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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award denominator here on now the . ready ready and a very constructive meeting with sometime mr. newton. yes. today he confirmed to me that his real accepts the bridge of impulse. the secretary of state describes his talks in the israel on a gauze of ceasefire as positive and close on him as to accept a deal the blow i am to my z. this is algae 0 live from dell. also coming up on the program is right. who strikes kill 9 people in all shots?
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the refugee count bringing the total number of dead and gaza on monday to 4 to 5 crowns a gathering and chicago cooling for a ceasefire and gaza. at of the opening of the democratic national convention, nicaragua is present, intensifies is cracked down on and goes on your position outgoing hundreds of civil society groups the well. so we begin in tel aviv web, us secretary state and st, blinking has revealed that israel's prime minister is accepted a so called bridging proposal for a ceasefire and gaza blinking has been holding towards with benjamin netanyahu as well as other officials to sell who it has more than this now from jordan's capital oman, because the is ready to government has bind algae 0 from reporting inside israel. for the 10th time since the war on gaza began. us secretary of state anthony blink
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in touch down in israel. his latest visit aimed at applying pressure on his really officials to agree to a cease fire deal blinking day began with a meeting with israel's president is occurred song in which he said this could be the last chance for a deal. this is a decisive moment. probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home to get a ceasefire. and to put everyone on a better path to enjoy peace and security. and for nearly 3 hours blinking sat down with prime minister benjamin netanyahu in a meeting the premier described as positive in a statement from his office. that's in you all. who says he reiterated israel's commitment to the current american proposal on the table, which he says takes israel security needs into account. blinking then met with the
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country's defense minister, your wife, gallano, stressing the importance of diminishing the chance of further escalation in the region that could emptied efforts to secure a deal. before he left israel to travel to cairo and cut off on the next leg of his shuttle diplomacy blinking, reveal that israel's government has accepted what the americans are describing as a bridging proposal put forward by mediators last week in a very constructive meeting with prime minister netanyahu today, he confirmed to me that is real accepts the bridging proposal that he supports it are put in gaza. palestinians have been casting down on any american efforts to encourage israel to agree to a cease fire as the army continues. it's a tax payment via visa, no heard from america, nor from is right on evasion for 10 months. american pressure without any results.
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i mean, we used to be of asian from america. and israel evasion that's led to more than 10 months of war and killed more than $40000.00 palestinians. the us secretary of state is now calling on from us to also accept the latest proposal to secure a ceasefire deal. but the palestinian group has already said the current framework includes new is really conditions and is not in line with the original proposal outlined by us president joe biden. back in may have the said who just eat all, i'm a while media it is a pushing for us these 5 deal. israel is killed at least 35 pat us to indians in gauze us since monday morning. the latest try and get the shots, the refugee camp in northern gauze, and killing at least 9 people. all the attacks and the southern and central regions of killed mostly women and children, emergency crusade. they all struggling to reach all the victims traps. under the
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rubble gauze, as soon as he was also targeted by another round of his rainy bombing was an asteroid, which at these arca area in the north of the city. the dead and the wounded were rushed to the hospital. and it's really warplane has a private vehicle. the one entire family was inside for were killed and another 10 have critical injuries and were brought to the hospital. our team is still in the field searching for more victims. so more torn to pieces and the remains would also be brought here. 6 months of is riley attacks on gaza has all but destroyed the entire health care system. don't as fear the severe fuel shortage might mean immune and deaf so many newborn babies. and also those and intensive cap was i'll go who has more from the come all i'd want hospital in northern gaza to come out as well as hospital might be out of service sooner than we expected. as there was no, you know, if you were to overweight, the hospital main departments here might be shut down and go off talking about the
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only block most likely. and you would need those unit c i c u unit and the oxygen generates are unit and money of a unit might be shut down as there's no fuel and medical supplies to operate these boxes. we spoke to the a, come out and run this stuff here. on the x 3, the next really worried about the costs of the over fuel. and they told us about how dire the situation here and how dangerous is to make come out and run off. so have to service come on in the top of it was and they were many changes to our work, including the lack of fuel as well as the non stop shelling on health facilities. our hospital is the only hospital providing key for children and garza and i, that's the annual america. we have 150 to 200 patients. and this also some of them are in the i see you needing surgery was in dialysis. all these patients need
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special care and we need fuel to reach us here. so as to continue this kid, prevent me from us. near this we receive approximately 500 to 600 patients a day and each day we have to make a decision on who to keep for sleep by head ok. now what? this is the only functioning units of intensive care unit lifting because we're facing their fuel dilemma. yeah, that's a love seat has to be fixed on the lives of these babies. we have new borns who are dependent on the essentially display of we needed activities to administer fluids and public incubators. otherwise, the instance will face imminent death. we're using solar power right now, which has been interrupted 5 times within just the last hour. this a fix the care we provide in this unit is being done. let us do that. we recorded some dips before because of lack of oxygen due to malfunctions of the sort of policy to if it stops completing these new blends will die. the health care system might be collapsed in this just all up the if it came out at one hospital. what not
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to be able to buy that with the fuel was it's actually a jersey to northern does this flip all this time when all the developments, several people have been killed either side of the 11 in israel border and a series of attacks carried out by but it has bola and israel, one person was killed in an apparent as rainy drone stripe on the left in the city of to year and levels have been launch explosions in the book called valley of to is rainy strikes there, hit what it believes to be has bullet munition warehouses to fight is from the on google, killed in a non the is riley strike while it has ball a drone attack also killed in his riley soldier the value you as far as president comment of ours is arrived in chicago earlier,
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i had to the democratic national convention, ours is almost certain to be to cut the policies presidential candidate in november's election. most of the parties delegates of pledge to back up the president job. i didn't dropped out of the race in july. you while the president and the 1st lady of landed in chicago and they are heading to the convention center, joe biden is expected to launch the 1st day with a speech that focuses on his administration's accomplishments. and also how come le harris split continue not what organizes say the scene for the day is close for the people us. meanwhile, crowds of active as a gathering outside the convention. these are some of the scenes that we've been seeing demonstrates as riling to quote attention to issues like economic injustice . we productive rights and climate change. most of them are protesting against the war and guns are as well they want a ceasefire to take place. felicia will head to the gabriel elizondo and chicago,
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who is outside the convention venue to tell us more about the protest firestone that speak to him like kinda who is inside the convention center. so tell him to tell us mike, what's that like there at the moment is i suppose last minute preparations on the way for us to hear from a number of different speakers, including the president himself of the yes indeed. and the few as time president biden will be addressing the delegates here it is going to be by dentist 9th, in the way. it will be time for the delegates to thank him for the years he has spent in public service, particularly these last 4 years as president. but in the recreation is also perhaps a sense of relief that now that gives a new momentum within the policy which has led to a highly different reading of the polls than they were a month ago before president biden. step down, we have event learn from each press,
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said we to that president biden will be leaving straight, tough to speech tonight to go on vacation in california. now this also serves to distance himself a bit from the policy. so cumberland harris now that she is the president no money and certainly this is something she's going to be working at the days ahead. she has to keep that very appreciative based off of joe biden. but at the same time, she's got to build on it, merging together that there is moderate or progressive sections within the democratic parties. now. so within the last few minutes we've heard signal james taylor doing a song check behind me here. so we can confirm that at least he is one of the headline artists who will be performing during the convention. all right, thank you very much. mike, kind of covering events for us from inside the convention center. as the day one gets on, the way that gabriel is on the meanwhile, joins is from just outside the grounds of the sense that us more about the protests
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who has been gathering there. and what are they? what are they saying to you, gabriel? the, well, i would estimate there are at least 10000 protesters that are here. you don't see i'm right behind me now, but you will in the next couple of minutes here because they are just about a block down the street. and they are starting to begin their march towards the direction of the united center where the convention is st. mary's come this way with me a little bit and you can just kind of get a sense of how many police are here. uh, but more importantly, i think this is about the protesters and we have been speaking to them all day. and what they have been telling me interviews is that they want a ceasefire number one. but that they also want definitely in, in to arms and military sales to israel. that's very key as well. now
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this, a protest is organized by over 200 different groups. and like i said, it's just about a block down the street there. and it will be, it will be moving in this direction. it will be moving in this direction in about half a block or so thousands of people. we've spoken to people from many different states that are here space and spoken also to families as well. all sorts of different to protesters that are here and they want really what they've been telling me all day is they want specifics from comma la, hara harris on exactly what she will do if she wins the presidency. uh, to not only in this genocide and gaza, but to also what she will do in terms of changing us policy towards israel. let's come this way a little bit more if you, if you can,
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john. and you can again see some of the protesters coming down the streets here. this is going to be going on for many blocks. it goes back. this is the very front of it where we're at now. it goes back at least 5 or 6 city blocks. and you can just get a sense of how many people are here taking part of this. this is again, just the very front of this protest here. just keep walking with me, john. huge media presence as well. uh, media from around the world here. capturing this has this convention kicks off here in chicago. the event today i was there all day. incredibly peaceful. you saw families there all day. you saw other different to all walks of life,
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elderly retiree is that we saw the young people, students, an absolute total cross section of really american society. and i would say there's some anger and for sure the anger that this genocide is still taking place with the backing of the united states. but also some, some hope that there's some solidarity here. and i think that's what you saw or seen, a lot of is clear solidarity. everyone here is demanding that this genocide in an end now. all right, thank you. design much. gabriel, alexander. and i'm just going to put the microphone in so you can listen to some of the language, some of the speech. how are you, sir? here without you here? i'm right without use your english. we're here to be sure. well, i'm here to show my cell is there they and be around the people with
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a more moral compass. why is it important that you're here taking part in this march today? right now we need to stop the genocide, you know, plain and simple. mean more watch and it lives. and so, you know, and the world is watching. uh, you know, obviously they're in chicago right now. and uh, you know, i'm mike auburn, it is the purveyor of the most fire lights in the world right now. and that's uh, a paraphrase quote by martin luther king. what do you, how did you feel with this solid arity that you see? i saw that you were at the listening the speakers earlier. i saw you there. what do you feel about the solitary that you're seeing? what do you feel? well, it makes me feel like i'm not alone. because, i mean, i've lost a lot of sleep over the thing. but, but it's, it's, it's nothing in comparison to what's going on in the gaza and it's barbaric
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and uh, you know, and his reading and started on october 7th. but it started uh well by 247 and, and before show me your sign. if you don't mind you back up a step so we can see it. what does it say? my boat will not be for israel or black rock wars? that's your state. yes. and you know, black rock and all of these other large financial institutions or, or financing the bond. so let me just ask you this. what are you hoping to hear from pamela harris this week? well, put it this way. i have very low expectations. i don't see where there's any distinction between the democratic party and the republican party. the only thing is the rhetoric to thank you for speaking with us. i appreciate it. all right,
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thank you very much. you can see that's just uh, one voice there from the road just i'm just want to continue to show the scene here of the different people that you see just a real cross section of society and you can see it right there. i would estimate that there were close to 10000 people here. that's just my rough estimate. it could be much more than that. we'll get a better number, probably in the, in the coming hours or so. but it's important point out as well, if this is just the 1st of separately protests that we expect to see here in chicago over the next several days as this democratic convention takes off here in chicago. thank you very much. gabriel is on the opposing to us on those protests taking place outside the democratic national convention center in chicago, or is gabe was saying uh, thousands of people have gathered to voice their opposition to a number of different issues. but also how does a convention,
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harrison have running mates and walls, actually managed to take a road trip to pennsylvania and a push to convince those on decided voters and the key battleground state. pennsylvania is tip the balance in several elections often by a tiny margin. phil laval has this report now from pittsburgh a couple of hours so right in pittsburgh along with the torrential brain, alyssa wrote, i'm the political storm here in pennsylvania. not in this honda. they love i here is excited. it's exciting. i feel like the same way i did when obama was running, but those buses locks for a reason, a road trip. and part of this crucial, i'm divided states to mobilize. vote is in pennsylvania, it's good. i can we get out all the democrats, if you can get the vote out, you can wind on with no time to waste of yourself. we both 6 the v p, i running late, i'm the spouse is got on board. this campaign is now hey, thing,
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the road that it will make a number of stops in western pennsylvania over the coming i was organized. just believe that could be a winning strategy by making the candidates look hyper connected to local moses come the election in november. first stop a campaign office and nearby rochester inside the team. harris hitting the phones to drum up support. the outside support is on one side of the road team. trump on the other. could that be a best, a mess of full that divided america? what is it about how specifically that gets you about everything she stands for compared to him? there's nothing from him. the trump supposedly shows just how divided the status. well, i don't know about that. i think more the people are changing their mind because of his character. i sure hope it stays that way. this path have changed their minds.
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they went the other way. democrats for 60 years, but not anymore. my mother was a democrat and she still is, i always play with her, but that's about, i mean, because you obviously a strong support. right. you got, you got all the all the day around. what was it that made you go so far from democrats to being such a strong term supposed to, to me and all these democrats coming in, it's a legal, all these people being killed and all of a sudden all coming in. and i mean, our country cannot handle all these people coming isn't as the toil continued the cakes for firefighters, puppies to pads visits to stalls the day a photo op extravaganza. i'm lots of positivity, sound bites. he's bringing out the kindness, advise us to gather the decency, the vision of a better tomorrow, but it'll take more than what to secure a when have mold and good vibes. expect many more visits from both sides over the next 2 and a half months. bill of out, i'll just say era, pittsburgh, pennsylvania,
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we're going to nicaragua. now the government has outlawed one and a half 1000 civil society groups. the move also involves the confiscation of assets belonging to religious groups. the present dining ortega's intensified a broad crack down on different groups accused of breaking the lower off to anti government protest in 2018, just as john home and has moved from mexico city to thousands of people in the democratic republic of congo, d o. c, a suffering from these lesions that caused by an impulse virus from the smallpox family, the flu like symptoms and posts filled lesions of killed hundreds of people in the d o. c. and that scoring many others have been up to one of them. i would like someone to help us, otherwise the epidemic will spread further. many people will die and we will infect the children who are at home in the near. the world health organization has issued
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its highest level for and pokes. have to be africa centers for disease control and prevention called it a continental emergency. and you strain known as played won't be, is causing the increasing cases, enabling the virus to spread faster, a wider than ever before. it's being detected and 026 provence is of the d o. c. and the number of confirmed infected people has risen above 16000 after years of conflict to being forced from home, isabella now has to do with his sons, potentially life threatening illness. and i am displaced with my 8 children. i woke up last week and noticed my son has about fever. we came, he and the doctor said he's suffering from the impulse of virus. and ongoing rebellion and east of the d. o. c has added to a shortage of medicines and a health care system that was already struggling. the world health organization estimates played won't be close. 3.6 percent of the police effects much higher than previous strains. the communities health minister is hopeful that after years of
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dealing with outbreaks, the d o. c will also be able to do with the end pokes emergency. the whole of dippy is only 2 countries promised us a vaccine. so i'm in japan and the united states. i hope with all of my heart that arrived next week, $3000000.00 vaccines cost $600000000.00. once we have them, we need to use them. i mean, we can't waste a single those. it says all 12 african countries have recruited cases. others have been confirmed in sweden and pakistan. and international surveillance operation is underway. after the world health organization declared a global health emergency victoria case and b l g 0 was our report that on the em pox virus which is appears to be getting much was the number of reported cases is nearing 20000. so that was victoria getting these report. we can now bring you
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a report from john hall and he's going to explain why there has been an intensifying crackdown on some one and a half 1000 civil society groups in nicaragua. on monday, the nicaraguan government, out of the 1500 non governmental organizations, what it said is that they 100 for failed their obligations, especially related to releasing financial information including to do with donations. but in reality, this is part of a trend in nicaragua, the really started in 2018 in which president daniel tega and these have ministration climate sounds on protests against him and the government. and that context continues. ever since, more than 5000, no government groups at media outlets and private universities have been closed since then. opposition. political policies have been fund assembly this have been
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sent into j o x. so the same for the catholic church clergyman joad or sent in to ex, so hundreds of thousands of people have fled, especially to neighboring costa rica. and what it's really left in the country is a sort of black hole in terms of descent. but also in terms of information on the situation, especially as independent media, like how cells are effectively banned from nicaragua at the moment and connecting report from countries outside like here in mexico. and it seems with announcements and decisions like this situation. there's no getting better in me. could i work with the government and president daniel take out already coming down more and the situation is getting worse. john home and i would just say to mexico city, now the indian medical association is asking the government for back to laws to protect medical professionals in the workplace of to the rape and murder of a training delta in a state run hospital. meanwhile, the protests are continuing on the streets over
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a crime that has become all too common image and came the reports on the sizes of the places to football teams and co coast to unite to purchase cooling for justice. in the case of a training doctor whose rights and code inside of government hospital, they were joined by other angry members at the public time all the i've been beaten by the system in the email. and that's so it the health ministry in new delhi medical stuff demand strict a news to protect them as well as justice for the holy. we don't have the the c, c, the basic amenities we are even more provided to you. hold on back. do you think so i do these and they don't have keeping. people want to have a c p s. and she could not even
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a safe please do this for next year. we're demanding a central protection act. prime minister, no render moody is quiet, which we will not sit quiet until we get what we're rightfully demand. essential protection act to do this is drafted in 2022. it was never passed. the indian medical association, which initially organized the purchase, is written deployment is done to render moody asking for his help. the government has said it will look into the moans. if the medics return to work. those to months include copying work hours, a 72 hours a week, guaranteeing access to watch rooms and places to sleep. and increasing the number of security codes up medical centers. but some, i'm not confident, sufficient changes will be made. the governments, the institutions there is absolutely contempt for understanding that women in our society, which is a violent society, which is a big reactive society. there is no part be to how to reset this place in order.
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a man has been arrested and charged in connection with the rape and murder that the family say they believe more than one person was involved in a still waiting for justice image and came out of sarah. and you kind of government is triggered emergency measures to ease prison. overcrowding. putney pro, about by the rest of moving to 1000 alleged riots, is in recent fall, right in spite on russ operation early don't went into effect on monday morning in northern england. so when i get to go reports, interruption of rioting, leaving destruction in its wake, hundreds have been arrested cor offenses that include racially and religious to be aggravated crimes and criminal damage. putting down the disorder was only one challenge, a several also ongoing issues within the u. k. is justice system highlighted
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further by the mass arrests? the was a basic for you, which is a failure to have it on for some places for the number of prisoners that were being sentenced to prison policies. i, a boss has basic, a failure of government for the previous governors could possibly have gone. we've had to deal with that with the additional strain of the disorder of recent weeks. over crowding has exacerbated a crisis that's been used in the making with too few new prisons built to ease the pressure. the sentence is one of 20 months imprisonment during these measures, offenders will any face a quote only when a cell is confirmed is ready until then they will be held in police cells. it's the 2nd time this year. the mechanism has been triggered more than $1100.00 people have been arrested during and after the recent writing and that has increased the pressure on the prison system to manage capacity views.


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