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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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the. ringback the more is really army showing more death and destruction in northern garza. many seeking shelter from violence become targets. at least 24 palestinians have been killed. the to this is allison 0. i'm sort of any a life from don't coming up in the next 30 minutes. us president joe biden has a phone call with the leaders of guitar in egypt about the efforts to secure a ceasefire and gaza. an endorsement for trump and independent candidate from the us political dynasty r. s. k junior, suspends his campaign for the presidents, hungry and desperate thousands of people in nigeria displaced by devastating floods
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are scrambling for shelter in the beginning. northern garza where there has been heavy shilling by the is really aren't the is really force is targeted date loss here. city close to the border and jamalia, which was once goes as largest refugee camp at least $24.00 people have been killed across the strip on friday and gaza city palestinians are fleeing as a to neighborhood. there have been heavy is really army operations in the area. several buildings have been leveled in strikes and is really forces or unfortunately trying to expand the military core door. they're meant to separate north and south gaza. the people are also fleeing the southern city of han eunice due to israel's expanding ground offensive. israel had issued a displacement order on wednesday,
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women and children were seen escaping on foot. many of them moving west towards l. milwaukee, which is real, has attacked repeatedly, despite declaring it as so called safe zone in central causes. largest city darrow bella is really forces have stepped up their attacks and palestinians are caught in the fighting houses here as tarry cowboys reports these very oh made is still wrapping up its military operations, including brands and aerial bombardment. since the central area that pub in the north and in the even is so the heart of this trip is of it is video q, patient forces. now, the often there, but i 60 here which has the more than 2000000 palestinians off to the new displacement for it is 4000000 teen folks in the 60 or farm units. now the hosting, if somebody is trapped in the western side of the dairy, but a while, the minutes we now is operating in the eastern areas. now we have seen what you're seeing, a therapist or risk of them. bob mentioned the hours of the noise and even the
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hours of this morning, we continued to loud explosions every now and then the pointing is this really raging, really almost finances and the patient forces in the eastern areas. we can also see at the sound of the east when troves is retail every hour here. but we continue to to see it as will that the only is a great thing in the city of hon eunice window. teen folks have been told a by these very occupation forces to flee and know it's residents are also getting to the western side of 100, as opposed to other more wants to just as a has to be in front of it is very fun especially to bind these for the minutes we cut hope to join people still wondering about this very growing humanitarian impression. that is, that is is that things on civilians. now the f through one is exhausted. everyone is looking for the hot toast, but they believe that is so determined to keep up the fight thing. that's why i no
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longer believe that there might be a ceasefire cruise. they are right now trapped and they're very small depths of land and they are subject to the batch of mental. this little area above means. they have a very growing sense with frustration day by day due to the continuation of the flight to the ground with no soft respite so far. tired to visit our do 0, there's been a pedestal. so as you just heard from tarik, palestinians are fleeing once again because of these new is really military movements. some numbers around that agencies say that the so call, humanitarian zones, and gaza have shrunk now to just 11 percent of the strip. and that they're too full, so accommodate new arrivals. $30000.00 people are packed into every square kilometer of the so called saved zones. and despite that designation, they have faced constant attacks. also, the un says 90 percent of guns as population has been displaced since the start of
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the war. and the shrinking space for them to seek refuge is raising fears over the outbreak of disease or other i spoke to dr. tire off mud. he's an emergency medical physician, he worked at nasa hospital in january in guys before it's collapse. he says that the need for medical supplies has never been more urgent. and that can't happen until there's a period of come to deliver aid. the concern is how are we going to reach the vulnerable people if they keep being displaced by evacuation orders in august alone, there were 12 evacuation orders and these orders are also affecting un agencies and g own health care workers. people are on the ground. so the fact that we have a confirmed case with the limited capabilities and the deep cut in the collapsing health care system. the fact that we have one case of polio means that there are several others. this is a canary in the coal mine. we know that there are others out there. the next question is, well, how do we stop this? and it's with clean water. you know, we use chlorine tablets to help clean and disinfect the water. there had been no
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clearing tablets that have entered guys since january. all of the water that people are using is contaminated. it's not state. so the 2nd part of it is how can we get them the vaccine if we can even bring in medical supplies because of the restrictions. if the border is effectively shut down and were totally dependent on the, is really military allowing humanitarian 8. and we know that we are in jeopardy of losing many people. kids who will be paralyzed for the rest of their lives. elderly who could have been saved, all of these people are at risk in the w. h o, the health ministry, all the different ends you. they're saying we need days of tranquillity so that we can at least deliver these vaccines and administer them. and they want to plan to roll this on august 31st, but by the looks of it, we have no chance of having a successful rollout vaccination campaign at the white house as us present. and joe biden has spoken to the mayor of guitar and egypt president about the ongoing ceasefire talks in cairo,
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they discussed the urgency of bringing the ceasefire and captives released deal to close or under a proposal to bridge. the gaps between is real and home us, both guitar and egypt, or key regional mediators between israel and i'm us have been working for months to end the blood shed in gaza. awesome. jordan has more on this from washington dc. given that to us as the one that convened this latest series of meetings, it is no surprise that the us president joe biden has spoken to his country ended gyptian counterparts. the white house has yet to release retails of those separate phone calls. but we do expect that there will be 2 readouts coming in the coming hours if not late on friday, then perhaps on saturday, early or on friday, the national security council communications advisor, john kirby said to reporters in a telephone briefing that the meetings so far and tiro that took place on thursday and on friday have been constructive. they will continue on sunday with the c i a
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director william burns, as well as the white house of mid east advisor. bradley guard taking part in those talks. one thing that has been stressed according to a report from the egyptian media is that of the presidente, i'll cc, and the president biden agreed that there needs to be more flexibility on both the part of israel and her malls, in terms of trying to wrap up these talks and to bring about a ceasefire, a release of the captives from home, most attention, and the bringing in of humanitarian aid to gaza as quickly as possible. but again, we are still waiting for those white house read out for the us. his perspective on those conversations, the 3 people have been killed in a stabbing attack in the german city of zoning and it happened to the festival marking the cities 650 of the anniversary. for others have been injured. local
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media reports a man attacked pedestrians, but police have yet to confirm those details. the mayor has issued a statement saying the cities in shock and asked for prayers for the victims. the conditions are becoming desperate for thousands displaced by floods in nigeria, while emergency shelters have been provided for many food is a huge challenge. the situation is made worse by rising prices of food in the markets houses. there is um, address reports from bull and go into go a state in blanco, a man, so it just through the ruins of his destroyed much house. just as his neighbor reveals that the concrete blocks a short distance away from unit 10, you will prepare the families 1st and only me you loved the day and i like we eat only when we get something we currently depends on people's goodwill. hundreds of thousands of nigerians have been displaced by the cs floods. the numbers continue
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to rise. as early in the season, pete, 44000 of them in the guy was state of the west thousands of factors of farms and whose have been destroyed. most of the displaced sheltering in public buildings like this cool in the reconstruction of the homes could take several months with costs from set to reopen. in september, the government will have to decide whether to keep that if you just yeah, or move them elsewhere. but the immediate consent for most here is a shortage or like a foot with most problems and the water supplies are drying up. why are they available? the prices have gone beyond the reach of many to cover one and a good idea before the floods a measure of minutes, including costs around $1.53. the price is now arisen by $25.00 to $0.07. most people come up to full time. you do with that so the government says we might just
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have measures in place to help farm is affected by the disaster. what we're trying to do, we have what we call the secret to see the much how much our program. so when that is was that why didn't we try as much as were to provide the farmers with the island which we didn't cross that the complaint. so we'd like to come to a withdrawal to get something agriculture analysts say the cropped blocks, us will add tonight. judas comment for inflation, which has reached 33 percent. for now. the biggest concern victims of the do less to say is shelter and foot something they say has not reached them in quantities enough to sustain the how many degrees i would use it. i belong. the robert f. kennedy junior suspended his long shot presidential campaign and endorse donald trump. the former, independent candidate made the announcement at
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a news conference in arizona on friday. kennedy says, internal polling showed that stain, the race would hurt the trump campaign, so he is removing. he says his name from the ballots and about 10 battleground states. and in a short while donald trump will be inviting r f k junior to his campaign rally in arizona. if re elected, trump vowed to open the new presidential commission on assassination attempts, specifically task with releasing all information relating to the assassination of president john f. kennedy with r f k. juniors, late uncle rob reynolds was at kennedy's news conference in phoenix for robert f. kennedy. junior suspended his independent bid for the white house and endorsed donald trump. he blamed democrats of the democratic party and the major media outlets in the united states reporting his independent bid for the white house. and kennedy said that he had spoken several times with trumpet,
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strongly implied that if from wins the rates, the trump would be open to the idea of giving kennedy a significant job in a possible future. trump, administration, since kennedy's campaign has really revolved around issues of health care and chronic disease, it stands to reason that if such a job offer offer is forthcoming, it would be something in the vein of health and human services or the food and drug administration, or one of those other major federal agencies. so the big question really is how does this affect the rates here in arizona, unimportant swing states and across the country? it's difficult to say exactly because robert f kennedy junior, would be voters don't fall into any particular category and there's not really that many of them. but posters we've spoken to said that at least here in arizona, it could add a point or more to trump's margins. but everyone is emphasizing that this is
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a race that is on a razor's edge with extremely been margins. and there's less than 70 days to go before election day. rob reynolds, l g 0, phoenix, arizona. still ahead on alpha 0. the indian prime minister meets ukraine's leader in keep weeks often to render mowdy health talks in moscow. and the philippines cracks down on illegal recruitment of migrant workers to stop them from being exploited in south korea. but that is not solving the problem. the just in depth analysis of the days. headline, what strategic purpose do you think this assassination serves? israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years old seem to be given
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a chance to best to be a bold critical debate. russia has presented to the war ukraine as a defensive war inside story. house fluid change, the security relationship between both come on out just across the era. a new wave of female musicians is emerging, often challenging female stereotype. we're a conservative society, i'm very proud of this, but that was a negative view towards female senior who's behind this? with 2 bands bringing traditional middle eastern music to new audiences, sisters and song human. and i'll just be around the mood and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on
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the circle venue. and you're watching else as 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces have killed at least 24 palestinians across gaza, enforced more people to leave their homes and shelters. state law here, city close to the border and jamalia, which was once because it's largest refugee camp. both come under attack palestinians across guys actually a new is really the military movements. the un says israel has issued 13 new displacement orders and gaza just this month. 90 percent of the population has been displaced at least once since the started and nigeria is bracing some more
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devastating floods as the rainy season heads towards its peak. more than a 120 people have died so far. while emergency shelters have been provided for many, the natural disaster has caused a spike and the costs of basic goods causing an additional burden on locals. india is prime minister render moody has made a trip to ukraine. it's the 1st such visit by an indian prime minister since ukraine's independence in 1991. it becomes just 6 weeks after modi's trip to russia, visit the keys, criticized allies, good populace with smiles and the hun shakes as indians leaders, welcoming keys by ukraine's president followed him. is zalinski on friday, just weeks of the bad hugs with the russian president and moscow. this visit to ukraine is no surprise. zalinski emoji have spoken several times on the sidelines of international summit. and keeping regular context by phone. with india was maintained a delicate balancing act between the west in russia,
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new delhi as deep tale. as to moscow, the go back decades, most of india is tags come from russia, russian jets from the back boat of its air force. but india, the world's most populous nation, wants to move center stage, diplomatically acting as a possible mediator between russia and ukraine. but the time, yeah, the cation of, in the matter of ending this war, in a fat piece, is the priority for ukraine. we have the 1st integral piece summit. i want to thank india for being present at the summit. moody has practical reasons for wanting it into the ball in india wants to sell more goods to russia because india is been buying a lot of cheap russian oil. the trade deficit has gone from less than 5000000003 years ago to almost 60000000000 dollars into year to just end as in, in march. for some indians with ties to ukraine. the reasons for moody's visit
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a much simpler. unable to find new studies making uh to conflict, make it easy and finish all of this. i hope this will be very soon after this meeting. most indeed in ukraine are looking to deepen economic and defense trade ties in what president zalinski has colton. historic visits with the question is, can the render moody navigate the diplomatic type book between the west and russia without anything either side, could helpless out to 0. keith sedans, army and the parent military rapids support forces have agreed to provide safe humanity or an access through 2 routes. this follows us lead peace talks in geneva, which began in mid august. we got agreements along with many people around the world in the region to open andre commitments from the, our staff and staff and others to activate around that. and for the 1st time in 4 months, trucks move across the border into areas wherever 500000 women and children faced
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starvation. the french presidency menu item i call has been meeting party leaders to try and agree on who should be prime minister by close gamble to call snap collections in june backfired. when his centrist coalition lost his majority credit, smith reports from paris. france is a lines of left to fall left parties. the new popular from to n p. f has its way. this woman will be from seas next. prime minister, he said, we came here to remind the president of the importance of respecting the election results and to get the country out to the paralysis in which it is to match. the india says that as it one, the largest share of the vote in jude's elections, the president should have point. it's joyce as prime minister emanuel my chrome doesn't seem so keen. he prefer graham, the lines of the left and center, his outgoing prime minister, gabriella. the house has been waiting 6 weeks to hand over the reins. unprecedented
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in modern france. opposition. take it sharply criticized my. com for taking so much time. can you think? well, she does show lundy mccomb will finish consultations on monday and we need an answer on tuesday because in the end, the risk is that we all get stuck. you us this country in a sort of institutional soap opera. my chrome created this paralysis by calling small collections is earlier than necessary. just one of his party lost his majority and only a so called republican front stopped to the far right. winning power with many votes cast against them rather than in favor of the alternative. emanuel microns choice of a prime minister must be able to survive a vote of confidence in the assembly. from these tools is supposed to be most of the name of someone, both the president i'm the parliament can get behind a task. when most members of the assembly have no time for micro bonus. i'll just say era pers, of the suspect in the rape and murder of a train, the doctor in india has appeared in court. the cases triggered nationwide protests
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and many doctors walked off the job to express their frustration about what they say is a lack of workplace safety. i'm a board thing reports the main suspect in a case that has shocks and outrage many in india is appearing and quote, if it hasn't quote the anger of medical work, cuz it was scuffle is between protested and security personnel and co come to the same city where a junior adults who was found rate murdered in the government hospital wishing what 2 weeks ago for to quickly spread nationwide with dumpsters in the system on things justice for their colleagues. they say it's been a wakeup call, exposing the possibilities of health care records and lot could say spaces for them . what are they for me and my name? they've been in this country, women are not safe every week. there are cases of rate reported from all across. we are hired,
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we are seriously tired. we want whoever is guilty to get the strictest punishment. so the others us got to carry out such crimes. because the business as usual, this has to stop india as high as quote is listening. instead of a task force of top to is to look into measures to improve safety at work. it's also instructed the ministry of health to create an online portal for people to make suggestions to the task force and activists say lessons on not seeing the and it's been 12 years since the gun rates have a young woman on a bus. and you tell it stops, must protest that it's happening to, to the introduction of strict to punishments. for rate, you had a situation where 7 years has become 10 years to 20 years to life without permission to even the death penalty. obviously higher sentences does not act as a guitar and as we can very clearly see the so right as a problem lie, i think the problem is social. i think as a, as a society with a d p,
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patriarchal society, we haven't got used to the fact that we've been working large numbers. the preliminary reports as the task force is due in 3 weeks. while the final 1 may take up to 2 months, striking doctors have agreed temporarily to return to what i'm up watching, which is 0. the philippines is cracking down and then migrant workers scheme launched by south korea after discovering widespread cases of abuse and exploitation. within 2000000 filipinos work overseas, earning money for their families back home. but there's been hundreds of complaints stemming from a seasonal forming program tied to. so finally, below reports from manila watson, i'm in a and down and we go, went to south korea to work at a farm 2 years ago, expecting to make at least 3 times what he earns into philippines. the job was being advertised under a temporary workers program between his hometown government in a south korea city,
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facilitated by an independent broker. it all sounded legitimate to me go until he arrived in south korea. no, for me. i don't know how many doing when it was time to get our monthly pay, we were told by the broker that it would be easier if they sent the money to our families. but my family received only half the salary stated in my contract. and when he was injured on the job, the gal says medical costs were deducted from his bonus by the broker, even though his employer had told him they were covered by insurance. we go filed the complaint with the national government funded corporate department. as soon as the return to the philippines, the agency has received more than a 100 complaints under the seasonal farmers program since 2022 is still been corporate and requires local authorities to coordinate directly with the national government before sending workers to south korea. a letter of agreement, the names to illuminate city to city agreements altogether. so also plan we had
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their own 60 labor pains that had been underwritten by the agree and authorities in terms of we saw the, the labor situation on, on leave around here in the philippines. we fire. ready the legal recruitment against the individuals, despite efforts to put an end to the exploitation, labor rights organization, se, there's still those that are falling through the cracks with some local governments continuing to host sessions to orient people on temporarily agricultural work and south korea. reactivated import them through the d m w. that's why is this local government continuing to do orientation member is more authorial. and why is there a presence of a broker like a social security and broker speaking to the community, se promising them jobs to glory? despite his experienced gal still wants to be able to work in south korea, under the same program, he's described as abusive. and it's why he's asked us to go see of his identity.
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because thing in the philippines, he says, means continuing to racist family in poverty. barnett below algebra manila, there's some real workers in canada or returning to work following a labor stumpage that shut down freights and community our services. the government ordered a rail companies to resume services and refer the dispute for arbitration. but the workers' union says it will challenge the decision in court. volcano is a rough thing, north of the iceland, a town of green, the vic for the 6th time in 8 months. the town is home to nearly 4000 people. it is one of the islands, most important fishing ports. local officials say the erection is not a threat to the town. for now, though many were forced to evacuate back in december because of interruption, the russian has not stopped torres from flocking to the site to witness the spectacle. which means that does it for me. so of any a, whether is next then inside story will examine. will kala harris succeed in
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becoming america's 1st female presidents. to stay with us, the a, tyler, we have a developing, ty, food making its way towards to patty to see the position of the storm at the moments out in the open waters of the north west pacific. but it is running up towards the southern air research panel that's something to watch out for. from tuesday, i'm going to wait to stay off next week ahead of that planning of showers in the full cost. they will be lively, still a good deal of heat around so you can see take a study to celsius, a suck at around $34.00 degrees, clear peninsula one or 2 showers, a possibility here, but nothing too much to worry about where the weather will make its way across northern areas of china as we go through somebody into the early parts of next week
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. but you can see how transcend that's type food that's making it's way further north with as we go on through sunday, one to 2 showers to into something positive. china, across the entire china could scattering the shows across bonia in particular. i think we could see some really live you down post the potential for some localized flooding here over the next day or so. and today's yeah, well for the wes sunshine, the showers, the shower still the never the less and still plenty of showers across the cause. a good part of india that central sway. good right? pushing across the market. but that's easy. i have the tools and all of the stuff in the bottom of the show side of things, i'm heavy down, paused with some flooding. tens of thousands of children were born into we'll live down to the ice old regime in iraq and syria. now many are in camps i the role funds are with the, with the mothers rejected by their own communities. she thinks that people are
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going to welcome them after that. of course, not an emmy award winning documentary. here's that shooting and traumatic story. the children throw stones at me erects last generation all now just a couple of hours purchase full suppose to israel or 6 steps. the democratic party nomination a prominent was in is has with bonus for her powers has promised the new way, thoughts of the us. but once i hook chauncey's it'd be coming america's 1st female president. this is inside story, the hello, the.


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