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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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how and why the death toll climbs and golf is really strikes target palestinian civilians in the north and south thousands have no west sight to go the down or kyle, this is out there on the i from the also coming up. israel strikes southern lebanon, an exchange of fi with has will, a, across the board to see jones, warren signs agree on to safe humanitarian avery into the country, which has been processed by 16 months of conflict plus cities. how long when a site is where she, when rights for organizations who have been struggling to find those when missing,
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during the dictatorship in the 19 seventy's and eighty's states, they're facing new challenges with a governmental probably going to be late the . so you begin this person in golf, so we're at least 24 people have been killed by is really forces in stone on friday for died. and one of the latest attacks on a residential building, an illness or a refuge account, is where the army says 8 soldiers have been injured during fighting with palestinian groups since thursday. many people of trumps in darrow, by the off the army, ordered them to leave. palestinians of things at to neighborhood which is just south of golf and city, and the knowles people on the ground said there was no rest safe for them to escape to. i've been further evacuation orders and i'll tell her more than 40000 people have been killed since isabel ne. it's war on gauze at last october,
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the girls are playing the southern city of con eunice, women and children of the scene escaping on foot on thursday nights, many a moving towards the alma y c, which as well, has attach despite declaring it a safe and tara capitalism is in general ballad with will on the latest as riley attacks. of these very homemade is a silly renting of its military operations, including glands and aerial bombardment, since the central area had pub in the north. and in the evening to sell the parts of this trip by the owners of the east video q patient forces. now, the often derek by city here, which housing more than $2000000.00 palestinians off to the new displacement for it is $4000000.00 teen folks into 6 feet off on eunice now posting. if somebody is trapped in the western side of derek, been a while the minute to be now is a freight thing in the eastern areas. now we have seen what you see that there was a rustic of them. bottom is in the hours of the noise and even with the hours of this morning,
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we continued to loud explosions every now and then pointing. is this really raging? really almost finances of these with no patient forces in the eastern areas. we can also see if the sound of the east wing troves is read tate every hour here. but we continue to to see it as will. that only is a great thing in the city of con. you, in this way? no, teen folks have been told a by these very occupation forces to flee and know it's residents are also getting to the western side of the 100, as opposed to other moments suggested that he has been the funds i think is very funny. especially buying these for the minutes we quite hope to talk to people. i'm wondering about this very growing humanitarian, the pressure that is that is the exact same on civilians. now the f pru one is exhausted. everyone is looking for the hot toast, but be relieved that is very similar to tended to keep up the fight thing. that's why palestinians are no longer believed that there might be
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a ceasefire cruise. they are right now trapped in a very small depths of land and they are subjected in that bunch of mentally sorts of areas. and above means. they have a very growing sense was frustration day by day due to the continuation of the flight to the ground with no soft respite so far. prior to the zoo, i would do 0 period, but i kind of saw as one of the largest hospitals in northern dogs that will be forced to hold operations within days because of a lack of fuel that's according to its direction. the facility is one of the few still functioning in the area as well run shop attacks them as well. just stick to the entry of fuel and press cool medical supplies into the strip for months without colleagues has moved from outside the hospitals. in northern garza, the underneath and hospital will be out of service within the next 24 hours of this facility will not be provided with the fuel. i'm talking to you from the engine region hospital and we also spoke to the doctor,
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the model. one of those on the director of the on the engine hospital and he told us about the dire situation of down to median hospital. and he also told us about this costs a deal of the fuel and how dangerous to make it the idea agent hospital after service. he told us if this facility would not be provided would you want within the next 24 hours. and then agent hospice, i will be out of service and thousands of people die. we talked to the one of the patients and wanted people. and they told us how guy of the situation here. and they told us that they just struggles of them while living here without any electricity or fans. this facility considered one, made all 3 in the nothing that was correct. and if this facility will not be provided with the fuel, that will be help gets out. so why did you, i just need
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a loving cause for all this fine or 11 a zones group. hezbollah and his riley ford has continued targeting each of the. is there any strikes hit the lebanese town of el, came in the south, near the border with israel. the frequency of cross border strikes has intensified sense. one of hezbollah top come on does was assassinated environment last month. is there any media is reporting around 20 real kits were fired from 11 and towards suffered in northern israel, israel, and has a lot of exchange, nit daily fire since october last year. and then a honda has this update from beverage or the conflict between it has the end as role has been steadily escalating. and the past 48 hours is rel intensified. it strikes on what it calls hezbollah targets across the southern 11 on. and in the past 24 hours, it kills at least 9 people. the men towards the husband are fighters, including
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a child now as well, have as promised a harsh response following wednesdays, attacked by hezbollah on the syrian occupied golan heights, as well as the target to the military base. but some of the rockets landed in residential areas, at least 60 homes were damaged according to is really media israel. this read, the army accused has the law of indiscriminately firing at civilians. now, while hezbollah hasn't deliberately targeted population centers, it appears to be trying to put more pressure on the is ready to government by creating further displacements and possibly trying to expand at the military. so that is what is real, has been doing really in recent days, expanding its attacks and 11 on striking deeper. in fact, there's been an 8 percent increase in the number of people who have been displaced along the border israel to a twice a degree. the capabilities of house ballade taking out the weapons. depos rocket launchers, this so this, this conflict really, it has been in
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a dangerous space. a since is ro killed a top ranking has the commander in the hearts of baby roots. and since has been already promised a harsh retaliation since then, israel has been trying to step up the pressure given has full a little room to maneuver. but no doubt these are dangerous times. and as long as the war on guys a continues the tit for tat, the exchange of fire continues because hezbollah has said it will not hold fire on israel until there is a permanent end to the war on gaza center. for there i was busy the bales. the now so dawned on me on the planet through rapid support for us as have agreed to provide safe humanitarian access through to records. as far as us led piece talks in geneva, which began in mid august, we got agreements along with many people around the world in the region to open
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andre commitments from the, our staff and staff, and others to activate around that. and for the 1st time in 4 months, trucks moved across the border into areas wherever 500000 women and children faced starvation. cameron hudson is a senior fellow at the center for strategic and international studies. he says, despite the announcement of a new, a boost, the situation on the board of interest to don is still very fluid. i think we have to obviously celebrate one whenever we can get these kinds of commitments. but it's one of these trust but verify type of scenario. so the, the border is open today. uh, it could be closed tomorrow. we have seen both uh, resistance uh from the r s f and the staff but also confusion among both sides about how to authorize these. so you have elements of the government that are. busy opening the board of the elements of the government that are approving of opening
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the border. there is internal disagreement among decides about how the operationalized political commitments that are made. so it's a very, very, i think, disorganized situated between both all the. busy work and on that route of several 100 miles going from the border to the internal to displace people's candidates where they are trying to get the food a to. so it is a very fraud situation just because the border is open today. doesn't mean it will be open tomorrow and just because trucks it pass through today, does it mean that they are going to be able to make it to their intended destination and feed the, the, the people who are waiting for it. so there's a lot of hoops that we're going to have to continue to jump through. destructive fund waters have been searching across bangladesh, leaving is 15 people that i'm leaving millions cost whole from essential services. topic chandry has the latest from dr. of the best areas of bangladesh as eastern nob district and southeastern regions are under water. it will,
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it's caused by heavy rain and sides of water from upstream india. tens of thousands of people out stranded stella waiting for rescue. many government buildings on schools have been converted into temporarily shelters. sorry, the bedroom and their families said the barely escaped the sudden flash floods with what little they had. so you see the time we came here to the school shelter late last night with all belongings, including a livestock, as our homes went under water. and now we're worried about the future, how we're going to get food and why we're going to live because everything got washed away, roads and highways, electricity and internet service is cut off in many of the flowed effective areas. tens of thousands of heck does a farmland live stock, and fish farms were washed away in a matter of hours. the. we've lost 3. hi bree tassel in the flood. the cooks a lot of money, a most of the phones being damaged by the water. in response to the crisis,
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the government has set up thousands of shelter. hundreds of medical teams have been deployed. volunteer is along with army, navy, and coast guard, rescue as a scrambling to rescue people in flooded communities. i wanted, i kinda will start to be a part of the area i am in is in a really bad way. some of the village homes are submerged up to the roof. as part of a team of 25, we've rescued many people and brought them to shelters. a sum in bangladesh or blaming india for the flash clouds, claiming that the southern slabs were caused by the opening off it's dunbar them upstream of the going to reverse entry for us. uh, we noticed that water from upstream is causing these flash floods in bangladesh without providing any kind of early warning or allowing time for us to prepare. they've opened the floodgates and it reflects the inhumane and uncooperative attitude of india. india has dismissed this requisitions. bangladesh is among the top 10 countries most vulnerable to disasters and climate change according to the
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global climate risk in depth. on friday, at the bottom of the semester, logical society weren't i'm heavy rainfall in the next 3 days. because i've acted monsoon condition, which good works in the floods situation. the main challenge for that part is now is to rescue people who are still stranded into flight effected areas. to meet you audrey, i'll just say the dock. i don't have time now to our top story, garza, i'm the white house, says us present. joe biden has spoken to me in the castle. i am the adoption present, angel thought to i'll see see about face fi tools for gaza. the administration says that discussions are scheduled to continue in cairo over the weekend. that spring in washington dc correspondent was in georgia and, and these phone calls was showing the urgency of the situation. what do we know about what was said? so we don't have a read off from the white house yet. this is
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a, a, an early report from of the news agencies. there is a wire report out of cairo that from the egyptian government's perspective, the us and egypt agreeing that both is real and homeless. need to show flexibility as they work on the final details of this reported ceasefire agreement. a now, earlier on friday, the national security council spots person john kirby told reporters in a telephone briefing that so far after discussions on thursday and on friday in cairo that so so far things have been constructive, that there is more work that needs to continue throughout the weekend, but they are cautiously optimistic that the final details on this deal could be worked out in the coming days. one other point coming from john kirby homeless needs to be much more engaged in these negotiations. egypt and color has been acting as intermediaries, but the us wants to see
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a show of good faith as it were. my language, not john kirby's as these negotiations continue. okay, rosemary, thanks for the update. it still has hit on alta sarah. the indian prime minister means you cranes me the in cave weeks often are under moody health folks. and most of the color we are looking at a real blast of winter seats across much of a stray the over the next couple of days. i can't say the same for southern the areas here it is looking little on several welcome rank coming into southern positive w way. know the positive w y, on the other hand could well say time, which is close to 40 celsius as we go into the pothole next week. that's. that's
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a hate their co central pots up to was a know little pockets of very high temperatures across the northern parts of south australia. because the docket collars just a little further east. with this we go one through sunday, going into monday, press been touching 29th sales just maybe even getting up to 30 as we go on through monday on into tuesday. and some of that he's looking a little further south west by that state. so you could even see 4122, the in adult life or the south. i think it's going to be a little cooler. so these last few showers rattling across much of victoria has mania with the weather, grassy, making his way towards these evenings. as we go on through the next couple of days now you've got another round, a shower set for the se on sunday process. guys do come back in on monday. it will stay on the fresh side here. everything but fresh across the pad over the next couple of days. it stays hot, shumate, and sundry or the
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. the other again, you are watching out. is there a reminder of our top stories this hour is ready strikes across gauls. i have
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killed at least 20 full palestinian since don't on friday, people on the ground, so there was no less safe for them to escape to. is there any must also have hit the town of came in southern lebanon, which is near the border with israel. the frequency of costs for the strikes between as well and has for the, has intensified since one of the groups talked come on. this was assassinated in very last month. and so you don't tell me empower military rapids support forces have agreed to provide safety. monetary and access are 2 rates as follows. us lead peace talks in geneva, which began in mid august independence us presidential candidate robert f. kennedy junior is suspending his election campaign and has endorse donald trump. candidly made the announcement at a news conference in arizona. in my heart, i no longer believe that i have a realistic patch to the electoral victory in the face of this relentless,
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systematic censorship and media control. so i cannot in good conscience as my staff and volunteers to keep working their long hours are as my daughters to keep getting when i cannot honestly tell them that i have a real path. that whitehouse or donald trump is campaigning in las vegas and has just finance kennedy for the endorsement and we just had a very nice endorsement from r s k. and i'll be talking about that right after this. we're going to be going to arizona. we'll be talking about that and, and a lot of other things too, but i just want to thank everybody and i want to think bobby, that was very nice. that was really big. is a great guy, respected by everybody. robe reynolds joins us now from phoenix. arizona unrolled. what did kennedy say? he would get from trump in return for his endorsement as
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well. he said that he had had several long talks with trump and trumps family and indicated that if prop became president of the trump would be open to giving r f k. junior, a post in his administration, did not specific about what that post would be, but it, the kennedy said that it would have something to do with overseeing science health and the food supply. the, the, the, the former independent candidates spoke at length about the, of his believes about toxins poisoning the countries of children and elderly. and railed against the democratic party, the media of the pharmaceutical industry, food industry and various other entities. a saying that they had prevented him
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from being a viable candidate, but he then portrayed his decision to stop campaigning and suspend as, as a sacrifice on his part saying that he would, he would do that in hopes that trump would keep his word for the sake of the united states as children just very quickly, i'd like to mention some reactions coming in. you also you already heard from a what former president trump had to say the kennedy family in a joint statement. i noted that this was so said they, they described it as a betrayal of kennedy family values and called robert f. kennedy juniors decision. a sad end to a sad story. the terrorist campaign came out with a much more muted statement, saying that the, for those in the united states who are tired of the division, a rock by donald trump, but they should vote for harris and she would be
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a president for all americans. yeah. and things of that jumping in the how will this suspension of or if k genius campaign affects the race for the white house? as you know is it's very difficult to say because the numbers for our, of the juniors, the campaign is popularity. they were initially pretty high when the present biden was still in the race. they didn't sort of cratered as soon as the democrats call the less around harris. so he, it seems to have lost a lot of his support for and, and that support has gone over to harris. now, there are others within his, the sort of coalition who believe in his uh, anti vaccine statements is, is, is anti big pharma, anti a science of stances who may, will be more receptive to donald trump. and you know, remember that in
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a state like arizona which is key, it's a very, very small margin. so just a few 1000 people going over from kennedy to one or the other could make a big difference. because after all, this is the state where the present bite and beats donald trump by less than 11000 votes. ok, well brandon, was that and i resigned a resume. thanks. keeping his upstate little the twist sometimes. will this presidential race? the induced 5 minutes to a new engine id is in ukraine, is the 1st visit to the end of an indian head of government since who claims independence in 1991. the visit comes just 6 weeks off to moody's trip to russia. a visit cave, what's the size of his good? helpless has more smiles and the hun shakes. as indians leaders,
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we're coming to you by you craze. president loaded me zalinski on friday, just weeks of the bad hugs with the russian president to moscow. with this visit to ukraine is no surprise. zalinski emoji has spoken several times on the sidelines of international summit. and keeping regular context by phone with india was maintain a delicate balancing act between the west in russia. new delhi is deep totally as to moscow the go back decades. most of india is tags come from russia. russian jets from the back boat of its air force. but india, the world's most populous nation, wants to move center stage diplomatically acting as a possible mediator between russia and ukraine. but time yeah, the key engineering, the matter of ending this war and a fat piece is a priority for ukraine. we held the 1st integral piece summit. i want to thank india for being present at the summit of offers. body has practical reasons for
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wanting it into the ball. india wants to sell more goods to russia because india is being buying a lot of cheap russian oil. the trade deficit has gone from less than 5000000003 years ago to almost 60000000000 dollars into year to just end as in, in march, for some indians with ties to ukraine. the reasons for moody's visit a much simpler. i'm on able to find new studies making a to conflict, make it easy, and finish all of this. i hope this will be finished soon after this meeting. most indeed in ukraine are looking to deepen economic and defense trade ties in what president zalinski as colton. historic visit with the question is, can to render moody navigate the diplomatic type book between the west and russia without anything either side, could helpless out to 0. keith officials in the task region of russia have begun building air raid shelters,
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facing is continuing off to create in force as lots of surprise and cousin dose of jabari has more. and this is lenin street in the heart of curse city where officials have started to put up these concrete shelters, to protect and nearly 450000 civilians. here now there's going to be at least 60 of them across the city near the bus shelters. for people to use quickly, in case of a missile thread inside, looks like this. pretty straightforward, simple structure. it's designed to hold at least 10 people at a single time. now, these concrete shelters are not only going to be built in carson city, but they're also going to be built in the house all. so that's the course and culture. talk about 40 kilometers from here. d where the cars nuclear power plant is located and given the ongoing, fighting, taking place between the russian forces along the border or concerns about the
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safety of the nuclear plants. presidents that are important has already accused of attacking the facility on wednesday evening. and then you, i never really watch soc, director general is due to travel to the plan to investigate in the coming days. while all this is going on, the city is preparing for the worse. it's not just concrete shelters that are going up. but there are number of government buildings like this ones that are doing this, blocking the windows with sandbags as air raid sirens disrupt. the tranquillity of this quiet city. people reminded that the front lines are about 90 kilometers from here. and this picture of city with a history of fighting the single largest tank, facile in the history, a warfare in world war 2 is the us again preparing for what is to come door, safari algebra 0 of course, city russia is the modem says he is in charge and he is military dictatorship collapse. an estimated 30000 systems were killed in the seventy's and eighty's with many simply disappearing trades. a boat has the story it
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always seemed. bleed was in his twenties when he found out the twilight entity of his biological parents. it was 24 years ago. in 1978, his mother patricia was 8 months pregnant with him when she was detained by members of the military doing the dictatorship. a gentleman was born in oakland, this time detention center, and they somebody see, my parents continued to be missing and i only found out who i was when i agreed to with the latest. i found out that i was nothing only child that my real father was not in the military. that i had a real sister that my national id was fake. 5, argentina had one of the bloodiest military dictatorship and latin america in the 19 seventy's and eighty's. thousands of left wing gorillas, but also political opponents were killed. many with disappeared by the military
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dictatorship. many women were brought to this complex, which was also a kind of find attention center many gave birth under children, given a way to military couples to race estimated. the 500 children were separated from their mothers. their relatives are still trying to find where they are but under the government of have you had a really finding those missing children will become much more difficult. the ministry of justice announced it has shut down, especially investigative unit in charge of finding them, saying it violates the constitutional order cutting every little every presents the grandmothers were trying to find their missing grandchildren, missing ok. the sale, my husband, when this is a search that has been ongoing for decades and time is of the essence because the grandmothers are very old. we don't have many of them left and closing the unit makes it very difficult. where very concerned. for many, the government's decision,
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these ideological ask, have you had it really and his political party have consistently denied argentina's long standing consensus over the dictatorships, crimes. and that sort of meant to negotiating with. we are not only seeing the nihilism of what happened, but re vindication, which is a step further and being proud of what they did. human rights group say, they're over 300 children that need to be located. so far they have managed to find at least a $130.00 but without political support, finding them becomes an even greater challenge. but he said, we'll just see that when aside and money will microns, have the missing policy need us to try and agree who will be fronts of next prime minister, presence, gamble on slot elections in june backfired when his centrist coalition lost his majority. but his best reports from paris, france is a lines of left to fall left policies, the new popular from to n p.


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