tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera August 18, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST
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else from the hoss of the story, hospitals have been damaged and law and order no longer exists in areas under our self control, the rescue workers in gaza desperately dig through level with that that has searching for us to find off on is really s tri county refugee camp the carry johnston, this itself is here with life and also on the pro protest as an israel keep up. the pressure on the prime minister to bring home captive housing does is ready negotiate so cautiously optimistic about a possible deal. firearms youngest to try ministers when it fits on thompson to
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watch takes on a role once handled by the font and ukraine destroys, to fox with bridges and bushes, cross creek photographs and forces pushed deeper into eastern increase. the un is rarely striking an apartment building in the volume, refugee camp and the north of gauze. it has killed, at least for palestinians. rescue was trying to dig out those buried under their bubble. some families of refusing to leave other parts of northern gauze despite occupational just by these very only they say business points because there's no safe place for them to go. have a company that reports from it shakes i it in northern gust these way the smoke rest and all the golf high, is it a published and it was actually was an oldest too big tunneling machine. they've done some box. all that. yeah. and then attempt to have
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a full minute to control all the northern box of the nose of garza and a bad. yeah, but i'm talking to you from a ship. the sylvan people here refused to evacuated or move because of evacuating over and over. and they are telling that these really forces is lying and there is no any safety police. and they took a lesson from a type of an anti mamma school in the guise of city. that's why they are referring to stay here rather than moving and follow these. what do you all, just as it can seem to be extra civilians who are still over in dense tours and still taking shows that in schools here on the ship they and a other boss of with handling and did that. yeah. and the fact to stay here for all of them, following these lady forces and get and take the risk to be killed was jersey to northern does
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a strip talestine. meanwhile, in the center, the goal is this trip. recent strikes of hit family, homes and buildings, that house displaced palestinians, one astro icon as a way to kill 15 members of one family. honey might lead reports from the other though in the central gulf. the relatives mourn the loss of nearly every member of the, virtually an entire family killed by an israeli or stripe on the wide and central gulf. now in body bags outside the lock for hospital, most of the shops with us cuz it's a huge the semester could in every way. they were owed this man, but there wasn't a single complete body. what's the reason behind it? we don't know why would be civilians killed him this way. the family was that of samuel at the least known as of july. he was killed when his meat warehouse was hit,
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along with his 11 and children who are age between 2 and 11 years old. they mean, i mean, i left gosh and want to know if they were sleeping the beds unless they were children and babies then 3, miss silas target at that place. that place is not, it's not in the upper jo out is efficient, meet much. and if they talk it much, and what about other people? elisa is reported to have coordinated with these really military to be able to import, meet and to go. the meet warehouse was now being used as a shoulder by at least 40 displays people, according to witness the family home next to the warehouse was also had the open minds as the outside of the home was leveled to the ground with everyone inside killed emotions. i'm the old women and children. what chronic those innocent women and children do to be killed. much of a zone why the townhouse turned into rubble that has the majority of gaza and more than 40000 palestinians have been killed. the slate is the top happened as the fire
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talked, and though i came to an end and before resuming in cairo next week, the u. s. has described the talks as a promising. however, the continuation of violence is not. my name is lloyd avita from the central area of the gospel of palestine is growing pressure on israel's prime minister took step to deal to end the war in gaza. and to bring these rarely captives home. of the 2 days of cease 5 talks in council. israel's delegation expressed a cautious optimism that they are closer to a deal of thousands of anti government protest as to the streets of tennessee, as well as other towns and cities on saturday evening, demanding the benjamin netanyahu. except that deal demonstrates as, according for his resignation and the cell, he has small from jordan's capital, a mountain and a reminder that she's the cause these very government has found out from reporting in israel. that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is off, is releasing
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a statement saying that the negotiated team is expressing cautious optimism. after returning from bill hoffer 2 days of talks, they say that they hope mediators like the united states can now put more pressure on from us in order to accept the ceasefire deal that would be based off of the framework that was outlined by you as president joe biden, at the end of may, what him, us has said that they don't want new negotiations. they want to work off of that framework that was presented by the end at the end of may. but they choose israel of continuously adding new conditions to the deal, and they say that netanyahu has red lines. and these red lines were actually released by these really prime minister in mid july when he outlined for non negotiable that israel would not be willing to concede on. but all of it comes as israel has confirmed and negotiating team will be dispatched to cairo on sunday to continue tops and negotiations. meanwhile, us secretary of state anthony blinking is set to arrive in the region and meet with
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nathan yahoo! in order to further emphasize the pressure that he is under and get him to accept the deal. protests continue across israel in more than 40 cities, including tell a beef or tens of thousands of as really took to the streets to protest against us and young leadership and say that the time for a deal is now. henderson who is ego? i'm a us secretary of state anthony, blinking is on his way to israel as talks aiming to secure a cx. 5 d o intensity font is expected to meet so it's very prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other top officials, us cats are on egypt say they have presented the original proposal to a mess as well. folks are expected to reconvene in colorado next week wasn't jordan is in washington, dc with more than once then can hopes to achieve of the us secretary of state antony blinking is on his way to israel. where on sunday,
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he is expected to meet with the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and other top government officials. the goal to try to stop the war in garza once and for all blankets. agenda includes 4 steps, getting an immediate cease fire in golf and getting her most to release over meeting is really captives from the golf and strip. trying to bring in badly needed humanitarian aid to the people in garza. and finally, trying to establish the conditions for a broader regional piece. what pundits here in the united states and in the middle at least consider that to be, is trying to prevent and a ronnie and attack on israel for the killing of a smell honey. the former political chief of a month earlier in the summer while he was visiting to haunt now the other challenge for blanking is going to be to convince nothing yahoo to not try to put in any last 2nd conditions. in these talks,
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the white house has been saying for the past day or so that you believe that the bridging proposal which it has put forward is very close to being completed. but even the us president joe biden said that he didn't want to try to jenks the talks because it's still very difficult negotiating. coming from both sides. that said, the us believes that now is the time to end the war, especially in light of the fact that more than 40000 palestinians have been killed since the war began shortly after the october 7th attacks. ruffling jordan l just sierra washington. the tada into sworn and its youngest as a prime minister for the stephanie was pat hometown, should've watts has a daughter, a former prime minister taxing on the 3rd member of the family to leave the country . a lot of these live pictures now of her making her 1st public statement since
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being sworn in her father was ousted in a coo and convicted of corruption. he received the royal pod on saturday just a day off to his home and was picked for the top job. and a vote in front of me for the check has more now from bank of a representative from the palace arrived handed over the sheet of paper. she then press tray to herself in front of the poor choice of the king and gave a brief statement. she said she was very excited to do the job. she would come so fully one area she did mention in particular was the economy. that's going to be a real, an immediate task for her. today was all about the ceremony about the formality. but now she's got the tough job. she can really get down to work. i think the economy is going to be top of the list the policy despite coming into government about a year ago, and the expectation of
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a lot of people that it would perform quite well. and i hope so. i think it really has and things have been very sluggish. and the major election pledge from the time policy, which was to open a digital bullet for every vote here in time and which was effectively a way of handing them about $300.00 us dollars. i think in part to spot the economy also to get a digital economy working well, it just hasn't the material, has there been lots of questions about whether it's even possible in the government can afford uh, i think a lot of people will be watching very closely to see if she just scratch that or, or she pushes on with it and the role of other issues. i think we've seen a lot of political instability in the last couple of weeks to move for the policy does all of that last prime minister being kicked out? he was actually here today, but i think, you know, another thing she's going to have to do is get her cabinet in place and return some sense of stability to governments in time. but it is why i didn't know positionally
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to maria corrina machado has come out of hiding to attend a rather you to denounce the re election of presidents nicholas ventura. she tells supports is incorrect because to stay on the street to demonstrate that against last month's why does this, i central poll. i'm a todo, had caused the global demonstrations. the supreme court ratified the 2 ways when earlier this week, allowing him to serve the 6 the time. the government has called for it supports us the whole count of demonstrations in response, a sore as a boat has worn off mazda 2 and as comfortable as ours, which was one of the cities that so protest. boyfriend is what an opposition supports us. this process is known as a protest for which for fits the off of petitioning venezuela, calling for people all around the world to take to the street to defend once a believe was there victory on july the 28th election in venezuela. people were asked to carry ben, it's william flux, but also this papers that you can see right here. these are highly sheets from each
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folder and stations in venezuela. that the opposition loaded on a website where people can go in with a national id and download the results of the pay for the voting. what happened on july the 28th declare election winter. however, the members of the international community, including the seller, has been demanding the government and those wholesome demonstration in the center of acts as well positioned either by the equity. now marcelo said that that therefore will continue taking defending their victory on the july 28th elections on the other side of the product. as it was also a big protest by government. supporters of the government has asked me to take to the street to denouncing what they say, apply these to get him out of office. direct line is supported by the united states
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and that's why thousands of people also took to the street. some, this is happening in the middle of unprecedented repression in venezuela right now . we've been hearing lots of reports of people being detained without arrest warrants of security forces showing up in their homes and detaining people on their will act as not knowing where they are be housed with human rights organizations. expressing they're concerned about what is happening in the country right now in spite of this year, in spite of the concerns that many people in venezuela have right now, people have patience with this to because they release that on july 28th when the presidential elections happen. not feeling well, it was very so i just see that one center from mccoy is a professor of political sunset, georgia state university. she says, while the opposition has lots of evidence that we do last, she doesn't think he will be forced from office. certainly brings a spot like back. it's also going to give, i think,
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a real morale based for all of the venice valence to want to see a change of business for. so that's your engine as well. i think, you know, who are facing this, the fear and the repression will be boosted by seeing all of administrative ones and of their outlines in countries all around the world today. it was quite impressive how many different protest occurred in countries around the world is extremely suspicious that the seeing the electoral authority has not presented any detail results at all. and at this is after 2 weeks with normally they will do it the day after or the night of the election and the opposition. on the other hand, the opposition candidate has a lot of evidence. they have the event tally sheets that show that my beautiful last it big time. now whether it will force them out of office is
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a different question. and of course, that's what many of the countries are trying to figure out how best to help the venezuelans resolve this and the mediating countries of brazil and columbia. but also many other deluxe, most of the latin american countries, european union, canada, the united states, are all trying to figure out how to help to resolve the situation. so the head, hair analysis era, the world is bracing for another global health emergency. also the outbreak of a disease that's 2 functions of pizza and africa. this yeah. plus under on header and of the democratic national convention in chicago where workers are putting the final touches on security preparation. the the, the, what i'm seeing is shifting mole,
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moisture across pakistani towards something around and quite clearly there are big charles building in yemen. receiving funding is result is, you know, and in western society could all be repeated. i think you probably want to watch it . what's going to happening around possibly the u a. it looks whole to $46.00 in dubai and forced to entitle how this is combined with increasing businesses really and present to the environment, but then the route enough to produce charles, i suspect the nights of a positive or might not going to be well funding quite lively elsewhere, it's hot and particular health in the rock. that's full cost to be $50.00, but we certainly have from the fifty's environment in iraq and perhaps of less than a wrong button. doha is reflecting what i just mentioned about humidity this time of year. the average is around about the $41.00 mark, maybe a bit below, and it feels more like middle fifties when you're out, the human t 2 is typical of the gulf states in august and september. big ratings have been folding and cost flooding into down repeatable events looks like the ad through chat as well. you come south
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a cut themselves off more or less before they get to and go to new fact in southern and go down a line through sam b as to what's townsend? yeah, there's a us across the line of raw, the hot weather, new soc, is up to me and reco. it's 32. as the cost of o celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between serbian and because of albany and force. we were meant to be completely ethnically, cleanse people have power, examines the post for landscape and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on that. just so you know, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the orthodontist here or mind of the headlines, at least for palestinians have been chosen. the latest is very striking to residential apartments in gauze attack happened image of all the rest of g compton, exhaust of the rescue workers. they've been trying to dig out. it was buried under the roof, tied down to sworn and it's a new prime minister. 37 year old tongue tongue and what is the country's youngest leader? she's the daughter of former 5 minutes to talk, sentient and watch on the 3rd member of the time being the but it's why didn't opposition the that maria create a machado has come out of sliding to attend a rally to the next. i think the 1st she told supports us to stay on the street is
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to demonstrate against the last 2 months. why have dispute presidential hope? spring quotes around for 5 years. earlier this week. a ukrainian minute trace, such as destroyed 2 bridges and rushes, crow, screeching, ukrainian. the armed forces released the video of one of the attacks english cut that on friday. keith says its forces. i'm moving further into western russia. russia's foreign ministry says ukrainian troops used the western vol kits the kremlin a choose as the us of helping to plan the ukraine. any cousin, somebody at washington denies. i'm helpless, has more from k, you've only a crate in the tax on the russian, which is the bridges over those same river in course could take a normally strategic importance. familiar bridge was hit on the 1st day, and then you cream destroyed the main supply route for russia, the goose of a bridge, the road bridge. it was 1st hit by high most precision artillery,
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and then was destroyed either by a tactical, real kids or a much larger munition, like a delightful. this complicates the picture for the russian military. this was the main way that they would bring in reinforcements and alma amunition into this shrinking russian pockets on this side of the river. this populace slowly being squeezed with the advancing ukrainian units, pushing it back against the river. now if this unit be resupplied, there's going to be a must have issues because they can't do the fighting without the weapons because of the fighting without the munition, they will have to withdrawal seating that territory to you. craig, this is something that the russians are pushing back, fighting against. and what they've done is build anatomy bridge, a temporary bridge across the river, in an effort to try and supply. they believe it forces, but that bridge is an open country, easily supported the res sufflin imagery out there that shows exactly where this bridges. and if this bridges across the river us procedure taught is for you pre.
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it's not move now before that will be attempts to destroy this bridge as well. tracking the units trapping russian forces on this side. the same river of course always gets helpless out to 0 t. both intra binary has more for most, one rushes reaction for the russian defense. what history is claiming that they have re taken a settlement to go do you have caught along the border in the curse region as of such a date? now the officials are saying that they are taking rac settlement by settlements and they've lost since ukrainian force as launch was russia is causing a terrace invasion on august 6th, the russian defense victory says that the friday continues, but that it is under control. we have heard from local officials in curse for region, saying that over the past 24 hours over 3000 civilians have been evacuated so far. what is clear is that there is not only a battle taking place on the ground between russian and you're praying forces in
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the curse region. there's also is the battle of the narrative that's being fotz because of the russian defense. what is true, claiming that to the information coming from ukraine and officials is not accurate . for now, russian officials have very difficult decisions to make in the coming days and weeks. the president has vowed to pick out the enemy from russian soil. this is a 1st time in 80 years that russia has seen foreign troops invade its land. it, meanwhile, the russian foreign ministry have put a, has put out a statement of urging the united nations and the interests of how much energy agency to condemn what have caused provocative action around. does that for reason or a nuclear power plant and also the curse nuclear power plants. and they're worried that there could be operation in the military operation around these u player facilities could endanger at the activities of the plans for the time being. it is unclear what ukraine aims to achieve from this incursion. but russian
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officials are certainly preparing for the worse source and safari, l 20. moscow in the us to come to her as will be officially confirmed as the democratic parties presidential nominee along with running a 10 volts this week. well, that's what happened during the democratic national convention, which will be held in chicago starting on monday. but the gathering there's many power those to another convention that's remembered more for what happened outside the co taking insight from engine has more not from chicago of america's 3rd largest city is preparing to host one of the world's largest parts, the democratic party. they may be absolutely clear. the city of chicago is ready to host the 2024 democratic national convention. as tens of thousands of democrats gathered inside chicago's united center outside, they will be joined by tens of thousands of demonstrators, most protesting israel's war and god. the entire world is going to see that tens of
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thousands of people from around the united states are coming here to say directly to joe biden. and to campbell harris and to anthony blinking and jeffries and schumer and polosa and hall, the top democrats in the country that you are complicit in. the is really genocide . it gives the pallets and, and people of that the convention will mark one of the largest gatherings of its kind since democrats held their convention here in 1968 when police clash violently with the anti vietnam war protesters. this time between demonstrators and convention going democratic, both the united center and mccormick place will be miles of fencing and thousands of secret service and police officers. this is park 578. it's a designated 3 speech area. we're demonstrators can print tests within sight, but not really within hearing of the united center, which is what they'd like. by contrast,
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in 1968 protesters demonstrated directly outside the venue. and many of them paid dearly for that. with the cities tough cop says they've come a long way into that convention. often times, it is forgotten that there was a democratic convention between 1968 and now as it was a success, chicago police department does a great job of working through events like this. and this will be no different chicago's reputation. mike will depend on whether this year's democratic national convention resembles that one in 1996 or the one and 68 people are going to come. they're going to be loud. they're going to be protesting. the question isn't whether or not very loud. it's the question is how the police respond to that? how police respond could help determine whether people remember what goes on inside the convention or outside john henry l g 0, chicago. well than 500 people in africa had died from
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n pulse this year. in thousands more cases have been reported. the world health organization has declared a global public health emergency of the cases were also detected in pocket stone and sweden. the outbreak started last year in democratic republic of congo. system conflict reports, feverish, covered in spots and struggling to eat. beatrice and visit did not know what was happening to her son when the symptoms appeared. assembling to go for me. i was with the child a time. he started having a fever and i thought he had malaria. so i bought medicine for that. but it was impacts and infectious disease in the same family as the virus that causes smoke pumped children and pregnant women. i'm more valuable than any other age groups. thankfully, it wasn't too late for beatrice. this child to pick up, the friend came by the house and when she saw the child, she told me he could die and i should bring him to the hospital. that's how i came
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here. the doctors and researchers say the fast pride of the disease which is transmitted through close contact could be prevented. taking effect senior circle vaccination against smallpox also protects against impacts. it's across protection . so we have a vaccination against smallpox has been discontinued since almost the end of the seventy's. and in some countries, since 77, to 80, a while surveillance of highly infectious diseases has increased across the world since the coven 19 pandemic. many african countries lack appropriate health care systems with those displaced by conflict, most vulnerable the most. the m. s. a law, the risk is so high for all the populations are in the comes, the condition in which the displace live in the different camps. already we have more than 10 cases that have been recorded, or which means that if it's unlocked, made in this area of most key view,
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it will spread like wildfire. the virus is now spreading outside the continent, pakistan and sweden have both confirmed cases. the world health organization has declared a global health emergency, and you are p and health authorities are raising the risk level from low to moderate warning. that would be more cases. if this i'm getting food, i'll just 0 spread out a influx virus was just one of the topics discussed by leaders on the southern african development community during the side that meeting and that's involved with capital leaders also focused on the fighting in mozambique, democratic republic of congo, un is quoting on this, involved with government to free more than 100 activists to attain the head of a summit. the hospitals and clinics across india. and how's it going that turning away patients except for emergency cases. it comes off to medical stuff started the 24 hour strike in protest against the raping mag,
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with the doctor and the eastern surgical concept and was in tampa as well. in these medical professionals are on strike. the indian medical association, the country's largest doctors, you name is cool faction. of course the whole nation in protest over the raping murder of a 31 year old train. you talk to inside of state run college and hospital in calcutta, only emergency services will continue. all you're asking for this, this, this one of the, just as that is needed for the victim and the family of you had with them this been only, but the no serious investigation has been done into the case. so some skateboards have been a good thing at us that the printer has to load that thousands of will say, marched across the state of what's been going on in other cities, including the cap to new delhi. well, mulch is have been peaceful. a group of men reported the attack the hospital where the assault took place to say they don't feel safe and have been let down by the
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