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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 19, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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destruction an extraordinary film, archives funding for decades reviews the forgotten truth of the confused mold in history. the forbidden real part, one of the birth of, of gun cinema on the just the, [000:00:00;00] the hello. hello robin. you are watching the out. is there a news online for my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes? washington's top diplomat meets his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his latest push to stop the war on gauze that this is a decisive moment. probably the best maybe last opportunity to get the
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hostages home to get a ceasefire about to shut down a major hospital in northern galls or is running out of fuel and medical supplies because of israel's restrictions. emergency workers search for survivors. dr. a russian strongly get some area recently taken by ukrainian forces plus hyphen lavelle in pittsburgh where a couple of hers and same bolts, all facing the road quite literally and a new strategy for the democrats ahead of the presidential election. i'm do want to just go with this thoughts as spanish champions round the trip begin then you link season with a disappointing drawer. we'll hear from that coach carlo and chelsea like to the south. the, it's 10 gmc welcome to the news of the us secretary of state. as an israel my, he said that this could be the last chance to reach
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a sci fi deal in garza's antennae blinking has been holding tolts with this way. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, one of several meetings on monday. it's blinking the 9th visit to the regions ends october the 7th and earlier while meeting is randy present. isaac had so he told jen les actions taken in the coming days will be crucial. it's also time to make sure that no one takes any steps the could derail this process. and so we're working to make sure that there is no escalation there no prob, occasions that there are no actions, but in any way to move us away from getting the steel over the line. or for that matter, escalating the conflict to other places integrate or intensity? so in this raphael corresponding to the jordan's capital because the israeli government has done dial 0 from reporting within its board as high as a in the us secretary state to very clearly saying this is the best and last trends
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. we perhaps have heard this before, but is it really the last trans, the well looking at that the circumstances in gaza, the violent stair, the violence in the west bank, the conflict really corps in over into 11 on into parts of syria. the friction with iran, the promised retaliation from to ron and his bullet for attacks on their soil and on their people. the simple answer is yes, with everything at such fee for pitch, this may be the last and best chance for a negotiated solution. but if you look at why blinking is saying now as he arrives in israel, i had it is currently ongoing meetings with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it is also clearly words engineered and design to put pressure on the israeli prime minister, who blinking nose in the face of every impediment remains. perhaps the largest fertile to jump towards making indigo shaded solution towards bringing is really
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kept as being held in guys at home towards a ceasefire. a that for the ongoing humanitarian crisis. and it will work against the palestinians in gaza. so no doubt blinking knows that he's stepping into this meeting with nothing. yeah, we knew that nothing. yeah. whose stubbornness on matters of continuing the war and guys are continuing keep a military presence there. wanting to continue to push an agenda that really flies in the face of any sort of negotiated thoughts to bring the words we'll pause, he was saying these things, knowing that nothing yahoo would be his biggest impediment. and if you look at the skills and videos coming out from the beginning of his meeting, blinking is body language really does suggested he knows he's in for a tough fight in terms of facing you off with nothing yahoo on these matters that doesn't know said are non negotiable and no doubt a deal killer if he is not successful. but also blinking has met the presidents and an interesting choice of words in pulse. jeff rarely by the is riley president when
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it comes to the visit all blinking. the us is iron clad support fatalities of the that's correct. and the early hours of this morning he met with president isaac heard. so again heard. so i took this opportunity really to muscle flex to really use this visit by blinking. not just as a diplomatic one, but it's an opportunity to remind the world of the military power at israel's back shirts sought whitewashed any sort of actions it is real, carried out and painted as real. once again, as a victim pushing this narrative, that it is a country surrounded by an empire of evil as he put it. and it needs that we're ready to attack it at any step, really forgetting apparently that iraq, the israel in the last 10 months has carried out this war and gaza has struck targets in syria has carried out strikes in iran has carried up strikes in lebanon, has continued to propel its military and carrying out massive violence against palestinians in gaza,
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but also the west bank and is threatened any country from carrying out any sort of retaliatory measure in response to israel's action. so really his words here. he said that of the united states, he said you have a massive, very powerful and impressive coalition of armies and navies. and he said he was appreciative of this projection of power, really cementing the message that israel can do whatever it wants, and everyone must be quiet and accepted without retaliating. whether these talks go forward or not. because the united states military is that israel's back. so a very clear message and with all of this pastor and coming from israeli leaders, it is difficult to see how we negotiated solution can be successful. same strongly that for us in about like say. so let's take a look at what's being discussed to stop the fighting in goals. so 1st phase would be a temporary truce. a mouse would release women, elderly people, and wounded captives, and exchange fold, palestinians held in his right the presence. the 2nd would include
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a permanent 10 to the hostilities and release of old is rarely captives. of the 3rd phase would be the reconstruction of gauze though a little it is a full mate, right? that's general of israel's ministry, a sort of size. he was also a positive to south africa, enjoys us now from tell of age, so it's good to have you on the program with this again, the 9 to visit, full blink can to israel. what's different now to the previous age? i mean the us had nothing to pressure is very low or at least stop the assault on garza beginning bull tolts. this is maybe the we didn't have to get the you i am just by law risk, fos to they can't find me is oh, i live and a scar. make we the america shapes and some already they have a banking. i'll see. you see the side of the house, so the,
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the 5 see the size 50 so close to the election of the state. the lead is jodi. this time is be it is the lead by the handle this week all the way with the shoes. oh, this is quite the work that they would have to be the regular store, the chance at least see the more they will apply all of the power. the bottle is they have and facilities on each stage of seriously. at least basic. i mean, blinking house also, i won't, any one tried to do rail, the tolls will want to say, and the ross of washington, do you think it is really
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a direct threat to prime minister netanyahu, you know, yesterday evening it was very clear. and the next day shows coming back to the play game. and as i saw all the you yesterday evening said that we don't need it. so this big thing is the box spring and i'll change the feature and remove the also junctions into this. we really good, he shows that the, all the angry, all possible the release of the legion and the dental people, hosp people. these are these, the suite, the house, and the one crazy to remove the window
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is not really what the way the american is. so what happens now in terms of the way the government conducts itself because just wondered what the public sentiment in the nude was like on the streets of israel. because obviously that watching, you might say that the best chess game being played out to re inside this room. and then from now this like the off of the situation here. so i, these were the most east of the political position is wait, the house restaurants i guess the, the. ready us more than the ones we knew we for the, for the and the me, the, the most of the kind of get, you know,
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so i don't see the precious. i don't see any says we're going to leave the government or the so the united states, the cold outside norful, these are it hello. now joining us the from tennessee. thank you very much for your time, sir. thank you. to hospitals and northern goals and say that they faced imminent closure due to a lack of fuel. the director of the ottawa hospital says that the lines of patients are hanging by a thread. israel has severely restricted the entry of humanitarian aid, medical supplies and fuel into garza, since the war began in october, both i'll pollute has this report from a double hospital. as a result of this visual casual fuel allows the hospital of shutting down. this facility is one of the meet some of these. yeah. and, and nothing goes through and that's provides the medical care for patients and
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wanted people for those people who yeah, cannot provide me because care as, as there was as a beautiful teenage of a few walls. so they cannot read the hospital. all they cannot read beyond the lines is we smoke to the allowed the hospital, they're up to the police, i'm much off hands. you told us about the dire situation here in this hospital and he told us all. so if this hospital would not be provided with the fuel, it will be shut down and will be out of service in the next 24 hours that i am in the lives of patients in that high end by threat, especially as we are the only facility offering orthopedic treatment on surgical operations, $56.00 and total has been perspiring. if fuel is not delivered soon, all these patients will develop congress and inflammation, and then ultimately have the legs amputated. old use the life. in addition, old delivery procedures, particularly emergency sections,
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will be effected fuel must be delivered to the hospital without delay that we also spoke to the one of the patients who expressed about is since you hear about the costs of the over fuel got through watching the whole society and the health care system and the hanging just connected to them. i have a pain in my kidney and talk to the trying to organize an ultrasound examination, but no one is available. even lab test salt postables due to a lack of power or few old hospitals around a few full patients left without hope. we have great weary of this. you wouldn't experience this in any other hospital in the world only and gone to the city. also stage of a fuel for what's happening, thousands of lives. yeah. and did nothing, does this trip and in this hospital will be shut down, it will be a medical task for, for a lot of issues. i just need a northern goes to spread the assign
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a couple has enjoys us not from there about a high topic. mean the focus on hospitals as being well that we've been keeping very close eye on from the stall to as well as well on the strip. they've been continually targeted and the, and even at the end of any work you hospital whole hospitals really just hold to the strip doesn't sense. well that's completely right now, we can clearly make sure regarding these, these, that the vast majority of causes medical facilities have to come out of service. we're talking about more than 50. clearly facilitate had become totally unable to be room functional. again, due to the is very bombardment been it's been a to operations that have covered the entire strip knowing this into an area, for example. so have, there's fully up to the hospital that is operating and providing services for at least a 1000000 palestinian in devin dela town here in the central area. and despite this, the minute your ration had his phone to the gun in the,
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in the eastern side. now where's the law had been road is one of the areas that had been just to connect it to be an act. so who was that? which means that they are only a few kilometers away from what we are right now. and if the somebody occupation forces decided to expand the, the military operation to cover the entire city of deadman. so that means that there's going to be a real and serious medical catastrophe with the 1000000 palestinians will be able to get to their enough medical treatment. and we need to remind all of you is that after the destruction of the vast majority of these hospitals, regional countries and substitute stablish and said top fields, hospitals that can know fairly much, the minimum needs of medical treatment for the guns as population. now there is a deep shortage in terms of essential if you require to rate the sensor inputs of the apartments in the hospital. some of the same time there is a significant lack of it says the old basic medical supplies and drug suspension essentially required to treat fella,
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city and wounded people who are in the very just brittany of sol, advanced surgery. so the situation is sick, as would be going from sales ministry has been holding the international community to open the roof off. we're seeing which has been the biggest flo, 4 or sorts of the humanitarian release records. and medical supplies have been prevented unbound from getting into this trip. as the is very ministry right now is operating in a rough the, let's talk about this scenario with these really minute tre, operating very close to where you all in did out about what mode we know about you said the already a few kilometers away, but exactly where all day well, to now the minute tree is operating in the eastern areas of derek. but we are right now in a box on hospital, which is a waste, around 300 meters from slide dean road and a few kilometers from the east ready presence in that area that run adult amount
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operating by putting up residential supplies, flashes with multiple approaches, and basically, there are also help rates in, in be a city of hon. eunice and those are in the bed. so i'm use the cops which has done since the beginning of the, which would be one of the biggest. you've got tuition centers for palestinian displaced families and now so help the scenario is the nightmare for palestinians not really understands. and also it depicts how palestinians here are really exhausted. they are tired, exhausted trains, and they are asking about the next presentation. if it's about to present it's minutes too expensive, they have been steeping from one area to another load of secure the families that been killed during the daniel of displacement in the areas where does it need to be safe? humanitarians own without any, please. just if a cation by the is when you have the, the greatest problem is that palestinians have no place to go to simply because the vast majority of dollars that i sent to the graveyard. i'm 10 to reduced to the russell. i know there is
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a lot as the last results to palestinians as people are living in a very miss ripple and trust acumen and tearing conditions in the corners of the streets in the open and into yards of the hospitals in order to have some very partial sense of safety that could be shifted at any moment. composing the full within the thanks to the update topic is right. let's conducted several raids across the occupied westbank as well, including nablus and have room a palestinian woman who was arrested in ramallah and she'd been released from is really custody in the event in a prisoner exchange deal with how most of that munition 5 buys, very forces injured, full palestinians, still had here on the algebra. news of the impulse viruses detected in another country will take a closer look at the spread around the wells and demonstrations. the change go loud in the following. the rates and matter of trying to jump to
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the that you guys military has activated at defense units in the capital to repel attacks by russia. keith says they were engaged early on monday morning. witnesses reported last on the outskirts of the city. now a russian as strong as killed one person in the village of assuming a region it destroyed a homes on the coming of 33 year old man. 3 of us were injured. the mass of several russian bones of struck the village in recent days. well, we have to correspondence following developments for us in this conflict where we live to dalso jabari and the russian capital sketch shortly. but 1st, let's close eva to alex good populace in chief and ukraine. hi, alex. i mean, so lensky took to the ways to explain the reason for the incursion into russia. what did he say?
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we talked about several things. he talked about how you pre was looking to degrade russia's capacity for waging war. and what that means is effectively tactical successes on the whole fielding course, but also lowering strikes to try and destroy rushes, logistical ability to be able to fight a war. and we're talking about fields, we're talking about railways, we're talking about a munition dumps fuel difference, all these things. but why should we will need in order to be able to keep some sort of counter offensive going to try and stop ukrainians. but so let's do you said something else that was interesting, it gives you an idea of window didn't to ukrainian strategic thinking, this thing that they want to create a offers of. so this is what they were working towards. now this makes absolute sense because you pretty comp cheap, expanding into bonds in advance to get it bouncing into a rush of that civil work for anybody else to send, you know, going to work for ukraine. so at some stage they have to be asked to be able to
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check russia, and what they will do is likely pull back, provide a buffer zone, a buffet, something that they can effectively for to mind. and therefore free up some of the troops and units to be able to slice elsewhere. and so next, where the ukrainians of being hard pressed on off slowly retreating as the russians slowly advance like sites pretty much full the up there. let's go. so i have to boss kind of a dosage of already a standing by force, obviously many people across. so if you're watching what's going on and being told various things, what is the russian narrative at the moment about what's going on on the soil as well, we're getting reports from various russian military bloggers from the underground in the crust screech and we haven't had any official updates from the defense registry as of yet, but what we're hearing from people on the ground in process is that to creative forces of matter, to destroy a 3rd bridge and the same river in the curse creech. and now this means that the
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planes are consolidating their group for uh, in that region to try and cut off the russians from being able to access the western part of curse, squeeze it along the border with ukraine, and that the destruction of these bridges means that the russian forces are now using pontoon bridges to get their supplies across it. also evacuate disabilities that are left all this comes, of course, as the russian president vladimir putin is under to day visits to as of by john and one of his aides. during this trip uri was a call, i said that's a there you. russia's fees proposal on ukraine is not withdrawn. that is still on the table. but given this incursion into curse courage, and it's not the right time to hold talks until the situation encourage, is brought under control. the narrative here very much that this is a terrorist invasion of russian soil. of course,
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this is the 1st time brush i've seen foreign troops on it's soil in over 80 years. so it's quite significant. and the date today briefing from the defense for history is focusing on the ongoing of military operation in ukraine in the down, yet screeching ad for getting very little information about what is happening on the ground as curse. we're getting updates from local governors about the civilians being evacuated and also about the number of ukrainian forces that russia is capturing as it tries to send off this you creating defensive from moving further into kursk. all calls will i get more updates from you as the day progresses, dosage of our correspondence. in moscow, the philippines has detected it says, case of impulse issue, and the 9 with no history of traveling outside the country. the virus has spread to several countries since the current top right beginning last year in the democratic republic of congo. more economy joins us now from game an eastern democratic republic of color. come, go,
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holland. just tell us exactly what you wall and what's going on behind you. not the carpet is just an abundance. i mean. hello alan, can you hear me? hello robin. hey, even though ha. we seems have lost communication with let me try and get back to him as quickly as we can. david monthly, however, is the weld vision director in east and the all. so he says displays populations all particularly vulnerable to the virus, as well as the viruses spreading thread, the caps, it's actually nationwide, but what we're seeing is particularly in caps, where people have been clean conflict. these numbers have been arising precipitously due to the fact that the conditions are so for these a horrible conditions. a lot of sanitation services, really lack of understanding of proper hygiene, extremely difficult and as such is hitting people and the numbers are going up very
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quickly, particularly towards children, both in the overall number of cases and the mortality rates. the strain is cause for concern. but as well when people are coming to the camps, when they're coming from this conflict, they're not eating, you know, there's a many reports of sexual abuse. so people are in a very difficult position, especially children. they are really the ones that are mostly collected. so if a child is only really eating once a day or once every couple of days, they're viewed, the system is a little weekend. so the fact that a stronger strain can come and hit these camps me and the children will be most affected by this. for instance, i was in a camp called lucia got left. the other day is over a 100000 people in this camp and the conditions. they just overwhelmed the humanitarian community. it is possible to meet the growing number of cases, but we require the resources to do so. the infrastructure is there, but there was an incredible pressure on humanitarian community to really meet the rising demands. when we get back to the game in our joint island, hey, who's back with a solid? obviously,
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you're taking no precautions. just as many people that are also hoping that some sort of help is on its way this yeah, this is exactly what people are expecting here. seems to have been in this column. it's almost o, as of right now, we have seen from this quarter to here the most of the new tissues arriving. it's many children. and even inside of data we have families. we, ma'am, we did the was some of them mother children. all of them are affected will adjust the children, and the mother is the taking care of them. this is the kids happening here under the under the treatment. this is the only center under one of the as caesar and jewels dealing with the treatment quite to know where there is some severe cases. this is how we are joining even by dr. wonderful. we seem to have lost no here. so the only here. thank you for coming for,
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for this. but i'm, you tell us what does this suggest in this area and what is happening right now? yeah, thank you so much. so 1st my name is booked up to what you're seeing gradually. and then it's like the values that form that database. you can go more. so since the june we uh we, we are assisting info securities this before you start them in the move to the task that's using the website of google. and the seems to do, you know, we have set up with this uh, touch base unit. well, we seem to have lost communication to obviously very difficult to speak to our colleagues and east and democratic republic of congo with also a conflict. and this ongoing crisis as well, but we will try and keep in touch. i give you the latest lines of what's coming out of the d all see,
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but we'll move on. now. why to rescue crews that easily have found the body of a person after a your sign gulf the coast of sicily? $22.00 people believed to be torres for on board 6, the missing boats and the helicopter from the autonomy and emergency services all searching full suffices. the incident is being, oh, believe to have been caused by bad weather. a still head here all the out. is it renews on the highlands full prime ministers in quotes, in a case where he's accused of insulting the moment key and manage just the city take off that for the lead types of friends with victory stones try couldn't makes it 91 goals for the club black hole coming up with joe in space, the latest country to be hit by john center. so what's causing street funding is
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actually because the line that contains the failure office is this one here, which is turned into a circulation. essentially the load just the waste, obviously the general emotion, slightly east with the across the adriatic. so forecast where there's more light to be done in croatia and even into albania of the next day or so. it's eating into us being really hot weather and still will be, i think and remain the are involved area and the balkans. however, sophia sees a drop down to about $0.20 a 6 degree drop as the slowly to draw the more showering. so that's what's happening in this part of europe with thunderstorms. i've apparently gotten eastwood's and i think the strength is generally going at the push overall, the restroom when the weather is coming to the british, i was not particularly cold, but it's a change old to save. and that means pirates will see right in the low countries to denmark. the heat remains in eastern europe and certainly returns to its lee and is persistent. you won't persistent, deep, good ones. let's see. so deals at $37.00 degrees and the heat crosses into portugal
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as well in the blazing sunshine. in north africa, it is the north would extend to the right has been surprising, recently, been wasting bar retain. it still is around the going to be adding chats has to down the nation inc. goals in a bit or so the war, the resistance taking more and more territory, the winning, they found one, and the se has to resort to the power button to chaos. and use threats has emerged under the fcc. then what became pumps for us to the reach of cyber crime was taking place in new why you certainly indicates that it represents one of the largest prime hubs in the world. the full reports, the password for the gateway to me in march on now, just to euro the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to what you me, i'll just the news with me. so run the reminder of all told stories to hospitals in northern goals though close to shutting down due to the lack of to the director of
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the oh, the hospital says that the lights of patients are now hanging by a thread and cold for most supplies to be allowed in to the gaza strip. israel is conducted several rates across to be occupied, best by concluding novice and have grown a palestinian woman who was arrested in by law. and she's been released from these rated custody in moves and in exchange deals with some of the us like 3 of the states on sleep. lincoln is it as well. but he said that this could be the last chance to strike a ceased by de la garza. he would as well, i'm time us against actions that could be rail the tool so escalates the company. well, policies because the strip, however, out to tube lincoln's visit, saying that donald, so to bring peace any closer a little can lincoln's visit to israel will not change anything him every time we hear this, but it's not true. it is the complete opposite. every time it turns out that there are no negotiations, it's old lies. they lodge at the post city and people and give them anastasia
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needles. they say they're in negotiations and then they file inside the results. so negative, they are lying just to destroy us, more and more, kill us and kilo children, stop us and make us homeless. lincoln is useless, his business will hom, the palestinian people. wel, that's bringing up. the irony is the associate professor of history at georgetown university in count on kentucky with the scan on the program, lincoln's 9th visit since the will be gotten, he'll tell you. but. and there is this hope and desire to get the sci fi, which we keep hearing about all the time. but what's required is pressure is pressure being applied in the right direction and on the right people. and it's not from everything that we've seen so far. it's really appears that the united states is not exerting any degree of pressure on a prime minister, who i don't think anyone believes is actually seeking any kind of an agreement. given everything that we know about the way that this dis,
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genocidal war is being conducted. the really isn't much space for israel to be negotiating. you know, all of these different demands, including, for instance, the ability to, to wage further attacks at any time it pleases to maintain an occupation. we know as for instance, that they're already going around and we are resting, many of the prisoners who are released all the way back in november. so there's very little good faith actions, both on behalf of israel, these but in particular on behalf of, of the united states, which is meant to be mediating this deal. but it's essentially granting israel a carte blanche to conduct whatever atrocities at once you know, the other side of the sort of narrative you have. blankets, ok, what concern over the derailment of the tools and goals of anyone who tries to scope pub, this is it will be a series taking a month. well, i think, you know, when we actually stop and consider what is the purpose of the continuation of these talks, whether they're just kind of bad political theater, the charade that i think we've been all kind of lowered into for many months. lou, really out of a desire to see some kind of an a, an outcome that would, you know,
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and the killing of palestinians in these kind of massive numbers. and i think what would really come to discover is the fact that these, these, these fire talks are largely meant to continue further. political goals on behalf of israel, one of which, of course, is preventing or at least delaying any kind of retaliatory strikes on behalf of iran or hispaniola. but also to prevent any action being taken from other international bodies, including the united nations, the i, c, j, the i, c, c. all of these bodies that are kind of standing in wait, attempting to understand exactly what the outcome could be here before they take further action. we've seen the scenario we've had this known as the us thinking that it is a fed up it to that it can snap its fingers in washington and everybody will arrive around just a negotiating table. or does the united states understand how the global community feel if that's the way we should be assessing it? because there were lots of capitals around the world who don't look at the united
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states as a firewall. but as a whole, in this whole scenario, that's right. i mean, i think when we stop and consider the fact that the us has been able essentially to impose as well as, as the most powerful super power for many decades. that it's been imposing this kind of narrative attempting to both be israel's leading backer. and at the same time, give us the sense that it's a, you know, arbiter, that's neutral, that it's overseeing a piece process for 30 years. that, of course, has gotten this nowhere in some ways the ceasefire. negotiations are actually quite an interesting microcosm of a much broader problem in which the us has essentially a use these kinds of negotiations or very long period of time. while israel further continues to confiscate land co palestinians in prison, them and gaza, as we've seen for for decades. and as a result, the us of course, has, has lost any kind of credibility as an arbiter both in this instance as well as i think for the long term. it'll be interesting to see what happens in the coming as
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that and get some analysis in the coming days with you as it happens that i've done that already. and thanks for joining us. a new you. a new poll says last year, it was the deadliest on record for aid was $280.00. what code and 33 countries in 2023. that's 137 percent increase from 20. 20 to 20. 20 full could be even deadly. a 1728 workers have already been killed since the start of the, as the oil and gas have begun, molten 288 work has been killed that and i, most of them were from the u. n. agency, full palestinian refugees violence and so don and south saddam has resulted in the death of tens of thousands of 8 workers since last year. so the choices now somebody has shown in southern lebanon high as a to, i mean, aid work cadets are in focus today. and that's why you all, why you all, as well yes,
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world humanitarian day. do knights of nations organizing a solidarity stand in one of the border villages in southern lebanon to commemorate the death of those who have been killed in conflict? a total of $21.00 power medics have been killed in the ongoing confrontations between israel and has been lost since last october. so the un resident coordinator was there. he said that this needs to stop and that was have rules. he did not the portion, any blame, but the lebanese minister who was accompanying him called these attacks as really aggressions. and that the, and we're seeing a high number of civilian casualties. in fact, this conflict between has been on israel has been largely confined to military targets, but civilians have been caught in the crossfire a total of $130.00 civilians. and in the past 3 weeks, the 20 days 23 were killed. so that's a relatively high number. this was since as route carried out that strike and bade
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with southern suburbs killing a top has beloved commander. so the message from the united nations is that these attacks need to stop humanitarian workers need to be protected because in turn they protect civilians. what we have seen in so many different situations is their lack of respect for international humanitarian law. just last week, we had the 75th anniversary of the geneva conventions. i see are see themselves expressed great concern about whether the respect, the push, the political pressure that's needed to ensure respect of international humanitarian law is being sufficiently pushed out. all of this is a known as tension in the region continues to increase as well. yes, no doubt. the trajectory of this conflict is,
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is just on the rise. it's escalating, the escalation and hostility. since the killing of that top commander has well as top commander in be route. what we're seeing, for example, is that as well, carrying out attacks deeper inside lebanon, causing more a civilian casualties in the past that used to make sure that the strikes, especially targeted killings were surgical strikes and that civilians are not hurt as an in recent days, which we've seen some targeted killings in busy intersections for example. and what we've seen also is that these attacks have caused further displacement in the south . we're talking to up to 7000 people leaving their homes. that's an 8 percent increase in the last 10 days alone. now has been lost, in turn is trying to do the same. it has expanded its attacks in northern as well, striking deeper up to 18 kilometers, hitting military targets, but hitting new towns that have not been evacuated. so still not deliberately
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targeting civilians but trying to create a bigger buffer zone along the border with israel, putting more military pressure, trying to cause further displacement because this all as pressure on the is really government. so this conflict is gradually and slowly widening and expanding the force, the in southern lebanon, and thank you to you as far as present capital harris has arrived in chicago. had all the democratic national convention later on monday. powers is old, but certain to be declared. the parties presidential candidates in november's election, not the majority of the parties, delegates of pledge to back after the president to a bike and dropped out of the race in july earlier, harris, i'm tired of running mates and walls took a road trip to pennsylvania and a push to convince undecided voters and the key battleground states. pennsylvania has tip to the balance in several elections, often 5 a tiny mileage. and so from pittsburgh,
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his phil about pamela harris arrived in pittsburgh, along with the torrential brain. alyssa wrote, i'm the political storm here in pennsylvania, not in this hangup. they love, i here is excited. it's exciting. i feel like the same way i did when obama was running. but those buses fox, for a reason, a road trip. and part of this crucial, i'm divided states to mobilize. vote is in pennsylvania, it's good. i can we get out all the democrats, if you can get the vote out, you can win with no time to waste of the self. we both 6 the v p, i running 8, i'm the spouse is got on board. this campaign is now hey, thing the road that it will make a number of stops in western pennsylvania over the coming hours. organize just believe that could be a winning strategy by making the candidates look hyper connected to local boxes come the election in november bus stop a campaign office in nearby rochester, inside the team,
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harris hitting the phones to drum up support. the outside support is on one side of the road team. trump on the other. could that be a better method full but divided america. what is it about has specifically that gets you about of everything she stands for compared to him, there's nothing from him. the trump supposedly shows just how divided the status. well, i don't know about that. i think more the people are changing their mind because of his character. i sure hope it stays that way. this path have changed their minds. they went the other way. democrats for 60 years, but not anymore. my mother was a democrat and she still is, i always play with her body. that's about, i mean, because you obviously a strong support. the right you called the got all the all the day around. what was it the made you go for, so fall from democrats to being such a strong term supposed to. and to me and all these democrats coming in, it's
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a legal, all these people getting killed and all of a sudden all coming in. and i mean, our country cannot handle all these people coming isn't as the toil continued the cakes for firefighters. puppies to pat visits to stalls the day, a photo op extravaganza. i'm lots of positivity, sound bites. he's bringing out the kindness, advise us to gather the decency, the vision of a better tomorrow, but it'll take more than what to secure a when have mold and good vibes. expect many more visits from both sides over the next 2 and a half months. fill of out, i'll just say era pittsburgh, pennsylvania. it's kimberly how's that explains how house is that to, to use the convention to take on her arrival. donald trump, hala harris is already the democratic parties nominee for president of the united states. but this week it becomes official. she can make one hell of
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a present. so the democratic national convention in chicago is really just the ceremonial event, vice president connell, a harris already secured 99 percent of democratic delegates earlier this month. in a virtual roll call vote. even as vice president, most americans still know very little about harris. the thousands of people have turned out to see her on the campaign trail since becoming the democratic contender . so what harris publicly accepts the nomination on thursday. millions of people will be watching a well crafted speech that's warmly received by the american people could have pulled her in the pools point. thank you. somebody said a convention is that the polls improve, at least in the short term for the, the party that holds a convention. if that happened, she probably will answer the fall as the, as the,
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the leader in the presidential race. the race is a statistical dead heat. most poll show hair is tied in key battleground states with her republican opponent, former president donald trump. but i'm like the 2016 presidential race went from round against former us secretary of state, hillary clinton. harris is also making history as the 1st woman of color to accept a major parties nomination. simple use the convention to couch or trump campaign attacks. tapping into vote or fears of a woman at the top of the democratic ticket. i think she wants to introduce yourself positively to the public and to also reassure people that she is not as left wing as republicans are going to paint her as this stages were, comma harris will officially accept the democratic presidential nomination in front of a crowd of a during delegates,
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but it was just 11 months ago that harris was considered one of america's most unpopular vice presidents with an unfavorable rating of 58 percent. the trick for harris now would be to ride the momentum of her convention, bounce all the way to november. kimberly, how could al jazeera chicago, the purchase of being held in chicago, had all the democratic convention against the us, supplying weapons too, as well as one gauze protest as on demanding a sci fi and cooling photos and bulk of what your quote goes home to one of the largest pallets sitting american communities in the us. it's all hundreds but to one palestinian american about why she was demonstrating of what brings you here. yeah, so i gave him a greeted hear from palestine when he was 18. i've known the occupation and the hardships that bell is the means of database throughout the years since 1948 leading up till now the, you know, genocide happening in gaza. and so i'm here today to do whatever i can and whatever capacity i can for the people,
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innocent people by 30000 list of people who are dying right now. and you're here protesting ad the democratic national convention. is it safe to say that you won't be voting for from the layers? yeah, i would say, as of right now, my vote is not with pamela harris. um, i hope that that could change. um, somebody is open and you always have in their mind, james, i think what it comes down to is whether or not you're going to take a legitimate stance against the country that's acting out and the whole world sees it. that's why we have a unit you and, and so what america goes against the u. n. and systematically vito's various treason and various positions that the whole world wants to see. they're called for a permanent use while you're in gaza right now. so no more women and children die. i think that it's important that come about that and until she can do that, i just, i will have my vote in jo stein is with a green party. so it's 3rd party. and you were saying earlier, you think it's important that 3rd parties in the us grow? yeah,
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exactly. i don't agree with all of that. the green party has audit audit plate. but that said, i also don't think the green party legitimately has a chance at this stage in 2024 to be 50 and to your aunty. but that said, i think it's important that we make this our year to start putting our effort into other parties. so that way we can build those up over time and hopefully that they have a chance that's to democracy. having more candidates on the ballot for voters to choose not to big machines, little party to choose the situation with thousands of football fans in calcutta of boston, solidarity with healthcare workers to the top to strike and purchase across india. follow the rape and murder of a trade, the doctor inside the government hospital, medics what justice? full the victim. the indian medical association has written to the prime minister and promoting. they want him to ensure hospitals, a safe places to work, particularly because 60 percent of india's doctors, a women thailand's full,
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but probably minister hesitating, quote on charges of insulting the royal family. the trial sent us on commons at text and said it was made in an interview with a south korean newspaper. in 2015 now he claimed for the counselor supported a crew in 2014. but else did the government of his youngest sister. tony trying has more on this from bangkok. it's been a curious 48 hours who missed the tax and the phone, the prime minister of the time that on sunday he was at a ceremony for the royal endorsement of his daughter, pet hometown. as prime minister of thailand today, he was in cold, but in the duck accused of insulting the monkey, he says these charges are not serious and ones which he can easily defend himself against them. when he arrives in cold, he appeared very confident, big smile in his face chatting to report is waiting outside symbolically. he was also wearing
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a very yellow shirt. that is the color of the monkey. the charges relates to an interview. he gave to korean media saying that the forces behind the 2014 to partly from the privy council to insult the privy council in a wide interpretation of the less mad just stay low, is also to insult the king. that he'll be one of the things the court is looking at . but the fact that mr. texan's daughter is now in the prime minister seats. and the fact that his influence seems to be expanding once again, certainly is making him feel more confident that he can defend this church. tony checking out is there a thank the still ahead. hey, all the news, colleen and dante makes a spanish league day, be full rail and let's say it. but it's open. the dream stopped the spanish chubby and said hopeful those details coming up with joe. it's for the
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business, latest, a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in
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due by the the book about types putting a history of the health. thank you very much, rounder and coach colo until elsie is not happy and says the spanish champions must do best to of so they were held 11 by new york or in the league. i know it was come in and baptized league debut, often joining in the summer from power centureman. he never played on the game outside from having started his career with one accord spots. despite his best efforts and this much he failed to get all the money. instead it was what did we go set top 5 minutes. this junior, who gave rail the leaves or spots leo could eat flies through bed at moody. chee in
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the 2nd house. every 11, the final school or what is the content last year i was happy with some drawers today with no tempe, because i think we could have done much better. i don't want to make excuses for anything, but we just must do better and have a better attitude. we can learn a lot from this match because from the game is quite clear wherever problems could come from. english champions much city opened the title defense for the when a chelsea style strike island holland mocked his 100 parents with his 91st go. in the 18th minutes of the match with chelsea midfield a meant to cover church. double cities lead late in the game to seal it to no victory, to inspect performing the level for this commitment that there is a way for the privilege and honor to be the manager of this group of players in this club will have to behave like we're attempting seem to inspection to button
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them. so when i like to see the team in the bud moment, because today i said we're going to solve for a moment. so how we do it together? how help each other induce the most important thing with the find. the big teams is the best moment how they are together. and again, in the moment your software we are composing we did well, it wasn't the idea of stop for chelsea's new head coach. and so my desk has also been criticized for making ends or fernandez captain for the much the all the time international was film senior braces chunk during the off season, but us got also had to defend his decision to be for him. sterling, also the much day squads, the pursuit of a fixed i went through mister link, but the i want or the for the place that we have, but there is no space for all of them. so for some of them they are, they have to leave. now, so akasha of to your top tennis players which wouldn't look out of place in the left to stages of next week's us open. well, number one, younique's and it was taking on full front. alexander vera of in the cincinnati
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opened the semi finals. so now here's the australian open champion, already leads the atp tool with full titles. this season of found himself under pressure from sparrow, one the title in cincinnati, in 2021. the thailand took this a sense, but sarah sealed the seconds. it decided was a tightly contest to the fed requiring a type rate question, a took control dropping just one point on his stuff to seal the match. when sarah hit his back hand, loan me as well in the one iga shown to exit, to the toner with the semi final stage when she was beaten. 6363 bio strain, open champion, arena sub olenka. it was the 3rd class of the season, but the 1st with sutherland came out on top. the bell russian faces jessica beulah for the time. later, she looks to find you and have preparations for the final grandson with the season in new york next week. the. now of the missing out on the limbic podium in paris form a well known one. go for john rom is the nearly man once again,
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this time beaten by brooks capco and his latest lift gulf event. the spaniards took a 2 shot lead into the final round of the greenbrier, but this man kapco forced to play off after pull to show them the 1st extra hole roam, had his pots. this one to extend the tassel, but missed it. kept post celebrating his 2nd lives go victory. also the year and 5th since joining the saudi funded lead bmo and the pga told me that he met c. i'm a one, the 1st of 3 tournaments and the $100000000.00 fedex cop playoff series. you finish ahead of the shelf lee and victor huffman by 2 strokes, accounts and unbelievable few weeks for the japanese player who won the bronze medal at the power soon picks and was enrolled through his wallet on the stuff over in london before flying to memphis to playing this tournament isn't jude chum championship. is cutting coach also have that possible stolen and that meant they missed joining him for this victory. all right, that is all useful for now. it is, but just a while. thanks very much to invest as
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a nissan from me. and joe was proud of a lot more of these on the other side of the right. but until then from all of the news i've seen here. and so hong thanks very much for your time. i took off the discussing the defining issues of our times, what military, what government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful. they are exploring the very real dangerous unchecked artificial intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a jersey, you know, at work in that construction. we still master you key in the sun. she gives you a kitchenette to the front of the business that's been in the village you've done.
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walk through for a 140 is. the shop is or what was waltz? the bustling high street. they used to be about 50 shops along the streets. now there are only feet, businesses left to kind of cheat the land month last year with the number of its citizens being over 18 topping 10 percent of the population for the 1st time, which is one village still holds the record. having the oldest inhabitants, the neighboring town is kinda its luckiest thanks to the discovery of a dinosaur. footprint it revealed the rich source of fossils on which it's built to visit a center with a thriving to restrain. she grew yuki hopes the place can be turned around. it would be nice to have pull life we to and he says, have full house, easily tough but nice. maybe his son goes head to head with his really
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historians that he morris. the jews were on the 5th of annihilation by the arabs, and that's my view legitimize justified cleansing arabs from palestine. the hutus that exactly the same thing about maybe food in 1990. israel has committed a numerous war crimes since the hospital fans on october, the 7th. i'm fairly sure that'd be fine. the toward itself is not a wall prime. head to head on out to 0. the washington's top diplomat mates is, randy promised the benjamin netanyahu and has laces pushed to stop the war on gaza . this is the decisive probably the best maybe last opportunity to get the hostages. to get a ceasefire. the
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hello, i'm elizabeth for donovan. this is elder. they are on live from doha. also coming up about to shut down


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