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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 18, 2024 9:30am-10:00am AST

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check, artificial intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of the war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a just the you, the one is well, continues, it's been done. plus war long does. the father stands in the hopes on tools which help pulls in doha before resuming in. kyra on thursday. he's one on how much us probably in proposals for me to talk egypt and the us. that's what all the tons of these this time. this is inside story, the hello welcome to the program. i am how sion had a bottle. a pause in tulips,
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policies by a in gaza. but the posing attacks from is well 18 people from one family among the latest victims killed by strike. the will, has no killed. 50000 policy is with many of us that on the level o hopes for a ceasefire best until it's broken by a thought, egypt. and the last as well as the biggest donor and weapon supply up to as well. do you guys will in october it took 5 months during which the 2000 palestinians were killed before the us. and a you finally called for a seas via the end of march c. and then is why it has ignored us to go to council votes by the international pressure to i'm. the school is intensifying the hotels for guys as people continue daily. why the nice valve is why it is whose loved ones are held captive in gaza? goes on to so what could make or break these thoughts? is that a real prospect of these based time would, would that's all we got. so the 1st homework assumes that we have this ripples
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in the 10 months since the is where the military launched its vote. on garza, it's getting more than $40000.00 palestinians, wiping out 2 percent of districts population and flattening most of its homes and buildings. those were surviving. it's a battle against disease. and so basic human dignity, the, the plight of the palestinians has led to global coast for the ceasefire. for months. now, international mediators have not been able to agree one. now us preston, jo button says an agreement is closer than ever after the latest round of talks and couples captain don't call for the discussions to end. the board will be held in car to next week from optimistic
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or optimistic. now then you have been in months past why the, the us egypt i'm couple of say the latest proposal bridge is remaining gaps between him off and as well. mediators have been seeking to finalize details for framework, initially outline. but preston bought an in me, which he said is ryan had proposed is really problem. mister benjamin netanyahu called on mediators to pressure him off to accept the plan. her mouth has rejected what it's called new conditions from is while in the latest draft. dozens of thrones of inductive talks between him off as well have failed to reach the nothing yahoo has said that he has no plans to end the work any time soon. and as soon as
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the hostages are released, he'll go back to fighting and that him as wanted permanent and to the hostilities and then and to these really presents in the gaza strip. so that is a very fundamental thing that has not been bridged at all. and we don't know how that is going to be overcome in this new deal. on the ground is one of the strides have continued in casa, killing me, palestinians. on friday, these really ministry issued orders to forcibly displace people in central and southern areas previously designated a so called safe zones is as well and gaza is also fueling instability. the fuse of a why to reach in full cos, i'm sure you've seen the inside story. let's take a closer look of this is by a proposal by spin discussed. the 1st phase would be a tempo retros, during which time us would release women. the elderly and wounded,
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captives in exchange for policy is held, is by the presence. the 2nd phase would include a permanent until the hostilities of the release of all remaining is riley captive . and the 3rd phase would be the reconstruction of cause and the return of the remains of entity seized comp tips to as well. let's bring it all gas in town of the we have, i don't think us full now is ready and by so the and previous government advisor in boston, i'm a 40 distinguish fellow of them knocking university of both and the washington dc niles. senate whitehouse. com. this for the publications, the hell was come to the program on do you genuinely believe that a breakthrough is still possible in the adults brokered by the americans the age of shows of the categories. you know how she almost unfortunately i don't, i'm not optimistic at all. i look at the fundamentals of the deal. this is
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a deal that's could have been done 6 months ago or 4 months ago or 2 months ago or 2 weeks ago. and it still hasn't happened and it hasn't happened for a reason. it did not happen because israel doesn't want to deal. and it appears that how much is not interested in the deal. in fact, the one thing that how much the visual have in common right, is that they don't want the deal. now, let me add one more thing. in the graphics that you displayed a moment ago washer describing the deal. there are 2 things that are missing in the 1st phase. there's also a 40 to day 6 week of the fire. that's mr. annette on y'all's problem. now the 2nd thing leads to me being pessimistic about this is that in that plan, this is the, this has nothing to do with your graphics. this has to do with buying a president binding presenting the plan, which tyrone benny thing was of israel plan. there is absolutely no mention to post
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war guys up political governance post work. so call the day after power back. you guys. so that leads me to uh, a very, very little optimism. but if at all, all right, rodney, let's break down the, the, the, this, the, the structure of the, of the, of the deal itself. so it was it based on the same idea that was presented by president biden, a may, how much came in july. the 2nd i've said that they go ahead with the, with it, with, with the, with the agreement which he's based on 3 phases. phase 16 weeks face to 6 weeks, face the 36 weeks except the how much came out yesterday and said, we don't believe there's going to be a did because these writers are not genuine about the number 2. they say, if there is no permanent seized by a complete withdrawal is that is why the soldiers complete exchange of prisoners and the vitals, people to return back to their homes. in the north, we're not going to commit ourselves to an agreement. is this something that could
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to undermine edit chances follow up with the potential agreement. there's very little chance of a real permanent comprehensive agreement. because i think fundamentally what the americans in the israel is calling agreement is very different from what the palestinians and most of the rest of the world causes an agreement. that is really something i can specialty want to perpetuate. direct or indirect is really control overall of post on security control. but they can amik uh, issues and things like that, demographic issues. so it's very difficult to talk about this a greeting. you might have short term agreements about association of fire, exchange of prisoners and hostages, that is likely to, to happen. and these really is getting out of, most of the guys of these really is want to stay in part of guys of the post, a new saying, no, you have to get out all the way. it's fascinating. we hear less talks these days or 4 days really saying, well after the fighting engine, we move out,
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we need to maintain our ability to control what goes on, who governs guys on security issues. so that's probably being discussed as well that has been pushed down the road. so the chances are for real break through the pretty slim. but the fact that they're still crying is significant. now the fact that they're still trying to continue the tools that we've made in egypt, could this be an indication that the a winning to overcome some of this to components, particularly when these varieties are saying that we need to have some sort of control over the philadelphia core, we do it by the same time, we'd like to maintain check points and it's heavy and just tell him junk some particularly to ensure that those who would be able to return back to their homes either nor have to be screened for the potential of carrying weapons to the north, it could be that doesn't necessarily mean it will be that i think as your previous guests have indicated, the really vague, overarching question here is,
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are these negotiations taking place in good faith in the hope of reaching a day or, or are they really a shell game that is intended just to buy time, and that won't change and the thing in a fundamental sense, so wish reflect and that's are being carted. or, for example, yes, may be, there is more reasonable, not if you assume that both sides are interested in a piece. do i personally think? yes, that'll be eventually. there has to fight enough to stop some guy. but i am not persuaded that mister netanyahu getting particular is interested in a peach dealer, right? not for various reasons, including his own relative lack of popularity in israel. the likelihood that there would be inquiries into the security failures of shut out for october, the 7th. and the fact that she himself is, has engaged in this rhetoric of total victory. i know she's been criticized by the israeli defense minister. you will go out for that because the total victory is one
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of those terms that can be expanded endlessly. if you want to create a rationale to continue or war joining, those are the kind of factors that under kept any belief that this is really a good faith negotiations alone. if a deal takes place, is it good news for nothing? yeah. how could it be? he's opportunities to somehow out maneuver the file, right. come back to his people and say, listen, i've killed it's 9 honey. i've killed a shock of who's the talk me to commands of his beloved and i have a deal under how the kept his back hope. could it be a good news for him? you know, i pathetically. yes, but practice practically. i'm sorry for the reasons that miles just the numerated. uh it's going to be bad because mr. newton now is going to face not just the demonstrations and the protest in israel. he's also facing a criminal trial. his coalition is fragile. he is seen as responsible and the main
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culprits, but the of the box of october 7th and the master attack inconsistent paul's 77070 percent. want him to resign over 70 percent. see him directly responsible. therefore he needs to be held accountable. something by the way, which he hasn't done until now. now, of the war prolonging the extent of the i'm extending of the war extension rather of the war and idols him to distance himself from october 7 and, and speeds into his, the wild alternative narrative. according to which this wasn't just a mess up here and say, this is a civilization a war. it's a multi front war you want is just the. 1 center of, of this coalition that's fighting against israel. on the other hand, the world is trying to superimpose a palestinian state, which is nonsense. no one can impose anything on any one, certainly not at this stage. and so for him, he needs the war to go on. you know,
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hypothetically, i take the criminal, you're, i take the premise of your question on remark browser he show, uh, hypothetically, this is exactly what he should do. he should say, i was let down by the military i, i did what i needed to do. i stood up to world of pressures. i even stood up to the american president. i killed whoever needed to be killed in miami and so on. when you have exhausted the usefulness of any military operation in m guys up now let's stop and do some. 1 1 recalibration, but that would assume a level of rationality of a decision maker that mr. mate, oh, just does not have allow me that dean is yet to be inc, if as a gets us sons to be in the future in the meantime. if it on his beloved decide to
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retaliate against the killing of the actual code and this by honey, would that change the dynamics a perhaps? but that again, a limited short term issue. i think the problem with all of these discussions about piece agreements since these fires on the day after is that they attempt to 0 went on today tomorrow. and yesterday, they don't look at the bigger issue alone gave a series of very good reasons why he's best domestic. but i think there's a deeper reason that the world has to come to go to the israel. in particular on the jewish people have to come to grips is, which is the nature of zionism. and this is really a big stickler item and it's not going to be resolved in a piece of process because it has all of the stuff is happening with ron, an example of how madison guess where use of the settlers in the west bank burning villages. i'm, i'm burning people on their cars and this government of israel and the army is protecting them. so you still have the late 19th century design,
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a circular colonial process continuing physically taking over homes and in jerusalem and, and the west bank and other places and trying to drive up the palestinians and does or i'm the specs less design. there's a middle defined and contained in a way that satisfies presley is really desire for their own jewish state, which is a reasonable desire. but it's not the but the state on my land and the palestinian land that's forcibly taken from us so that that has to really that's the big, big long term issue. in the terms, of course rahman has been done before. that's of the office and these are all the issues that came up, but they tend to hide the bigger challenges that all of us face 9 brothers. and by this event, we're close at that we've ever been as far as the data is concerned, what kind of leather is the american student? how, when it comes to bring narrowing the differences between how mass and israel as well
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. they have enormous leverage, but the question is, will they use a, i mean, you mentioned in your introduction about the degree to which should the united states has under recent israel's effort both politically and diplomatically. militarily, we just recently had the announcement of approximately another $20000000000.00 in arm sales to israel. so there is leverage there, but whether it will be used as the bigger question. we are just a couple of days away here in the us from the opening of the democratic national convention, which is expected to attract size and so proved published in demonstrators of injecting through president biden them by extension. vice president piracy has a commitment which they have described as iron cloud entry, israel pressing bite and has paused like one arm shipments throughout the past 10 months. now would that's a whole other conversation. and one way, there's some suggestion of vice president tyrus has been at least rhetorically
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a level more sympathetic to the suffering of the published. and amazon has said that she will not be silent. a body shop. but to get back to your question, the united states house leverage it has less of willingness to use that, that seems to me all of the many, many questions that need to be on said, particularly the one about what's next, which you talked about earlier in your 1st and so what's next full garza, we know that the americans these varieties the you and many countries in the gulf region are looking forward to a new architecture in the region without having us in gaza. do see this as something that could potentially happen in the near future if, how much continues as a strong ministry faction or not. well, how much is not a strong military faction right now, but what it does have is residual political power amongst other reasons. because israel rejected and is reluctant to entertain any ideas about
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a post war guys up and about the palestinian authority, extending governance 2 guys up which by the way is the exact reason why mister net anyhow work so hard to strengthen. how much? um, and if you look at it from a uh, you know, from a border perspective, how much may be the, i'm assuming his tragedy button is and how was equally user off track. and the combination of 2 and the combination of those 2 um does not land a lot of credits to any ideas of the lady said. now, there is one thing though that you know, is, is it sort of came up uh, throughout this conversation between the 4 of us. now there's one thing i, i look at this after decades of being involved in these thoughts and observing them from the outside. you've reached the following conclusion. the one thing that the palestinians and israelis have in common is that they repeatedly agree to blame america. always. america, as for the president,
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wasn't involved enough. the president was to involve the secretary of state didn't come here often and he came here too frequently. there comes a point where it is, it really is our problem. it's awesome to palestinians. and this, this needs to be resolved without pointing fingers at a certain president or a circle circuit secretary state. and i'm talking about the last 40 years, not about the last 10 months. mm hm. well, i'm it, could it be that because i'm us understands very well that and if you to, for guys why they won't have a say base that if they decide to put this together. so on this agreement for the seas by it would be the biggest mistake that i have to commit is that since there was a stablished of this explains why they are very skeptical about this for talks. i wouldn't go that far, you know, there's too much emphasis on how mass itself. you don't want to destroy it. you
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want to keep it out of any future government you want to do this. you want to do that, you know, before how much became powerful. there was the fact that there was a pillow as a whole. uh, there were other movements and they come and go. it's important to understand how much is relevance is not the arms. it has or its position today, or who leads its importance of this power. and this legitimacy come from the fact that it reflects widely and its political aims. not necessarily its means, but its political and the sentiments of the majority of palestinians and arabs in terms of published in the national rights of the rolling majority of global public opinion and terms of implementing international laws and legitimacy and un resolutions related to israel and palestine. that's why it's powerful in from a does what it does. they don't particularly they didn't want to run gas or they
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could have around gas like years ago. they didn't want to the brand and election day one and 2006. and then the us and those real boy thought of them and they've actually had to take over. so i would, i would have looked at the bigger picture. why is, how am i still there? because it reflects widespread power sending and national goals. those national goals include repeated offers that is real to co exist in fees, and that kind of mechanism that gives the, as well as their national rights and the power cindy, is there, national likes, the, as rarely is what a lot of times have consistently refused to respond to a police that doesn't overcharge on how much on the palestinian national movement to do this. so that's so this is work. go back to the issue. we've got a this far. what is, what is israel? what design is on whether it's legal border, it's physical board or the graphic board based on this is why most people today are still skeptical, obviously, is rarely the american physicians come to us on it's
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a very, that's a big problem. but it has to the illusions, it's great just enough, not to the course that 9. when you look at the phase, we wish talks about it a phase of perhaps 6 weeks. that would then i'll show you the new era, the could continue flex the to from 3 to 5 years with a reconstruction of because of his head is a problem with this particular phase, he does why we don't have any sense of calamity who takes over gaza who's going to police guys are going to have a policy and a pharmacy, rejuvenated reinvigorated to take over his is going to be saudi's having much bigger say, and the amount of these ben a before. unless you get a sense of collaborative, how can you put together an agreement that could just collapse in 67 months from now as well? yes, i agree with that. i think that there's a completely valid question. the other thing is how i would a, a sort of a,
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or whatever kind imposed by, or with the we have some stuff. israel, of any model legitimacy with the people of guys are pretty, has been killed and very large number on the hot hot in norma suffering visited upon them. it seems to me that almost any of pharmacy that was imposed on not way would struggle mindfully. the other point is just break. if i may, before we get to phase 3, we have to get 3 phase trees, where press them 5 and hosted, there could be a permanent cessation of hostilities long and these are his words as her mouth lives up troops, responsibilities. the direct implication there is there could be a permanent association, while her mouse is in existence. do i know evidence? look mister netanyahu, you accept? stop at all. feet continues to troops. talk about the elimination of so much as we near the end of the program. i appreciate it and give me some short answers. let me
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start with add on. i don't. if there's no agreement, we'll continue as what would be the reaction of the public. it is right. is it fair to say that? because the majority of his variety supposed the will of that for there's absolutely no problem for them as far as the war continuing for as long as it takes . no, no, no, no, no, not at all they, they support the war on they justifying the war in response to what it happened on october 7th and the savage from us attack. that doesn't mean they like what they're seeing. that doesn't mean they understand why it's taking 10 months, but that does not mean that they see any tangible achievements. now per your questions, and you asked me to be brief about this. um, if the war goes um there is a good chance of good likelihood that he would escalate. i mean, there, there seems to be a case of connecting vessels here between 11 on and, and got as the americans know this, that explains some of their involvement in the idea that the paramount interest or
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not idea of the paramount interest of preventing installation. now, if there is no deal and the americans are convinced that it was mister nathaniel, who undermined to uh make sure it wouldn't have taken the rails a last minute opportunity. and i think that i'm, i'm like, um, what they have done in the last 10 months. they will stand up and review him powerfully. if that happens, you will see mass demonstrations in agile, but you will also see major opposition coming from the uh, security branch of the intelligence branch is the security branches and the military itself. so this is very bad. permission that i know if there's no deal around me i, we close a then about to a why the admitted to confront ation of his bottom to the well that was had why? the confrontations of this region over the years of the coming go. but the fear now
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is this, this is there is a regional war where they run his belong to you with some others that this would be bigger scale causing much more damage. the ever popular because of the nature of the weaponry that's available. but mainly because there's a whole new reality of geostrategic balance. the israel is loc, finding the army of syria and egypt and jordan, as it used to do before, is fighting this new a constellation of mostly she, i had some, some the arab forces mostly from the wrong hands that have this tremendous new, powerful force the so called excess of resistance on israel, known as the capabilities of these groups. and the us israel together, the roof and the okay. i've been trying to stop play soto, love the hotels and yelling from the ship, attacking ships on the can stop from the keep doing it. so that's the big, big question. because the, the, how the, how do you neutralize the feet?
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okay. and the only is to have a ceasefire on a peace agreement that everything in light of your mind how, how do you see it goes up laying, causing the selections. it's, that's the democratic party i was going to say up the middle. in fact, the majority of the democratic based as noise, sympathetic to the palestinians that is not reflected in democratic elected officials. and the danger is the bastard south, a democratic enthusiasm. i'm turned out particularly in some key states like michigan, which is a very high out of american population. gentleman, i really appreciate your insights. i don't think us that on the whole the nile spanish. thank you very much indeed. looking forward to talking to you in the near future. i thank you to for once you can see the program again, any time i visited our website, i was just calling for further discussion. go to all facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside. slowly you can also join the conversation on x, i'll hand it is at a j inside study. for me, i shall not, but i'm the entire team here in the bible
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news jeff x might even takes advantage of the rain for the previous night to plow and plant something he ideally should have done since may may. but these times, i say less and less rain for that means a pool, half of your own. yeah. the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees as such trunks. the land available to cultivate from promise depend on the rainy season because there was so little rain. so far this year, the crops of small farmers are concerned that if the trend continues, they wouldn't obviously know. the biggest threat comes from climate change, the regular rainfall for long drives pests of give us to discharge the couch. the oil for program says motor too many and champions rely on duty for harvest. and as
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a factor of climate change, horses promised like jeff around the country can only hope for better rates to grow the food big. maybe his son goes head to head with his really historians that he morris. the jews were on the 5th of annihilation by the arabs. and that's my view legitimize justified cleansing arabs from palestine. the hutus that exactly the same thing about maybe food in 1990 israel has committed a numerous of all crimes since the last 4 friends on october, the 7th. i'm fairly sure that'd be fine. the tour itself is not a well fine head to head on tuesday around with americans. more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will, is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics the bottom line,
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the the other i'm nor i, kyle, this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the is really a tax upfront. the goal is to strip a single strike till 7 impala sit in 6 of them. children in central garza, washington's top diploma, has to, as well off of the us president says a dollars of things for.


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