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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the system even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the search in vain. a wave of is ready strikes and gallons of destroyed times and kills more than 40 pm the for the clock. this is 0 life coming up, you and security council, his goals for us to use fire and garza is us and pass it as, as a deal is now in sites rushes. presidents accuses ukraine of trying to attack a new chip found to the cost region in
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a few hours time coming on iris will become the 1st woman of color to accept the nomination of the democratic party as presidential candidates the yes we beginning goes where 42 palestinians have been killed across the strip since wednesday. is there any forces continue to strike highly populated areas and a flames and gulf times and bait and a hair falling, the series of overnighted times and left at least 11 people that showed me off to sunrise. problem is such through what was left off to the attack in central because of the death told is also climbing 15 people killed in the hour by law as is rarely forced to step out the attacks and the eastern part of the city. pushing deeper into residential areas out, is there a tank a char culbert resume is in dallas? is there a bala and has the latest on these readings? try the recording this video due to the right seems to secure the condition in the
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sense what areas generally and in derek by impact which you know, where the army is assaulting and you minute treat, encourage and forwarded the scenarios and for some such and folks levix residents have been told by the army just lead to the western side. it will be there by 6. you know, we so families, you since yesterday morning till now. i've seen from these areas deal because i'm loaded with basic furniture and the items and they're looking for any empty space. so plans, in order to set the makeshift tens despise overlap to email, terry and resources including the food and what's on. we need horses to emphasize on the fact that we continue to hear a loud explosions since yesterday. normally till this, our hours of today's morning where the units and fine to just continue to target the residential squares. and keep simple superstructure in the city of theory. but that's the crux, that's me, is expanding expenditure operations looking to target thoughts on the human mind in
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the strip with somebody right now, asking about the next destination. what we should point out would be our heading to the western side. and the do not know is always about to order, move looks and they're in the back to sleep and to leave the tell her area to just secure it. see concerns. now the grid realities that bomb, it's the only here in the sense for the area, but it continues to expand to the builder part um to the so wait a minute to a ration cost along going in rough law and in the city of hon unit is displacement shoot is an a mostly area was completely targeted due to the fact that the only ease expands and it's also submitted to as on the ground in order to eliminate the how much remaining battalions as the claim. civilians are really struggling to do. civilians continues to vice day by day with that new source of response on the
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grounds. target capacity out there that has the of the united nations us ambassador has told the security council that have, must, must be pressed to accept, to cease the proposal. talks are expected to resume in cairo, then the thomas greenfield told the security council that deal is now insight. prime minister netanyahu confirmed that israel accepted the bridging proposal that the united states guitar and egypt put forward last week. the proposal is consistent with the principles outlined by president biden in may 2024. and that this council endorsed in resolution 2735. and this bills on areas of agreement from tops convened in doha last week. or we had months, the palestinian and bass of the to the united nations told the council that the is really government cannot be trusted due to its treatments of palestinians. those
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who want to place the faith of our people in the hands of this is that i usually government hoping it will ever act in good faith or gravely mistaken. this is tragically prove in every day. there must be a ceasefire now in line with the terms of resolution 2735 and with no further conditions and bad faith demands that go against the spirit and the letter of that is illusion. any reasonable pro, someone would have expected this council gladly immediately and unequivocal key to condemn that there were the blood should the in humanity to support ease of, of its mission, to the, to mentor, to the dental and vision responsible for the, the, to us at these to expect anything less,
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we'd be lunacy. yet. we all 320 days seems the slaughter and what that we have a silence christmas they mean joins is not from the united nations. he's be monitoring those events. kristen just give us the aerial view of what this, this meeting is all about. what are they focusing on well, there's a real concern about an escalation of the conflict in the middle east region. given the continuing and exchanges of fire across the blue line with loving on an escalation of tensions in the west bank as well. we heard from the middle east peace process coordinator towards that. as long as you brief the council and talked about his concern about the complete loss of bon order in gaza as a result of so many times, people being moved and forced to flee from one area to another. only 15 percent of
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the gaza strip. now is considered habitable, and this is making humanitarian assistance, of course, nearly impossible. so that was a big concern and we heard from many members of the security council reiterated call for an immediate cease fire and support for the cease fire process. but we heard some countries criticising the united states, namely russia most strongly. perhaps china is well calling the united states to use its influence to make that cease fire actually happened with russia accusing the united states are changing the terms that were on the table from ones that were agreed upon earlier by the united states and the entire security council and what about the possibility of this punitive outbreak in the region? how is it you in preparing for that? yeah, there's been one case discovered and a real worry that the,
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that the virus is going to start spreading rapidly. given that all of the wastewater treatment plants in gaza have been destroyed in the united nations says that it has 1900000 doses of the vaccine ready to go. but they can't deliver them without a ceasefire. and we heard from a doctor who's actually in gaza would save the children right now. she talked about the challenging situation there. and the need for this vaccine, given that 50000 children had been born in the last 10 months and not had access to the regular vaccinations that they would normally get. and other children may have been vaccinated at some point, but have not kept up with their schedule. so they say that this is particularly crucial for children. and for the health and safety of the entire area, they say at least 2 weeks would be needed to implement the vaccination. 2 weeks of
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the ceasefire would be needed to get the vaccines to the people in need. but of course, what everybody really wants to see is a permanent cease fire. indeed. all right, kristin, thanks very much for that christmas. leave me there at united q new york. thank you . well, 3 palestinians have been killed during and is ready ready to be occupied. westbank is ready, military vehicles booked roads in and out of the tool cut in refugee camp a master's ministry waiting the cosign brigades facing the video showing his fights as far as his ready troops. dozens of buildings were destroyed during the incursion . at least one is ready, soldier was injured, need to abraham, is into a crime and has more on that raid. see another day in the occupied westbank. another is ready read this time to the toys, cutting refugee cab that has seen a lot of destruction through the homes, but also through the infrastructure. we've been speaking to people who say that these really soldiers set homes on fire on purpose and we were talking to them as
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they were trying to put all the fire. also another is really air strikes that left, 3, palestinian, that we're talking about in increasing the use of is really area and hits against palestinian targets since the war started. then you wouldn't figure speak about 50 is really aerial targets, an area and hits against palestinians that left $113.00 that. but since august as of august, we can report that the on average one, palestinian is kills per the due to these is rated airstrikes and we've been hearing these ready defense minister view off, glancing that he is re lighting the use of aerial strikes against palestinian targets. to combat the palestinians use of a i. e d 's which are the improvised explosive devices that they're offering through the is really, really 3 vehicles when they read how to simeon villages and home. and refugee can
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do that. but he just need all the occupied with bank policy. what crew members of a greek flanked oil tank could be rescued by a european union naval ship that depended the vessel when is attacked off humans coast by suspect to treat the forces. the british military says the tank was traveling through the red sea from a rock to athens when it was repeatedly hit by miss oswald drones. on wednesday, the face of been attacking ships in support of palestinians in garza. the group is not claimed responsibility for the incident. the russian president may pretend has accused the training forces of trying to attack the task of nuclear power plant. the phones is located inside rushes, west and coast region, which is being the target of a ukrainian incursion. facility is about 40 kilometers from the city of coast and some 50, a kilometers away from russian territory that's held by you creating forces. it
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houses to working reacts is power 19. russian regions chief has not commented on pollutants, accusation automated system. so the enemy trying to strike the cook nuclear power station, the international atomic energy agency, has been informed, the promise to come themselves defend specialist to assess the situation. i hope that in the end this will be done on their part. doesn't jabari reports not from custody and russia as well. these are a very serious allegation, said the president as making your gaze to crate in forces, claiming that they try to attack this nuclear facility in the city of a coach, hotels, which is about a 40 kilometers for where we are right now in kirsten city and this is one of the main, one of the 3 biggest nuclear facilities in russia and the presidents, claiming that ukrainian forces attempt to attack its overnights. this is not the 1st time we've heard from russian officials about concerns around this nuclear
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facility. on sunday, we heard from the foreign ministry spokesperson, at that's very had put outside a ledger, urging the united nations and the i a, the nuclear watchdog to condemn the recent military activities by you quite new forces around the plants. they claim that that time that the new fighting was taking place about 35 kilometers away from the nuclear facility. now, russian president vladimir putting, stating that they were attend spa, ukrainian forces to attack this facility. this is something that is of great concern to russian officials and they are urging the trash are committed to, to take measures. we also understand that's the head of rushes. atomic energy agency has been speaking to a russell grossi the head of a nuclear. you are nuclear watchdog, and there is a visit, a going to be made in the near future by russell of course, the, to the curse nuclear facilities. maybe then we will have some more clarity about actually what took place. meanwhile, ukraine's president says, his forces have taken another settlement in the coast region. florida has lensky
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visits at the top military. come onto the northeast to me region. let's be the launching pad for ukraine's incursion into russia. now, in his 3rd week to lensky, says, ukraine senior morale boost from its troops advanced into russian territory. this gets off the list is more in this from keith. the press that are below to me is zaleski visited the border region of see me early on says de suby board is crossed, and ukrainians have been slowly advancing in the coast region in russia for some time. now, today they announced that they took a new settlement, so this pockets ukrainian puckett is slowly advancing and growing within rusher itself. he went to praise, come on, does then tell him what a great to be done, but he reserved the most praise for these commander in chief serious kate, who he said, had done a great job. this has been a great boost, not just for the training people, but also for the ukrainian military who have been receiving nothing but bad news. as russian advances in the east of ukraine,
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russian forces have pushed back the training defenders again and again and again in the east of the country near port croft. so this was just the news they needed to hear, and just the praise they need to get from the president's colleagues could helpless out a 0 chief rush just as you create as a types of ferry. in a coach, straight, potent crime in the ferry was loaded up with 30 fuel tanks. not flock 5, it broke out as a result could be seen from the beaches. the crime and local authorities say the ferry psych. a still the head here now is, is there a strike by rail workers in kind of a disrupt freights and community services threatening international supply chain. the in depth analysis of the days. headline was strategic purpose. do you think this assassination serves israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years seem to be given
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a chance to best to be a bold critical debate. russia has decided that the war crane as a defensive war inside story house. will it change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey or there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western and it needs to be questioned. this is not the time to turn this to kind of way examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listening past, the
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. ringback the, the other guy you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories is and is really strikes of targeted heavily there is across garza kelly at least 22 people since the one on thursday. flame surrounded homes and bacon here after a series of overnight rates. 0 and security council has heard coal trustees fire agreements and gallons that during a briefing on the middle east us i'm passed to the, to the un told to counsel the deal is now insights. russian president vladimir putin is accused of creating forces of trying to attack the task nuclear power
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plant. the plant is located inside rushes of west in cost region, which has been the target of a ukrainian incursion. now in the coming hours, complet harrigeville formerly accept the democratic party's nomination for you as president on the final day of the party's national convention. she's making history as the 1st women of color to be nominated for the job. on wednesday, vice presidential candidate timbales told the democrats it was the owner of his life to be part of the ticket. a white house correspondent company how good reports from chicago. i mean a sort of government or 2 walls or coaches. so many call him went to the office on wednesday as he formerly accepted the democratic parties, nomination, the honor of my life, to accept your nomination or vice president of the united. in his speech full of sports references was shared. his background is a school teacher and football coach before becoming
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a member of congress. and later minnesota governor, a political record is proud of. other states are banning books from their schools. we were banishing hunger from ours walls to voters whose vision of freedom is a stark contrast from his republican opponents. when we democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love, the your kids. freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in the media tycoon. oprah winfrey also frame november's election as a flight for freedom. freedom isn't free. america is an ongoing project. it requires commitment. it requires the open to the hard work and the heart
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work of democracy. it's where the president bill clinton told the crowd, republican challenger, donald trump, is too selfish to care about. clinton urge voters to support the harris walls ticket. what is their opponent do with his voice? he mostly talks about himself. right. so the next time you hear him don't care for was to tell, say, uh, couple of harris are personally watched the 3rd night of the democratic national convention from her hotel room in chicago. well, working on her own acceptance speech, she'll deliver it on thursday. what she formally accepts her parties nomination for president. kimberly help him, alex is 0. chicago. let's go live to chicago now to the convention center. my kind of are is there. i might be for the whole gamut of headline is, but tonight's the night full of calming herself. it is indeed and everyone
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will be closely watching as she outlines the policy and the degree to which it ships away from that that she exercised since vice president. under the binding administration, as she wants to hold on to those very loyal because of president binding. but at the same time, there's no doubt that she wants to put her own stand on the policy of the democratic party. and this except and stuff, the nomination and no speech tonight will be the ideal moment for her to start that process. and what about the, the, what the been needs to be done once this convention is done and dusted in terms of trying to convince the uncompetitive. so far, we say many of them protest the outside of me. yes, indeed. and they've also made the point inside the convention itself that have been discussions between the organizes of the events and the members of the uncommitted
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group, very small and number, but still having a point to make and making a very, very forcibly things reached ahead in the past 24 hours, when the parents of someone being held captive in gaza were given the podium to make a speech. now the members of the young committed had been arguing for days to try and get a podium space to press the palestinian clothes, add this has not happened. so they were truly, i rated the fact that they have still not being given an opportunity to get a palestinian speaker or somebody to back the pallets and is kind of sitting close and highlight israel's actions against the palestinians in gaza. this is something that the uncommitted are continuing to do. however, once again, aids to become a harris insisting that the is dialogue between the parties. but this is something she's going to will call that because it risk creating a fisher within what up to date as being a highly united democratic party. yep. all right, mike, i will speak you later,
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but for the time being, thanks a lot. i may destroy, my real work is, is disrupting freights and community services. in canada, jimmy members of the countries to biggest rail freight companies are demanding better working as an improve benefits. the shut down means will freight shipments within the country and to the us have stopped it. we spoke with gymnast in wood, from the canadian capitalist said the impact of the strikes could be felt deep in the united states. these real lines are massive. they stretch from coast to coast in canada, but also throughout the united states and see the rail even down into mexico. so when you bring canadas to national rail lines of freight rail lines to a stoppage, it's going to have ripple effects in this country. the united states, mexico, the whole north american continent is going to be effective. everything moves by train in this country, a green, one of canada's largest exports pot ash, which is used to make fertilizer manufactured goods. even oil moves by rail uh from
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canada as ports to the heartland and back and forth. so when you have it shut down, you're going to have a ripple effect that impacts everything right down to the consumer here in north america and for global exports to take us green that comes from the midwest that travels on canadian rail. it goes to canadian ports to get to international market . so the analysts right now are saying prepare for grain prices prepare for food prices, consumer good prices to go up. because if you don't have the moving, everything has to shut down. the supply chain gets backed up and that's certainly a concern right now for business councils here in canada, but also the united states and they're putting pressure now on the canadian government to intervene. because at this point the 2 sides are quite far apart. and they're not at the negotiating table. the 2 sides are about as far apart as canada is why they are not sitting at the table. they are not talking at the railways last night, presented another offer to the union of the teamsters union that was rejected. the
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teamsters have done much the same in the last weeks and months and it goes to the point where again, this is a lock out by the companies. they have shut down and put the workers off the job. at the same time though, the union did vote in favor of a strike vote. so both sides are at an impasse right now. the workers are saying this is a safety issue. they want things like fatigue and rest periods to be negotiated. the union saying they've been generous with that and offering wages to and so it's a back and forth and it's not moving at the table right now. i saw at a hotel in south korea is capital of so is killed at least 6 people. and then just 11 of that's the place started on the 8th floor of the building and 5 flights as were able to stop it, spread to the rest of the hotel. one of the largest diamonds ever found has been discovered in boats. one, it is a $2492.00 carrot stone,
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and it was found completely intact. but swanner as well as the 2nd biggest diamond producer, the largest diamonds ever discovered in a mine was found in south africa up more than 100 years ago. now come by year instead of raising the return of looted antiquities taken during some of the country's most turbulent times. as long as the trend of one of the colonized once colonized countries getting back the artifacts protocol as this report and this solemn ceremony. and the non pen cambodia is smiling statues returned home for the 1st time in decades. prime minister on monday nights, flowers, to honor these ancient hindu and boldest artifacts to the government. considers that the return of antiquities to cambodia, the rightful owner is a show of respect. they are not only showing the morality by promoting the value of the culture of a nation, but also preserving the culture of humanity as well. among the 70 artifacts,
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14 have been returned from new york metropolitan easy and the rest from private collections. their return marks the latest in a series of relics repatriated from western institutions. after years of campaigning, nigeria, i secured the return of several vin in bronzes 1st looted by britain in the 19th century. in december, the netherlands returned hundreds of artifacts taken from she, blanca and indonesia. and those are just some among hundreds of steel dispute of ancient treasures held by former colonial powers. most of these come voting treasures polluted smuggled and sold off during the brutal reign of the committee or roost government in the 1970s. and the return is another powerful reminder of what was lost during a genocide. the killed an estimated 2000000 people in the country. sort of piece is the most important thing, not only for normal human beings, but also for the family of the gods. we also need peace,
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the decades on from the countries darkest periods can bodya has finally recovered some remnants of its golden era. pretty a car, which is here. that's it. from 8 o'clock. weather is coming up, then it's inside the hello. the weather remains decidedly unsettled across the southern parts of the red sea. see the sun the cloud. so they've been rumbling away here. western side of but yeah, i'm in the south west of sadie looking very this. the meanwhile, the push a little further east with the north with and it says deal about the heat. we're getting close to 40 celsius once again here in the hot over the next couple of days in a similar picture with 40 said q i. i'd also i to was back died,
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but temperatures could get close to 50 degrees once the game is the side of the med, at the moment allows you drive it to changes on the way. here's a possibility i wanted to shout was coming. it's becky, i just running up towards the black sea, a slot, a little further east, which as we go on, 3, sas deisel feet breaking stuff dry. it brought the weather, coming back in behind with plenty of sunshine, sunshine to request the northern parts of africa. it's called coast the car at 40 degrees celsius. scattering shows a possibility around the atlas mountains, the lots of showers spilling out so, but not the area now. they will drive them. it has been recently another has been some flattering of that associated with the support infrastructure. having said that, so we are looking at what's where the garage, he making his way a little, the west, which in the coming days we might for southern africa. it is long as a fine dry. i'm sorry. the, the latest news as it breaks, vladimir has vowed to take the enemy outs and defense. officials are confident. we
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can push the occupying forces over 1st with detailed coverage for most parts of mex, can say they have little pull, very little confidence in the justice authorities from around the world. for protesters, it's about keeping up the pressure on the democratic party in the genocide and also holds arms. sales is real. how far can you craig's military go inside russia? most goes, come under one of the largest drug attacks of the war with a team government controlling more than a 1000 square kilometers of coast region. how will russia respond? this is inside story, the color that on james bays when president vladimir putin launched watches,
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so called special military operation and ukraine, 2 and a half years ago expected a speedy victory. not only did that not happen, but.


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