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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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the system even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the . ready ready ready palestinians pick up the pieces of slacking times i've to, is rarely strikes. could at least 22 people across the gauze. so straight since school, the deluxe, the whole rahman, the watching, obviously over life. my headquarters here in the also coming up 3 palestinians, a killjoy ringing is ready ready to be occupied westbank road surrounding the total current rescue. g can upload ukrainian. sol says continue that push further into
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costs. most good says it's building up defenses. the also flood symbols and my chariot kill more than a 100 people. hundreds of thousands of falls from the homes. the welcome to the program is really strikes. continue to hit highly populated areas with civilians across the gaza strip. at least 22 palestinians have been killed since told them 1st day. and the sounds cease far towards the shuttle to resume in cairo in the next couple of days. flames and gold times and bethlehem following a series of overnight attacks. shortly after sunrise, suddenly searched through the rubble sifting through what was left after the attack . although it's not allowed to come, but i am sitting on the rubble of my house and the remains of my children. people should look at us with mess it even if it's just one percent of the. was born on
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the side of the my children while my support. i am old and dime element. some of them were killed. do this uh the my message to the well, it is enough. have mercy on us. so she didn't die today will die tomorrow. i will follow my children in a few days. even if i'm not killed, i am finished with the central golf. so the death toll is also mounting 15 people killed and data the butler as is right. the false is step of tax. the east of the city, pushing deeper into residential areas of the rhetoric, are bu assume as in golf, instead of bella with the latest on the strikes, the recording this video due to the right seems to secure the condition in the sense what areas generally and in derek by impact which you know, where the army is assaulting and you minute treat, encourage and forwarded the scenarios and for some such and folks levix residents have been told by the army just lead to the western side. it will be there by 6.
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you know, we so families, you since yesterday morning till now. i've seen from these areas deal because i'm loaded with basic furniture and the items and they're looking for any empty space to atlanta. in order to set the makeshift tens despise overlaps to the medic, terry, and resources including food and woodside. we need horses to emphasize on the fact that we continue to hear loud explosions since yesterday, normally till this our hours of today's morning where the units and fine to just continue to target the residential squares and keep simple superstructure in the city of theory. but that's the crux, that's me, is expanding expenditure operations looking to target thoughts on the human mind in the strip with somebody right now, asking about the next destination. what we should point out would be our heading to the western side. and the do not know is always about to order move looks and they're in the back to sleep. and to leave the intel here area to just secure it.
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see concerns. now the grid realities that bomb, it's the only here in the sense for the area, but it continues to expand to the builder part um to the so wait a minute to a ration tossed along, going in rough law and in the city of con units as it displacements shoot to is a mostly area was completely targeted due to the fact that the only ease expands and it's also submitted to as on the ground in order to eliminate the how much remaining battalions as the claim civilians are really struggling to disability is continues to run state by day with the source of response on the grounds, director of business out there that has the israel as well as new evacuation or does affecting more than a 150000 palestinians. areas include positive that abala and not central gauze is the largest city, as well as con eunice. in the south of the strait public,
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sped as more as no risk ends, no end in size. tens of thousands of displace palestinians flee once again from areas they would told would be safe. most of facing the same di lima. there's no way left to go and to no guarantee of safety. this is more merciful in this country. we were displaced 20 times. i swear to god or houses and tents were struck. they do not want us to live. oh god, they don't even want us to enjoy our life. the people are dying and there's wounded everywhere. the people do not know where to go. even alma wattsey is not safe. we don't know where to go to the sea or where death is more merciful is rarely expands its ground operations from south to central garza, its told civilians to meet those evacuation orders cover. some of the most densely populated areas and the strip indeed are all above and hon. this place to
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tell us citizens, carrie what little they have list. some have vehicles of his don't keys, but most of leading on foot, not of the. we haven't been able to sleep for 3 days. wherever you go there is bombing, this is the 7th time i've been displaced. we've had enough to find a solution. we can't bear this any longer to camps like this. and they're all by a way, many of forced to find shelter. only 9 percent of the strip is still designated by the is really military is safe, and that number is deadly decreasing month by month. so you look at that, when look at, there is no safe place. they strike everywhere at 6 o'clock in the morning, there were times shells folding on us in the east of the buff while we were speaking with a bunch of men to directly on people's heads. this morning they landed directory of us people's heads. i'd like someone to tell me where are people supposed to go? where did people go? we've had enough enough. i did one of them of the united night agencies at least 90
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percent of goals as population has been displaced at least once since the beginning of the war and october and for most palestinians and gals. and now this is the only constant alex bid, l g 0, supervisor's communication officer for unit assessment, least on those lines because regional office, he says, delivering humanitarian supplies is extremely difficult because of as well as false displacements. that's a big part of the problem when, when we receive a repetitive evacuation holders in different places, we fits camp, we struck providing services and move all our supplies or the, the, the few that we got the activity because age is really scars. but and then those people that community needs to move, and then we need to move with the community to make sure that they're still receiving services. and that it's available for the majority of people wherever
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they are. and as we speak, that's area where people are, is thinking, people are overcrowded in a way that is really hard to get a in a profit and efficient manner. so logistically it's a nice, nice security was it's a nice, it's creates more trouble when the people are crowded in a very small area for us to be able to, to reach them and actually organize our, our sales and organize them, which really proves to be to be very difficult and we've, we've seen that several times in 10 months and in 10 months, every time we need to re align and, and reply a response. the us presence i bought and vice president couple hours of how the cold with these by the prime minister benjamin netanyahu had a seaside, talks to, to resume inquiry, 5 minutes sets of stress, the agency of reaching an agreement. and it follows
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a visit by the secretary of state and to the blinking to israel, egypt, and cancel it to gain support for the deal. the same heavy day is a full met, gyptian assistant foreign minister. he says the go straight to a trying to address the sticking points before. pulse was you inquiry and saw that is indeed on the table. and we are waiting for the technical deems negotiating the details of the implementation of this deal and press the button on the personal dentist are in agreement on the need. but the differences in opinion and remain assessed or around details about $66.00 sequencing of the measures that would be taken at the the list of names of the, the 1st thing in the use of prisoners at the so called security prisoners entities who would be at ease but how long, how, how long the, the temporary,
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the ceasefire would last at. so there are some of this i could even definitely between there's a, it is and the how most people. but uh, we believe that these differences are, are pretty triple. so we are waiting for the next 48 hours to see whether the technical themes negotiating the details will succeed and bring in to fruition and bring in to the finish line. this equity to the 3 palestinians have been killed during and is there any rate in the occupied westbank? is there any military vehicles blocked roads in and out of the total current refugee come? the boss has been traveling the custom brigades posted video showing its, finds us finding it this way the troops, those of the buildings were destroyed, joined the tower in cash, and at least well this way. the soldier was injured. abraham that need abraham has been to a tribe with more on the right to another day in the occupied westbank. another is
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where you read this time to the toys, cutting refugee tab that has seen a lot of destruction through the homes, but also through the infrastructure. we've been speaking to people who say that these really soldiers set homes on fire on purpose and we were talking to them as they were trying to put all the fire. also another is really air strikes that left, 3, palestinian, that we are talking about in increasing the use of is really area and hits against palestinian targets since the war started. then you wouldn't figure speak about 50 is really ariel targets an area and hits against palestinians that left $113.00 that. but since august as of august, we can report that the on average one, palestinian is killed for the you to these is ready to air strikes and we've been hearing these really defense minister view off. glancing that he is reading
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lighting, the use of aerial strikes against palestinian targets to combat the palestinians. use of a i. e. d. 's, which are the improvise exclusive devices that they're offering through. these is really, really 3 vehicles when they read how to simeon villages and home, and refugee can do that. but he just need all the occupied with bank policy, the ukranian bulls to save the blows and strikes on russian military positions and equipment as possible offensive in the cask region. the ukrainian air force released this video saying it shows the attacks english, google, the fullest command, us as civilians, but evacuated for the city was targeted. rush move forward. he's are installed in concrete shelters in the region. while the russian president vladimir putin has accused russian o ukrainian forces, pardon me, of trying to attack, because can you to be a poplar the wednesday?
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you claim hasn't commented on the strike of the assistance is the enemy tried to strike the cook nuclear power station? the international atomic energy agency has been informed the promise to come themselves defend specialist to assess the situation. i hope that in the end this will be done on their part. dosage already has more of the impact on civilians in cask. where in a private boxing facility that's been turned into a mix ship shelter, we spoke to the owner or just a short while ago, who explained that he decided to turn his box in closet into a facility for the displace. as soon as the incursion took place on august 6, i'm just going to show you where people are calling home these days. this walks in the studio is now home to just over 50 people that have fled to the fight that and the incursion value crated for. so since august 6, many of them we've been speaking to say they don't feel comfortable speaking on
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camera, that they're very upset and stress and worried about the future of their lives because they had to leave their homes and everything they had behind it very quickly. and suddenly that's a, what is clear is that the sentiment is the same. the water, where are we going and how many people we talk to? they still say that they don't believe this has happened inside russia, and they don't understand why. as many of the facilities such as this one has medical attention on hand, there is a nurse at a doctor here as well, a to attend to the factories and any medical needs that they may have at. what is important to highlight now is that there is no clear understanding of a timeline when and if these people would ever be able to return home. this is now a new reality for the school to be russian population who live along the border with ukraine. because your credit has says that they are trying to establish
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a buffer zone. and these people are now the casualties of that. in the top of the sizable from key on ukraine's offensive the presidency, lensky appeared in the boarder. regence of sumi sumi is right next to cross come was uses the staging point to jump single point if you will for the cost offensive . he met with the amount as the phrase, the praise them for the great job that he says they've done. also especially as special praise, reserved for is commander in chief serious key as well as his get told him that and another supplement within course had being taken so ukrainians are expanding the footprint slowly but surely inside washer itself. obviously the fighting is increased. the integrity is increased as the russians abroad in unit of the unit of the unit to try and hold back ukraine in advance. but so for president zaleski seems very happy with what has been achieved so far in such
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a short space of time as well as being 2 weeks. and he feels that this has been a great success still ahead here on, i'll just say with nearly a 1000000000 dollars a day or on the line as a union dispute from canadian rail companies to shut down freights from coast to coast. the once himself coerced into toiling on coffee plantations under intolerable conditions. a brazilian advocate for workers rights, which as life on the line by taking on powerful land owners in the hope of cracking down on modern slavery the, the human costs of coffee, a witness documentary on a jersey to the, the
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mood and untold stories from asia and the pacific on the the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about to you, what you also remind me of all top new stories is really strong. so talk to the heavily populated areas in the cross goals are killing at least $22.00 people's installed on the state plane surrounded homes in bethlehem. after series of overnight grades 3 palestinians have been killed during this way. the way they will combine westbank is mainly military vehicles, blocked roads in and out of the total current refugee count. dozens of buildings are destroyed during the age hour in cash, and at least one is ready. the soldier was inches as a label, stop ages disrupting freight and commute to services in canada. any members of the 2 major freight companies that demanding beth of working as an improved benefits? the shut down means that all freight shipments within the country and to the us
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have stopped. so let's take a closer look at the importance of the canadian rail network, maybe $280000000000.00 worth of goods moved by train each year. and that includes on top of canada's expos. if the strike drags all the full 7 days is estimated that it will cause mold and a $1000000000.00 an economic losses. and they also cool shock ways beyond the kind of as bold as most ex, bolts to the us, a hand handled by rail. and the strong page could impact mary a many american industries. also canadian follow up as a warning that a prolonged disruption could impact label suited security. how does there is in what is line for us now from the canadian capital high, you know, you just tell us a little bit more about the impact this is going to have. you cannot make it on both sides of the boulder and so held these
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real lines that are massive. they stretch from coast to coast in canada, but also throughout the united states and see the rail even down into mexico. so when you bring canadas to national rail lines of freight rail lines, through a stoppage, it's going to have ripple effects in this country. the united states, mexico, the whole north american continent is going to be effective. everything moves by train in this country at green, one of canada's largest exports pot ash, which is used to make fertilizer manufactured goods. even oil moves by rail from canada as ports to the heartland and back and forth. so when you have it shut down, you're going to have a ripple effect that impacts every thing right down to the consumer here in north america and for global exports to take us green that comes from the midwest that travels on canadian rail. it goes to canadian ports to get to international market . so the analysts right now are saying prepare for grain prices prepare for food prices, consumer good prices to go up. because if you don't have the moving,
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everything has to shut down. the supply chain gets backed up, and that's certainly a concern right now for business council here in canada, but also the united states and they're putting pressure now on the canadian government to intervene. because at this point the 2 sides are quite far apart. and they're not at the negotiating table. yeah, i mean, how far apart saw that because as you say, the longer this goes on the ball problem, that ticket co becomes an un. that ripple effect just say hits fall or wide on the hill. the 2 sides are about as far apart as canada is why they are not sitting at the table. they are not talking at the railways last night, presented another offer to the union of the teamsters union that was rejected. the teamsters have done much the same in the last weeks and months and it goes to the point where again, this is a lockout by the companies. they have shut down and put the workers off the job. at
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the same time, the, the union did vote in favor of a strike vote. so both sides, are it impasse right now? the workers are saying this is a safety issue. they want things like fatigue and rest periods to be negotiated. the union saying they've been generous with that and offering wages to it, so it's a back and forth and it's not moving at the table right now. and so all eyes at this point have turn to the government of canada. the federal government holds the lever to be able to say, we're going to impose binding legislation binding arbitration, to get both sides, force them back to the table and reach an agreement. the problem is though, is that for just intrude ele? uh, he's a pro union politician and that would be seen as favoring the companies and not the workers, but right to collective bargaining. meanwhile, he's also supported by a left wing party that's even more pro union, keeping up his government right now because of course he has a minority government in the canadian parliament. so just introduce skating
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a very fine line. they don't want to force a negotiation, but they also have to keep the canadian and broadly speaking, the north american economy in their minds as well. so the one that will be keeping of a place on, in the days ahead in with that for us and also thank you. the full of future is the theme of the full and final lawrence of the democratic national convention, which will kick off later on past a couple hours as far as to accept policies, official elimination, as the presidential candidates. her upcoming speech comes after her running mates and was told democrats. it was the owner of his life to be part of the tickets. all white house correspondent company how good has moved from chicago to, i mean a sort of government or 2 walls or coaches. so many call him went to the office on wednesday, as you formerly accepted the democratic parties, nomination,
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the honor of my life, to accept your nomination for vice president of the united. in his speech full of sports references was shared. his background is a school teacher and football coach before becoming a member of congress. and later minnesota governor, a political record is proud of. other states are banning books from their schools. we were banishing hunger from ours walls to voters. his vision of freedom is a stark contrast from his republican opponents. when we democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love, the your kids. freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in the media tycoon.
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oprah winfrey also frame november's election as a flight for freedom. freedom, it isn't free. america is an ongoing project. it requires commitment. it requires the open to the hard work and the heart work of democracy. it's where the president bill clinton told the crowd, republican challenger, donald trump, is too selfish to care about. clinton urge voters to support the harris walls ticket. what is their opponent do with his voice? he mostly talks about himself. right? so the next time you hear him don't care for was i can't say uh total a harris or fortunately watched the 3rd night of the democratic national convention from her hotel room in chicago. well, working on her own acceptance speech. so deliver it on thursday. what she formerly
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accepts her parties nomination for president. kimberly help it, alex 0. chicago will further, you know, the night jerry has left more than a 100 people, dead of hundreds of thousands of people living falls from the homes. tens of thousands of heck tubs of farmland, done to water and houses have been washed away. people in several areas in chicago, all say is a completely cut off, more heavy, but it is expected. in the coming days, some of the dress has moved from tulsa in chippewa state. the extent of damage and the galleries must safe. earlier we spoke to the local church, if you told us that you have never seen anything like this and the safety emergency operations are saying that this is not even the peak of the rainy season. we're talking about thousands of farm lands that i've been completely washed away. and the problem now is not what's happened to them immediately. the waters were seen
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because we're talking about life investments and fort stalls for many people means of live root completely gone. so the problem produced may not work at the end of the day. and apart from that that i also concerns of the outbreak of what apple diseases you also find community is completely cut off and people don't receive aid as much as they can. because beyond us here, there are several communities what you kind of goal basically you can go where i am that, that i know into boats and you cannot even navigate the waters. they continue to rise every now and then one man i interviewed a short while ago. he told me over the last 10 days he has only received a small measure of rice and that's it. uh, sofa. we spoke to emergency officers here who continued to tell us that yes, they're doing everything they can to accommodate people and also give them food. but that seems not to be you know, what we understand right now is that people who lost their homes. i've been transferred to schools that i know that are currently on vacation. primary schools, buildings on secondary school buildings,
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and one score and resumes. they are expected to record. the question is, why are they going to upset for makes the whole run, but you follow those stories on the website to down to the right dot com is updated . throughout the day we continue to follow events in garza as more ways where the strides kill palestinians will use with us and hospitality. stay with this to 12, does it or is that the the hello. we have a weak being tropical disturbance now making his way away from the far north of japan. it's mixed him with this cloud. that is our old system, and the other one is on its way as we go on through the next couple of days. here we go. this is a trouble stone. now, it will be a type thing. by the time we come to the weekend and it's expected to run into the
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fall south of japan as we go into the parts of next week. so certainly something to watch out for lots of heat associated with this. so she may conditions some live. you show still in place for japan, age and human conditions to just around the eastern parts of china towards the northeast corner or lobby shell is just assisting the, just around the fall south of china. particularly in the heat to the day the show is of course i do continue across indo china. more big down pulls, just coming into allows the vietnam its in northern parts of thailand. good scattering. a show is across malaysia, open positive indonesia east. and there's the indonesia, i recently have seen some big down bulls, but towards the south century. dry. good deal. a separate web coming through here. meanwhile friendly, i was very unsuccessful, particularly just around the by of been going up towards bandwidth dash putting in a lot of moist here, red warning, seen full size of heavier. right? all the way to bond with
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the in depth analysis of the days. headline. what's strategic purpose? do you think this assassination serves? israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years seem to be given a chance to best to be a full political debate. russia has decided that the war ukraine as a defensive war inside story house. will it change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey or the across nigeria, crowds of people with trenton and waving packets bearing a simple, yet powerful message and bad governors. imagine these other voices of


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