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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 22, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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on restoration, this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the . ready the hello, i'm still rob and you want to be able to see it renews online for my headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes. no into israel is on slows in the gaza strip mold and 22 people are killed in the late to strike day 3 of the democratic national convention wraps up with 10 walls, accepting the vice presidential nomination, involving to defeat donald trump and j. d values. ukrainian forces continue that
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pushing to cuz most goes, says it's building up defenses in the russian region and slugs in nigeria till more than a 100 people and falls hundreds of thousands from that homes and sold has coach. and so my gut is set to continue the child's 6 year up over 15 pads were excluded from training as the london side to pass for the your conference call at 5 the, it's 10 gym tables into the news i. we started seeing dollars. why is riley strikes continue to pound highly populated areas across the strip? the north has been halted, particularly within the last 24 hours. and this despite see spot adult supposed to be scheduled to resume in cairo in the next couple of days. at least 22 palestinians were killed on thursday in the northern battle here area was before
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the emergency crew, such as the volume was fumbling and not the strength that killed at least 11 in central garza 15 people were killed and data bella. and that came, as this really falls, this stuff up, the tax and the eastern part of the city pushing deeper into residential areas. widespread evacuations over again underway from central to southern gaza. israel has told more than a 150000 palestinians to move most of the websites to go. alex bed begins on coverage. no wrist ends, no end in size. tens of thousands of displaced, palestinians flee once again from areas they would told, would be safe. most of facing the same di lima. there is no way left to go and to no guarantee of safety. this is more merciful in this country. we were displaced 20 times. i swear to god or houses and tents were struck. they do not want us to
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live. oh god, they don't even want us to enjoy our life. the people are dying and there's wounded everywhere. the people do not know where to go. even alma wattsey is not safe. we don't know where to go to the sea. or where death is more merciful is rarely expands its ground operations from south to central garza, its told civilians to leave. those evacuation orders cover some of the most densely populated areas and strip in the are all above and 100. this place to tell us citizens carry what little they have list. some have vehicles of this don't tease, but most a fleeing on foot matter the we haven't been able to sleep for 3 days. wherever you go, there is bombing, this is the 7th time i've been displaced, we've had enough to find a solution. we can't bear this any longer to cams like this and they're all by a way, many of forced to find shelter. only 9 percent of the strip is still designated by
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the is rarely military is safe and that number is deadly decreasing month by month . so you look at them. when look at the bill, there is no safe place. they strike everywhere at 6 o'clock in the morning, there were times shells folding on us in the east of the buff while we were speaking with a bunch of landed directly on people's heads. this morning they landed directory of, of people's heads. i'd like someone to tell me where are people supposed to go, whereas if people go, we've had enough enough, de, the united nation sees at least 90 percent of guys. this population has been displaced at least once since the beginning of the war and october. and so most palestinians and gas, and now this is the only constant alex bid l g 0. so is there a target? capitalism isn't goal is, is the bella and brings us the latest on. those is rarely strikes. the is really ministry has cost a new displacement for this, for the residents of their risk by law. as a result,
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families start to go for areas that could be a way from the bottom and they are, he think right now to the western side of gathers by that that is close to the beach. now we can see the families are looking for an antique piece of land in order to set the make shift 10 so that they come to this piece of land despite the full so so much in terms of the humanitarian basic business, which is kind of humanitarian resources including the benefits of medical facilities for the new to the are just looking for any place that could be a waste from the abutment and from the attack in order to survive alone with the family members. are factions that caused with the clinic shop with the basic items in order to survive with because they had been pulling the old as a bit is very me. since then, one of the fighting and know anything up to that in that area. that is very drastic in terms of the humanitarian situation and they are forced to cope with the situation um to sit by despite all of these challenges unfolding them. you
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know, the us president, right? by then vice president capital harris says, how the coal with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu head of sci fi, told, due to resume in cairo by dentist said, tod stress, the urgency of reaching an agreement that follows the visit by the secretary of state on to the blinking is read egypt tassel. acosta gain support. full of that deal has eco haines has moved from washington dc. and we know that you as president joe biden, along with vice president cala harris spoke to these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu buys in the phone today. and the read out, they say that they talked about the us efforts to defend israel from around and its allies in the region. the same time the pentagon announced with us to us as abraham lincoln, carrier strike group has arrived in the central command area of responsibility. that would be the 2nd us carrier strike group in that region. they also talked
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about, according to the read out, the new urgency of bringing the cease fire and hostage deal to closure and discuss upcoming talks in cairo to remove any remaining obstacles. that's a quote from the read out. but what exactly are those obstacles? we know that the is really the prime minister's office said and disputed it is really television report that israel had agreed to remove its troops from the philadelphia quarter. that crucial stretch of land between garza and egypt. that is so necessary to get you manage. hearing aid and her boss wants to see every is really soldier. withdraw from the strip to where exactly does the us stand? well, they haven't really set exactly what they want to see happen there when it comes to as really troops. the only thing we've heard from the sector state entity blinking is that they don't want to see israel have a long term presence in gaza. so they're talking again at the highest levels about getting the ceasefire. well, whether the us president is willing use any of his leverage to try and make that
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happen, still still unclear to go home. i'll just 0 washington. of israel's military presence in garza has been a major sticking points in the seats. thoughts as patty just said, the mos in egypt have consistently rejected, as well as demand to control 2 key colorado holes in the strip. now israel 6 to maintain a military presence in an area it calm down when the will began, which cuts off northern garza from the south. it's known as that net setting. colorado is where it also wants to can troll what's continued control of the fulton columbia. to buffalo site between egypt and conser, known as the philadelphia, colorado, as well, manage the area, controlling the movement of good some people until it withdrew its full session calls in 2005. and since any gibson falls, they've taken over petroleum duties. but israel still inspects all of the deliveries into the talent train, both egypt and her mouse strongly oppose israel's control over the college all
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because it would effectively sever the gauze and strips only the land connection with egypt say, and how do you think is a full but addiction, assistant foreign minister and a former boss of the joins us from kyra. mr. heavy, the good to have you with us on the program. we spoke 148 hours ago, i think. and what has to say the shuttle diplomacy continued and does continue? yeah, that seems to be no break though. the us continue to insinuate there is a deal, a deal to be done. the deal is on the table. it's all very confusing for those looking in and wondering what's happening with these sees find the good she ations when in fact there is a deed on the table and we are waiting for the technical deems negotiating the details of the implementation of this deal and press the button on the 1st organist in agreement on the need. but the difference is in to
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opinion and remain our center around details about $66.00 sequencing of the measures that had to be taken. the, the list of names of the, a postilion, bethany's, and prisoners. the sort of course, the cubic feet present, those entities would be to use the how long, how, how long the, the temporary, the ceasefire would last at. so there are some of this i could even definitely between the is that 8 is and the how most people. but uh we believe that these differences are out of bridge on. so we are waiting for the next 48 hours to see whether the technical themes negotiating the details will succeed in banking and to fruition and being able to finish line this equity. we also continue to hear that that's in the all who is always being blame for continually changing
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the goal tires and sort of the us influence on him is either non existent, all that complicity in his obstructions. i mean, what's your opinion about this? should the shifting sands when it comes to nothing, you know, his position a mr. the allies is that the united states, the american administration in the midst of the americans presidential at elections . and he understands pretty well the american how the american system works. so he is making the most out of it in order to score gains at was his own incorporations and business. and as a matter of fact, the statements that come out either of his office or the statements he makes are either uh for these so far right extreme is elements in his and who in go and it should. but at the end of the day,
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i will have to lead to this agreement is a, is using, is this losing economic, the financially and the force and so, so the 1st thing is people are the device to hand people to suffering. so i guess it's in the interest of everyone right now to see of this, this disagreement. what happens next step remains to be seen, but we cannot pull in the future. we cannot holding the present that hostage to the future. now this has many of us really know what is going to happen in the coming days all week. so whether we will see another round of diplomacy for me, the breton, the good. anthony blink to william bod. used to expect these american diplomats to come back into the region again and continue this push. uh oh, do you think things might get settled in cairo in the next few days as well? we, we, we will hold that in the next 20 in the next 48 hours or this week before uh,
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the best fee. gotcha. so and then we hope that the uh, negotiating teams could reach an agreement by providing that to, i guess, uh, the, the american administration would keep pushing for, for the, for 2 reasons. the 1st one uh, of course, the binding and the station. and that mr. and mrs. coming to hottest needs is the spot id met the place and, and, and does a in order to sign in to the american public opinion that whereas the united states has provided security. what they food, i'm glad security on wherever eng. fine on that security isn't so much to be, i'm really kind of mistaken because of the ceasefire agreement on the, on, on the other hand, the united states is the, uh, the, or the united states. let me put it this way. the united states face that this
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agreement is not reach, that was open the door for the anybody ation on the part of the, you know, and here's my love again, is the assessing nature of my set for actual cra on the one hand and miss that is my, you honey, on the other hand, and so the united states is really worried about the uh, the, the, the risk of it may insure adhesion on his that ation in the movies. we will have to of course, wait to see what does happen for the moment jose and her id joining us from. kyra. thank you, sir. thank you, sir. of the crew members of a greek disliked oil time to have been rescued by european union naval vessel. they'd abandon the vessel when it was a tiny, delphi evans correspond, suspected who the fault is. the policeman, a trace, as the time was traveling through the red sea, from rock to athens, when it was repeatedly hit by missiles or trains on wednesday. not a huge thieves have been attacking ships in support of palestinians and garza, the group has don't claim responsibility for this incidents or at least 3
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palestinians have been killed during this. by the way it is known. combined westbank is really mostly vehicles, blocked roads in and out of the till the time refugee can. a mazda is military wing . the custom brigades has posted video shipping. its fines is finding it is by the troops. dozens of buildings were destroyed during the 8th hour in cash, and at least one is right, the soldier was injured. let's go. the very latest without correspond it into the head for him whose life was in till coming the occupied west bank. uh, just because up to speed on what we think happens, i need a well, let's just start by saying that it's been now 12 hours since these really rates started to the point cutting the refugee camp here behind me. and we've hearing from time to time. sounds of explosives and gunfire. we've been also speaking to people inside the refugee camp who say that these really army has set fire to some of the homes inside. we were talking to the people as they were trying to put off the fire, as they're telling us that the civil defense themes are not allowed to go in and to
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put all suppliers we did indeed. so some of the smoke coming out from the a homes that you're looking at right now, and we're seeing from time to time, these really me, this reduce the inside this area, basically blocking life as a people try to go through the work as people try to go to schools and we're talking about to cut in an area that has been hit hardley by these way. new ways, if we just take home demolitions, we're talking about 90 homes that have been destroyed by the is read the armies military operations since the war started. now we are also talking about doing freeze in the use of aerial strikes by these really are me. that's left 3 palestinians, it's least that this morning and we've been here just a couple of weeks ago, reporting on. yes. another is where the air story doesn't service the updates close
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will defend and follow events with you from took them as the day progresses. thank you. the thanks where you'll be democratic national convention is wrapped up in the city of chicago, vice presidential nominee to malls told democrats, it was the on the of his life as they accepted his policies nomination. he's described how his upbringing and a small town and career as a teacher and a football coach shaped as like a white house correspondent, company how it gets, has moved from chicago, minnesota governor to walls or coaches, so many call him when to the office on wednesday as he formerly accepted the democratic parties, nomination, the honor of my life, to accept your nomination or vice president of the united. in his speech full of sports references was shared. his background is a school teacher and football coach before becoming
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a member of congress. and later, minnesota governor, a political record is proud of other states are banning books from their schools. we were banishing hunger from ours walls to voters whose vision of freedom is a stark contrast from his republican opponents. when we democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love, the your kids. freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot. the media tycoon, oprah winfrey also frame november's election as a flight for freedom. freedom isn't free. i'm there. 6 is an ongoing project, it requires commitment. it requires the open to the hard work and the heart
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work of democracy. it's where the president bill clinton told the crowd republican challenger, donald trump, is too selfish to care about. clinton urge voters to support the harris walls ticket. what is your opponent do with his voice? he mostly talks about himself a lot. so the next time you here and don't count the laws count, the couple of harris are personally watched the 3rd night of the democratic national convention from her hotel room in chicago. well, working on her own acceptance speech, she'll deliver it on thursday. what she formerly accepts her parties nomination for president. kimberly help it, alex 0. chicago will force the day in chicago. demonstrations will be held against us, of thoughtful israel and its full on garza protest is on cooling on democratic meet
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us to help themselves to israel. gabriel, as on the report, so from the as the chance of resistance as hundreds of protesters for the 3rd straight day calling on the democratic party to listen to the voices demanding in the israel's genocide in gaza. i went to one sees fire. now, in the genocide vista, earlier in the day at a press conference, democratic party loyalists with a message to come over harris, that's our message to vice president harris. thoughts and prayers are not enough. we need meaningful policy change. we need his immediate and permanent ceasefire and un arms and bar go, which means not one more bomb will be provided from the united states to kill children and families in gaza. view democratic party leaders openly support and
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arms embargo against israel. many won't even talk about it and that party activists say, needs to change. there might be some folks in the party leadership were afraid to have this conversation. but, but, but members of the party are not afraid to have this conversation. the rank and file members of the d n. c are not afraid to have this conversation and they're not afraid to advocate on behalf and an emptiness out there to with us, to, to fight for a cease fire and to fight for and opposite bar go. representative e line omar said it should not be difficult for the us in the carnage. so if you really want to add a ceasefire, you just stop sending the weapons. it is that similar, right? for protesters, it's about keeping up the pressure on the democratic party to in the genocide and also have arms. sales is real. another big protest is planned for thursday, gabriel's on don't. how do you see the chicago republican presidential candidate adults? i'm puzzled as 1st donald o'reilly's and see was talked in, in
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a sense nation attempt. trump slick behind protective glass shelves in the event in north carolina. extra security measures, including sniper teams were deployed. trump used his appearance to accuse the by the administration of manipulating job statistics of the ukrainian full states say they've lost and strikes on russian military positions under the equipment as part of an offensive in the cask region. the ukrainian apples release the city saying it shows the attacks in bush koval, the apples, tremendous as civilians but evacuated the full, the city was targeted. rational pharmacies are installing concrete shelters in the region. now, ukraine's incursion into russia begun 2 weeks ago. it's full saves of slowed their advance and the pay to be digging in while cutting off
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a russian counter offensive correspondence. and the region of the light is always good. top listed in key, but 1st that speak with dosage of all right, who's in task? and also you want to displacement center and obviously people that very concerned about what's going on, what are they saying to you as well. so how, where in a private boxing facility that's been turned into a mixture of shelter. we spoke to the owner or just a short while ago who explained that he decided to turn his box and caused into a facility for the displace as soon as the incursion took place on august 6th, i'm just going to show you where people are calling home these days, this walks in studio is now home to just over 50 people that have fled to the fight . and the incursion by you created for assistance august 6th. many of them will be speaking to say they don't feel comfortable speaking on camera,
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that they're very upset since stress and worried about the future of their lives because they had to leave their homes and everything they had behind it very quickly. and suddenly that's what is clear is that the sentiment is the same, the water where we go in and how many people we talk to. they still say that they don't believe this has happened inside russia, and they don't understand why many of the facilities such as this one have medical attention on hand. there is a nurse at a doctor here as well at to attend to the factories and any medical needs that they may have. what is important to highlight now is that there is no clear understanding of a timeline when and if these people would ever be able to return home. this is now a new reality for the school to be russian population who live along the border with ukraine. because their credit has says that they are trying to establish a buffer zone, and these people are now the casualties of that in those. so thanks so much for the
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update that dosage borrowing cost for is that still save that? now, to keep the wireless good topless as standing by for us alex, the ukranian president made a surprise visit. didn't thing today. of the yes he did. so the president zelinski appeared in the border region of so me see me is right next to cross can was use is the staging point. the jump single points, if you will, full, the cost defensive commitment to mount does the praise them, praise them for the great job that he says they've done. also especially a special praise reserved for is commander in chief serious key as well as his get told him that and another supplement within course had been taken so ukrainians are expanding the footprint slowly but surely inside washer itself. obviously the flight thing is increased the intensity is increased as the russians have brought
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in unit of the unit of the unit to try and hold back ukraine in advance. but so for president zaleski seems very happy with what has been achieved so far in such a short space of time as well as being 2 weeks. and he feels that this has been a great success, and alex is not discussed that we should be focusing on should be, that'd be another time across russia to a very much so. so this is part of ukraine's long range strikes strategy. but to several fold, it's partly to target at bases like they did in full grad target, a defensive, but also to targets rushes industrial capacity to be able to wage for that means it's trucking oil refineries, striking picture, chemical plugs and searching out and trying to destroy each one of these nodes the russian needs, this is absolutely vital to needs to be able to provide the right equipment, petrol, the, the, the fuel, the munition, you name it,
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to be able to fight industrial level on this scale and the ukrainians are reaching out further and further, further, just yesterday, are you printing and drove or shot down in the mood months reach of this is a close the region off of the all 6 circle, normally reserved for the northern fleets. been july, they hit the base, the they being the ukrainians. a drug trouble, 1800 kilometers and destroyed a triple live supersonic boma on the tarmac. they're high up in the office circle. so you cranes reaching extending all the time and it's on top of that for us in key . thank you. well, still head here on the outside when use our goals as last generation, as well as will force us thousands of students to miss school for the entire plus and b as to cool to rule on workplace safety after the raven killing of a training dump that spawns nationwide protests and other quotes us to purchase full baseballs biggest style that's go read coming up in schools.
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the holloway have something of a north south divide and the weather across here are pat the moment. lots of time and right piling. it's in the past. a little more like olsen but summer continues further south like a high pressure in charges like a bit of warm sunshine target. personalized deposit up towards the north and the west. that means some wet and some very windy weather. podding for a go full swings for time through the course of thursdays is very heavy. right. makes its way and particularly across swells west and positive. england. we think a little as it makes his wife the race was to see the west to whether we're actually coming back into scandinavia with a waiting in the wings that will probably to on and for the last a positive into friday, the restrictions its way across. i have, it was the politics by the south because the temperature is 23 that are invalid and
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i didn't 0 it into this uh, tooth by the south. and a spelling does actually pick up a 29, a possibilities here on friday. more wet and windy weather coming in across northern paths through the u. k. pushing across into scandinavia for the south. as you can say, lots of warm sunshine around yvette warm sunshine stretches of molten pots of advocate that will be lifted dustin sauce sand just around this. a hot well heavy rain coming into. i know the pos of nigeria pushing further west at the beginning of class. so for friday, as the 10s of thousands of children were born in to, well lived under the ice old regime in iraq and syria. now many are in can either role funds or with the, with the mothers rejected by their own communities. she thinks that people are going to welcome them after that. of course, not an any award winning documentary. here's that shooting and traumatic story. the
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children throw stones at me erects last generation on al jazeera. viewing the facts, people with disabilities, they are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless for asking questions. why couldn't you know that number right now? what is the issue that reporting from the actions best feelings? and you can also can have the worst out to see it was teens across the world within the local news. i didn't like from documentary when you closer to the house of the story in the the
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book about you watching else that renews with me. so robin, the reminder on top stories, he's very strong, so talk, good, heavy lead populates, the areas in northern gone. so at least $22.00 palestinians were killed in the tackle. the state funerals are being held in con eunice de 3 of the democratic national convention is wrapped up in chicago. vice presidential candidates and walls accepted his policies. nomination, couple of harris essential to accept the presidential nomination on the state. and at least 3 palestinians have been killed during this, right. the right and they all complied. westbank is right in the military vehicles, blocked roads in and out of the total crime, refugee camp a so just baffled palestinians fighters, students in garza and facing uncertainty as then you could demick yeah. begins, they've missed classes, but any 12 months now because of attacks by israel's military that have damaged or
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destroyed all universities and schools. despite those challenges, some students attending online to online learning, possibly as being a black lab reports show here is one of the 88000 university students in gaza, whose education has been put on hold for more than 10 months. the computer engineer student has gone from learning classrooms to studying on her phone and the piles of rubble a little from the side of it. and i was suppose to finish in the 3rd year and then move to the 4th. but because of what happened, i have to re study the 3rd to year from the beginning. we lost a whole year. not only me, but also other students. as our university was destroyed along with all its branches, is really air strikes have targeted universities and schools across the strip since the beginning of the war, which hits campus and ruins. this makes your study space and fun. unice has become an escape for many. but her mother says getting there is risky. and the last i live
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in the island, so i missed the bonds. we've come to this place where there's a destroyed house in order to get an internet connection. so we can call people download lectures and communicate with professors, but the internet is still weak and we communicate with difficulty. every step is dangerous and difficult not is really a tax on academic institutions have killed professors and students and for sure had they've not only shattered buildings, but also hopes and communities. no said right, but in our simplest dream is to have a normal life again and live like others are basic, right? is such a cation, this is an earned right for everyone. but for us now, it's a dream to return to work universities that are in our classroom. so your professor, attend our lessons, meet with our friends and classmates. now we do not know anything about anyone.
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israel destruction of the education sector in goza is threatening the future. as many students you charge remains determined to continue her education with what resources she can find. lena, all the all clear as 0. the flooding in nigeria has killed multiple 100 people in the knowles. hundreds of thousands of people have been falls from the homes, tens of thousands of heck tubs of farmland have also being effected, houses washed away. people in several areas in jiggle all stays, all completely cut off. small stones and heavy rains were expected. in the coming days, the best joint evidence result correspondents using guns, indigo, all state the situation looks die away. you are an executive to handle and it's getting worse and worse when we weren't here early this morning. the water level wasn't this much, but it's continues to rise and that it's more focused operating like you said in the introduction in the air and probably this will get worse. we spoke to the low
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code chief earlier this morning. i need to one does that. he hasn't seen anything like this. and officials are saying that this is not even the pico 3. this is a remote control or something over here. so health and one and a half meters or 2 meters down here, is applied to the field on the outskirts of the town of denser and the east is underwater and it's purchased for miles or kilometers from here. i am on the other side is the buildings or the homes and businesses that have been updated by this flood. uh, more than 3000 people have been displaced in guns at down. and when the rains come in, torres in september is expected to get worse. of course, you know, with a whole lot water behind you and that one does what sort of help the victims are guessing really by some states that some charities or
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what, what basically um, when it might just manage middle fish on here or does that they are trying as much as they can to deliver food items to these people. and those who have been displaced have been moved to high schools that are not sure to shop private schools . i've taken to school that i've now closed for the vacation. but again, what happens after the schools review, then they have to move out these people and it meets because a lot of people here are living in this crumbs conditions. it's not even possible for them to acquire an immediate accommodation. so what we understand is that back giving them some for some, some formal aging terms of match why they sleep on some food items. but again, so i know that many of the community is viewing why we are now. that has been completely cut off and nobody has gone there yet. and officers not saying that this is expected to get worse as of today's come, yeah, we'll continue to monitor what happens that with you into a gloss states. thanks so much edit address that for us in nigeria,
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not it'd be as tough investigative agency is missing. it's 1st findings on the right of a training don't to, to the countries highest quotes. the incident spot nationwide protests and strikes by health coworkers, the supreme court, to set up a national test full led by adult does to recommend safety measures for medical professionals. will the 31 year old training don't do his rights imbedded inside a state run the hospital in the eastern city of cold cutter in west bengal. lodge crowds of demonstrators have since been gathering every day demanding justice for the victim. a police volunteer has been charged with the crime. so let's take a look at some of the specifics on sexual assaults in india, in 2012. the gang raping the of a 22 year old in daily shop to the nation. this case, known as that nearby
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a case became a turning point. the incident led to major legal reforms including a 10 minimum 10 year sentence, the right and the death penalty for cases involving victims age of 12. but the national crime records bureau report, conviction rates remain very low, averaging around 28 percent between 20182022. yes, the number of reported rates has consistently stayed high with approximately 30000 case annually from 2012 to 2022. and that's equal to mold and 80 reported cases each day. for the psych, a raj is a human rights for such a lawyer that the supreme court of india joins us now from ccci. indeed, good to have you with this man on the program. india just can't seem to get to grasp hold this issue, can they? while the law is clear, the punishment, suppose convicted of rape, a severe it continues doesn't say what's going wrong in society.
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i think it's a, it's a problem to see an instance. all right. instance of sexual assault as it happened in the just in case as you know, the single that a try and a single level crime committed by a bad person. i think it's automatic to view the the try and as such i think it's an extension on how the p b i can and have a b p 6. this thing and society is like many other conservative societies. the believe become so sexual assault on the booming mall, then the mia train. it becomes fitness as my father. and that is a sense of the sexes to do tapes that have indian societies. and that can be done in terms of sensitive sensitization. they've done something by reading the minutes in terms of what the patient and the executive can achieve into the construct, ben. uh, because you're, you can, we can talk about societal pressure on societal systemic massage any perhaps in
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india. but the shock here is an adult who was raped and killed on hospital property, a location that you think would be safe and will be sacrosanct. the people that are coming, that looking to help. no one knew about this. no one heard about this until it was too late. i mean, either it, it follows on for what we just mentioned, the rape of the physio therapy in 10 on the bus in new delhi in 2012. and only recently on the 12th of august, a teenage go raped on the other government bus and data that in the knowles of india in the state of all talk. and it seems that lessons and not being blood in india and something very serious it needs to be done, which is why we're seeing this. brett says, i can go across the country. it's to be a pad, wipe trip to this to which includes b, b, a, c, in the news of which are connected and headed by them and all the charges all across the country. and the fact that the incident could fall. and if a public place such as the possibility of the pieces this immunity of the frame and
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it boots increase at the shop of the people as to why the could not to be anything done by the authorities to prevent it. but i will think it's a problem to see doesn't isolated incident. all you know, a very is commented on american into off on a person who's, who's going to enter the medical profession. all those barkley has entered into the medical profession. i think the problems are locking and has the solutions also need to be lot katie sent comprehensive if, if it's solutions do need to be large scale, then what teeth then does the supreme court have to insist that such a framework be coordinated by adult does? because the implementation is going to be difficult, isn't it? in a country with $28.00 states, 8 to union territories, each with their own state government and state rules. the source of this legislation, this protection is not going to happen over night. and that's julia going back to
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us, but the problem, but it's next and that's just actually what i think that's the way i think the invitations toward discipline includes going to that you, you've been telling us all, you know, the not a sexual assault that happened that happened in india, i think the sort of rush that is what people off of the kind of the land that the police on the supreme court do. the saw a kind of a very complicated issue with the countries which have 6 sections assault on them. and i think that is misguided. i think we need to go to protocol debility, we need to put the responsibility on the execute the end and the just nature put in charge of enforcing and making laws. and i'm charge of the taking measures both and such as ation on what we can do to reduce the number of or the names, the number of problems that you have, the face of the country. and i think because i think the inspector just gave the quote, have to control the cognizance. that is to say, the something quote on the total cost they can charge of the issue and the cost it
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to be the yeah, it's only, it's moving it forward. will have to see what j p not of the health minister above the band that you the chief minister of westbank will come out within the days i had. but for now till i c k rods. thanks so much for joining us from coaching in india. thank you. thank so much. a strike by rel workers is disrupting freights and community services. in canada, you need to members of the 2 major freight companies that demanding better working hours and improve benefits. the shut down has stopped old freight shipments within the country and the u. s. the thousands of communities in vancouver, toronto, and montreal, are facing travel disruption structures under additional workers have gone on strike in mexico, games to plan by present and us. and then we'll look us over adult over hold adjust the system that he wants to replace old judges and the supreme court on thousands
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of others across the country and a popular vote on hold that has the story from the capital make scarcity, the federal judges, and your dish work is across mexico on strike. that's because president under this money will open the door. he's trying to over who the justice system. specifically, he wants to replace the entire supreme court and then pick a new set of justices along with 1600 other federal judges, the magistrates. and he wants to do it, but popular vote. he says it will clear out 30 judges. he'll get in with this quarter. he's what we want to do is correct and disappeared, corruption above all at the top level. judges injustices, natural. but many of them been organized, crime figures and what color criminals go. freight submits, can judge you say that putting positions up to the recipient dependence of the judiciary. explain that though. like, what do you, this means that everyone in the judiciary will have to go on campaign to become
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a judge, to be independent and be able to judge someone. i have to be in a position completely isolated from the center of power in the country. and right now, it's the other way around. they put in the us closest to the world of power business, political parties, but most people believe the mex crease justice system. does me change? almost off of mex, can say they have little or very little confidence in the justice authorities. and you can see the abundance of protests against the supreme court, which we just outside. but what seems like a failed system? is it really the judge is the problem? not so says pilot matthew yochi from human rights. what's the main problem in mexico? is just the system, isn't that? judges are corrupt. it's not that courts are corrupt. it's that mexican prosecutors who are supposed to investigate and prosecute all crimes are just not very good at investigating and prosecuting crimes only around 10 percent of all of the
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investigations that are opened every year. actually lead to criminal charges before the court. only around 10 percent of those cases. so one percent of all of the cases actually lead to a trial and the vast majority of investigations even into really serious crimes like homicides disappearance as human rights abuses are just archived or closed without being solved it so. so noticeable the supreme court, which the president wants to replace, has been one of the few institutions that has provided a position to his plans. now he looks type of the congressional majority needs to change them out in a vote expected to for his time in the some type of joint home. and i would just say to mexico, city, well, still has a home and these i will tell you about that. and natalie teenager who's looking to buy records up at the top of the well, that's an excellent day with the batch full,
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focused on the gaze bung with the actual bringing the latest. you know, sports around the right. the business latest is sponsored by him to lot global. your real estate destination in due by the,
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the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the possibilities of support on his on thank you very much. so chelsea has coach and so my, this guy sold almost haul from the squad that they don't have a future at the club. they've had in has a massive full to one place to choose from chelsea and had to leave over 15 that plays out of training for the european qualify. i guess said of it to you later on
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says the the clubs, the owner told foley went on another spending spree and the transfers window. my disco has told several high profile players including ra homestar la, that they are no longer needed. we of the biggest good the for them it's impossible to be able of the minutes. so some of them if they want, they're looking for me is probably better to leave. and in case they don't leave the, they have a contract in and they have a chance to play a that on here. some of the keys that sense american businessmen that probably took over the london club in may 2022, the signing of show, a felix from ecological my breed has now taken the number of plays that he's signed to 39. and that time, they've spent around $1500000000.00. it's more than doubled at the club next on the list. it meant to stay united. and so my, this guy is the 5th manager, boatley has a habit since he took over thomas to haul,
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graham pulled up franklin and paused. and maurice, you'll put your 10. you'll have old being shown the door while he's for a season with chelsea. the club finished 12 that was finished for 29 years. while lo, cono's got a guy is one of the plays to have already left chelsea and he was unveiled by political my data in front of the 30000 fans. he goes to me on his side that spent a big to bring in the england international as well as full mattress. the city forward who i bought is your 2024 winning. defend a robin norma and norwegian striker alexander, sort of football style christiano. rinaldo has a new youtube channel and broke the record for the fastest ever to hit 1000000 subscribers shown here is one of his 1st videos which launched on wednesday, the 5 tom bottle and all, but when i reached a 1000000 and just 19 minutes, he also broke the record for the fastest of 10000000. now standing as almost
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17000000 an excellent day with the box has a put pocket sign in command on day 2. the 1st test against bangladesh mohammed was one. and so i will check here both quotes entries as they share the $240.00 run partnership to make it an uphill battle a for bangladesh in our, in the to defiance ohio. tiny is just one stone and base, and one home run away from becoming the foss display and major league history to reach for the, for the, in the season. a adult a superstar. so he's $39.00 base and there 8 for victory. it gets the seattle mariners to compete a sweet game sweep. he's got over a month that to achieve the feats from a f one world champion. damon hill says that he believes the red bull drive and that's for stuff and is going to be hawk to chase and the 2nd half of the season. so no one will return off to the summer break on friday to host a dot took all of this stuff is home,
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race which he had one for the last 3 years. 3 time world champion is leading the standards by $78.00 points, but he hasn't won the race since the spanish going to play in late doing it's a total order to be able to catch max this season, but it's not in postponed. and the thing about this quote is something will happen between now and the end of the season. there will be some curious, extraordinary event which will take place is going to be solved. i was thinking that is conscious and i think he's shown already that he's anxious about the pressure from behind people closing the gap and whether it's land or someone else. i think lando is the closest potential challenge and but he is still going to total order to, to over to and the gap points deficit to max and they'll say is full for me, a $100.00 is so like say most of the people in the u k are less charitable, they used to be the best to go into the world, keeping index one of the biggest surveys, tracking donations in volunteering globally. and that's push the country out at the
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top 20 down to 22nd place on the index us. and you kind of get a report, stuff from london is in a world of abundance and want there are those who have and those who do not. but in times of crisis, those you can lend a hand often do. whether it's natural disasters, such as the 2023 us quick and morocco produced an 800 percent rise and donations within the country. a conflict that also so a rise of a to countries such as in crane. whether it's down to a deterioration of social safety nets, as a result of policies opened up, makes many step in with a state has found it this year, the 5 most generous countries are indonesia, kenya, single pull, the gambia, adds nigeria, that's based on donations, volunteering, and how often people help to strange up the u. k is among the top 10 financial
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donors to charities in the world, but only a quarter of people. polls said that they volunteered to help others putting it at number 22 on the world, giving index. and it's part of a trans, during which the u. k. has study reduced it's spending on overseas aid as part of the previous government's policies. the new government has promised to reverse that . but that's also down to the you case, own financial constraints. i don't think it's particularly surprising when you think cook some of the social and economic challenges that everyone's been dealing with with the cost of living. what i do think is important is we have a policy level lead to find really effective ways. how do we need to knock down the barriers and support people to get more of a full in the u. k, his generosity may reflect a relative pass and of economic decline. there's still a sense that contributing time or money to a charity is very much positive, being in the society, especially when as a local need. well, i mean,
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just outside move london, i said we're going to close the library together and we, we now run it as a community library about done traveling. done a couple of, uh, uh, it's like any events. so photography betrays quite a bit of money. i see a trustee attached which helps to exercise to women phone little women and women with multiple disadvantages. so i get my time and helping that way. well, the index reflects so, so the increasing soft power of nations growing wealth such as china. there was also a need for most people to get back to those who need it most for the great took good . so did i go out to 0, something a teenager from the pool as well mounted away from breaking a world record. and if he does, he'll become the youngest pest decline wells. 14 highest peaks since,
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and one of them has the story nemo, or and g. sure. if that is climbing his way into the history books. if he can conquer one more peak, the 18 year old will become the youngest person to climb to every mountain in the world where the 8000 meters high. his uncle is the current record holder at 30 years old. i didn't motivating whatever the sport like sporting like, and i see myself as an attitude of maybe what is like a hobby and passion in the for the present. but it's more of a support for me is my kind of like a job saying, you know, the so k $8000.00 consist of 14 mountain peaks. they're scattered around the himalayas in nearby ranges, spending, the pol china, india and focused on only about 40 people applying to the air is 10 at the top of the world and some of died making the attempt upon mind to that is name is final challenge. maybe i have kind of convince myself, you know, like to be normally the mountain like for example,
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when i see evidence of bad weather when i use an accident in the mountain, i'm not in honey, i don't know something i get. and i've got to convince my subdivisions normally in the home and in southern this is something that has to be a lot of climbing is the family business name is father runs one to paul's biggest mountain expedition company. he says his son is ready for the challenge. he's very deep because physically, mentally should be so to be in serious ears. so and that goes back to the poly guides are slowly getting more recognition for their achievements in the past, therefore, and clients got most of the glory nima hopes you can inspire others and establish mounts nearing as a global professional support. since and monahan l g 0 and also for me so that elizabeth black so that other half of these companies team here,
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thanks for your time and your company by the a unique perspective, the transfer and the displacement of being vision as population has been discussed as part of design, his project went back for well over a 100 years on heard voices. all the people have the data by the bottom of it for me. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere . young people are not looking for a hand off, but they're not backed up by a system that supports the streams on out just the or, or all that remains of what was once a classroom before is rose were now schools have become regular targets for the military for desperate college to use this course in this is a neighborhood of cause a city serve as
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a temporary home is pretty forces issue new is actuation orders for 9 areas in newness warning they would for sleep operate against palestinian fighters there, click on what is happening to us, by the time we reach an area, these readings want us to leave, is whether or not the whole world is watching, act and find a solution to what i can make is where the forces have fund areas in the north, south, and center of the carlos trip, the latest, the punctuation orders are causing panic because which is where you repeatedly targeting, so called save stones. there's no guarantee they will be safe where they go. next pod came in to be is israel, it no political piece of? i think that to move in the f one, his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way.
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that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the effective use of the person as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era the is around the tax continue across the gaza strip on $22000.00 the ends of code and the laser strikes the bottom of the system. as some dog ha, also coming up is really forces clash with palestinian sizes in the occupied westbank. at least one person is counted more than a 100 dead and hundreds of thousands this place and the southern and northern
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nigeria. we rely from one of the worst areas plus when we find.


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