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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 23, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the hello on elizabeth donovan. this is the news our life from joe hall coming out for the next 60 minutes. i've tried this to be a president for all americans coming to harris for many accepts the democratic nomination for the presidency, appealing to unity and a new way forward. the palestinian was given time to speak of the convention to spot pressure from delegates of anger against as well as one gaza. 47 people are killed in the gaza strip and
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a new wave of his way and strikes. the u. s. has 90 percent percent of its population has seen this play since football began and slots destroy livelihoods and nigeria until a 120 people, hundreds of thousands have been displaced. the . we begin this news all and the westwood democratic candidate comma the house has formerly accepted had parties nomination for the presidential election. your nomination was received a standing ovation that the crowd of democratic national convention in chicago. she's the 1st black and asian american women to be nominated for the white house. and the address has promised to fight for america's future. our nation with
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this election has a precious sleeping opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past. a chance to charge a new way forward not, not as members of any one party or faction, but as americans. and let me say, i know there are people of various political views watching tonight. and i want you to know, i promise to be a president for all americans, you can always party. and so the american fundamental principles from the rule of law
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to free and fair elections, to the peaceful transfer of power, correspondent john headphones. but the people in the crowd soon also houses accepted speech a terminal harris close down the democratic national convention. with this patient was forceful, plain spoken, it was direct and it was a direct attack on donald trump. he vowed to continue working for a ceasefire in the war and gaza. she also valid, you can, you continue supporting israel. and she said that she wanted to see self determination for palestinians. she said her only client throughout her life has been there. the people since she was a district attorney. since she was an attorney general in vice president, she said donald trump's only client was himself. that speech in this room was received nearly universally with raucous applause. couple hours showed strain, she showed compassion,
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who was incredibly power page. i'm so motivated to go out and vote, get my friends and neighbors about. it was an incredible moment. i thought it was absolutely incredible. if you terrific is inspiring and were fat up and ready to go, we're going to do something on a witness election. vibes alone won't save lives, palestinians can't eat words. and so it's a start. but i think she still has work to do to earn the support of 3 quarters of a 1000000 uncommitted voters missed country with less than 3 months to go in this election some way or is this challenges to translate the excitement and enthusiasm in this room? 2 votes across the country, especially in those swing states that tend to decide election. john henry and l g 0 . chicago. com is a political analyst and a former congressional staffer and he's joining us live from chicago. great to see you, mr. have. thank you for staying up for us. for those who followed her campaign, her vice presidency, there wasn't anything new in coming to house a speech,
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but how to think she would have come across. so the average american doesn't know anything else about her. and that's so true, so many people who have follow come on, harris know that a lot of what we saw in terms are of our policy prescriptions tonight. certainly we're not j changing, but what was certainly different is the perception and the narrative of campbell a harris tonight, what we saw was a comma harris that was confident that was exuberant, and that was ready to take on this new bite and new new challenge. she gave a speech of her career. she energized more than 10000 people that were in that arena tonight. and clearly the momentum is with her just now becomes a sprint to november. the question of course going forward is, can donald trump do something anything to block her moment? there are also questions about how she can carry that momentum forward. she certainly has had it since president biden step down,
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but what would it take for her to carry that momentum forward? a we're already saying that tomlin harris and the democratic party is becoming an increasingly large tent. we saw this effective republicans speak tonight at the convention. we have seen over the course of the week, a number of latino voters, young voters, basically every key demographic that the re democratic party is going after. in this election they were represented night. now of course there's still some work to do with that, largely uncommitted group of boulders, those voters that have concerns over the war and the guy that, that is going to, i think, be an issue that will continue to play out for the remainder of this campaign. but never the less what we're seeing here is carmella harris is now beginning to put some distance between herself and her opposition. candidate donald trump. uh huh. since you broke up, you know,
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the uncommitted versus the versions who are concerned. if not down vice angry about the war on guys what do you think it was a mistake not to allow a palestinian to speak at the convention? no it was. it was not. and the reason for that is because again, these are uncommitted and voters and the democratic national convention, very much like the republican convention, is an infomercial to showcase the 10th of the party. and right now what we're saying is the party was doubling down on it's a por port also trying to move a lot of those disaffected voters. many of those independent suburban women voters who are going to be crucial to victory in november. and clearly what we are saying tonight, and throughout the rest of this week was a convention that was attempting to try to move those voters. and i have to tell you being in the convention hall every single night, including to night. i think the democrats will come out of this week saying mission accomplished. mr. have, i'm afraid we run out of time,
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but thank you. as always for your analysis. we appreciate it. eric have live in chicago to and as we were talking about, no palestinian american was given the chance to address the democratic national convention that is despised voices supporting israel and the families of captives held and gaza being given that platform. a group that had been campaigning for the democrats. muslim women for harris now says it's pulling it supporting the stones at at least 40 democratic delegates have withheld. the support, slicing the bottom administration stance and as well. but why the amount of the palestinian american serving as a georgia state representative and she wasn't given a speaking slot during the dnc reality is that me is of how soon and elected official. i have had to walk a fine line between degrees that i have felt over my people being mass murdered. and the fact that i understand the stress that exists in our society there are now
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looming, ever larger. come november. i came to chicago for a panel with every american institute. now i'm being pulled into this. and instead i watch somebody from my state who was an anti choice republican get time on that stage and not a single palestinian suggested speaker. i want to be clear, this is not about me. we came here to offer a gift. we came here to offer an opportunity to bridge the gap between our party and our voters. and thought of colleen as a member of american muslims for palestine. he says, the democratic party isn't to give them a platform to palestinians because it would highlight us hypocrisy. so this decision is just not just a moral failing. it's a severe political miscalculation that deepens the divisions within the democratic party at a time of already. hutton polarization. so what you have now is this simple, fair minded, reasonable request to have
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a palestinian speak at the main stage. i'm. i'm the main states at this critical juncture, with over 40000 costs. and these have been killed with us made weapons and us tax money. and you're not even giving them the platform to speak their narrative. and i think it comes down to one word. the g word. they're afraid, most likely, and this is my personal view that the genocide will be mentioned by this palestinian speaker. so there's no way that the democrats can tolerate that. and to look at the democratic party platform, for example. this is where the hypocrisy has been heights and actually because the platform talks about better housing and talks about a better and more inclusive immigration policy. it talks about healthcare being and human rights. it talks about affordable housing. so you have all these core issues that democrats care about, so deeply you have the same time the policy, what does it contradicts every single one of those 1900000 tossed means that are
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made homeless. they've been displaced once, twice, 3 times, sometimes even more than that. 70 to 80 percent of the civilian infrastructure because it has been utterly destroyed, not a single functioning hospital, fully function, hospital exists and it has the right now. this is all due to our policy of enabling this genocide. so how is spinning and that will take the stage will highlight the critical spare and that will not look different. joe biden certainly will not look good for the democratic nominee. come over here. the palestinians in chicago represents the largest posting and community in the united states. so here the bmc is here in chicago, and you will not give a platform to this particular element of your because of your constituency. that's a shame to the democratic party. it's a, it's a, it's a same to the party that believes in inclusion to quality freedom and justice. republican presidential candidate donald trump has visited the us mexico border in
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the swing stage of arizona. emigration has been one of the biggest issues the selection republicans have criticized come of the house, has policies a choosing, has a failing to protect the southern border. speaking next to a pile of metal for the board of war, trump blamed democrats for failing to finish it. if you take a look, interestingly at the all of the wall that's lying on it side, that could have been put up in a matter of weeks. it was all set to go. it was all cut out. and if you look at the top of the mountain behind us, is all shaped all ready to go. could have been put up in a few weeks. much of it's been sold for $0.05 and the dollars very expensive. the, the is really only has codes and $8050.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours is
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bombing areas once considered safe stones and central gaza. that you one says as well as about creation or does have forced 90 percent of the causes population from the home. since the will began. some of and java reports the theme repeated many times and going to be more than $40000.00 palestinians have been killed. the bodies of the dead are taken from alexa, hospitalized for burial, for this very attacks in the block, the world is upside down and say, these parents, as the old continue to bury the young people decided to return to their homes. think of something that you saw, the army saw them walk in on the street and executed the parents a motion to the the smallest coffins with the heaviest, as increasing numbers of children are killed in this war. and this all out um, but if you are the, the owner, i'm sitting on the rubble of my house and the remains of my children says this father,
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the 70 year old has lost several family members at his home in big block. yeah. up in the us, we were at the school, the whole family when they began to hit schools, the children and my grandchildren came to the house to sleep. i was sleeping outside the soft and midnight. we heard a sound. and the school is mia. we looked over from the school and it turned out to be our house that we came to what you see here, rebel with us in the body, parts left of some others. i enjoyed the health industry says at least 11 people were killed by is really strikes here. as the forces continued to hit a number of neighborhoods in central and southern gaza. the hospitals, schools must churches. everything has been attacked all over the receive strip and know that it's safe. 1 1 it's a vicious likely for many civilians and survive each night strikes wake up, carry the dead crate. and then once again,
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people don't have enough time to warn. as they receive more is really orders to evacuate. some have been forced to move dozens of times since october. is there any time table to push for? are there any areas of hon unice any here? say is really gunfire from several friends, herded them towards this area. there's $100.00 because it's not bad that just pop off displacement cost as humiliation and suffering. we spend our time under shelves and gunfire and moving from one area to another. and we see no benefit in the negotiations with thoughts on a possible ceasefire. set the resume in egypt from the wounds of his house of those try me. her mother says he has one message for the world. it's enough. have mercy. so i'm, i've enjoyed, i was there one of the largest hospitals and moving guys i will be forced to hold operations within 24 hours because of a lack of fuels. the director of the indonesian hospital told algebra it's running low on supplies,
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needed to generate electricity. the facility is one of the few that is still functioning in the area as well, right? so the tax there is one has restrict to the entry of fuel than critical medical supplies into the strip for months was out of colors, reports from outside. the hospitals in northern gaza or the underneath the hospital will be out of service within the next 24 hours of this facility will not be provided with the fuel. i'm talking to you from the underneath the hospital. and we also spoke to the doctor, the model, one of those on director of the and didn't agent hospital. and he told us about the dire situation of down to median hospital. and he also told us about this cost with you over fuel and how it's dangerous to make it the idea agent hospital after service. he told us if this facility would not be provided with view well within the next to 24 hours and then agent hospice, i will be out of service and thousands of people die. we talk to the one with the
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patients and one to people. and they told us how guy of the situation here. and they told us the data struggles of them while living here without any electricity or fans. this facility considered one of the main, all 3. indeed, nothing does a script and if this facility will not be provided with the fuel, that will be held catastrophe. well, i didn't catch you. i just did not think of a threat. all is fine. meanwhile, the spokesman for the largest hospital in ga, the gauze, the southern city of con unit says, it might be forced a shot to because it doesn't have enough supplies. he says they've been false to prior size women and children fill, etc. and i know him in continuation to appeals, we should regarding a shortage of medical supplies that nasir medical complex. we would like to inform international and you and organizations that were now on the brink of completely
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halting operations. that's in addition to being unable to properly cover wounds here. unfortunately, many medical supplies have completely run out such a surgical gloves, abdominal towels, surgical, a problems and more say, is about why the regional and the switch of a polio out for a dominates. there's a un security council amazing on the middle east. on thursday, kristen salumi reports from the united nations in new york. there's growing concern on the international stage, a mid faltering cease fire talks that war will spread beyond garza despite mountain criticism. that is, israel's government that appears to have been stalling. the united states called on him aust to accept its latest ceasefire proposal. thank you. prime minister netanyahu confirmed that israel accept the bridging proposal that the united states guitar and egypt put forward last week. the proposal is consistent with the
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principles outlined by president biden in may 2024. and that this council endorsed in resolution 2735. and this bills on areas of agreement from tops convened in doha last week. but russia choose the united states are changing its terms of the global, just leaving the security council. never bless the deal formulated in this way. and why, when you called upon all of us to exhibit pressure exclusively on how much leadership to make sure that the movement accepts a new is ready when you consistently refused to work with weston jerusalem, which particularly depends on you for weapon supplies. but it is something that well intentioned, and impartial mediators do. unfortunately, conflict isn't the only thing that spreading. the polio virus is now circulating in the occupied territories, prompting concerns of an outbreak of this preventable paralyzing disease, $50000.00 palestinian children born since the start of the conflicts have not been
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vaccinated. the world health organization and unicef have 1600000 doses ready to distribute. but 8 agencies say it is impossible under the current conditions. and that is because a, we should not need because she ations a special permissions to bring a lot of sending medical supplies, particularly. and she might have pairings and medical teams like my i and she's not spend on is the leading to the rules to be is how i talk to the company. it's a letter signed by $28.00 organization says they'll need at least 7 days with no fighting to administer the 1st dose to children, but also called for a permanent ceasefire christian. so me, me, i'll just era united nations. for more on this we are joined by tom at a couple of the associate professor of public policy at doha institute for graduate studies. always good to speak with youth on that. so that's the issue of a resolution full gaza, whether it's
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a ceasefire. need to come back to the un security council or do they us representatives comments that we just heard. and that report gives us an idea of any prospect's, the progress. even if this comes back to the security council. so elizabeth, if it comes back to the security council and there is an overwhelming majority votes that calls for ceasefire. monday, you saw exactly earlier than previous attempt a couple of months ago. and then the 2nd depos zips, i mean that's a simple victory for the kind of thing is more or less. i mean that this, there isn't all the majority international majority that is behind ending disorder and it would make us look isolated. but the question is does, but you also have the special needs to be in the kids at the stage. i mean to be better. so nothing but it's obviously not. i mean, aside, i mean from dose of this, what didn't know the diplomatic behavior of the americans was lots. uh, what would you expect from a mediator or a broker piece? i mean, the us is sadly,
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has chosen to be part of the reason. and this was absent the, just as in this that is acting like as well as lawyer instead of an honest broker. and in these negotiations which was set to continue. and we're hearing that even the c i, a director, is going to come back to the region. if you're saying that the us doesn't care about how it looks on the world stage at the moment. so why keep all these negotiations which aren't going anywhere or so i think that's a very good question. i mean, yes. why? i mean, let's look at this less visit of blinking to the reason. i mean, just a week before that the us has agreed or supplied is the major also, major weapons to enable the continue. it's what so in 100 to continue with the bidding weapons these are and then they pretend that there are some of the plastic efforts to get to suddenly to a solution. i think the us administration now the by them, especially the stage. i think it more or less it has. what it's doing is just the act of pretending that they are engaged in some sort of diplomacy to have that any
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answer for all these angry implement the voters in the us will keep asking, why can't we stop the war? and that's what it is we're trying, but in fact, 3 out of the, the, not just citing but is it i, i think the behavior of the installation is, from my own view, as so far as the committed to have nothing else to achieve the victim. he's looking forward, and so far he has let me, but that victory is not possible as it ends. i mean, officials from across the board, including american officials, have said it's not possible to defeat him off. they have been saying this from don't stop onset of this war, but now what we have for each to we're getting into the 11th month is, i mean, i mean, assuming of this war on what the americans have been saying, actually that actions are both in, in the opposite direction, they're doing the opposite. gaza as a sense of the, it's a tragedy. it's un, it's
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a living tragedy at the suicide. the what has both of these change the face of does a for ever. how mass also is not in a good position because how math is under huge pressure because it is at a distance movement and the governing, fucked. you as well. so none of the declared goals, that's how mass has also declared on those set of this. what has been achieved, and now the 1st with this, the hungry domestic cutting this, there's also been ends up in suffering. so they see how much and is it a lot of sense? let's see, how much does the government government that is unable to stop this war? and the same time is what it is difficult to do, whatever they want, some guys. so when it comes to this, i think these are 8 is on the americans are meant, think that the owner isn't good. they want to see. and the problem as they have us, as an 8th of the top liters. now it's about hitting come to us accepting to say yes with defeated, but i must have to do this because it's, it's, it's, it's a switch, it's out for habits. but the thing is, we're gonna stop this war against the americans. they have the leverage, that's nothing using it. and they're still coordinating and helping visit
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a news to, to, to, to find this big 20 plus these. nothing else, mister god. what was that out of time? to thank you very much for your analysis, we really appreciate it. thank you. the lebanese with hezbollah has hired a more rocket set, northern israel, they have a launch columns of slogan, areas near the border as well. and then his ball. i have wrapped off a tax against each other off to one of his bellows come on, those was killed and they route last month. the russian president vladimir clinton has accused ukrainian forces of trying to attack the cost nuclear power plant. the facility is located in russia's close region, which has been in the target of ukrainian incursion. it's about 30 kilometers away from the fighting. it houses to work and we act is powering 19 russian regions. the assistance is the enemy try to strike the kids can nuclear power station. the
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international atomic energy agency has been informed the promise to come themselves to send specialist to assess the situation. i hope that in the end this will be done on their part a new and nuclear inspectors are expected to visit the crew risk pumps next week gave hasn't responded to hooton's accusations, but at some other traces, they've taken a novel assessment in the coast region over the 100000 people, they have been forced to flee that homes. dosage of a high spent the day and a shelter and has this report. saelens, you know, used to live in the la sky region and course. now she lives here, a private blocks and club turned into a shelter. she is one of more than 50 people forced from their home since ukrainian forces launch that incursion into russia along the border with the curse region just over 2 weeks ago. you know, how does she kind of yes, now i suppose you see them. i'm grateful for the health we receive, but i feel bad that i'm here. i would prefer to be my own home. i want the war to
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finish as soon as possible. there's nothing else i want more than for this war to be over. the 9 year old gladly be too young to fully understand what's happened. he's passing the time. perfect, thank his gaming skills. others spend or days fine tuning their boxing techniques to go through me a little while i had no option to help the people who were affected by the ukrainian armed forces invasion. people here all stressed or frightened, they didn't understand what was happening. i feel i have to help people in every possible way. most people in this mix of shelter have been here since the incursions started and said they were hopeful, they will be able to return to their homes. so this is their reality for more than a 130000 russians, forced to flee their homes along the border with ukraine in the 1st screech of the front lines may be about 90 kilometers from here. but one consensus to shock and hardship they've lived through across town. katrina and the latino is one of 200
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volunteers who come here to help distribute aid. they lost their cheese houses. they lost the old. um, i think the many people overcome the uh, the deal, not that bad, but uh, with the garage this facility assess near the 1000 people and gives out nearly 15 tons of 8 every day with no sign of an end to the fighting between ukrainian and russian forces they expect to see more looking for help. very soon, door safari out 0. kirk city, russia, a and russia has a choose you client of attacking a fairy in a port new crimea. the vessel was loaded with up to 30 fuel tiles. the launch fi that broke out as a result could be seen from connie's beaches. local authorities say the fairy sang and ukraine also says it's shut down, moving a 1000 drones and a russian attack overnight from one basket spring. and alex, good top,
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las who's joining us live from keith across the board, a drawing a tax continuing from both sides alex and mit the other military operations. yes, absolutely. so it's a testament to how well defended the capital city is. one of the most heavily defended cities on us, but over drones to approach key will shut down 14 in total, right across ukraine. this is very much for drew for the ukraine conflict. but of course, the trainings have drones of their own, and they've been launching attacks very effectively against the russian industrial targets they hit roast of on. don't again, the or refinery that it already hit several days ago. the fire would only just spin contains or firefighters. so this, alexis, georgia tech has set fire to another section of the refinery itself, effectively putting it out of action. so very much both sides. these are daily solvers that we are seeing now as,
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as bush and drove the tax increase. but also you crazy in the tax increase and for go further and further deeper into into roster itself further north 8 o'clock if they've blown ukraine as low as a brigade level attack. this is a reinforced brigade, which is roughly 6 to 8000 men, backed by tanks, artillery, infantry fighting vehicles that are pushing russian units and trying to push them out of the country, the ukrainians themselves according this attack and offensive. so let's see if this is something diverse and we will start of a minute. another main event that we will see in the coming days. so yes, a lot of fighting going on, both in and out using various means on a daily basis. this is a industrial level conflict, and there's some show no signs of stopping. and amid all that fighting alex, they've got the ending and con minutes from that into moody and ukraine. he has long tried to position himself, is a someone who can mediate between russia and ukraine. but how likely is that, what is he doing there?
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i hope this is the 1st visit by an indian leader since ukraine's independence in 1991. so in itself that significance as well. so as part of images, increasing engagement with europe. ukraine is very much part of that alignment. now the 2 lead is spoke on the sidelines of cope 26 in glasgow in 2021 before the invasion. they seem to get on really well. they're being phone conversation since then. the national security advisors of both you prayed and india have been successfully talking with each other on a regular basis. so this visit didn't come out of the blue. but of course, india is got to perform this tight rope act between the west and also between russia. now it is a russian client, states that the vast majority of its military equipment is russian made it. and so it's not someone that can, india can't afford to alienate russia either. so this is very delicate balancing
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act, and this is impart visit, find a ranger moody. the recent visit to moscow was all about to make sure they are engaged and also to put it so forward to put itself in the position as mediator as well. that's good to be successful or not. we will tell them the coming days. alex, thank you very much for that. alex. good talk. last live in case still ahead on the elders. they are in use of selling and buying the base strands. 3000000 people. the government has deployed his army and navy. we live in boca as an ice land that volcanoes erupt into the 6th time and 8 months, creating a major fisher earthquakes and fast moving lava flows. the
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more that was sent a sunshine, hot summer sunshine, if the truth be told across central and southern part. so if you, but it's a little more like autumn up towards the northwest side of the pack, the ice above rolling in across the partition. also that means more that we have some very strong wind scuffles winds for a time event. when the weather weather will sweep is way up across scandinavia, as well as a lobby down pulls that pull the north west of europe, some really heavy rain coming into norway and on into deposit of sweden. what's the weather actually stretching his way over towards the west side of russia for central policies, hot edit straw high, 29 celsius in berlin, and rising could touch 32 degrees here. the sas they off. they went to the associates of central and southern areas. just you can see the possibility in a book or us, the shelves that we had into a central met that made for the race was the week and a little bit. but they all quite live the, some live you ran to stretching down across the low countries into central and southern positive fronts. by the time you do come to sas,
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stay for the south as long as you drive with northern parts of africa. well, heavy rainbow flooding rides bus, spilling out of northern parts of nigeria, easterly by pushing them all the way into became this i fast. so i'm like the area i sat to they ultimately, the 10s of thousands of children were born into. we'll live down to the ice sol regime in iraq and syria. now many are in camps. i the role funds of with the widowed mothers rejected by their own communities checking the few things that people are going to welcome them after that. of course not an emmy award winning documentary. here's the trailing and traumatic story. the children throw stones at me erects last generation on l. just we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to the places that others can know. i want to hear god by the parties on
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purpose. i have the time and it to go live on the go live to work. another story that may not be made for you as far as and the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the watching, i'll just put on and go ha, a reminder of all told stories. the solemn coming to house has accepted the democratic nomination for president on the final life of the policies convention has pledged leadership for americans and also called for us. these fund garza,
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she didn't address the protest taking place outside of the convention of the us support as well as why the full size have killed at least 12 people across kansas and stolen on friday. many palestinians of traps. and then on the in central gaza with the army is intensifying attacks as ordered people to leave the area as well as the southern city of communist. a and russian president vladimir futon has a choose ukrainian sources of time to attack the close. can you clear pounds on the facility is located in russia's coast region, which has been the target of ukrainian incursion. flooding in the south and east of on the beach has stranded nearly 3000000 people. at least 5 have died. the army and navy have been deployed to the effect of the areas. the funding was triggered by torrential rains, flowing into low line areas of the country. that's running low cost funding funds. the child is monitoring the situation for us. joining us from the capital doc,
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i tell us about the conditions and the effect of areas from the as well to put it in one while. that's absolutely the devastation. i mean the to have those areas they've never seen floods like this. and so a decade the pot up it is heavy. torrential rain for the past several days. and also the surprising opening of the slide gauged by the indian straight up straight for which itself was facing flood. so without prior warning or notification, which typically that's tim country is supposed to do. the water wasn't allowed in. it does cause that massive amount of flash floods inundating the entire district of penny and, nor kelly as follows, and tens of thousands of stranded to maryland. so the rescue operation is on, people are still stranded at least 14 distinct start affected from not this to east central to solve this stop button with us. so it is a major challenge right now to rescue people for us because many people are
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stranded in remote location, which cannot be access that road links are snapped off the railroad lines are snapped up. there's no electricity. so the idea is to get people out fast on them, worry about the situation and volunteers are rushing in and all those places with bodes helicopters, even private, alec helicopter services that are offering free services to rescue people's situation. looks bad if the rain continues on the upstream water from india keeps coming in to bangladesh. things won't get better until that stops. and thunder, this isn't the 1st major selling in bond division. this rainy season. what does the government doing to help move mentioned the army and navy have been deployed, but how switched all government resources given the previous slots? yes, that's been slight, even in the month of june in the northeastern part of the country. so it is a major challenge, it has made it,
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it's major priority this month that we have to tackle this flag. they asked for volunteers, the army, navy, the close got every elements i've done has been destroyed in the fly, the affected area, people with uh, roll into service. so is that going in the red cross or now their side going in their boats are needed. so people are taking in boats by trucks. it's making it challenging because of the roads have been snapped. the government said, all the advisor in the new, in some government, should visit those areas and coordinate with the local administrators to get things moving and getting really out in those places. and the 1st prior to, as i said earlier, is to rescue the people because tens of thousands people are still in maryland in those disaster areas under thank you very much for that palm beach. all today with the nations live in dhaka. nigeria is racing for more devastating floods as a rainy season heads towards its peak. over the 120 people have died. so fall officials a warning about the increasing loss of life and damage to buildings and roads. when
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it least reports from the northern states have to go on a highway that's become a water weight. and a playground farms that may never used any great or the most out of took this same route to go to use 3 farms. and this is all he could solve page, a few bundles of mill it, not enough for the family, but you can do for a meal. the recorder, 2 of the forms have been totally destroyed. on the 3rd i was able to harvest what can feed my family today community to say the floods this. yeah. on president this all the problems is visually the rise phones beginning on everything go on. because yeah, hoses, everything going, testing to them and intended to display the place, you know, hundreds of thousands have been displeased with tens of thousands of factors of
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palms destroyed. even the dead on spread the misery. this local cemetery is sub emerged. the floods of changed everything for many imagine us to go a state printer, simple enough, not get a 36 states have stuff like flooding this. yeah. yes, very nice. even if you have to peak and guns have sofa not open the floodgates between these excess water watering picture faulty shows. we have a sub demo, go back to chrome and what it did and is much more is have done what then in august . so a little, god knows what the steps would be when that's what it is that the government says, 110 kilometers punishments have been constructed and 72 kilometers of the main revit raged by. the flooding continues to claim lives and property diverting scarce government resources meant for development. i looked up, i think she's been directed to deduct here because you would need to save that
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situation. so because of that, yes, of course i looked over even with the last government, driven with the last not really that a little extra expenditure would have to be income. so i will cut which he says the state is bracing for more destruction when the regular season peaks, which means more misery and displacement for the local population. how much increased i'll just do that again. to a volcano is a rob saying near the iceland, vic, town of the end of it for the 6th time in age mom's maybe 4000 people live that which is home to one of the islands and portions fishing port. local officials say the town to say from lava flows for now, but people including the vic will fish to leave because of an early adoption in december. let's take a closer look at the situation. iceland is home to says you 3 active volcano systems. that is the highest number in europe, nearly 8 percent of its population. those in the right can s potential a. until march 2021,
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the regent hadn't experienced interruption for 8 centuries. raymond cas, as an america, as a professor in the school of joe sciences at mont asked university, and he's joining us live from melvin. thank you very much for your time, mister cas. so iceland and in particular, the rate to this provincial that has seen a lot of activity recently. can you tell us how iceland is unique and it's geological structure? so the us is broken up into a show of tectonic plates and some of the boundaries of those tending tectonic plates. moving apart along what we call middle shan, explaining bridges and iceland is unique and that it's one of the only places on us where the middle flag spinning rage and, and in fact from others, spending ridges is actually imagined above the sea level. so it gives us
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a window into this type of volcanic activity and, and it's quite can overtake tonic activity that happens with spreading ridges or so much of the vault. many of the volcanoes in iceland are related to the activity of the east pacific tectonic east. by flight tectonic flight and the west atlantic tectonic play moving a pot, which causes the crusty no, i signed to crack and fracture. and the oils pot, molten rock or mac members, we call it to well up and then to be adopted along the sufficient, fractured vent systems. and this is what spring happening along the ricky on us reach since 2021. where there since 2021 being 9 episodes of erupt activity separated by several months of repairs or. ready or questions, and we mention that the reactivation of the geological systems that had been born
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for 800 years. what has led to this reactivation? well, it depends very much on with the res, molten rock, forming along the axis, pulled the ocean expanding, reach. so simply put for the last item and a 100 used as a little in the magma underneath the reiki on this to make sure. but since 2021, at least there's a new batch of molten rock or mac by foaming under that section of the mid atlantic spreading beach. and is, and can i ask you to what leads to that formation? as so, as the tectonic plates move apart along the axis that runs through the sort of the mainland of, of iceland, it basically releases the pressure in the cross standing, the tectonic plates. and just said the compression, as we call it,
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causes the brock that is at depths of 6 to 10 to 20 kilometers under the exhaust fan to actually start to melt. and that once feet, the rock is molten, it has a lower density than the solid rock around it. and it therefore begins to rise due to density poignancy. and it rises along those newly formed corrects and factors that are forming as the tectonic plates diverge. that's the case. thank you so much for breaking all of that down for us. that is raymond cas live and melvin. thank you. at least 10 people, including a baby, have died off of a boat of a ton while attempting to cross the river. that marks the border between bosnia and herzegovina. and sylvia, at least 18, made it to show, but it's unclear how many people go on the vessel. southern authorities say the boat was carrying migrants,
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mostly mcglochan nationals who were headed for elsewhere in europe. but in his way, those presidents nichols, my daughter, says a supreme court ruling confirming his election victory as a historic decision. the courses for the wireless and has rarely ruled against the government. authorities have cut down on the street protests that began after the election. the opposition says official results are fortunate and that there is evidence that the candidate, edmondo gonzalez, won by more than $82.00 to $1.00 motion or canada. the government has anything to stop an unprecedented rail shut down less than a day after it began as old of the country's top 2 rail companies to resume services and enter into arbitration with unions to special disagreements, the dispute would shut down nearly 80 percent of the canadian rail networks threatening to cause serious damage to the economy. that my history reports,
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federal intervention to get these trains rolling again. canada's labor minister has stepped in to protect supply chains across north america. canada is a trading nation. our government will do everything in its power to preserve the stability and certainty that our railways and entire economy are renowned for the world war. the $9000.00 conductors engineers and yard workers were locked out. after talks with union leaders failed in rail has lost its employees. i want to go back to work and are open both the company and our negotiate team in the deal. this is the 1st time kennedy as to main rail networks, canadian pacific, and the canadian national railway have shut down simultaneously. month's long talks fell apart over disagreements on workers, schedules and safety. in a statement c, n said the union had not responded to the company's final offer of improved wages
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and decreased workload. canada relies heavily on its real network about a $1000000000.00 worth of goods travels by rail every day. even a temporary pause effects businesses in both canada and the us and even as far away as mexico, as well as commuters whose trains rely on those same trucks. even a few weeks delay, if you're seasonal goods miss the season they're, they're associated with your don canadian prime minister justin to those governments did a u turn after previously dismissing calls to intervene and labor talks and to lead up to the stuff that she much longer and that's something it is an impact, right across the country, from workers to businesses, to farmers, to consumers who are going to be impacted. that's why we're on this, we're taking it so seriously. auto was hoping its action will prevents major disruptions to north american supply chains. and for now protect the economy. it admin alj a 0 to the head on knowledge, a 0 pockets down government denies new cyber security measures are responsible for
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a southern drop in internet speeds. and a new study reveals that micro plastic set and for tracing a brain tissue raising health concerns
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the . the bulk of som telecommunications authority has blamed internet disruptions across the country on a fault into international submarine cables. costanza, antoinette has been slowly for the past several weeks active as of blame and government attempts to install
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a firewall to control access to information. while the bride explains for use is across pakistan, the slowing internet speed has led to wide spread frustration. and for businesses working online, real fee is about they work. i'm afraid that thousands and millions of people are losing their jobs and if it does not fix a, i'm afraid that this number word will get a higher and higher suspicion has full. and on the government's unsuspected attempts to install the firewall, to control what people can and cannot access on the internet. critics believe it's part of a wind to attempt to stifle the influence of j. old full, the prime minister, him run con, whose party has successfully use social media to get around. government controls. there are a lot of restrictions on social media since last 6 months. and focused on and the, the most recent restriction was the when they installed a firewall,
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while admitting to upgrading cyber security systems, the government has denied its setting up a firewall. instead, blaming slow speeds on the increasing use of so called vpn services the to allow people to get around to local restrictions and access international internet service, which is i'll keep digging restrictions on sets and social media apps have let the vast majority of use us to use vpn, so this has resulted in a significant increase in traffic leading to the slow down as the internet across pockets on other officials of blaine damage to and on to see telecom's cable as a possible cause. whatever the reason for work is who need the internet to make a living. these are troubling times the internet. we rely completely on the internet. this is seriously affecting our jobs and making it harder for us to earn a living during these tough times. to say like millions of others impact is done
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left to wonder what's really behind the slow down and when it will be fixed. rub mcbride out is there. a new study has found micro plastics present in human brains . scientists of the united states compared samples collected this year. and in 2016 they found point 5 percent of brain tissue could be made off of micro plastics. and that's what it appears to be rising. with off the bottom one can be a teacher's public medicine at the university of exits and medical school. and he says that while health impacts will still unclear, the findings of concerning is what it implies is that the blood brain barrier that we all have, which we've always felt that the blood brain barrier keeps things out, is not as effective as we thought. and these micro plastics are getting through and then lodging in brains, all humans and these down logging in brains of humans. i would concur that they're
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probably logging in brands or of a animals as well. it is very concerning because we don't want these for an entities lost in our brain and then slowly eating it chemicals. now at the moment we do not have a direct correlation between the presence of plastics and brain disorders like dementia. having said that in time we may find a possible tentative link that the presence of plastics, certain types of plastics gives you a great chance of having a brain disorders such as the dimensions. this is early days, but it is nevertheless, concerning that. now that i'm down probably that in all of the mammalian brains as well come body, a celebration of a ton of new to the antiquities taken during some of the nation's most turbulent times. it marks the trend of one's colonized countries of guessing the out of facts
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back for the a kind of a pool in this solemn ceremony. and the non pen cambodia is smiling. statues returned home for the 1st time in decades. prime minister hung on a like flowers, to honor these ancient hindu and but as artifacts to the government considers that the return of antiquities to cambodia, the rightful owner is a show of respect. they are not only showing the morality by promoting the value of the culture of a nation, but also preserving the culture of humanity as well. among the 70 artifacts, 14 have been returned from new york metropolitan easy and the rest from private collections. the return marks the latest in a series of red x repatriated from western institutions. after years of campaigning, nigeria, i secured the return of several vin in bronzes, 1st loses by britain in the 19th century. in december,
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the netherlands returned hundreds of artifacts taken from she, rankin, and indonesia. those are just some among hundreds of steel disputed engine treasures held by former colonial powers. most of these come voting treasures polluted smuggled and sold off during the break reign of the commander roost government in the 1970s. the return is another powerful reminder of what was lost. during a genocide, the killed an estimated 2000000 people in the country started to visit us and peace is the most important thing. not only for normal human beings, but also for the family of the gods. we also need peace, the decades on from the countries darkest periods can bodya has finally recovered some remnants of its golden here. pretty a car, which is here. and that set for me and as of a, put on them for the new salvage. stay with us. we are back in a moment with all the latest developments. thank you for watching
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the it's a documentary series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle to these environmental catastrophe. we follow as semi communities conflict to the plan, to build a mine in their northern sweden, home line one that could endanger their ecosystem and their way of life. first nations con time, black butterflies, the cost of growing green knowledge is 0. the latest news as it breaks that, i mean it has though to take the enemy outs and defense officials are confident they can push the occupying forces over 1st with detailed coverage for most parts of mex, can say they have little pull, very little confidence in the justice authority from around the world for protesters,
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it's about keeping up the pressure on the democratic party in the genocide and also holds arms sales to israel. a harmful passages are increasingly affecting our life. we've terrible consequences. a documentary asks whether we've learned any lessons from the h. i. p. as in the fight against coven 19 we ignore the global sucks to port profits for 4 people, the cost the time of $10.00 desks. oh no,
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just the . ringback the i promise to be a president for all americans coming to have somebody accepts the dentist nation for the presidency, appealing for unity and in the pedal. um, and this is the problem and this is algae. 0 live from doha. also coming up 47


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