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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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to do the crane as a defensive war inside story, how will it change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey around the . ready ready ready at least 15 people are killed in 2 separate is really attacks targeting houses in al is there, it's comes in central 1000. the valid is era 9 from does. so coming up the us next year of say, towns need blinking, arrives in israel and his mates has been to help reach a golf. larissa as president says, ukrainian troops amassing on his folder while ukraine soldiers pushed father into
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russia. the democratic presidential contend the couple of harris heads from the crucial spring stage of pennsylvania and a day ahead of the policies. national convention been i welcome to the program, we begin in gaza, where israel's bombardment to showing no sign of responding to you as secretary of state and to me, blink. and has just arrived in israel to help negotiate a cx, 5 deal in gaza. fancy 8 palestinians up until by israel across the strip since sunday morning. 15 of those were killed in 2 separate strikes on homes in our it's refugee county. and the center of this trip in the early hours is really forces struck a house in there on the ballot. also. busy the central guns with kenning 6 children and the parents, funerals for the family were held several hours later in the city or around
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a 1000000 people all car, a sheltering in their own paula which is just on the hoff of gauze as population. is there a forces have issued new displacement? what is covering the city and on the parts of the strip, essentially the same palestinians to flee the homes yet again, the un agency for palestinian refugee says there is no west safe in gaza. and could ari has the latest she sent us this update from deborah by the more people are coming from that in bella from as the way that the z as in units and where they've got to asians border chain. but this is the situation here is collapsing where there's no where for those palestinians to setup their tents everywhere is talking over when with displace palestinians we're talking about more than 10 months of continuous displacement. not only that, here in the past couple of hours is really for
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a target to residential houses in the middle area in bed and buff and polish cities who were able to not have access to their child care. watchers and diseases are putting over the middle area. now there's no guarantee that despite those policy in the middle area, they're going to be safe because we saw that in the previous months there has been continuous support, the humanitarian areas, custody of milwaukee. now where every kind of can use all these to that there's nowhere as well as i already mentioned, us extra bounce me blinking has been gone. his tense trip to israel since last october, it showed you to me, is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu on monday? international pressure is growing on israel. i'm mouse to reach
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a goal is to cease 5. do the next year of states will then travel to egypt on choose day when media is all set to resume towards next week. let's go to honda center and she joins this life, nate jordanian capital amman. and just to remind to the reason we're in amman is because these are in the government, his band algae 0 from reporting inside israel. so what exactly are we expecting from adams need blinking during this trip to the region? the whole list will be blinking tens in person meeting with nits in yahoo. it is 0 and that applying that diplomatic pressure on nets and yahoo to agree to a cease fire deal, you'll remember. but nothing you all who has had a heart in stands, these really prime minister had released a list of red lines and non negotiable as back in july. and he says that how much is the one who was holding up these negotiations? well, how much is pointing the finger at israel now blinking is hoping that he can apply
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that diplomatic pressure and that it will sway netanyahu in the right direction. but these really premier has said in the face of whatever international pressure, even if it's from the americans, israel will still prosecute the war. however they see food. and in fact, even if there isn't us support, israel will continue. it's more on garza and the survey is really prime minister has also been speaking today uh, talking about there is a see spot negotiations. what exactly did he have to say? we're actually just getting a statement from these really prime minister's office just moments ago addressing weeks that have been coming out of this meeting saying that weeks and other sort of information that comes from anonymous officials are hidden during the process of a ceasefire. but that nothing y'all was adamant about certain terms among them isn't. is really new with terry presence at the so called the philadelphia core
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door in southern gaza. and it's, and y'all, who says, that's to make sure no armed fighters from either from us or pals to be in his name and you had to go north if there is a ceasefire period. but nothing. you also commented about the fact that the mediator should be putting the pressure on him us and yes, yes, and was instead of israel, let's take a listen on the do not leave my phone with them. we are managing negotiations for the release of our captain is a patriotic and ethical mission of paramount significance and these negotiations are very complex and with a terrorist organization on the other end. that i reiterate to these all negotiations. it's not chronic. so gift in which we can be flexible on certain issues cannot be dealt with with flexibility hold, i mean this clear distinction must be made as we exec consented efforts to bring our captive time. we are holding, steadfast to the times we had laid down these tons of very vital for our national security and phone line. but the 20th of may, proposal endorsed by the us administration prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu has previously maintained that military pressure in dogs is the only way to insure the release of the remaining is really captives around 100 estimated to be still held in gaza. but now he's saying that diplomatic pressure can also work so that how mass will be able to agree to receive speier deal. israel has said that they're negotiating team is in cairo for tom moline. i'm desperate that 1st and i'm on the united nations says 3 peacekeepers sustain minor injuries. often explosion near the unlocked vehicle in southern lebanon, san k. what caused the bloss but it happened ours off to 3 rockets with 5 into israel, the us into in force patrols the buddha. the job is guessing more difficult. i said, bank reports from our june members of the united nations mission and never, not taking no chances when traveling the country 7 border patrol vehicle. this
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quote opinion is a strike. i get this month of the situation has been tense since the liberties on his blog and is rather than fighting 10 months ago. today, the engine contingent is traveling to a village comes to the border given in these big it is times that to get the addition very, quite the uncertain. the village has not the in a massive in order to get into it. it didn't the of speed a stronger dispute. while the adults goods they had been shooting, and people have been introduced, one of them. but you know, the kid didn't moved out a medical clinics. this people living in the area was supposed have gotten a little more what for the leave without the international forces that seem to talk to here once a week, we would have in short, a serious crisis because the nearest hospital is 12 kilometers away. it builds bombing of 7 different on has already to space tens of thousands of people to look we are facing all kinds of challenges. first,
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there is the is ready aggression. most of the families had left the town at the beginning of the crisis because they had to return to their homes because of the miserable economic situation. plus the change is present everywhere. the doctor has a steady stream of patients to see what the team can only travel with the security situation. and as you come on, i came here because my hands and legs are painful and there's no other clinic to visit. plus i don't have a car to drive far and i have a disabled daughter. so i came to this clinic because they always get us what we need. this is where this guy that really daisy strikes against towns and cities and stuff and living, and it's not just areas near the board at the up in kit. the frequency of is there any strikes further inside lebanon have increased. this is a strike to place some 15 coming to us from living on the southern board. a woman and her 2 children, but among several people killed in the attacking logic of food near the 7. 10 of them about the back near the border of the un troops and detain children in the village. but they are preparing themselves for the security situation to
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deteriorate as a conflict drugs on a psych big of a 0 much are you in southern lebanon? the russian president, alexander lucas jenco, says ukraine house space, and more than a 120000 troops on the border between the countries minutes. the says it's and responded with ministry formations along the in time food. a lot of races allied to russia. nutrition go says and border is heavily mind, and that they will be huge losses for ukraine if it's forces do trying to cross of what the skillet says. this kind of escalation on the part of ukraine is an attempt to push russia to a symmetric auctions. for example, the use of nuclear weapons for sure you green would be very happy if russia or below bruce used tactical nuclear weapons,
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that they would be happy because we would hardly have any allies left. no countries would ever sympathize. and secondly, on nuclear weapons. the world has a negative view of these, so the ukrainians want to push this possibility. they want to push russia, who could defeat russia. ukraine cannot do it. who can cause the west nato? we, myself and president putin think that need to would then get the green light to invade russia without hiding its intentions. what proof of those, as you've already has more on alexander lucretia in kay's comments from las go, the strong wars and warnings from the val are russian president, alexander lucas shan't go for officials in cuba during an interview with russian tv, alexander lucas shinkel highlighted the fact that this is a critical time in this conflict, and that if the 2 sides don't sit down with a negotiating table, things will only escalate them. that will result in the destruction of ukraine,
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the fellowship president. and make it very clear that this situation is only going to get worse, and that it will be no choice for russian officials to resort to using their tactical nuclear weapons. these threats are coming at a time when russian forces are trying to maintain it. this is from the ukrainian ones along the border between russia and ukraine occurs region the incursion. that's what on going there since august 6th has seen some heavy fighting and has led to the back to ation over 200000 civilians and that's still continues. now. the russian defense ministry saying that they continue their evacuation process and that's who they are trying to cheap as the ukranian forces at base. they haven't given us any up to date in terms of updates in terms of tactical things that they've made. but so far they appear to have maintained their positions in the course retail stores as avari, l g 0. bosco likes get some places in key with more new cranes reaction to the
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question goes claims about those troops on the border to accept the constraint. cuz it knows with this come as a surprise to ukrainian government the vote ago does announce that there's been no change in ukrainian electric disposition. the russian border there of always being ukrainian units that since the beginning of the conflict itself by the roost, has the military alliance with the russian. so the premiums have always kept military policies. they as a precautionary measures. and as a precautionary measure, motorist has actually done the savings itself and has had military units on its border as well. now, there are being times where they moved additional units to the northern part of the border with ukraine. where you, craig, conduct anything cushion into russia on august the 6th. and that also was a pre course me mission. now, there is nowhere near a 120000 troops that ukraine has on the border. they just don't have those kinds of
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troops to spare. and you can tell because in go next so that the printer is actually being must have the pressure and they're retreating and they're treating to tubs where they don't want to lose the east. they're fighting desperately to control the east in don't is the worst, has a fucking desperately to take it. so there's a huge battle there. and there's certainly not going to have a $120000.00 troops sitting on the border doing pretty much nothing. so at the moment the previous, the saying nothing particular much has changed. alex gets helpless out to 0. keith now come along, harris on a running mate. tim wallace has just arrived in pittsburgh in the key battleground, states of pennsylvania. they are making this campaign stop ahead of the democratic convention which takes place on monday. both the democratic and republican candidates have been campaigning in pennsylvania this weekend. south western pennsylvania has long come on to the attention of presidential candidates. let's go
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straight to the level he is live in pittsburgh for us feldwood. just looking at the shots of a tele harris's plane. we are expecting her to get out of that plane before she you guys on the safe campaign. what exactly are we expecting from head trip to pittsburgh? well, i would spend a busy day even this flight arrived just a few seconds ago. in fact, it arrived literally within seconds of its original doubt full of rain, but also look at this, but it has hung up. i mean, it could read into blocks of all kinds of best. suppose i'm show, like i'll pay will bring up about putting up a store, maybe pennsylvania. but any 2nd now she's going to get off the coast to i. she's going to say bucks, i believe. well, started to say i come down know, or at least the best part about the role as you put me down the steps. they've got to come out of the hey, i to this hang up where they will be great to fight all of these people. now this
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is an invitation only event so that all a few 100 people have it was a very, very tight. is that your space? very tardies. a girl? obviously, because she's a city vice president. obviously also because pennsylvania was the state of at a subsidy. assassination of donald trump just swap 56 weeks ago when he went to the crowd, i'll get a got louder, but the vice president to come down, i will, she will come in here. we have expected to give a speech. there's no less than set up that we can say for she's got to meet these people who will be coming up here. so patience by 2 or 3 hours waiting for her say was the potential vice president here was about hoffman. our area between sitting on a private plane and the distance actually waiting for his boss to arrive obviously doesn't wanna come in before she does compensate upstate job. i'd like to come in, if i could see the secret service to be able to just move it into place now to bring it right. but obviously they want to keep a dry because it's still very wet, all the and nothing is left the chance of the situation. everything is meticulously
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planned despite the rain shy whatever it sites. they want to make sure that she looks at best for this campaign because so much of it is being quote unplugged for most of it is a photo camera. now when she comes in, she was supposed to the crowd for a little bit, and then they will get on these individual buses that are 2 buses. i'm gonna hit the road. this is a very deliberate strategy by the company because they want tamela harris tables to be saved as fe accessible. they haifa local. typically what happens is candidates on this is on the truck, on both sides of the campaign. they fly in on that big flight that goes to a campaign valley with 1012, whatever 1000 many people of this, and then they leave again. but what they think it's going to be a winning strategy here, as opposed to harris, i was to be seen to meet folks. and so to make these local stuffs across because i dropped pennsylvania to the fact that they get on a boss like normal people or like rock solid, you're the kind of thing, but you have it on small as you get on the road and they go and make several stops like what kind of be the bar they want it to be intimate. so they've got
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a soft at several locations, but so maybe like coffee shop. so book stalls. i'm never going to be both is the thing that will be a real difference between them. donald trump and j. d months. phil, you referred to the and through z as in the, at the event where you are. it's interesting because polish, sorry about coming to harris is still writing that wave of enthusiasm created off to off true place president joe. by then, she'll be hoping to make the most of that in pittsburgh. yeah, so at the moment she seems to have a lead against donald trump. now this is within the margin of that, right? it's a very small the. that said, it's a significant difference to just the a month ago when joe, by the way, just seemed like he was going to be the presidential. nobody for democrats, but then he was at a virtual tie with donald trump. so there's obviously a lot of events behind the government. they've had it over the last few weeks, a lot of excitement for people to feel re added choice support is that the
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democrats and somebody just about coming around with the democrats way of thinking . i'd also like going to be going to get to the next week by the health and national convention. again, getting lots of high lines, lots of pressure type, feel to be another base and a lot of when behind that but, but what the support does it mean? these are locked in support. this white piece of people who will line up to see terminal harris for several hours, but it's those others located at pennsylvania that the companies are really hoping to target. because this is such a tight site. i'm gonna call the stress the know you've got to imagine that this is a state that's typically when democrats bought in 2016. donald trump one, hey, i thought it was a huge jump set for the democrats because it was such a small victory. they took it by $50000.00 votes, which is heidi to the, to the population of pennsylvania, which fits it. about 13000000 now was president by monday. so when, in fact, for the democrats in 2020, but again, it was like a huge loan slide. the only one if i just, i represented quite another swipe both sides of putting so much as the pennsylvania
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that visited pennsylvania. they all come paydays here. i'm else funding us huge amount of money on advertising as well. so what, what's the see that you see? what would be the best there? it's so much of the like both sides. okay? so we will leave it that we're still waiting for couple of harris to leave the plane to leave apples to those she has now arrived in pittsburgh. a king background stays still ahead on the elders era island along the smoldering. michael, nev noise, the sixty's, european set of the stars, the age of 18. the this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered, accommodated beyond well taken without hesitation. for them died for power. they finds out, well, we live here, we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate explosion is and questions they use them to be of our around on out to their investigative journalism voices from different corners. stories from other angles, programs that open your eyes to an alternative of the world today. on now to sierra
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the of the porch hang out, is there a minus on top story is this our 15 palestinians have been killed and 2 is really strong. some homes and home is there it's refuge account in central garza over $40000.00 palestinians have been killed in the strip since october of last year. meanwhile, international pressure is growing on the israel and from us to reach a cx 5 deal us next year. stay on to me. lincoln has arrived in tennessee and a set to meet. is there any pm? benjamin netanyahu on monday. come on, harrison, a running mate. tim won't have arrived in pittsburgh,
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a key battleground stays in pennsylvania. they're making the campaign stall ahead of the democratic convention. on monday, both the democratic and republican candidates account painting in pennsylvania this weekend. the number of suspected or confirmed impulse cases reported. this is nearing 20000. they african union says, 1200 of those were reported in just one week. officials are reporting a desperate of 93 percent. while the outbreak began in the democratic republic of congo, the fast cases outside africa were quoted and sweden and focused on earlier this week. and were connie is following developments from government? it almost seemed we're just throwing more pieces of info. so can you do this for yourself as i know people here, which is age prophecies wise to know, declared, told it is been officially or was c. i use it for me,
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so i'm not sure. so i'm still very confused and also drama, just holding to the civil society majority to people denouncing people coming for the truth where there is no for example, at christmas set up or doing so. why is the origin decision is special? i will just close each under the 4 to says use the government seems, does it have you been here? be? i mean this is the general hospitality up and some people or would be about this. please don't have it for about 20 minutes and the level for yourself. so to people here, some people are the knows even have a thought it is. i've been noticing the front of the before coming doors well over the suffered because he's all even affected. they cannot have football, this was the country to, or even the lack of different methods. he asked the government to use sites. i should have got to deal in talking with the w h or adult for other partners in order to stop coming and doing some more uh,
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postal code words and how to deal with this on the ground. here are the icon boma digital projects for because patients are being turned away from hospitals in india unless it's an emergency because of nationwide protests health work is on strongly come to the rape and murder training. dr. earlier this month in a government hospital in cold cup to talk to se then not being protected by the government's evictions on, says they will let down by the authorities. for the moment, after the incident, the hospital's assistant superintendent called her mother and told her that her daughter was not feeling well and asked her to come to the hospital. the superintendent hung up when her mother inquired if her daughter had fever. when her mother called him again and asked about her daughter, he said, am i a doctor? on the 3rd call. finally, he said, your daughter has committed suicide,
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fills the island legend. the 6 p 0 p. m settlement has died at the age of 80 age. sometimes referred to as the french, frank sinatra. the loan became a controversial figure in the last few years, latasha butler expect and his life and career is smouldering, looks and intense gaze shaped. i don't know as all to invite him. one of frances most famous act is born in so outside paris and 1935, he had to turbulent childhood as a young man, he served in the french military and indo china returning to piracy prevented, smacked as he took him to the cab film festival. it was bad that he was discovered . his 1st starring role was opposite jim and actress wilma schneider, in christine in 1958. despite having never trained his map to the most chrisman they thought the screen and captured schneider's halt. the 2 had a stormy notify the last 5 years is rolling purple nude based on
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the 1955 noval. the talented mister ripley won the little international fame. he went on to star in a range of films with realism, comedies against the films, including the 1967 movie the some is the only full screen was just as colorful with high profile of romance. susan policies he married once and had at least 3 children, some of whom were involved in a family dispute as a, his k and then harrison's of to the law. stuff of districts in 2019. and then they was the support and friendship with french veteran for right politicians. your marry, the pin, the let's some people in the film industry to protest against and all being given, frances highest award, the national don't know. i didn't on re palm to in 10, controversial and talented, brooding and out spoken of to more than 6 decades in film, dental. a cinematic legacy is fascination and complex as the man himself latasha
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butler. i'll do 0 paras. okay. bounce back from the main site. for more on every story you can go to our website. ouch sarah dot com. whether it's next then inside story, we'll examine this french pose by impulse in the hello from the al jazeera headquarters. let's go with your weather report for the middle east and africa. good to have you along one final time. so storms are starting to flare up for south west saudi arabia and the western side of campaign where there has already been rounds of funding here. meantime we look to the golf. ok, still this breeze here so you know what that means for the how, right? another human day shooting for a high of 38 degrees had been some storms for central asia more so for the eastern
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portion of the region. things have cooled off a bit in tater, on to $36.00 where we were in the thick of a heat wave there. 30, it looks like there's good news. the winds turn lighter for the western size of the country is me, are dealing with wildfire is there so that should help firefighters get the upper hand lot of store and moving out of chad, pushing into nigeria also into the new sheriff. cliff, the northern areas have been needing to go and gone to and then i would say anywhere from can shasta rate down to have it her own. the temperatures are running above average. but look, still storms around, sudan and ethiopia, looking good in south africa, cape town at 19 degrees. but with this breeze picking up of the indian ocean, that's going to spark some showers for the east coast, if not a gas scar including antenna rainbow. that's it for me see around as the discussing, the defining issues of our time is what the military,
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what the government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful exploring the very real dangerous unchecked artificial intelligence . how does a ice change the laws of war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a, just a, you know, the and books virus to goes the world health organization is hired. states of alert set across the republic of congo has reported the majority of cases put infections . so being recorded in sweden and profit stone. so who's at risk and it's the will for past and the labels help emergency. this is inside story. the .


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