city in southern 11 on children among that as well as pricing for another possible global health emergency. the impulse outbreak has killed hundreds in
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africa this year plus health care workers in india to go on strike, to protest against the rape and murder of a training doctor. the types of joining us to begin this news, our central gaza, where the death toll is rising. for a wave of his radio strikes at least 15 palestinians have been killed since early on saturday. the strikes hit the town of ours a wide which is just north of darrow, by the injured were taken to the nearby l x. the hospital detox comes soon off to mediate has ended the latest si, fi tools here in the ha, which the u. s. has cooled promising they're expected to resume in cairo next week that target boom joins us from darrow by the tara co. firstly, how significant is this attack on how's the, why to of the but it was
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a very deadly strike that has been carried up by that you specify to just in as a wide town, but just over the past few kilometers away from what we are right now need by the grim realities that we so 16 bodies being lined up in the moon overlooks the hospital for the same family that has been hit without any sort. so when it gets a warehouse that was talking to this family has been using as a shooter, after being to sleep, just place from the house in a shoes. yeah, yeah. neighborhoods in the far north of districts, but the grim reality is that there to now there's ongoing efforts being made by the civil defense members. in order to look through most the volume is especially that the attack has resulted to, i mean, my supplier that has broken out in the area but and then everything left behind by snow. oh yes. have to. in fact, that was carried out to an open mind to text box. the ocean can recruit more attacks and the 6 feet of han you and us, which is a move from apartments by these fairly tillery and fight tickets. we are talking
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about a 6 year old boy that wants to buy a true hi, a, as he wasn't sleeping in his pins in the how much residential neighborhoods in the northern parts of con you, in the city. this is a very, it leak reality that move tens are arriving to a loss or hospital in the city of con eunice as bit acosta. which is have confirmed that a number of fellow citizens have been reported ended seriously. due to these ongoing operations. the attack of the other big reality, of course, all these stories are full of force displacements and evacuations. tell us more about the latest, the a man. yeah. and even talk to just uh, 16 minutes ago. the as well. um, it has passed from you printer best and minute treat that to ation orders for the residents of unmatched size. the refugee come to plead, they have to say 5, a number of blocks to be completely in c on the residents have to go to areas that
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must be away from these locations that had been marked to be an active fluid. so, but the blue create that evacuation orders have reached to so low had been roads that as debate load linking that we've been north of the south of distributed evolution with the subordinate see in the central areas of district families as thought to, to back what they have in the houses, in order to keep going to dairy, bella, which is origin overwhelmed with displaced families. but there is a very controversial tracts here in the central areas. the army is raising in areas that where it was a fight, a safe humanitarian. so and then there was ongoing strings of the space of this humanitarian. so, and because people are right now, all the problems in the western side of the dairy, by looking for a sense of safety for these settings has been shifted due to the ongoing button. and families, in fact, have been reporting that we have new remaining places to go the minute to is the pricing of the entire trip right now. there. is there any place that could be saved?
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and at the same time, can insure the affordability of sufficient humanitarian resources, including the affordability of medical facilities, water and food. and we have moved great challenges now because of the dwindling number or for to those now available for the palestinians of order to depend on, for humanitarian use, especially with the 10 to will that's had to come out of service due to the it's very operation in the eastern side and everybody, so gradually and progressively the minutes rate is, expands and gets minutes reparations. here in the central area, leaving a very narrow window of options for display. some useful has been to in areas that designated to be safe, humanitarian sense. yeah, it sounds like the dangers and the risks are immense of the moment talk many things about talking companies. even general bala is where they will plain. so if it, the city of number 2 in southern 11 on coming at least 10 people emergency services on the scene of a residential building where is right. the shelves had overnight on friday. at
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least 5 people have been injured that these are the ami says it targeted a weapons warehouse. almost 11 them based has belong to. liberty's health ministry says a woman and 2 children are among the dead. like speak to ali, how shall, who's in the tire and slots of 11 on and how they want more. do you know about the latest attack, the a, what else? so that talked to face that the area off the why didn't before, which is close to now about the, this is a mess of the factory where we are vice now, it's where these really well plane stroke a several people were killed as you said, around 10 people like, you know, the women to try to offer children actually does have the syrian family that used to work at this factory. and they are the victims of this attack. now the attack us, as you can see, was the face yesterday, after midnight, c syfy off the midnight. then after i spoke with the owner of this message on the
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factory side that the family used to live here. the fact fee and they used to take it off the face during the night. and the thought happened, of course, the losses in millions of dollars as you can see by the fact is that this is just spots of this pattern of attacks that's taking place. this is not the 1st time the daddy of novelty is being hit. on several occasions, one of the occasions in the past, there was a building hit several of the members of the family. and today we're seeing civilians also. 4th of this, um uh, you know, the, the, the victims of the stock. so things are, are kind of getting more bloody with, with, with civilians being killed and such a fox. and all this attack comes shortly after it has been released by video showing off some of its weapons, where you will have this a made as you say,
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this near daily exchange. a fine. how the, how would you describe this tit for tat exchange of uh, volume sort of thing. close to the boat of the that's why it's a situation of anticipation right now. everyone is just sent to sit facing the coming gets either full. it's coming, gets act. that's expected from as long as rather retaliation to the getting of the commander. but the issue is that it's, it's been going on for the last 10 months, but things are just going off the lot the day after day. so what we were talking about last week is not what you were talking about today because every day that are hard but it strikes and at the same time as well as a talking more minutes fi positions in is read and everyone is afraid of this moment when things will get out of control, which has been accumulating for the past months. now what we saw yesterday is
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because of his will last anticipation for the it's ready retaliation to its attacks . it's forthcoming guest act. so it's also kind of a mind game too much tactics going through this uh, this time of, of confrontation. it's not, it's not, it's not a classic and war. and it's even, it's not the classic of not symmetric war. it's something different about that. this region hasn't seen in its history, right? ali, many thanks to the update. how the hush and near the city of the novelty of the side because of that to latest this really strikes. how do you have thank you. of us, extreme state entity blinking is due to travel to israel on saturday to continue diplomatic efforts for cease fire. and guys that have the white house as a deal is ready to close, lincoln is expected to meet prime minister benjamin netanyahu on monday. investigate who says israel's fundamental principles, a well known to the mediators, and that he hopes a mass will accept the deal to us. egypt and consol presented
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a proposal to her mouse and israel on friday and go ha, they say bridge is the remaining gaps between the 2 sides. folks are set to receive in cairo next week. says israel is again trying to obstruct an agreement by adding new conditions. it also added that any deal must ensure an end of aggression against palestinians at a full is really withdrawal from goes on us. president joe biden is wanting no one in the middle east. should undermine efforts to reach an agreement. i'm optimistic, far more optimistic now then you have been in months past the from all the talks, let's go to live tuesday and before all the ease of putting of the gold, 80, and capital mom. because they started,
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the government has burned down to 0 from reporting in israel as so saying we had a lot of cautious optimization, optimism that coming from the white house on these recent tools. but any word from israel, the well, this is the closest of these talks has come to resulting any sort of the problems on the ground and bringing some kind of change to this ongoing conflict. and all the mentoring seems to be going in the direction of this deal going through. we've seen these really delegation saying that they've left a group. there's a delegation that has remained in doha uh to oversee any outstanding issues. there's another that will be traveling to cairo. this is something that the is really negotiating team has confirmed of also said of course that prime minister doesn't nothing yahoo will be meeting with blinking on monday and is really media is reporting and that's and yet it was came to see a deal go through. but we have to look at the fact that when it's in the autumn says and does are often very often, 2 different things in the united states itself in the process accused him of scuttling previous thoughts,
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simply to prolong the conflict to prolong the war. and we've seen this escalation of strikes in the last 24 hours in gaza in 11 on and it will come as no surprise if there was yet more escalation of attacks in and around those same areas. and the other thing that is important to consider is now members of nothing. yeah. whose team will be addressing the far right minister? it's marvin give you here in bits of smoke rich. now these are very extreme is far right. ministers from who and that's and yeah, who takes excuse that will be briefed on the latest with regards to the deal. and we have to look at what they've said in the last few days ahead of these thoughts. it's marvin over here has said that the were misc. ready going that they must bring from us to neil that talks are a waste of time. specifically saying traveling to conferences in the, in cairo should not be the way that israel handles of carrying out of this war. and it should be ended with a most defeated through military means that so this motor test said that it is his duty his job to make sure that palestine does not have
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a state. and he said these things just a few just in the last 24 hours. so these 2 leaders and this way of thinking which is popular. and israel remains serious impediments not just to these thoughts, but any sort of lasting piece. or i say many things. so i was name is robbie, and i'm on the spring consultant about our caps. he's a professor of public policy at how many been colored for university. he's joining us from york in the u. k. a full time. thanks for your time. so tools as we've just been mentioning that when did with the agreement to hold more talks in egypt next week, the mediators are presented a so called bridging proposal, consistently say with the agreement laid out by the us of the end of may by the, by the un, can you explain the what's meant by this so called region proposal? how it might may differ, for instance, i'm most comfortable as well. i think the main objective would be to keep the process ongoing. the often and this actually goes asians, the actual engagement in
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a process is as important maybe as the outcome eventually. and this bridging proposal will probably allow how much do engage directly in the negotiations. and now that does or it has uh uh, as estimated to the top political leader in from us and then his deputy g as in y, has been appointed as in water as is based in gaza. declared the under the current circumstances. and if is, are continue is the same intensity or for which they have made. ready that in fact the property as can agent there will be very difficult for him as to given take in that kind of circumstances. so maybe a part of that bridging would be a reduction in violence. this is very common in international peace talks. if you recall, when the united states negotiated was a part of the bond, they agreed to continue fighting and talking at the same time, which seems to be the fact the, the situation here,
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which is our house. but also implicitly, both sides gave in and reduced by them significantly to allow the dogs to feel. now this is not what received from is that at the moment, despite the fact that from us as not sure if you had any major attacks from the general, but the last few weeks is around, it has continued to intensify its attacks. it has stepped up in terms of the number of operations. it continues to kill the civilians randomly and incorporates as if it's not the states as if it is made of 2 entities. one that is fighting the war and one that is talking about peace, rice, and there is no real mind. and i think this would probably by didn't. ready warning, again, it says, is his active doing, but it's the future political future is at risk of this when we do it over the last with 3 months, see, i'm sorry, so desperate to gain that was the data absorbed in the states. and that is,
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reg is understand, is very, very well under practically taken can hosting this suggestion also is that a rod may have been pulled out of carrying out a retaliatory strike against israel after the assassination of the mouse. chief is my, i need to enter on a pause potentially while these talks are ongoing, at least what evidence do we have? so that is the case for ron. and does that also apply to has belong attacks of northern israel. but we don't have any evidence because as you know, these stokes are done behind closed doors and nobody has. ready inside anyone's being talked about, but i suspect spots of that bridge thing is to is to allow away the grades of time before around the acts. so this kind of bridging, probably included on because it 3 main factors. it's a tough shape job with the last few few weeks as far as, as far as concerned. the 1st is, this is rachel for retaliation. and they know from experience that to you around
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the world, which i did today, they did retire to attend to the past. although it was more measured, we don't know how they were retired this time, but we know that they are capable and will retaliate. the 2nd is the grades to the grades or the threads that the hostages are coming under as a result of how mass potentially losing control over its individuals on guarding these hostages with me. so last week, one of the gods getting one of the captives because he stopped me the was administered by these variety. so he just could not psychologically keep looking after a person and then treating him while he's on family, been massacred by the israelis. and the 3rd, which is quite important, i think, is the general international drawers as well, that united nations security council meeting, where they've done the is idea and busted, or the lifestyle to the international committee of the security council spoken.
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such a degree of arrogance about is that being the most small country in the world about the, the fact that everyone has the wrong drives on the right way to britain reaction in particular was quite important. this is for the 1st time that bridge and takes a clear deposition and goals or use the words or for a war crimes when addressing as well as so there's a general change in moving towards is oh, okay, obviously alpha covers and nice days, but it is important that all these factors must be on the mind of these res charge as they engage in thoughts. so some back out, always good to hear your thoughts and analysis. thank. i think causes health ministry has confirmed its found his 1st case of polio and a quarter of a century. the united nations is urgently quoting for 7 day pools and fighting to vaccinate 640000 children by collaborative hopes. on the
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1st case of the polio virus eradicated from the gaza strip. 25 years ago has been detected in a 10 months old child. the united nations chief says this groom development must show in a pause in fighting to vaccinate gauze as children. i am appealing to all part of this. to provide concrete, the short of this is the right to way get emptying humanitarian pauses for the campaign. let's be clear is the oh team, it's vaccine for the following. these piece and then the media to manufacturing ceasefire, desperate living conditions and the collapse of the health and sanitation systems often move in 10 months of will have allowed the viruses return. in severe cases. it can infect the suffer, his spinal cord causing permanent paralysis and even death given the conditions of
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the displacement, a little crowding sewage contamination back of clean water to an overcrowding be the idea of the condition, sort of very high thoughts of, of july there's transmission of the world health organization says it wants to roll out a polio vaccination campaign. from august the 17th. the 1st phase would target about 640000 children younger than 10. some of the most vulnerable to an appeals for a cease fire on humanitarian grounds. so it stops, can move about safely and then ended had been rejected by israel in the past. the need a massive change in the current environment, which is the only see if i add an and b so that the children can be vaccinated. but be also the live feed them of move much at the end of july causes health ministry to play, the strip a polio epidemic. so the health system is already overwhelmed by $1800000.00 cases
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of skin diseases and respiratory infections. on top of other communicable diseases, israel knows the danger of polio outbreak presents and began immunize in soldiers deployed to gauze in the late july. at least 95 percent vaccination coverage will be needed during each round of a to round campaign needed to prevent of public health emergency. if on check, the virus could spread well beyond causes bodies. mike level, elders, there. the concerns about the impacts of virus escalating, often new cases were found in pakistan on the health department. this is at least 2 people who've contracted the infectious disease and we know installation in the
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shower, the impulse, the brakes to us in the democratic republic of congo last year. the world health organization has declared a global public health emergency. we are also concerned about m folks of to sweden before that it's fast case to whole has more than that from london as well. one imagines the countries across europe and indeed more widely than that probably hardly pulling out and dusting off their viral prevention programs. remember that postcode with all those measures that were in place in airports and elsewhere, mosque wearing hand washing, screening, and so on. have lots a full and away. and one of the main purposes of the world health organizations decision to, to care a global public health emergency of and fox is to encourage countries to release funding for research funding for boosting public health systems. and for accelerating the rollout of all of those measures, testing, speeding. and so i put the, the old logistics to saying that look, while there may be very few identified cases so far. i've sides of
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a sort of epi centered, at least in democratic republic, a neighboring countries. that probably means there are other cases, more cases that are on the identified leading to at least the possibility of some sort of rapid global spread. go back to 202223. the 1st time this happened. it was a strain of influx monkey boxes, as well as it was to include play too. that was responsible, considered less dangerous, less transmissible, certainly less deadly than the current strain. played one or played one be specifically at thought to be more infectious, deadly in some 10 percent of cases. ready there's some evidence apparently that children and adolescents might be particularly vulnerable. so certainly there is widespread concern. this will be watched extremely close to the european center for disease control has raised its risk awareness level from low to moderate as far as the impulse is concerned. and he's currently urging all countries to maintain high
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levels of a let joe know how to 0 number. all right, let's take a look at the spread of impulse. now at least 14250 cases of being reported in 10 african countries, b. c. well, them 456 people have died. well, the 96 percent of the cases are in the democratic republic of congo and 97 percent of the test. the initial symptoms of similar to flu and include ex fever and swimming glands that followed by a painful rash. the forms of list as impulse spreads through physical contact with infected people, all contaminated surfaces and objects. it can spread through contact with infected animals, voltage of it outcomes, the president of the pockets down society of internal medicine. he joins us from level of. i will welcome to you, so we start by asking you what the latest you are hearing is about the prevalence of impulse cases in pockets time. thank you so much and we
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have the if we bought it from the from dish on the one days and a young man who flew in from via to charlotte and i think i see fucked. one be seen develop the flu like symptoms as you just described. and then he had these bust julie or whatever, but as body as the respiratory system is not in large, so the was not hospitalized. and these being isolated, that is all the stuff was wrong drawing for one. and that shot the sheet. okay. because the virus, which again, is not that, but whitland and also in back in the prevention is not that much. so he seems to be in conviction to be there. it is about 2 weeks. so he's contracted for, for most likely inside the front. and then the,
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the symptoms get ready to talk to each care charlotte and then it's gonna have the suspect dictates, but he has tested negative on bcr and said ology. so, i think there is a need to be cautious and so within less than room. but i don't think we need to panic right now in part is fine. but unfortunately, we do not have an excess as yet to park this on to the back scene, which is the same vaccine that we use for us, or to get shut off the smartphone and this vaccine to your needs. we are trying to get $10.00 on board, most of whether not it, but it's like small children do very for the people that immunocompromised be. but it got back to explain why it is because i don't want it. i do want to ask you about the vaccines in a 2nd, but, but 1st the, i mean, you mentioned not to we incubation period is the suggestion, the full, the numbers that where detecting around the world. so fall sweden, having practiced on could potentially be high,
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given that it does take at least 2 weeks to detect some diagnosing those. yes, absolutely. and the, i think the one thing to understand is that any read the admissions are public, had to issue. and the public says the principalities bid me have reported one case . there may be about 15 cases which are there, but not many to book a i that because of incubation, be a deposit of the lack of facilities or laptops, overland, and partners funding. unfortunately, this is something that we cannot be pro, door, lock and disease overland system. we haven't learned much lessons from corporate 19, reinstated at the same warranty or not. or unfortunately, we spend too much on the defense forces or other things good rather than the kind of time spanish. but of course vaccines available, depending on the very end of the us, for instance, says stop also do other countries, the w h o as oscar,
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the sharing of vaccines. but if we've learned anything from the cupboard 19 pandemic is the countries tend to prioritize the own who might pockets on look to for help here. well, i think we, we have that we already are in touch with the w a show because that is um the, the, the president in bucklin style with us. and also they do understand the potential for this disease to spread and get people, especially the most for the communities. so we are already asking them to get us the vaccine. so we get that we can use this direction for the population. so we're just waiting for get it hasn't been not okay. don't to job it. crim, president of the box of society, of internal medicines. thank you for joining us. still ahead on al jazeera together,
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we will build what i call an opportunity economy. you as far as president carmella harrisonville, so economic planning of 1st major policy speech as residential hopefully the hello again, outbreaks of rain moving west to east spell cutting across a bigger swath of europe. so let's pick up the weather story there. we're starting to see it in central europe. dropping down into the balkans and this is really helping to freshen up the air. the kids are 25 degrees on saturday. watch what happens on sundays roam down to 26th. some heavier burst of rain towards the top end of the age, he added around gracious sylvania, austria of the czech republic, pushing into germany. and by this point, zurich, just 20 degrees for you,
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let's go back to the here and now on saturday. temperature is also going down up and down portugal shooting for a height of $31.00 degrees in lisben, other end of the mediterranean. it's super easy picture for a stumble on saturday, but you're up to 31 degrees, a few showers here and there, but nothing really major. so let's go to africa right now, and we do have major brain fall pushing out of molly in to send a goal and it can be a dark, the blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain is falling, and one is in south africa where a weak little disturbance brushes in. so there's going to give us a few showers for cape town, pick up those winds just a bit, go 16 degrees there, but we're still dealing with weather hotter than it should be at this time of the year for places like habit, roney, and my put so 29 degrees for you see the with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era
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for us wants to keep the war and ukraine going back to russia's will, is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit places the state houses are really invest in that. and that's a privilege as a journalist, the . ringback the, the
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the, the watching out to 0, he's our mind about top stories this out. at least 15 palestinians have been killed . and this really strikes some also why the town near the, around by the central gaza. the attacks came hours of to mediators, wrapped up, sees 5 points and cancel this for us this quarter, promising israel struck the city of never to, in southern lebanon, saying it's target was they have full of weapons warehouse health officials say at least 10 people were killed. including children, the kind of what we're trying to on top story goes a ceasefire. immediate is castle egypt out of the united states have issued an optimistic statement of 2 days of tools, even the white house,
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as the discussions with the most productive and months, and will resume again in cairo. next week, we'll have a jump dream. let's be following developments here in the summer time. and as we mentioned that we're looking ahead now to round 2 of tools in car, right? line this done, whoever the still and this re the team here in castle. what, what do we know about what are they doing? yeah, that's right. and even that's one of the reasons there is momentum still with regards to this process. the fact that while those ceasefire talks at last of 2 days and don't, how may have ended there is and is really technical team still on the ground in door. how trying to iron out detail so that these remaining gaps that we keep hearing about from mediators that they can be finalize, that they can be bridge narrowed substantially in the days to come. we also understand that there's going to be a technical team traveling to cairo as well in the coming days, because the mediators had said that before the end of the next week, there is to be another meeting in cairo. and the hopes are that
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a final agreement can be reached either before that meeting or when that meeting takes place. look, leading in to the 2 days of talks in doha, the expectations surrounding what might be able to be achieved during these talks. they weren't low. that's what you were hearing from diplomats because there had been so many attempts in the last several months to try to bridge these gaps and they just hadn't worked. once we saw that statement after the talks, it ended last night and don't how it was clear, the mediators felt much more positive about where things were, that they were talking about reaching a final agreement, that they felt that there had really been positive momentum. so even though, going into such high stakes diplomacy, there initially had been what seemed to be low expectations right now there does seem to be forward momentum. there are still a lot more questions and answers when it comes to what was in that statement last night. but the fact that you have a technical team still on the ground here, that is certainly a positive step forward. we must from or as wells that we still need to hear from
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the parties. we still need to hear more from, from the israel and from how much as to what exactly is being presented to them. what exactly they are willing to do. but as of now, um the mediator is seem to indicate that this has exceeded their expectations. one more thing to mention need is that after that statement came out from, from the us, from corporate and from egypt last by. you also had his statement from the ministry of foreign affairs here in thought that the prime minister and foreign minister of publishing haven't been on the document of fanny. he had held a call yesterday with his iranian counterpart, the acting point minister of iran, in which they discussed the mediation efforts that had been taking place in don't have so all of this coming the backdrop of a time of great tension, great volatility in this region. when these mediators are doing everything they can to try to bring the temperature down and ease these tensions, as you say, the mood music appears to be good. the details. so sketchy, the, my, my, that many,
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thanks about my, i'm a jump game here in doha medical stuff. i own a nationwide strike in india, protesting against the rape and murder of a training dog. so they say the government has failed to keep people safe image and can, but has more india is medical professionals, their own strike, indian medical association, the country's largest doctors, you name is cool faction. of course, the whole nation in protest over the rape and murder of the 31 year old training dr . inside of state run college and hospital in calcutta as early emergency services will continue. all you're asking for this, this, this for the justice that is needed for the victim and the family of you had with them this being only, but the note says he doesn't know if this has been done into the case. so some skateboards have been uh, getting at us the, the printer has to load that thousands of, we'll say,
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marched across the state of what's been going on in other cities, including the cap to new delhi. well, mulch is have been peaceful. a group of men reported the attack the hospital where the soul took place. don't to say they don't feel safe and have been let down by the government. as those the father of the victim, mob of the mother kept cooling continuously, but she was dead by then. the most painful thing is that from 3 am to 10 am in the morning. no one came to us, the whereabouts have and them judy delta. this is her full rates of rate, a shockingly high in india. in 2022. there was 31 size and reported cases when you're going right in 2012 and public outrage, the government introduced legal reforms. but activists say it's not been sufficient . it has become part of the new emerging toxic masculine con, showed in india because there is impurity again and again for the deepest and
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sometimes not just impunity, but actions of protection by government agencies. i'm sometimes able to do boards and awards in this central bureau of investigation is looking into this case adult to say they will not stop to strike until there is a solution for activists like mature a solution includes an increase in safety measures in the workplace. c her conviction rights for rapists abroad so, so to change in rejecting sexual violence image and kimber, which is 0. the ukrainian ministry says it's destroyed to bridges and russians could squeeze ukrainian, um, forces release a video of one of those attacks. and glueck about on friday, rushes following ministry says ukrainian troops use west and rockets give says its forces. i'm moving further into western russia. the kremlin accuses the us of
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helping to plan the incursion. washington denies the allegation. moscow says at least 11 people have been injured. any ukrainian attack on russian control didn't yet the local governance, as the shelling had a shopping center on the outskirts of the city sparkler fire, that russian telegram channels say at least a 100 people inside the complex of the time. the crane hasn't commented on that strike for the latest on the situation. let's speak to our defense editor. alex gets helpless. who's a new clinic, capital key of and how to express the talk us through the significance of the destruction of these bridges increased. how much of a blow is this the most good? it's a, it's a defendant, maybe don't definitive but it's a serious blow for russia. so google, let me give you an idea. bring you up to speed. the governor of course, go to the evacuation of the town some 3 days ago. so most specifically inside out and do schoolboys,
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the tunnel depend the same river. so it's got its back to the river now looks google bridge was the main bridge. the main supply route for russia, supplies in and for reinforcements in and also for civilians to be able to leave. most of those have left. but there are also still some tracks in the town. and of course now, but the ukrainian, or the phone thinks for the town itself, some 60 kilometers away by the way from c j gives you an idea of just how big this of printing of pocket is inside rusher itself. they've destroyed 2 bridges, and the russians already building a home to bridge as a customer with us to try and get supplies in and reinforcements. but seeing so you previous to destroy the tool ready, you can expect this to become a likely target for you crazy beliefs with planners any time now likes while of course, the focus has been on these ukrainian games in the restroom region across buffalo's, of course, raging elsewhere, not to mention in around the strategic coach bridge,
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thinking rushman come in this. yes, this is the grand plays ukraine is being trying to destroy this bridge pretty much since the beginning of the war. they had some damaging it about a year ago. and what ukraine has been doing now is conducting this very intensive campaign against will be a defense units in crimea around the bridge itself. the bridge is one of the most protected bridges on us. it is very heavily defended by the russians in part because of somebody's supply, we get to crimea. this also means a play room for russia into russian hill territory and curse on itself. and it also brings more most of the voltage dependency less, since the northern canal has, doesn't bring any water now that the nova can hold them as being destroyed. so russia relies on this bridge in a strategic way and ukrainian speaking. how many do 12 attack them's tactical
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missiles besides the bridge? the all the noise know the maintenance, which gives you an idea of just how heavily defended the bridge is on. this is going to be ongoing as well. you keep an eye on this bridge because sooner or later you create is going to manage to strike it in some way, shape or form. or i like said get to hey, your analysis and all of this. so defense that is a, that looks good, helpless that in keys us us democratic presidential candidates come to harris doesn't violate an economic agenda. and the 1st big policy speech, speaking in the battleground, states of north carolina shumate ambitious promises aimed at quoting the american middle class. and said donald trump would already have the rich, i would just say, was heidi joe castro is that the rent event in writing this was kind of a, here's is an attempt to turn the corner to tackle one of the democratic party's most vulnerable issues. the economy head on you want to know, well,
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someone cares about. look who they fight for? we're drawing on her own humble origins. she spoke of working at mcdonalds in the price. her mother felt when they bought their 1st home after years of renting. harris said, if elected president, she would help qualified 1st time home buyers do the same. my ministration will provide 1st time home buyers with $25000.00 to help down payment on a new home. this is to have moved in dishes of the many campaign promises hair was made on friday, and other to ban grocery companies from price gouging and to crack down on the meat industry that has seen record profits as it raised consumer prices. harris tried to draw a contrast with donald trump accusing him of siding with billionaires and wanting to impose tariffs that would raise prices further. a trump tax on gas,
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a trump tax on food, a trump tax on clothing. the trump campaign called harris's proposals, a government price fixing scheme that would fail. but they seem to have resonated with voters like danielle, carry a server at around restaurant. she says she likes harris has planned to help home buyers and renters. it would be a tremendous help. it would mean, alas, the realize me, it's very hard. i've been searching everywhere and just a waiting list for housing right now is 6 months to a year to even get into individual one. but she's skeptical about an earlier harris proposal, also supported by trump, to stop taxing tips for service workers. she says that may jeopardize for government benefits after retirement. i think it will hurt us and allow us to be honest. i, i'm not really a fan of a body was pure enthusiasm inside the here is can event hold show here is leads. trump like 4 points nationally and is
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a head in key swing states. she is riding the momentum that we have seen since last month when she jumped into this race. still, there are many weeks ahead before election day. and her challenge now facing comma harris is to continue this momentum forward, reporting from raleigh, north carolina. hydro castro still had allowed to 0 thailand as his youngest and 3rd member of the shingles on political, tennessee, as its prime minister. the, as a nation goes in a bits or a civil war, the resistance taking more and more territory, the winning, they found one. and the city has to resort to the power button. the chaos and use threats has emerged under the sea. then what became pump sweat to the reach of cyber crime? what's taking place in new? why you certainly indicates that it represents one of the largest prime hobbs in
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the world. the full reports, the password for the gateway to me in march. and i was just the euro, investigative journalism, this is quite chewing more can you through here sensing that last horrible mind. what of the journey? voices from different corners of organization survival. it's survivable. survival runs for reparations. and justice stories from other angles. life is actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra the, [000:00:00;00]
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the meeting of leaders of the southern african development community is due to begin in a right. the conflict in democratic republic of congo and climate change. you expected to talk the agenda of those talks. howard matessa isn't zimbabwe, is capital a report some what to expect the summit when the southern african leaders say they want to improve peace and security summit. so just in the democratic republic of congo to help us army fight rebels and the m 23 on group, which is seizing carol attorney in the east. a peacekeeping mission against an eyesore backs group in northern mozambique recently ended. it's a mandate. static says it's a matter of to push back fighters and recap just some areas, but ongoing balance is still displaced in people. but security and let's say these troops are poorly equipped. there is a sense that some of the, my senior military commanders in the region have kind of responded to the political desire for
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a troop deployment without really taking into account the realities on the ground. and some of the thinking and some of the articulations from operational commodities who has a hang on, you know, what you're trying to do, counter insurgency on the cheap. and this can be the dangerous thing for our troops on the ground rights groups. also wednesday, this addressed accusations of human rights abuses in countries such as is what teeny zambia and here is a lovely with this. just that excitement is taking place. the way then probably we handle each of the ends and bubbly leaves lots to be desired. renting up to the subject summit, we have had a few people every states, i think, so i'm assuming prison. and do we issued this statement that we are not to? it's not good to handle each other. wish then we would handle wild animals.
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dozens of people lives above, we are still in jail applying for bail or awaiting trial. most of the people are rates that have been charged with encouraging public by then saying, cleared off with this indeed, a student, government critics and human rights activists. there is a lot to discuss, including how to tackle and on the new and used route that destroyed krupps when the summit in a final communicate could give some indication of where he was planned to take the region. how do i talk to alger there? how do i okay, let's take a closer look at the organization itself, the southern african development community, u. s. a. d. c has 16 member states, representing 340000000 people and 720000000000 dollars and g d, p. the export a diverse range of goods including diamonds, agricultural products, oil and gold, just having significant natural resources and economic potential. the region faces
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challenges include in climate change poverty, conflicts. this year in malawi, the soto and zimbabwe declared a state of disaster after drought condition, ruin crops. millions of people are at risk of acute hung up. let's speak to holland matessa who's at the summit and how, right, right. so how we will understand that, as you mentioned in your report, that a communique is likely to follow the end of this summit. the main thrust of it, of course, being peace and security, but is it likely to lead to concrete action? well, official say that 1st of all decided troops in the d. c. are making some games for the awesome challenges the recent sci fi negotiated by and going to has collapse. so 5 to continue even so does that are being killed. so we could see that if need is decide to say more trips to the see what was it, because a bit more tricky. the set of troops they have pulled out to the seems to be some kind of vacuum. so what is the long term plan full was in beacon. we've been told
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that the forces from little ones that will come into these areas. but security analysts are concerned that if it really is a vacuum, then these are close to take advantage of that opportunity. we're going to be 0 is and you see the display, see people. so we'll see what the, the says, the end of the summit. i suppose to close the, the big already here. how is that used to work? so happening in the country with a highly questionable human rights record. i mean, how does in bob way square that with the goals of the summit? what was involved with government say is of these people whose interests said committed a prime. so the process must play out in court, but in terms of the sub with african leave is 10 not to publicly criticize each other. when it comes to human rights issue, they tend not to interfere too much in each other's domestic issues. so if it is a raise, some of it will probably be behind closed doors. that communicate will be very vague when it comes to rights issues, what you would likely see is human rights because criticize the gas. you don't need
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us if they don't address human rights issues evolving as a part of the region as well. you also see rights groups try to put pressure on the internet community to force people like this about we president the ability, those who are accused of human rights atrocities, to do more to protect the civilian. alright, however many thanks the arm. it's us in our thailand's youngest prime minister. his in his history isn't the 1st day on the job. 37 year old pat hometown shit, a lot. is the daughter of taxi machine on a former prime minister who remains influential despite spending 15 years in self imposed exile? totally chang reports from bon cook. it was a process. some said it could be the room to me and it was just the full amount. now, so i'll pass on time to, to one, put on time, see what receive more than half the votes from the members of the house of representatives. this whole department has approved the motion to nominate pits on
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time. so you know what for appointment was prime minister for 37 years old pit hometown shit. and what is the youngest person and only the 2nd woman to take time? i'm sure she's relatively inexperienced, politically, only coming into the support my during last year's election campaign. she comes from a strong political tennessee, her father tax and, and her own getting blog post, former prime minister. she would have the full backing of expanding services, kentucky. so i think that's the crucial top rated today. a very important role in managing the cabinet and supporting with se advisors, which is very much needed to push, you know, the work for what the prime minister elect was waiting on the other side of town. well, well wishes arrive of their congratulations along the list of policy grantees arriving here. what is effectively the account in the policy head cold is here today,
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and the message is very clear. they want to show that aligning up and the downtown should walk in the public appearances prime minister to support the policy with policy leaders and cabinet ministers behind to. she came out to give her 1st public address and decided that it's about time to do something for the country and for the party as well. and i just, i hope that i can do my best to you know, to make the country go forward off to it. she admitted her hands were shaking with the opposing facility. as she looked to showed a new generation of ty lead to one likely still be struggling with the constraints of the post. tony chang out to 0. thank you. for the 1st time in denise,
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it was celebrating his independence day and it's new future capsule. this on tara event was meant to coincide with as an organization this month. this now being delayed instead to independence. day ceremonies have been held. one and no sun, tara, another star, many in the current capsule to casa patio. we spoke to public policy and advise of buying, buying how remote see who says the official opening of the new capital to be use away. the problem is we have been talking about the need of you capital c, d because desktop that has been overcrowded and it's been too much of a center of everything. so in even as late as 1950, it had been talk about our happy that bad president, your. busy southern lady and miles, i think about 2 years ago on building the independent b that you had to be cited to move to a new carpet though that's got to do,
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but some of his munitions that are by surprise. so uh, why do i go and we've got this, that is not something that these you bad the way it has been, force it in a very sharp way. and it's already what you'll call it a not very well planned way as being the source of most of the critics update. you'll get with that, and i'll be that it might have to that may be with the change of the president, the, the move on to the new capital they will be, if not at, at 10. so at least we will be the late for many years. let's take the 18 hour inmates have been shot and killed in the 3rd prison break this year. at least 11 suspect to the escape. these were killed and she time so the national police overnight. this being widespread gun violence across the caribbean nation kind of tax on
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a prison out of this. yeah. let him pump to the resignation of prime minister ariel henry. a will of was this defended the to a pawn shop into key is parliaments. to politicians were injured in a 30 minute roll the fist fight, followed and opposition moved. restore the parliamentary states of of lawyer and rights activist john, that's a lie. he won his seat in law. c is election of to come painting from prison. the motion is rejected and firefighters are still battling a series of forest fires. burning on tech, he is weston coast, the dry hold and when the weather conditions are hampering the efforts on the west coast of east mia houses and business is being destroyed. forcing people to flee are now the body of a red deep sea fishes being filed off. the western coast of the united states, 3 and a half meter or fish, is rarely seen in california notices, but it was found this san diego cuz smokeless, i'm read experts reporting a show for further study. the fish is often linked to myths predicting natural
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disasters. ok, that's it for me, the pocket for this new job, but i'll be back in just a moment. assign would much more of today's news. so watching the pod came interviews is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important effective he of the story on talk to how does era discussing the defining issues of our times, what the military, what government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper,
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hyper powerful exploring the very real dangerous unchecked artificial intelligence . how does a ice change the laws of war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a just the, you know, the look the candidates, you hung up the comments, i used to support questions. if you have an ex there, i will try to be sure of a wardrobe from henry. i'm the general manager and that's it. got to look at that, i have, i will have susan use. i think i'm a square footage. you're going to say how much more than a job one got a minute. we had to have them listed, but i just kind of getting them ready for them. but you know what, i mean,
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depending on this chart and the children, your financial switch out of how did you send it to you, which i'm going to look at. the israel launch is a number of arrow tax on central guys. i can at least 16 palestinians, the from the pocket of this is out just a life and also it coming up as well. hips, when it cools a weapons warehouse in southern lebanon, children who are among the dead. the world is pricing for another possible global


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