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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the . ringback the, this is a decisive moment, probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home to get a ceasefire. the us secretary of state's ones as well and how mos against attempts to daveille because a ceasefire process. the don't want me to put on and this is i will just say our lives some don't. how is so i'm coming up about to shut down a major hospital in northern garza is running out of fuel and medical supplies
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because of his rarity restrictions. imagine c workers look for survivors off to a russian strike had some area of recently taken by ukrainian census, plus the protests against washington supply weapons to israel. ahead of the song of the democratic national convention. the us 2nd via states as an israel, where he said this could be the last chance to reach a cease funded in gaza. i just need blinking matches where the president isaac, hey, it's all going tennessee. he made all those way. the leaders including prime minister benjamin netanyahu. later on monday, it's lincoln's 9th visit since october. the 7th. he told journalists, actions taken in the coming days will be crucial to come in. it's also time to make
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sure that no one takes any steps the could derail this process. and so we're working to make sure that there is no escalation. there no prob, occasions that there are no actions that in any way could move us away from getting the steel over the line or for that matter, escalating the conflict to other places integrator intensity zane bus ivy is joining us live from jordan's capital because that is why the government has bad, i'll just say, or if i'm proposing in israel, sustain blink. and saying that the policies find negotiations, a may be the last opportunity to secure the release of captives and gaza. why does the u. s. police pass as well? because they've been here before so many times and the talks have not been successful in looking at the state of play on the ground. seeing how much violence is real, continues to carry on. and seeing the captives is really tapped, as are also being killed in them. apartment, i think they see the negotiators,
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the frustration of mediators in the region, the frustration of how much the continued inflexibility of israel. this truly does seem like the last opportunity to get anything done and blinking those. this is put out this call saying that there should be no escalation of seemingly a, a call out to his full line to a ron, to not carry out any sort of retaliatory. a tax would be promised in the recent weeks during these talks. but this is as much a warning as well to the is really government to prime minister benjamin netanyahu . that who has been accused by the united states itself for scuttling previous deals. we have to remind viewers that back in may in late may, hamas had agreed to a cease fire deal, which then israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu changed the gold post on last minute. and that deal fell through and blinking nose going into a meeting with the prime minister at this hour, according to is really media. they are meeting as we speak the meeting just again,
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a few minutes ago was they are on schedule. he knows that prime minister netanyahu has stubbornness on several issues like maintaining and it was really military presence in gaza, maintaining. and it's really presence at the border crossing between garza and egypt. being able to continue to carry on the conflict, carry out the work area to bombard mintz and gaza. these are so called non negotiable from the israeli prime minister, the blinking. those are most likely to be the same that the rail, this last chance to bring home is really captives. and that is the challenge that he is here to try to bridge to try to break through on. but there is a great deal of cynicism here on the ground in the region, not just among the critics of united isn't israel, but within the top that's a lot of these really politics as well as really, leaders disagreeing. the families of this really kept is concerned that their prime minister does not intend to go through with this. do a great deal of cynicism, but also so much at stake. not just the people in gaza,
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but across the regions. and you talked about the waiting for the response from yvonne from his ballade. it's interesting how president hood so offend to blink and some mobilizing to come to as well as a, in case of an attack by yvonne blink and said that that mobilization was to, to attacks. i thought that the us would come to as well as defense. if necessary, us that's right, this visit by blinking is as much opportunity or an attempt to try to seal this final deal. but it is also exactly what heard so called it in their opening remarks when they met this morning. he said it is a projection of power. really, everyone involved are on the united states side on these rarely side is laying the groundwork for making sure that, that deterrence comes into play. if and when this deal falls short or falls through . they are very worried about
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a retaliatory attack from the neighboring countries from the ron, from his bullet. and we have to remind people that hurts are both of israel being this nation surrounded by enemy countries and has warned against any sort of escalation. but we have to remind people that in the last several days, weeks and months is israel, that his last attack starts as in gaza, but across the border and the 11 on in c and syrian territory. so they continue to push this dialogue of israel being there to try to secure a deal. but front loading the idea of blaming. hum us for refusing to go along with the negotiations all the while looking at the united states to have their back as, as this military deterrence, if and when the deal falls through so heard. so certainly highlighting the united states military presence in the region as these talk stuff over the same. thank you very much for that same personality, but the nation's live in amman. but how mazda is a choose benjamin netanyahu of presenting the cx 5 proposal from being put in place
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. and the statements, the group said that was ready. prime minister continues to put obstacles in the way of reaching an agreement and assessing new conditions and demands with the aim of forcing mediation efforts and prolonging the war. i'm also going to say the proposal on the table response to the condition stuff in yahoo had previously laid out, including his rejection of a permanent seas file, the 2 hospitals and northern gaza. so they face m an enclosure due to a lack of fuel. the director of of the hospital says the lives of patients a hanging by a thread as well has severely restricted the entry of humanitarian aid, medical supplies, and civil into gaza. since the will began enough tote of a lot of color with has this report from allows the hospital as a result of this, a visual diesel fuel allowed the hospitallers shutting down. this facility is one of the meet some of these. yeah. and, and nothing goes through that to provide the medical care for patients and wanted people are those people who yeah, can not provide to me because care as,
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as there was a beautiful teenage of a few walls. so they cannot read the hospital. all they cannot read beyond the lines is we spoke to the allowed the hospital, they're up to the police, i'm much off hands. you told us about the dire situation here in this hospital. and he told us also if this hospital would not be provided with, if you will, it will be shut down and will be out of service in the next 24 hours that i am in the lives of patients and not hired by threat, especially as we are the only facility offering orthopedic treatment on surgical operations. 56 and total has been perspiring. if fuel is not delivered soon. all these patients will develop congress and inflammation and then ultimately have the legs amputated. old use the life. in addition, old delivery procedures, particularly emergency sections, will be effected fuel must be delivered to the hospital without delay. then we also
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spoke to the one of the patients who expressed about is since you hear about the costs of the over fuel, that's what's happening. the whole society and the health care system and the you have connected to john, i have a pain in my kidney and dumped as a trying to organize an ultrasound examination. but no one is available. even lab test salt postables due to a lack of power or few hospitals around a few full patients left without hope. we have great weary of this. you wouldn't experience this in any other hospital in the world, only and garza, this is the 1st stage of the fuel or what's happening. thousands of lives. yeah. and did nothing, does this trip and in this hospital will be shut down, it will be a medical task for freight. why the computer? i just need a northern goes to spread. saw the size that's bringing on correspondent,
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the topic of wisdom. he's joining us live from the bottom, central gaza static is understanding it. so what is an operation in central data on the bottom which is largely being sped from ground fighting to now, how concerning is that given around? half of guys us population has been filled in today at all on it with every time we hear loud explosions in the central area, we remember the military displacement fluid as being passed. every one of us from in the north of district to leave, to go to the central areas in the, even to the south. but like you to own, we have just called a documented to a ration has been presidents to reach to the southern part. and now the entire population of a strip is crammed into the city of the central area and a very overcrowded spaces that can't be even suitable for human habitation. but we need to say that all me is exacting more pressure on palestinians in order to get
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more political gains in the tape lived negotiations clearly from the city. and so you have been following the oldest of is what all mean? i'm now they have been attacked in areas that does ignite, you to be safe, to humanitarian. so it's almost a area which is a very tiny batch of land was targeted. we remember the i talked about was carried out previously a months ago regarding the us as a nation of on how much lead is that. and also we can see how residential supplies in the re, but i have been bump up and now the armies operating in the eastern side of arizona and the hours of this morning we woke up when the sound of it is very just freaking the sound barrier. terrifying everyone endeavors by feeling that there was something big is about to happen. but the grim realities back to us like political pressure being excited on those civilians in order to force them to please from jerry, by the hands either to no longer remain at at until have any sense of safety. and we need to remind all of you is that now different by law is one of the areas that is the is very crowded with the civilians. now they are living on the beach. the
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living will be the coolness of the street sending the open in some certain cases. and as i'm talking to you right now, i can see behind the numbers kind of thing. you clearly taking shields and hospitals that is a place of treatment. but right now tends to be an evacuation, since it's for families who have new papa shelter instead of elizabeth. meanwhile, todd is missing more tax on janice, small consent aid work as a female general has been shown on the back by his very forces and con eunice, the red cousins calling for the release of to that stop being they safe. so simply disappeared by as well. the yeah, that slice we side of you since they one of the fight, seeing how the army has been attacking posting indebtedness in the north and the central areas. and in the south of district, basically don't understand the strip of taking the ultimate safety a bit procedures, including marrying the helmets jackets and with the comments branded with the press,
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empty the sign on it. and this won't happen. so college into 2 world china, yesterday as they have been come as they have come on, the b is very smart for fire. they have been attacked by the producer snipers short term, the laws of the car, which is a fleet indication that the o me was deliberately touching them. despite the fact that with the identified oppressed crew members on the ground and really full. so to say that i know that generally yesterday was killed and he was to, they found 2 in the city of han, eunice in default south of the territory as he was trying to cover the it's very minute treat encouraging of the city that is very continuation of us as the main thing dentist, we are talking about more than a 180 percent and you know, according to dollars and stuff with media office, what killed since october, the 7th. and this number is expected to rise, as long as there's no sort of protection being allowed for
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a forwarded to this to on this, on the grounds. products. thank you very much for that. that's thought of of o as in joining us live from that all on this one has conducted several raids across the occupied westbank, including in nablus. and hebron, a palestinian woman was arrested in the milan. she had been released from his very custody in november and the exchange days with him off live ammunition fine buys, where the faith was left for the palestinians injured. the. the for the pains has detected, it says case of impulse, the see a and a man with no history of traveling outside the country viruses, but the several countries of the common talk break began last year and the democratic republic of congo. and i'm like connie joins has now from government and east and a d i. c allen. tell us about where you are and what the situation is there.
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yeah, we are in the one over the treatment center here in the, in the level never will go for goma which is the capital city of these progress of enough cable this as well. uh, hundreds of people under the treatment of want to know many children that we have found here inside the waterfront, meaning most of them are familiar with my the father and even children, the member of the middle of the family. this is happening because the majority of this people here behind the media coming menu from the idea is, comes here. it all to go my, we have more power was on of them. and this is the main people. why to now being affected by this thing pops? why was he, i can visit you a for goma you have been discussing with, with the would people and even those were treating them. they're saying the severe, the there was many see if your case has been in with the children from 5 years.
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we've been to and, and some of the mothers also mostly the fitted and this is how children are directly exposed to this, why it is. and then they're receiving for so people coming and they're going because so for the tournaments is not like if everyone pins, they're still having issues with the protocol. it's center for treating everyone for all those. it has to come and go and barking their families where they've been living under the show does in the come see it on here and it's exposing more people . this is why this is a growing dais like days in this though, and then across the area where we are here. the island we heard from one a book, an area who was telling us about how children, especially susceptible because they just not getting enough food. and these displacement comes with a sheltering. what are the measures that have being taken by authorities to try and stop the virus from spreading the way that it is? the phone words
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now the midges, it's, there's nothing big happening right now. things are just trying to organize things . so right now with the funding that's for example, this set or where we are, it's under the control of the and use the government instead of steve not have it pop up previously is where the treating people this existing just happening, for example, in the neighboring provision just not for me, i will cover this out to people work because these are growing. they are talking right now about the books and majority of them are still in their family at home. but the alternatives, the discussion is on the way with the w. h o for 5 bucks in which me i live here in the coming days a week. but for now it's not yet very clear. and also fixed, which is making this suggest a more difficult feel like because of the distress people we of this pro vision is posting, right? no more than me doing of people. the majority of them i'm making movement. they have to leave morning to go to look for food and so on. and this is exposing more wire. right?
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no, the postal code or pop up with the board is not yet into political data. we did multiple, then people warning too much and there was a movement between the previous south do enough. people. people are moving with the boats, people moving to different words, inductance. they watered that people probably know, expressing they've been health officials warning dots if there is no equal to one of this little metal pop up. i've seen a mazda of x. it seems to may be out of the control in the coming days along. thank you very much for that. that is alan y county reporting live from going out in democratic republic of congo. the still ahead on knowledge of sierra, thousands of foot full sans i'm cold class. i have much in solidarity with health care workers. the the, the latest country to be hit by
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a giant center. so what's causing street funding is it's really because the line that contains event in the federal office is this one here, which is turned into a circulation center. the leg just the rest are obviously the general motion slowly east with the across the ag ethics. so forecasts where, where there's more light to be done in croatia and even into albania of the next day or so. it's easy into us being really hot weather and still will be, i think, in rebellion here in bulgaria and the balkans. however, sophia sees a drop down to about $0.20 a 6 degree drop as the slowly to draw the more charity. so that's what's happening in this part of europe with thunderstorms or the permanent going east woods. and i think the strength is generally going at the push overall, the weather. and when the weather is coming to the british, i was not particularly cold, but it's a change old to save, and that means pirates will see right in the low countries to denmark. the heat remains in eastern europe and certainly returns to it's a nice, persistent, if you want persistent heat. go to angelus here. so he is a 37 degrees,
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not heat crosses into portico as well in the blazing sunshine. in north africa. it is the north would extend to the right has been surprising, recently been resting, while retaining it's still is around the gambia and in chad has to die of the nation engulfed in a bitter civil war. the resistance taking more and more territory, the winning, they found one, and the se has to resort to the power button to chaos and use threats has emerged under the sea. then what became pump spread to the region. cyber crime was taking place in new i. you certainly indicates that it represents one of the largest prime hubs in the world. the full reports, the thoughts before the gateway to me and mar on i was just the euro. the
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watching i was a 0 me elizabeth put on them into a of a mind to about top stories. the saw us secretary of state and the blinking isn't is right where he says this could be the last charles to strike a safe finding. it and gaza people and as well and how mos against actions that could be around the tools or escalate the conflict to hospital was a nolan, gaza close to shutting down because of a lapse to the director of the hospital 7 lives of patients hanging by a thread and pull for most supplies to be allowed him to gaza. the new claims mandatory has activated a defense units in the capital to repel the tax by russia. king says the engaged
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early on monday morning. witnesses reported lost on the outskirts of the city, us and the russian is 5, has killed one person in the village and assume a region and destroyed a home on sunday. cutting a 33 year old man. 3 of those were injured. the may, a says several russian bombs have struck the village and be some days alex, good populace as in key for more. and what president savanski is saying about ukraine's offensive incurs of the addresses of the nation pretty much every day. but yesterday had a certain amount of meat with it and it gives an idea of the strategic ukrainian thinking behind the in person. so what he said, well, 2 things. what he said 1st was he's trying to degrade versus potential to wage full . it means local tactical successes by russian and by ukrainian forces, but it also means low res, ukrainian strikes behind russian front lights,
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attacking railroads, attacking munitions dumps, air bases, tried to destroy the jets attack them. so basically a combination of local success is a deep strike. in other words, trying to essentially define rushes military within that sector. so they come be nearly as aggressive nearly as dangerous an opponent in the coming days and weeks. he talks about of buffers and this is key to you frames long term thinking about this course in caution, because the cold keep advancing sooner or later they were on dry. so he's talking about now some say simple facts, provide a buffer for ukrainian forces. so rush the current approach, the border too closely and use this on tillery and use strikes on the russian president vladimir post. as on a 2 day state visit to neighboring, azerbaijan is expected to discuss international regional problems with a very present at home on is as of,
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as it comes as your client expands its military and cushion into the courage region, pushing a subject to an arrest warrant issued by the international criminal court, but it's not recognized by us or advise you on of us was president of the house has arrived in chicago, a head of the democratic national convention nation on monday. how is this all but session to be declared? the policies presidential candidate in november's election. the majority of the policies delegates have page to back off the president joe biden dropped out of the race in july for protests of being held in chicago, a head of the democratic convention against the us, supplying weapons as well for us. one, gaza protested with them on the seas fund and pointing for an alms and bothers chicago's home to one of the largest post lean american communities in the us. john henry spoke to one palestinian american about why she's demonstrating or what brings you here? yeah, so i gave him a greeted hear from palestine when he was 18. i've known the occupation and the
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hardships that bell was the means of database throughout the years since 1948 leading up till now the, you know, genocide happening in gaza. and so i'm here today to do whatever i typed in whatever capacity i can for the people. innocent people buy 3000 list of people who are dying right now. and you're here protesting ad the democratic national convention is a safe to say that you won't be voting for from the layers. yeah, i would say, as of right now, my vote is not with pamela harris. um, i hope that that could change. um, somebody is open and you always have in their mind, james, i think what it comes down to is whether or not you're going to take a legitimate stance against the country that's acting out and the whole world sees it. that's why we have a unit you and, and so what america goes against the u. n. and systematically vito's various treason and various positions that the whole world wants to see. they're called for a permanent use while you're in gaza right now. so no more women and children die. i think that it's important that come about that and until she can do that, i just,
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i will have my vote in jo stein is with a green party. so it's 3rd party. and you were saying earlier, you think it's important that 3rd parties in the us, bro. yeah, exactly. i don't agree with all of that. the green party has on it's on it's a plate. but that said, i also don't think the green party legitimately has a chance at this stage in 2024 to be 50 and to your aunty. but that said, i think it's important that we make this our year to start putting our effort into other parties. so that way we can build those up over time and hopefully that they have a chance that's to democracy. having more candidates on the ballot for boulders to choose not to big machines, whittaker party to choose thousands of football fans in cold cost to have marched and solid at ease of health care work. cuz the don't to strike and pose as the costs and the sort of the rate, the mother of a training doctor inside a government hospital. the indian medical association has risen to 5 minutes to
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millions to moody. they want him to insure hospitals. a safe place has to book, particularly because 60 percent of india is doctors a women dr. via so kind of the secretary general off the indian medical association . he said he didn't vision of the the m. c. s. the said the, the incident is blue pension on the nation. the guy, the fight such the biggest strengths must be carpeting. oh no, no, no, they not see it there. so the good news, you see that this seems obvious, you need to speak so. so the question that the city, so is the, the,
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to get the toddler and form of hon. minister has appeared in quotes, in the case of insulting the monarchy, the heroes and has on comments, tax and tional wants made in an interview for the south korean newspaper in 2015. he claimed privy council support for the 2014 crew which house to the government of his younger sister. tony chang has moved from bangkok. it's been a curious 48 hours semester tax and the former prime minister of china on sunday. who is the ceremony for the royal endorsement of his daughter, pet hometown. as prime minister of thailand, today, he was in cold. but in the duck accused of insulting the monkey, he says these charges are not serious and ones which he can easily defend himself against them. when he arrives in cold, he appeared very confident,
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big smile in his face, chatting to report is waiting outside symbolically. he was also wearing a very yellow shirt. that is the color of the mona key. the charges relates to an interview. he gave to korean media, saying that the forces behind the 2014 to partly from the privy council to insult the privy council. in a wide interpretation of the last minute, just a little is also to insult the king. that will be one of the things that cool is looking at. but the fact that mr. texan's daughter is now in the prime minister seat. and the fact that his influence seems to be expanding once again, certainly is making him feel more confident that he can defend this charge. tony checking out his era, think of at least 35 people have died and flaws close by to venture rein northern saddam officials say the needs of those affect to the beyond the states capacity more than 20000 people have been displaced by the floods since last june to the
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move and reports. well, how much in northern sedans, river and i'll state is known for its often dry conditions. but this is really season has changed that and said you, mom's house was the dream home for him and his family. but all that remains of it now is that re as a result of the torrential rains and floods that's hit the region for the 1st time in recent years. where letterman says the hosted on the bus and go they came in the morning to see this who re fixing my comfort is that i have escaped from my life. only the house case remained standing. the rest has been leveled to the ground. the officials say dozens of people have been killed and more than 600 injured. thousands of homes have been either partially or completely destroyed here in apple . how much leaving their owners without shelter. but those in need exceed the ability of the state to provide tense for them with only 10 percent.


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