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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 20, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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see a view of the working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that this mode that unites us, that divides us the the democratic national convention is underway, where a couple of hours will be fully declared, the parties presidential nominee a group of protest is coming from end to the war on concept breakthrough battery is outside the convention or not. the other ones are in georgia, this is all just a run life and so on. so coming up, the us secretary of state goes on. i'm asked to accept a proposal trustees 5 in gaza saying these randy prime minister has agreed to a but israel is continuing its strikes on guns. are kidding 9 people in the all
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shot records and the, the democratic national convention is now underway in chicago. in the coming days coming to harris will be formally appointed as a democratic presidential nominee for november's election. she got the backing of the party off the joe biden chose to drop out of the race in july of buttons giving the main address to the party faithful. later on day one, his speech is expected to focus on his administration's accomplishments and how come to harris would continue at work if she is elected president in november. as well, police have made arrest soft. a protest has breached barricades outside the convention center in chicago. thousands of demonstrators gathered to protest against the war and gaza and other issues. well, we have correspondence inside and outside the convention center in chicago, shortly. we'll get more on those protests with john henry. but let's start 1st with
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kimberly how good it was inside the sense that kimberly's. so this is set to be a very different convention for joe biden. now out of the race focus through what we're expecting this evening. kimberly of the. yeah, that's right. so this is certainly a very different convention given the just over a month ago. we were expecting joe by the us president to be speaking on the final light of the convention. now he will be speaking on the 1st night of this convention, and we are expecting that much of this will be a tribute to his half century of political service. this will be about honoring his legacy, but it will be entirely about looking backwards. this will also be, we're told a forward looking speech. this will be about passing the baton and why he will make the argument that this is about a moment for comma, la harris, and why she is the best person to be at the top of the ticket. why he felt it was
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important to pass the baton and pass the torch. so it is a bitter sweet moment for joe biden. and it is something that will be celebrated by his family. we know that he will be introduced by his daughter, ashley biden, and he will also be introduced as well by his wife doctor jill. by then, we also know that there will be other high profile speakers that will be at attendance. hillary clinton, the former 1st lady, and also the 2016 domini herself making history. and we also know that there will be in attendance watching from above all of it will be tabitha, herself, carmella harris, as well as her running make to mold and kimberly, israel is on thing. one. garza has deeply divided the moderates and the progressives within the policy of those divisions liked it to be on the display. do you think this there's no question that this will be on display, not just on the 1st day, but threw out this. and this is really unprecedented in terms of how much this is
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getting. notice at the democratic national convention. and this is almost a bit of a problem for comma le harris given the fact that this is something she's not yet dealt with. in fact, if you look at her website, there is no mention of foreign policy. and this is really a bit of a question mark and something that she's been trying to bash in terms of really giving some heart infirm answers. but just not far from the united center. we're, all of this is happening. are the protesters that are trying to keep this issue on the forefront and we should point out. but what is unprecedented is the fact that there is a panel that is being it has been held talking about palestinian rights. we should also point out that for the 1st time ever, the democratic party is as part of their platform making the 2 state solution part of the, the issues that are being discussed at this convention. all right, i kimberly how could live for us the inside of the dnc in chicago,
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the company for now. thank you. let's go live to john henry, who's with protest as outside the convention trying to be so early that some protest as that actually breaks that security fence. what's that must feel like where you all them a fellow is getting a little chan cheered aaron for a little while, but you can see the police have just left what, what has happened is they've cleared out the park next to us and it was at that park where you can see on the far side perhaps maybe not. there is a perimeter, a big barrier, and that is the outer perimeter of the democratic national convention security area . and so when a few people breach that got through it, the police have come on both sides of us, pushing us all out of the park. and now apparently emission accomplished and there were a few arrests we had been told, the police superintended himself, larry smelling was here, and now i can see the police moving back. and that gives us an opportunity to talk
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to our guest colleagues who is a palestinian american here and. busy let me just ask you what brings you here? color? well, i bring me the study. so i could do i live in florida. we belong to, but it isn't color banyon bike and i'm sure you're good. good, good to see it. and uh, we are the courtyard in florida, and that's at least we could do come here to protest against a genocide. that is what i being cuz it's, it's against our people. and that's, that's what i'm here for. you're here to make your voice, sir. yes sir, in the day did i hear that? you know, a delegate? yes. we know many delegates here. yes. yes. and we met with them limits. we did that. i got the just sign that there was a and amount. it was the 3rd one from the bronx right there. yeah. either 3 independence presidential candidates, including jo stein, who we've talked to just an hour ago. and what is the message that you that you
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carry here for the beauty of the message i care here is the 1st of all the stuff, the genocide, just stuff the genocide and get the people that get a ride to adjust this and to israel. dad's place it doesn't belong to that. does it belong to the business premium or no matter what are they trying to hide? the fact is still getting it. it means palestine forever. and you live here in florida? no. i live in florida for 4040 years. so your taxes are going to be is really military to military machine, which is good of all our family. i have personally over, you know, 30 people, kids from my family and gaza. i have one day names, all their ages and have all the picture to see and show it. and how does it feel to know that you are funding that? well, you know, you just have to get yourself in the bus. you know, you scream, you scream, you scream your skin to the need,
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it just screwed to the tv and nobody listen to the go talk to their con response to shut the door on you. and not just that the show you what we support is right. and let me just ask you for the, for the viewers who are watching, what happens here, the aftermath of it just tells us what happened here. well, they get it, they gave us permission to be in this bar. and as you see, they put the put up that is between us and all of a sudden now this but ours, it'd become, it's not, it's not good anymore. do we have to do that? so the get push in a back back, back back. just like what happened to the student, people, they, they give you this thursday if you didn't get the issue back, big push you back to find out if they want to kick you out the dispute see what happened. and you're a witness on to that. we'll call it thank you very much for talking to us at al jazeera. okay, and that's just one of the, the ways that things can go down very quickly here in the protests of the democratic national convention. and there will be many more throughout the week. all right, that's on hands on live for us today with protest as outside the dnc,
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but in chicago. john for now. thank you. let's bring in james davis is the format communications director for the republican national convention. he's the president of the communications, but i'm touch down strategies and joins us live from washington dc. james, would that be back with us? i think the last time we spoke was that they are in see just last month. so let's kick off then if we can. we've come to her and she's been writing this wave of publicity since joe biden dropped down for the rice, and she's bound to get another bounce as the bmc progressive this week. how worried are the republicans about paris? i don't think there that concern i be particular the one you see the headlines that are coming out today with the protest there at the convention. that's not a great way of kicking it off. now that the polls are naturally the type of magic you get closer and election. that's something that's to be expected. and then you know, the president, the president trump, uh president trump hasn't helped himself with tunnel on the, on the stop. but, you know, with the change and the nominee,
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when everyone thought that it was going to be by them, that comment that comes along. there was an incredible unifying moment for the democratic base to coordinate her on the convention. you would think would be an opportunity to unify more. but there's more questions around what her policies are . she has done a lot of media interviews and that has become sort of pointing to her where she is today and might hamper that convention bouts. you typically get 5.7 percent average the american presence, the project, you get 5.7 percent bounce from the convention. the question is whether you can keep it after the convention. yeah. times i was gonna say there are growing concerns about what coming to our styles for, i mean, as you say, have policy messaging seems broad. seems generalized wondering how to narrow down on policy sooner or later that it's absolutely i'd be you know, the question is how long can she dodged interviews from the media? so she's kind of gotten a pass on it so far. and this is an opportunity for her to come out at her
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convention and say, these are the policies that i support. this is the way for it. i think it's a mistake. uh, you know, kimberly mentioned earlier reporting lot from the, from the venue that they're going to talk about joe biden. and you know, his legacy. i think that's a mistake bit because is actually pass from work to the current policies, inflation the number one up on the americans minds, but also palestine being an issue and, and the border at our southern tip in mexico. i'm james and we've seen considerable pro palestinian protest as outside the dmc coating for a ceasefire in gaza. does as well as well and gauze that remained the biggest liability for hers and her base at the moment for face. yes, absolutely. but for lagrano broader population, i think it's still inflation. you know, when they come out and they rebuild policy proposals like price controls at 1st
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people are like, oh, price controls, what does that? and then when they dig into it, they realize that this is really government setting, the, the, the uh price is rather than the company set in the prices. and they say, well, that doesn't really fix what caused this in place to in the 1st place. and a more donald trump and jamie vance, focusing on inflation for her and the war as a broad, whether it be in gaza or ukraine, the better hand they have. just a final thoughts here, james and you touched on earlier. i mean, in a recent national poll harris, not the head of donald trump, but as you say, polls do narrow the closer we get to election day. how do you see the poll numbers playing out over the next few weeks? then? i think it's going to be very, very close. it's going to be very tight race. i expect, you know, we'll see a handful of states with $15000.00 or less votes decide which column they're going to go in, or they're going to go for republicans. are they going to go to uh, for democrats? um, so i don't think that we will actually know who the winter of the election is for
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several days after the election. it's going to take time uh to certify and account all the balance that are out there. and i also will create some of the rest of america. all right, that james davis always get your thoughts and you are now this is james. thank you very much indeed. for talking to us here without just thank you, but you'll find is the presidential candidate for the green party. and she spoke to our correspondent john henry, not the protest outside the convention business. what you hear people talking about is the desperate lack of housing. many of the people here are actually on house, on the desperate need for health care, on the poor quality of our schools, on the debt that people take on if they're going to go to college or even technical school so that they can have a secure job and, you know, not to mentioned that the military is consuming half of our congressional budget costing your average american household now. 12000 dollars this year alone. so we
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have a government that's bought and paid for by the biggest, you know, bankers, billionaires and, you know, fossil fuels, the war industry that are buying their policies. but all those who are really concerned about this risk genocide that is unrolling on our screens every day. there are so many people. in fact, the majority of americans bike poll after poll, want to end this one, an immediate diplomatic solution. and they want a candidate who will do that, who is not taking money from apax, who's not taking money from the weapons contractors and who can actually stand up and say, no, the war ends. now, prior presidents have done that for much less of a, of a, you know, catastrophic situation with far fewer dest dwight eisenhower. and then ronald reagan stepped up, they made a phone call and the war was over. so it's a, it's a problem of israel, but israel's, just a surrogate here for us policy us is paying for this. we're providing the weapons
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we provide the diplomatic cover. so it is entirely within our peer review to in this unbelievable genocide right now the now that us secretary of state has revealed that israel's prime minister has accepted a so called bridget and proposal proceeds 5 in concept anthony blinking has been holding towards with benjamin netanyahu. and other officials in tell of eve, i'll just say i was homeless to move it as more not from jordan's capital mine, because he's really government's band al jazeera from importing inside his for the 10th time since the war on gaza began. us secretary of state anthony blink in touch down in israel, his latest visit aimed at applying pressure on his really officials to agree to receive spire deal. blinking day began with a meeting with israel's president, i's occurred song in which he said this could be the last chance for
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a deal. this is a decisive moment. probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home to get a ceasefire. and to put everyone on a better path to enjoy peace and security. and for nearly 3 hours blinking sat down with prime minister benjamin netanyahu in a meeting the premier described as positive in a statement from his office that's in yahoo says he reiterated israel's commitment to the current american proposal on the table, which he says takes israel security needs into account blinking then met with the country's defense minister, your wife gallano, stressing the importance of diminishing the chance of further escalation and the region that could emptied efforts to secure a deal. before he left israel to travel to cairo and cut off on the next leg of his shuttle diplomacy blinking,
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reveal that israel government has accepted what the americans are describing as a bridging proposal, put forward by mediators last week in a very constructive meeting with prime minister netanyahu today, he confirmed to me that is real, accepts the bridging proposal that he supports a split in dogs. the palestinians have been casting down on any american efforts to encourage israel to agree to a cease fire. as the army continues. it's a tax. how many? by these no hope from america, nor from is fine on evasion for 10 months, american pressure without any result. last time, we used to be of asian from america. and israel evasion that's led to more than 10 months of war and killed more than $40000.00 palestinians. the us secretary of state is now calling on from us to also accept the latest proposal
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to secure a ceasefire. deal with the palestinian group has already said the current framework includes new is really conditions and is not in line with the original proposal outlined by us president joe biden back in may have just said who is just the you know, a mess. well, how about assess responded to news that israel has agreed to the latest the swat proposal, the group spokesman assigned my hand and says, we will only agree to the implementation of job items proposal, which we agreed to a few months ago. these right, these have retreated from issues included in biden's proposal. nothing yahoos talk about agreeing to an updated proposal indicates that the us administration has failed to convince him to accept the previous agreement. but while media just pushed for a ceasefire, as well as killed at least 35 palestinians in gauze since monday morning, the latest strength ashanti refugee camp that's in the north of the strip coming at least 9 people. other attacks in the southern and central regions of gaza, of killed mostly women and children emergency crusade. they're struggling to each
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other. victims still trapped under rubble. regardless, city has also been targeted by another round of is really bumming and asked by kit this, aka area in the north of the city, the dead and wounded or rushed to the hospital. the, you know, i'm is really war plain. his a private vehicle. the one entire family was inside for were kills and another 10 have critical injuries and were brought to the hospital. our team is still in the field, searching for more victims. some more torn to pieces and the remains will also be brought here. for months of his ready attacks on gauze that have destroyed the health care system, doctor sphere that a severe fuel shortage may mean imminent death for many newborns and those an intensive cat motto, hollywood has moved not for me to come out of the hospital in northern gauze if to come out as well as hospital might be out of service sooner than we expected as there was no, no, if you were to override the hospital, main departments here might be shut down and talking about the only block most
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likely. and you need those units, the i c u unit and the oxygen generates are unit. and many of the units might be shut down as there's no fuel and medical supplies to override these boxes. we spoke to the a, come out and run this stuff here on the x 3 gone extremely worried about the, the costs of the over fuel and the total loss about how dire the situation here and how dangerous is to make him out a grand hospital out of service come on in the top of it was an they were many changes to i would including the lack of fuel as well as the non stop shelling on a health facilities. our hospital is the only hospital providing key for children and garza and i, the, the, i know like, uh we have 150 to 200 patients in this house. some of them are in the i see you needing sewage rooms and dialysis all these patients need special care and we need you to reach us here. so as to continue this kid,
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prevent me from us me as we receive approximately 500 to 600 patients a day and each day we have to make a decision on who to keep for the study of the oaks. and i know what this is the only functioning units of intensive care unit lifting gaza. we're facing a real dilemma. yeah, that's a love seat of the 6 on the lives of these babies. we have new boards who are dependent on the essentially display of we needed activities to administer fluids and public incubators. otherwise, the instance will face imminent desk. we're using solar power right now, which has been interrupted 5 times within just the last hour. this a fix the care we provide in this unit is being done. let us do that. we recorded some dips before because of lack of oxygen due to malfunctions of the sort of posit to if it stops completing these new blends will die. the health care system might be collapse in this just all up the skim out of one hospital with not to be
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able to buy that with the fuel was it's actually a jersey to northern does this flip all this time for a short break here and i'll just say right, when we come back, that was due yet the 8 was you in says 219 with 2 and 33 countries and protecting the lungs of the mediterranean. we made the climate scientist who the sites see drops his wife into the funds on that stage. the . i had a lawyer that was stop by looking at the satellite image for north america. and you can see it as a pretty quiet picture, which is good news. for the east coast of the us, eastern parts of canada, however, still seeing some very wet and windy weather and the tail end of that storm system will bring some big bang is to florida shoes 8 into wednesday. we could see some
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isolated storms across most central areas, places like nebraska seeing west to whether colorado is well seeing some showers. and it is looking west of western parts of canada. but i wouldn't say some of that range trickling down into the pacific northwest, which was well across the different south west the on wednesday, but much t y, a ad hoc to across the deep south. we've got heat wave conditions for texas, dallas at 41 degrees celsius, but we will see a steady decline in that temperature as we go through to the se. but the sunshine dominating here and sunshine is dominating across the north of mexico, temperatures all set to come up for places like monterey. as we go into the mid week. still some showers coming into mexico city, not as well for that west coast as it has been around for very unsettled week for the camera view. and it is looking a lot quieter with lots of showers, but also sunshine through to wednesday. the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching out. just
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a real quick remind of our top stories here at this hour. the democratic national convention is underway in chicago. and the coming days coming to harris will be formally consent as the parties presidential nominee for november. the election president joe biden is set to give the main address later on. thousands of doctors have been gathering outside the convention center to protest against a one cost other issues. only a small number got through police barricades were detained. and your effective state anthony blinking sense as well as prime minister has accepted washington's proposal for c spine and gaza. he's been holding tilts and israel spokesman, i saw my husband says the group, let me agree to the previous proposal. put forward by president tried several months ago. now the human is organized a solid ality stand in southern lebanon with $21.00. paramedics have been killed and his ready strikes since october. the number of attacks has increased since as well as the targeted kenning about top has block amanda in bed route 7, suburbs. i'll just say we've got
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a hold of it for commemorating humanitarian workers who lost their lives in conflict. 7 and a single is really striking, this village in southern lebanon in march, the united nations came to the side of the attack to hold the solidarity stand to mark world humanitarian day. this has to stop. do you and resident coordinator said, well, calling for international humanitarian law to be respected. so today that is why we're here. we're here to underline that humanitarians are on the front lines. humanitarians are there to provide assistance and protection to civilians. we need to ensure that humanitarians are protected and that civilians are protected. 21. paramedics have been killed and this really strikes since has been launched attacks in solar there too, with the gaza in october. and while the warring sides have largely confined or a text to military targets,
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civilians have been caught in the crossfire. 130 killed so far more than 20 since has been a promise to retaliate for as well as killing of a top military commander onto life 30. there's not just been an escalation in hostilities as well as attacks have moved deeper inside 11 on. and this has caused further displacement. an 8 percent increase in the last 10 days, according to the united nations. as well as who has expanded its attack, striking military bases up to 18 kilometers from the border as well as new towns that have not been evacuated. and while the armed group is not deliberately hitting civilian targets has belong, may be trying to create a larger military zone across the border. and a bigger displacement crisis for these, where the government and 11 on the minister in charge of the emergency response says, authorities are stretched and faced many challenges. we have more than 100000. but basically the news, we still have 60000 people being here. you know,
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facing all the aggression and all that tax and doing all the best will remain in their lives. this is an impoverished society and then you're bankrupt state struggling to cope with a war of attrition that has no immediate and insight. then there i was just the, the southern rep and on us lead talks to end the conflict in savannah not progressing in switzerland. a delegation from the power, miniature rapids support forces is attending the discussions in geneva. but the army has been a no show since folks began last week. so it ends. government said it'll send a delegation to cairo for discussions with us and education officials. and we are very concerned about ongoing attacks, also on very credible reports of abusive civilians. and we will continue to push the rabbits support forces to apply to accept and abide by their commitments under jetta and their commitments under international
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humanitarian law. as well as a pushing for a national association of a violent cit, national cessation of hostilities. it would be easier to work on the national cessation of hostilities if the army sent a delegation. but as i said, we're going to continue to look for both unilateral steps from the parties as well as of 3 minutes operationalizing, what we see thousands of ukrainians up in order to evacuate the eastern city of pucker on the russian armies. only 10 kilometers from its outskirts. booker, i'm square, is one of ukraine's main defensive strongholds and a key logistics hub. and the don't ask region around 53000 people listed for 2000. and it's extremely frightening. impossible to sleep at night. drones are in the all the time today when we were leaving it was terrify, we, bailey got out. now, south korea and the united states have the gun joint annual military exercises by say, the drill drained the boosting the abilities, accounts,
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and military threats from north korea. young young calls them rehearsals for new cable, but still in the washington to assist the defensive to you on your, on some of this exercise will focus on mustering integrated procedures to respond to various crisis scenarios, including north korea's grades on tactics such as the spread of this information fake news, cyber attacks, as well as complex military publications, under tax on critical national infrastructure. a top of sink ross, but any growth in the mediterranean is being studied for its ability to store compet research as internally and now working to protect it gives some conflict as this report they call it the lungs of the mediterranean sea grass known as posey. don't yet sign a lease filtering tons of the plan. it's carbon, have them it can be a plus a dining and provide the invaluable environmental services, particularly in climate regulation. it has significant ability to store, call them,


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