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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the day 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that counting the cost? oh no, jew sierra the, as i promised to be a president for all americans and so promising a new way forward. campbell of how it was accept. so bought his nomination, making history as the 1st black woman and the 1st asian american to run for president. the democrats are under 509 palestinians, a chance to speak at the conventions, despite the pressure from uncommitted delegates and outrage of israel's war on.
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gosh, the don't know about this, and this is obviously a lot for me to have also had rob reynolds in co cheese county, arizona, where donald trump visited the section of the border was n lambasted his opponent tomlin harris for being a fail borders are we'll have the story and the fact coming up cycle of death and displacement in gaza is where the forces kill at least 47 palestinians. tens of thousands of people are forced to move again on hundreds of thousands of people in nigeria. i'm a force out of times in the villages, after floods destroy homes and farm land, the tossing a new way forward in a divided nation. the message of unity from camelot harris,
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who has made history as a 1st blank and asian american woman to button for president. i. your nomination was received a standing ovation in a democratic national convention in chicago, where she formerly accepted her parties, the nation. she began with her personal journey as a daughter of immigrants and her role as a prosecutor before defining her vision how she'll lead america both at home and abroad. our nation with this selection has a precious sleeping opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism and divisive battles of the past. a chance to charge a new way forward not, not as members of any one party or faction,
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but as americans. and let me say, i know there are people of various political views watching tonight, and i want you to know, i promise to be a president for all americans. and so to americans fundamental principles from the law to free and fair elections to the peaceful transfer. 2 of power. well, john hundreds be speaking to people in the crowd. soon after houses accepting the speech, they carmela harris close down the democratic national convention. with this patient was forceful, plain spoken, it was direct and it was a direct attack on donald trump. he vowed to continue working for a ceasefire in the war and gaza. she also valid, you can,
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you continue supporting israel. and she said that she wanted to see self determination for palestinians. she said her only client throughout her life has been there. the people since she was a district attorney. since she was an attorney general and vice president, she said donald trump's only client was himself. that speech in this room was received nearly universally with raucous applause somewhere as showed strain, she showed compassion, who was incredibly power page. i'm so motivated to go out and vote, get my friends and neighbors. incredible moments. i thought it was absolutely incredible. if you terrific is inspiring and we're fat up and ready to go, we're going to do something. hold on a when this election vibes alone won't save lives, palestinians can't eat words. and so it's a start. but i think she still has work to do to earn the support of 3 quarters of a 1000000 uncommitted voters miss country with less than 3 months to go in this
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election. pamela harris is challenges to translate the excitement and enthusiasm in this room. 2 votes across the country, especially in those swing states with tended aside election. john henry and l g 0, chicago, republican presidential candidate donald trump is visited the us, mexico border accusing harris of failing to protect national security. speaking next to a pile of baffled from the border wall from blame democrats for failing to finish it. rob reynolds reports from i was on a visit to the border wall in swing state, arizona, donald trump repeated a new nickname for his opponent. pamela harris. i called her comrade because she is radicals. left marxist. she wants open borders. trump reciting multiple gruesome anecdotes of us citizens who were raped and murdered by on documented migraines. laying the blame of harris's feet, but they've unleashed
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a deadly plague of migrant crime. in fact, federal law enforcement statistics of other research show immigrants are 60 percent less likely to be incarcerated for crimes. the native born americans comma her assessment decades fighting violent cry. there is campaign is sought to bolster her credentials as tough on cross border crime in ads like this and drugs across the border. and all of the trump said without offering evidence, the foreign board criminals and psychotics are streaming across the border by the 1000000. again, the fact that a different story border crossings have been down sharply over the past 5 months. and in fact, in july, we're at their lowest level in 4 years. much of this is attributed to the by the administration's implementation of stricter policies regarding asylum applicants, as well as a crack down by mexican law enforcement on the other side of the border which spoke
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in cookies coating arizona, a standing desert landscape, where the cubby seed is a town hall is b, l g 0 caught up with this, these marriage chicago at the democratic convention for his reaction to drugs, visit a fly and they run up to a big wall that is a rush to the metal wall and effect their fist and say look at all these criminals and horrible people that are coming across swimming and we're getting to they're not really wanting to solve anything. it's just something more than a. busy co op trip plants to hold a rally in phoenix before leaving arizona state. he lost by just 11000 votes in 2020 rob reynolds, l g 0. who cheese cody, arizona of the is there any forces of kills nearly 50 palestinians as the intensify that are
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offensive? and what was once described as a so called safe areas in central and southern gaza, internally displaced, palestinians crump, and densely populated areas of being told to leave. and that's depriving families access to water and vital health services. people who engage them around the move once again, even as the buddy their loved ones, some of inch of age reports. the theme repeated many times in gauze. more than 40000 palestinians have been killed. the bodies of the dead are taken from alexa, hospitalized for burial, afraid is really a tax in the block. the loaded upside down and say, these parents, as the old continued to bury the young fellow, a bit lot of those people decided to return to their homes. think of something that you sorry, the army saw them walk in on the street and executed the parents a motion to the the smallest coffins with the heaviest, as increasing numbers of children are killed in this war. and this all out. ok,
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well, but if you will, all the, the own that i'm sitting on the rubble of my house and the remains of my children says this father, the 70 year old, has lost several family members at his home in bibb, last year, when the dresser, we were at the school, the whole family, when they began to hit schools, the children and my grandchildren came to the house to sleep. i was sleeping outside the soft and midnight. we heard a sound. and the school is mia. we looked over from the school and it turned out to be our house that we came to what you see here, rebel with us in the body, parts left of some others. i enjoyed the health industry says at least 11 people were killed by is really strikes here. as the forces continued to hit a number of neighborhoods in central and southern gauze it the hospitals, schools, most churches, everything has been attacked all over the receipt strip and know that it's safe. 1
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1 it's a vicious likely for many civilians who survive. each night strikes wake up, carry the dead crate and then move. once again. people don't have enough time to warn, as they receive more is really orders to evacuate. some have been forced to move dozens of times since october. 6 is a tank simple to push for any areas of hon. eunice. any here say is really gunfire from several friends, herded them to work. this area. there's a honda because it's not bad that it's just football displacement cost. as too many ation and suffering, we spend our time on the shelves and gunfire and moving from one area to another. and we see no benefit in the negotiations. no, the thoughts on a possible cease fire set the resume in egypt from the wounds of his house of just try me. her mother says he has one message for the world. it's enough. have mercy. some of enjoy. it was there. the spokesman for the largest hospital in garza,
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some of the city of con, eunice says it might be forced to shots because it doesn't have enough supplies. on top of shortages on eunice was given another movement ordered by the israeli army on wednesday. the him in continuation to appeals, we should regarding a shortage of medical supplies at nicer medical complex. we would like to inform international and un organizations that were now on the brink of completely halting operations. that's in addition to being unable to properly cover wounds here. unfortunately, many medical supplies have completely run out such a surgical gloves, abdominal towels, surgical, a programs, and more. the, the escalation of the war between beyond causes border designs and live inside of a polio. i break as dominated a un security council meeting on the situation in the middle east. i'll just do this, chris, and send them a reports from united nations. there's growing concern on the international stage, a mid faltering cease fire talks that war will spread beyond garza despite mountain
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criticism. that is, israel's government that appears to have been stalling. the united states called on him aust to accept its latest ceasefire proposal. thank you. prime minister netanyahu confirmed that israel accepted the bridging proposal that the united states guitar and egypt put forward last week. the proposal is consistent with the principles outlined by president biden in may 2024. and that this council endorsed in resolution 2735. and this bills on areas of agreement from tops convened in doha last week. but russia choose the united states are changing in terms of the global disliking. the security council never bless the deal formulated in this way . and why, when you called upon all of us to exhibit pressure exclusively on how much leadership to make sure that the movement accepts a new is ready when you consistently refused to work with western jerusalem. which critically depends on you for width and supplies,
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but it is something that well intentioned, and impartial mediators do. unfortunately, conflict isn't the only thing that spreading. the polio virus is now circulating in the occupied territories, prompting concerns of an outbreak of this preventable paralyzing disease. $50000.00 palestinian children born since the start of the conflicts have not been vaccinated . the world health organization and unicef have 1600000 doses ready to distribute. but 8 agencies say it is impossible under the current conditions. and that is the thing. we should not need because she ations special permissions to bring a lot of sending medical supplies to to that means she might have pairings and medical teams like my and she's not spend on is the leading to the rules to be is how i talk to the company it's a letter signed by $28.00 organization says they'll need at least 7 days with no fighting to administer the 1st dose to children, but also called for
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a permanent ceasefire. kristin, so me, me, i'll just era united nation still ahead on all those that are russians, president accuses ukraine of attempting an attack on the costs. can you tell power station had to be international nuclear watchdog. this heading there next week, out of strike by way of workers in canada, could be over with an hours of it so much like the government sits down to negotiate an end to the dispute, to stop by touching the economy the documents receives, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle to these environmental catastrophe. we follow assigned me communities conflict to the plan, to build a mine in their northern sweden homeless one that could endanger their ecosystem and their way of life. first nations con tiny black butterflies. the cost of
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growing green knowledge is 0 or in depth analysis of the face. headline, what strategic purpose do you think this assassination serves? israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years. i've seen that they have to give it a chance to best to be a bold critical debate. russia has decided that the war ukraine as a defensive war inside story. how will it change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey around the challenges with the
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of the anyways. you know, just need a reminder about top stories. we saw your nominate charging a new way forward in a divided nation. the message of unity from campbell on how this was made history as the 1st black and asian american woman to run for press powers, received a standing ovation. enough time to democratic national convention in chicago, where she formerly accepted or parties and combination and 50 pounds, a still needed to be killed across gallons. a day off to israel issued a new movement orders. is there any army has struck highly populated areas in the center? and so the district, the
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russian president vladimir putin as a ques, ukrainian, the forces of trying to attack the cross can nuclear power plant. a bunch located inside rushes, western cross region, which has been a target of you training an incursion. it's about 40 kilometers from the city of co scan, some 50 kilometers away from russian territory that's held by ukrainian forces. it has as 2 working reactors, powering 19 russian regions. you are new to inspectors are going to visit the costs of plants next week. can you has not responded to pollutants, accusations us as military says, it's taking another settlement in cost region. people they're being forced to free their homes. such a body spent the day in a shelter there and sent this report. saelens, you know, used to live in the la sky region. and course, now she lives here. a private boxing club turned into a shelter. she is one of more than 50 people,
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forced from their home since ukrainian forces launched that incursion into russia along the border with the curse region just over 2 weeks ago. you know, how does she kind of use nicer participant? i'm grateful for the health we receive, but i feel bad that i'm here. i would prefer to be my own home. i want the war to finish as soon as possible. there's nothing else i want more than for this war to be over the 9 year old gladly be too young to fully understand what's happened. he's passing the time perfect thing, his gaming skills, others spend their days fine tuning their boxing techniques to go through me a little. i had no option to help the people who were affected by the ukrainian armed forces invasion. people here all stressed or frightened, they didn't understand what was happening. i feel i have to help people in every possible way to say most people in this mix of shelter have been here since the incursion started and say they are hopeful, they will be able to return to their homes. so this is their reality for more than
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a $130000.00 russians, forced to flee their homes along the border with ukraine. and the 1st screech of the front lines maybe about 90 kilometers from here. the one consensus to shock and hardship they've lived through across town. katrina and the latino is one of 200 volunteers who come here to help distribute aid. they lost their cheese houses. they lost the old. i think the many people overcome the deal. not that bad, but that's a big garage. this facility assess near the 1000 people and gives out nearly 15 tons of 8 every day with no sign of an end to the fighting between ukrainian and russian forces. they expect to see more looking for help. very soon, door safari out 0. kirk city, russia. over the past several weeks pack of sands internet has been running very slowly. activists or blaming government attempts to install a chinese solid firewall to control access to information. the government's denied
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the claims, but online businesses, a warning, a big impact. some of the economy problem right, explains to use is across pakistan. the slowing internet speed has led to wide spread frustration and for businesses working online, real fee is about they work. i'm afraid that thousands and millions of people are losing their jobs and if it does not fix a, i'm afraid they're dismember. we're. we're get a higher and higher suspicion has full and on the government, unsuspected attempt to install a firewall to control what people can and cannot access on the internet. critics believe it's part of a wind to attempt to stifle the influence of j. old, full, the prime minister in run con, whose party has successfully use social media to get around government controls. there are a lot of restrictions on social media since last 6 months and focused on and the,
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the most recent restriction was the when they installed a firewall, wireless meeting to upgrading cyber security systems. the government has denied its setting up a firewall. instead, blaming slow speeds on the increasing use of so called vpn services the to allow people to get around to local restrictions and access international internet service, which is okey restrictions on sets and social media ads have let the vast majority of use us to use vpn so this has resulted in a significant increase in traffic leading to the slow down as the internet across pockets on other officials of blaine damage to a non, to see telecom's cable as a possible cause. whatever the reason for work is who need the internet to make a living. these are troubling times the internet. we rely completely on the internet. this is seriously affecting our jobs and making it harder for us to earn
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a living during these tough times. they like millions of others, impact is done left to wonder what's really behind the slow down and when it will be fixed. rub mcbride out is there. a. j is bracing some more devastating floods as the rainy season has towards its peak. more than a 120 people have been killed so far. officials a warning about the increasing loss of life and damage to buildings and roads. um, it is your supports from the northern states of chicago. a highway that's become a waterway and a playground farms that may never used any great or the most out of took the same route to go to use 3 farms. and this is all he could start a few bundles of mill it. not enough for the family, but you can do for a meal. you will kinda to have the funds have been totally destroyed. on the 3rd,
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i was able to harvest what can feed my family today community to say the floods this year on president all the problems, especially the rise phones beginning on everything going. because yeah, hoses, everything going, testing to them and intended to display size, you know, hundreds of thousands have been displaced with tens of thousands of factors of palms destroyed. even the dead on spread the misery. this local cemetery, the sub emerged, the floods have changed everything for many in the ideas to got with state print a simple enough not get a 36 states of stuff like flooding this. yeah. yeah, that really season is you have to peak and guns have sofa not open the floodgates to release excess of water. a watering picture faulty shows, it will have a subdomain go back to chrome and what it did is much more in september then in
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august. so i live, god knows what this typically would be when that's what it is that the government says, 110 kilometers and punishments have been constructed and 72 kilometers of the main bree, but raged by. the flooding continues to claim lives and property diverting scarce government resources meant for development. i looked up, i think she's been diverted to that to you. that because you will need to save that situation. so because of that, yes, of course i looked over ribbon with the last a government, a ribbon with the last the that a little extra expenditure would have to be income. so i that will cut which he says the state is bracing for more destruction when they're agencies and peaks, which means more misery displacement for the local population. how much increase i'll just get that going to the supreme court, a certified president, because my daughters claims that he won the presidential election by courts full of
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maternal loyalists and its almost never ruled against the government. and joining follows that request to bind, we'll do to, to review pulling talking this from the july 28th photo. canada is government has stepped into self and unprecedented rail, shutting down within hours of its starting. it's all to the countries to up to rail companies, to get trains moving again and to start talking to unions to settle arguments about work, shuttles, and safety. almost 80 percent of the country's rel network have been shot done, threatening to cause serious damage to the economy of a huge it reports federal intervention to get these trains rolling again. 10 of those labor minister has stepped in to protect supply chains across north america. canada is a trading nation. our government will do everything in its power to preserve the stability and certainty that our railways and entire economy are renowned for the world. where the $9000.00 conductors engineers and yard workers were locked out.
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after talks with union leaders failed in rail. as long as employees, i would want to go back to work and are hoping both the company and our negotiate team in the deal. this is the 1st time candidates to main real networks, canadian pacific, and the canadian national railway have shut down simultaneously. months long talks fell apart over disagreements on workers, schedules and safety. in a statement c, n said the union had not responded to the company's final offer of improved wages and decreased workload. canada relies heavily on its real network about a $1000000000.00 worth of goods travels by rail every day. even a temporary pause effects businesses in both canada and the us and even as far away as mexico. things as well as commuters whose trains rely on those same trucks. even a few weeks delay, if you're seasonal goods, missed the season there, there associated with your don, canadian prime minister,
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just them to those governments did a u turn after previously dismissing calls to intervene and labor costs and to lead up to the stoppage and much longer and that's something that is an impact, right across the country, from workers to businesses, to farmers, to consumers who are going to be impacted. that's why we're on this, we're taking it so seriously. auto was hoping its action will prevent major disruptions to north american supply chains. and for now, protect the economy h e l 0. according to many is placed into that personality and rotate under house arrest is among 6 people at the center of an investigation into human trafficking and sexual exploitation is brother trust and faith has also been detained. influencers are jo, produce us citizens that are already awaiting trial in romania, in a separate human traffic, in case of volcano is erupt taken near the ice london, town of glen that it is the 9th time it's done. so in the past 3 years,
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time is home to 94000 people. and it's one of the license key fishing ports. and the weather's next and inside story is going to examine ukraine's incursion into russia. i'm robust a significant website, obviously. jumps. come, stay with us and obviously the, the hello, the weather remains decided against settled across the southern parts of the red sea. see the sun mccloud. so they've been rumbling away here. western side of but yeah, i'm in the south west of sadie looking very dis the meanwhile the push a little further east with the northwest and it says deal about the heat. we're getting close to 40 celsius once again here in the hot over the next couple of days in a similar picture with 40 said q i. i'd also i to was back that what type of just could
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get close to 50 degrees once the game is the side of the med, at the moment losey drive, but it changes on the way. here's a possible, let's say one or 2 showers coming into ducky i just running up towards the black. see a slide a little further research as we go 13 fast dice. not feet, breaking stuff dry. i brought to weather coming back in behind with plenty of sunshine, sunshine to across northern parts of africa. it's how it goes the car at 40 degrees celsius scattering. it shows a possibility around the atlas mountains, the lots of showers spilling out so, but not the area now. it will drive them. it has been recently another has been some flooding of that associated with the support infrastructure. having said that, so we are looking at what to where the garage, he making his way a little further west, which in the coming days we, i'm off of southern africa. it is lost, a fine, dry and sunny across the air. a new wave of female musicians is emerging,
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often challenging female stereotype. we're a conservative society, i'm very proud of this. but there was a negative view towards e mail, saying is, who's behind this? with 2 bands bringing traditional middle eastern music to new audiences, sisters and song human and don't mind. and i'll just be around the how far can you cranes, military go inside russia? most goes, come on to one of the largest drug and attacks of the war with a team government controlling more than a 1000 square kilometers of coast region. how will rochelle respond? this is inside story, the color that on james bay's when president vladimir putin launched watches,
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so called special military operation and ukraine, 2 and a half years ago expected a speedy victory. not only did that not happen, but.


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