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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 20, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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conversations you will find elsewhere, young people are not looking for a hand off, but they're not backed up by a system that supports the streams on out just the or the a u. s. presidential candidate as capital hire as prizes and joe biden, for what she calls his historic leadership. during a surprise appearance and day one of the democratic convention. this november, we will come together and declare with one voice as one people we are moving forward. the, i don't know about this, and this is all just a live from don't have also coming up outside the convention center with
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a group of protesters calling for an end of the war on guys. a breakthrough bobby is on or detained us. that could be a state causing hom, us to accept a proposal for a c spar in gaza saying the is ready. prime minister has agreed to that. the democratic presidential candidate cabinet house has made a surprise appearance on the 1st night of the party's convention. the use of harmony accept the parties of an asian later in the week, but she took to the stage to saint joe biden for his political service, biden's giving the main address to the party faithful. later on monday night. thank you for your historic leadership for your lifetime of service during nation and for all you will continue to do we. * are a great the
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you and looking looking out at everyone tonight. i see the beauty of our. 8 great nation, people from every corner of our country and every walk of life are here united by our shared vision for the future of our country. so it's going to go to a kennedy hawk. it is inside the convention venue in chicago. a rupture is uh, reception there for capital. how does, what else did you say? yeah, they're very short remarks, but it was really to pay tribute to the man that she's worked alongside for the last 3 and a half years as they wind up the time that they're working together. and he will be passing the baton to her as he hopes that she will be the next president of the
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united states. but this is really a moment history. she village. this is a historic moment, but this is potentially a historic historic moment for a couple of harris. she hopes to become the 1st female president. and also this is a story historic, or rather she could be uh, making that history because of another woman, hillary clinton, who made history herself back in 2016 as the democratic party is really america's 1st female presidential mom it in. so that was all the significance and then another woman who, earlier this evening, also got a standing ovation and thunderous applause from this proud take a listen, a tom, a lot long. just respect our military and our veterans. the sea,
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he revered our metal of honor recipients. he won't be sending love letters to dictators he will defend democracy and our constitution and will protect america from enemies, foreign and domestic. and kimberly, just in the background behind you there where you can hear centers of f i, one of george's speaking, he's been speaking for about 10 minutes or so. there are a couple of more people to go, but of course everybody is waiting for joe biden, who's going to be the final speech of the uh, the convention, at least for today. what are we expecting from that speech? yeah, it's going to be what i've been saying all evening is a bitter sweet moment because this is going to be the final speech of the evening on the 1st night as the democratic national convention. but you have to remember
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the jo 5 and thought he was going to have the bible speech on the last night at the democratic national convention because he thought it was running for another term in the white house. and that's no longer going to be the case. and so this is sort of a hard for joe 5 after a half century political service. it's all coming to an end, although he says he's still going to survive the service president. and he still has a lot to do is it certainly isn't how we thought it was going to. and so this is for it to be hard for him, still use for it to talk about what he believes he's achieved. and he's also going to talk about why he believes this is an important moment forward thinking in terms of why it's time to pass the baton to the next generation of leaders. and that is probably harris. why she's the best. how of the future of the democratic party, so hard to read, even as it is getting on late in the evening, and many are starting to feel a little bit tired. it's going to be a tough crowd for the president who is also reached for that invest in
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a she is america's oldest sitting president. so it's late in the evening for an older president. it's going to be a bit of a tough night for the president, but he's expected in that to pay the score to have a sort of a war wealth over here as well. so it is expected for joe by the committee for that . thank you very much. indeed with good chris cruise, the sentence from delaware on stage at the moment, joe biden, the president's wife is about to come up actually by and his daughter is going to come in. i believe's the james taylor the this thing or songwriter is going to be playing as well, then it's going to be present in bite. and soon as he takes the stage, we're going to be coming back to him and then you to get your take on what's going on. kimberly found out and thank you very much. indeed for james davis is the former communications director for the republican national convention. he says, it's not clear if come of the house can maintain the way of his writing. why do you see the headlines that are coming out today with the protests there at the convention? that's not a great way of kicking it off. now that the polls are naturally the type of magic
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you get closer and election. that's something that's to be expected. and then you know, the president, the president trump, uh president trump hasn't helped himself a ton on the, on the stop. but you know, with the change and, and the nominee when everyone thought that it was going to be by them that combo that comes along, there was an incredible unifying moment for the democratic base to coordinate her on the convention, you would think would be an opportunity to unify more, but there's more questions around what her policies are. she has a lot of media interviews and that has become sort of planning to her where she is today and might hamper that convention bounce. you typically get 5.7 percent average. the american presence, the project, you get 5.7 percent bounce from the convention. the question is whether you can keep it after the connection. they're going to talk about joe biden, and you know, his legacy. i think that's a mistake a bit because there's actually pass from work to the current policies, inflation b,
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number one among americans mines. but also palestine being an issue and then the border at our so there's a tip in mexico. now police are made arrests. officer protests has breached barricades outside the convention center have in chicago. thousands of demonstrators gathered to protest against the war on gaza and other issues. john henry has more from the process side of side of the center as to where that perimeter offense was breached, is where this crowd came from in a march tier to union park. and so you can see those tents that is in a new cabinets and the police came here surrounded it until just a moment ago when they started to back off. but if you can see behind the line of police here who are now backing up, um, you got uniformed officers here and i'm not sure if we can get the camera to see this or not, but they're blue helmeted police in riot gear. but find them and
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i have noticed something, i haven't seen it every approach as we've been to the chicago police are actually exercising extraordinary constraints. so far, there were a few arrests at the place where the fence was breached, but what i've noticed is that they tend to surround people, control the area. but i haven't seen them sweeping in with me. tons and making arrests so far, but i should point out this is only the 1st day of the convention and we expect many more protests account. the u. s. equity of the states reveal that as it was prime minister has accepted a so called bridging proposal for a cease fire in gaza and to be bring who's being holding talks with benjamin netanyahu and other officials and tell of a honda. so hoot as more from jordan's capital i'm on now. that's because these where the government has bind, i'll just data from reporting in the cell,
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hit israel for the 10th time since the war on gaza began. us secretary of state anthony blink in touch down in israel. his latest visit aimed at applying pressure on his really officials to agree to receive speier deal. the lincoln's day began with a meeting with israel's president isaac heard song in which he said this could be the last chance for a deal. this is a decisive moment. probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home to get a ceasefire. and to put everyone on a better path to enjoy peace and security. and for nearly 3 hours blinking sat down with prime minister benjamin netanyahu in a meeting the premier described as positive in a statement from his office that's in yahoo says he reiterated israel's commitment
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to the current american proposal on the table, which he says takes israel security needs into account blinking then met with the country's defense minister, your wife gallano, stressing the importance of diminishing the chance of further escalation in the region that could emptied efforts to secure a deal. before he left israel to travel to cairo and caught on the next leg of his shuttle diplomacy blinking, reveal that israel's government has accepted what the americans are describing as a bridging proposal put forward by mediators last week in a very constructive meeting with prime minister netanyahu today he confirmed to me that is real accepts the bridging proposal that he supports or put in gaza. palestinians have been casting down on any american efforts to encourage israel to agree to a cease fire as the army continues. it's a tax payment via visa,
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no heard from america, nor from is right on evasion for 10 months. american pressure without any results on that. we used to be of asian from america. and israel evasion that's led to more than 10 months of war and killed more than $40000.00 palestinians. the us secretary of state is now calling on from us to also accept the latest proposal to secure a ceasefire deal. but the palestinian group has already said the current framework includes new is really conditions and is not in line with the original proposal outlined by us president joe biden. back in may have the said who just need all of them. well, how much has responded to news that israel has agreed to the latest east fire proposal? the group spokesman or some of some dentist says we will only agree to the implementation of jo biden's proposal, which we agreed to a few months ago. there's rarely as have retreated from issues including included
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in vitamins proposal that's in yahoo, who's talk about agreeing to an updated proposal indicates that the us administration has failed to convince them to accept the previous agreement of our mediators push for this, these 5 israel is killed at least 35 punished indians in gaza since monday morning . they just strike hit the shots, the refuge account in the north of the strip coming at least 9 people. other attacks and the southern and central reasons of does that have killed most of the women and children emergency clues say they're struggling to reach each other. victims trapped under the rubble of the 10 months of as many attacks have destroyed the health care system and gaza. doctors fear that a severe fuel shortage may mean eminent depth for many newborns and those an intensive care. well, it's all cult has more for me to come a loved one hospital in northern gauze or to come out as well as hospital might be out of service sooner than we expected. as there was no, you know, if you were to override the hospital,
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main departments here might be shut down and go off talking about the only block most likely. and you would need those unit b, i c u unit and the oxygen general rates are unit. and money of a unit might be shut down as there's no fuel and medical supplies to operate these the boxes. we spoke to the a, come out and run this stuff here on the x 3. the next really worried about the costs of the over fuel and they told us about how dire the situation here and how dangerous is to make him out and run off. so have to service come on in the top of it was and they were many changes to our work, including the lack of fuel as well as the non stop shelling on a health facilities. our hospital is the only hospital providing care for children and garza. and i the, the, i know like, uh we have 150 to 200 patients. and this also some of them are in the, i see you needing surgery was in dialysis. all these patients need special care and
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we need you to reach us here. so as to continue this kid, prevent me from us me as we receive approximately 500 to 600 patients a day. and each time we have to make a decision on who to keep for the sleep by head ok. now what? this is the only functioning units of intensive care unit lifting because we're facing their dilemma. yeah, that's a love seat has to be fixed on the lives of these babies. we have new borns who are dependent on the essentially display of we needed activities to administer fluids and public incubators. otherwise, the instance will face imminent disc. we're using solar power right now, which has been interrupted 5 times within just the last hour. this a fix the care we provide in this unit as the sun let us do that. we recorded some dips before because of lack of oxygen due to malfunctions of the sort of posit to me, if it stops completing these new blends will die. the health care system might be
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collapsed in this just all up the skim out of one hospital with not to be able to buy that with the fuel was actually a jersey to northern. does this flip palestine? meanwhile, there's been violent fighting in the occupied westbank city of numbers. the tammy fire to be heard and don't cold plants. the shooting happened to run the government on nicer area is really forces have been conducting daily rates in palestinian tons. since the warren guns have begun last october, the still ahead on old is 0 the worst year yet for aid workers, the u. n. says $280.00 were killed in $33.00 countries, and protecting the so called lungs of the mediterranean. we meet the climate scientists who say seat ross is bipolar from the planet the
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. i had a lawyer that was solved by looking at the satellite image for north america, and you can see it as a pretty quiet picture, which is good news for the east coast of the us. eastern parts of canada. however, still seeing some very wet and windy weather and the tail end of that storm system will bring some big bang is to florida shoes date into wednesday. we could see some isolated storms across most central areas. places like nebraska seeing where the weather colorado is. well seeing some showers, and it is looking west of western parts of canada by when say some of that range were getting down into the pacific northwest, which was well across the different south west the on wednesday. but much t y, a ad hoc to across the deep south. we've got heat wave conditions for texas, dallas at 41 degrees celsius. but we will see
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a steady decline in that temperature as we go through to the state. but the sunshine dominating here and sunshine is dominating across the north of mexico. temperatures offsets come up for places like monterey, as we go into the mid week sales and showers coming into mexico city. not as well for that west coast as it has been around for very unsettled week for the camera view. and it is looking a lot quieter with lots of showers, but also sunshine through to wednesday of the coveted. beyond was taken without hesitation and died for power defines out loud that on this new i didn't know thing about which it's neglecting babies to dec. people in power investigates, exposes, and questions from the use and abuse of power around. but the analogy there,
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the watching, i'll just say it up a reminder about some stories this democratic presidential candidate capital house has made a surprise. appearance on the 1st night of the policies convention, sees you to formally accept the parties commendation later in the week. but she took to the stage of monday night to saint joe biden, for his political service by i'm just going to be addressing the convention shortly . police have made a rest stop to protest has breached barricades outside the convention center. on monday, thousands of demonstrations gathered to protest against the war on guns as well as
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other issues us, i agree of state onto the banking, says israel's prime minister has accepted washington's proposal for a cease fire in gaza. has been holding talks and israel thomas spokesman some a 100 and some groups will only agreeing to the previous proposal put forward by president 5 and several months ago. so we're going to take you to chicago and how you guys present. and joe biden is about to address the democratic national convention is doctor, is speaking, are ashley by let us have a quick, doesn't, in any, was just a girl that i could see. and it wasn't just a girl that i could see that he valued and trusted when men, how he listens to his mother, how he believed in his sister. and most of all how he respected my mother's
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career. always they're doing everything he could to be a true partner to her dad. you always tell us, but we don't tell you enough that you are the love of our lives and the life of our loved my wedding reception in my parents back yard. at the time my dad was vice president . but he was also that dad who literally set up the entire reception he was riding around and is john deere for wheeler, fixing the place settings, arranging the plants. and by the way, he was very emotional. i thought that i would be a mess, but he was the one crying,
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and i was the one who had to comfort him. before you walk me down the aisle, he turned to me and said that he would always be my best friends. all these years later, dad, you are still my best friends. example in service inspired my career. i'm a social worker in philadelphia, the formally incarcerated women as they healed from past trauma and they reclaim their lives. natalie told me that i would know better than anybody else, and nobody was better than me. he taught me that everyone deserves a fair shot,
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and that we shouldn't leave any one behind. that's what you learn from a fighter who has been under estimated his entire life. when i look at dad, i see race, strength, and humility. i see one of the most consequential leaders ever in history, the, you know, that he never stops thinking about you. about your dreams about your dignity, about your opportunities about your family. dad knows that family is everything. when a 100 and i lost our brother bow to cancer in 2015, the grief and the pain felt like it might never end. dad had the capacity
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to step out of his own pain and absorb ours. and i know that beau is here with us tonight, as he is always with us. after i got this set to a my wrist, it says courage. dear heart. a reminder to myself, to keep going to get backed up like my dad has always done. he has taught me that a courageous heart is a miraculous thing. a courageous heart can heal a family of courageous heart, can heal a nation. and maybe even the world. now this election requires the rages parts of all of us. in 2020, my dad selected pamela harris to be donald trump,
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and he knows in 2024. she will be donald trump again. the new, if you good with us in 2020 call upon your courageous heart. stand with us today work harder than you have ever worked before in your life. this is the bite of our lifetime, our freedom, our democracy, our re productive rights. all of this, all of it is on the ballot. and i know together we can do this because my dad helps show us the way of the down. i would like to in
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to do my father, your 46 mm . the
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of the
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the my daughter are god love you it's very mark courageous heart. wow hunter and our entire family and especially yeah,
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june the news you still need me.


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