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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 20, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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your own now the the hello i am, i am the why the welcome to the news, our life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes in a very constructive meeting with prime minister netanyahu. today he confirmed to me that his real accepts, the richard proposed. the secretary of state says he held positive talks in israel on a gauze as these fine clothes on him asked to accept the deal. the palestinian group says the us is nearly fine. time is riley strikes, kill 9 people in the all shots, the refugee count bringing the total number of dead and gaza on monday to 35. and
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are all the headlines crowds, the gathering, and chicago holding for a cease fire at the opening all the democratic national convention. nicaragua, as president intensifies his crack down and joe's in the off position, outlawing hundreds of civil society groups. and piece of stem is with your sports news, tennis will them a 3 year rena sub olenka, women's, the cincinnati opened. it's the perfect home up ahead of mixed us. so the final grand slam of the get the hello and welcome to the news out. we begin in tel aviv whether you are a secretary of state, has revealed that israel's prime minister has accepted a so called bridging proposal for a ceasefire and gaza on to me blinking has been holding tools with benjamin netanyahu and the other officials. i'm just all who it has moved from georgia is capital amman,
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because these righty government has bind algae or from reporting inside israel for the 10th time since the war on gaza began. us secretary of state anthony blink in touch down in israel. his latest visit aimed at applying pressure on his really officials to agree to a cease fire deal blinking day began with a meeting with israel's president, i's occurred song in which he said this could be the last chance for a deal. this is a decisive moment. probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home to get a ceasefire. and to put everyone on a better path to enjoy peace and security. and for nearly 3 hours blinking sat down with prime minister benjamin netanyahu in a meeting the premier described as positive in a statement from his office. nathan,
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y'all, who says he reiterated israel's commitment to the current american proposal on the table, which he says takes israel security needs into account. blinking then met with the country's defense minister, your wife, gallano, stressing the importance of diminishing the chance of further escalation in the region that could emptied efforts to secure a deal. before he left israel to travel to cairo and cut off on the next leg of his shuttle diplomacy blinking, reveal that israel government has accepted what the americans are describing as a bridging proposal, put forward by mediators last week in a very constructive meeting with prime minister netanyahu today, he confirmed to me that his real accepts the bridging proposal that he supports to put in dollars the palestinians have been casting down on any american efforts to encourage israel to agree to a cease fire. as the army continues. it's a tax payment via visa, no hope from america,
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nor from is fine on evasion for 10 months, american pressure without any result. last sunday, we used to be of asian from america. and israel evasion that's led to more than 10 months of war and killed more than $40000.00 palestinians. the us secretary of state is now calling on from us to also accept the latest proposal to secure a ceasefire. deal with the palestinian group has already said the current framework includes new is really conditions and is not in line with the original proposal outlined by us president joe biden. back in may have the said who just need all a month or a mouse has responded to the news as well as a paid to agree to the latest these 5 proposal. now the groups folks, when osama hom done is saying that we will only agree to the implementation of job biden's proposal, which we agreed to a few months ago,
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is right. ease of retrieve it from the issues included in fines proposal messing yahoos talk about agreeing to an updated proposal indicates that the us administration has failed to convince him to accept the previous agreement. lawanda shars out is there a senior political analyst. he joins us now by skype, from london, all the discussions moving into a different phase. you could say that i think the united states uh to do proposals there not to be more of a trail proposals betrayal of their own role as mediators that they haven't been on this brokers by any measure, but they have to meet in some uh, some form of appearance or objectivity of neutrality son's portable that started, that process would be credible so that they couldn't get away with whatever they couldn't get are we would. but at this point in time watching, blinking,
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do what blinking does best is abuse is right when it's what steps defended justify it. now who's calling nothing. yeah. who's so hold read lines or a version of them bridging. there's nothing bridging about that. never seen something of, i guess, getting bigger than under blink. and i suppose i'm asked now finds itself yet again in the position of accusing israel. and particularly that's an yahoo of not being serious about a deal while at the same time. not wanting to be blamed for the failure of these talks. saluting, that's why it finds itself once again, being cornered. it's once again the trash. and it's mostly because of the united states because we know where is right has been throughout this process. they are a gauge to cease fire that i guess the fire,
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but the united states kept polishing base, very good position and reverse. i think that is there any positions that would be acceptable somehow passable, especially through, you know, egypt i've got that and so on. so forth and every time the how much that of sydney and make concessions accepted. another american big start a is a, is rain is added in new condition storage and forcing the bell to senior sex stuff, get more concessions. but at this point in time, after so many concessions been done, you know, the whole point overseas fires no longer there. now we're really talking about the bars whereby is rose captors are released and israel just resumes the water whenever or as a wishes. this is, this is a terrible, terrible development for those. so, you know, i please what to do see this and believe me, i'm
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a very realistic person and phone and relations that i can see. the diplomacy is the continuation of war by other means. i mean, i understand very well that is from united states think that the one disorder and that they have to import the tax. but i also understand that it was a genocide the 1st 10 months. and that's the only way you can deal with genocide. 10 months later is to give people a break, not 5 months break, but just to give them a down break to let them reconstructed, lice, to let them live in peace for whatever time, but not just to keep trappings in again. and again, in order to re county the general side that they've been carry in the region that this fall apart. and speaking of the region, marwan, how would a stalemate in the negotiations or a collapse in these talks effect to iran? and has bowlers calculations? does it make an attack more likely, particularly ahead of november? yeah, absolutely. i mean,
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because they've committed to worry about that because i think so. i mean, they've really committed to it and some unknowns, fox sports inside, if there is a ceasefire or is real thoughts sort of ceasefire was going to be hard for us to head. so problem over the so you wouldn't be to postpone perhaps in the head of but if this is altered not to be one big betrayal. not bridget, that if it's all one big truck as uh for the palestinians and 40 you run them as by law, was something got to give you eventually. and believe me, i mean, i don't know what you want. it's capable or not capable of what is willing to do what it's not wanting to do, how much is ready to go out there and risk it's phone and national security. i don't know. right? or for the same goes for has been like 11 on much whatever can she is there in the united states. now in terms of that, it could be that the terms of the, i don't guns in terms of dennis. uh stuckness, you know, i think everyone is just going to be joining in pleasure over it because the way
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they've been has it in this genocide, the way they've been underlining the way they've been cutting up for each other. it makes any attack, this makes an explosion any closer that makes any outsourced to be almost forgivable. although i and doubtless other people like you and so on, so forth. we all just one piece and secure the reward once i'm submitted. if you want some 3, the, we want the end of genocide, a re, a permanent ceasefire. but if they keep play these games is very, very reckless, endangered his games and it keeps coming up for his read. you know, the way he does was such, you know, but i know some words to my views, but to be that as it may, this would lead to some serious consequences if not today later on. okay, well thank you very much. i'll just say our senior political analyst, more one bushera is and so while mediation is push for that sees fire on the ground inside of gauze,
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a 35 pound of sentience has been kill since monday morning. the latest is riley's try and get the shots. the refugee camp in northern gauze and killing at least 9 people have also been other attacks in the southern and central regions of the strip which have killed mostly women, and children. emergency crews say they are struggling to reach all the victims trapped under the rubble. elsewhere gauze, as he was also targeted by another round of his riley bombing and as trying to get these arca area in the north of the city, the dead and wounded were rushed to the hospital. and it's really war plane. he's a private vehicle, the one entire family was inside for were kills and another 10 had critical injuries and were brought to the hospital. our team is still in the field searching for more victims. some are torn to pieces and the remains will also be brought here a, i'll just there is handle a 100. he has the latest now from daryl by law in central gaza. is there any error
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strikes? continue across the causal script, starting from the gulf of city, where that is where the forces, 9 palestinians in assault that refugee tub go into the southern parts of the gulf of city in the western parts of the newness where it is where new forces targeted the us and them so we districts where at least 6 palestinians were killed and 15 others were injured. now this comes us, as reports is says are pushing up towards the western parts of the community. and we see at tons, presence in how much, where there has been evacuation orders for the palestinians to evacuate the area. but every strength to evacuate, the is there any quad copters are directly choosing those policy and use all of this comes a mid, a risk on palestinian hospitals in the another and parts of the gaza strip as committed one is in air risk of a collapsing in the next 24 hours if they do not reach
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a fuel and medical supplies and it's worth reminding you guys that it. and in the past couple of months, since the rough uh, global crossing has been closed and the sense that is where the forces took over the president the car there. there has been no medical supplies entering the gaza strip. and not only that, even policy use who are in severe need to travel abroad and to receive their treatment, would not leave the call. just send them all up to the hospital garza well, mine's is really a tax on god's or have destroyed the health care system. doctors now feel that a severe fuel shortage might mean imminent death. so many newborn babies and those in intensive care was all cost me. it has more in this room. come all at one hospital in northern garza to come out as well as hospital might be out of service sooner than we expected, as there was no, no. if you were to override the hospital,
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main departments here might be shut down and go off talking about the only block most likely. and you need those units, the i c u unit and the oxygen generates are unit, and many of the units might be shut down as there's no fuel and medical supplies to override these to boston. we spoke to the a, come out and run this stuff here. on the x 3, the next really worried about the cost that the over the fuel and the total loss about how dire these situ. busy in here and how dangerous is to make him out a grand hospital after service come on in the top of it was an they were many changes to i would including the lack of fuel as well as the non stop shelling on a health facilities. our hospital is the only hospital providing care for children and garza and i the, the, i know not what all we have 150 to 200 patients. and this also, some of them are in the i see you needing surgeries and dialysis all these patients
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need special care and we need fuel to reach us here. so as to continue this kid, prevent me from us. near this we receive approximately 500 to 600 patients a day and each day we have to make a decision on who to key for the study of the oaks. and i know why this is the only function in units of intensive care unit lifting because we're facing a real dilemma. yeah, that's a love seat of the 6 on the lives of these babies. we have new boards who are dependent on the essentially display of we need an activity to administer fluids and public incubators. otherwise, the instance will face imminent death. we're using solar power right now, which has been interrupted 5 times within just the last hour. this a fix the care we provide in this unit to z and some let us do that. we recorded some dips before because of lack of oxygen due to malfunctions of the so the pos system, if it stops completing these new blends, will die. the health care system might be collapse in this.
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just all of the came out of one hospital with not to be able to buy that with the fuel. was actually a jersey to northern does this flip palestine elsewhere in the region, several people have been killed on either side of the lebanon israel border. and a series of attacks carried out by both has ball law and israel. one person was killed and on a parent as rainy, drawn, striking the lebanese city of tyre and have been launch explosions. and the, because the valley of to is rainy strikes that what it needs to be has bullet munition warehouses to fight is for me on group were killed in a now the is right, the strike while the hezbollah drone attack also killed and his right, the soldier the over us vice president coming to harris has arrived in chicago ahead of the democratic national convention that later on monday, ours is
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a little bit sad to be declared the policies presidential candidate in november's election. most of the parties delegates of pledge to back off the president, joe biden dropped out of the race in july. meanwhile, the president and the 1st lady of land in chicago as well, they are heading to the convention. joe biden is expected to know if the 1st day with a speech that focuses on his administration's accomplishments. and how come a harris would continue that was organized to save the scene for the day is for the people. the email crowds of active as of been gathering outside the demonstrates is arriving to quote attention to issues including economic injustice, reproductive rights and climate change. most of them are also protesting against the war and gaza. they are calling for seas file. so shortly we'll have to gabriel, others on the who is outside the convention. he's following those protests. he'll tell us more about that 1st. mike, hannah is inside the whole itself. and
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a very different convention might been what it would have been if joe biden had stayed in the race a very much. so when i showed while ago president by didn't what's on the podium here behind me with the 1st lady doing a sound check. and although the vice president and presidential nominee you come on, the harris will be present during this speech this night is all about the president . by then in a way, it's an opportunity for delegates to express the appreciation to his role as president and the long role he played as vice president and send it to i'm joined to buy a democratic party strategist angela greco. now is going to be a lot of appreciation express for president biden tonight, but there's also a sense of relief that he's not putting on money. would you agree? well, 1st of all, thank you for having us, mike. i would like to say 1st, as a democratic strategist, i think the appreciation for what president biden and the bite in harris agenda has accomplished over the past 4 years is going to be on display tonight. we're going
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to be talking about the inflation reduction at the chips act, savings. many lives after the cover, then demick. i think that's going to be the 1st and foremost a centerpiece of tonight's speech and what everyone else will be talking about. i will say there's been a flood of enthusiasm since the ticket has changed to the harris and waltz campaign . we're seeing it on social media. we're seeing it in the streets. there's enthusiasm, fundraising. i think the excitement is very palpable, and the president will be honored tonight, and harris will be a continuation of that work. that said, there's a lot of unfinished business to do. we're going to embrace that change. we know that the risk of having a trump presidency and what that means for vulnerable populations for the american economy. and for a l g b t q for people of color for folks who can't go back when we're talking about reproductive rights being on the, on the line. this is something that i think we're going to,
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we're going to talk about and elevate tonight and put for 1st and foremost. now some of the describe the democratic party as a cause action of coalitions rather than as far as such as the very many factors within this party. the majority of the progressives, this is going to be, want to become a little higher, says top this task, is it not over the next few days to bring all these various diverse aspects of a party together to provide a united front and the election? that's right, and i think you're seeing it, we have a big 10 party. we have progresses, moderates, blue, dog democrats. we have young people, we have it. we're also quoting republicans, never trump, or is this is a a play for democracy. so i think from the inception of this campaign, when harris reached out to progressives and nominated governor waltz as the vice president, we saw that she is reaching out to young people. she is reaching out to progressives . we're also seeing that her economic agenda is very forward when it comes to the child tax credit, extending it. a benefit for 1st time home buyers. i think we're looking at a,
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a campaign that is moving towards the young people, people who are looking for upward mobility and expanding the work that the buy inherited ministration did in the previous term. and you like rico. thank you very much for those insights. thank you. very much, well the convention will be getting underway. president biden will be addressing the delegates in a short while. we also had a short while gateway from james taylor, the 2nd james taylor during the sound check. so the one thing that we do know is that he will be one of the musical acts will be performing during this convention. okay, so i mean, so for to like kind of thank you so much reporting from inside the convention center itself. let's take you outside the whole. then gabriel alexander has been monitoring developments that give us an idea of the scale of the protests that are on folding. just a heads of the convention getting on the way very
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large. i would say uh, easily tens of thousands of protesters and i gotta tell you, we just reached outside of the united center mike and then you can search the mirrors inside that building guide me. we are outside with these protestors. we've been with them all day. and they've reached this park area, they're not gonna be able to get any closer to the united center due to a police barricade that is up. but this court has thousands of people here all gathering here, listening to speeches, chanting. this is part of this protest. and i want to bring it a guess and we can hear from one of them please step in berry. berry. how are you very reach you are a us military better. and is that correct? if you serve in the us, know it's $660.00 to set what service. but then the us army, i mean you're here today with the veterans against genocide, veterans for peace. very. why is it important that you've been here all day?
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because i just by heart can stand the suffering that were inflicted, especially on the children and innocent people in the west bank and gaza an intel. so i think it's just heartbreaking for me. i just, i have, i have to do something. i wouldn't be able to sleep with myself at night. if i didn't to ever since october 7th, i shut down what i was doing. and i've tried to take action each day to stop the madness, you know, and it's just, it's just so appalling to me. my a government complicit, you know, funding and stealing awards low and smoked about ceasefire and yeah, continuing to find it. it's just so hypocritical. what it how is it felt for you barry to be out here with other active is all fighting for the same thing. yeah. what's important, we have a solid area to know that people, there's people that feel the same as i do about this, you know, and to know that there's people that care, you know, they talk about moral injury. we need more people with moral injury cuz it knows that you have a heart and soul and you care about what's happening. very,
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let me ask you, this is an important question. you're actually from the state of minnesota. you came here to take part in this. a tim was the vice presidential candidate with come with harris is from minnesota. what do you feel? his position is on palestine and doesn't know we challenge, you know, we've done a lot of access. as october said, we went, we went to his office, we had a demonstration outside of it, and we were to, i talked to, we couldn't talk to him directly, but we know that his position has told coley pro israel. he's that you love that there are eyes, whatever it takes, kind of guy flux. we've talked to him, he said, you know, the head of the state of the board of investment, and we've challenged them regularly about investing my retirement dollars and the as well. and so he's, they just started by how government there is pro is. well, last question, if you can just wrap up. just tell me what are you hoping to hear from pamela harris this week? in a couple of words, we have to have, we have to know that there's more going on and just domestic paul,
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you can shut the issue of palestine use or look into the back burner. we want to know what you're, that you're going to work with us. otherwise, we're not committed. you know, there's people like not committed, but she does it show us some signs, you know, mean she can talk, but she got to walk to walk to you. yes. or no, yes or no answer would you vote for her at the election was today issues if you're know or if it was just her i would. but i question because of, of, of was, even though, you know, we probably not going to have the power the to does the best way to for me when, when would buy to step dollars. when i was, i felt the relief i felt the pressure come off. thank god, by this gun. and i, i felt the level of hope there. but then she picked the walls and that, excuse me. but you know, i'm not saying that i was, you know, maybe we can work with was to, they've got, we got to give them time. we got to give them time. bang, that's why we're here. that's why we're of the lot of people here, not just you. as you mentioned, thousands of people all day. thank you very for speaking out is here. we appreciate
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it. good luck. the rest of the week say, travels back to minnesota. so you heard there from a us military veteran, one of many people from old cross section of society, young people, middle age students, retirees, coal here with the same message individually on a side. and they want to have some real action, and they want to hear some real concrete policy when it comes to god's it from pamela harris in the coming days. back to you. thank you. thank you very much. gabriel is on a reporting to us from chicago, west, thousands of people off protesting outside the democratic national convention center. are still much more to bring you on this news. our were here of assets in the democratic republic of congo to contain this friday. the new mor infectious variance of and fox and english cricket team get ready for the next assignment, but without the captain be to have one that is for the
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the i had a lawyer that despite the stormy weather plaguing pop, severe but still a lot of heat to be found across the southeast and of course the south west, but this, that sundry line pushing its way for the east across the bulk is it already caused some flooding in austria, and it's the and behind it a more unsettled picture for person on the island of island with some heavy rain moving across into scandinavia for places like no way stretching down is one across the low countries and into northern parts of front. so we're going to see heavy rain come back into western parts of scotland on wednesday to blustery winds. as well, and as the west weather pushing out towards the north east with some heavy full for the likes of estonia as well as bell, a roof that ring trickling down as well to some coastal areas of the balkans. but
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it is still a story of heat here, and it is a story of heat, of course, across the south west for spain and portugal, we will see some rain across the central parts of spain. so i'm just coming down slightly here in the days ahead, but they will be on the up for places like remain as well as greece and turkey. we haven't looked at the 3 day for bucharest. well, we'll see the temperature sitting in the high thirty's sunshine, dominating to thursday, the once himself coerced into toiling on coffee plantations under intolerable conditions. a brazilian advocate for workers rights puts his life on the line by taking on powerful land owners in the hope of cracking down on modern slavery. the, the human costs of coffee with this documentary on
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a jersey to a documentary series. exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe. we follow as sammy communities conflict to the plan to build a mine in their northern sweden homeless, one that could endanger their ecosystem and their way of life. first nations compliance black butterflies, the cost of going green analogy 0 the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the welcome back watching out is here at line from the top story us x rays say and to me blinking says israel's prime minister is accepted washington's proposal for c spine and gaza. lincoln has been holding talks and israel, my spokesman, osama hopkins as the good will only agree to the previous proposal by us president joe finding several months ago. it comes as well as killed at least 35 pounds as 10 years in gauze as as monday morning. the latest try kept the shots, a refugee camp in northern gauze, or killing at least 9 people. and there are the headline crowds of activists like gathering outside the democratic national convention in chicago to call attention to issues like economic injustice and reproduction rights as well as climate change . many of the people that are also protesting against the war and gaza, and the cooling for a ceasefire. well, the democrats will nominate the presidential candidates in chicago, just like the republicans did
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a month ago. here's what happens next. the 2 main candidates will face off in that 1st tv debate on september 10th, president biden's port debate performance ended his candidacy. democrats hoping combo hours will challenge donald trump more effectively. he has proposed additional debates off to that. the main polling day is november 5th, but verses in more than a 1000 states will be able to stop costing that balance as early as next month. on january 6th, congress massage to find the election result. this. normally, this is only a routine event, but it was disrupted, of course in 2021 by trump supports as who ended up storming congress. 2 weeks later, the new president will be sworn in on the steps of the capital in washington dc. joining us now from brookfield, maryland is louis navarro eurasia follow at the farm policy research institute,
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the alias of his presidential campaign manager in chief of staff. then us senator joe biden. what does come with the harris need to do in our acceptance speech? at the convention, very for having me, the vice president harris, it has the opportunity to reintroduce herself as her own person in the course of this convention. and so i think what she is going to want to do is just strike and tell him regarding how she is focused on the future moving forward and especially around the issues of personal freedom. and also the economic successes of this administration. you know, which are top of mind for most of others. how will she appeal to voters not only in her own base, but also inside the trunk camp? and i don't think that this is really an election in which either side has the ability to pick up voters from the others,
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a base of support. i think that there is a small universe of independent motors who have you, who consistently he sort of sit this out until homeless the very end. and in 2020, those were independence. and, and he was a small, very small sliver of republicans who made it, who made a significant difference in the state side to arizona. georgia, in addition to a highly energized democratic base, was clearly happened since since president biden stepped aside, endorsed vice president harris is the democratic faces energize and you know, so that is all to vice president heiresses benefit. the real question would be whether or not she can perceive that universe of independence. wait it out almost to the very end that we're going to be trying to make a decision based upon
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a freedom in the future is represented by vice president errors versus a you know, that had as a return to a right wing set of policies under president trump, which is all about which americans he hate. so i'd like to and what does he say the issue that decides these elections is going to be the economy? and while america does have the strongest economy in the world, the reality is the lived experience of many americans is economic struggle with price is much higher and interest rates much higher and when buy it and then hires took office. but the good news is, is that an inflation has been dropping. there is an expectation that the, the prime rate will be dropped. 5 is our reserved next month. and frankly, this administration has a lot to, to say, and it's in terms of it stewardship. regarding the infrastructure that all has
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created millions of jobs for americans with or without college degrees, the capital and the influence for those who are in diabetic impacts. hundreds of thousands of families across this country. and so, you know, there are any number of things in this ration has done advice present, harris can take credit for. and she can also offer a vision of the future about how she will double down on those issues. and one thing that i would point out is that it is notable to me that people flies back the accomplishments and the proposals of vice president hurst. meanwhile, the downturn gets out there and says, well, i'm going to cut your electricity bills by at least 50 percent, and not as you go uh detail as to how to go about doing that. so i think we're talking about the difference between real accomplishments and real proposals versus fanciful promises by a man who is demonstrating that he's going to say, i cannot,
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we've been talking about the possibility of a goal is, is he's fine. how badly does come with a higher sneed them at least, to see, to steer clear of a war that would widen to include, has by law and iran. i think the united states as a whole is interested in seeing in making sure that there is not a winding war. and i think that the price perhaps has made it very clear that you know, she thinks issues with the it's very similar policies in the west bank and a desire to see both to cease fire and but humanitarian assistance providing to gaza. here at the moment, you know, got a 600 state blanket and then present 5. now the ones who carry the burden of trying to bridge the gap between these rarely government and how must neither of which sees much benefit or have it as at least has not articulated, seeing much benefit in the cease fire that everybody else wants to be accomplished
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. have done more so than the families or the hostages that were taken on october 7th. but, you know, i think that vice president harris has made it clear that she supports the ceasefire. i think vice president harris has made it clear that she has concerns about overreach. privacy is really government, i think vice president yours has made it absolutely clear that. none of that just defines what her mazda has done on october said 7 percent. thank you very much to us, navarro. thank you. look for me, us house republican george santos, is pete of guilty to corruption charges relating to his 2022 campaign. federal charges include fraud, money laundering, and theft of public funds. if this is more than 6, he is in prison, and it is at least $370000.00 in restitution. the case had been set to go to trial and the next month santos has previously pleaded not guilty to arrange his alleged
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financial crimes. and the crowd would have gotten into that old one of the halls, 1000 civil society groups. the move also involves the confiscation of assets belonging to religious groups present. daniel and tigers intensified the crackdown on groups accused of breaking the law of to anti government protest in 2018. john holland has more in this from mexico city. on monday, the nicaraguan government outlaw a 1500 non governmental organizations. what it said is that a 100 for failed their obligations, especially related to releasing financial information including to do with donations. but in reality, this is part of a trend in nicaragua. the really started in 2019 in which president daniel tega. and these have ministration climate sounds on protests against him and the government, and that context continues. ever since more than 5000, no government groups,
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media outlets and private universities have been closed since then. opposition political policies have been banned. assembly this have been sent into j o x. so the same for the catholic church clergyman joad or sent in to ex. so hundreds of thousands of people have fled, especially to neighboring costa rica. what it's really left in the country is a sort of black hole in terms of descent, but also in terms of information on the situation, especially as independent media, like how cells are effectively banned from nicaragua at the moment and connecting report from countries outside. like here in mexico and it seems with announcements and decisions like this situation is no getting better. and because i work with the government and president, daniel will take out early, comforting demo. and the situation is getting worse, john home. and i would just say to mexico, city of thousands of ukrainians have been ordered to evacuate. the eastern city of
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across the russian army is on the 10 kilometers from the outskirts. it's one of ukraine's main defensive, strong walls and a key logistics hub in the dani. ask region around 53000 people, live the porch and stars. how much i mean? it's extremely frightening. impossible to sleep at night. drones are in the all the time today when we were leaving it was terrify. we barely got out all the president, letting me in the landscape, saying that your credit and forces are continuing the operations in russia's curse region. you said keep now controls moving. 1250 square kilometers of russian territory. so and so, but i just felt like they needed for our active defense evictions across the board as well as prisons and ability to defend his territory from such defensive actions of as a very telling how proactive preventive defense is. the most effective count of the russian tierra, causing significant difficulties, the aggressive state. you're not, you know, or
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a suspected and confirmed impulse cases reported this year is nearing 20000. the outbreak started in the democratic republic of congo. but the 1st cases outside africa were recorded in sweden and focused on earlier this week, the tory gate. and we have more of the story of thousands of people in the democratic republic of congo, d o. c, a suffering from these nations that caused by an impulse virus from the smallpox family, the flu like symptoms and posts filled lesions of killed hundreds of people in the d o. c. and that scoring many others have been up to one of them. i would like someone to help us, otherwise the epidemic will spread further. many people will die and we will infect the children who are at home in the near. the world health organization has issued its highest levels impulse after the africa centers for disease control and prevention called it a continental emergency. and you strain known as played won't be, is causing the increasing cases,
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enabling the virus to spread faster. a wider than ever before. it's being detected and all 26 provinces of the d. o. c. and the number of confirmed infected people has risen above 16000 after years of conflict to being forced from home, isabella now has to do with his son's potentially life threatening illness. and i am displaced with my 8 children. i woke up last week and noticed my son had about fever. we came, he and the doctor said he's suffering from the impulse of virus. an ongoing rebellion in the east of the d. o. c has added to a shortage of medicines in a health care system that was already struggling. the world health organization estimates played won't be close. 3.6 percent of the police effects much higher than previous strains. the communities health minister is hopeful that after years of dealing with outbreaks, the d o. c will also be able to do with the m pokes emergency news of home or dippy is on 2 countries promised us
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a vaccine for me in japan and the united states. i hope with all of my heart the arrived next week, $3000000.00 vaccines cost $600000000.00. once we have them, we need to use them. i mean, we can't waste a single dollars. so far, 12 african countries have recruited cases. others have been confirmed in sweden and pakistan. and international surveillance operation is underway. after the world health organization declared a global health emergency victoria case in b l g 0. or we take you now to the u. k. why the government has triggered emergency measures to ease prison overcrowding. putney brought about by the rest of more than a 1000. elijah rises in recent file. right. in spite on rest operation and the don't went into effect on monday morning in northern england. so now gaga has this report interruption of rioting,
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leading destruction in its wake. hundreds have been arrested cor offenses that include racially and religiously aggravated crimes and criminal damage. putting down the disorder was only one challenge, a several also ongoing issues within the u. k. 's justice system highlighted further by the mass arrests. there was a basic fight, which is a failure to have it on for some places, for the number of prisoners that were being sentenced to prison. se i filed as basic a failure of government for the previous governors could possibly have gold. we've had to deal with that with the additional strain of the disorder of recent weeks. over crowding has exacerbated a crisis that's been used in the making with too few new prisons built to ease the pressure sentences one of 20 months imprisonment. during these measures, offenders will only face a quote only when a so is confirmed is ready until then they will be held in police cells. it's the
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2nd time this year. the mechanism has been triggered. within 1100 people have been arrested during and after the recent writing and that has increased the pressure on the prison system to manage capacity. the automatic release point from most standards sentences is being would use from 50 percent to 40 percent of time sub. but this won't apply to serious violent defenders, including those in prison for terrorism, sex offenses and domestic abuse. but for those who been only too aware of the pressure in the present system, the move comes as little surprise. this is a by product of 14 years of miss monitored by the previous coupons close to 20 public sector prisons with the loss of over 10000 separate 100 prison sales spaces provided in the south south spaces in all persons. despite the own traditions of an increase in the prison population, the measures may provide
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a short term solution to prison capacity. but there was an acknowledgment that much more needs to be done to ease the crisis and the countries justice system, even as new prisons are being built, many fear it will be enough to house inmates with the link these sentences leading to more delays and convictions integrate to risk to public safety. so i think i yeah, go out. is there a to the philippine and chinese coast cause of blame beach on the roster. a collision in the south china sea, by doing says, the philippines deliberately crashed into his vessels on monday morning, while manila says it ships were damaged when the chinese conducted what it calls unlawful and aggressive maneuvers. the waters of the south trying to see a highly disputed territory, and we often see these confrontations between the 2 countries. meanwhile, south career in the united states have started joint annual ministry exercises. they say the drills the aim to boosting their abilities, accounts and minute trans signed the threats from north korea. john, yeah,
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there's criticize the exercises calling them or hospitals for nuclear war. but sol in washington say they are defensive. even usable, this exercise was focused on mustering integrated procedures to respond to various crisis scenarios, including north korea's grades on tactics such as the spread of this information, fake news, cyber attacks, as well as complex military publications and attacks on critical national infrastructure and other developments. the crowd of south korean activists has demonstrated that against the minute treat drills and they gamma to riley. this is organized by a group that campaigns against the american military presence in the country. a say the exercises will increase tensions on the korean peninsula. and in the wider region, malaysia are saying companies that buys palm oil can adopt and, and around new ton. but the endangered apes will not be able to leave the country. that's the caveat, the scheme, ames,
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to protect the animals and the habitat as possible. production depends on forest lands being kid. in may, the plantations administer propose to send rang at times abroad as trading gifts. but conservation groups object to to that he has something to bring you a rash to put in there and has become the 1st of the tail lights out. the sky. stone gazes around the world of being treated to this. the moon is making its way around upon it. so fond lighting up the night sky in south korea, indonesia, greece and australia. or if you happen to be in any of those places, the event happens when the moon reaches the closest point to us in its old bed. the law. so to bring you on this muse alphonsus, ellen picked silver metal. when in coach walked away, peter will have that story and more and support
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the sport. it's peter, and thank you very much. you promoted less. the city head starts at the premium each season with a 11 draw at home to talk them outs book. suppose actually took the lead when federal power wrote found the back of the method off the $2800.00. of
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the 2016 primary champions never gave up stall strike a jamie body showed he still has what it takes and school the equalizer 11. the final school was alone. the american madrid fans who you get to see new psycho hoody and the over is in the action. many supporters from all over the world were anticipating. he's athletic debut. well for all of those folks. they was disappointments. as alvarez was name in the bench for the legal match at the video or not done, you must scoring the opening go here for the side and then to go with level just one minute later though. thank suit and welcome field and say account sign. but the hosts restored, they lead things to a copay, only go. these are line very out of packing from alexander show, lot service to try to see on the strength of house on and then search all the women all the raise was eventually brought with somebody, i guess send me any, was 13 minutes to go with the audience. on woke up with it could not make the
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desired impact to, to the furnace go elsewhere espanol, but to into legal funding. relegation 2 seasons ago they were away as a rail via donated but could not avoid defeats role model with the only goal of the game. for us as will kept putting strongly because he only has quit, he's role is the national teams under $21.00 coach. only this month on re coach the olympic team to a silver middle in paris. the 47 year old, so had a year left on his contract on recall that achievement, one of the grades of sources of pride in his life means whipple at the olympic games is made up of under 23 teams by 3 over age players are allowed to be selected . so it's been a little over 2 years now since been states became england's cricket captain. in that period, the team have become known for paying exciting and flamboyant crickets. but they are all going to be without the escape up for the 3 much say series against the through lancaster. i'll see you on wednesday. stokes is out injured. instead only
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poke will need the side. i think it's obviously quite portfolio not to not to try and be bent states because it's, he's obviously a very, very dominant carter. and i think it's very good that he's around this week as well, cuz he's obviously going to be all the same things and, and helping out every time. yeah. not having stikes, he's obviously a big loss for the team. but it's not a great opportunity for i only to step up and get some practices captain and then proxy and applies to got there. and i'm putting the point as follows. for lanka, they're looking for the 1st test series when of england in 10 years. in fact, a decade ago, it was the turing lincoln's who was known english soil. that also happens to be the last time the sub confidence in one, any test match against england. a tennis will number 3, or even a sub a link to it has had the perfect will not for next week's us open in new york, the last grand slam of the yeah, the been the russian as one but cincinnati opened in ohio in straight sets against
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the american jessica gould, sutherland co winning 63 and 75 us open source on monday at flushing meadows side. and laser 2 of the best means players will go head to head of the same venue, will never one yet accent it will take on from some staff or somebody who's deal straining open champion already leads the atp to with full titles the season, but found himself under pressure in the semi final, from alex, on the very day of who won the title in cincinnati, in 2021. he tell you and took the 1st tape, but then it's still the 2nd decide it was a try to consist of the se, requiring a tie break way, send it to control dropping just one point on the safe to seal the match. incentive it is back hand belong to spend 15, see, hold the real name. he sent me final, the american reading from 5 to down in the 3rd set and saved 2 match points on. so before winning in 3, say, if you 1st atp mazda is 1000, find the missing out on the olympic
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podium in paris for met will number one golf a john rom is been nearly man, once again. this done, beaten by dick's kicker in his latest live gulf events. the spaniards took a pretty sharp lead into the final round at the green bria. but this man kapco forced the playoff of to a poor a t shirt on the 1st extra hole. rome had disappeared to extend the tassel, but must, it's kept cassandra by the sick and live, go fix you of the a and fit since joining the saudi funded. the man that is all the schools are useful to nice menu and q peter a type of c grosse. the only grows in the mediterranean is being studied for its ability to store comp and such as into new 0 lacking to protect it. everything against it has this report. now,
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what they call it, the lungs of the mediterranean sea grass known as palsy donya silently filtering tons of the plan. it's carbon have them it can be a sit down and provides an invaluable environmental services, particularly in climate regulation. then it has significant ability to store comp and especially will kind of common which the policies, even the carbon storage capacity of the amazon ring for an unremarkable looking. this unique feature of the mediterranean sea is able to store hundreds of tons of carbon per hector. and is also a major source of oxygen, and it provide shelter and habitats for all sorts of small fish this bone and thrive. this underwater champion is also one to threat the shoulders working with this way of the racial. but any species posted donya has ideal conditions for growth. if it encounters temperatures within its optimal range, it grows well and performs its functions effectively. however,
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due to global warming, the water is warming up, causing problems to the sea growth and could potentially lead to its extinction. more than half the world's posit donya grows along the coast of tenicia. and this n g o is planting more. it's added a 1000 square meters of the sea grass in an experiment. they're aiming to counter the harmful effects of warming waters, invasions of alien species and human activity. can i end up that it again, like any c plants in autumn? it's lease full. and when they washed ashore, they become such strange. people sometimes mistaking me refer to this as waste, but these needs have a specific role in protecting the sea from erosion. these researchers say more efforts are needed to protect the site and actors safeguarding the world's atmosphere. before it's too late, if to some good food, i'll just see or, or will that story wraps up the news out, but i'll be back in
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a moment with more of the days do use around up as the top stories coming up in just a couple of minutes the all that remains of what was once a classroom before is there as were now schools have become regular targets for the military, for desperate college to use this course in this is a neighborhood because of city serve as a temporary home. is pretty forces issue new is actuation orders for 9 areas in newness warning they would for sleep operate against palestinian fighters there . click on what is happening to us by the time we reach an area. these readings want us to leave is whether online, the whole world is watching, act and find a solution to what i can make is where the forces have fund areas in the north,
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south and center of the carlos trip. the latest punctuation orders are causing the comics because with is where you repeatedly targeting, so called save stones. there's no guarantee they will be safe where they go next. i freaking stories of resilience and courage. i gave him the aware of the tradition and dedication to the investigative stuff that was short documentary style applicants to make it on the white 9 and the book to make it africa direct on. i'll just see here are too often of kind of style and it's put right through the prism of war. but there were many of the kind of stuff thanks for the braves.
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individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary film archives funding for decades reviews the forgotten food of the country's modern history. the forbidden real part one, the birth of i've done cinema on just the protests in chicago just hours before the start of the democratic convention with cumberland harris is set to be confirmed as the policies presidential nominee. the no, i'm sorry, m i z. this is alger 0,


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