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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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and of the american era, the us once to keep the war in ukraine going back to russia's will, is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the more is really army showing more death and destruction in northern gods. many seeking shelter from violence become targets. at least 24 palestinians have been killed. the hello, this is elsa 00 of any a life from don't. coming up in the next 30 minutes, besieged in bonds with nowhere safe to go. un says israel's evacuation orders have displaced, 90 percent of guns population since the beginning of the war. 13 such orders were
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issue just this month. hungry and desperate thousands of people in nigeria displaced by devastating floods or scrambling for sheltering cities. how long when a site is where human rights organizations will have been struggling to find those when missing, during the dictatorship and the 19 seventies and 80 states, they're facing new challenges with a governmental probably, i mean the so we begin to northern guys are where there has been heavy showing by the is really military. the is really forces targeted bait and lucky a city close to the border and jamalia which was once guys as largest refugee camp at least 24 people had been killed across the strip on friday in gaza. city seniors
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are fleeing these a 2 neighborhood. there's been heavy, is really army operations in the area. several buildings have been leveled and strikes is really forces are unfortunately trying to expand military card or they're meant to separate north and south guys. and people are feeding the southern city of hon. eunice, you to israel's expanding ground offensive. there is real, had issued a displacement order on wednesday, women and children were seen escaping on foot. many a moving west towards on the wasi, which is real, has attacked repeatedly, despite declaring it a so called safe zone. so in central gods as largest city that is 0 by law is really forces have also stepped up. their attacks and palestinians are caught in the fighting around them. also 0 as tar couple as the is very low made is still wrapping up its military operations, including glands and aerial bombardment and the central area that pub in the north and in the even is so the heart of this trip is of it is video q patient forces now
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the often there, but i city here which housing more than $2000000.00 palestinians off to the new displacement forward is $4000000.00 teen stops in the 60 or farm units. now the hosting, if somebody is trapped in the western side of dairy, but a while, the minutes we now is operating in the eastern areas. now we have been witnessing a service or rustic of whom bump lives in the hours of the noise and even the hours of this morning, we continued to loud explosions every now and then pointing. is this really raging? really almost finances, the patient forces in the eastern areas. we can also see it the sound of the east when troves is retail every hour here. but we continue to see it as will that the only is a great thing in the city of hon. eunice window, teen folks have been told a by these very occupation forces to flee, and now it's residents are also getting to the western side of 100,
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as opposed to other more wants to just as a has to be in front of it is very fun, especially to bind these for the minutes, we cut hope to join people still wondering about this very growing humanitarian depression. that is, that is, is that things on civilians. now the f pru one is exhausted. everyone is looking for the hot toast, but they believe that is so determined to keep up the fight thing. that's why i no longer believe that there might be a ceasefire if the crews are right now trapped and they're very small depths of land and the are some of just isn't that much as mentally thoughts of area and then bombardments. they have a very growing sense with frustration day by day due to the continuation of the flight to the ground with no soft respite so far. tired to visit our do 00 has been cut us. so as we just heard from tarik, palestinians are fleeing once again because of these new is really military
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movements. agencies save the so called humanitarian zones and gaza shrunk, suggest 11 percent of the strip, and or to full to accommodate new arrivals. $30000.00 people are packed into every square kilometer of the so called saved zones. and despite their designation, they face constant attacks the you and says 90 percent of guys. this population has been displaced since the start of the war, and the shrinking space for them to seek refuge is raising fears over the outbreak of disease. dr. tire off monday as an emergency medical physician who was working at mass or hospital in january before it's collapse. you're joining us from chicago today, dr. it's good to talk to you. so since the started this war, we keep saying it, palestinians have been forcibly displaced over and over and over again until we reach this car. situation. 90 percent of the population of the strip crammed it to just 10 percent of the territory. as a doctor. how do you look at that? oh, we know that this is just
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a humanitarian catastrophe. that keeps deepening with every single day. more specifically, the most recent evacuation order that was announced yesterday included formed neighborhoods in dated by the san eunice. but if you look closely at the map, the evacuation areas are less than one kilometer away from 4 of the major hospitals, some of the hospital, lots of hospitals. i'm an independent city, right, christmas society. so we know that the people who are being displaced suddenly lose access to health care. and we know that if they're being displaced over time, multiple times, multiple times, their access to water and food becomes compromised. so when you start hearing about polio being a concern, and there's a 10 month old now, investor who is paralyzed because of polio. how are we going to get back scenes out to these people? how are we going to get them clean water, which is necessary to prevent this part of polio? we know the of the evacuation orders that were in system that were placed yesterday . that means that all of those people, which is about of a quarter 1000000 people, 250000 people, got affected by those evacuation,
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or that there is less access to water, 70 percent, less to access the water because of those evacuation orders. you mentioned that case of polio and that was confirmed by and why a 10 month old baby now paralyzed usually if there is a confirmed case, that means there are other cases that haven't been detected yet. right. and that's exactly right. and the concern is how are we going to reach the vulnerable people if they keep being displaced by evacuation orders. in august alone, there were 12 evacuation orders and these orders are also affecting un agencies and g own health care workers. people are on the ground. so the fact that we have a confirmed case with the limited capabilities and the deep cuts in the collapsing health care system, the fact that we have one case of polio means that there are several others. this is a canary in the coal mine. we know that there are others out there. the next question is, well, how do we stop this? and it's with clean water. you know, we use chlorine tablets to help clean and disinfect the water. there had been no
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coreen tablets that have entered guys since january. all of the water that people are using is contaminated. it's not said. so the 2nd part of it is how can we get them the vaccine if we can even bring in the medical supplies because of the restrictions. if the border is effectively shut down and were totally dependent on the, is really military allowing humanitarian 8. and we know that we are in jeopardy of losing many people. kids who will be paralyzed for the rest of their lives. elderly who could have been saved, all of these people are at risk in the w. h o, the health ministry, all the different ends you. they're saying we need days of tranquillity so that we can at least deliver these vaccines and administered them. and they want to plan to roll this on august 31st, but by the looks of it, we have no chance of having a successful rollout vaccination campaign. there's just no way health care workers are being killed. health care facilities are being targeted and people are and keep getting displaced to a shrinking map. you mentioned that already 90 percent of the people are in the 10
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percent of the land. you're talking about a total of catastrophe. and the more that we keep huddling the palestinians together, the more that we keep forcing them to smaller, smaller spaces. the more you'll see, polio, the more you'll see, hepatitis, they, the more you'll see, skin diseases like these fungal infections that are spreading. and we just have to watch these people get in for to be injured or be killed or died from these diseases and we have no recourse. we can't bring the aid and we can't stop the bombs and dropping. and we can make sure that the hospital and healthcare facilities can keep the lights are. it's an absolute, does there any way you look at it, doctor, the hospital where you volunteered and worked earlier this year. nicer hospital which was one of the larger ones in the gaza strip. it now is just yesterday through the spokes person that is running out of basic surgical supplies, gloves, towels, etc. to do just the basic surgery. what's it like working in a hospital like that? in an active war zone, and it's absolutely miserable. you know, it's one thing to work in
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a word zone in the conflict area, but it's another thing to have your hands tied behind your back because you don't have the alcohol pads to wipe down in clean an area. you don't have the band days to put over the leading. you don't have the pain medicine to help the shrieking child who's in pain. you don't even have enough fuel to make sure that the operating theatres can continue to function to stay in people's lives. you are literally having to treat people on the floor because the hospitals all around them over capacity. but you have nothing that you can do to make sure that they can stay and clean that they don't get infected from the miraculous. the fact that they survive miraculously from an air strike, it's horrifying and it's only gotten worse. i mean, it's impossible to imagine what the palestinian healthcare workers are dealing with 10 months in the fact that they have to watch people be brought into their emergency department. know what they have to do and be totally competent to do it on their own, but to not have any of the supplies that they need to not even have the security
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blanket up. making sure that a hospital like an austin like shift for like many of the hospitals won't be attacked, won't be rated. you know, over 500 health care workers have been killed since this complex started over 200 have been abducted. i mean, this is a disaster, not only is the infrastructure being destroyed, not only of the supply in shortage, but we have a human resource problem. and guys are because it's not safe to be a health care worker. it's written, get them a chance that you may be killed just because you're showing up trying to save people's lives. and doctor your, you're in chicago with the democratic convention just wrapped up. i know you're politically active. how do you feel about couple of harris, the democratic nominee and team harris generally about palestinians. and these really this, this issue, this war as well. you know, i think one of the most disappointing things that's taking place, especially at the convention, is the fact that they wouldn't not allow a palestinian american to get up on that main stage. been talked about the plight of the palestinians and talked about the urgency, the need for a ceasefire. they need to be able to do something when it comes to this war. and
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the united states being the sole superpower that can intervene to help stop it. it was devastating to find the palestinians at the dnc or censored that they weren't excluded and that there was an eraser of the palestinian narrative. i mean, out of all of the things that they could have done, extending an olive branch saying, hey, there's the promise, daneen americans that are a part of this group. then we should be listening to, to decline that and to be actively resisting that sort of presence that, that the fact that they are out there. it's horrifying. i mean, it makes me think that this war is going to continue even longer than nor do you have. and to me, i'm having nightmares about that already. a doctor, a tire off might emergency medical physician a great to talk to you today. thank you very much. thank you. thank you for having and tens of thousands of palestinians are cramped together and makes shift tents under intense summer heat house. is there a digital platform? a j plus spoke to families or surviving without any basic necessities?
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here's based on out as reports. this is the sound from does what i'm still life, and i know that you are living in the hottest ada of this world. i mean, it's old world is melting due to the global learning. and i know that this is a common thing. i mean, if one in this world is suffering from the high temperature during the summer, best imagine living this extremely hot weather as it goes on in the genocide and much is spending the summer and the plastic bins 24 hours, 7 days a week, 4 months now or even not having attend because you are moving all the time due to the continuous displacement mentioned being a dozen without an electricity for 10 months. that means no ac is no funds. even the cold water level bins, you publish less than that. as we put in the pool and help them feel my way though, as soon as it off for me to send the bad the 2nd 10, but we're going to head that way and then i'd be a bad. but if it gets visible,
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hooked up in a book open, but then how about it this way? half as extra fees for the buckle, 3 months. wait a minute, that mr. leisure, and it might still a little help is other than how you're welcome. and then how about i said that the time of access on use i showed this in washington was the most efficient part to the 1st level and know if this could smell it. the head with a shovel, resubmitted chicken looks like a dizzy past. nobody comes with that being said, your name is moving to the him of what we have. sure, but that's the key. i'm gonna have to say, i find a guy valuable funny i'm, i've much budgeting the above or the anna. what also the, the project that, that you guys to see when one know what i see, you might not be able to set up for the admin bed the bed 3. but the other day, my 1st, what else live orders. you have to wait for the end of the day. and so because i know that, yeah, because i mean, i know i just had a bottle of snuff mean h m, and how many came on the show?
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a bit of him and the been the a flock, a little more was i asked man and they should have sent home with no limit at the bottom of the problem. but it's on the show boulle. my 6 children, mary lou, kindly month about of the day, months off of the show way up to then you're hardly one dad. but looks like the next summers would be even hotter because the twin size is the ongoing. and israel bones goes low so far. like in 10 months, why more than $70000.00 tons of explosives, video environments, or results architect passed? so i'm so sorry, but looks like the heat will be even harder. still a head on alpha 0 back on the campaign trail. republican presidential candidate donald trump is set to arrive to fire up supporters in arizona. at least 3 people
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are dead and 4 others wounded after stabbing in germany, a man, hon. so the suspect is underway. the . the hello high pressure dominates the weather close at eastern side of north america. so it's going to be very warm and sunny. and the guy with the high, the lowest, the clear skies, little more, the west showers down towards the southeast in cold. well, is that all ground was the, the corner states looking at motion i was coming through here as well as what to whether it's cool enough. it's not particularly great across the west coast. so that was a way of pushing up into western parts of canada, easing further east, which as we go through sunday, one or 2 showers around the legs. nothing too much to speak up with that. hi, i have a tool is that eastern side of the country where we could get you to celsius in dc
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a by that states, still a shower slowed down towards the southern, most parts across the florida. that shows extend the way through the bahamas, cuba catching a shout ro to jamaica could see some showers. wanted to share. i was able to was the women auto. so i think any way from around bob aid us down to trinidad, you could catch a shout to us. we go on through the next couple of days. i suspect for the lee was just looking while she try and find scotts ring, a showers across the central america, some big one. certainly a possibility up to a southern parts of mexico. some one or 2, maybe down pulls the coming into northern pos would be a good time. the once himself coerced into toiling on coffee plantations under intolerable conditions. a brazilian advocate for workers rights, which as life on the line by taking on powerful land owners in the hope of cracking
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down on modern slavery the, the human costs of coffee. a. with this documentary on a jersey to of the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'm several venue you're watching else is 0. a reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces of killed at least $24.00 palestinians across casa, and for some more people to flee their homes and shelters. state law here, city close to the border and jamalia, which was once because of the largest refugee camp of all come under attack,
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palestinians across kaiser as being new is really military movements. the un says israel has issued 13 new displacements orders and gaza just this month. 90 percent of the population has it has been displaced at least once since we started with 3 people have been killed in a stabbing, attacking the german city of the building. and it happened to the festival marketing the cities. 650 of anniversary for others have been injured. local media reports a man attacked pedestrians the police have yet to confirm those details. the mayor has issued a statement saying the city is in shock and ask for prayers for the victims. the so robert f, kennedy junior, has suspended his long shot presidential campaign and endorsed donald trump. the former independent candidates made the announcement at a news conference in arizona on friday. kennedy says,
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internal polling showed that stay in the race would hurt the trump campaign. and so he is removing his name from the ballots in about 10 battleground states. donald trump is about to hold a campaign rally in arizona. it's his 1st rally since complet harris accepted the democratic presidential nomination in chicago on thursday. house zeros rob rentals joins us from nearby phoenix, arizona. so democrats have all the momentum right now. rob, they've been dominating the, had the convention, went about as well as team harris. could hope for how strong going to respond to that now. well, he's been responding so far by for the, the leveling a lot of charges against pamela harris calling her far left radical marxist. yesterday you was down at the border with the, the border fence in the background for a photo op,
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talking about the migration and how harris is a fail borders are we allowed? millions of criminals come across the border. so he's been stepping up these attacks and also using this personal rhetoric that he's been a well known for and you know, the kind of personal insults and so forth. yes. last night here in the united states when harris was giving her acceptance speech, for example, the trump was, was a tweeting or, or a messaging on his truth, social platform and whole caps, all sorts of, of criticisms of her speech and so forth. so he can do that and he can also hope that parents makes a misstep. he can hope that the things turn around during the schedule debates in september. but there's very little that he can do on his
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own to actually blunt that momentum that you've just bench. robert robert is reporting from phoenix, arizona just ahead of that trump campaign rally. thank you very much, rob. it's been more than 40 years since argentine is military dictatorship, collapsed, and estimated 30000 citizens were killed in the seventy's and eighty's. many of those victims were simply disappeared and their families are still searching for answers. but the current right wing government is shutting down and investigation unit in charge of finding them, claiming that it violates the constitution for the sub. oh, has the story really seemed bleed was in his twenty's when he found out that white entity of his biological parents, it was 24 years ago. in 1978. he's mother patricia was 8 months pregnant with him when she was detained by members of the military, doing the dictatorship. a gentleman was born in oakland, this time detention center. and they, somebody see,
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my parents continued to be missing and i only found out who i was when i agreed with the latest. i found out that i was nothing only child that my real father was not in the military. that i had a real sister that my national id was fake. 5 argentina had one of the bloodiest military dictatorship in latin america and the 19 seventy's and eighty's thousands of left wing career less. but also political opponents were killed. many with disappeared by the military. during the container ship, many women were brought to this complex, which was also a kind of find attention center many gave birth and their children given a weight to military couples to race. if estimated the 500 children were separated from their mothers, their relatives are still trying to find where they are. but under the government of have you had really finding those missing children will become much more
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difficult. the ministry of justice announced it has shut down, especially investigative unit in charge of finding them, saying it violates the constitutional order cutting every little every presents the grandmothers were trying to find their missing grandchildren, missing ok. the sale, my husband, when this is a search that has been ongoing for decades and time is of the essence because the grandmothers are very old. we don't have many of them left and closing. the units makes it very difficult. where very concerned. for many, the government's decision, these ideological ask, have you had really in his political party, have consistently denied argentina's long standing consensus over the dictatorships crimes. and this sort of meant to negotiating with we are not only seeing the nihilism of what happened, but re vindication, which is a step further and being proud of what they did. human rights groups face stare over $300.00 children that need to be located so far they have managed to find at
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least a $130.00 but without political support, finding them becomes an even greater challenge. maybe so we'll just see that when aside let's talk to as the best and the cleanser former editor of the window site is harold. you're a political columnist. it's good to talk to you today. can you describe the kind of conversations that are taking place in argentina over this? right, well, they mean what we have a amount of right press, empty line we, the storm are us pressing the long term from rusty numbers and julian was on idle. and this on the right person call me or me to a what sound a member of the pro dictatorship room about a you, she has allies. where are these and brother
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does a little pro prototype doors with dies to many, many of them. and most of that mandatory for now in j and d is deep. busy is that broad concerns? those the notion penzel society, about the dictatorship on the need to prosecute the doors were more than 1000 and maybe tardy and accused on san dallas. and in the nice for the, for the guys seems very diverse. i a came to on and, and for larry, so how much support now, how much support does they have in argentina for this? to me, lady said popular president, he has it as a board of about the costs of the ocean. but the nation from pollution may be boned to percent or 55 percent in particular for this policy,
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for these phrases having the case on the table to shape on that or to forgot the test. it is completed by the same, i wouldn't say notice of one of these much less than 50 percent. and the human rights movement is very big notion being uh, there are many organizations um, as i was saying, and it is part of a consensus in the society. and so i will say that it's more, it's time to come tour. all right, so then you've got a joint on every, on the ceiling, i'm on the east coast diesel. so how can it be so that the presidents claim, or the governments claim is that the grant that they are dismantling, right? which was the government unit task with finding the babies that were taken away and given to other families. they say this group isn't mind constitutional and how, how can it be unconstitutional? it's been around for, i believe,
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decades. and it is trying to find people whom the government is known to have disappeared and taken from their families. yes, of course. and to be honest, and this is the 1st time i hear this week, i heard about this kind of a, your needs done because the, the constitution was hired by us. tell them about the government sales and the number. what else who stays on his bed? only as on the left of the government's uncle, the son of a o, the and their state institutions. even the goal of our friends in the attorney general says in many places, notion, tina trying to find the 2 grand to create programs to do it. okay. talk to or to times they may need terry seen them all causing bad
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news. so to be honest, if this is very many of the engine or reduce this way, also thinking, sebastian, the kinds of former editor of the site is harold. thank you very much for your time today. welcome. sedans, army and the power military rapids support forces or are assess, have agreed to provide safe humanitarian access through 2 routes. this follows us lead peace talks in geneva, which began mid august. we got agreements along with many people around the world in the region to open andre commitments from the, our staff and staff and others to activate around that. and for the 1st time in 4 months, trucks move across the border into areas wherever 500000 women and children faced starvation. the conditions are becoming desperate for thousands displaced by floods in nigeria, while emergency shelters have been provided for many food is a huge challenge. the situation is made worse by rising prices of food in the
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markets. houses, arizona address reports from the blank go in as you go, states in blanco, amend searches through the ruins of his destroy my house. just as neighbor rebukes with a concrete blocks a short distance away from unit 10, you will prepare the families 1st and only me you love the day and alaska we eat only when we get something we currently depends on people's goodwill of hundreds of thousands of nigerians have been displaced by these floods. the numbers continued to rise. as early in the season, pete, 44000 of them in g guy. what state a little west. thousands of factors are farms and whose have been destroyed. most of the displaced are sheltering in public buildings like this cool in the reconstruction of the homes could take several months. what would the cost from set
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to be open? in september the government would have to decide whether to keep that if you just


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