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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the, the safe, them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award. denominator here on now, the washington's top diplomat meets, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it as late as pushing to stop the war on concept. this is the decisive probably the best maybe last opportunity to get the hostages to get a ceasefire. the challenge is they would live my headquarters here in the hall also coming up about to shut down
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a major hospital in northern gauze. was running out of fuel and medical supplies because of his writing the restrictions you and says 2023 was the was to you is 8 workers. $290.00 were killed and $33.00 countries plus i phil laval and pittsburgh, where a couple of harvest and same boats all fixing the boat quite literally and a new strategy for the democrats ahead of the presidential election. the welcome to the penguin, became it israel, where the us secretary of state has said that this could be the last trends to reach a cease by dealing garza and to the blinking has been holding tolts with his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. one of several meetings on monday, it's blinking the 9th visit to the region since october, the 7th and earlier well meeting these viney president isaac hood. so he told jen was actions taken in the coming days will be crucial. it is also time to make sure
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that no one takes any steps that could derail this process. and so we're working to make sure that there is no installation or no provocations that there are no actions that in any way to move us away from getting this deal over the line. or for that matter, escalating the conflict to other places, integrate or intensity. some desolate is in jordan's capital amman and remind you that our team is that because he has rarely government has been resolved. is there a from reporting from within its folders home to hi, what came out of this meeting? well, in a nearly 3 hour meeting, these really prime minister's office released the statement saying that it was held in positive spirit saying that his role is committed to the current american proposal that's on the table that does directly address is really security needs and admits. in yahoo emphasize that to the us secretary of state. it's worth
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mentioning though that this is blinking tends to visit to israel since the war on god's it began. and these meetings with nothing you all who haven't always been held in good spirits previously, they were quite tens with blink and really putting that pressure on us in yahoo. so these really prime minister is saying that every thing he got from the messaging from the americans was good blinking, apparently did put that diplomatic pressure on that's an yahoo. but saying about israel still remains committed to the current american proposal on the table. so what comes next as well, there's a lot that's next. in fact, the is really prime minister has confirmed that there will be a top level is really delegation heading to cairo for additional talk this week on sunday. we do know that and is really delegation came and went from the egyptian capital, but it was a technical team and these were mid level tasks that took place to deal with a couple of issues and sticking points that are still part of the deal that's on
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the table, the us secretary of state is also going to be meeting with israel's defense minister. you'll walk a lot that meeting happening in the last hour because israel still bracing for some sort of retaliation either from the audience, from his bottle or even perhaps the food these in the young man. so blinking is stressing american support for israel, but also telling the entire world that everyone in the region should stand down on anything that could escalate tensions. that could foil a ceasefire deal and that includes israel. so blinking is putting that pressure on these really officials for more than one topic during this visit, and that sleep that force and the jordanian capital, i'm on. thank you. so let's take a look at what's being discussed to stop the financing and goals. a 1st phase would be a temporary choice. a mouse would release women, elderly people, and wounded captives and exchange the palestinians held in his ready presence. the
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2nd would include a pub in 10 to hostilities and release of all is ready to captive. and the 3rd phase would be the reconstruction of concept. leo is a full, i'm a director general of israel's ministry, a forward defense. he says, expectations of an attack from a wrong of up the stakes around blinking latest trip to israel. and this was this lady, he said we didn't have to get the you, i am despite a lot less false to they can't find me is what it is. oh, i live and a, he's call me, we the america shapes the summary. a blinking, i'll see you giving us the see the side of the house. so i think the def i see it besides getting so close to the internet that shows the the stick. the lid is jodi,
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this time is big. it is the slow the by the end of this week or we've been that way we have to ship. oh, this is quite the work that they would have to be the original, so the americans at least see the more they will apply all of the power, the police on the ballot. they have been, this is the each stage and seriously it displays it 11 children and calls at risk of immune and because the fuel supplies of the come out loud when hospital are about to run out of the hospital is also about to exhaust fuel supplies with the direct, the warning patients' lives the hanging by a thread. israel has severely restricted the entry of a medical supplies and the fuel intake also since october. both of
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a salute has this report from the hospital. as a result of this visual occasions here will allow the hospitallers shutting down this facility is one of the meet some of these. yeah. and the nothing goes to death to provide the medical care for patients and wanted people for those people who yeah. cannot provide me because care as, as there is a beautiful page of a few walls so they cannot read the hospital or they cannot grab the ambulances. we spoke to the allowed the hospital, they're up to the police, i'm much off hands. you told us about the dire situation here in this hospital and he told us old, so if this hospital would not be provided with, if you will, it will be shut down and will be out of service in the next 24 hours that i am in the lives of patients in that high end by threat, especially as we are the only facility offering orthopedic treatment on surgical operations. 56 and total has been perspiring. if fuel is not delivered soon,
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all these patients will develop congress and inflammation and then ultimately have the legs amputated. old use the life. in addition, old delivery procedures, particularly emergency sections will be effected. fuel must be delivered to the hospital without delay. then we also spoke to the one of the patients who expressed about is since you hear about the costs of the over fuel, that's what's happening. the whole society and the health care system. and the you have connected to john, i have a pain in my kidney and talked to the trying to organize an ultrasound examination . but no one is available. even lab test salt postables due to a lack of power or few hospitals around to few full patients. the left without hope . we have great weary of this. you wouldn't experience this in any other hospital in the world, only and garza, this is the 1st stage of the fuel for what's happening. thousands of lives. yeah.
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and nothing does a strip. and if this hospital will be shut down, it will be a medical task for freight. why the computer? i just need a northern goes to spread all this time to think of it to join us from the hidden hi. it's really about the ne, imminent ends of any working hospitals that holds the palestinians. i'm the cause of strict. they always need help. well, a medical catastrophe, just like more mentioned in his reports. according to come on at one a spokesperson, he said that there are 11 patients, and most of them are children. in the i, c, u, a. nursery, some of them are even infants. and those are in risk. if fuel does not come and
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enter the northern parts of the gaza strip, know we know that the world has organization has a convoy filled with fuel and medicine. heading to the northern parts of the gods was true. but so far there is still on the check point waiting for the green lights from the is ready for it says to cross, so there is no guarantee that they're gonna make it to the the, the hospital. now, according to the policy administer, because they said that since the more start to that these $33.00 health facilities have been out of service. now here along the hospital to end up with facilitating operating costs, but there's less needs at least 4000 fuel liters of fuel every single day to continue operating. now there are thousands of college didn't use who completely rely on this fuel, just like palestinian patients in the eyes. you in the nursery kidney. dialysis surgeries fuel is very essential to keep the lives of those palestinians. now
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doctors are grades are exhausted, but they're trying their best to has the lives of those policy. and you know, it's also worth mentioning that sense of brooklyn, encouraging started and the is ready for says take over the philadelphia corey doors. there has been apps is beverly medical supplies entering the gaza strip and also none of those palestinians that have cancer or in need to get 3rd medical treatment abroad. are able to leave because of serve. and we're talking about thousands of kind of 2 youths that are in need for medical urgent medical treatment as soon as possible. and we're also hearing that there is, is really activity in and around the day about our area. what more you hearing about this? well, it's on the part of that is by last, especially on the eastern parts and then,
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but i'm in the eastern parts that separates in the area that's is a around community. and that is by left and there has been, are totally re selling. there has been done machines, there has been life in munition. and none of those policy didn't use that lives there. lived there anymore, where they evacuated under fire. now that threat is coming into that in my life because palestinians are terrified. we're talking about, according to 1800000 college sinews, displaced in the middle area. and this is the only last refuge for these millions of policy new. so we're here and talking to policy and users saying that there's there tire 5. they do not know where to go. and there's only 11 percent of gauze as 365 kilometers up to you minute they're getting zone. and every single day, this humanitarian zone is actually shrinking. pin could be that force and the bella . thank you. it was ready for the event of the city of nablus,
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the occupied westbank in search of a suspect behind a explosion in tel aviv on sunday. one person was injured in sundays funding so which him us and the palestinian islamic and you had claimed joint responsibility. is there any media reports of the day by senate goals may have been the targets or the lights in cash, and on that list, all of several others by, divides across the cities and the occupied westbank. 8 palace to be. one of them was arrested in ramallah and she had been released from is ray, the custody of november. and at president exchange deal with him off of the full palestinians injured after his very forces. 5 live at the mission. still head here on out your 0. emergency workers such as the volume is on the tray, russian strike. it's whenever recently taken. are you finding pulses plus a likely ally against climate change will tell you why. because such as a cult of anything they see the
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should be about the dry spots different. today's yeah, and i think it will be for the most part, there are some big shadow. ryan and borneo maybe is. so the way, see, but most of these it's a pretty dry picture. the rain is significant for the know if it might catch singapore, my catch call them but, but recently seasonally, it should be for the know for that. and it has been very wet weather in china. and you'll notice running out through these, trying to see what looks rather dangerously like a tropical spinner. but it's no more than the depression. so that is heading directly for science career. i think it'll just be a very wet day for you. and i can give you this read the full cost, the sold proves the point. it looks like we're be sundry, which, whether through wednesday and then seriously and then probably disappearing during
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friday. there will be some funding, admittedly. but funding is the thing and these dangerous times you, this is season the correct. this is also true of cost in india because we're spend go probably buying the addition, running up to the northwest of india, the full cost of big ranges, give them warnings, a potential flat thing on the strays i put in job has been wet recently, but nothing this full cost, you'll notice carol or 2 is the interest in pretty big down pause. as you can see, most of pakistan is not particularly well, has been filling out the streets of cut off. she still looks wet up in level the
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the of the look about what you all just bear with me. so he'll run the reminder, volunteer stories, b, u, a secretary of state has said that this could be the last trends that as well. and them us to reach a see funding johnson mc blinking has been holding pulse with these very 5 and his opinion. and this and the other one of several meetings on monday is blinking. 9th visits the region since october. the 2nd 2 hospitals in northern gauze replace to shutting down because of a lock as to the director of the for the hospital. it says that my patients
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a hanging by a thread comfortable supplies to be allowed into concert. israel has conducted several rights across the occupied westbank, including not less than have grown. a palestinian woman was arrested in ramallah. she didn't release from his lady custody and defend and exchange with her boss. a un report says last year was the deadliest on record for 8 was released on well humanitarian day. the study reveals 280 work as a kill in 33 countries in 2023. that's a 137 percent increase from 2020 to 20. 20 full could be even definitely a $17028.00 work as of already being killed since the start of the. well, since the war and goals have begun, mold in 298 workers have been killed. most of them, but from the un agency, full palestinian refugees violence. and so don and south saddam is resulted in the depths of tens of age workers since last year. the u. n. has organized
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a solidarity stand in southern level. what 21 power emetics have been killed in his way. the strikes and salt teva say that honda has more from the a good memory things to mandatory and workers who lost their lives in conflict. 7 and a single is really striking, this village in southern lebanon in march, the united nations came to the side of the attack to hold the solidarity stand to mark world humanitarian day. this has to stop. the un resident coordinator said, well, calling for international humanitarian law to be respected. so today that is why we're here. we're here to underline that humanitarians are on the front lines. humanitarians are there to provide assistance and protection to civilians. we need to ensure that humanitarians are protected and that civilians are protected. 21, paramedics have been killed and this really strikes since has been launched.
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attacks in solidarity with garza in october. and while the warring sides have largely confined or a text of military targets, civilians have been caught in the crossfire. $130.00 killed so far more than $0.20 has the promise to retaliate for as well as killing of a top military commander on july 30. there is not just been an escalation in hostilities as well as attacks have move deeper inside 11 on and this has caused further displacement. an 8 percent increase in the last 10 days, according to the united nations hezbollah to has expanded its attack, striking military bases up to 18 kilometers from the border as well as new towns that have not been evacuated. and while the armed group is not deliberately hitting civilian targets has belong, may be trying to create a larger military zone across the border. and a bigger displacement crisis for these, where the government and 11 on the minister in charge of the emergency response
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says, authorities are stretched and faced many challenges. we have more than 100000 from basically the news. we still have 60000 people being here. you know, facing all the aggression and all the facts and doing all the best to remain in their lands. this is an impoverished society and then you're bankrupt state struggling to cope with a war of attrition that has no immediate and insight. then there was just data southern rep and on the usability is activated at defense units and the capital to repel attacks by russia . keith says that engaged early on monday morning. witnesses reported the last till the outskirts of the city of a rush and asked why? cuz killed one person in the village in the sumi region they destroyed the home on
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sunday, killing a fuzzy 3 year old. then the 3 of us will also injured the mass of several russian volumes. that struck the village in recent days, alex good helpless has the latest from the ukrainian capital. keep from president letting me is. lensky spoke on sunday night. he gave us an indication of just what the crating strategic thinking is in the cushion, in course, into russia. the 1st of all, the 10 man and said he was wanting to degrade russia's potential to make bull bull making capacity. what does that mean? it means practical. ukrainian success is on the battlefield. driving russian forces back showing that they can be beaten, that normally beating the, beating the russian soil, but also combined with longer rain strikes to destroy the logistical network. the russia has to use to be able to supply some troops. so that means add bases, railway yards, munition dumps fuel depos, major roads and of course,
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bridges to be able to degrade what russia needs to be able to get over his men, material supplies. i mean, addition to its forces on the front line. but he also said something else that was interesting, he turned around and said they wanted to create a buffers of a buffer zone would be the most logical choice. the end of the day, you credit candle adults forever and ever, never into russia never worked out for any other country. they said these are gonna work out for ukraine. and as they would extend the supply lines, they would need more more, more soldiers. and they were just exhaust you crate. so what they are thinking of doing now is holding back to a manageable buffer. so they would start rushing or 10 or re from being able to be moved upfront to be able to show you pretty positions and keep them back, keep the russian forces back, but still allow most of the troops to be able to go off and fight and don't ask where they all need it because ukraine is under tremendous pressure in the east. it is being slowly, slowly pushed back,
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but this larger russian falls. and this was the whole point of the cruise, concussion in the 1st place. i think it's helpless out to 0, keep a russian presence, government facing is only a 2 day visits to neighboring us or by john is expected to discuss international regional problems with these re present ilia by land is as it comes as ukraine expands as filtering cache and in the cask region and facing is subject to the westward issued by the international criminal calls. but it's also recognized also by john the philippines has detected its fast case of impulse to share with the band, with no history of traveling outside the country. the virus has sped to several countries since the coven top break began last year, and the democratic republic of congo, a little more economy huntsville on the situation. in eastern d o. c. we are in one of the, in books with them at the center set up by the end of 4 30 pm with the coordination
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of some international and yours. yeah, you did nibble woods off goma. look up to see 3 of the progress of enough people, mainly the fact that among the age prophecies affected by the impulse in this is just this morning. i've been watching here, children costing this line go into the hospital. they have to really seems to be dropped as many of the children from 5 years old. but then, and some of them with the apartments, even in those rooms here under the treatment and mentally coming from the to the i did these comp, it's for now 90 percent of people affected by the influx c like this progress of enough people amenities the displays people, this is why doctors here we have been discussing with them the telling us they're doing, what did they caught by the number of people? think of it that is still growing. and now the oldest of 50 issues of the equipment,
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the kids, even the kid for their own people as a number of people. he's growing here, they still don't have enough. it's coming. the support still coming, very lead to here. and then in the nearby and probably still felt keyboard of those teachers who is very drama to dirty booking. almost 50 kids is a day, but majority of them need to come and then go and box the places with a bigger risk of affecting more people in the community. so this though, is many to expose because of the link between the 2 properties within the building, probably so felt to people, but also the number of people in the i, the peas while, you know, and also for this one of the people. and then don't those of expressing the worries if the vaccine may not come very soon, which is not coming very soon because the, the us, the government's is still in discuss, what are we the w h o? we'll see how more means more capacity can come here. to store the spreading of devices,
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the costs of the community on an icon. it does 0 gama the democratic republic of global to see you as far as present trouble. harris has arrived in chicago, head of the democratic national convention. later on monday, ours is old but certain to be declared, the policies presidential candidates in november's election. now the majority of the policies delegates of punch tobacco rafter present j bites and dropped out of the race engine light. well ahead of the convention, how reason to have running that 10 walls took a very trip to pennsylvania and the push to convince undecided voters in the key battleground states. pennsylvania has tip the balance in several elections, often by a very tiny margin from pittsburgh is still about pamela harris arrived in pittsburgh along with the torrential brain, alyssa wrote, i'm the political storm here in pennsylvania, not in miss hangup. they love i here is excited. it's exciting, i feel like the same way i did when obama was running, but those buses locks for
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a reason, a road trip. and part of this crucial, i'm divided states to mobilize. vote is in pennsylvania, is it? can we get out all the democrats, if you can get the vote out, you can win with no time to waste of the self. we both 6, the v p, i running 8, i'm the spouse is got on board. this campaign is now hey, thing, the road that it will make a number of stops in western pennsylvania over the coming hours. organize just believe that could be a winning strategy by making the candidates look hyper connected to local boxes. come the election in november bus, stop a campaign office and nearby rochester inside the team. harris hitting the phones to drum up support. the outside support is on one side of the road team. trump on the other. could that be a better method full but divided america? what is it about how specifically that gets you about everything she stands for
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compared to him? there's nothing from him. the trump supposedly shows just how divided the status. well, i don't know about that. i think more the people are changing their mind because of his character. i sure hope it stays that way. this path have changed their minds. they went the other way, democrats for 60 years, but not anymore. my mother was a democrat and she still is. i always play with her, but that's what i mean because it, you obviously a strong support throughout you called the got all the other day around. what was it that made you go so far from democrats to being such a strong term supposed to and to me and all these democrats coming in, it's a legal, all these people being killed and all of a sudden all coming in. and i mean, our country cannot handle all these people coming in as the toil continued the cakes for firefighters, puppies to pads visits to stalls the day,
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a photo op extravaganza. i'm lots of positivity, sound bites. he's bringing out the kindness, advise us to gather the decency, the vision of a better tomorrow, but it'll take more than what to secure a when have mold and good vibes. expect many more visits from both sides over the next 2 and a half months. bill of out, i'll just say era pittsburgh, pennsylvania purchase. so being held in chicago and had all the democratic convention against the us, applying weapons to israel for its war on gaza. protests dissolved amending a ceasefire and calling for homes in bel. okay. chicago is home to one of the largest palestinian american communities in the us, a well thousands of simple funds in calcutta of motion, solidarity with health, coworkers. the doctor strike and protests across india follow the rape and murder of a training. don't in solely the government hospital. medics what justice for the
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victim? the indian medical association has written to probably been it's a new and remote a. they want him to, into a hospitals, a safe places to work, particularly because 60 percent of india's doctors, a women as, as we do the, the, the system in the, you know, that's all right, that's the ground. so then he goes to the mediterranean as being studies for his ability to store carbon dioxide. if to some guns that's possible, they call it the lungs of the mediterranean sea grass known as posy don't yet sign monthly filtering, tons of the plan. it's carbon. have them it can be a plus a dining and provide to him valuable environmental services, particularly.


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