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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  August 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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and we have more than 100000 displays the menus. we still have 60000 people being here, you know, facing all the aggression and all the facts and doing all the best to remain in their lands. this is an impoverished society and then you're bankrupt state struggling to cope with a war of attrition that has no immediate end in sight. then there i was just the, the southern rep and on well, i knew you and report says a record number of 8 workers were killed last year, 280 died and 33 countries in 2023. that's a 137 percent increase from the previous year. 2024 could be even was a $172.00. 8. what is already been killed since the beginning of this year? and in the 1st 3 months of the wind, garza stretching into 2024 more than $288.00 work is have been killed the most. where with the un agency of the polished any and refugees, bonds in saddam and south student and has resulted in the deaths of thousands of 8
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workers since last year. and yet see encouraged a spokeswoman for the international committee of the red cross. she says they are several factors endangering aid. work is further the different factors that we can look at. first, we have seen an increase in the number of our conflicts around the world in the past decade. like if we compare now we see 3 times the number of our conflicts up to what we had at the beginning of this millennium. so that is a big like that is quite a big increase, but of course leads to more violence, more civilians killed. and among them also medical and to many children workers, but also i think that's what we're seeing today. something that is also even more disturbing and then to us. and that is the palletization of this you money to around 8. and that is the sometimes the i'll try and denial of these basic
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principles, something to national auction when he tiring low. that's all protecting civilians and the top protecting between many turban workers. so many times when you talk to be on the actors in the field in different places, they will tell you yes, through these things that are meant to protect civilians. that's fine, but they work in other places. here is different. no, here is no different. everywhere is the same and i think the world is not in a good place and we need to go back to, to basics. we need to ensure the respect of the principles of international humanitarian law. the philippines has the fact that it's fast case of impulse this yeah, in a mine with no history of traveling outside the country. the virus has spread to several countries since the current outbreak began last year in the democratic republic of congo. and we, connie is the latest from goodman,
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there's nothing big happening right now. things are just, they're trying to organize things. so right now with putting those, for example, this set or where we are, it's under the control of the n jewels. the government itself does not have it pop up previously is where the treating people this existing just happening, for example, in the neighboring probation doesn't look. so for me, i will cover this out to people work because these are growing. they are talking to right now. i, baltimore, people, and majority of them, a few in their family at home, but ultimately say the discussion is on the way we the w h o for about seeing which media arrive here in the coming days a week. but for now, it's not to get a very clear and also fixing which is making this suggestion more difficult to you guys because of the distress people we have. this little this is posting, right? no more than me doing of people. the majority of them i'm making movement, they have to leave morning to go to look for food and so on. and this is exposing more while right now the portal pop up with the board. it's not to get into political deal. we did multiple then people warning too much and there was
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a movement between the 2 previous south enough people, people moving with the boats, people moving a different way. and that is the water that people probably know. it's 1st and they've been health officials warding. that's if there is no equal to one of this movement. all the pop up. i've seen a mazda of, i've seen, thanks and may be out of control in the coming days, or at least as far as people have died in slots close by to rental rain. in northern sou don officials say the needs of those affected all beyond the states. capacity of a 20000 people have been displaced by the floods since late june. have a morgan reports? well, how much in northern to dance river and i'll state is known for it's often dry conditions, but this is really season has changed that and fit a mom's house was the dream home for him and his family. but all that remains of it now is that re as a result of the, to a rental range and floods that's hid the region for the 1st time in recent years.
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but literally just says the hosted on the bus and go, they came in the morning to see this who re fixing my company is that i have escaped from my life. only the house case remained standing. the rest has been leveled to the ground. officials say dozens of people have been killed and more than 600 injured. thousands of homes have been either partially or completely destroyed here in apple. how much leaving their owners without shelter. but both in need exceed the ability of the states to provide tents for them with only 10 percent of the 10000 tents needed provided so far. the shortage has for some to seek other ways to protect their families from more expected rains and floods. let's say they must have had a close out of the damage or loss as a clearly visible to the naked eye, or rather than for less than 2 years. totally exposed to the element of demo homes or even tweets. i'm trying to erect a set, at least to protect our children from the sheets of the sun. the local officials
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have called them the federal government and organizations to provide assistance. but the conflict between government troops and power military forces will likely make that difficult. how would i do it then? let's see um, when we are in desperate need of tents and other sheltering materials, that is our priority. we appeal to charity and to money, to an agencies to lend a helping hand without delaying a large number of residents. and now homeless derek risk in case more rings come about. the damage is not limited to homes, only markets and commercial shops built here in the early 20th century has been effected along with a railway line that was established nearly a century ago, leaving those here cuts off from major trade lines and limited routes for the delivery of any assistance he by morgan, alta 0, a see don is also been affected by a cholera outbreak following weeks of heavy rain. at least 22 people have died in the eastern states of casala. the country is reported $354.00 cases of authorities
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have appealed for international aid. the fighting between the army and power military rapids support forces as homestead aid operations. the indian medical association is asking the government for bassett laws to protect medical professionals in the workplace, following the rape and murder of training don't to interstate round hospital. meanwhile, approaches continue on the streets of a crime that has become all too common in india. m, as in kimball reports, thousands of the pages from to football teams in co co to unite to purchase touring for justice. in the case of a training doctor whose rights and code inside of government hospital, they were joined by other angry members at the public time.
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i've been beaten by the system in the email. and that's so with the health industry and new denny medical stuff, demand strict a news to protect them as well as justice for the holy. we don't have the the, the basic amenities we are even more provided. see what was on that do you think so? i do these and we don't have sleeping. we want to have a c p s. and she could not even save me through this. ok, the next are we're demanding a central protection act. prime minister no rand remote is quiet, but we will not sit quiet until we get what we're rightfully demand. essentially protection, i do. this is drafted in 2022. that was never passed. the indian medical association, which initially organized the purchase, is written deployment is under under moody, asking for his help. the government has said, well, look into the moans. if the medics return to work or those to months include
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copping work. i was a 72 hours a week, guaranteeing access to watch rooms and places to sleep, and increasing the number of security codes up medical centers. but some not confident sufficient changes will be made, the governments, the institutions. there is absolutely contempt for understanding that women in our society, which is a violent society, which is a big tree off to society. there is no part be to how to reset this place in order . a man has been arrested and charged in connection with the rape and murder that the family say they believe more than one person was involved in a still waiting for justice image and kimber. i'll just sarah thailand's full that prime minister has appeared in course on charges that he insulted it's royal family hearing centers and comments that texan should've was made in an interview with the
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south korean newspaper. back in 2015, you claim the king's towing advisory body. the privy council supported the crew in 2014, but also the government of his younger sister, tony checking household from bank coke. it's been a curious 48 hours semester tax and the former prime minister of china on sunday. who is the ceremony for the royal endorsement of his daughter, pet hometown as prime minister of thailand. today, he was in course put in the dog accused of insulting the monkey. he says these charges are not serious and ones which he can easily defend himself against them. when he arrives in cold, he appeared very confident, big smile in his face, chatting to report is waiting outside symbolically. he was also wearing a very yellow shirt. that is the color of the monkey. the charges relates to an interview. he gave to korean media, saying that the forces behind the 2014 to partly from the privy council to
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insult the privy council in a wide interpretation of the last minute. just stay low is also to insult the king . then he'll be one of the things the court is looking at. but the fact that mr. texans daughter is now in the prime minister seats. and the fact that his influence seems to be expanding once again, certainly is making him feel more confident that he can defend this charge. tony checking out is there a bank of south graham, the united states have begun joint on new ministry exercises. they say the drills are aimed at boosting the ability to count, emitted tree inside. that's where it's from north korea. joan young has criticized the exercises coating them or has since for nuclear at will. so on washington site, they are defensive as you go on your own zable. this exercise will focus on mustering integrated procedures to respond to various crisis scenarios,
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including north korea's grades on tactics such as the spread of this information, fake news, cyber attacks, as well as complex military publications, under tax on critical national infrastructure. a crowd of south korean activists has demonstrated against the middle treat trails again, by the rally, organized by a group that campaigns against the us military presence in the country. they say the exercises will increase tensions on the korean peninsula. the region to be even the 2 forces are gathering in the asia pacific region under the pretext of drink, training with japan and joining the united nations. come on. this is nothing but an adventure as policy that risk, the republic of korea and us during training, expanding into northeast asia and escalating into a global nuclear war. china as president vision paying has met vietnam's new leda,
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told them in beijing a to lead as hell talks on continuing conditional friendship. i'm fathering corporation policy for 3 day visits. alarm sol. so his 1st foreign visit, since he was confirmed as general factory vietnam's communist party. and john china has always regarded vietnam as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy. china supported vietnam and adhering to the leadership of the party, taking a socialist pop a suit since national conditions and deepening reform. opening up and socialist modernization, a boy well monitoring the bell. i and the vietnamese party and the government's senior leadership would very much wish to work with calmer general secretary and president, she being and the chinese party on the states senior leadership to continuously nurture our traditional friendship, continue to deepen on elevate the level of relations cooperative partnership became
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comprehensive and strategic partnership and to build a vietnam china community with a she had fugette jews here. a type of st. grosse that any grows in the mediterranean as being studied for as the ability to store carbon was such as in tennessee. busy now working to protect it, to some glen fed has the support they call it the lungs of the mediterranean sea grass known as palsy donya silently filtering tons of the planets . carbon have them. it can be a sit down and provide the invaluable environmental services, particularly in climate regulation, when it has significant ability to store, call them, especially we'll kind of call in which the policies, even the carbon storage capacity of the amazon ring for us to use it. an unremarkable looking, this unique feature of the mediterranean sea is able to store hundreds of tons of carbon per hector and is also
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a major source of oxygen. and it provide shelter and habitats for all sorts of small fish this bone and thrive. this underwater champion is also one to threat the shoulders working with this way. it was racial, but tiny species posted. donya has ideal conditions for growth. if it encounters temperatures within its optimal range, it grows well and performs its functions effectively. however, due to global warming, the water is warming up, causing problems to the sea growth and could potentially lead to its extinction. more than half the world's posit donya grows along the coast of tunisia. and this n g o is planting more. it's added a 1000 square meters of the sea grass in an experiment. they're aiming to counter the harmful effects of warming waters, invasions of alien species and human activity. enough that it again, it's like any c plants in autumn, it's lease full. and when they washed ashore, they become such strange. people sometimes mistaking me refer to this as waste,
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but these needs have a specific role in protecting the sea from erosion. these researches say more efforts are needed to protect the sign and actors safeguarding the world's atmosphere. before it's too late, if to some good food, ultra 0 or to oh, just to let you know, we all keeping an eye on a vis podium here in tel aviv. we are expecting us secretary of state anthony, blinking to speak anytime in the next half an hour. so he has, of course, been meeting with his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who he had a 3 hour meeting with earlier today. we know onto the blinking his said that he's very positive about a ceasefire discussions that were held. so as soon as we see on the blink, and we will, of course, bring it to you now. abdullah, how are you? and as an associate professor of history at georgetown university in control
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earlier, my colleagues, so l rom and austin about how much pressure blinking will be putting on the is riley pm from everything that we've seen so far. it really appears that the united states is not exerting any degree of pressure on a prime minister, who i don't think anyone believes is actually seeking any kind of an agreement. given everything that we know about the way that this dis, genocidal war is being conducted. there really isn't much space for israel to be negotiating. you know, all of these different demands, including, for instance, the ability to, to wage further attacks at any time it pleases to maintain an occupation. we know as for instance, that they're already going around and we are resting, many of the prisoners who are released all the way back in november. so there's very little good faith actions, both on behalf of israel, these but in particular on behalf of, of the united states, which is meant to be mediating this deal. but it's essentially granting israel a carte blanche to conduct whatever atrocities at once. yeah,
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it will the other side of the sort of narrative you have lincoln's ok, what concern over the derailment of the tools and goals of anyone who tries to scope of this is it will be a series taking a month. well, i think, you know, when we actually stop and consider what is the purpose of the continuation of these talks, whether they're just kind of bad political theater or the charade that i think we've been, i'm all kind of lowered into for many months. lou, really out of a desire to see some kind of an a, an outcome that would, you know, and the killing of palestinians in these kind of massive numbers. and i think what would really come to discover is the fact that these, these, these fire talks are largely meant to continue further. political goals on behalf of israel, one of which, of course, is preventing or at least delaying any kind of retaliatory strikes on behalf of iran or his by law. but also to prevent any action being taken from other international bodies including the united nations. the i. c, j, the i, c, c. all of these bodies that are kind of standing in wait, attempting to understand exactly what the outcome could be here before they take
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further action. let's go down to saloon. she joins us live from the door. danny and capital a mon uh, just a reminder, once again, the reason we are reporting from jordan is because out of there has been banned from reporting inside israel. so how and uh we are waiting for this press conference from us next year state on to me blinking. you've been following his visits in israel. he had a 3 hour meeting today with prime minister netanyahu reason. he's met several other officials, took us through some of the highlights of what he's been up to and what we can possibly expect from his speech to the media a bit later a, the whole. it's important to note that in his 1st meeting of the day blinking said that this could be the last opportunity to achieve a cease fire deal. and also a deal to re, re bring about the release of the remaining is really captives. this is
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a push by the united states in order to apply that diplomatic pressure on me is really is to try and get to some sort of deal. but there's been a lot of exchange behind the scenes between both israel and him as pointing the finger at each other for adding new conditions and saying the other side is the reason why there hasn't been a deal. but it's also worth mentioning about in his meeting with joe up the launch, that's israel's defense minister blinking. emphasize the fact that the united states is ready to support israel in the wake of any sort of retaliatory attack by either the audience or his boneless dressing. that everyone in the region should not take any action that would jeopardize a ceasefire deal, and that includes israel. so these relays have confirmed, they're going to send their top negotiating teams to kyra later this week for more talk, there was a lower level is really delegation, indeed gyptian capital on sunday. and that was just for mid level talks on some key
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issues before the main negotiators got there. but to be secretary of state is trying to emphasize here that in more than 10 months of war, more than 40000 palestinians have been killed. and if a ceasefire at this point in time does not happen, it's really unclear. we're the fate of the war where the fate of the palestinians in gaza will be after this and times as what pointing out that the us has expressed a certain degree of optimism about how these talks have gone in doha. do we know where that optimism is? coming from given what you've said about uh how, how miles and israel and both and very skeptical of the negotiations as well. there has been optimism and that's coming from this. and y'all is the office saying it is statement on sunday and that when do you go shooting? team brief, these really prime minister, they talked about what happened and don't how and that there was movement,
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there was progress. and there was some optimism that there could be a deal reached, but behind the scenes, anonymous officials speaking to is really media have said that israel should be lowering expectations because again, while there has been that progress, it's not really known what's going to happen us in yahoo has had an incredibly hard in stance throughout these talks. in fact, giving a list of more than 4 non negotiable items that he described as red lines back in july after him us had responded to the us proposal on july 2nd. so there are a lot of moving parts here and a lot of factors, but you have to remember that there are tough and keep sticking points from both sides. how mass wants to see an end to the war where these rallies have said they need a guarantee that they can continue the war even after there is a cease fire deal even after a pause in the fighting is secured. on sunday, i must release the statement saying that they were brief, by mediators about the discussions that took place with these relays in doha. and
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that they were favorable to these really is that these discussions do not reflect thomas's response back on july. second, they do not reflect the original proposal that was laid out by you as president joe biden, and they do not reflect any sort of willingness by israel to stop the war entirely . something that biden's plan in phase 3 did in fact outline. so blinking on this trip is trying, he's hoping to push these rallies in that direction. but in his meeting with these rarely president, early in the morning on monday, they did, in fact point the finger out from us saying, but they are the ones who are refusing to come to the table. they are the ones refusing to accept the conditions. so they say it's, and how much is hand, how much says that israel and the united states are not meeting how must half way. so there's a lot, a lot of back and forth here, and it's not really going to be known, even if i'm not going to have a presence in cairo later in the week just yet for continued talks in the hopes of securing a ceasefire. um that you talk to briefly about those sticking points,
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sticking points on both sides. it took us through a bit more in detail about their sticking points and whether realistically they can actually be overcome as well. these really have been quite clear this entire time throughout the months of negotiation . they've said that they have red lines, but cannot be cross. there can't be an end to the war until all of the goals and objectives are achieved. and one of those goals is bringing about the release of the remaining is really captive. but the other to involve how much they involve these real security, these really say, and they say those are things they are not going to compromise on. if there is some sort of ceasefire deal that he's going to be secured, miss. and y'all, who has said that he has tough conditions, meaning there needs to be in his really military presence at the, the border crossing there needs to be in his really military presence at the philadelphia core door in the southern part of gaza. and these are things thomas is
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refusing, they say there needs to be a complete withdrawal of is really force is nothing. yahoo also said he doesn't want the return of any sort of armed fighters backs northern gaza, which is why he wants that is really military presence. in the south, so you have these sticking points on both sides. both sides are saying that these are non negotiable items, but the main one here is if the war is going to continue, how much says it cannot end, it cannot continue. rather, it has to end, or as israel has said, that even if there is this long pause in the fighting that secured the need, a guarantee that they could continue the fighting after that, something that is not boating well with him, us at all. okay, how does salute there in amman are correspondent, but we'll leave it the for now as i was saying, we are waiting for us next year. stay on to me blinking to make some sort of statement in tel aviv. as soon as he comes out to the party and we will bring it to you. and now the philippine and chinese coast gone to blame each other off to
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a collision in the south, tennessee. beijing says the philippines deliberately crashed into its vessels on monday morning, while manila says that ships were damaged when the chinese conducted what it calls unlawful, aggressive. the new it is. rescue work is a searching for 6 people missing off luxury. your signed in southern italy, it went down on the coast of sicily as capsule. palermo also being strong on, on, expected, and violent storm. one man has died 15, all the people have been rescued. the captain who carried out that what bracing has recounted, what happened. you got this very strong con gus here, and we had to ship to ship the items not to touch them in 3 minutes to get some
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shipping positions. and after the storm was over, we noticed that the ship behind us no officials from venezuela's supreme court of justice, saw evaluating the work of the national electoral council. following a dispute in presidential poll, the group examined documents and equipment and used to verify the poll results. tensions of escalates of last month off to the council declared incumbent nicholas me during the winter with 51 percent of the votes of fail to give a detailed breakdown. the opposition claims the elections will not by fraud. the rest of the blue moon has become the 1st of the lights on the night sky style gazers were treated to this view in australia, the event happens when the man reaches the place is point to the asked and it's a little bit okay, you want to dates mornings at the top. yeah, the
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once himself coerced into toiling on the coffee plantations under intolerable conditions. a brazilian advocate for workers rights puts his life on the line by taking on powerful land owners in the hope of cracking down on modern slavery. the, the human costs of coffee with this documentary on the jersey to or african stories of resilience and courage. i gave him the way of the tradition and dedication to the investigative stuff that was short documentary, sky african to make it on the white 9 and the book to make it africa direct
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on. i'll just hear a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say, we're correspondence, that's where we strive to do the safe. them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now
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the this is a decisive moment in the us actually of site was this is likely the last chose to secure a safe spot deal for golf and to free captives held industry. the i, my name's faith is out, is there a life from dave off or so coming up is riley strikes, kill 9 people in our saucy refuge account, bringing the total number of debt in golf at one monday to specify to call the bills office. police presence ahead of expect to purchase outside the democratic national convention on.


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