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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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sions. my argument is where the forces have bonds, areas in the north, south, and center of the carlos troops. the latest, the punctuation orders are causing phonics because with is where you repeatedly targeting, so called save stones. there's no guarantee they will be safe where they go next. the on the line, several of any. it's good to have you with this. this is the news, our lives, some, doha, coming up in the program today. a single is really here, a strike on the house and the central gaza kills 6 palestinian children and their parents running out of water fast the resource that's becoming even more precious to people trapped in gauze as rooms fairly ruth is president says you crane's
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troops are massing on his border while ukrainian soldiers pushed further into russia and a court in libya, sentences for i saw fighters to death for involvement and a suicide bombing in the city of miss ronda in 27th. i'm trying to get her sco with the sports fun to get hand see flicks coaching 10 year off to a winning stop. thanks to stand out. performance by robot live on the opponent is national, double funding boss of victory. and then i think i opened up the is really forces continued to target homes in the gaza strip despite renewed pressure to reach a ceasefire. at least 21 palestinians have been killed since early on sunday. dozens more have been injured. is really airstrikes. it's a residential building in the state of killing, at least for palestinians, and other 4 were killed in hon. eunice in darrow, by the house, was targeted 6 children and their parents died in that strike funerals for the
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family were held several hours later. in darrow bala, the children's grandfather says their mother was employed by the united nations. and i knew it was really so my daughter, together with a husband and 6 children, was sleeping peacefully at home and did a problem. they were taken by surprise. and then miss really miss all landed over the head. the entire house was flattened. they were all killed. that is, my daughter has been struggling tough children for years and she had those children through ive yes. the oldest brother, a girl who was the year and a half and quadruplets the mother white for the un. what wrong to these children do? will they posing any danger to israel? where they carrying arms? darrow by the officials are warning of overcrowding and goes a so called safe. so this is after israel issued new displacement orders for people in parts of the city as well as other areas in southern gaza that you and says about 2100000 people live in the strip. at the moment. about 90 percent of glasses
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population has been displaced. that's around 1900000 people. but the so called alma, once the safe zone that you see there and read has been attacked repeatedly, biased really forces and it has trunks to adjust 11 percent of the gaza strip. that means so many palestinians have been forced into a tiny area. and now around 1000000 people are sheltering in durham. above all shall 0 santa who dory is live there. him for palestinians were just now arriving in darrow by the it's so crowded already. where can they go? and once they found a place to sleep, how do they even find the other basic necessities as well? the situation is collapsing and dettori aging every single minute. now, it's already before those. evacuations of the past couple of days from kazi and
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also from han, eunice, there has been a, has been already been talks. we're talking about 1800000 displays. policy means, according to wonder what that are. i squeezed into the middle area, especially in bed, but i know those who weren't able to find us pays to set up their 10 square. this is not currently happening. they have 0 absences to the mississippi. now as you see, we're in the area where those kind of things are sweet and the ambulance is not a couple of minutes where there has been in on the plate, on independence area, those palestinians who evacuated from a different across the street. here we have been seeing at least 3 ambulances that have been carrying and transferring killings injured bobby's from,
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and that todd's office laid off in the middle area. now, those toddler, simians have been receive recent, evacuated to the middle area. we still did not have confirmed numbers. we're going to wait for the products to the minister of health. but we see a dead body now carried to the more of the hospital. and this is the reality. and despite the fact that people are moving into the humanitarian zone, and let me remind you that the gaza strip to humanitarians or by that is where the forces has not been per sense. well, i just received news that this is a new talk in the eastern parts of it. and we can see people crying over their beloved. and this has been, this is every single bags and did in but less know those kind of didn't use who evacuated different, different across the team to did it. but i thinking that this is a safe area. but as you see,
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the hospital has been overwhelmed with policy and you insured and richard, this is the reality. now. palestinians are saying the evacuated from her newness though to be evacuated from different parts of the godless trip. came to this area, thinking that it was safe, but as you see, there is no way or there's no guarantee that they won't be targeted in those areas of studies. but what your camera crew is filming right now and what they've just shown us. i think speaks volumes about the, the day to day reality. and there was by the, it is on the one hand, the place where so many palestinians have fled to and it is single tenuously, a place where palestinians are being attacked, reiterating a point that you know you've made in your reporting and our teams on the ground has continuously made him duff with our thank you so much for your reporting there from just outside the hospital in darrow, by the, in the center of the gaza strip. israel's latest force displacement from central
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and southern guns that has cut even more people off from vital water sources. also zeros honey. i'll show reports from han use. nothing to know if you don't listen to me, then you get to the here in southern guys, we've been documenting the damaged, underground water, wells tanks and pipe networks. as a result of israel. it's ongoing war on gaza, as it nears, it's 11th month. i saw them well enough for the, for the month to sit on the we spoke to engineer, so i'm sure about the situation in kind of units as well. the lack of the provide me a feel for the damage inflicted on the entire water infrastructure in gaza on the is of the wall has sticking. i had a toll on it for a single resident. the water share per capita has full and sharply and will reach out 0 at some point on the best of days. it does not go beyond $78.00 leaders of water per person to meet all your daily living in a box full out of the 5 major tanks have been destroyed,
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the least used to palm more than 30000 cubic meters every single day. now we cannot go beyond 10000. nope, the destruction does not stop with these wells and tanks. it extends to water distribution networks all across the city. but the, you know, the municipality is facing great difficulty in getting them working again with the pumping water to the cities. residents is now close to impossible. what colors are left to the water distribution network has been intentionally targeted by is ready forces and adding to the list of war crimes. committed what people in gaza are struggling to get their basic water needs. when the others we stand and long queues for hours hoping to get some clean. vasa and is your, this is the gym. so been the, my little girl and i a waiting. and these, along the lines under the heat of assigned the should, the me, i knew the nation, we appealed to the whole well to help us at least get some clean water. madman matter. yeah. and then when i need on while you had the on,
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we really struggling to find some clean water that we work long distances to find little. but it's not sufficient enough for my family. how does it go to the finish, the little critter to even those palestinians in gasoline who have not been killed in this war, are barely surviving on top of the missiles, bombs and bullets. israel has created kansas other causes of death in every part of the gods. australia, top among them, the destruction of infrastructure and the dangerous health hazards. they create the zeal medina to connie want us. a. sam rose, as the director of planning was unaware of the un agency for the palestinian refugees returning his life from l. as a way to engage the inside the strip. sam, israel has been accused of using starvation is a weapon of war. is it fair to say it's also using thirst as a weapon of war? i'm a lot of what i can can say is that the water situation for palestinians and galls or it was bad before the war is catastrophic. right now,
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both in terms of available, etc. all sorts of people's ability to access that was said, but also major concerns about the quality of the war said that that's being provided. and we're seeing that manifested in, in higher rates of malnutrition and an outbreak. 7 of infectious disease in particular happened sites just but we've also seen recently this tree and massive increase in rates of diary air and recently sold us down to pull water policy and unlock off of the quantity you so you're pointing out multiple problems within one right quantity of water available, access to that water and the quality of the water in terms of quantity, the report which is for laid out that on the, on a good day, there might be $7.00 to $8.00 leaders available per person or one person around the might get access to 7 or 8 leaders of water and how much water does
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a human being need on a daily basis. and the low survival needs we, we estimate and the human at certain specs are around 15 leases a day, post and minimal. the story was after the free for $15.00 a, the one size been drinking for washing. so that's the basic hygiene and yes, as you set it as a whole range of, of, and connects and so connect some problems here that we're dealing with, which means the only solution to it is, is rarely a ceasefire. and we've got, we previously have massive issues with fuel coming in power in water wells and power in the southern ocean plants. those have recently been ease but where we're left with a whole raft of other issues to massive damage that has been inflict said on the water and sanitation infrastructure over the past 10 months. the partial supplier for me is riley, was the lines um on on,
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on our and ability to bring in spat off to bring into chemicals to purify the was it was a friend from a lack of, of chlorine right now. and in terms of the daily grind for the people of goss reggio correspondence said over a 1000000 people now crammed into the middle era. this isn't an area that's built to provide services for the many people. so the water points simply on hair. and when people continually move from one place to another, the what's up point is the bullets of providers have to follow the browser. it's incredibly difficult to for, for them to get access and to us and other ortho providers in gaza to ensure that access when people are on the move. and they're on the move in the midst of a very heavy complex as well. and very heavy on bottom, so not only is it difficult, it's also often a very dangerous sam rose, director of planning with in a while. i thank you very much for joining us today. the us
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secretary of state destiny blinking is on his way to israel. he's expected to meet prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other top officials, the us guitar at egypt say they have presented a bridging ceasefire proposal to homeless and israel talks are expected to resume in cairo on thursday. i was just, there was a mr. avi has more from amman on lincoln's visit. his biggest challenge is likely to be convincing benjamin netanyahu these really prime minister as well as the top far right. leaders of not doing anything to schedule this deal, which has happened in the past with the united states has criticized use really government for as well. now what we're expecting is blinking to have to convince them that this is the best time, and perhaps the only chance left to bring is really tapped is being held in gaza back home alive. now the impediments to this are this things that nothing yahoo is said she continues to want to do, which is continue to carry out more in gaza and continue to keep troops on the
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ground in gaza with or without this deal. and maintaining stubbornness on that is something that seems to be a source of discord at the top echelons of is really leadership at the moment. this really media reporting as such, lawmakers, politicians, members of use really senior military leadership, have all been pressuring benjamin netanyahu to accept this deal. now, my colleague, mary, i'm the mozy, spoke to, i'm a spokesman of some done and he told l 0 that is real, repeatedly changed its position during talks, even after the terms have been a great the i need everyone on the sense now that the what, how much has to the last 6 months is to, that's been immunization. one is over a month or monthly, but she may not be. in fact, that is why it is in those 2 days negotiation in the bios was to supply the americans 24 joint based on the mr. by the initiated and the security
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council resolution. i'm also response in the is that i the points they just said that you've been a mess of that on the 2 days negotiation, they stand against the people and they have new ideas which was not the stuff before, i believe. and we have 3 for what the going to have said that all new minnes button, this lady said the name of to go to a cheaper the man, isn't it? to me on the wall and the is the oldest to go. so i don't even go to days every one of the stuff up that the obvious to come from saying this probation and from day number one, when bad associate of camp door has to be said, we will not accept the middle of a any, any much capacity in volume and then november 2023 and the light is on the one that so we want a for the expense. i hope that it was the issue where we're going to get those on the basis of complete advance, including as the spot. and the lady was,
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the bossing goes up on tuesdays that was the stage. but by insisting that the, that these issues be resolved at this stage in the process, does that not essentially give the, is raise a pretext to continue with the war. the symptom before to for me is that am, but now and those legal judgments. but last 2 days they have certainly been wanting to jerome is a, i'm sure they are assuming that how much is coming back to the you and says 3 peacekeepers sustained minor injuries after an explosion near their marked vehicle in 711. know, and it's unclear what caused the bloss, but it happened hours of to 3 weren't rockets were fired into israel. you enter in force patrols the border, but the job's been getting more difficult. as a big reports from march. are you members of the united nations mission and never not taking no chances. when travelling near the country 7 border patrol vehicle was
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caught up and then these a strike a get this month. the situation has been tense since the liberties on his will and each route the gun fighting 10 months ago. today, the engine contingent is traveling to a village tends to the border even in these big it is times that to get the addition very quite the uncertain. the village has not, the in a mess of the north, vacated the village in the of state. a stronger dispute, while the adults goods they have been shipping and people have been introduced one of them. but you know, we could, didn't moved out of medical clinics. this people living in the area was supposed have gotten a little more what for the leave without the international forces that seem to talk to here once a week, we would have enjoyed a serious crisis because the nearest hospital is 12 kilometers away. is fields bombing of 7 different on has already to space tens of thousands of people from truck we are facing all kinds of challenges. first, there's these ready aggression. most of the families had left the town at the
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beginning of the crisis because they had to return to their homes because of the miserable economic situation. plus the change is present everywhere. the doctor has a steady stream of patients to see what the team can only transmit the security situation. and as you come on, i came here because my hands and legs are painful and there's no other clinic to visit. plus i don't have a car to drive far and i have a disabled daughter. so i came to this clinic because they always get us what we need. this is really this guy that really daily strikes against towns and cities and stuff and living. and it's not just areas near the board at the up in kit. the frequency of is there any strikes further inside lebanon, have increased. this is radio strike to place some 15 coming to us from living on the southern board. a woman and her 2 children, but among several people killed in the attacking logic, the food near the 710 up and about the back near the border of the un troops and detain children in the village. but they are preparing themselves for the security
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situation to the tv act as a concert drugs on a side vague, i just made a mistake. you were in southern lebanon. the bill of russian presidents, alexander lucas shanker, says ukraine has stationed more than a 120000 troops on the border between the 2 countries. mintz says it's responded with military formations along the entire border of belarus is allied to russia. lucas shank, us as the border is heavily mind and there would be huge losses for ukraine if it's forces tried to cross what the public school out. so this kind of escalation on the part of ukraine is an attempt to push russia to a symmetric actions. for example, the use of nuclear weapons for sure you green would be very happy if russia or below bruce used tactical nuclear weapons, that they would be happy because we would hardly have any allies left. no countries
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would ever sympathize. and secondly, on nuclear weapons. the world has a negative view of these, so the ukrainians want to push this possibility. they want to push russia, who could defeat russia? ukraine cannot do it. the who can was the west natal. we, myself and president putin think that need to would then get the green light to invade russia without hiding its intentions. what's to us that the our correspondence are on the ground and the moment will be speaking to alex good topless who is in the ukrainian capital 1st. so let's go to dorsey jabari and moscow so door. so we've just listened to lucas think that he is, of course, a close russian ally. what do you think the russian perspective on these comments is likely to be well, i think it's going to be pretty much as it has that over the past 2 and a half years since russia launched their invasion into creating february of 2020 to
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one of their staunchest supporters has been that the russian president, alexander of the patient go, he's been a close friend, an ally of flattery put in for over 3 decades now. and his commons right now at this particular moment, are very telling of the general sense here in moscow and across russia, within the establishment. that this is the very critical developments this incursion by ukrainian forces onto the pers region from august that began on august 6th. and i'm less, there's something done drastically under pressure by the international community. the situation is only going to escalate further. and the beller russian president is going to be the one that is delivering that message to the international community. alexander lucas jenko said that if the 2 sides don't sit down to talk and resolve the ongoing complex, it could only escalate. and that is the point of no return basically. and the general consensus here is that this incursion, volume, crating and forces it to russia. the 1st and over 80 years in this country is
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a serious escalation and the how the criminal deals with it in the coming days and weeks is going to be critical to the future of the disability of russia. something the russian president vladimir putin has vowed to secure and it continue in terms of maintaining border security. we've seen already over 200000 people being evacuated from the curse region along the border with ukraine. so there is a sense that the situation has to be brought under control before it gets out of hand. dorsey jabard reporting from us. so thank you very much store. so let's go to alex. good top of this is in key. so alex, what's the bell roof president is talking about is a very significant true presence along his border. you are our defense editor. what's your perspective on that? you create always has had units on the border and better as also as had units on the border since the invasion of russia in 2022 is the stand the,
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the precaution now. but the risk is all me isn't particularly huge for 48000 troops . that includes about $10000.00 special forces. so don murray will support a troops as well as regular infantry. there are reserves of about $289.00, but if it needs to be a general call up to be able to involve those. so it's not a big army. they have always said that they will know acts against you crate unless the territory is a violated so far, it hasn't been $120000.00 troops. no one knows how much you know, how many troops ukraine does have on the board. about a $120000.00 troops. sounds like it has a lot of troops extra to spare. believe me, they don't, they are losing ground in the east. they all pushing this, this of ongoing offensive. and course they are using just about every single april for the person they have in this for the idea that they have a $120.40 troops lying around somewhere in the porter. no, there are some units the as a protective measure, but that's,
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it's also just to talk about the interest rates, have troops on the board as we said, but they have moved units to the print board are just about our kids on the opening days or when you print stuff to this offensive, in course, and literally moved into russia. now they moved all the units to the border as a protective measure, as any country would do if they start to see a neighbor exhibiting offensive action, which is exactly what they say is ukraine, taking the fights into another country in what was an unprecedented move. so, so for the situation is stable, but let's see what it is in the coming days. chaos 0 is defensive to to alex can temple us from porting from keith. thank you very much. the fighting and settlements on ukraine's border with russia is ramping up. moscow says it's air defense units shot down 5 ukrainian drones targeting the course, belgrade and rust off regions. ukrainian forces say that destroyed 2 bridges around
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correspond. keeps says it's military has taken 80 to russian settlements. in the past 2 weeks. explosions have been reported in the eastern russian town. of course, your thoughts near the border with ukraine. the course. can you clear? a power plant is located nearby. several blasts have been heard in the area this month. the, the court in libya has found 5 i so fighter is guilty of involvement in a suicide bombing in the city of miss. throughout the in 2017, for the accused have been sentenced to death. the other has been jailed for life. the attack on a court complex killed 3 people, including a prosecutor officer as milly. trina has more from miss rock, as just outside the court rope or 6 members who were accused of attacking them throughout the court house. in 2017, were given their verdicts. 5 of them were found guilty. 4 of them sentenced to
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death. one of them life in prison. there was also a female who was arrested for her involvement, but she was found innocent and she will be released to me. i mean, she was very emotional. after the verdict and happy to be found in a sense in 2017, a suicide bomber along with gunman attack, just very building things throughout the court house. 3 people were killed more than 15 people injured. uh so, you know, here in this, lots of people are, are, have been waiting for this verdict for quite some time. in 2015. i still took its 1st stronghold in northern africa, the city of so they controlled it for several months. and internationally recognized government and tripoli was a military campaign to retake the city. they read in 2016 december, 2016, but it came out
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a huge cost of forces primarily here from us throughout the last, over 700 men and more than 4000 were injured. i saw a lot of people here in the city have been looking at this court session and they're happy that people involved in this throughout the quarter talk we're, we're, we're held accountable. now, trina, elder 0 serrato canada is biggest city is having its width is somewhere on a record, is just harrington with the check of the weather. hello again, big downpours around canada is biggest city producing. it's what it stay on record 130 millimeters. so that's what it looks like by the numbers. let's take a street level and streets became raging rivers because the bulk of that rainfall happened within the span of a few hours and still today, more rain falling over top of this area. so rain fall alerts in play, it's now spreading to the mid atlantic and the us northeast, where we could see some flooding here. here storm ernesto,
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once again projected to become a hurricane, could maintain its hurricane strength as it moves closer to canada as new finland, product providence, and the next 48 hours or so. let's go to the west. also some storms around for china. that should cool things off. same goes for british columbia and the pacific northwest cuts an overnight jolts and bolts for victoria. could see some data and thunderstorms today on sunday, looking good in sacramento, plenty of sun temperature of 31 degrees. and it's looking hard for the southern states. i've been some big storms over alabama could see much of the same today on sunday. and we've got a solid band of rain setting up across his spaniel and stretching from center domingo to port of prince top end of south america. looks good, but we run into some brand coming in for a southern brazil. and it's hot and assault. see on today on sunday, still a head on this house, is there a news our will be live. some gama is eastern democratic republic of congo. the country at the center of its growing impulse outbreak.
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to moultrie time at the heights of the viet nam war. wide democrats are guarding against similar scenes in america's 3rd largest city in sports. now the world's top tennis player makes it 15 winds in a row as she warms up to the final grand slam of the year. that's coming up with children to us for later this the pod came in to be use is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important effective. he had the story on talked to al jazeera,
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the latest news, as it breaks. recent polls show the harris campaign gaining on prompt in many swing states, and some recent surveys even show were running ahead of him nationwide with details coverage. that will be huge disappointment now the policy, the one the election 15 months ago. it's been dissolved from the hoss of the story . health with those have been damaged and law and order no longer exist in areas under our self control the the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching else is 0, or reminder of our headlines is really forces continue to bombard the gaza strip despite renewed pressure for
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a ceasefire. deal 6 children and both of their parents were killed after and is really strength on their home. and darrow, above the children's grandfather said their mother was a un employee, us secretary of state anthony, blinking is on his way to israel, where he is expected to meet prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other top officials. the u. s. cuts are in egypt say they have presented a bridging ceasefire proposal to whom austin israel. pulse are expected to resume in cairo on thursday. the russian president, alexander lucas shanker, says ukraine has stationed more than a 120000 troops on their border. mints says it's rented by putting military formations along the entire border. the number of suspected or confirmed cases of impulse is rapidly rising in africa. the african union says it's now close 219000. 1200 of those were reported in just a week. officials say there's a death rate of nearly 3 percent. the outbreak began in the democratic republic of congo,
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but now 1st cases outside africa were recorded in sweden and pakistan just over the past week houses. there was a long way connie joins us from goma in the eastern d r c. so you're in the epicenter of this outbreak on. what's it like? the very confused on the don't the fact that the countries, you know, just sort of more at the more cases from the for service is up to now we have already almost age properties which are already a they have or would the case of a simple to send many yeah, this is the empty center where we are in the town of go, my help is before the not seeing the old piece of it now. so good luck. all 4 to 4 and there is no for the nation. and also some people go where did it just starts with the ad folks. they need to come by themself in the home. because she's the
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snowboarding focus of not keeps focusing, for example, up to now there's noise, clicking, etc. and also just the i to be out wednesday, there is a general hospital and there is also other people. you've been sort of just what brought into this hospital and defense. you know things the fact that there's no waiting for the one in charge of 53 us on have to know that this is really weird to incorporate. so that won't be for why because he's a slowly day by day just to get across the country. the eastern people, that's part of a full. so what is the government doing about it? it sounds based on what you're saying, it's not doing a whole lot. the well not really the idea of what exactly the boma. we have the end use those. what dealing with the treatment manually in the, in the i do becomes because this is what we have the most of these. and the governments say that during the week one day, for example, the,
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this suggests what is the thing, but on the 4th floor, definitely trying just to just discuss one with the w h o in order to see how def, i've seen me come because often not there's no vaccine or is it all and also the flight, you know, because he lives more apart to know as many needs w to a store where the in order to deal with the situation. there is this already in the city of good child support itself. wait a minute, jen, where we have more than 15000 people. and this is making people to get more worried about the government to say they have the control of this suggest of and day. we more the more will realize it onto this funded make in order to portfolio very soon . i like honey reporting from goldman eastern d r c. thank you so much as bringing dr. do send. i'm j, regional emergency director with the world health organization, regional office for africa, tutoring is from brownsville in congo. what is the most urgent thing that needs to be done right now?
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actually the most important thing is to develop this sort of bottom system in order to detect to the case as possible and as possible. and also those cases of detective to iceland exempt from the if somebody in order to avoid a transmission from the case to the people at the top of the infection yet. but have, so we need the welfare to get to the international community in order to mobilize that associated the available in order to be addition on vaccine the countries, but also being a bigger thing than the capacity to those countries. and in the past, you may have heard the reporting there from our correspondent who's in goma. what you say needs to happen is not happening. so what kind of talks are you having either with authorities in d, r c, or a neighboring countries to, to, to try and move things along. as we are working before the come to the big affected sauce w,
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shore has office in the 54 countries of the african continent is of our countries. we have a team of technicians, people that i'm working with the minnesota have in order to be bashful. this intervention for the company, but all right, if i possible of community documents, i'd like to be in the chromebooks. we have stuff up of the capacity that ended up working day and night is appropriate, but i should, i believe it is not enough. and we want to increase more what we are doing. all right. okay, let's use this as a sort of public service announcement for just a 2nd for people living in the region who might be watching, listening to you right now, what do you want to tell them? what do they need to know and do for us, we should know that there is a an outbreak that is what i saw. that's why i would like to denver. how big loss of public health imaging so be done, must not come so, but also research to make it uh,
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at the level where it is. there is no reason to have some bravo or 6 them or to stop the some activities that are active because it, because of just even now it's been anybody in your bumper off the top for some, a bit of some of people that it looks like the macbooks asked me to distract from the document yesterday. they should the image i'm looking for, the have alternatives. and also for that i have other kids. they have similar cases . this with us before this and they are able to call all day about the gates hudson . what information, so you're talking about if people present is the main symptom, is lesions, right? in addition to a fatigue its skin lesions is one of the distinguishing features and my right. uh yeah, um, almost for the, if it says this is going to be for a fever and another color center for this case is uh, the specific one visa and i'm showing on the skin. and that's where you come pop some suspicion that it may be monkey bucks, but also it is not ever where you are the monkey bucks a month after the,
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in the see ways it is on some of the actually and not think we have 9 something that i did in our brick the settings and it made me start having production in other countries. but so far we have might have gone through the active outbreak again for people listening. do they need to isolate if they detect those symptoms either in themselves or a member of their family? if somebody detect a symptom in themselves and be just better that the they ask themselves in the room and waiting for the intervention of the handful authority. if somebody else are detected in the garage or in tools, they come to the company, they made a sign from having the clothes. and that's that, again, this semester we sell it, boom. it but skin by skin for most of the time it may be done also including sexual relationships. it may be done by uh, yeah, i need, the injection is uh, maybe uh,
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documented, uh, also from anymore do you mind. but i mean, look for you. monday is very loud after the uh, that was stating, uh, the best documentation is mostly from you want. do you want most of the 1st 6, your relationship with the it is the main website because man on the sexual relationship. okay. dr. do salon j regional emergency director with the world health organization and regional office. thank you very much. i as a patients of being turned away from hospitals in india, unless it's an emergency because of nationwide protests, health workers were on strike out of the rape and murder of a train. the doctor earlier this month in a government hospital info. scott, the doctor say they are not being protected by the government. the victims that says that they will let down by authorities for the moment, after the incident, the hospital's assistant superintendent called her mother and told her that her
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daughter was not feeling well and asked her to come to the hospital. the superintendent hung up when her mother inquired if her daughter had fever. when her mother called him again and asked about her daughter, he said, am i a doctor? on the 3rd call. finally, he said, your daughter has committed suicide. a trade war between china and the european union is looming, china, it has officially complained about you, paris, on its electric cars, the you accuse of china of unfair competition. but one of the world's main carmakers wants to paris removed step boss and reports from berlin. as chinese electric cars for sale, and you're also making power house b y d. a chinese car giant opened this shop in berlin 6 months ago, selling a message of being green and affordable chinese thieves have become increasingly popular in countries around europe. thousands arrived at grandma half and last february, but sales have slowed lacey in july,
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the impulse provisional service up to 36 percent on e b 's from china. it's using it of unfair competition for support and companies with large government subsidies. while countries like france and spain are the main support this of this move, german comic is selling millions of cars every year in china. i'm worried about the trade for, and this is just like it. so these terrorists do not tackle the real problem. if we want to improve our competitiveness, we should look at energy prices, agreements for role materials, and that is what brussels should look at. imposing terrace can cause to try conflict and that company in europe's interest, nor in china. everyone will do so. china has announced we tell you a 3 measures against the you by imposing towers. i'm calling you back and forth in brussels. doesn't change. it's positioned by november. and the final decision is expected to many also fee as a tablets will have a negative impact on its climate goals,
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which include having $15000000.00 electric cars on its roads by 2030. it's not a good here for electric vehicles in germany. sales are expected to drop 14 percent off to the government decided to stop subsidies and well brussels if use this. china flew in a z o, b and markets with cheap imports. germany says that without is from china as quick transition to green. a cost won't be possible. you search by the q institute shows that by imposing tablets, the export of chinese costs will drop by 42 percent and sales of ease within the e. u would be affected by higher prices is 0. being consumers benefit from chinese fiscal spending and is and so for, you know, you can say for it for good, good purposes for you, not supreme transition, but then again, you know, subsidies distort markets and, and so they, they may have long term consequences on production. and labor outcomes here, here in the you and that's why these, these measures are in that sense they are just, well,
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negotiations are ongoing. people hoping to buy an affordable electric cost may soon be disappointed. again, step 5, some l. 20000000000. thailand's new prime minister has been sworn in that case on the thorn should've what is the youngest prime minister in ty history? many are wondering whether she can emerge from the shadow of her father, former prime minister, who maintains a huge influence on type politics. a tony chang has the latest from bangkok, keeping it in the family. tony prime minister this past and present text in a pit hometown shinagle, arriving to her royal endorsement sermon, beaming with pride as any father would, will tax and allow his daughter to take the lead. as the ceremony began, however, who was the youngest prime minister in ty history, who took the spotlight, the royal decree confirming her appointment, carried into the hole. frustrating herself in front of
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a pull tray to the king. thailand's, a constitutional monkey reference to the throne is obligatory. so pre decisive was also present, ousted by the constitutional cold last week when it's a risk, she too may face, but the family named care is considerable clouds when no one else can connect and speak to that m keys in the party to the s o basement above them and to the people that support them. so this is the risk that they obviously willing to take off to the ceremony. a chance to meet the press. once again flanked by senior m. p. 's in coalition lead is a young head at the front of a willow machine. and diplomatically the new prime minister told out to sara that she listens to her father couple. but she's also keen to child her room codes. i
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hope i can. i asked him for advice anytime that i want, but not all the top 24. so unlike that because it's not possible. so i on my own person and a half by on things and my own goals that have to be achieved for the future. she will have a few days to enjoy his success with the economy performing poorly and the political votes has certainly so have to produce results for the policy elite is now beginning to leave. and that's going to be the next job. assembling a cabinet, a one that works with the ruling coalition to establish some kind of stability. after all the people inside politics of the last 2 weeks, tony chang else is there a bank of the venezuelan opposition? nita maria corina machado came out of hiding for a rally denouncing the disputed reelection of president nicholas venturo. there were rallies and other cities around the world, including when
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a side as teresa was there. a protest for the truth was the message behind the venezuela positions called to the streets on saturday. leading the protest was a position leader in mighty equity. now my toe, who says she will continue to demand the government acknowledge and was defeated in the presidential elections. 3 weeks ago, we are in the 5th phase. we have overcome the other full. this is the moments of caution. what does that mean? it means that every vote should be respected. there is nothing above the voice of the suffering and the suffering spoken venezuela on july 28th. on july 28th, when the sweetness electronic council declared nicola model of the winner, but failed to provide evidence. the opposition says it was able to get an upload to a website, but tally sheets showing how people voted on saturday. people printed those sheets as proof that opposition candidate and the ones have this little the won't be like
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. sions. we do not accept the fraud, edmondo gonzalez was the president elect event as well. people we really have to carry on with hope and keep fighting. we cannot be discouraged. we have to continue this fight until the end for the positions called also resume to the around the world. the protest happens around the world from sidney to point of sight of millions of venezuela were forced to leave their country because of the economic crisis to the street to show their support for the opposition. but also to the now is what they say was crowd during the election. incorrect because the government also asked the supporters to take to the streets to show their support for nicole and my daughter. who says he's the victim of an attempted cool, supported by the united states. the. 6 they couldn't, they couldn't, they will never be able to defeat us because we have the force of
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a nation. we have the force of god. i have the power of david against goliath. i have the power of the people. over 1500 people have been detained in the past weeks . many are accused of terrorism and the relatives don't know where they're being held by them side to day. people said they are not afraid. many are desperate for changing venezuela. in spite of the dangers their message entails very simple. i'll just see that when a site is a couple of harris will be officially confirmed as the democrats presidential nominees, the parties national convention, this week protests against the us government's policies on israel's war and guns that are expected in chicago. that echoes the convention held in the same city at the heights of the vietnam war. on hindu and reports from chicago. america's 3rd largest city is preparing to host one of the world's largest parts,
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the democratic party. they may be absolutely clear. the city of chicago is ready to host the 2024 democratic national convention. as tens of thousands of democrats gathered inside chicago's united center outside, they will be joined by tens of thousands of demonstrators, most protesting israel's war. and god. the entire world is going to see that tens of thousands of people from around the united states are coming here to say directly to joe biden. and to campbell harris and to anthony blinking and jeffries and schumer and polosa and hall, the top democrats in the country that you are complicit in. the is really genocide . it gives the power sending people of that the convention will mark one of the largest gatherings of its kind since democrats held their convention here in 1968 when police clash violently with the anti vietnam war protesters. this time between demonstrators and convention going democratic,
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both the united center and mccormick place will be miles of fencing and thousands of secret service and police officers. this is park 578. it's a designated 3 speech area where demonstrators can print test within sight, but not really within hearing of the united center, which is what they'd like. by contrast, in 1968 protesters demonstrated directly outside the venue, and many of them paid dearly for that. but the cities top cop says they've come a long way since that convention. often times it is forgotten that there was a democratic convention between 1968 and now it was a success. chicago police department does a great job of working through events like this, and this will be no different chicago's reputation. mike will depend on whether this year's democratic national convention resembles that one in 1996 or the one and 68 people are going to come. they're going to be loud. they're going to be
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protesting. the question isn't whether or not very loud. it's the question is how the police respond to that? how police respond could help determine whether people remember what goes on inside the convention or outside john henry l g 0, chicago. still a head on alpha 0 in sports, a special goal by arsenal star player ignite's. their challenge for the premier leak titled there is a couple action coming up to just about the african stories from african perspectives really, but i need to do more. we've mainly to show document raise by african filmmakers from morocco. and can you close to pieces can cut that into your one with the customers. it's,
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can you move them into the echoes of unity and kenyon on mars a new series of african direct on. i'll just sierra here's from al jazeera on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the who the
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sports news with jo beth raska jo serial. thank you. well, you know, the premier league is that even back a few days, and there's already a huge match for funds to look forward to champ his mind just to see begin the ties with defense shortly. they travel to stanford bridge to play chelsea, a team that held him to, to jewels. and the last season pep, claudius gaudio decided looking to win a 5th league title in a row behind the 40 police police. so stuff was the, the one we see. so we bought a compromise concrete again because the i know going to give us a now the premier league for the 2425 season. so you have to do it. so i understand because normally when the people say that if i were to have to accept it, when you have 140 know 60 and sevens normally accept that you are february, will have to leave with that. because like i saw this also opens the campaign by basing wolves at home. he said,
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have kind of habits this opening go 25 minutes in unfortunately it doesn't repay the favor. and the 2nd off with suck has something strikes the like a to know victory. also have been run is up to 2 straight seasons. the last one, the league in 2004. when i see the winning this, we're going to do, we don't know, we're going to have to show it every day how we play. and the result is that we are able to take away the west side of the waves and the 1st game is always uncertainty how we're going to respond to that again. is that really difficult? opponent score to play sheet when chaplain a false line is new error on the coach hands. the flick has cut off to a winning stopped in the league with the brother 11 of case oregon. the 1st match of the season of the following, behind to valencia, just for half time the poland is national, quickly responded to make it one. 0, and just of the brakes also what, what does the penalty which live in the peace, lots of time with ease to on the final school boss find his most recent and let me
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know a good title was in 2022. it's as long as it was a very important match for us. so also to start to start with the, with 3 points in the season. it's, it's, uh, it's really good then the team. i think the, the substitute writing spanish champions roundtree to begin the campaign on sunday and came in and bought basic spaces to make his leak debut. they face me, your could just full days off the wedding. the races supercop had coach colo until all to expect by to make an immediate impact. i meant that i will tell him to an extraordinary talents has arrived, and we need to help him adapt as soon as possible. to be honest, he came into the dressing room with a great attitude, serious, humble. he's had a great stock. i liked live on that. well tenants, number one younique's center is warming up for next week's us opened by reaching the semi finals in cincinnati. italian avenged. last week's last in montreal, 12 number 6. andre replaced the straight in open champion basing his russian
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opponents increase it in ohio. that sets up a sign of full clash with well, number 4. legs on his vera who's the only remaining full of champion and the girl very of came from a set down to be been shelton, 367675 is also beaten center. in the last 4 meetings 1515 see to hold. a rena will place from just cfo in the other semi final limits. number 18, shown peg wasn't times tested by russian t 0 andree. but in her course, the final she will see has to be sent to her, 17 year old opponents before taking the next 2 to extend a much winning streak to 15. and that victory also sets up a big names that'd be fine. between should be on taking a rena. sutherland. russ bella, russian was a 6362 winner of a tennessee. ludmilla. some sort of sutherland and stream take have met twice
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already this year with the welding of one pole winning consecutive finals in madrid . and right goes former welding. i'm one john rob is putting the disappointment of missing out on olympic metals behind him. the spaniards who finished fixing the golf tournament at the powers games is back in action on the live tour in west virginia. be finished with an eagle into bodies on saturday to sit 2 strikes ahead of books, capco and 3 other players. going into the fun valley or on the pga tool, they're into the post season with the top fifties finishes out this week. since your championship in tennessee have an added incentive. they'll continue to pay for the fedex co pay of prize of $25000000.00 at the end of 3 tournaments among those in a good position to make it to next week. being the lead championship is the deck he might see on the who pulled away from a crowd of fields on saturday to take a 5 shot lead into the final rounds. all right, those are useful for now. pizza will have moved to 0. all right,
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we look forward to that. thank you very much, joe. we're going to take virtual break, but we're right back at the top of the hour with more of today's news to stay with us 0 the as a nation goes in a bits or a civil war. the resistance taking more and more territory, the winning, they found one and the see has to resort to the power button. the chaos and use threats has the merch under the say, see then what became phone spread to the region. cyber crime was taking place in nearby you certainly indicates that it represents one of the largest prime hobbs in the world. the full reports, the password for the gateway to me in march. and i was just the euro, investigative journalism voices from different corners. stories from other angles,
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programs that open your eyes to an alternative. as to where today on now to sierra was a journey through. every story. every step is a narrative. a separation of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to submit an extra re designer. read this lines luxury losing,
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trusting l. a future. today we create the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption excellence award, nominates your hero. now the israel bombs at home and i'm gonna say that the refugee camp and central gaza at least 5 people are dead and 20 are injured, including children running out of water, faster resources becoming even more precious for people trapped in gauze as ruins. the answer of any age good to have you with us. this is officer
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a line from the also coming up. the roof is president says ukraine's troops are


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