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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  August 21, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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one name is obviously proud also is when we covers the fullest quakes of 2015 at the terrible ment. shoulders. that's the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time the although i'm adrian said again, and this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you'll, we can look at the world of business of the comics this week. people are increasingly moving across the board has to live in flux, that's fine, right? groups on the west of flaming the economic grievances on migrants of what impact. so they actually have on economies known as bang code to the pool. bangladesh is interim leader from the eunice. this task with fixing a troubled economy child,
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the nobel laureate, study of the ship of input gold metal. so now was more of an eval before, but how's the power slip? he had been a source of much needed revenue for fonts, for a drag on it to accommodate the from donald trump's anti integration, the rest of it to the wave of violence that swept across england and build an island. the debates around the impact of integration on local economies is key to help follow right. politicians on the west blame economic grievances on the unprecedented influx of migrants and the mobilizing that supports us to push anti immigration policies in gain power fast. all immigrants to blame for the lack of jobs, stagnant wages in equality, and declining public services, or is it more about failing government policies? we'll discuss that with our guest shortly. but 1st coffee, a lopez called a young reports as far as like total cindy, u. k. have made into national headlines recently week and i think the debate over
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immigration, british prime minister k use tom or describes the power test as far. right. so i agree. what ever the a power motivation? this is not a protest. it is pure bonds. we will not tolerate the tax on marks or i'm islam communities in britain as well as throughout europe, stagnant wages, financial and equality. in general, economic hardship have been linked to the rise of anti immigrant attitudes. is rhetoric that analysts say has been exploited by the floor right in recent days with protesters long lead, blaming migrants for their problems not to do with race or religion. these were yes, i think it's just gotten to a point where the british probably a sick today as the government, prioritizing all the new immigrants coming in the country over their own receipts
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and across europe and the united states. politicians have for here so exploded the topic of immigration to energize their face. when mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. their rape is that was back in 2015. now almost a decade later, former us president donald trump is again campaigning on immigration, promising math deportations. we will see a little harder and we will stop comalla iris invasion without delay. it'll happen immediately. the research shows many countries need migrants to sustain their economies in the us there credited with helping the quicker economic recovery after the cope with 19 pandemic. political messaging, however often focuses elsewhere. both parties are basically trying to kind of its people that you can trust. now you can trust them with your future or you can trust them with your family's future. you can trust it with the future of the country,
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but you definitely cannot trust the other candidate. it is true that migration is soaring and some of us cities and local governments are struggling to cope. immigration courts are overwhelmed and border agents out numbered. and you know, present to be standing up for the normal men and women who study for america 1st. trying to get back to, you know, our american values. analysts say integration has turned into convenience and misguided target with frustrations amplified and communities struggling with low wages and a high cost of living types that happened in, you know, plates and racism is happening. you guys start to see really while managing integration is a legitimate issue, analysts say the clear economic benefits are often ignored. get as be use repeatedly as a tool many say across the political spectrum to steer frustrations to influence votes. and to distract from the government's economic mismanagement. katia,
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a little bit of the yen elders 0 for counting the cost as well the you an estimate . so they were more than 281000000 migrants worldwide in 2020, to 169000000 of whom are workers wealthy countries, particularly seeing a record search in numbers 3300000 people moved to the us last year, canada took in 1900000 immigrants, or brick and welcome to 1200000 people. the ac days of high flows of immigrants into wealthy countries of health strength from jump markets and boost gross america's integration. the surge could grow its economy by 2 percent over the next decade. that's open 7 trillion dollars. economists say the germany needs more than one of the half 1000000 farm workers each year to maintain its labor force. that's because too many people are retiring. and to few on entering the jump market, while japan needs more than a 1000000 foreign workers by 24,
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see if the government that wants to keep its economic growth targets migrants globally cent molden 830 $1000000000.00 back to the families in 2022 in the mexico, china on the philippines, the main beneficiaries from those remittances. joining us not from london, ben brindle, a researcher, the migration observatory at the university of oxford been put to have you with us is the fact of the matter. but as we were hearing that develop nations need emigrants due to the fact that own workforce is that the wind, like thank you very much, depends. so when it comes to skills gaps, there is evidence to suggest that microns collinsville is saying that those skills which are needed. but at the same point it's important to remember there are fixed number of jobs in the economy side of the site. for example, migration was changed to, to make it easy for the engineers to go to a particular country. it's an invoice to respond to that by demanding more
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engineers say the supplies increased, but sites who is the demand and not not sure for will still be bad. and also when, when it comes to aging populations and it's not some pre, it's just about having more people in a particular countries, but really get the cost of it. the problem with aging populations is a financial problem. and so when it comes to migration, it really gets to being part of the, the onset to an aging population. it's about having migrants have made a net positive contribution. so what impact to immigrants have on economy's world? why we, we were here just a few moments ago that, that, that, that, it's, it's overall positive, isn't it? it's a positive impact, but they have all these economies. it very much depends on where we're talking about in the wells. and my folks is sort of on the, on the occasions when we think about western countries, generally the impacts of quite small. and you know that this notice of single correct estimate an actually think is really important. it's, it's actually the, the question of you know,
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who are the markets that are going to particular countries. so i won't have mine, i'm going to unemployment. and particularly those are in high paying jobs. tend to have a positive impact on the company that, that, that there ends by contrast, migrant. c, a not an employment. and we'll say those who have children because children tend not to what, but doing kind of education spending. those groups will have a unless supposed to impact. so the composition is variety. kids wants to read that question, but all people right to blame the economic grievances on the influx of migrant so, or is it more to do with, with failing government policy based. very pos depends on, on what way you know, talking about as to what research evidence for what actually shows. and it's a sense that the wage unemployment, such as being done, suggest as any, a small impact. on the other hand, with things like housing. and there are indications, but my friends put additional pressure on rental prices and these that some
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somebody we suspect in the case, but it costs at the same point. it's going to determine the immigration policy and migration doesn't just happen in a vacuum. it's also about what's happening in, in different policy areas as well. the sites with housing might increase migration but increase the pressure mental prices. but that's in a context where the housing stuff isn't really growing as a very much depends, you know, just the migration, but also what's happening elsewhere to been before we had a couple of questions about the, about the us. what are we to make of, of, of how much the us needs integrates? i suppose it's all about the right kind of in addition to that, how qualified they are to contribute to the american economy. yes, i should say, i'm not an expert in us policy. but again, i think the fragments does come down to the composition as decisive. what margaret is study migrants, those that i tend to create more benefits. no policies that restricts which east
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flies are, those types of people will have a more negative impact in policies which restricts or reduced by as of say, family libraries or refugees. yet once again, it's about the composition and the role and just migration. i roll out of course a we, we, we have to, to make a distinction between those who are economic undergrads. of those who are refugees, countries like britain have a legal obligation to take in people who are fleeting for their lives. yes, on the 1951, a convention. countries have an obligation to say that to ground floor to at least look at the claims of people who take the board as you know, the st pointing out. there's been lots of controversy in the, in the cable. they companies have to look at these plans. the other areas, i guess,
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isn't this a bit more leeway in terms of the policies, so to speak. so quite generally obviously things bit box between different countries and really good structure on counts and the cost manufacturing date for being with us. thank you. a nobel laureate, widely respected economist and micro finance pioneer mohammed eunice, has been credited with lifting millions of people in bangladesh, also of poverty fuel. now have to prove that he's the right man to bring economic and political stability explanation. eunice, what's the choice? a student protest us who asked to perform the private as to shake has seen a among the challenges facing him as the head of the interim government joblessness of the high cost of living. many experts say that his experience an international reputation could help him with the job ahead. i'll just say it was for on a couple draws up reports. it's it's a new stage for the bangladesh with a new outlook and a new interim government. now much of the focus is on how the chief advisor
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mohammed eunice, will manage the challenges we have to protect this freedom, not just protect it. we have to ensure that it reaches every single household. otherwise the freedom will have no meaning. the student protests forced bangladesh prime minister, shake. assume that to quit and leave the country with khaki fuels like tough because on the conditions in his once the worlds fastest growing economy demonstrations grew and so did grievances i mother named jonathan. we won bung with there's to be a country where there is peace and do for me. states institutions have very important. at one point, fund with dish was held as an economic miracle, celebrated for lifting millions of people out of poverty. mostly through work in the government industry. but over time, i've seen this economic model would be criticized targeted for promoting low wages that made it increasingly difficult for workers to make ends meet. the monthly
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salary for a government worker in 2023, averaged about a $115.00. that's off. the government increased the minimum wage by 56 percent. the recent on breast has closed new economic terminals during the post test factory coast and lots and lots of money out of work sitting at home. he was skid. we're poor and dependent on daily wages and over time. if we sit back home, how can we provide for our families? the head of the can take a government is a nobel laureate, economist, i'm back of eunice was awarded the nobel peace prize in 2006, but his efforts to bring millions of people out of poverty through microphones. now, many a wondering if he can, i'm due yes, of autocratic rule and address the countries in the quantities protest as say the previous system benefits and supporters of i've seen as
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a one me league who are among the elite side exceptions. we want a conflict free bangladesh, we know allow me, league know, bang, the disc, nationalist policy at no other political parties can abuse power. i want to forget the past and move on. the dash is facing on childhood political territory. it may be in it's so close the 2nd de dependents, but it's still facing political instability and tough economic conditions. veronica pedroza al jazeera for counting the cost a. well, here's a look at the states of bangladesh is $450000000000.00 economy. the salvation of nations. gdp grew by almost 6 percent last year. the tech side industry is one of the biggest drivers of that growth of the country. more than $46000000000.00 a year bought their owns it off well paid jobs for its young people. unemployment among people between 15 and 24 was at almost 16 percent in 20. 23. wanted flash and
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was wanting a penny 10 percent rising food and commodity prices in particular. are a major concern for many people in bangladesh which has high poverty income. and of course he rates joining us not from duck in bangladesh. so he brought home who is a professor of economics at the university of co. good to have you with a set professor. 6 percent growth is, is not a bad figure, a tool. okay? you booked 10 percent inflation, but that's indicative i suppose of a growing economy. if you professor what advising? well, how many units would you be sending him to stops? uh, were you having a difficult situation by others and you are right that there was such a sofa? no, such a stories of the economy performed this. but then what really happened, because we had to be, you know, almost a good gauge of a higher economy cult reduction boulevard team. but then, you know, everything went at all. i think we started students drinking drinking with the go,
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the guns a shock. and then there are several other shots, so actually been bought and then several other things i can. busy if i really want to advise the government, i really know austin to look at somebody immediate issues. at this moment. we are facing law and order situation. this is price is there used to be stored on this and gone order. sushi is restored. that normally finally got to be decent, but resume. so this is a big challenge. now. i also, i do the economy such as like we had in the past, it was really covering the solve the structure weakness and the phone especially, you know, that we of, we are facing nor have a new generation bottle. this is of all the countries we having list steps to the position that we're having a serious problems in the banking center, especially a freshman financial sector, the products of corruption, easter,
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so weakness and public expenditure and never be getting frustrating budgets. those worked on as make approaches, and there are huge integration, soft, produce thinking activities, century, now those that make a project. so the economic subsystem model actually do not was lucky to substrate. and you don't develop really good carbs and explore such this. but the same time uh, you know, the big split busted was start that was defined as the huge the cost of treated the cops. so this country no need to, especially to government need to i to resolve the damage. if dr. stephan entrance is targeting park country nutrition, but at the same time to meet to lay the foundation for the structural reforms in the taxes. and so during the banking sector, way towards the whole conduct was fedex for busted, reduce corruption, and promote more abuse additional impressions. thinking public expenditure, okay, he's a huge task list, but i think this is something the company uses the,
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the process which brought down to shake has seen a government where, where, driven launch the biased you. how does mohammed uses a tackle youth unemployment? how does he get young people? mohammed eunice, how does he get young people back to work in order to get this really good into use back to their job, especially not to start on the job, but the decent job drive is 16 bits that need to be picked up and nothing. the dollars to get investment, but also the funding investment and the country as they've been substituting. i've tried doing varsity before and good investment, a sort of primary task, beef all to get the investor's confidence back up to reduce the cost of the business best subject investment and all the other values, both policy level. let me say that here's a structure link. this is so the primary, the best that is promoted and it'll give you and the other you can call me. they actually get like kind of jump do anything for if mohammed eunice tacos,
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all of the issues that the, that you talk about on it. and it's a big job to do all of that. what are the prospects for banks investors economy? i see the country has the men's footage and the see the country of this, like maybe maybe they just bought. this is the kind of 2nd largest exposure in the option, even gardners. and that shows that the country has used furniture that countries a lot of the substance stories. you can course definitely lose the spot for getting the ball and also the coffee as a huge, you mentioned that the other countries in joining that's one of the demographic, deleted phases of different, different. so i think what the countries you need to use the right front of quantities, quantities of development, right? kind of becoming policies in place as body boston p. how responses i think we manage it. because the see just gas in terms though when it comes to having the policy started making things are going to be invalid is really good structure,
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professor manufacturers and for being with us on counting the cost. thank you. bye . it's to will talk next about the economic impact of the ellipse, but 1st a brief round up of what else is making news. this week, us credit racing agency, fit shows, downgraded israel on notch sites in the wall on concept the agency. lo it as well as raging from a plus to a and kept the negative outlook on the countries credit. it's decision highlights the financial total of a conflict and indicates another downgrade may happen in the future. but is rails finance minister as a level smotts rich says that the country's economy remains strong, is gone. a africa's leading gold producer has opened its 1st commercial gold refinery. it's being held as the start of a new era that will allow god to increase its national earnings. the factory opened to the capital across. earlier this month, it combines public and private partnerships between an indian company and gone to central bank, which holds a 20 percent stake in the business. the month of august has
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a reputation for being one of the most dangerous months in the financial calendar. that's not based on anything scientific, but it's enough to keep people on the edge. like most people talk, financial plans usually take best summer breaks in august, leaving the deputies in charge. historically crises of, of the gun in late summer, which is one of the recent market crash earlier this month. the set alarm bells ringing in the u. k. the pound has suffered for the evaluations in the past 100 years. and 3 of them have taken place in september. in every case, the writing was on the wall in august, in the us, the as a some prime mortgage and banking crisis, but kicked off in august 2007. given the uncertainty bank, stop lending to each other and credit flows dried up well beyond the u. s. leading to wants to become known as the financial crisis. and it's very much should happen in august. the stock market trading volumes tend to be life. but if the month stops . com, it tends to stay that way,
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but bad things of repeatedly happened in august of when they do. they can have profound consequences. now the things to watch and posting the lympics is usually an extraordinary feat. but despite all the excitement surrounding the games that come with a high cost so much so that the international olympic committee is fine to get hotter to lock in locations for future olympiads. this is a lympics and power olympics are estimated to have cost fronts, really $10000000000.00 that's less expensive than previous competitions in london, rio and tokyo. but despite that, many people are wondering where the hosting them is worth $1000000000.00 price tax . well, the bank of fonts explanations economy may have received a boost from the parents to lead picks. in the 3rd quarter of the year, the economic benefits were launched, a driven by ticket sales and tv rights, while tourism related sales. so a 25 percent increase year on the meanwhile, gold medals of fishy as games. it was nearly $900.00 each. the metals contained 6
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grams of gold, the price of which increased to a records in mid july. joining us now from london is for the bulk of sports analyst and olympic historian. good to have you with us for that. what do you make up the, the powers olympics and the bank of front says that the economy has received something of a boost. do you agree with that? so? well the think it seemed to suggest that you, they certainly put out the prices of the hotels and most people will guy in the paris with seizing with people visiting the shops, the arcades, the restaurants, and so full. and even the, the price is only on the ground and the taxi pads were bump top club. so there was a little bit of increase certainly that. but to, you know, the costs of the olympics is always being a problem ever since they revised them to them of nearby, in 1996. and the greeks actually had real financial problems then. and they had to
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get the but never been able to local businessman to underwrite in time cost of renovating that stadium. so it's is nothing new phenomena, but suddenly that all benefits for virus and one of which is the actual perception of the city. a lot of people came away with a completely changed perception of how of thursday as well, because they well being welcoming the police were welcoming everybody around, gave a good image. and that's the sort of intangible legacy that to over the years, some powers may well. um, find has an ongoing benefits as most people want to visit the city, paris games cost less than the they pads in, in london, and in rio. how, how did france pull that off to fix as well, but not building nearly as much as they did and build a new aquatic center and spend a lot, a lot of the cost when so on, the olympic village, which they say is getting to be used for housing,
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i also have parks and so on and so forth. they actually converted an old factory into the main dining room at the village. this gives you basically when it was heightens. so that adds to the costs, then you have well, 45000000. as of june of $45000.00 secuity stops, and that's not to bump up the the figure out but to the place seemed to be everywhere in the city. it did feel safe, but of course all this comes at a cost and someone ultimately has to pay that costs. as you say, paris, going to pay all boost that will continue to bring in taurus and revenue for the down the line. but can you understand the reticence, perhaps, of, of other countries wanting talk to the other city is wanting to host the games given the cost of that they might not be as desirable to visit those places such as love to paris, sidney, tokyo. you can certainly understand the reticence, and this is why the international olympic committee,
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who of the supreme authority of the games they introduced about 10 years ago. i wrote in that cold agenda 2020, which state claim revolutionized candidate procedure for the olympics. and in that was the games would be fully aligned with the priority of future host, with a new flexible approach. and they tried this bass fruits and these while appreciation and shaping bidding process in a way that benefits the whole city. now whether that leads to a more transparent bidding process, and the nice to be seemed, it seems to be that the ios, the targeting the cities they want and the cities that they will, they can get something from staging the games. but it's very much now on the porch, and there is a danger that you let me get ahead a select group of cities able to stage the gains in future because of the costs, no matter what i say about with use existing facilities and the level of facilities
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that are expected is it still? i was really high in terms of the costs and even the of being 70, you're talking in millions of millions to actually stage the opening so many now which i'm so there are lots of zeros being added to the cost at any given gains, no matter what they do so fewer and fewer countries, i think all going to be add to what site. yes, we can become an olympic coast. good to talk to you for that. thanks for being with us on counting the cost. thank you. and that's our show for this week. if you'd like to comment on anything that you've seen, i'm at a sending an on x, please use the hash tag h i c t c. or you could drop us a line, comes with the cost of out, is there a don't net as an e mail address? as always, there's plenty more few online at alpha 0 dot com slash ctc. that takes you straight to a page. and then you'll find individual reports, links, an entire programs for you to catch up. but that's it for this edition accounts and
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the cost i made for you instead of going from the team here though, have thanks for being with us. the news on al jazeera is next once himself coerced into toiling on the coffee plantations under intolerable conditions. a brazilian advocate for workers rights which as life on the line by taking on powerful land owners in the hope of cracking down on modern slavery the, the human costs of coffee, a witness documentary on a jersey to the cloud of new p. o. lulus ever present. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what is this is the beginning of the end of life? as we know from the horrors of recent history to the rising card threat. football
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clips maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have functionality or failure to keep him out of the safe. is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on that which is 0. 1 day i might be covering politics or am i 0 by post to think from serbia into a hungry? what's most important to me is talking to people, understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing of the
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us secretary of states on sunday, blinking says the us projects a long time as brady occupation of gauze. as the rob saw another trip to the region to push for us. these 5 view spots on the ground from still talk at the strips, killing at least 9 palestinians. awesome all kits in garza. the color on the thought of height of this is all to 0 live a from the whole. so coming up they to the democratic national convention via bomb is, are expected to address the crowns and make the case for a common law. harris presidency. the walls.


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